drvinodvij · 12 days
Trimming Troubles: Exploring Liposuction for Excess Body Fat Removal in Navi Mumbai with Dr. Vinod Vij 
Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty or body contouring, is a surgical procedure designed to remove stubborn pockets of fat from various areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, and chin. It is an effective solution for those who struggle with localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.  Dr Vinod Vij understands that each patient is unique, with specific goals and concerns, and he employs a personalized approach to ensure optimal outcomes tailored to individual needs.
Dr. Vij's practice in navi mumbai, Vashi, Nerul, Belapur boasts state-of-the-art facilities and a team of skilled professionals dedicated to providing exceptional care and support throughout the Liposuction in Navi Mumbai. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, patients can expect compassionate guidance and attention to detail every step of the way.
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With his extensive training and Dr Vinod Vij - Cosmetic and Plastic surgeon. carries out procedures of plastic surgery in mumbai at a cost more affordable than most countries worldwide. He works on patients for procedures like facelifts, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, body contouring post weight loss, liposuction, breast surgeries, and hair transplant with effortless ease and precision that compliments the beauty of his patients.
Experience the transformation you've always desired with Dr. Vinod Vij's innovative body contouring techniques. Say goodbye to stubborn fat deposits and hello to a sleek, sculpted physique. Dr. Vij specializes in  remove excess body fat through advanced procedures tailored to your unique needs, helping you achieve your ideal get a perfect body shape with precision and expertise. With Dr. Vij's compassionate care and state-of-the-art technology, you can confidently embark on your journey towards a more confident, healthier you. Whether you're seeking to eliminate love handles, sculpt your abdomen, or refine your silhouette, Dr. Vinod Vij's personalized approach ensures stunning results that enhance both your appearance and self-confidence. Discover the life-changing benefits of body contouring under the skilled hands of Dr. Vinod Vij and unlock the beauty that lies within.
Dr. Vinod Vij, a renowned expert in plastic surgery, epitomizes excellence in the field with his blend of precision, innovation, and compassion. With extensive experience and a commitment to patient satisfaction, Dr. Vij specializes in a wide array of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. From facial enhancements to body contouring, his meticulous approach ensures natural-looking results tailored to each individual's unique goals. 
Hair Transplant A hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair is moved from a donor site (usually the back or sides of the head) to a recipient site (usually the top of the head or front of the scalp). The goal of the procedure is to restore hair to areas where it has thinned or been lost.
Breast Reduction Surgery Breast augmentation This procedure involves using breast implants to increase the breasts’ size or restore volume lost due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging.
Breast lift This procedure involves the removal of excess skin and repositioning the breasts to a higher, more youthful position on the chest. It is often performed in conjunction with breast augmentation to achieve a fuller and more youthful appearance.
Rhinoplasty Is a plastic surgery procedure used to alter the shape or size of the nose. The procedure can be performed for cosmetic reasons, to improve the appearance of the nose, or for functional reasons, to improve breathing.
Eyelid surgery also known as blepharoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure used to improve eyelids’ appearance. The procedure can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both.Upper eyelid surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the upper eyelids to improve the appearance of sagging or drooping eyelids
Clinique ashetica - Vashi & Nerul, Apollo hospital - Belapur in Navi Mumbai
Visit: https://liposuctionworld.com/ 
Contact: +91 98194 14276
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drzoranlekic · 2 months
Labiaplasty Options in the UAE and Breast Reduction Surgery: Enhancing Body Confidence
Labiaplasty UAE and Breast Reduction Surgery are not just cosmetic procedures; they are avenues to enhance body confidence and improve overall quality of life. Through expert care and personalized approaches, individuals in the UAE can trust Dr. Zoran Lekic to deliver exceptional results, empowering them to embrace their bodies with confidence and pride.
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homesjohn1 · 3 months
Sculpting Beauty: Buttock Augmentation and Rhytidectomy/Rhytidoplasty Surgery
In the realm of aesthetic enhancements, two procedures stand out for sculpting beauty and restoring youthfulness: Buttock Augmentation Surgery and Rhytidectomy, also known as Rhytidoplasty Surgery. These procedures, offered at the esteemed practice of Dr. Zoran Lekic, cater to individuals seeking transformative changes with precision and expertise.
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normanrowemd · 7 months
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A Before and After Breast Reduction by @drlisaschneider from @roweplasticsurgery
After 7 months out our patient is doing amazing!
We offer in person and virtual consultations in New York City and New Jersey for anyone across the country.
Give our office a call! 212-628-7300
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plasticsurgerysblog · 7 months
Guide For Breast Reduction
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Breast reduction is a surgical procedure meant for women who have large breasts that they are not happy with due to any of the following reasons.
Chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain
Shoulder grooves from bra straps
Chronic rash or skin irritation under the breasts
Nerve pain
Poor self-image due to large breasts
Trouble fitting into clothing and bras
Not being able to participate in pleasing activities
Breast reduction surgery is not recommended for individuals who are either regular smokers or are suffering obese. It is also not recommended for women who don’t want any scars on their breasts.
Read more about -
 Complete Guide for Breast Reduction Surgery in India
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ssbreastsurgery · 10 months
Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammoplasty) Surgery | By Dr. Sahil Singla
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pinkappleaesthetics · 11 months
Comprehensive Guide to Breast Reduction Surgery Cost in Bangalore
Welcome to our in-depth guide on breast reduction surgery cost in Bangalore. At Pinkapple Aesthetics, we recognize the value of factual information that has been thoroughly studied when it comes to making decisions concerning medical procedures. We'll examine the numerous components of breast reduction surgery in this post, as well as the expenses involved and the reasons Bangalore has grown to be a popular location for this treatment. We are here to give you the information you need, whether you are considering the procedure for medical or personal reasons.
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 Understanding Breast Reduction Surgery
Reduction mammoplasty, another name for breast reduction surgery, is a surgical treatment used to condense the size and volume of excessively big breasts. This therapy seeks to reduce physical pain, promote posture, and improve quality of life in general. To obtain a more proportionate and balanced appearance, extra skin, fat, and breast tissue are removed.
 Factors Influencing Breast Reduction Surgery Cost - 
Numerous variables can affect Bangalore's breast reduction surgery price. Among the crucial elements are:
 1. Clinic Reputation and Surgeon Expertise:
Due to their reputation for performing successful surgeries and generating positive customer feedback, renowned clinics with trained and experienced doctors frequently charge more money. Strongly regarded surgeons in the field could charge more.
 2. Surgical Facility and Technology:
Modern surgical facilities with cutting-edge technology and upscale amenities may add to the overall cost. These locations guarantee a secure and relaxing setting for the treatment.
 3. Extent of Surgery:
How much of each procedure is necessary depends on how complicated the problem is. The pricing may alter since some individuals may need more extensive tissue removal and reshaping.
4. Anesthesia and Medical Tests:
Additional costs include anesthesia fees and pre-operative medical examinations. These guarantee the security of patients and the best surgical results.
 5. Post-Surgery Care and Follow-Up:
For a successful recovery, excellent aftercare and follow-up consultations are essential. Clinics that offer comprehensive post-surgery care packages may pay for these costs.
 6. Geographical Location:
The cost of medical procedures might vary depending on the cost of living in a city. Bangalore may have slightly higher costs than smaller towns because it is a major city.
 Why Choose Bangalore for Breast Reduction surgery?
Bangalore, sometimes known as the "Silicon Valley of India," is known for providing top-notch medical services and amenities. Bangalore has a variety of top-tier facilities and highly qualified surgeons who are knowledgeable about the most recent methods and developments when it comes to breast reduction surgery.
 Bangalore is a popular destination for patients seeking breast reduction surgery because of the mix of skill and price offered there. Although the price may be competitive, the standard of treatment and dedication to patient welfare are never compromised.
 Cost Breakdown and Financing Options:
It's crucial to note that, because of the many variables at play, establishing an accurate cost figure for this piece is difficult. Breast reduction surgery in Bangalore typically costs between $2,000 and $4,500. This range covers the costs of the surgery, the hospital, anesthesia, post-operative clothing, and follow-up appointments.
 To help a wider range of patients afford the treatment, many clinics provide financing options. If the procedure is declared medically required, these alternatives may also include payment arrangements, medical finance, and insurance coverage.
Finally, breast reduction surgery is a life-changing procedure that can relieve physical discomfort while also improving general well-being. The cost of the operation varies in Bangalore depending on the reputation of the clinic, the skill of the surgeon, and the complexity of the procedure. Bangalore has developed into a popular location for people seeking breast reduction surgery because of its renowned medical facilities and talented physicians.
If you're considering breast reduction surgery, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our experienced surgeons at Pinkapple Aesthetics During the consultation, you'll receive a personalized assessment and a comprehensive cost breakdown based on your unique needs and goals.
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rahul-dalal · 1 year
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Consult Our Very Expert 𝐃𝐫. 𝐑𝐚𝐡𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐥 for Best Treatment
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Breast Reduction | Breast Reduction Surgery - Dr. Sachin Rajpal
Are you thinking about breast reduction? Or are you already scheduled for surgery? You should be aware of the recovery period for breast reduction surgery and what to expect following this.
Breast reduction surgery is not something to be taken lightly. Every year, thousands of women choose to have breast reduction surgery. They make the decision for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, medical issues.
Your breasts will be smaller after the procedure. This has numerous advantages, including the reduction of back and shoulder pain and the overall improvement of your quality of life. You may also discover that you are more satisfied with your appearance as a result.
However, as with all important life decisions, it is critical to have all relevant information available.
Understand what to expect
Breast reduction is a common and safe procedure. However, as with all surgeries, there is a recovery period. Most women want to get back to work and their normal lives as soon as possible.
You can also better prepare for recovery if you know what to expect after the procedure. Let’s go over the recovery time, scars and bruises, and what you can do to speed up the recovery.
The phases of recovery after breast reduction
Breast reduction recovery takes time, but it’s important to know what to expect after surgery. The surgery takes between three and five hours to complete. The majority of patients go home the same day as their surgery.
Any surgery will have two phases of recovery: the early phase and the late phase. Short-term recovery from breast reduction usually takes three weeks. Long-term recovery can take 3-6 months, or even longer. Each phase is distinct, but some issues may arise at any time, regardless of how long it has been since your surgery.
The early phase
Let’s start with the beginning. You will awaken with dressings on your chest immediately following surgery. Often, something, such as tape or glue, will cover the stitches. There will be some gauze padding and a bra or an ACE wrap to support and compress your breasts. Your surgeon will instruct you on how to care for these dressings, such as when to change them and when you can shower. In general, you will have moderate pain in your breasts and around the sides of your chest for the first week after surgery. Some people are mostly in pain. This pain should be easily controlled by the medications prescribed by your doctor and should improve gradually.
Usually, there is drainage from the incision lines, such as blood or clear fluid. This will subside after a few days. When you sleep, sit, or lean against something, the drainage from your dressings may leak onto the sheets. Use your least favourite sheets. Plan on sleeping on an old towel or blanket that you don’t mind getting dirty.
For one week, take it easy. Take short walks, move slowly, look after yourself, eat nutritious foods, and drink plenty of water. Try not to exercise, diet, or do anything other than rest and recuperate. For at least 2-3 weeks, you must sleep on your back. If you sleep on your stomach or side, this can be the most difficult part of your recovery, so consider investing in a body pillow or sleeping in a recliner. If you’re having trouble sleeping, consult your doctor to see if a mild sleep aid might help.
Many women are relieved that the surgery is over, and even more relieved that the weight has been lifted from their shoulders! However, it is not uncommon to feel tired and a little blue after surgery. Allow yourself time to process the emotions that follow such a significant event in your life.
After about three weeks, you should notice that almost all of the bruising and swelling has subsided. Your incisions may appear pink or brown, but they may still be tender and firm to the touch. With your doctor’s permission, you can begin doing more activities at this time. Your doctor may allow you to increase your activities before this, but give yourself three weeks off when planning your recovery.
After about a month, you should be fairly confident in your new breast size and able to measure yourself for new bras. While some residual swelling may still be present, you can now purchase new bras. Discuss underwire bras with your surgeon; depending on your incisions and specific healing, you may need to wait to purchase underwire bra styles.
The later phase
You can begin to return to normalcy in the later stages of recovery. Allow yourself time to regain stamina as you resume activities. Begin with incline walking or low-impact biking because jogging or jumping may be painful on your new chest. Listen to your body and progress gradually. When working out for the first time, make sure you wear a supportive bra. Three weeks after surgery, sexual activity can usually be resumed.
You may experience numbness along the sides of your chest or in your nipples during this time. This is normal and will most likely improve over the next few months, though numbness can be permanent in some cases. Some women experience brief, intermittent shooting pains or ‘zings’ in the area of their breast reduction or on the side of their chest. These are caused by healing nerves and should be infrequent and disappear after a few months.
Most women say it takes 3-4 months for all of the swelling to go away, and you may notice some firm spots or bumps. This is a normal part of the healing process. While swelling may go away after a few months, surgical scars can take up to a year to fade and soften completely. Consult your surgeon about any scar treatment system they may recommend and follow their instructions.
When compared to other types of surgery, many patients believe the recovery time is short. However, it is critical to plan for the time required to recover. Make sure to follow your surgeon’s recommendations in order to achieve the best possible outcome!
Dr. Sachin Rajpal may be the best choice if you’re considering this procedure and wondering where to get a breast reduction in Delhi. We use cutting-edge technology to provide the best Outcomes for our patients and to provide individualised, one-on-one care. Schedule an Appointment today, and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Tag- Breast Reduction, Breast Reduction Surgery, Plastic Surgeon In Delhi 
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drumutzereyak · 2 years
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breast reduction surgery; Big breasts create great problems in the health, life comfort and clothing selection of the person. Plastic surgeries should always be functional. Ultimately, the skin quality and the characteristics of the person encompass the importance. . . #doctoruz . . For appointment and more information, please contact on whatsApp: +905309341303 meme küçültme ameliyatı; büyük memeler, kişinin hayat konforunda, sağlığında ve kıyafet seçiminde büyük sorunlar yaratır. estetik ameliyatlar herzaman fonksiyonel olmalıdır. cilt kalitesi ve kişinin özellikleri sonucu etkilemektedir. Randevu ve daha fazla bilgi için lütfen iletişime geçiniz. whatsapp: +90530934130 #breastsurgery #breastjobs #memereduction #memeküçültme #zereyak #istanbul
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ipactcenter · 2 years
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drvinodvij · 17 days
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Experience Matters: 25+ Years of Liposuction Excellence with Dr. Vinod Vij in Navi Mumbai
Dr. Vinod Vij, an expert in body contouring, offers advanced procedures to remove excess body fat and achieve a perfect body shape, get a perfect body shape Utilizing state-of-the-art techniques, Dr. Vij tailors treatments to individual needs, ensuring optimal results for a sculpted and toned physique. 
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drzoranlekic · 3 months
Enhancing Beauty: Face Skin Procedures in the UAE and Body Plastic Surgery Procedures
In a world where appearance plays a significant role in self-confidence and societal integration, the quest for enhancing beauty is ever-evolving. With advancements in medical science, individuals now have access to a plethora of options to sculpt their desired aesthetic. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), renowned plastic surgeons like Dr. Zoran Lekic are pioneering the field, offering an array of face skin procedures and body plastic surgery solutions tailored to individual needs.
Face skin procedures encompass a wide range of techniques designed to rejuvenate and enhance facial features. From non-invasive treatments like chemical peels and microdermabrasion to more advanced procedures such as dermal fillers and Botox injections, individuals have ample options to address concerns like wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and uneven skin tone. Dr. Zoran Lekic's expertise in Face Skin Procedures UAE ensures meticulous attention to detail and natural-looking results, enhancing each client's unique beauty.
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For those seeking comprehensive transformations, body plastic surgery procedures offer transformative solutions. From liposuction to tummy tucks, breast augmentation to body contouring, these procedures sculpt and redefine the body's contours, helping individuals achieve their desired physique. Dr. Zoran Lekic employs state-of-the-art techniques and personalized treatment plans to ensure optimal outcomes, prioritizing safety and patient satisfaction above all else.
In the UAE, where beauty standards are diverse and multicultural, individuals from all walks of life seek aesthetic enhancements tailored to their cultural preferences and personal aspirations. Dr. Zoran Lekic's holistic approach to beauty recognizes and respects these nuances, offering customized solutions that celebrate individuality while enhancing natural features.
Embarking on a journey to enhance beauty through face skin procedures and Body Procedures Plastic Surgery  is a deeply personal decision. With Dr. Zoran Lekic's expertise and commitment to excellence, individuals in the UAE can embark on this journey with confidence, knowing they are in capable hands. Discover the transformative power of aesthetic enhancements and unlock your true beauty today. 
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indiamedicaltourism · 2 months
Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast Reduction Surgery Cost, Surgeons & Hospitals in India
BreastReductionSurgery #BreastReduction #BreastSurgery
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homesjohn1 · 3 months
Enhancing Beauty: Face Skin Procedures in the UAE and Body Plastic Surgery Procedures
Dr. Zoran Lekic's expertise in Face Skin Procedures UAE ensures meticulous attention to detail and natural-looking results, enhancing each client's unique beauty.
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drrkmishra · 1 year
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Normal activities like swimming, jogging that seem normal to you, can be daunting for large busted women (you can't imagine how uncomfortable and painful these simple activities are for heavy busted women). Also, large breasts prevent them from being their true-self as they constantly feel it is the only thing people noticed about them. People often fail to recognize some physical as well as medical reasons for choosing this procedure including pain in the back, neck, and shoulder to headaches, irritation or infection of skin under the breasts. The procedure offers many benefits: Say goodbye to neck, back, and shoulder pain: Women who've suffered from neck, back, and shoulder pain feel immediate relief following the surgery. After a breast reduction, patients say that the new feeling of chest lightness is liberating. #breastreduction #mycosmeticsurgery #drrkmishra #aestheticsurgery #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #SIPShospital #lucknowtourism #medicaltourism #bestplasticsurgeon #topplasticsurgeon #topdoctor #bestratedsurgeon #fivestarreviews #bestreviews #aspscertified #heavybreastsissues #heavybustquotes #largebreastsproblems #benefitsofbreastreduction #reductionmammaplasty #rkmsips #breastreductionsurgery https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKSzu3pQix/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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