#breha tries not to giggle too much when she tells him that yes he looks very handsome
varpusvaras · 1 month
Like, I know it's because Rogue One was filmed before the OWK show, and that's why Bail has more grey on him in OWK than in Rogue One...but in universe...does he dye his hair and beard?
He tries it when Leia becomes a Senator because he wants to look fresh for his daughter's big event, and he's like does this look good? I think I look younger. Love, do I look younger to you?
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swfanficbyjz · 7 years
SW AU - Fate of the Master Chapter 26
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"Thank you for coming on such short notice, I know you both just returned." Obi wan said as Anakin and Ahsoka came in the room behind him. He was busy trying to move furniture around the newly remodeled council room.
"Is everything alright?" Anakin asked concerned.
Obi wan finished moving the last chair into place and turned to look at them. "Yes and no." He said at last, wiping the sweat off his brow.
"How can we help?" Ahsoka asked.
Obi wan slumped down into a chair and gestured for them to sit too. "I've been giving some thought to this whole grandmaster of the new Jedi order thing, and I'm not sure I'm up to it after all."
"How can you say that, master? You're the most qualified person out there." Anakin said quickly. Obi wan half smiled but then stroked his beard in deep thought.
"Well, not exactly. But the reason I called you here is because I need a favor."
"Of course," Ahsoka said without hesitation.
"I will continue my role as grandmaster on one condition..." Obi wan said slowly. Enjoying their anxiety more than he should. "That the two of you agree to sit on the council."
"What?" Anakin exclaimed standing up.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Master Kenobi." Ahsoka said.
"Calm down, Anakin, hear me out." Anakin grumbled something under his breath and sat back down. "Look, I know that given all we've each been through, none of us is truly qualified to restart the order as it once was. Both of you have pointed out its many failings on more than one occasion. And even though I used to believe strongly in the old code, I see now that it was outdated and did not truly serve the best interest of both its members and the people of the galaxy. So even though you two have both severed ties with it, I feel as though I cannot truly serve others without your perspectives and ideas."
Obi wan went silent for a few moments so that Anakin and Ahsoka could mull over what he was saying.
"Anakin, you taught me time and time again, that though I tried to help people, I never really saw them. Or understood them. Your perspective on delicate situations, I regret to say, I never fully appreciated before. I spent entirely too much time believing I knew better and you just didn't get it. But I see now that I was the one that didn't get it. You showed me faces and individuals when I only saw numbers. Ahsoka, you taught me that wisdom comes at all ages and in many forms. You showed me that the path ahead is not black and white, but that with confidence, fearlessness and love, even impossible tasks become possible. You've shown me resilience and maturity that not even the old masters possessed at such degree. Your thoughtfulness and insights would be invaluable in creating an environment that would truly serve the people of this world and all the others."
Obi wan watched as they glanced at each other, hoping that he had convinced them.
"I know you both have doubts about rejoining the Jedi order. I know that you feel as though you are unworthy to hold that position again. I understand, but I need you here. I can't do this without you."
"Will you actually listen to us this time?" Anakin asked finally.
"Yes." Obi wan replied.
"Then we'd be honored to be a part of it again." Ahsoka said, reaching for Anakin's hand. He still looked a little uncertain but he nodded in agreement.
"Thank you." Obi wan said with a sigh of relief.
*New Jedi Order Open House, 19 years after the great Jedi Purge*
"Uncle Owen! Aunt Beru! I'm so glad you came!" Luke exclaimed happily, greeting his aunt and uncle with kisses on their cheeks as they walked nervously into the foyer of the restored Jedi temple. They looked around timidly. Anakin smiled to himself as he watched them take in the contrasting world of force users and the big city to what they were used to on Tatooine. It had taken a lot of convincing to get them to come, but ultimately they'd agreed. Anakin was pleased. It was important to Luke that they be a part of such a momentous occasion, even though they'd always been against him being a Jedi. "This is my twin sister, Leia!" Luke introduced her to the Lars'. She greeted them politely. They looked a little overwhelmed.
Anakin stepped forward at last, "Hello brother, glad you could make it." He extended a mechanical hand to his half brother, Owen who looked up at him in surprise. Owen shook it hesitantly, as Anakin pulled him apart from the group for a moment. "It means a lot to Luke, that you're here." He spoke low so they wouldn't be overheard.
"I didn't want to come," Owen admitted. "But I realized that even though I don't agree with his choice to follow in your footsteps, we did raise him and we do love him."
Anakin nodded thoughtfully brushing off his pointed remark. "I know you do. And I'm eternally grateful for all that you've done. You did what I could not. And I want you to know, that it's because you loved him and raised him well, that he will not become like I had. He will be a Jedi. And he will not fall like I did."
Owen seemed satisfied with Anakin's response. "I thought Jedi were secretive, what's this all about?"
Anakin smiled, "we used to be, but we've learned a few things over the years. We used to think it was better to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, believing that distance would enable us to do what we must to save as many as possible. Now we've come to understand that relationships with the outside world, contact and support from our families and friends, is immeasurably important. Luke and Leia are the best examples of that. Because they both were given a chance to be raised in loving environments with great support systems, there is a far smaller chance for them to be tempted by power or anything else the dark side could offer." Anakin could tell that his brother didn't fully grasp what he was saying, but seemed to be pleased to hear the more progressive views of the Jedi. And it occurred to him that he would likely encounter that reaction a lot throughout the day. Between the holonet news and the rumor train, views on the Jedi were as varied and mysterious as Coruscant itself. He hoped to change that.
"Uncle Owen! Look at this," Luke called, and Anakin let him rejoin the rest of the group as Luke pointed out places and things as they moved the tour throughout the temple.  
On the second level, they met up with Bail, Breha and Ahsoka. As introductions were made all around, it was Leia's turn to lead the tour and they all continued along as a big group while Anakin and Ahsoka followed a few steps behind.
"How do you think it's going?" She asked him, slipping an arm around his waist.
"I'm feeling a lot of positive energy." He replied resting his arm around her shoulders. "People seem excited about the changes and getting to be a part of it."
"Indeed," Ahsoka responded. "It's different, but it feels good. Like we're finally doing something right, you know?"
"Yeah, I do." He said squeezing her closer.
"How do you feel about Leia's choice to join the government leadership academy rather than finish her Jedi training?" She asked him.
"I think it's the right choice for her. I admit I would have loved to see her as a Jedi knight, just like Luke, but her strategy and leadership skills far surpass my own. I think she'll make a brilliant general."
"Me too," Ahsoka replied. "And of course, she'll still have some classes here, so it's not like we won't ever see her."
"True." Anakin replied.
"Hello there," Callista said as her and her husband Geith came through a door on their right.
"Callista! It's so good to see you!" Ahsoka said excitedly and embraced her.
"It's been too long," her friend said. "You remember Geith?"
"Of course, how are you both?" Ahsoka asked, shaking his hand.
"We're doing well," Geith replied in a deep voice. "Have you met our daughter, Karmen yet?" He asked indicating a tall thin, red headed girl behind them.
"I have not. How do you do?" Ahsoka asked.
"It's nice to meet you." Karmen curtsied.
"Karmen is a Jedi marriage counselor and officiator now." Callista said proudly. "Which I know was something you weren't very comfortable with a long long time ago." She giggled.
"Ah yes... well time certainly changes things," Ahsoka said squeezing Anakin's hand. He smiled back at her. "Is master Altis and the others still alive?"
"I'm afraid not," Geith said sadly. "We're all that's left of the Altisian Jedi."
"I'm so sorry to hear that. But I'm hoping that all those that were lost will find a home here forevermore." Ahsoka replied. "Both in flesh and spirit."
"I'm certain Master Altis would be pleased to see the Jedi order now. I know you weren't so open minded when you were just a padawan, though I can't say I blame you. It's hard to break tradition." Callista commented.
"Ain't that the truth?" Ahsoka replied. "I guess it took life forcing us to change perspectives to figure out what was wrong with our traditions."
Callista smiled. "Well, we should get going, Karmen wants to see the gardens."
"Of course," Anakin nodded to them. "See you around!"
Anakin and Ahsoka caught up with the rest of their group.
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