#bracelet making date… gen would make the most gorgeous looking one and i would put a funny phrase on mine
feltcreature · 1 year
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Would you guys still love me if i posted selfship .
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Summary: Spencer really likes his new coworkers: they're nice, welcoming, friendly, and made his transition to the BAU as easy as possible. Which makes it impossible for him to turn down an invitation to eat dinner with them at an upscale fancy restaurant, no matter how anxious that makes a boy who grew up with next to nothing feel.
Tags: insecurity, anxiety, allusions to poverty, hurt/comfort, team as family, angst with a happy ending, fluff, background jelle
TW: mentions of poverty, financial difficulties, and food insecurity
Pairing: Gen (Aaron Hotchner & Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid)
Word Count: 3k
Masterlist // Read on AO3 // Bad Things Happen Bingo
This fills my "trying not to cry" bad things happen bingo square and is set a few weeks after Spencer joins the BAU, in an AU in which Elle was there before him.
Everyone is so nice, is the thing.
And that’s great. Really, it is. Spencer isn’t about to complain when JJ kindly walks him through the filing system all the while asking questions about him and his life, or when Derek ribs him gently about his ducktail hair or his nerdy brain. No-one cuts him off when he gets carried away — unless it’s time-sensitive, of course — or teases him about anything that cuts too close to home. Being the new guy in the most prestigious unit in the FBI could’ve been a nightmare, but this team made it easy. He’s so grateful for all of it.
It just makes it really hard to turn down dinner invitations.
He watches his shaking fingers in the mirror as they button his shirt up and wrap his tie around his neck, poking it fastidiously under the collar, not a wrinkle of fabric out of place. He glances down at the countertop again, re-reading the restaurant name copied down in JJ’s careful handwriting onto a piece of copier paper regardless of having committed it to memory the first time he heard it. Sur la Rivière: a fancy European restaurant in DC.
He’d hoped for a cheap and cheerful Chinese when Hotch had first brought up the idea of a team bonding dinner, something more his style, but he’d smiled anyway when Elle had mentioned this place her foodie friend had recommended, no matter how strained it might have been. He’s the new guy after all. He doesn’t expect much swing when it comes to choosing where to eat.
As soon as his shirt and tie are perfectly in place, he gets to work on taming his curly hair. It makes him look younger when it’s loose and fluffy, and with a baby-face like his combined with already being the youngest person in the entire FBI, every year he can add on counts. Soon, though, there’s no more grooming he can use to stall the inevitable, and he sighs tiredly before clicking off the bathroom light and heading to the hall.
He collects his phone and wallet, checking for the sixth time that evening that his credit card and extra money to tip the waiter is definitely in there, grabs his keys, and heads out of his apartment. Derek is in his car waiting on the curb for him like he promised he would be, looking effortlessly suave and cool in a way Spencer never will as he honks his horn at the sight of the younger man walking towards him.
“Pretty boy!” he calls, his grin making Spencer smile, too. “Took you long enough. Hop in, fancy European cuisine awaits.”
Another rush of nerves floods Spencer’s stomach at the mention of the fate he’s signed up for, but he smiles anyway as he opens the passenger door and slides in. “Thanks for giving me a lift, Derek,” he says, hating that his anxious discomfort is so obvious in his voice.
Thankfully, Derek doesn’t pick him up on it, simply pulling away from the curb and beginning the drive across town. “How many times do I have to tell you not to mention it? I live less than ten minutes away, Spencer, it’s really not a problem.”
Spencer flushes a bit at that, wringing his hands in his lap as he watches the streets of his district pass by out the window. “Well, I appreciate it anyway,” he settles on, flashing Derek a quick smile that he doubts he sees anyway with his eyes glued so firmly to the road. “Riding the metro is a nightmare at this hour.”
“Never learned how to drive? I didn’t have the money for lessons, Spencer wants to say, irrationally frustrated at his situation. I was rushed through the academy too quickly to learn something as trivial as driving.
“I was too busy getting five degrees,” Spencer says instead, forcing a smile on his face. He wishes he wasn’t so well-practiced at managing other people’s emotions; wishes he could say what he’s really thinking. But he can’t, not in front of the people he’s trying to impress, not so soon.
“Alright, alright, I get it, you’re a genius,” Derek chuckles. “I’m glad you’re coming tonight, we all are. Gideon didn’t tell us much before he left, just that you had an IQ of 187 and he’d pulled a lot of strings to get you in at only 22.”
Spencer winces slightly at the mention of his ex-mentor. “Yeah, I’m sorry he ran out on you guys so suddenly.”
“Hey, from what I hear, he did the same to you,” Derek counters. “You guys seemed way closer than we were anyway. I never really liked the guy.”
As much as most of Spencer hates Gideon for abandoning him without warning, leaving him to find his footing in the FBI alone and afraid, a small part of him still itches to defend him. “He was a good mentor. Not such a good friend, as it turns out.”
Derek looks away from the road for a moment and shoots him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry, man. But Gideon’s loss is our gain. You’re gonna be an amazing asset to the team, I just know it.”
A genuine smile crosses Spencer’s face at that. “Thanks, Derek. I can’t wait to really get stuck in, you know?”
“I remember the feeling.” Derek grins again.
They continue chatting for the rest of the journey, Spencer finally relaxing into the company of a new friend— that is, until Derek cuts across one of his stories from his second PhD. “Hey, the restaurant should be up on the left somewhere but I can’t see it…
“Oh, there,” Spencer says, pointing at the sleek, almost anonymous-looking black sign hanging above a set of fancy doors. How can doors be fancy? They’re supposed to be functional, not pretentious. All of a sudden that sinking feeling that had lifted on the car ride over settles back into his stomach and he can’t help but swallow nervously as Derek parks the car and they step out into the street.
Everyone’s already seated when they finally push through the restaurant doors, and Spencer hates that he made them both late with his apprehensive stalling, but no-one really seems to mind as they all cheer happily at the sight of them, ignoring the dirty looks it earns them from the other patrons.
“You made it!” Penelope squeals as she gets up from her seat to give Spencer a hug. He’s a little touch-averse, really, but something about Penelope’s hugs make him never want to leave her arms. He does anyway, though, and he and Derek find their seats opposite one another at the end of the table.
“I’m glad you’re here, Spencer,” Hotch says kindly as the waitress passes the two late-comers their menus.
“You’ll fit right in,” JJ promises, “we’re like a weird little family, to be honest.”
Spencer flushes a bit under the attention of so many experienced FBI agents, but he nods anyway before they all get started on deciding what to eat. He listens vaguely to everyone talking amongst themselves, giving one another suggestions in a way that corroborates JJ’s statement, and all of a sudden Spencer’s collar feels tight. It’s not just the nerves of meeting new people or the anxiety of an alien social environment, he realises he doesn’t recognise a single item on the menu.
He knows what the words themselves mean, but reading the words 'tortellini of venison’ and trying to imagine deer meat pasta is not easily done. The only simple meals seem to be seafood and Spencer’s never been a fan of fish. The only food he can even begin to imagine himself actually putting in his mouth, chewing, and swallowing is the porterhouse steak: not that he’s ever really eaten much red meat like that.
Spencer isn’t a fussy eater. He’s eaten a wide variety of dishes from any number of different restaurants across multiple cuisines, he’s just never had the kind of money to eat at a place that serves caviar, for God’s sake. Far too soon, the waitress wanders back over to the table, taking everyone’s orders with a polite smile on her face.
He listens as everyone confidently orders their meals: the smoked trout, the Moroccan quail, the lobster tagliatelle. Spencer thanks the heavens he isn’t a vegetarian, at least, but it’s not much of a consolation prize when everyone’s eyes fall on him.
“Uh, I’ll have the porterhouse steak,” he says uncertainly, hoping nobody notices the sweat beading on his forehead or the anxiety raging behind his eyes.
Everyone seems to accept his answer, the waitress taking their menus and walking back towards the kitchen as the rest of them resume their conversation. Hotch’s eyes linger a moment too long on him, and Spencer thinks he sees something like concern in his gaze, but before he can think much of it, Penelope’s drawing everyone’s attention to JJ’s bracelet.
“Can we please appreciate this?” she says, sounding scandalised for some reason Spencer can’t quite discern from context yet. “Elle, baby, you have taste. This is absolutely gorgeous! Are you sure you don’t want to date me, too?”
Spencer’s eyebrows raise slightly at that. “Oh, you two are together?” he asks, although now that he realises it he’s not sure how he didn’t notice sooner.
“Are you sure you’re a profiler, kid?” Derek laughs. “They don’t exactly hide it.
“Even though they’re supposed to,” Hotch chimes in with a faux stern look. “You two are gonna have my job at some point.” “Aw, but where would we find another Unit Chief that would help us hide our secret so well?” Elle says charmingly, making everyone laugh, including JJ, who presses her face into her shoulder fondly.
It’s easy for Spencer to momentarily lose himself in the banter, smiling as they tease one another, interspersing their gripes and funny stories from work among it all. They include him in all of it, and he doesn’t feel left out for even a second, finally relaxing into the unfamiliar environment of a fancy restaurant, eased by the reassuring company of his new team.
“JJ’s right,” he muses out loud when there’s a brief lull in conversation, “you guys really are like a little family.”
JJ leans away from Elle towards him for a moment, wrapping him in a side hug. “And you’re the perfect addition to it, Spence,” she says softly, everyone’s expressions reading nothing but fond agreement. “We needed a little brother to add into the mix.”
Spencer blushes again but leans into her touch.
No-one gets a chance to say anything else before the food arrives, the servers bringing JJ and Elle’s meals first, then serving Hotch and Penelope, before they finally bring out his and Derek’s order.
Everyone dives into their food, immediately making noises of contentment, passing bites around to one another, but Spencer can’t join in the jubilant celebration of a good meal. He picks his knife and fork up shakily as he stares at the massive portion of steak in front of him. It’s served with roast potatoes and flecks of a pointless salad that he suspects is only there as a garnish rather than actually part of the meal, but that’s not what has him worried.
This huge slab of meat hasn’t been sliced beforehand. He knows that he’ll shake the whole table if he tries to do it: it’s a massive, impenetrable slab of red meat that Spencer has no chance of enjoying, let alone finishing. He stares at it as tears burn in his eyes: he’s so out of his comfort zone and he’s so terrified of messing up and pushing away these newfound friends that he can’t move.
“Spence?” JJ cuts in gently, putting a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to look up, only to find everyone looking at him with worried expressions on their faces. “Are you okay?”
“Sorry,” he says, standing up abruptly, the disturbance of the table barely registering in his brain. “I just need a minute.”
He rushes out of the restaurant without looking back, drawing in deep breaths as soon as he’s in the cool evening air of spring. Thoughts race through his mind at a million miles an hour as he grasps for something concrete to grab onto, eventually settling for a tall flower pot.
He looks up to find Hotch standing next to him, deep concern written across his face, and Spencer’s heart clenches at the thought that he’s already messed this up so quickly. Could this night possibly get any worse?
Apparently, it can, because all of a sudden he feels his face crumple and the stinging tears finally spill down his cheeks. He sinks down to the ground and buries his face in his hands, humiliation glimmering in every cell of his body.
“Oh, Spencer,” Hotch says gently, lowering himself to the cool pavement next to him and placing a warm hand on his back. He lets him cry it out for a couple of minutes, his palm drawing small circles in between his shoulder blades, trying again to get through to him when Spencer’s sobs calm down slightly. “You want to tell me what’s going on?”
With a shuddering breath, he forces himself to lift his face from his palms, although he still refuses to meet Hotch’s eyes, keeping his gaze fixed firmly on the Korean restaurant across the street. “I guess it just all got to be too much,” he whispers.
“Yeah?” Hotch says encouragingly. “What specifically?”
“I— I didn’t have much growing up. It was just me and my mom so we were living in the middle of Vegas on a single disability check each month. And, uh, then I went to college, and I was barely scraping by there, too. It’s only recently that I’ve known the luxury of knowing for sure I was eating that night, and it still gets to me sometimes when I’m faced with fancy restaurants and heavy, expensive meals. My body’s had to work for years on virtually nothing, there’s no way I can stomach a steak like that. I guess, all those feelings that are a lifetime in the making combined with the anxiety of eating with the team for the first time… wanting to make a good impression, it just all got too much. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
Hotch raises a hand, and Spencer finally meets his eyes, finding nothing but compassion and understanding there no matter how much he searches. “You don’t need to apologise, Spencer, not for something like this. I’m sorry that none of us thought to make the first team dinner with you a more casual affair, and I’m even more sorry that you felt like you couldn’t tell us you were uncomfortable.” “It’s okay.”
“It’s not, but I’m glad you accept my apology,” Hotch says, smiling softly. “You know, we all bring baggage with us, Spencer. I can’t relate to food insecurity, but I had my own issues when I first joined the BAU. I grew up with a pretty terrible father, and the thing I found myself reprimanded for the most when I was a new recruit was the inability to follow orders. I’d spent my whole life scared of this man, obeying his every word, and I couldn’t help but hear him when my superiors would tell me to do something. When I was finally free of him, it was like I couldn’t help but rebel.
“You’re not the only one whose childhood follows them around, and I’d much rather it be something like this that we can easily manage, than something that will affect you or the team in the field, okay? Instead of beating yourself up over things you can’t control, try and remember that you have a whole new family who will do anything they can to make you feel as comfortable as possible. We already think the world of you, Spencer. Sacrificing fancy dinners that — let’s face it — can’t beat cheap junk food anyway is hardly a big ask.
Warmth spreads across his chest at Hotch’s words, replacing the feelings of failure and rising anxiety with something that feels like a promise of all the good to come. There’s something fatherly, something deeply paternal in Hotch that there wasn’t in Gideon, and it’s the most comfort Spencer’s felt in years. “Really?”
“Really,” Hotch nods, squeezing his shoulder gently. “You wait here one minute, okay?”
“Okay…” Hotch is gone before he can finish replying, and Spencer is left staring at the doors confused, until the rest of the team are piling out of them a few minutes later, Hotch bringing up the rear with his jacket and wallet in hand.
“We just paid the tab. How does cheap Chinese food eaten in the park a couple hundred yards down sound?” Hotch suggests, raising an eyebrow as he smiles warmly at Spencer.
He looks around briefly at the rest of the team, who are all giving him encouraging looks, not a trace of judgement or annoyance to be found.
“That sounds amazing,” he laughs wetly, the tears springing to his eyes this time caused by a completely different emotion. “I can pay you back, though.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, pretty boy,” Derek says, patting Spencer’s back, “we’ve got it. Now, come on, I’m gonna order sweet and sour chicken balls, and I want them now.”
“That’s what she said,” Penelope giggles, linking her arm with Derek’s.
“That was terrible, baby girl, but I love that you tried.”
“Do you want to share shrimp chop suey with me, babe?” Elle asks JJ as they clasp hands, walking a couple of steps ahead of them.
“Well, I’m certainly not sharing with any of these losers,” JJ teases, before kissing Elle’s cheek.
Spencer feels Hotch place his hand on his back, and he turns to smile gratefully at the older man. “Thank you,” he says quietly, trying to convey just how earnestly he means it. “No-one’s ever done anything this nice for me before.”
There’s a slightly sad tinge to Hotch’s smile, but it doesn’t look like pity. “I’d get used to it if I were you. That’s just how we do things in the BAU.”
Well, if that’s the case, Spencer thinks, smiling as he falls into step between Hotch and Penelope, I think I might just stick around.
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @negativefouriq @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @hotchseyebrows @temily @jellejareau @reidology @spencerspecifics @bau-gremlin @tobias-hankel @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @physics-magic @sbeno22 @im-autistic-not-stupid(taglist form)
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cocomaxley · 6 years
The Start of Forever
This is a part of a TRR A/U called Cordonians Gone Wild, a collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @leelee10898 @riseandshinelittleblossom and yours truly. Catch up HERE.
Summary: A look back to when Rashad proposed to Genevieve and the couple’s engagement party.
Rating: NSFW, mature and very bad decisions.
Tag List: @hopefulmoonobject @fullbeaumonty @brightpinkpeppercorn @katurrade @krsnlove @alj4890 @zaffrenotes @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @enmchoices
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Flashback to One Night in Vegas…
Rashad led Genevieve out to a waiting limo and they both got into the backseat.. He laced his fingers with hers and smiled at her. “Where are we going, honey?” she asked. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it, “You'll see. It's a surprise.” They arrived at an airfield and he led her to a waiting helicopter. He helped her into the front seat before getting into the pilot seat. “A helicopter ride? Just like our first date,” she said with a big smile on her face. “The past year and a half has gone by really fast hasn't it?” She asked him.
“It's been the best year and a half of my life, Gen. Do you remember how hard I fought my feelings for you? I think it's because I knew...I knew you were the one and I was terrified.” He looked at her with such love on his eyes it made her own well up with tears.
“Well I'm glad you finally gave into those feelings. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you, Rashad. So…are you going to tell me where we are going?”
“You really don't like surprises, do you?” He said with a chuckle, “I just thought it would be nice to have time just you and me and see the Vegas lights at night.”
She looked around, it truly was a breathtaking view of Las Vegas. He turned the chopper and flew over the main strip. She pointed, “There's the Bellagio fountains. It looks amazing up here. Oooh look at Caesar's Palace, the sign looks like there's a proposal…” her mouth fell open and he laughed. She turned to him with wide eyes, “Rashad...that says…” she put her hand up to her mouth.
“Genevieve Sanchez, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met. You are funny, caring, kind, beautiful inside and out. I have known from the moment I saw you that you were the one. My only regret is letting my fear stop me from being with you sooner. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you...will you marry me?” He looked at her with vulnerable eyes as tears streamed down her face.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't wait to marry you, Rashad!” He landed the helicopter and pulled a box out of his pocket revealing a gorgeous round cut engagement ring with a criss cross band that he slid onto her finger. She unbuckled her seat belt and launched herself into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a passionate kiss. She put her hand at the back of his neck deepening the kiss. When they finally broke apart, he put his hand up to her cheek, “You have made me the happiest man in the world. I am going to spend the rest of my life trying to make you just as happy.”
He helped her out of the helicopter and pulled her into another deep kiss. “I love you, Rashad. So much.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
He took her hand in his and said, “We should go find the others and share our news. Then you and I are having a private celebration.”
The Engagement Party…
Genevieve looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing an off the shoulder, fitted white lace dress with long sleeves. Rashad walked up behind her and kissed her neck, “You look beautiful, wife to be.”
She turned around, “You're looking quite sexy yourself, husband to be.” She walked to her jewelry box and put on the ruby and diamond bracelet that Rashad had given her some time ago. She was about to put on a necklace when he stopped her. “I have something for you.” He handed her a black velvet box. Inside was a necklace with marquise and pear shaped diamonds and round cut rubies. She turned to him wide eyed. “Rashad, this is beautiful. Is this from your family's collection too? It matches the bracelet.”
“Actually no, it's new. I had it designed for you. Let me help you put it on.” He stood behind her and clasped the necklace around her neck. They both took a moment to look at it in her reflection in the mirror.
“I have something for you too,” she walked over to the dresser and pulled out a wrapped gift box. He opened the box revealing a pair of cufflinks. “Is that our house crest on there?” He asked as he started replacing the cufflinks he was wearing. “Anitah told me about a place that does custom engravings, so I thought the Domvallier crest was perfect. She picked it up for me when she went to China last month.”
“I can't wait to marry you, Gen,” he leaned down and kissed her lips. “Now let's go before my father comes looking for us,” he chuckled. Genevieve loved Demetrius. Since her family was so far away, it was nice to have a father figure in her life, especially one as kind and good natured as him.
They walked hand in hand to the estate’s ballroom to greet their guests and start the party. After dinner, Rashad and Genevieve walked around and mingled with their guests. “Lord Rashad, Genevieve, it's nice to see you again,” Sebastian walked up with a pretty woman with dark hair and dark eyes on his arm. She felt Rashad tense up next to her. “You remember Alexis, don't you, Rashad?” Genevieve turned to him and his jaw was clenched in anger.
“Genevieve, meet Alexis. Rashad's former fiancée,” Sebastian said with a smirk. “It's nice to meet you, Alexis. Thank you for coming today,” Genevieve said with a smile.
“Sebastian, may I have a word?” Rashad said in a cold tone. After they left, Alexis stood next to Genevieve, “Ah so you are the one he settled for...Sebastian told me he was getting pressured to marry so he had no choice but to finally propose.”
Genevieve turned to her and smiled coldly, “Spoken like a true scorned woman. Rashad asked me to marry him because we love each other. It's funny he never once mentioned your name. Sounds like you didn't mean all that much to him.”
Before she could walk away, Alexis grabbed her arm, “Maybe he didn't mention me because deep down he wishes that we were still together. I'm here to remind him of that.”
“Bitch…” before she could finish her sentence, Sebastian walked up and led Alexis to the other side of the room. Genevieve walked into the hall and sat down trying to calm her nerves. She and Rashad didn't discuss his prior engagement in great detail. He never told her how he felt other than that the breakup left him in bad shape, which is why he didn't date for a long time. His father decided that he would step down once they were married which meant that Rashad would be taking over as Duke and she would become Duchess. She couldn't help but feel like Alexis may have been right, that he was settling or worse. What if he never truly got over his ex-fiancée?
A short while later, she felt the bench seat next to her sink as someone sat down. She looked up and saw Sebastian sitting next to her. “Are you alright? You look upset.”
“Yes, I'm fine. I just needed to get some air and clear my head,” she stood up and he held her arm.
“Please stay. I didn't mean to intrude it just looked like you needed someone to talk to, especially after all those things Alexis said to you,” he gave her a comforting smile. “Judging by your reaction, it seems like he hasn't been honest with you about his relationship with her. They were together for three years. He proposed after two. They were so happy together, so in love. After he started his company, they started drifting apart. He was gone more than he was home. So she broke up with him, but I don't think he ever really got over her. He told me one night that he would always love her, and if she ever gave him another chance, that he would take it. No matter the circumstance.”
She felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. “Excuse me, Lord Sebastian. I must check on something for the party.” She got up and walked down the hall into Demetrius’s study. She sat in the chair and tried to keep the tears from falling. She heard a knock on the door and she quickly wiped the tears away, hoping her eyes weren't red and puffy.
Pam poked her head in the door, “Hey, why are you hiding in here? What's wrong, Gen?” She entered the room followed by Anitah, Alicia and Stephanie.
She smiled, “I'm fine. Just a little overwhelmed, that's all.” Pam gave her a look and she knew that Pam wasn't buying her act. She hung her head and said, “Do you guys think that Rashad...that he settled by being with me? That maybe I'm not good enough to be Duchess or even his wife?” She couldn't hold the tears back anymore and they started to fall down her cheeks.
Anitah had an angry look on her face when she asked, “Who the hell told you that?”
Pam looked at her, "Why the hell would you think that? You have never once questioned your relationship...why now, Gen?"
She wiped her face and caught her breath. She explained everything that Alexis and Sebastian has told her about Alexis being the love of his life, and how heartbroken he was when she ended things. Sebastian adding salt to the wound with the comment that he would run back to her if given the opportunity.
“Aw, Gen don't listen to them. They’re just trying to screw up your night,” Stephanie said, patting her shoulder.
Alicia crossed her arms, “I'm going to punch that bitch in the face!”
“Besides, that man loves you so much. He puts up with your crabby ass every morning, and he still asked you to marry him,” Pam giggled.
Genevieve laughed, “Thanks, guys. I'm so lucky to have my squad.” She pulled all of them into a group hug. They walked back into the ballroom and Rashad walked up to her with a big smile on his face.
“There you are, I couldn't find you, and I was starting to worry,” he said placing a soft kiss on her cheek. “What's the matter? You look like you've been crying.” She shook her head, and her eyes welled up with tears again.
Rashad gently took her by the arm, led her into the hallway and into an empty room. “Are you alright? I didn't know he was bringing her.” She faked a smile, “I was just surprised. You never really mentioned her before...” she tried to keep her voice even as she continued, “She said some things…Sebastian said some things and they got in my head.”
He tilted her face to look at him, “What did they say? I can tell that it's bothering you, and I want to set your mind at ease.”
She told him about her conversation with both Alexis and Sebastian. His face contorted with anger and then turned to concern, “Sweetie, none of that is true. Yes, I was engaged to her, and at the time I thought I loved her. After I met you, I realized that what I felt for her was nothing compared to what I feel for you. I love you. I am not settling. If anything you're the one settling because I don't feel like I am good enough...for you.”
She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. She rested her face against his chest, trying not to cry. “I love you. I'm sorry for being silly and feeling insecure.” He chuckled and kissed her forehead, “You're not being silly or insecure. Alexis and Sebastian are the worst kind of people. I know for a fact that he still wants to court you, even though our engagement is official. So bringing her here as his date was probably part of his plan to try to rip us apart.” He sighed, “I might kick his ass tonight. I was close during the auction, but he crossed a line today by upsetting my fiancée during our engagement party.”
“Well I might bitch slap her because I hate her,” she said with a laugh. He placed his finger under her chin and tilted her face up to look at him. He leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. There was a knock on the door and Demetrius walked in, “Come on you two love birds. The guests are looking for you. My darling girl, are you ok?” He walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. “I'm fine now, all I needed was a hug from my future father in law,” she hugged him tight and they returned to the party.
Rashad led her onto the dance floor and held her close while they danced. She looked at Alexis who was staring at them with narrowed eyes. Genevieve flashed her a smile before pulling Rashad into a deep kiss. “I love you,” he whispered into her ear. She looked up at him, “I love you too.”
Demetrius walked up to the microphone and the crowd quieted down waiting for him to speak. “I want to thank you all for joining us to celebrate my son and future daughter-in-law's engagement. As a father, I can't express how proud I am to have you as a son, Rashad. You are driven, ambitious, dedicated and loyal. After we lost your mother, we only had each other. I did my best raising you on my own, and I can honestly say that I've done a damn good job,” he chuckled before continuing, “I love my family more than life itself, and I am so happy that in a two short weeks, it will expand to include this wonderful woman. Genevieve, I have never seen my son so happy as I have in the past two years. When he came home and told me that he met ‘the most amazing woman’, I knew that he had found his other half. I knew that because that's how I felt when I met his mother. Thank you for making him happy and for loving him. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness because you deserve nothing less.”
Rashad wiped the tears from his eyes before pulling his father into a hug. Genevieve had given up on wiping her face and her tears flowed freely. She joined the two men and wrapped her arms around both of them.
At the end of the evening, Rashad and Genevieve bid their guests farewell. Alexis and Sebastian approached them. Demetrius was the one to address them, “Thank you both for coming today.”
“Demetrius, it was wonderful to see you. It's really too bad, I know how much you would have loved for me to be your daughter-in-law,” Alexis said with a wicked smile.
Genevieve took a step forward, and Demetrius placed his hand on her shoulder as he spoke to Alexis, “My dear, you really need to move on. Rashad found the love of his life and quite frankly, I prefer her as my daughter-in-law.” He squeezed Genevieve's shoulder. Alexis’s jaw dropped, but no words came out.
“Good night, Alexis. I'm afraid your RSVP for the wedding has turned up missing,” Genevieve said with a smile, “don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you, darling.”
“Thank you for that,” Genevieve said to Demetrius. He smiled at her and kissed her cheek, “No need to thank me, it was the truth. Besides, I never did like her.” He laughed and wished them goodnight. “I love your dad,” she said to Rashad as she laced her fingers with his while they made their way back to their quarters.
When the door was closed, he pinned her up against the door and kissed her hard. She pulled the lapels of his jacket to deepen the kiss, her tongue gaining entrance into his mouth finding his. Their lips remained locked together. He lifted her leg around his waist and she could feel him harden against her. “I love you, Rashad.”
“Let me show you how much I love you, sweetheart,” He lifted her up by the backs of her thighs and carried her towards the bed. He set her down and unzipped her dress, allowing it to fall at her feet. Rashad let out a growl, and he quickly removed her bra and thong. She pushed his jacket off of his shoulders and made quick work of his shirt and the fastenings on his pants. He kicked off his pants and boxers and lowered her onto the bed. He kissed her neck and slowly trailed kisses down her body. He stopped at each breast and licked her nipples into hardened buds. “Mmmm, Rashad,” she moaned, running her fingers through his hair. He continued to move lower, settling between her legs, placing feather light kisses on her inner thighs. He slipped a finger into her wet center, and she let out a moan as he pumped his finger at a steady pace. He added a second finger and his tongue found her sensitive nub. “Oh God, Rashad!” His tongue continued to swirl around her clit and he felt her body tensing. She gripped his hair as he continued to lick and suck at her clit. Pleasure coursed through her body and got more and more intense until she came undone yelling, “Yes! Yes! Oh my God!”
After he felt her body relax, he made his way back on top of her. He lined his long hard length with her wet entrance and thrust into her slowly. He groaned at the feeling of her stretching around his hard cock. He thrust into her at an agonizingly slow pace, enjoying the feeling of her around him. “Gen, you feel so good,” he moaned. She wrapped her legs around his waist, making him go deeper, hitting that spot. She could feel another orgasm building and she moaned, “Rashad, I'm…ohhh!”
“Cum for me, Gen,” he said in a low tone, increasing his pace until she came apart again screaming his name. “Fuck, Gen!” He felt her walls pulsing around him and his movements became more erratic until he came, spilling himself inside her. He leaned down and captured her mouth in a passionate kiss before lying down next to her on the bed. He gathered her up in his arms, and she laid her head on his chest. “I love you. I can't wait to make you my wife.” She smiled at his words, “I love you too.” They both closed their eyes and fell asleep in each other's arms.
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