#breaking news! guy who hates doing pvp wants to get the rewards on their alts because they want to see those characters using the mount
hellbatschilt · 1 year
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Done with PvP for this patch! (lying)
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korkrunchcereal · 7 years
Battle for Azeroth Q and A
Warfronts: Can we access whenever we want, and whats the reward system? - Downtime before war breaks out. Haysay event system; build up to it. Reward like legion invasions, timewalking etc. Reward at least once, want you to keep doing. Still being worked out if PvE/PvP rewards.
Basic reputations becoming account wide? - if everything was account wide, what would reasons be to alt? What is the reason to get exalted on a bunch of reps for alts unless its access to content, upgrades etc. Dig into the rewards 
Any plans for a stat squish? Is Anduin a paladin officially? - Anduin 100% not a paladin. Stat squish is in as well as ilvls.
With communities, what is options for cross faction chat? - Communities still linked to characters. No cross faction chat plans. 
Is there anything in the works to help guild recruitment? - Nothing right now. Hoping the community system helps with things like that. 
new leveling scaling: Will mob health and damaged be rebalanced as well, and how will heirlooms be affected? - 7.3.5 has some work on it. Items adjusted for old content to have power. Talks on how to make better experience. Heirlooms; still in debate and talked about. They’re properly itemized as opposed to other options.
Heart of Azeroth: Parallels to AP grind. Any comments on the AP system, likes dislikes etc. - Liked a lot about the artifact system. Liked the choice aspect. For AP: don’t like the trillion gained AP. Clunky and unwieldy experience for bag space to get AP. Azerite levels amulet, amulet determines powers on armor.
Thought process on bringing back raid buffs like Mark of the Wild - Short answer: devs like them. 
Feel of PvP templates: How do you respond to PvP players missing changing their own PvP power as opposed to templates - liked the smaller power gap. Hard to put into outdoor world. It’s, in Ian’s words, “A problem”. Trying to fix it. using the lvl scaling system as a template idea. Look at reward structure of PvP as well.
What do you guys think about titanforging in BfA - asked often. No removal of it. Extreme spikes of randomness however aren’t good. Looking into reducing randomness of it. Won’t apply to helms, shoulders and chest due to azerite changing them.
Can character players get some sort of rooting to stop knockback? - Cool niche idea for death knights. 
WoW is an MMORPG: whats the plan for a character creation system that feels so lackluster and archaic compared to others? - Chris Robinson agrees with the comment. Wants to take a look into allied races before working on character creation system. Now that they have that, can work on it. Confirms again orcs will get upright option. Existing orcs can toggle with barbershop.
Is Jaina really a good guy? - she’s a complicated character. Understand her character, hopefully pull her out of her hating ways. 
Why do so many bosses have holes in their ceilings - To show rooted in the zone. 
With Horde attacking Teldrassil, Alliance attacking Undercity; whats plans for lvling zones and starting there? - Starting zones won’t change. At 110 the changes will be reflected. 
Void Elves; will playable void elf forms be stuck in that form? - No. They have a void form, don’t stay in it. 
Grinding old tier gear and trinkets etc with titanforging; how will that be combated? - Will continue to look at and balance. 
With new old world zones and dungeon raidings, keystones for old dungeons? - Interesting idea. Timewalking is an idea of this. Maybe put mythic + for timewalking weeks for old dungeons.
Once the expansion is out, how soon will we be flying? - Like the Pathfinder system, will probably replicate. 
WoW legion companion app; whats future of mobile apps? - Rolling companion and armory app into one is plan.
Timewalking; takes longer and longer to come around? Will there be a time when all timewalking is active (MoP, WoTLK, Cata etc.) - no plan to combine all. Will probably add warlord’s timewalking in Battle for Azeroth.
Faction Pride and faction balance; how do you keep horde playing horde, ally playing ally - Your own choice.
What are plans for legendaries? - Removed for Battle for Azeroth. 
What’s going on with questlog size limit? - Thinking about it. Problem is less the quests 
When will hoarders have more space - Very close to allow you to slightly increase backpack size. Authenticator will make backpack larger.
See different stories, reasons for raids based on faction? - Stories will be different as to why. Bosses won’t change. Faction conflict will play out during a raid heavily hinted at. 
WoW classic; plans to fix bugs, exploits etc that people remember? Or keep them for old times sake - Will keep some, remove game breaking ones. Have to answer questions in that regard. 
Allied races; will heritage armor be applyable to other races? - No. 
Increase to friends limit? - Every game would have to work to do so. Complicated system to do. Something they know they need to do.
Gold making; how will old / lower lvl armor and items drop with level scaling? - if the thing dropped it before, it’ll keep dropping it. May be changed, but that’s philosophy.
Warfronts length; longer experience like raid? Can you jump into it and do? - TBD at this point. Will be a little longer than dungeons, not sure how much longer past that. 
Allied races classes? - Look at identity, culture and what makes sense. Air on the side of letting you play as much as possible. Void elf paladin; not quite. As long as it makes sense. 
How is Void elves alliance, Nightborne Horde? - Play to find out. Have introductory quest to say why. 
Will the Legion threat end before the battle of azeroth, and what does it mean for DH’s - DH’s ultimately blood elves and night elves. Do what they do to protect the world. One day we’ll probably see demons again.
Are the continents of EK and Kalimdor split between factions? What does it mean for Silvermoon and Exodar - Will have faction in place. Those two become last bastion of their factions. Will be sure to use them in the battle. 
Worgen and Goblin model updates? (Again asked?) - Will be updated post 8.0
In the future when we opt in for world pvp, what will be the draw for that? - Don’t want people who love PvP to hamstring themselves. Bonuses for flagging. 
Can we please have more character slots for realms? - Yes. 6 new character slots. 
With renewed focus on cross server communities, will we be able to trade? - looking into. Don’t want to cause economy issues on server.
How or when do we sign up for beta? - Sign up on the website like you do every other time. 
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