unconditionaltimes · 6 years
It’s food time!
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Since I’m breastfeeding ( will be 16 months in few days ), my appetite only grew. I don’t k ow if you see those funny GIFs ….
The side effect of breastfeeding
And this is really me! I eat so much I can’t control myself! But because I’m breastfeeding I try to eat as healthy as possible. Of course I will allow myself for some cheat days ( sweets, chocolate, cakes, pizzas, even McDonald), but most…
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unconditionaltimes · 6 years
I’m a first time mum. No one prepares you for it, no matter how many things you will read and hear, it can’t be done. There is so many little things that comes along with motherhood that blows my mind.
Mumsomnia, called more professional- insomnia. Why am I posting about it? Well… because I suffered from it.
No matter how tired I was, after a whole day of non stop running, multitasking, literally…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
Liebster award
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The fellow blogger Baby wanted! An IVF journey nominated me for this award. I am really positively surprised. Not only because someone IS reading my blog, but to be nominated as well. Her blog is a pleasure to read, and our kids are only one month apart. We went through the same birth – c-section, and her advices are a gold!!! So, the rules are: • Thank the blogger that nominated you, • Answer 11…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
* Just the three of us *
Becoming a parent is one of the things you can’t really prepare for. Some are planned, some not. Even if you go with the plan: partner, house, kids, something will go different way. Before I got pregnant, me and my husband were renting a flat. It was ok, we were working, going on holiday, buying things, “trying to save”. With “saving” was ups and downs. Then we decided to move to my husbands mom.…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
* Baby’s first solids *
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Karas’s 6 month old. I already cried because she grow so fast I can’t keep up. It’s been a week already since she tried first food and I can say that my girl lovvves food. No matter what I’ll give her-she eats. But let start from beginning. There is a lot of articles and blogs regarding baby weaning. You can feed your baby with a spoon or you can led-weaning which basically means, that your baby…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
* Something extra *
Before Kara was born I’ve imagined myself doing a lot at home and being super creative once she’s with us. But as days passed , my confidence towards creativity dropped to 0%. My days look pretty the same but I can’t complain, boredom is impossible with this little one. I can’t remember the day when I had 30 min for myself, have a bath, drink coffee in silence, watch a movie where I’m actually…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
Extra something
Before Kara was born I’ve imagined myself doing a lot at home and being super creative once she’s with us. But as days pass, my confidence towards creativity dropped to 0%. My days look pretty the same but I can’t complain, boredom is impossible with this little one. I can’t remember the day when I had 30 min for myself. Have a bath, drink coffee in silence, watch a movie where I’m actually…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
Preparing for first solids
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Having a baby is one exciting thing. Each day is full of joy, sometimes tears, laughter. Each day is something new and you can’t really prepare yourself enough for what’s in front of you. But if it comes to BIG things like giving your baby first solid food, well, this is very exciting and big experience. Not only for the baby, but for you too. Kara will turn 6 months 5th of December (which is our…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
Baby massage
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Since Kara was born I’ve heard so many times how amazing she’s smelling. You know that “baby smell” which I completely can’t detect by myself. Am I a weird person? I really can’t smell it, and believe me, I spend 24/7 with Kara. All I can smell is shampoo, body wash and moisturiser i put on her skin, and that’s it. I put into practice an evening baby massage with a “special” oil that helps them…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
Cold sore while breastfeeding
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And it happened! My first cold sore since Kara was born. I knew it will happen one day and here it is! I’ve always had cold sore. Since I was in a primary school. Me and my dad are the only once in a family with this awful virus and for some weird reason it’s coming out at the same time, so when I used to live with my parent both of us had to stock up on Zovirax haha. Anyway, I’ve got it now, and…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
* 5 months*
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Kara is 5 months. Gosh, this is crazy…. I can’t believe it. I look at her and I’m amazed. She’s so beautiful, funny and smart, Me and W. are wondering how come we managed to create such a beauty. Days and weeks pass and she’s getting more aware, curious and funny. Each day I see new things that are happening. New sounds she’s making, new moves, turning, grabbing, new moan haha. The only thing…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
First cold
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One of them you hope will never happen. My baby catched a cold! It was Sunday night. After a lovely weekend with my family, bonding time and loads of good food my girl woke up in the middle of the night with awful and loud runny nose!!!! Thankfully I was prepared and straight away gave her Calpol and nose spray which helped her fall back asleep. But not for long….it was the longest night EVER!!!!…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
First holiday
If you were wondering why I was absent and not posting anything for a while it’s because: 1. I’m in Poland with my husband and my baby girl to celebrate my parents 40th anniversary (my baby girls first holiday and first plane travel). 2. My girl had her immunisation and was suffering from sleepless nights. 3. I had to pack myself, Kara and my husband in one day! 4. Was just a bit lazy to post…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
* 4 months *
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It’s been a while since I’ve post. It’s been a crazy time and I forgot to celebrate 1st of October -that day I found out I’m pregnant. I remember that day as yesterday and now…My dream came true! My little girl is 4 months old!!!! On top of this my blog is celebrating one year as well! Exactly 5th of October last year I uploaded my first post. Very deep and personal, I didn’t knew I will carry on…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
* Must have * for new mamas
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I’ve never done *Must have* before as I thought it’s pointless in my case. My girl is a very simple baby and she’s not interested in any sort of toys at the moment. All she’s interested is me and her daddy which walking with her all the time. She loves my laugh and daddy’s cuddles non stop. But there is few things I can recommend to you guys as a new mom I can easily say that there is so many…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
Second immunisation
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Yesterday my girl had her second immunisation injection. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned before but my previous immunisation experience was horrible and I blame GP, in particular a nurse!!! I’ve never met such a cold and rough nurse in my life!!! She basically didn’t care about my baby’s mood or well beeing. The injections were very rough and I could see very painfull and the way she was handling…
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unconditionaltimes · 7 years
My body clock
It’s amazing how my body clock works since I got my baby girl. Before I was even pregnant, I couldn’t fall asleep with the telly on, light, or during the day. I had to wear earplugs every night. The smallest movement or sound could wake me up, and when the ear plugs fall out-I woke up. I could sleep 9h straight and still feel tired. When I was pregnant I could sleep and sleep and sleep!!! Naps…
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