#branden lynch x yn
stardancerluv · 3 years
Brother’s Keeper
Part 11
Summary: What should reader do?
You began to drink the moment the door closed behind Sam and Mark. You grabbed a bottle, walking out to Branden’s balcony you twisted the cap off and began. The liquid churned with what already in your stomach from before.
Inwardly you were scared to death. You had never seen this side of Sam. You had heard stories but never had he been scary with you. You grew worried for Branden. You were certain now that he was setting him up. Grab the goods then just get him locked up. But why? What would that achieve?
You drank more. Could you even tell Branden? You finished the bottle, feeling fuzzy you went put the bottle down. It jangled and banged against the floor as you tried to put it down, finally letting it go. You watched it roll, till rolled off the balcony. “Ops.” You giggled.
You crept out of Branden’s room. Going to The kitchen you searched the cupboards till you found another bottle. Once you back on the balcony, you drank half of the bottle. You were feeling good, fuzzy.
Getting up, you hopped up onto the railing. Idly you looked down, it was a high fall. You swung your legs. Felt good. The breeze was refreshing and cool.
With a bit of a jangle, you put the bottle beside of you. You wanted to save some for Branden. He probably needed a drink after his meeting.
Your heart began to beat harder, the more you thought of him. How he could loom over you. His large hands that you wanted roaming over your body again. You happily swung your legs.
The whole world shifted as you slipped a little, immediately you grabbed onto the railing till your knuckles were white. A fresh sense of unease filled you. What had you been thinking, you hopped down back into the safety of the balcony.
You were just enjoying the liquor had done, for the briefest of moments you were feeling no fear and able to push off the fear Sam created in you. Turning, you looked out to the ocean and watched as the waves crashed onto the beach.
As you stood there, your mood shifted. Tonight was certainly filled with ups and downs. All you had really wanted to do was sleep and wait for Branden to return. Now all you wanted was for you and him to desperately to run away.
Behind you, turning your head you heard the obscured voices of Branden and Sterlo, but then there was screechy voice too. You rolled your eyes, you made a face and looked back at the ocean. “Glad I don’t have to deal with her.” You giggled lightly.
The sliding door opened and closed like a whisper. Moments later you felt his warmth as his hands settled on either side of you.
“Hi baby.” He said moments later.
Turning your head you looked up at him. “Hello.” You giggled. Something about this you liked a lot.
A smile spread under his rusty growth. “What’s got you giggly?”
Seeing the twinkle in his eyes, you decided to push away what happened with Sam. You didn’t want him to be on further edge and possibly fuck up, you’d keep Sam at bay. You could do it.
“Being so small compared to you.” You smiled.
“Oh, baby?” He moved closer, it made you squeal.
“Branden ” You breathed.
“You drove me to distraction.”
You blushed. “Who me? How did I do that?” You fluttered your lashes.
He moved incredibly fast, he easily he turned you till you found yourself facing him. “You know what you did.”
“Did I get this beating?” You reached up and placed a hand over his heart. You could feel its steady beat and it made you happy.
“You did.” You felt as he looked you up and down. “Are you ok, baby?”
A sliver of pain went through your heart. “Yes. How can I not be? I am so glad that you’re back.”
He grabbed you and placed you onto of the railing. “I’m not so sure.” He held you in place.
You whimpered. Inwardly you trembled. You didn’t want him to be made at you. “Branden, I don’t like being up here.” You shifted a little where you sat.
“What’s the matter?”
“Stop lying.” His mouth tightened, you hated lying to him. You hated seeing him like this.
Your heart lurched. You really thought you could save him from this worry. “Nothing.” You barely said when he grabbed you.
His face was close to yours, you could feel his breath. “Stop fucking lying to me.”
Your eyes welled up. “I’m not.”
He shook you.
You whimpered. “Branden stop you’re scaring me.” A few tears escaped.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
You took a shaky breath. “How did you know?”
“I can just tell.” His jaw took an edge.
“I’m sorry.” You searched his eyes. The look in them made you ill. “Shortly after I was here and you were gone, Sam had his man drag me out of your room.”
“He came here? What the fuck.” His voice was practically a growl.
“He has assumed I’d sell you out.” His jaw tightened. Branden, had let you go and you slipped directly in front of him. There was barely any space between the two of you. “Listen like you said when this is all over you can handle him.”
“I will.”
You wrapped your arms around him, nestled close. “I was so scared.”
After what felt like forever, you finally felt his arms wrap around you.
You took a shaky deep breath. “Branden?” You looked up at him. “I didn’t want to keep it from you, I just..I just didn’t want you to have something else to worry about.”
“From now on, let me choose what I shall worry about.”
“Ok.” You whispered.
@thebeckyjolene @mrskenobi19 @blondekel77 @shantellorraine @hollow-r-us @brookisbi @sithonis
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stardancerluv · 3 years
Brother’s Keeper
Part 10
Summary: Planning begins for Branden’s job. Reader has to deal with her past.
Note: Voicemail from reader’s mom & flashback is in italics.
As you watched Branden walk away with the others your phone buzzed. Curiously you looked down. Your mother had left you a voicemail apparently, while the two of you had been at the race. Pushing play, you held it to your ear.
"Sweetheart, I feel like I can go off on my own now. You can’t take care of me forever. Branden will look out for you now. Don’t come looking. You two can have the house or whatever, it's paid off. I’ll call when I’m settled. Love you both."
That hurt but you understood. You drained the rest of your drink. Getting up, you felt the beer at the race and now this drink, but you needed another. With a swish and gentle sway, you managed to get to the bar and get another drink.
Branden leaned over the blue prints. He looked over at Sam. “This is the entire place?”
Sam nodded. “It is.” He took a drag of his cigarette before exhaling towards the ceiling.
He ran his fingers over the smooth paper. “So let’s see. The distance from the entrance to the smelter is fifty feet with one check in desk.” He rubbed his chin.
Sitting back down, you just sipped at your drink. You didn’t want to be completely slushed on Branden when he came back out. This would be different. You had been with your mom this entire time. At the moment, you decided to push the pain this caused away. You gave your mind a chance to wander.
You were very keen on Branden. It tickled you that he was so possessive and even could get jealous. No man you had ever dated seemed to even care.
Sure there was the one who had enjoyed smacking you around, before you had been able to get away. Fuck him. You wish that Branden could teach him a lesson.
With a smile playing on your lips, you remembered when you had been younger. You had wanted so badly to be one of the girls on Branden’s arm.
You twirled in front of your mirror. “Y/N!” You heard your mom call from downstairs. “Dinner is ready, come and help me. Everyone is here.”
Happily you skipped down the stairs. Rounding the corner, you went into the kitchen. “What would you like me to grab?”
You eyed the large spread of food. “Grab the corn on the cob, and can you grab a beer for Branden?”
Your heart fluttered happily, you had been hoping he’d come for dinner. “Ok, mom!” Grabbing the dish you balanced it on your hip as you opened the fridge. You smiled seeing his beer.
When you got to the patio door, you realized you had not thought things through.
Sighing you struggled, your heart sank a little more when you looked out the patio door and saw that Branden was not alone. New girl was practically attached to his side as they spoke with your brother and his own current flavor of the month.
You took a breath. You were just happy that he was there. Looking around, you tried to decide where to put the corn down. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Branden turn and smile as he saw you. He disentangled himself from the girl and came over.
He looked down at the corn and then back at you. “Hey there.” A smirk curled his lips. “I’ll take this.” He scooped the dish from your hands as your heart began to beat faster.
“Thank you.” You beamed.
After putting the dish down, he looked back at you where you lingered. You held up the bottle. He grabbed it but you wouldn’t let go. You were feeling a little bold.
“New girlfriend?”
He glanced over at the girl who had a bit of a sour expression splashed across her face.
He shrugged. “At the moment.” He chuckled. “You know you are the only one who owns my heart.”
You let go of the bottle at his words. You know he was jesting but it still made your heart beat crazily.
“Can I buy you a drink, pretty girl?” A voice broke into your memory.
@thebeckyjolene @mrskenobi19 @blondekel77 @shantellorraine @hollow-r-us @brookisbi @sithonis
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