#brackets make me think of Spamton but the speech doesn't make sense?
thesnowflake18 · 1 year
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Help what does this mEAN?!?!
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3wisellamas · 3 years
Some insights from the Japanese version of chapter 2!
(I'm not THAT great at Japanese, and am NOT a native speaker, it's been years and even then I never got super-fluent, but I can still read a little, and just used my dictionary for the rest. So, if anyone wants to correct me on this, go for it.)
-In case you missed it, Spamton's speech is translated REALLY interestingly, using "death" in English instead of "desu" (since they're pronounced the same), spelling daisuki (love) as "die-suki", uses Watakushi (formal and gender-neutral, though not exclusively, pretty much anyone can use it) as his pronoun but replaces "kushi" with the numbers 9 and 4, which are pronounced Ku and Shi but whose sounds out of context can mean "death" and "pain/torture" and are therefore considered unlucky numbers, etc. Also, less horrifying, instead of BIG SHOT he just says he wants to be "BIG" -- which, given that he's a literal email spambot from the 90s, has some implications...
-Seam's pronoun is...Atashi? o____O Which is, like, really feminine. The girly girl pronoun. If they don't straight-up identify as a different gender in Japanese, I guess we're supposed to interpret this as them seeing themselves as being more feminine?
-King and Queen both use Watakushi, with Queen even using it and all other words referring to people/specific topics in [brackets] sorta similar to Spamton (though in Japanese this translates more as just being in quotes), along with other formatting quirks like everything she says being enclosed in <!-- HTML comment tags -- >, making her seem more computer-y.
-The Addisons don't use any pronouns at all. None. They NEVER say the equivalent of the words "I" or "Me" ANYWHERE in Japanese.
-SCC all use male pronouns:
Sweet and Cap'n both use Ore (very masculine, tough guy, arrogant, connotations of being a delinquent/gangster).
Interestingly, Sweet rarely refers to just himself, but as part of the whole group (Oretachi), while Cap'n does both.
K_K uses Boku (standard friendly male pronoun)
-Susie also uses Ore, which makes sense for her since despite being almost exclusively a male pronoun, she doesn't care about that shit! She is tough and you WILL respect her.
-Now for the big one! Swatch also uses Watakushi (gender-neutral, formal). Now, literally anyone can use that or its less-formal version Watashi, male, female, or otherwise -- it's pretty much just the default pronoun (I use Watashi whenever I speak Japanese, since I'm NB). But, in this case, without any English equivalent to go on, I think we can officially say They/Them Swatch confirmed!!
-I've seen others bring this up before, but I'll include it for completeness: Rouxls Kaard uses Yo as his pronoun, which is...basically Watashi but EXTREMELY formal and a little old-fashioned, only really used in writing rather than speech. So, pretty accurate to him!
And now for some more SCC stuff, since I focused on those scenes (for obvious reasons):
-Sweet and Cap'n both speak pretty normally, albeit VERY informally, with the latter using slightly harsher/even more casual language and not really ending his sentences properly, but K_K's manner of speaking is different. He basically speaks in either a really lazy or cutesy manner, rarely using difficult kanji and ends every sentence li~ke thisssss!!~
-In Japanese, K_K's nickname makes a little more sense -- the line where in English he says "K_K is short for 'Cakes.'" is instead "K_K wa 'Kēki' no ryaku da yo~" or "K_K is an abbreviation of Kēki (Cake)!~" In Japanese you abbreviate something by either using the first kana of each word or, especially in cases like this with a shorter word in katakana, the first English character of each kana. So, his name is Kē Ki -- KK!
-Instead of "See ya! Smell ya! Hear ya!", they all just say goodbye, but in their own way:
Sweet: "Mata kaiou!" (Until we meet again!)
Cap'n: "Mata na!" (See ya, very casual)
K_K: "Mata ni~" (Same as Cap'n, but in a much more cute, childish manner)
-Instead of lemon drops, K_K talks about lemon jelly. Which...explains a lot of the Japanese fanart I've seen with K_K eating it.
-Instead of saying Queen gave him candy for being so sweet, Sweet says that Queen gave him a nickname that translates directly to "Little Sweets/Candy Boy". And when he hears it, Cap'n says he wants to be called that too!
-Cap'n drops the freaking k-word! Granted, it's referring to the damn Berdly statue, which, I would use that word to describe too, but still. Someone wash this boy's mouth out with soap!
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-"Boku wa sweets daisuki!" / "I love sweets!" Shippers, this one's for you.
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vernal-witch · 3 years
Long post ahead I'm sorry this doesn't have a Read More I'm on mobile and it won't let me do it
Spamton headcanons list in a stream of consciousness I'm finally writing down at 3am while I have the spoons for it:
44 years old, was 20 at the height of his fame in 1997.
3'5". Was 5'5" before he got shrunk in Queen's acid.
Made of mostly wood and has ball-joints. Only weighs like 15 pounds.
Canonically has some kind of New England accent in his voice clips, but as someone from New Jersey I think it'd be funniest if it was a Jersey accent for peak sleazy used-car salesman vibes.
Nonbinary transmac.
He/They madness
Biromantic asexual.
Took one look at Swatch and said HOLY [CUNGADERO] THATS A [GRADE-A] GENDER and ran out to buy black hair dye and multicolored glasses as quick as he could.
Has naturally white hair from being based on the Addisons.
Because he's a puppet-- and his hair is made of, like, synthetic wig hair material-- the dye is permanent unless he dyes it back to white.
Can transform into an item-sparkle to inhabit DealMaker and talk through them, then back into himself to wear them as glasses again.
His Light World equivalent is a thumndrive that contains his malware program. Don't plug it into your computer unless you want him to be a horrible little Bonzi Buddy clone on your desktop.
Has ADHD and anxiety. His [Ad Jargon] is a thing all the Addisons do canonically, his is just a verbal tic so he does it More.
His speech gets glitchier and more ad-littered when he's anxious or stressed or pissed, which is a lot.
His ads seem like non sequiturs a lot of the time, but if you look at them they always connect back to what he's talking about. He just has the ADHD thought-path thing where how He got to that point makes perfect sense to him but not always to others.
Uses ALL CAPS so much because he has trouble with volume control when he gets excited. He gets very excited during his sales pitches and deals, so, those are always in caps.
He IS an Addison-- in a sense-- he's a Sockpuppet Account programed to be like an Addison except it sells malware, and because of that he's Always looked like a puppet.
Gaster(?) fucked with his programming in order to give him the fourth-wall knowledge that drove him insane, that's why post-corruption he's so much more erratic and glitchy. It pretty much took his existing characteristics and cranked them up to 11 with an unhealthy heaping of madness on top.
Painted his shop to look like what glimpses he caught of the Light World from pictures in Lighners' emails he read.
The Light World is what he thinks is [Heaven].
When Kris took him there in their inventory the first time he cried the entire time.
They DID install his horrible Bonzi Buddy thumbdrive on their home computer so he could check it out, but took him back out to take him back to the supply closet before any of his viruses stuck.
Wasn't aware of any internet things post-1997 until recently because of how the Dark Fountains work.
Uses a lot of slang from different decades in canon but I think he'd say a lot of 90s things. Like his [brackets] would pull from 90s commercials/movies/songs.
As someone born in 1997 who has had this happen several times, if any of the kids referred to anything pre-2000 as "the 1900s" he'd fucking bluescreen.
When Hometown's internet came back, he caught himself up on everything he missed-- including memes-- and did not tell Kris. He waited for the perfect chance to drop one on them.
(In response to Queen lying about something.) WOAH!!! SOMEONE TOOK [Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss] A BIT TOO FAR, HUH KRIS???
Is Kris's weird uncle. He wants to protect and help his [Little Sponge], but he's so much smaller than them, can't take care of himself let alone a teenager, and his go-to solutions for problems are "scam it, beat it up, or Just Walk Out".
Is a terrible influence on them, but not in a genuinely bad way, in a "KRIS HERE'S HOW TO [Hijack] A [Hot-Rod]!!" "KRIS LOOK I STOLE YOU A [Follow For Free iPhone 5!]!!" "YKNOW THAT [Slime] WHO MADE FUN OF YOU? I [Deleted] THEIR [Facebook Account]!!" way.
When they're wearing DealMaker he can talk to them from inside it, and it's a lot of stuff like that.
The first time Kris does a crime on their own he cries tears of joy and hugs them.
Is very affectionate in general. He's very in-your-face and has no concept of personal space in canon, so I don't think that's a stretch. He'd respect it if someone didn't want him to do that, bc he's got so much agency trauma and all.
Isn't insecure about his height. At this point he's been super short for longer than he was "normal" sized, so he's fine with it.
Likes to be picked up and hurled at things, like a kid or a cat. Because he's made of wood it doesn't hurt him.
Kris can throw him like a projectile attack at enemies and he'll get their asses like if you threw a rabid squirrel at something.
Can and will use the fact that he has a ventriloquist dummy jaw to bite enemies like a nutcracker.
Kris can't actually wear DealMaker as glasses, they're Spamton's prescription, so they have to wear them on top of their head.
He used to wear clear glasses before he stole Swatch's gender.
Is blind as shit without his glasses. No depth perception to save his life. That's why his bullet patterns are a lot of explosions or things on-rails rather than individual aiming.
Was always closest with the Blue Addison: Banner. That's why they're the one who went looking for him when he got evicted.
Reconciles with the Addisons gradually after going to Castle Town, some being harder to do so with than others, but Banner immediately hugged him and just said how relieved they were that he's alive and safe-- that they tried to find him but couldn't-- and he believed them.
Hadn't come out as trans Or queer yet when he was still a regular salesman, so the Addisons are, like, obnoxiously supportive to make up for lost time. Banner sends him hyperlinks to pride merchandise-- hit or miss if it's of the right flags or not-- they're trying their best.
Handshake meme with Kris and Toriel having the same dynamic.
Talks to Kris about nonbinary stuff bc he's their weird uncle but, again, he's Spamton about it. They mention considering getting a binder and like an hour later he comes back with one he stole for them.
"Stop stealing things for me, i can just buy them." "AND LET YOU SPEND YOUR [Cold-Hard Cash] ON [Goods and Services] I CAN STEAL? NOT A CHANCE <3" "How did you make that noise with your mouth." "[Don't Worry About It!]!!!"
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