#brad pitt dies in here. the whole point at the center of the story is love. channing tatum is here being funny
livvyofthelake · 1 year
the lost city 2022 THE best movie ever made. all other movies should kill themselves i’m so serious it’s so good it’s fucking unreal
#it’s got everything….#adventure in a jungle. daniel radcliffe campy british villain. sandra bullock in a crazy glitter jumpsuit.#brad pitt dies in here. the whole point at the center of the story is love. channing tatum is here being funny#it’s about the metanarrative it’s about the bleed between life and art it’s about joy it’s about fun it’s about love#it’s a romance novelist who hates her books because she’s a historian and she perceives her fans as mindless idiots and the whole movie is#about her learning that her work brings people joy no matter how low brow and lame she thinks it is. and that joy and passion matters more#than any of her intellectual superiority complex because at the end of the day being human is about joy…#all while she’s traipsing through a jungle looking for an ancient tomb and a priceless artifact that the villain wants to steal because he#thinks it’s monetarily valuable but when she eventually does find it the artifact is just made of seashells and it was priceless because it#was given to its owner by her husband who loved her… the crown was never valuable because it was worth money it was valuable because it was#a symbol of this couple’s undying love… and it was hidden away in a secret tomb because it was something that only mattered to them because#love is invented by each pair of lovers every time over and over and over again across time and space….#and it’s like no one even cares.#beth.txt#you bitches love to log on to tumblr dot org and say you love camp and schlock#and then you ignore the lost city 2022….. like it’s so lame you people are so fucking lame. get serious
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
October 24, 2018: 12:58 pm:
October 24, 2018: 12:24 pm:<br><br>So I went to the terrorist doctor appointm... StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-24T15:58:22-0400 - Updated: 2018-10-24T15:58:22-0400
October 24, 2018: 12:24 pm: So I went to the terrorist doctor appointment. At the fake, Club-Med, Screen Actor Guild, Vatican, US Government sponsored killing field, impostor doctor office visit, terrorists died when their Nitrous Oxide tanks ignited inside of the office. In the exam room, the terrorist fake nurse took my vitals, I have the vitals of someone half my age according to the readings. When the fake doctor, who really only a fake "Nurse Practitioner" came into the room, I explained to him  how I was attacked at the Wal-Mart last night. I had gone to the store, and as usual, in the checkout line, I had to dodge and evade a terrorist who had the euthanization drug they use now instead of the swords that they used since 2006. Now they have a veterinary clinic inside of the Wal-Mart and the euthanization drug is obtained from their, and is used to kill US American Citizens at the checkout line in the Wal-Mart. I was in check-out line number six last night. I told the doctor that after encountering and evading the euthanization assassin, just at the time I was getting ready to pay for the groceries, a terrorist with a baseball bat came running from the customer service counter area where people take returns to, it is directly across the front isle of the store from check-out number six, the baseball bat terrorist battery service hit me hard with the bat in the back while the terrorist check-out terrorist operative began to engage in a conversation with me, and also, expose me to Nitrous Oxide/Versed poison gas. I was hit in the back with the bat, but it only felt like someone through a paper napkin at me at the time. I told all of this to the fake doctor. He asked if a called the police, I said "No! There are no police... the police station is 500 feet away from where this happens.. they are the ones who arrange this to happen". I showed the fake doctor where I had been hit just by pointing and explaining... then a sword came through the wall from the adjacent exam room and wound up just under my right arm as I was sitting in the chair in the corner as instructed by the fake nurse. The doctor wrote me a prescription and left the room without providing any explanation or interest in the baseball bat wound area. I yelled at the doctor "why is there always someone waiving a French Tickler around in here when I come to my appointments? that is when he left the room. The sword came through the fucking wall... it was the fake nurse who had gone into the adjacent room and shoved the sword through the wall right there where she had told me to sit. Later, I drove to the Fred Meyer Pharmacy terrorist Club-Med assassin headquarters, and in the pharmacy line directly in front of me was one of the terrorist reception girls from the fake terrorist Club-Med Doctor office. The fake doctor office has a cell-phone tower in their parking area, in the back lot of the building. The cell-phone calls everywhere in the State of Oregon are hijacked, re-routed, and manipulated by the use of these kinds of cell-phone towers that have been taken over by terrorists. There are also a whole bunch of StingRay Surveillance State Police owned and terrorist operated in the State of Oregon to further fuck with the phone calls of US American Citizens. At the Fred Meyer Pharmacy, when I dropped off my prescription, I heard the Phake Pharmacist tell one Phake Pharmacy technicians "I though they said they killed all of the agents". So, it appears as some agents did come to look into the claims reports I have made, but were killed. If you are reading this and are a National Security agent, the story I just explained is real, it is true, I survive this kind of thing only because I use a lighter to ignite the Nitrous Oxide gas. I am sorry that agents were killed, I am more sorry that hundreds of thousands of US American Citizens are STILL being slaughtered. I strongly advise a large US Military presence be deployed into the State of Oregon.
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StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-24T17:30:50-0400 - Updated: 2018-10-24T17:58:29-0400
October 24, 2018: 2:28 pm: At the terrorist Screen Actor Guild Seventh Day Adventist Vatican US Government Club-Med Junket fake doctor extermination center, this building is next door to the fake doctor and they own it. They have been building this structure for almost as long as I have been a patient at the fake terrorist assassin doctor. It has been under construction for more than thee years and is only about three thousand square feet of indoor area. That Las Vegas style valet looking carport rain cover in the front is a terrorist communication device, it serves a need simply by standing there and looking stupid. That Las Vegas style Valet looking thing tells terrorist operatives from anywhere that they come, that this place is part of the Las Vegas brand of terrorist bastards... Universal Studios Screen Actor Guild terrorist cell. The place is called "Crater Lake Surgery Center". It is not finished yet. There must be something very special about the construction of this building for it to have taken so long to erect. How much underground, sub-terrainian area is there? This place will be used to surgically alter human beings who have been kidnapped and are being held in captivity. Just like the place called "The Pleasure Dome" that I have discussed on other entries. This place is built by terrorists of the Screen Actor Guild, for the purpose of creating human pet people called "Partners". also discussed in other entries. This place will also serve as a means to use US American Victims in such a way as to actually "install" medical conditions that require strong medicine. Victims will be surgical given health conditions purposefully so that that there can be a paper trail and and actual patient associated with the drugs that will be prescribed for the patients. These kind of US American Victims will not get the medication that they need, and there will be over prescribing of medication for the conditions. The medications are used by members of the Screen Actor Guild who are drug seekers and addicts. They kill American Victims, and even injure them intentionally for the purpose that the movie stars and rock stars can have an endless supply of all the drugs they can possibly take. Also, a vast assortment of US American Victims who are being held in captivity is the same as having a large and complete selection of human organ donors available in every size, age, gender, blood type, and other important criteria necessary for Human Organ considerations. And, they are all kept fresh since the Victims organs are only harvested as needed. This place, as described will serve the needs of people such as Ted Nugent, Axle Rose, Slash, David Letterman, Jay Leno, Jennefer Anniston, Kid Rock, Laura Ingraham, Nikki Haley, Kierstjen Nielsen, Brad Pitt, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Yvanka Trump, Val Kilmer, ... in fact, it will serve the needs of everyone who has ever been a gust on the Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live, and the bands that have performed on the Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live, and the people who work in the United States Government.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-24T17:31:48-0400
October 24, 2018: 2:31 pm:
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StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-24T17:32:48-0400 - Updated: 2018-10-24T18:02:54-0400
October 24, 2018: 2:32 pm: Terrorist fake doctors. List of murderers of injured, elderly and disabled people who perpetuate the prescription pain medicine of murdered US Americans who are killed here. They kill the most vulnerable, US American citizens here so that movie stars, rock stars, and government officials can get high.
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StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-24T17:33:30-0400 - Updated: 2018-10-24T17:59:10-0400
October 24, 2018: 2:33 pm: Terrorist doctors office telling other terrorists about pain management.
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StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-24T21:46:21-0400
October 24, 2018: 6:19 pm: At the Club-Med terrorist Disabled People Extermination Center I went to today, where fake doctor murder real US American Citizens, they use a online, digital record keeping system as was mandated by the Federal Government some time around 2008. Every time I go to this place for the past four years, they have a "New System" they explain. I have to "update my personal information" every visit, and they never have any record that I was there in the past. Today, the system is called "Ligel", and for mysterious reasons, they  will no longer do electronic prescriptions to the pharmacy. For the past year or more, my visits have been such that a "electronic prescription" or "e-script" they call it, has been done. When they do the "e-script" the fake doctor uses a little black football shaped device that fits on a key ring that somehow generates a new, unique, secret identification code associated with each prescription that he writes. He talked about how the system was designed and set into use on the East Coast of the USA during two of my visits, and explained how the thing gets a new secret code for each "e-script". We are not on the East Coast, i told him... he just shrugged and changed the subject. That was six months ago though. Now, for the past month I am told, they no longer use that system, and they use paper "hard-copy" prescriptions now. I have a feeling that the fake terrorist doctor is pretending to be doing business all over the country, at intervals, such that every two months or so, they get a new "system" that is customary and in use in a particular state, such as New York, where he said the little black electronic device was developed. If this is so, it would explain a lot of grief that I get from a lot of different places. And, if this regional fakery is being done at the fake doctor, then, they would also have to do the same kind of fakery at the Club-Med terrorist Pharmacy headquarters at the Fred Meyer. So, the fake doctor, in league with the fake terrorist pharmacy, seem to be using regionally specific online, government mandated, digital, medical record keeping systems. This activity would cause mass confusion for the kind of national Security agents who don't do field work. It also would make it appear as though I am is two places at once, here in Oregon, and at the same time, in New York for instance. The fake terrorist Club-Med doctor has used at least ten different online, digital, government mandated electronic Medical Record keeping systems over the course of time that I have been surviving the slaughter the past four years. A complicated mess. No one cares. No one will help. Disabled, Elderly, injured, Medicare Part-D beneficiary US American Citizens being slaughtered by the thousands. No one will help. I make official reports of terrorist activities at the reporting facilities that all Americans are told to use for reporting and made available, and all that ever happens as a result is assassins come to try and kill me. The national Security personnel are as guilty of killing Amercan Citizens as are the terrorists who actually kill them. The National Security personnel refuse to do their job, and they rely 100% on the State Police of the nation to do their work for them. The State Police were all killed a long time ago, and replaced with terrorists. So, National Security personnel have been calling the State Police Terrorist assassin squads to go kill the people who report the terrorism, every time. And, they call the people drunks, drug addicts, delusional, retarded, criminals, and assholes for having made the report of terrorist activities and mass killings.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-24T22:52:22-0400
October 24, 2018: 7:35 pm: The terrorist Screen Actor Guild Club-Med Fred Meyer Pharmacy technician who took entered my prescription into the system when I dropped it off to be filled told me it would take forty-five minutes to an hour to fill it. I asked to have a text message sent to me when it's ready, which is normal for them to do. I expected they would wait a few hours like they normally do so I went home. As soon as I parked my car in my driveway, the text came. I looked at the phone, then looked back out the front window of the car... there were about fifteen peacocks in my front yard. The bastards from the terrorist cell called "Sunflower" on Russel road put their fucking birds in my front yard, then contacted the Fred Meyer Pharmacy, told them I was in my driveway at the gate and unlocking it, and the text came in time for  me to see that they "flipped me the bird". The Sunflower Cell uses the Peacocks for terrorist activities because the Peacocks bird call is the same sound as child screaming. They bring the birds to killing events and in case someone being killed is loud and screams, they can make those birds do their bird call by exposing the peacocks with a little bit of Nitrous Oxide, and the bird screams a bird call and that covers up the sound of someone being killed and screaming. So the fucking birds were all in my yard. Also, my car did get sabotaged yesterday. I reported here that someone launched from the creek the other day who was sneaking up to sabotage my car and make it not work. Yesterday, another terrorist came and somehow got the hood open, and filled the power steering reservoir with water up to the top of the filling reservoir. When I went to go to the Wal-Mart, the car would not turn, so I opened the hood and found that there was a bunch of mayonnaise looking foam all coming out of the power steering pump. I just stuffed a bunch of rags in there and soaked it up, then refilled it with fluid, but it is still all contaminated with water and I will have to do that a whole bunch of times to get the car to turn easy. It's part of the persecution aspect of the terrorism. Chip away at the stone service.
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