girlgrowclub · 1 year
Girls are growing taller and taller every day, in both height and ability! Boys who were strong are now too weak. Boys are like shorties in the eyes of girls who have become tall, leggy, and taller. A 3D work for those who love real GTS and reversal of positions!
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gorgenzolatype · 3 years
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Five weeks. Five god dang weeks you had been trying to catch those stupid kids that kept using your hot tub at night, but tonight. You had caught someone you would never had expected this late at night.
Down below your back porch your flashlight completely illuminated your hot tub that sat on top of a lower concrete porch. The splashing and giggling and revelry had easily caught your attention this night. You had stayed up after all to catch those dastardly kids that were freeloading off of your hard earned hot tub. Although, this wasn't quite what you expected. It was your bodacious neighbor Becky! Your mouth idly flapped as you tried to think of what to say as you stared down at the curvy woman that now stared back at you. You guessed that she was wearing a one piece but you couldn't tell below the bubbling foam of the water in the hot tub. Meanwhile Becky initially gave a shocked look at the bright light being shone on her but her expression quickly changed to one of sultry enticing playfulness.
"Guess you finally caught me, huh?" The words from Becky barely even registered to you. She was the one that had been using your hot tub all this time? Why? What made your hot tub so important? Your question was quickly answered as Becky clearly made an audible moan that caught your attention. "Wh-what are you doing here? Wh-why are you in my hot tub?" Your voice was shaky and lacked confidence as your eyes were locked on the bulging masses of breasts that Becky had. They weren't this big before right? They could rip her swimsuit apart like paper with how big they were! Becky simply giggled cutely at your questions as she slowly sauntered to the edge of the hot tub and bent down to rest her arms and breasts on the edge. You could barely hold onto the flashlight in your hand as Becky bent over way more than what she would reasonably need to, for starters her ass was above her head and looked to be nearly twice as large as her breasts.
"There's nothing wrong with me using your hot tub now and again, right?" Becky cocked her head to the side and you could swear she was deliberately biting her lip to entice you. "I mean, any girl needs a nice relaxing dip, doesn't she?" You wanted to say something, anything! But Becky's erotic hook was deeply caught in you, you had to fight between jumping over the railing of your back porch or to just tell her to leave. Let's be honest you'd never tell her to leave, especially after she stood back up straight and her massive doorway destroying hips came into full view. What the hell had happened to this woman!?
"You can agree that a nice refreshing dip limbers up the joints, right?" Becky enticingly offered as her head now started to encroach on the upper back porch you were on. "How am I supposed to get through my days and NOT use your hot tub?" Her question completely flew past you as her head also flew past you and you were greeted by the biggest pair of breasts you've ever seen in your life. Even one of them was easily double the size of you! It didn't stop there with her growth or her playful seductive questions. "A girl like me needs her relaxation period. I swear I'd shrink away to nothing if I had to stay all stressed and pent up, you know?" Becky added on a nice ear pounding laugh as her body continued to soar higher and higher above you. Her breasts had easily climbed above you, her toned stomach had narrowly brushed against you, and know her tree breaking thighs were smashing up and destroying your upper deck as she grew higher and higher.
At this point your body finally forced you to do something as the wood planks at your feet quickly got demolished, and this was to jump. The world seemed to completely slow down as you flailed in the air dearly hoping to grab onto anything. That anything just so happened to be the bottom of Becky's swimsuit and it was quickly going up and up and up until your house looked like some kind of addition to a doll house. Your surroundings shook as Becky moaned in pleasure at her feet growing through your house demolishing it. "I guess you chose the only correct place to be in all of this excitement." Becky gasped out between earthquake level moans. "I hope you enjoy your new world." At this point you'd never understand the weight of these words but over the next week you'd understand, oh God you would understand.
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lost-in-transition · 7 years
mammalian questions
I have these odd fluctuations in how intensely I feel gender euphoria and dysphoria both. Roughly monthly, and for roughly a week (but in both regards with extremely high variability), both are significantly weaker than otherwise. No idea how that ties in with other circumstances and fluctuations. Worry of the day while in transit was, does this suggest some aspect of the biological substrate such that one could "cure" dysphoria in ways other than transition? That thought always scares me a little, since some less-than-rational sides of me worries it might invalidate me if in some future, this was possible. And in some chain of semi-logic, I am much rather a trans woman than a cis man, since that means that I am a woman, because the label/concept itself affects me. None of this matters so much though, it is all far away. What is immediately present is to navigate life.
That in turn means going up to the lab through the rain, because the next six days are going to be extremely stressful, the most intense period during the year work-wise. I will submerge and focus as needed, rising as I can to communicate, and try to let emotions manage as they float around me. I am confident that I can. Hoping to procrastinate some during evening with skyping, with doing my nails, and with some makeup - had no time rushing to bus, so brought it with me; my impulse is somehow to groom more the worse I feel, though I also groom more while happy.
Also, in between work things, I also will have my first appointment with an endocrinologist, assessing for hormones. I haven't had time to sit down and evaluate my feelings on this, but I am assuming it will all take time. Had wanted to lose more weight before starting, but feeling that I really do need to learn what beginning those changes feel like. For many, I know I want them, and am confident they will make me happy. My main anxieties probably revolve around breast growth, for complicated reasons. I worry that my shoulders and chest are so wide I would look weird with breasts, though no way of knowing how much further weight loss could change that.
This is relatively minor though, more to the point is that growing visible breasts is the one change that would be hardest to hide, so it makes it necessary to successfully come out and navigate the fallout in every physical space, not just supportive ones. It means I must come out as medically transitioning to colleagues, collaborators and birth family. Fears revolve around perceived cumbersomeness of this process, more on how there is an awkwardness and a hurdle (and perhaps some rapport lost permanently) than a fear of an actual adverse reaction from them. It's in many ways a fear of being seen as conceited or artificial, of not being understood, of not being seen as genuine or sane. I should investigate these fears and worries more clearly, dissect them into components, and try the boundaries of how out I am, to take the edge off of it. Which essentially is what I am doing these days, I suppose.
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girlgrowclub · 10 months
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girlgrowclub · 2 years
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girlgrowclub · 2 years
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girlgrowclub · 2 years
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girlgrowclub · 2 years
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girlgrowclub · 2 years
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girlgrowclub · 2 years
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girlgrowclub · 2 years
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girlgrowclub · 2 years
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girlgrowclub · 2 years
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