#brackets are ideas or couples that would probably be dark and trigger potentials
fearlessmuses · 7 months
Butcher x Homelander ( dark / potentially toxic i mean )
Diana Prince x Steve Trevor
Ten x Clara Oswald
Billy Russo x Frank Castle ( dark / potentially toxic )
Fandral x Loki ( i am sure there are aus and just so much )
Logan x Scott Summers ( post x2 film wise or comic wise i mean )
Logan x Scott x Jean ( i mean poly for sure )
Billy Dunne x Daisy Jones ( triggering content / unhealthy potential)
Hades x Minthe ( unhealthy for sure )
Hades x Hera ( unhealthy potential affair based au / revenge cheating )
Pike x Kirk
Rick Grimes x Shane Walsh ( goes without saying doesn't it? affair potenial / general intense triggering potentials )
There's a lot I will do, I don't have triggers and always happy to tag triggers for those who needs. I'm all about exploring things beyond that soft romances that are cute and fluffy. I love some messy fighting less than happy ending stuff too! That's why we watch tv, read books & comics right!
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