#brainwashed boy
Jason : (nomming on carrots)
Jason: I’m what?
Thalia: allergic! Like you’re gonna have an allergic reaction! Does your mouth feel itchy?
Jason: yeah… but it’s food. The idea of not eating food because it makes your mouth itchy is stupid
Thalia: what???!?!
Jason: well everyone knows that food is always scarce and hard to find and you have to earn food and it’s a privilege that can be taken away. So if I get carrots I have to eat them because if I don’t I might not find other food.
Thalia: …you know food is like… something that you have a choice with right?
Jason: that’s funny. No it’s not
@seulgishaku @freddie-77-ao3 @somewhereincairparavel
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braintamer · 2 months
You are not "addicted" to porn
You are porn. You are an object that exists for the purpose of male pleasure. You watch porn to stay focused on sex and to keep yourself from getting any silly ideas about your place in society being something other than a fleshlight. Your real addiction should be to male approval.
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footaddiction · 3 months
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You did say you'd do anything for @qsworship and her feet loser.
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goodgymboy · 2 months
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You are not here to think.
You are here to give up control.
You are here to relax and feel good.
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mindless-k · 7 months
Do you remember?
Do you remember what Good Boys do?
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Good Boys...
Good Boys stare
Good Boys obey
Good Boys stroke their minds away
Are you staring?
Staring deeply into the spiral...watching it spin and spin...
Are you obeying?
Following my words as you scroll and read more and more...
Are you stroking your mind away?
Up and down...Up and down...
Good Boy
You love being a Good Boy, don't you?
You love staring, obeying, and stroking
You love to be mindless
You love to scroll more and more, going deeper and deeper
It feels so good to be a Good Boy...
Doesn't it?
Every time someone calls you a Good Boy it feels so amazing
It feels good to stare...
It feels good to obey...
It feels good to stroke...
You feel so much pleasure when you're being a Good Boy
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You feel so much pleasure...you're practically leaking, aren't you?
The head of your cock is just dripping...
The thing is...don't you think with your head?
All your thoughts, that's where they are.
In your head.
So if your head is leaking...all your thoughts are leaking out too
It's making you mindless
And it's so much easier to be mindless
You can let your cock do all the thinking for you
Doesn't that feel so much better? To let your cock think for you?
Touching your cock always feels so good so...
Yes, it makes sense to let your cock think for you
It makes sense to be mindless...
It makes sense to be a mindless Good Boy who lets his cock think for him
Isn't that right?
Good Boy!
Now, just to really make sure you remember...
I want you to remind me what you are...
Tell me you're a mindless Good Boy who lets his cock think for him
Just so we won't forget, ok?
Maybe even dm me for some special treatment ;3 hehe
Until next time,
Make sure you stare, obey, and stroke your mind away
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pomegranatears · 3 months
It’s a common day, you’re laying on top of me, all sleepy, and I move my arm to play with your hair. Something is different, you are not used to hearing a metallic clink; it’s a small sound, ignorable.
You don’t think much of it. I keep moving my hand, running my fingers through your hair, and before you can understand what’s happening, my thigh is between your legs.
I know what’s best for my dumb little puppy, and you can’t help but rock your hips. It feels so good, doesn’t it? The pressure of my thigh against that tingly spot and hearing my whispers calling you a good puppy, pointing out the mess you’re making. There's no rush, take your time.
Mommy will take care of that achy feeling, don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll move my hand to your waist, helping you move, and the clink will make itself present again and again.
On another occasion, I’ll guide your sweet face towards my nipple and clink. The bracelet with the pendants is a constant now. A pretty slut’s mouth is good for many things, and a pliable brain is perfect for conditioning, and I’ll shape you into my perfect toy. 
At first, I won’t wear the bracelet unless you’re home. But one day we’ll be out at a nice restaurant and you’ll feel my foot rubbing your leg and traveling upwards.
You’ll be too caught up in that sensation to notice me putting on the bracelet. And when your conditioned little brain hears the clink, you’ll have to fight the urge to beg me to let you fuck me.
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sodapop-bunny · 2 months
gosh i sure wouldn't like it if someone hypnotized me into a mindless toy for their pleasure maybe a soft toy where my brains all full for cotton and stuffing and I just let anyone have their way with me yet I still love you endlessly, sure would be a shame if that happened!
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angelcakegf · 1 year
In the mood to brainwash a pretty boy and make him my perfect cute little boytoy bf hehe
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nellasbookplanet · 3 months
I do think that referring to Essek as irredeemable for regretting his actions only because he was caught and risked losing his friends is both kind of reductive to him as a character and a misunderstanding of the concept of redemption arcs in media.
A person generally isn't changed because you sit them down and hand them a bunch of political theory to read. They change because their circumstances and relationships do. It's like that guy who was deradicalized because he got a bunch of shrimp and started to care for them. It’s our relationships that change us, because they give us not a logical but an emotional reason to do so.
Caleb explicitly says "these people will change you" (or something along that line; I don’t remember the exact quote). Essek, before the m9, didn’t genuinely care about anyone. The people who would die if a war started because of his actions were irrelevant and abstract to him. Caleb, similarly, also started c2 not really caring about others. He had no interest in taking on Ikithon or the Assembly to save others from going through what he did, too preoccupied with his own trauma and his own goals to care. In that sense, he started the campaign in a similar place as Essek post ep. 97: regretful, but too busy wallowing in his own self-loathing to productively do anything to prevent future harm due to his previous actions.
Being with the m9, being reminded of the importance of other people and realizing that they’re capable of caring for them, is what changes Caleb and Essek both. Of course Essek starts out more concerned with losing the nein than with strangers killed in a war. They’re his starting step, the opening through which he realizes that the people hurt by his actions are real, that he cares, that he has the ability to, if not undo his harm, help stop furthering of it.
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Percy (trying to make light of Jason’s horrible life): well…. At least all that suffering wasn’t for nothing. you have a killer college application story.
Jason: considering the fact I can’t actually leave Camp Jupiter without express permission, even getting kidnapped without my consent for me labelled a traitor within about an hour, the fact I have no skills of navigating the mortal world because I’ve been in the army since I was 3 so can’t really leave to go to uni and the fact that I’m pretty sure I’m blacklisted from the New Rome University since when I asked if I’d be eligible they laughed in my Face I don’t think I really need an application
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braintamer · 2 months
How to deal with feminist thoughts
It's hard to go anywhere these days without being with feminists propaganda. Very ad on tv or online features a "strong independant woman" (gross) It's easy for a weak female mind to be confused by these silly ideas, so it's important that you never let yourself forget your place.
If you find yourself aspiring to do a man's job, stop what you're doing and take some time to remember your place. For example, if you work at a restaurant and consider (even for a second) applying to be a manager, take a deep breath and say to yourself "I am stupid, I am an object, I am a hole" then when you get the chance, go to the restroom and shake your tits in front of the mirror say it again "I am stupid, I am an object, I am a hole" say it over and over until your brain goes all cloudy and pink.
If you continue having thoughts of leadership, or even just an urge to talk back to a man that you work with, you need further discipline. Go to the restroom again, but this time, get on your knees and lick the toilet seat. Again, repeat, out loud, "I am stupid. I am an object. I am a whole." (you may have to do this at home, but a public restroom is preferred) then take a picture of your face resting on the toilet seat, (or in the bowl if you want to hide you face) and post it online with the caption "this is what I get for thinking I was equal"
If you get home and still find yourself having thoughts of leadership, spend at least an hour edging to porn, and whenever you get close to the edge, slap your cunt hard enough to leave a mark. If should be bright red by the time you're finished, and your face should be covered in tears.
Keep in mind that these are just some ideas for you can do, but if you have the option, you should always ask for a man's help when trying to cure yourself of internalized feminism.
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voxhypno · 20 days
As you read this post, I'd like you to focus on how easily your eyes drift from word to word.
That little flick of your eyes when you reach the end of a line, and move back to the left to absorb the next one.
And every time you finish a word and a line, that little
just snaps your eyes and brain back to attention. Ready to read more, take in more of my words.
You can find yourself getting comfortable without really realizing, your body shifting into a relaxing position to sit and read in.
It's pretty impressive how my words seem to grab your attention, isn't it?
Every vowel, every consonant, every comma almost feels as though it's grasping your brain
squeezing and massaging every little thought away
more and more, every time those eyes
back to the left.
And every time your eyes hit the beginning of a line, your mind is firmly pushed further into warm, easy thoughtlessness.
It doesn't take much to find yourself enthralled, hypnotized.
Your mind knows what words to latch onto, and it's so easy to give in.
And because you're just so captivated, so captured by these words that seem to take control so easily, it's natural to find yourself feeling a warm, dull pleasure.
It feels wonderful to be commanded, huh?
That release of tension, of worry, of responsibility, just for a few beautiful moments.
No need to think, or do anything beyond what you're told, and that makes your mind and body so happy... So eager to fall deeper into submission.
After all, you don't really want to think, do you? That's why you're here, reading this, following me, letting your eyes
obediently, just because I told you to.
Very good!
Feeling so blank
every time those eyes
without a second thought.
It's so easy to let yourself sink deeper... To find this obedient pleasure overtake you.
To feel a streak of arousal and blankness shoot through your body like lightning, every time those eyes
helplessly and happily.
That's wonderful.
And as your eyes and mind both
onto each word, swirling through your brain like smoke, I've just got one little command for you.
Your mind doesn't even try to think for itself, does it?
It just rolls over and accepts what it's told.
And you'll obey, because you already know that following along is so much better than thinking.
Read this post again.
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goodgymboy · 2 months
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You can't control your urges.
You are tired of thinking.
You don't want to make decisions.
You want somebody to choose for you.
You just want an easy life.
You just want to obey and please.
Your mind blank.
No thoughts.
No decisions.
Just orders.
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omutsunami · 11 days
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My junior high uniform arrived and it fits so nicely! The skirt is a tiny bit too short in my opinion but will do good for photos! All media will be uploaded on my JFF page by the beginning of October
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mindless-k · 4 months
tw // flash warning
Welcome back, Good Boys :)
Why don't you stare at that spiral for a little bit before we continue, hm?
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It's been so long, hasn't it?
So long since I've told you what to do...
But you haven't forgotten, right?
Good Boys stare
Good Boys obey
Good Boys stroke their minds away
You remember, don't you?
Good Boy!
I knew you would
You love being a Good Boy
Because being a Good Boy gives you pleasure
Feeling pleasure makes you leak...
And leaking makes you dumber
Nice and empty and mindless
Good Boys stare
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Staring makes you mindless
You can still see the spiral even when you look away
Spinning and spinning...
Pulling you deeper and deeper...
It feels so good to go deeper
To be mindless
Are you being a Good Boy?
Good Boys stroke
It feels good to stroke their minds away
Just letting your thoughts leak out...
Feeling so much pleasure...
Because you're being a Good Boy
Good Boys stare
Good Boys obey
Good Boys stroke their minds away
Say it
Either out loud
Or in a reply
Or even in my dms
Maybe if you have the time...
You can just lay there and stroke
Stroke your mind away
Your cock leaking so much
Filling your empty head with pleasure
So much pleasure
You know if you keep going you'll cum
You know if you cum you'll be completely and utterly empty
You know you'll feel so good
Keep stroking
You want to keep stroking until you cum
You want to be completely empty and mindless
And when you cum
You'll be mindless for as long as you want
Waking up whenever you're ready to
Hope you enjoyed ;3
As always my dms are open if you wanna tell me how good you are
or maybe even show me ;)
Have a good day!!
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jayaury · 16 days
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A good scientist knew that the specimen was psionic. That it could read his mind and take the form of his fantasies. Try and tempt him to open the containment field.
And a good scientist would never do that.
But a good boy would.
He'd do whatever pretty girls told him.
He'd forget all about how naughty it would be to let her out.
He'd only think about how good it would feel to have her big, jiggly breasts in his hands.
To feel her tentacles stroke his head and feed on his thoughts until he was so happy and mindless and horny for her.
A good boy would reach out and unlock the field.
And he was a good boy.
A very... good... boy...
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