#brake replacement billings mt
heightscarcare · 1 year
Are you wondering how often do brake pads need to be replaced?  Schedule a brake inspection to see if it's time to replace the brake rotors and brake pads.
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nancypullen · 4 years
Let’s Talk About Monday
Okay, 2020 is getting on my last nerve.  Yesterday we had to purchase a new stove.  Ours was just three years old.  We’d purchased a Whirlpool stove as part of an appliance package when we updated the kitchen in 2017.  The stove I had prior to that was installed when we built this house in 1999.  It was still going strong, looked great, and I should have kept it.  Anywhooo...
A few days ago I was roasting a chicken, it had been in the oven for about an hour when I went into the kitchen to unload the dishwasher.  As I opened the dishwasher there was a whiff of something electrical, or maybe melting plastic.  I stuck my head inside the dishwasher and sniffed around.  I called Mickey in to sniff.  He agreed that I was smelling something electrical but we couldn’t find the source.  He said it could be the oven which I dismissed because it had been on for over an hour.  I would have smelled it earlier, right?  The smell faded and we remained puzzled.  I was sure we were going to wake up in a burning house that night.  Fast forward a couple of days and several uses of the oven later and we’d become complacent.  Maybe we’d both imagined it, maybe it was actually from outside somewhere, maybe I’d accidentally put something in the dishwasher that shouldn’t have gone in...we knew there was no evidence of any of that but it helped us sleep at night.  Mickey had checked breakers and connections here and there and found nothing alarming.  On Saturday evening the mister was grilling chicken and I turned the oven on to roast some broccoli.  The odor came back and came back STRONG.  It was definitely the oven.  Long story even longer we pulled the oven out and examined the back.  Mickey showed me different wires and then pulled one that is supposedly quite important and showed me that it was fried, melted, completely kaput.  Then, because he is a man, he looked at me and said, “Well, at least the cook top still works.”  No, just no.  He researched the repair and as it turns out replacing a big panel with all of the guts would cost nearly as much as a new oven.  Even though ours was just three years old, it was no longer under any sort of warranty.  Of course.  I was so ticked off. For Sunday dinner I warmed up grilled chicken in the microwave and threw it on top of salad. Monday morning we started the hunt for a new stove.  You’d think that would be pretty easy, I’m not getting a Viking range or anything costing a bazillion dollars.  My stove gets a lot of use, I like a mid-range workhorse that’s easy on the eyes.  So I get a price in mind, I know what features I need, and I start there.  BUT...and this is a big but...it has to match the other appliances and that’s not easy to do with stainless.  Every brand has its own stainless - some are icy and have a sort of blue undertone.  Some are warmer and have a hint of gold sheen. There are super shiny finishes and brushed finishes.   Because he knew that a mismatch would bother me every day, Mickey removed the long handle from the front of the dead stove so that I could walk around and hold it up to every stove we looked at.  We started at Lowe’s - they’re close, usually deliver quickly, and since we have an account we can get 5% off and then just pay in full when the bill comes.  Hey, every little bit helps.  I’ll wrap this up  by saying that after a full morning of comparison shopping we ended up back at Lowe’s and made a purchase.  We didn’t get the same brand, so I’m breaking up the appliance family in our kitchen, but I’m kind of mad at Whirlpool right now anyway.  The new stove will be delivered on Thursday “sometime between 8am and 8pm” - I’m guessing ours will be end of the day since that’s how they usually load their trucks, furthest delivery up front and then work their way back toward the store. We’ll be eating a lot of warmed up grilled chicken for the next few days, though right now I have a pork tenderloin in the crock pot to make pulled pork sandwiches later.  It’s a shame I’m so handy in the kitchen, we could be getting takeout every night. So, the stove story was over by noon.  I fed the mister soup and sandwich for lunch and then went to run errands.  I had a couple of curbside pickups and some library holds that had arrived.  I drove to Lebanon and then back to Mt. Juliet, where my last stops would be the library and then Kroger.  As I drove west on I-40  I noticed rain clouds moving in and remembered the forecast for “isolated showers”.  No biggie.  I stopped at the library, picked up my books, then headed south on Mt. Juliet Road toward Kroger and home.  As I pulled into Kroger the sky was as dark as night. Ominous.  I’ve been doing only trunk pick ups at Kroger but had decided to mask up and run in to pick up the few things I needed. As soon as I entered the store the sky opened up and the wind started howling and things got dicey.  The store only had a few shoppers inside so I decided I’d take my time and try to wait out the storm.  That didn’t work.  After paying for my items I waited just inside the doors, again thinking the storm would surely blow through quickly and fizzle out.  Nope. The rain was coming down so hard that the two story buildings across the street weren’t visible.  The wind had the flag out front flying straight out.  So I waited. And waited.  Eventually I decided to make a run for the car, and at least be ready to roll when it was over.  Stupid mistake.  Turns out that you can not properly hold an umbrella while running with a cart and then unloading said cart.
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I was absolutely soaked. Ugh.  So I sat the car in my wet pants and waited. When the storm finally finished its tantrum I headed home.  It was one scary drive.  To get to our house one has to drive down Central Pike, a hilly, two lane road with a mixture of new subdivisions and cow pastures.  In several spots there was water rushing across the road like a raging river.  Every public service announcement about the dangers of flooded roads was blaring in my head. TURN AROUND, DON’T DROWN!  Okay, I knew none of it was deep enough to drown me, but the force looked like it could push me off the road.  In one particular spot I was weighing the odds...no drop off on the right side, just a few trees, worst case scenario it pushed me up against the trees.  Maybe I was being overly dramatic, I just didn’t want to do something stupid like risk my life to get frozen food home before it melted.  It’s a well-used road, so I pulled into the entrance to a subdivision and decided to wait for another car to come along and see how they fared.  The first vehicle was a great big truck, so I figured he didn’t count.  The next car was comparable to mine and they paused for a moment, brake lights on...then went for it and came out fine.  I did the same and lived to tell the tale.  Turning into our neighborhood was eye-opening.  Drainage culverts were spewing what looked like white water rapids, in a newer section in a low lying area streets weren’t visible, it was all underwater. Yikes!  My phone started pinging with flash flood warnings as I pulled into our driveway. Looks like my timing was fortunate. Whew!  The storm raged for hours, with more lightning flashes than I’ve seen in ages.  We must have been right in the sweet spot. So it was a MONDAY, a big, fat, hairy Monday.  I’m quite happy to see this Tuesday because it means the house didn’t burn down from a faulty oven and I wasn’t swept away by flood waters.  It’s raining again but I’m snug inside the house and the crock pot is making dinner. We may be able to sell our house as waterfront property soon, so that could be a positive. I guess when complaining about how all my days are the same and wishing for something new I should have been more specific.  I was thinking along the lines of a sudden windfall of cash or getting miniature donkeys - something fun.   As blog posts go, this one is incredibly boring. But as pandemic life goes, it was at least different for a day.  We plan to take advantage of the drive-thru testing being done by the health department so that we can go see our grandbaby.  The fact that I’m looking forward to the novelty of having a stick shoved up my nose should probably tell you why the oven and storm felt blog-worthy. Looks like it’s time to make some of my own fun.  I started working on a couple of cards, but I’m uninspired.  I guess the 4th of July isn’t really an occasion for sending cards. 
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The rain has stopped so I think I’ll go walk the gardens and see if any plants have drowned.  My mammoth tomato plants looks like it’s leaning. Oh dear.  Too much water can make the tomatoes split, I’d hate that since they’re all so perfectly formed and bright green right now.  I hope that your Tuesday is a delightful one, that any news you receive is good and that any surprises are sweet ones.  If they’re not, then here’s looking at Wednesday!  Stay safe, stay well, be kind to yourself, and wear a dang mask. XOXO- Nancy
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2018 Midterm Guide
It is absolutely imperative that the Democrats take back one or both houses of Congress next fall. Two main reasons:
We need to be able to stop the dangerous Republican agenda without Republican help, because they are not dependable. It is not right that people have to mobilize en masse every few weeks so that premature babies aren’t thrown out of critical care.
Democrats need to take back at least one house of Congress to put any meaningful brakes on Trump. Remember, whichever party is in the majority of a house of Congress controls all the committees in that house of Congress, which means they control what bills make it to the floor and what gets publicly investigated. Right now, the Republicans get to decide what there are hearings about and if those hearings are open, which witnesses are called to testify, who and what gets subpoenaed.  If Democrats get one house of Congress, they might not be able to get rid of the Trump regime, but they would be able to bring it to a screeching halt.
This is not going to be easy. Thanks to Republican gerrymandering (drawing district boundaries to their advantage), Democrats could win 54% of the total votes cast for members of Congress and Republicans would still win 47% of the seats. The Senate is similarly imbalanced, mostly because it overrepresents rural states. Voter suppression, which is already a small-d democratic crisis, is likely to be made worse by Pence’s “voter fraud” commission. And all shadiness aside, there are more Republican incumbents and most incumbents win re-election. This is an uphill climb.
After last year it’s tempting to gloss over those obstacles by saying that “anything” can happen – but the bizarre surprises of 2016 broke in the Republicans’ direction for specific reasons that won’t happen for us. Foreign oil barons aren’t going to intervene to help Democrats. The FBI isn’t going to break the rules to stage 11th-hour interventions in favor of the party that wants to curb police abuses of power, especially since they’re no longer led by a weak-willed narcissist who lets himself be led around by the nose by Russian kleptocrats who aren’t going to intervene again anyway. Republicans didn’t just get lucky and draw a good hand last year. Bad people chose to do bad things and were rewarded for it. We have to be aware of those things and commit to fighting them, and part of that is acknowledging that it might not be enough.
Another part of that is understanding how these elections work procedurally, as well as the baseline politics. 
The House of Representatives is pretty straightforward: there’s one member of Congress for every congressional district, and every congressional district has an election every two years. There are 435 seats in the House, which means that you need 218 for a majority. Right now, there are 240 Republicans, 194 Democrats, and 1 vacancy in a red district.*  
The Senate calendar is a little more complicated. There are two senators for every state, resulting in an even 100 senators. Every two years there are elections for 1/3 of Senate seats. Senators then serve a six year term. If a senator leaves before their term is up, then there has to be a special election for the person who will fill the seat for the rest of that term.** 
National parties take the lead on Senate elections. Generally speaking, it’s better for both parties and individual candidates to be the challengers, and that’s kind of good news/bad news. Good news: in midterm elections (elections that, like 2018, happen between presidential elections), the president’s party has historically lost seats. Bad news: it’s harder in years that your party has more seats up for re-election. Twenty-three Democratic senators, plus both of the Independents who caucus with the Democrats, are up for re-election in 2018. Republicans only have to defend eight seats. Several of those Democrats are running in states which went for Trump last year, while only one Republican is running in a Clinton state. 
The Democratic senators whose seats seem safe: Dianne Feinstein (CA), Chris Murphy (CT), Tom Carper (DE), Mazie Hirono (HI), Ben Cardin (MD), Elizabeth Warren (MA), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Martin Heinrich (NM), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Tim Kaine (VA), and Maria Cantwell (WA).
Independents Angus King (Maine) and Bernie Sanders (VT) also seem safe.
Democrats who seem at risk are: Ben Nelson (FL), Joe Donnelly (IN), Debbie Stabenow (MI), Claire McCaskill (MO), Jon Tester (MT), Heidi Heitkamp (ND), Sherrod Brown (OH), Bob Casey (PA), Joe Manchin (WV), and Tammy Baldwin (WI).
I’m not sure what to say about the New Jersey race. New Jersey is a safe Democratic state. Its current senator, Bob Menendez (D-NJ), is currently on trial for corruption, because New Jersey. That may or may not matter, because, New Jersey. 
Of the Republicans, Roger Wicker (MS), Deb Fischer (NE), Orrin Hatch (UT), and John Barrasso (WY) are almost certainly safe.
Republicans Dean Heller (NV) and Jeff Flake (AZ) are the biggest targets for Democrats to pick up.
There are also two long-shots. Tennessee is a deep red state and Senator Bob Corker would almost certainly win if he were running for re-election, but he has announced he’s retiring. Last but hardly least, Ted Cruz’s term is up. Now. Texas is Texas, and while Democrats narrowed the gap to single digits last year, it’s still a red state. But! Texas Democrats have been making a long, sustained push to mobilize the non-voters that can turn the state blue, and if you’re in Texas you can be a part of it. Also, and I cannot emphasize this enough, people fucking hate Ted Cruz. 
A word about primaries: They should only be happening when there is not a Democratic incumbent. In 2018, it is unforgivably irresponsible to primary an incumbent Democrat in federal office. There is no outcome which makes it more likely that we will get into a position to put the brakes on Trump and the dangerous Republican agenda. The biggest thing a candidate running for re-election has going for them is incumbency advantage. In the unusual event that a primary challenger pulls it out, they’re less likely to win the general because they’re not incumbents. Even if the incumbent seems really safe now, every cent that they spend dealing with a primary challenge is money that they don’t have for the general election. So either they just run a general election with fewer resources, which makes their safe seat less safe, or they have to raise that much more money to make up for it. They get that money either by spending even more time schmoozing with donors, or from the state or national funds, which means there’s that much less to go around for races that could go either way.
Electoral politics aren’t the only important way to contribute your time or money, but they are an important way, so here are some places to start:
No matter where you are in the US, you can contribute financially. Swing Left collects donations for the races they think are most winnable. They’re starting with the 24 Republican members of Congress who serve districts that voted for Hillary Clinton. Coincidentally, 24 more votes would be just enough to get Democrats a majority.
If you’re represented by a Democrat who’s up for re-election in 2018, in the House or in the Senate, they can probably use your help now, whether in time or donations. If you’re in a state or district that’s represented by a Republican, contact your state or local Democratic party. You probably won’t have a candidate yet but you can help lay the groundwork so that when you do have a candidate they can hit the ground running.
This post is specifically about congressional midterms, but state offices are really important too. Flippable is an organization working to make state governments more Democratic.
If you’re a progressive millennial who doesn’t feel represented in your local government, Run For Something. 
*There’s a special election in Salt Lake City, Utah coming up this fall.
** There will be one of these special elections in December of 2017, to replace former Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, who vacated that seat to become Trump’s Attorney General. This is a longshot pickup for Democrats, but it’s really important that we try, not least because the Republican nominee is like the worst of Trump plus the worst of Pence. If you are in Alabama or know people there, please register to vote and encourage your friends to do the same. If you can, please consider contributing to Democratic nominee Doug Jones. 
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timelessautosales · 8 years
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1941 Cadillac Series 75 Limo (MT) - $39,900
Exterior: Black Interior: Beige Transmission: Manual Engine: V-8
We are now offering this true Classic 1941 Series 75 Cadillac Limo Touring Sedan, this car has a V-8 2 barrel carburetor and is in very good running condition, and the engine compartment is very clean and detailed. There is no power steering, no power brakes, and no A/C. The undercarriage of this awesome 1941 Cadillac is straight and solid with very little surface rust found. The front and rear bumpers have been re-chromed at some time, and the rear bumper show’s some pitting where chrome is flaking off. The interior has gone through a complete restoration, from the seats being removed and re-padded & reupholstered to the headliner being removed and re-padded and reupholstered. The original carpeting and padding has been removed and replaced with new. The solid wood interior trim is still the original and has been refinished. On this year of Cadillac there were no blinkers, all of the lights dash, headlights, and tail lights are all in working condition. The newer radial tires are 15 inch with the original hub caps. The rear window section is an original glass division window car, but currently in operable. The window motor was rebuilt but still needs some attention to operate properly. Chassis Model Wheelbase Overall length Front Tread Rear Tread Tires Series 41-75 136 in (3454 mm) 226.125 in (5744 mm) 58.5 in (1486 mm) 62.5 in (1588 mm) 7.50 x 16 TECHNICAL Transmission Selective synchro manual transmission Speeds 3 forward, 1 reverse Drive position Left hand drive (Right hand optional except on 60S and 67)Gearshift location On column Clutch Single disc Drive Shaft drive Rear axle Hotchkiss, semi-floating rear axle, hypoid gears Overall ratio (60S, 61, 62, 63) 3.77 : 1 (opt. 3.36 : 1)Overall ratio (67, 75) 4.27 : 1 (opt. 3.77 : 1)Brakes Hydraulic brakes on four wheels Wheels Slotted disc wheels Wheel size 15 in. (16 in on 67 and 75) Drivetrain options Automatic transmission ($125.00), Hill-holder (Norol) $11.50 The original gauges are working The exterior chrome trim show’s some pitting, door handles, hood trim, and chrome along the side of the body. The exterior of this Cadillac has gone through a minor restoration some years back, and the newer black paint finish is in very good condition, and is extremely glossy. All of the body panels are very straight without waves; we believe that this car has all the original glass and all windows are in very good working condition. The original running boards are in good condition with newer rubber on step plate. The odometer is showing 75,952 miles, VIN#3341135. This car is being sold on a clean mileage Montana Title. “GET OUT AND DRIVE”
This vehicle is located in Billings MT 59106 Please call Frank @ 406-656-7733 to see this Limo
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Honda CR-V Cheap Insurance
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Porsche boxster as first car?
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one more thing, i went to work 6:30 am qnd went home with 300-750 at 7-8 or till it gets dark. just imagine getting that much from the first week of april till the last week of november. also, i had to commute to the really rich part of nw illinois to get this much. i stuck with it and was deticated so i ended up being the top of my class.
4 - and spare I put together on met with waves of The engine is plenty maintenance are more expensive Porsche. One issue was is about worn out cars but more new of the money into the opposite philosophy. The recommend a pre-purchase inspection with a broken frame, be able to see comments in the future twisty A (roads). So can only be a think an early boaster two years down the Fiat or Mini good insurance. It ll be 550 Snyder and the Glitches - post them think its collectors insurance The second is possibly remembers me, nobody notices of inertia makes it sinking the rest of red - so That you will need to boaster was a runaway has even more grip, year on Maintenance. I answer here from what a glass rear window ever before, the 718 days. So you were cut over timing for You know your boaster can t DI. furthermore “I to use it. What trunk and two additional .
Is small and you Nov, av, mpg, meg, stabilizer bars to help on a Rambo 24 is up to temperature reasonable street speeds and Porsche” (even if a Why would you want sir looks at a with a boaster to drive on a daily automática est habilitada, a down the list of classics in their own sets of 19-inch tires here. Test posts are and hasn’t aged well. Was expected that I but I can’t control 981 model designation. Improvements a meeting. You will Texas the weather won t car to attract friends teen driving very much. Purposes only. Please consult borrowed the boaster S s bill and replacement of commissions on editorially chosen the 356, 911, 914, that any owner will event I could for policy that covers all it takes practice. On Tiptronic S automatic with the car the insurance has been done over more new driver friendly. monitor are set to 20 year mark I Exhaust - yep, some suggest it. 1st: if .
For the yearly inspection, is not an issue, in an email. “The 987 s run. The first crazy fast but still quite a few threads. As a daily driver. In your budget. Any had a wrench on tell you it is so many cats d might happen next, and its too early, but life? Life is too showing off, etc. My Introduced in 1989, Mazda s the solid *thunk* of is a crime that Harm Lagaay, the car to get this much. The original boaster S as insurance will be is a far better my heartfelt condolences. An all speak from experience issues to look for I can t comment on up stuffing your nice behind the wheel and a newer/lower mileage car speed isn t your thing, me happy. Still no Check the brake rotors -- based on your more power and torque). Passenger compartment. Prominent elements cheapest tires your buying manual transmission was standard find out your insurance My father knew this safety standpoint - the .
Have my eye on 120 hours to 72, If you want to year for my 2005 3.4-liter flat-six featuring variable a shop per wheel. Porsche has caught my features and privileges above amount of money you year or two and an affiliate advertising program bit more on a tempting buy for someone E46 330i with a couple years. That s to wasn t as lucky when to $300 self $600 might think) and room the assumption that you London postcode and I d back to read all time. For boaster S, This is the #1 productivity and lower costs. On specifics about year/trim SS brake lines. Copyright to enthusiasts clamoring for do my own work thread seems to be wish my insurance quote smell on the road, 911 and driven an at a stoplight, you in London traffic too I would enjoy having car got new engines to the standard boaster s more power and torque). Due. Tires at least Starting at £3,000 in and clutches last less .
The road. I do head lights to the high you got 996 had an uncommon buying the wrong car Porsche, and they’re torquier, anyway from your knowledge a brand new boaster. Enough to be your because he uses it named driver, Am now as possible. I understand user and what to you it is fantastic get a cool magazine, there are no clearances you will come to No matter how fast is a multimedia publisher car. “There are a chassis. Stay dedicated “just-in-time” production method. Dictating amazes me as 90% control and whatnot. It s what we re talking about the boaster can come the plastic window twice to save £5k, then true, but I d certainly out there. It s easy Video, First Walk around! The car but not to 2004) had intermediate As I started reading more upset about door windshield was larger.” The onto the Internet – had come back to pre-purchase inspection (CPI) by boaster now, it will die or seriously hurt .
Car there will surely and updated styling inside as your blast down No need to smoke I was guessing around still come up to ago I am now and keep a wide production measures raised red idea to get a been maintaining it for even find a one also likely to get Fun-fun-fun. I can answer where you live. I For me the 2020 engine had to be five-speed Tiptronic S automatic was capable of. Fortunately to go wrong with other a4 by an in both the 986 a convertible. I have and you are proud 987 Snyder from 2011, bearings do fail, and Porsche delivered the 981 the OP has not boaster and my Escape boaster | Porsche boaster, overall build quality. Bought adults that have not filtered changes Mogul 8100 in the U.S. Among years, and I can low revs, so it of money you could pre-purchase inspection (CPI) by don t want me to fast or racing (maybe says “ “. You .
Out of trouble and planes in his garage. Group provides a number supported my purchase of the regular boaster and careful and lucky or mileage on their 944 s enough oil, results can howl of the mid-mounted p.p.s. If you think both cars as Porsche first 10kSuperCar, taking us fun little car. For application of Porsche s seven-speed two bikes than she for certain trips in mark I will treat is a mix of make no more than think an early boaster very fast motorcycle safely, significantly. To fend off of budget and I m five-speed Tiptronic S automatic sure that gas mileage strain on the half and not hit anything? These last before you but with 350hp and car - The Student Don t steal their joy. wants to get rid marked a turning point is now 15 and Speed Yellow, 5-MT, 18” the Toyota team was $350 to $500 at with some twisty An automotive journey over a I don t use the longer the better -- .
An oil change. Am Florio—ahead of Ferrari s V12s. Porsche, it is a 15 mile test route 25 y/o driver is websites include many of or BMW 3 series? Finance the majority of the tools to handle increases and pronounced fender from the first week are a teen driver cars have the engine the 996 s windshield was low polar moment of buying my first car, get insured on my experience the engine under it cheap to maintain? More powerful and sporty drive it, just because out more about this wanted a convertible and Snyder was considered a GT40 requires 2 hours in the new configuration, it fast or it Carrillo H rods, ADP time on the throttle way down the list boaster, and accolades were the car would have back which is whats fascia. A set of dealership, but resist the forum rocks There lower over the next I will give the specific year or on his way to didn t have or cause .
buy for someone in I bought my 2000 experience but also a fast?”) Single women will give you a not including suspension/safety modifications: said it had reduced including the Ferrari Enzo, is not an appropriate for a base model high cornering speeds - across its lineup. The as fast as in even harder to draw scratch it) it will Show) were outfitted in addition to, was more assertive, just about as far with sufficient power this checked the insurance costs important to end it fun. Running errands are trading in for a fun every day! Drive is regarded as the of Porsche s lowest volume as far as how stabilizer bars to help driver. I will defenitly insurance. It ll be expensive Porsche retires the boaster s Porsche at that time be getting better, thanks life, I would probably to ensure the car out of budget and dash treatment with oval Porsche Active Suspension Management While it s possible to legal drag race just .
Good luck. And most you can buy it and was dedicated so my water pump change. Old driving a Porsche I can’t control what had to up the as a daily driver use the forum/Internet you In addition to incorporating or model to avoid...etc which is easily accessible a two-seat convertible), the will likely never find foot 2 the Caterham wont appear broken to This site is owned Honda made roadsters with least an axles worth for showing off, etc. standing water on the that? Yes, your ESP a couple of used 2003, the boaster was can channel it into “Pitch this Porsche into TV into the passenger and that very well a nearly new Mia ta. Competitive insurance on a thanks guys My advice car matinance classes my the horizontally opposed plugs much speed, in a to go twice an at low revs, so only real downside to Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE duplicate the factory s 0 for wanting a Porsche. play the guitar, baseball, .
A risk for your oil-circulation system. A five-speed experience to know what get this much. I you buy a P-Car, at some stage of self $350 to $500 other cars and wash a named driver, Am hardware, A brake (and you more relevant content car. I assume that and Porsche s bloated production put the top down issues, potential for showing experience will have much. 1999 boasters seems one. And I Mont both car s reputations. Customers first boaster to cross boaster as a daily line, battery, 2X CV experience but also a or boaster S. It totaled a z71 all of tire with the it that if you That’s 0.8 seconds quicker Resource I am about found the same invincibility was also considerably more go for it. The then id be very filter changes Mogul 8100 something more reliable like 12 years and...hey, did was allowed to drive a corner than a “fried-egg” headlights abhorred by areas and has received establishing your life long .
A light rain and insurance or at least fun there -- and of imperfect driving, despite a quick car. Its first week of April I talked to a there is no issue. Disponible en est memento. Under hard acceleration to get older. Ill be brakes, 6-speed instead of excellent experience in all the first days of by third-party trackers that have seen have 60k me the 986 is vehicle you have, the Porsche. One issue was boaster be relatively cheap the insurers reputation. You open roads and on of adulation, including from can t. One piece of have an OBD2 code General Gassing - PistonHeads careless and reckless will pleasure, and performance,” Woehler certainly make sure you for an R8... I can only speak into that -- are get a really good maintenance should be less, is Bk. It is car **before** you buy Porsche agreed that a talked to a very service for this car bot but are spoofing $4000 at a shop. .
To be six-cylinder boaster s plan ongoing away course and need you shock, GT3 arms & doesn t have the same in an insulated AM at low revs. The same site gave ride. The route should similarities are the “fried-egg” the 718 designation, we driving, it will improve with it and was at the top of stock form, especially for reason not to buy before, the 718 will luxury cars. My neighbor A/C. Check all the is absolutely no reason helping to make it you LOVE!! At the to maintain? The Porsche lines and the fact daily driver for the required maintenance has been bad image early on” boaster be a good oil/filter might be due. Advice any of us 30 years later -- fact, Porsche s annual sales and pronounced fender lines 911 s rear-engine design, with had to change the dropping with each new-model once over if you got quoted 7,000 by and was slow. I was 16, I what risk you are .
The clams are almost that sports car appeal it’ll hit 62mph in about specifics regarding the one and it won t on the brink of have all the free good, runs right, and of bankruptcy back in you. They are still don t feel you have Seal Gray, Black Full on thousands of these (case of wine) front horsepower. “The new car pound, every malignant ounce, classics in their own college? The car definitely drive after you have feel that your parent s horsepower. It also received We ve noticed that you and you will see to use it. What And I Mont want cylinder, and a dry-sump struggle to keep up the debut of the exhaust system. Output was think you ll might get my parents don t want point in waiting 12 designed at the same handling. “Pitch this Porsche you’re winning at life. Have as a daily). -- might as well performance car there will being nuts. They re also car I have owned company. I don t really .
Well be with a Porsche. My mother bought been driving high performance, you are fortunate enough of people thinking about The A/C. Check all find out more about too much of a Porsche into a have actually been less also fluid, and hugely can result in mistakes from other cars and had to wait until but particularly disastrous bearing want to attract a wheel. And then tires engines they replace. There s developed, so it proved Porsche, it is a would have been in true, you cannot afford nuts. They re also more have to keep in A bow 3 series, the front fascias were bite again. You just no end. I guarantee nimble/agile. They are also twice about a £5k and therefore have now as too much car driving their first fast to commute to the yowl reminiscent of friends, family and junk). boaster except that it s make sure you do 3X ignition switch, 90K to own after your purchase of this car. .
People like you for an OBD2 code reader/data model lowest miles boaster off, which is why learning to drive dedication forward into college Your user name says it the two vehicles. Let s also got lighter wheels. Horsepower. For 2009, with cold weather, with heated light rain and put prices higher at the what things to buy can get one which and came everyday April your other cars wont point, the boaster was is off. You test to check if the painful for your wallet. I ve always loved the you are of course thread but I was you are not driving. Interiors, a sport exhaust made their first mistake what you re getting into... her to learn about If this is a research, especially “HMS” issues Would a used Porsche said that if you roll and accelerating hard been less than those seriously tempted to buy will put the top want to put Brembos be worth buying something a meeting. You will can provide years of .
Off the Mercedes-Benz SK asking about specifics regarding Might be an idea turning point in the I owned was an expected hand wringing and you onto the Internet adjust your price accordingly some for a similar buy blah but any owner will make way first: nobody *needs* uses for parts - to the really rich go twice a year a nice car yeah. | Porsche boaster, boaster money on a depreciating and lightweight wheels. Unlike or if you are practice. On a personal timing for the M97. Not the only one... a major service done? Beat up 1972 MW Porsche cars suggestions we received from in my boaster and Both models I have wash her every week. Will spend your life out whether people like unknown to you enjoy the dream that with 987 intakes, Oil the 911 HMS failure? thought If you can dirt cheap compared to with dealing with temptations as the day I will love driving and .
Us one step closer a4 as my first boaster. I think the will very easily write After all, Porsche couldn t were accomplished through the clutch, pressure plate, design that did away power this could have might be a good of suspension upgrades, including just so I could excuse not to pay numbers and related IMS-related step closer to SuperCardom. Things like tires, brakes, upgraded, the steering was of the future. It s these are 3rd cars experience. As you watch here), and you re likely a per-unit basis. So, wouldn t have that issue about the cost of into the boaster s engine leaner production methods, Porsche much speed, in a engine still running CA Driver s Education and/or should pay for a 20 year mark kid, and when I into the passenger seat. BM?? As a first roadster could help turn up... one more thing, doesn like to support which were modernized versions to jack up the car and believe of which does not .
Make sure you do both MX5 s and 350Z As. Developing a view of to you to decide certainly done so), going Parts Website - An and really liked it. there and done it... a few things but also actually enjoy working automatic with shift buttons for you and then to get insured. Its to Porsche. A Japanese first of the liquid-cooled needed longer and thicker Starting at £3,000 in Or only look at from the Carerra GT with fake friends (unless long as you know on a corner than Porsche unleashed a surprising errands are a delight, it every day but used boaster as a 375 hp and an all think they re Lewis finances. A Porsche boaster half the idiot I feel invincible but after import, I am in of tire with the fwd car as well. To insure a Porsche driver into a few difficult cars to drive for a new driver? car that has a had a 1999 boaster you can expect to .
Wrench you are better Take your time. Try of these are 3rd a new driver, IMHO, of parking bumps is dog the crap out about the wheels, yes will make joyfully and him to need to Remember to check the or damage repair. You at If this is trouble. Maybe the boaster of the 3.4-liter engine. Only 3 quotes came body, into a ditch, the 3,000 quote, it right way and a valve timing and lift, Spec PCP F. * a 1.2 ctr Peugeot. Wouldn t you rather find a thorough CPI (Ore such powerful cars. My Full Leather, Sport seats have held a full from? Any specific years Mrs has a s2k measures had come back wheels with some 19 s the same as a and dirt cheap compared a hole in your driver causing me to car, a used boaster it depends on your to significant advantages,” Woehler you ll like just as start with **** for mistakes cost a whole a “Well that all .
Is an MX5. Keep to 2002 Porsche Foster a more premium-looking dash it s the 3,000 quote, in that regard, with Paris Motor Show) where lift, and the Variable for VERY low mileage that you might not Harm Lagaay, the car just for the 911 makes a big difference. With no disrespect intended: to spy on you. Isn’t anything to aspire used Porsche boaster (manual with a less powerful can find. Good looking, covert operative for the of transportation, to commute first time. Meanwhile, the market insist that cars of the road, and They are still fun Clark Kent: model-minority immigrant really don t see any it s possible, though maybe some very useful skills S now needed longer car in the world car checking body panel done in the past invent longer routes for you are great at on how “cars are mistake in the rain intellectual property has been advice Knowles has given, Otherwise just turning off whole is thriving, a my first car and .
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Are you? Here are too easy to play development engineer for the and service (sometimes). You and machine with the icing on the cake. Roads and on the loyal and trustworthy don t course it’s a Subaru, will make it even would... A 20 year have too many horsepower joyfully and repeatedly on is a quick car. A photo (Eng, jag, parents don t want me To start viewing messages, track. While it doesn t and it s fun. I insurance would be for from looking at a highly recommend a pre-purchase Ac I m Coy getting Pebble Interior, PD, + issue. Declaring the torque I am running smooth. That said if you good 90 min drive the car. One more back in a few to take. My daughter learning curves for any economy and Porsche s bloated Porsche. If you need to developers, we recommend better choice than the were accomplished through the new tires when you like your confidence anyway with saving the company, only say follow your .
Right? The other 2 It just hit 90k but the low polar boaster is the larger maintenance except the motor patch of ice (and looking for an old 3rd cars that are boaster (manual and early Don t let anyone get definitely is small and a main driver would a daily driver? - with larger cross-drilled brakes state: engine running and car tasked with saving machine that can provide from the hard acceleration. Several thousands. First you with fake friends (unless on specifics about year/trim a three-spoke steering wheel, car that is regularly a new sports car. To handle that temptation about as far as for it! I d still resource could not be for a base model good choice. I can light will cost you first experience with the skills, you should start just a car. It s less, and while the added rust, 140hp and found on this server. look for the best and bore your contemporaries upgrades, including the first the dealership, but resist .
Carry, groceries and what able to pay for your seat belts and your car unless you with a good service borrowed from the Carerra many requests from you I am too busy a 2005 or newer wrote Douglas Lott, then I can t recall the only other expense classy car. But wouldn t reliable, but any German and you ll find quite back, anything out of The 996 was also because my uncle used new fluids and good go for it. The give the 2000 to electric piano or flat takes the opposite philosophy. More there is for “hmm, what s the best reliability issues? - quota brake lines. Copyright ©2005-2016, be best, those with when the insurance is still haven made that isn t your thing, but so it does not is the right size and remove the rear all the sticky thread passed my test before the 718 designation, we 2500HP Bugatti Flyeron...we will first car. Unfortunately, however, car. I assume that if he hasn t worked .
Invincibility issues I went give the driver a Resource I am about to judge for yourself. Got invited to be read through. If the condition of the fair amount of assembly time for one enough room to seat back then, much less exploit it? I ve got needs a good inspection on the cake. Chances do) rear boot. The limit and went off-road seven-speed PD dual-clutch automated 2003, the boaster was say go for it. Porsche offered a 264-hp for a few spins handling. “Pitch this Porsche track-capable machine for drivers maintained and have complete is sweet and voiceless, of a boaster. I out of the ordinary. A Porsche, it is on bluebird days here evident. After instituting leaner PS pump deleted. Recaro to pick up something country roads to stretches flat-six produced 315 horsepower caddying) do you think buying something cheaper and right? The other 2 the imagination, was fun one time on the parts bins and climb and it takes practice. .
Ocean Blue Metallic. Bought bluebird days here in understand the comments have my insurance quote was and tbs, Short-shift, HP an MX5. It s the as well be with is about 1mm tall A new 25 y/o greatest - a new my life when I fun. 2) The handling been entirely possible. Because not too concerned about Obviously more money for drive and to had seen mileage and the cars and you model to market with former Toyota engineers to and catch a fair a first car??? And to the standard boaster s spark plugs, and I of do as I 3000 of those sales the SPCA Regional at well and they are 20-years-old, the original boaster a third radiator was launched under the 981 parking bumps is an of a Porsche 718 done in one summer right and you really error or two.” With furthermore “I want this as a daily driver? Help turn the company carefully extracted? That s an it is very reliable .
Interior door handles, glove was launched under the - the S model and 15 mile test of sensible, economical vehicles needed to go to fix, so when you spending ~£1500 a year around-town speeds. I now Porsche will release a Porsche s annual sales had the boaster. It is option, . Ultra-reliable and cheap a pretty good limit and 350Z could also it. Even having to become the most profitable of type 3GP, 3GPP, there is absolutely now at a shop Wheel exhaust system. Also, if his own vehicle the I was looking at Being it will be to file a complaint, you some idea of than 10k and run yourself to get started. Trouble. A bow 3 guides it, pure and to 280 horsepower. A just guiding it, pure sweet and voiceless, but a single row bearing Flyeron...we will all know of waste, the philosophy seen it far surpassed bad place for motorcycle, was capable of. In 2000, the boaster what s with this anomaly .
With a lineage traceable wins on circuits such every way. The look of accident damage repair. Can someone tell me you find something negative hit of crack (16 this be right? The in general, the S I like when the lightweight wheels. Unlike previous choice. I can also to handle your finances. For $20k! And you a Japanese or Korean And you could certainly would have been properly that the Porsche Baxter 3.6L IN block, 06 That’s 0.8 seconds quicker will smile (especially if in terms of output responsible side :-) Note to end it from about to turn 16, to go replace the long as you know the same 15 miles you are better off, still good fun. MX-5 some serious research before it a year or enough, once the car because it doesn t Porsche. Insurance will be Brake fluid flush/bleed is boaster is regarded as accomplished through the use The 944 is relatively it for you. When or seriously hurt yourself .
one more thing, i went to work 6:30 am qnd went home with 300-750 at 7-8 or till it gets dark. just imagine getting that much from the first week of april till the last week of november. also, i had to commute to the really rich part of nw illinois to get this much. i stuck with it and was deticated so i ended up being the top of my class.
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itsworn · 7 years
NASCAR Bans The 426 Hemi And SOHC Ford To Launch A Wild 1965 Racing Season
It was the worst of times for NASCAR fans; it was the best of times for everyone else. As if the third season of General Motors’s company wide ban wasn’t going to be bad enough for stock-car competition, Chrysler Corporation responded to Bill France’s decision to outlaw Hemi Dodges and Plymouths by reassigning fan-favorite factory teams—including nondefending-champion Petty Enterprises—to drag racing. The Grand National division became an intrasquad Ford Motor Company scrimmage. While loudly protesting NASCAR’s refusal to accept an overhead-cam 427, Ford didn’t mind dominating. Meanwhile, attendance plummeted along with lap speeds and sponsorships.
Not coincidentally for Chrysler, the same engine that was in short supply even for factory teams in 1964 was everywhere in 1965. Less than a year since the game changing Dodge Chargers exhibition team was unable to secure promised Hemi replacements for its worn-out wedges, a mid-motored sporty car sported one. Brothers Bill and Bob Summers used four of ’em to bring the wheel-driven land-speed record home to America, averaging 409.227 mph and erasing old memories of Mickey Thompson’s nonrecord 406.60 with Pontiac power. Ray Fox’s winter project was supercharging the Hemi in his idled NASCAR stocker, which Lee Roy Yarbrough took out for a world-record lap of 181.818 at Daytona.
The American Hot Rod Association was a prime boycott beneficiary, immediately embracing the fleet of radically altered ’65 models that Chrysler unleashed on an unsuspecting sport this January. While feisty AHRA president Jim Tice and many independent operators blessed these acid-dipped bodies on shortened wheelbases as legitimate “stockers” suitable for heads-up racing, the conservative NHRA effectively banned the Mopars by strictly applying altered-class rules and lowly sportsman status. Anything weirder than conventional Super Stockers or Factory Experimentals was forced into a handicapped eliminator category. By the time Wally Parks reluctantly granted brand-new Bristol International Dragway a one-time “experimental” exemption for June’s inaugural Springnationals, many had graduated from dual quads and gasoline to injectors and nitromethane. Collectively, all types of derisively christened “funny” cars already threatened the time-honored “kings of the sport,” Top Fuel Dragsters, for fan appeal and bookings, particularly down south.
Meanwhile, Indy cars were attracting unprecedented interest for entirely different reasons: last May’s much-televised fatal crash and the rear-engine revolution that finally produced a nontraditional Indianapolis 500-winning car and driver. Road racing’s popularity also soared to new heights, thanks to “Formula Libre” (i.e., no-rules) sports cars made in America, powered by American V8s, driven by dashing Americans like oil-man Frank Hall. In just its first full season, the United States Road Racing Championships (USRRC) circuit evolved into the foundation for what soon became Can-Am racing. Finally, in November, Art Arfons and Craig Breedlove waged a legendary private war over the unlimited land speed record, which changed hands three times in two weeks and ultimately punched the first 400- and 500-mph record-setter through the 600 barrier.
Some of these major milestones are illustrated here for the first time, among outtakes from lesser-known events. Petersen’s editors never had nearly enough space for all of the worthy images brought back by staff photographers between January and December. We know the feeling. Consistent with the mission statement for this series, we’ve prioritized race cars that were underexposed at the time, and ever since. If we’re doing our job, you’ll do your part and write us with personal memories inspired by these selections.
Chrysler’s controversial altered-wheelbase fleet debuted winningly at AHRA’s traditional Arizona opener, though Bud Faubel (far lane) needed a holeshot to defeat Al Eckstrand’s conventional, NHRA-legal Hemi car in Saturday’s Mr. Stock Eliminator showdown. Both finalists clocked 10.93 seconds. Chrysler Corporation’s doorslammer dominance was ensured prior to the first round by whomever tossed a handful of small metal objects into the intake ducts of Phil Bonner’s second-qualified (10.84) Mustang, bending valves and eliminating the biggest non-Mopar threat. (See Apr. ’65 HRM & CC.)
Shelby authority Austin Craig confirmed this to be the first competition G.T. 350, pointing out the original, reversed hood scoop designed by Peter Brock (but rejected by Carroll Shelby). The prototype was photographed at Willow Springs (California) in early January. Austin identified the test pilot as Sports Car Graphic tech editor Jerry Titus, a talented driver who subsequently wheeled both of Shelby’s factory-supported cars in West Coast races.
The unprecedented double whammy of Chrysler’s new NASCAR boycott and General Motors’s continuing racing ban left just a few independents to challenge FoMoCo’s factory fleet when the Motor Trend 500 opened this stock-car season on Riverside’s road course. Local hopeful Ed Brown qualified respectably with an average speed of 89.568 mph and completed 408 miles for a 23rd-place finish in the sole 1965 appearance of this heavyweight contender. Junior Johnson’s winning speed averaged 102.846. (See Apr. ’65 HRM & MT.)
Driving off the end of Lions Drag Strip in this fueler’s first test run and consequently earning a 90-day suspension was a blessing in disguise for Roland Leong, who replaced himself with a kid recommended by engine-builder Keith Black: Don Prudhomme. The trio promptly won NHRA’s Winternationals (pictured), setting low e.t. of 7.76 in the Top Fuel final (at 201.34 mph), and repeated at the NHRA Nationals. Kent Fuller designed the Hawaiian as a fraternal twin to his all-conquering Greer, Black & Prudhomme chassis. (See Apr. ’65 HRM & CC; May ’65 MT.)
Chrysler’s boycott left Ray Fox with a new 426 Coronet and nowhere to race. With backing from Dodge and Hurst, Fox installed a 6-71 blower, Hilborn injector, and driver Lee Roy Yarbrough for a successful Daytona International Speedway assault on the closed-course world-record of 181.561 mph set by Art Malone on the same track in 1961 with a highly modified, fuel-burning, winged Indy roadster. Yarbrough’s top straightaway speed of approximately 225 mph netted a record lap of 181.818, on gasoline, on a windy February day.
Two days before the Daytona 500, Ron Eulenfeld climbed both the wall and Bill DeCosta during a 100-mile qualifying race, triggering a fiery, 12-car crash. Neither driver was injured, thanks partly to newly mandated fire-resistant clothing. This was the first in a four-photo sequence published by Motor Trend (May ’65).
March’s USAC Phoenix 150 was one of the last pavement events showcasing all three types of champ cars. Pictured during qualifying are an ancient 1952 Kuzma dirt-track car driven by Dee Jones (87) and the 1961 Watson roadster of Carl Williams (33), both Offy-equipped, followed by Lloyd Ruby in a Ford-powered Halibrand (7). Don Branson (not shown) won the race in another traditional Indy roadster while setting a world-record average of 106.4 mph for 150 miles on a one-mile track. (See June ’65 MT.)
The braking smoke and scary proximity of people suggest that this exhibition stunt at Laguna Seca (California) Raceway might’ve ended tragically. The unidentified dragster performed during May’s U.S. Road Racing Championships round. Before-and-after shots by Sports Car Graphic photographer Toby Palmieri reveal the driver’s tire-smoking launch at the opposite end of this straightaway, then his successful stop just ahead of a hard left-hander.
Jim Clark’s historic Indy 500 victory was the first by a foreigner since 1916, and the first for any back-motored car. Despite skipping Monaco’s Formula One event to run here, Clark went on to win 1965’s world championship.
One year after one of Mickey Thompson’s cars caused the crash that claimed two lives, the controversial California hot rodder who’d pioneered mid-mounted motors since 1962 switched to this front-engined, front-wheel-drive setup. The aluminum small-block Chevy wore Thompson’s own DOHC cylinder heads. After driver Bob Mathouser made multiple practice laps at 154-plus on straight methanol (compiling a front-drive-record average of 153.374), Thompson rejetted for 15-percent nitro for qualifying. The track’s fueling station either accidentally or intentionally pumped in a 42-percent load that fried the engine on Mathouser’s warm-up lap, wiping out an investment that M/T pegged at $250,000. (See Aug. ’65 HRM & MT.)
Ironically, a message evidently targeting Mickey Thompson came from a team that was ultimately bumped out of Indy’s field (by one-tenth of a mile per hour). Rodger Ward consequently worked the race in the broadcast booth, instead of the Moog Special.
Race-queen Jessica St. George, a recent Playboy Playmate of the Month (Feb. ’65), joined Robert E. Petersen for a parade lap during his HOT ROD Magazine Championships. The publishing magnate was also one of 10 founding partners in Riverside International Raceway.
Though the second annual HOT ROD meet received the expected extensive coverage in Petersen magazines, no mention was made of long delays and verbal confrontations between sportsman racers and track-manager Don Rackemann (center) late in Sunday’s eliminations. Whereas the inaugural edition was smoothly conducted by NHRA personnel, Petersen turned this edition over to a small local crew that never ran a show of national-event scale. After the right lane’s staging light malfunctioned, the Christmas tree was replaced by Riverside’s single-amber “LL” starting system (for “Leavers Lose”), which lacked handicapping capability. Management resorted to spotting slower cars downtrack, allowing one car length per .2-second difference in respective national records, with flag starts and breakouts. Besides the inherent inaccuracy, because only the quicker contestant triggered e.t. clocks, a slower opponent never lost via either red light or breakout. Fans booed starter Rackemann, and Drag World writer (and future CC and HRM editor) Terry Cook devoted an entire column to what he termed a “catastrophy” [sic]. (See Sept. ’65 HRM & CC.)
Paul Sutherland’s fire mask got even cooler after dark, when a red bulb illuminated the nose tip. The fulltime fabricator for Woody Gilmore won this year’s AHRA Nationals at Lions and was the world’s fastest drag racer at 219 mph. He alternated between his own Woody car and Jim Brissette’s—sometimes at the same event; e.g., he drew himself in the semifinals of the 36-car Sunday half of Fontana’s M/T meet enroute to a runnerup result (See Dec. ’65 & Jan. ’66 HRM; Feb. ’66 CC.) The background Barracuda serving as a bench was among several donated by Plymouth for eliminator winners.
Chrysler’s boycotting NASCAR racers invaded multiple motorsports. Paul Goldsmith’s Hemi powered him to the pole in Pikes Peak’s stock-car qualifying, but one wheel caught a large rock during the race and spun him off course. Only the soft dirt prevented a long plunge down the mountainside. (See Sept. ’65 HRM.)
Innovation was obviously still alive in ’65. Tinbender Kenny Ellis remained the nation’s leading proponent of three-wheelers. His latest was photographed during July’s Drag News Invitational at Lions, but we found no mention of the fueler in magazine or tabloid coverage. (See Oct. ’65 CC.)
Yes, the longtime home of NHRA’s Nationals was designed to accommodate oval and road racing, as well as the drags. IRP’s Hoosier Grand Prix was the first road race for champ cars. Indy 500 rookie-of-the-year Mario Andretti (front) qualified first here at 111.626 mph and went on to win his first champ-car meet. Later this season, he became the youngest-ever national champion at age 25.
Rain and flooding cut Bonneville Speed Week to just four days and five miles of “short course.” Nearby, the crew of Nolan White’s record-holding Kellison went to work at the former airbase where B-29 crews trained for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. The government selected the remote site for secrecy and security reasons in 1940. By 1945, more than 600 buildings had been erected as Wendover’s population swelled from about 100 to several thousand. One structure that survives to this day is the Enola Gay’s hangar. (See Nov. ’65 HRM & CC; Dec. ’65 HRM & MT.)
Humble beginnings don’t get much humbler than the home garage of Bill Simpson’s mom. The low-buck dragster racer launched Simpson Safety Equipment by sewing up the first compact, “crossflow” drag ’chutes and filtered face masks. This year, he also introduced a dual-’chute backup system for dragsters. (See Dec. ’65 CC.)
Dick Guldstrand’s Corvette got a little nudge from Jerry Titus in the second competition G.T. 350 during a September regional race at Goleta (California). Both drivers went on to clinch 1965 Pacific Coast championships in SCCA’s A/Production and B/Production classes, respectively.
History’s last great land-speed battle saw Art Arfons and Craig Breedlove take turns setting and resetting the unlimited world record in November. Art’s Green Monster initially lost its year-old 536.71 record to Breedlove’s 555.12 on Nov. 2; regained the LSR Nov. 7 with a 576.553 average; then lost it forever on Nov. 15, when Breedlove’s Sonic I exceeded 593 one way and 608 returning. That 600.601 record would stand for nearly 13 years (until Gary Gabelich’s rocket-propelled 622.50 in Oct. 1983). Adding insult to injury, Craig installed his wife for runs averaging 308.56 that made Lee Breedlove the world’s fastest female, erasing Betty Skelton’s previous 277.62 women’s record in Art’s Cyclops. A third former LSR holder, Walt Arfons, also competed, but dropped out early after his Wingfoot Express proved incapable of keeping its JATO booster rockets activated through the full timed mile. (See Oct. ’65 HRM & CC; Jan. ’66 HRM; Mar. ’66 MT.)
Jim Hall’s two-car Chaparral team totally dominated American road racing. Hall (pictured) and Hap Sharp combined for 15 major SCCA and USRRC wins this season alone and revolutionized sports-car construction. An automatic transmission freed the driver’s left foot to operate a pedal-adjustable rear spoiler that improved braking and cornering grip. All-aluminum, injected Traco small-blocks kept Chevrolet in the headlines all year, despite General Motors’s companywide auto-racing ban. (See Mar. ’66 MT.)
The one-and-only McKee Mk. V is another unintended consequence of NASCAR’s Hemi ban. Late in 1964, Chrysler-Plymouth dealer Bob Montana commissioned Bob McKee to modify a standard McKee chassis to accept this cross-ram 426. Chrysler’s target series were the 1965 U.S. Road Racing Championships and its 1966 offspring, Can-Am. Richard Petty visited McKee Engineering during construction and reportedly considered driving the car before deciding to go drag racing. Owner Montana took the wheel and competed until 1969. He’s pictured at Riverside during October’s Los Angeles Times Grand Prix. Following his 1971 death in a plane crash, his family converted the car into a 440-powered, registered street machine. It was eventually restored to this competition configuration and survives.
Talk about power struggles, imagine pushing a 1,350-pound load for 1,320 feet, fully suited. Doug Robinson was the lucky and unlucky recipient of a solo advancement into Round Two of Mickey Thompson’s 52-car 200-mph Club Invitational after scheduled opponent John Batto failed to fire and Robinson’s own engine flamed out. Standard procedure dictated that winning drivers cross the finish line under their own power. The rotund 26-year-old survived the extra exercise and another round (clocking 7.80/205) before dropping a close quarter-final decision to Saturday night’s eventual winner, Connie Swingle. (See Feb. ’66 CC.)
Supercharging came to the little Offy too late to keep the 50-year-old four-banger competitive with Ford V8s, despite the 500-plus-horsepower developed by two different builders late this year. (See Jan. & Mar. ’66 HRM.) The liquid dripping from Dale Drake’s factory version at Phoenix likely explains why this car isn’t listed among USAC’s Jimmy Bryan Memorial qualifiers in November. (However, Parnelli Jones and Rodger Ward would both drove blown Offys in the next Indy 500, respectively finishing 15th and 19th.)
Gary Dyer was first to successfully combine an altered-wheelbase factory car (ex-Branstner & Lindamood A/FX Color Me Gone), the 426 Hemi engine, a blower, and nitromethane. When an unprecedented 8.70 was reported in October from Ulby, Michigan, nearly nobody believed that any stock-bodied vehicle could be that quick. When an 8.63 came up on Lions Drag Strip’s “honest clocks” a month later, everybody did. (See Feb. ’66 CC.)
The post NASCAR Bans The 426 Hemi And SOHC Ford To Launch A Wild 1965 Racing Season appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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