#brenna aeducan
anneapocalypse · 2 years
! in light of that oc post you rb'd. consider this an opportunity to talk about ur ocs. basics, dnd alignment, ur fav things you've come up for them, what makes you/their LI deranged abt them, top moment living rent free in ur head for them, (free space here) hehehe
You are too kind. 💙
Truly, when it comes to player characters I have too many. Rather than one "canon" world state I have an ever-growing pile of them, which I sit atop like a dragon on its treasure hoard.
So today I think I'll take this as an excuse opportunity to talk about Noble Hearts, even though I don't currently have any fic written for any of them. Generally for each world state I pick a theme, and each character is a variation on it, so the theme of this one is nobility.
Brenna Aeducan
How it started:
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How it's going:
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Brenna Aeducan starts out in full Noble Asshole mode, does not speak to commoners, etc. Over the course of her journey, she falls in love with Alistair, puts him on the throne, and sacrifices herself to kill the archdemon.
Her arc is about learning the true meaning of nobility. It's a journey from Lawful Evil to Lawful Good.
Favorite Brenna moments:
She puts Bhelan on the throne.
Bhelan, you outplayed me. You won. I will not allow House Aeducan to fall simply to spite you. I will see you on the throne. But never forget who put you there.
Connor dies. Brenna knows nothing about magic. She takes the Knight-Commander at his word when he says the Circle is lost. She accidentally reveals Morrigan as an apostate and Wynne attacks them, forcing Brenna to kill her and leaving her no further reason to consider sparing the mages. So when they subsequently go to Redcliffe, there is no third option, and she's not about to do a blood magic ritual, so the child has to die. (This ends up being a very rough patch in her relationship with Alistair.)
Favorite romance moment: When she realizes that Alistair's destiny is to rule his people, and she will never be his queen... and puts him on the throne anyway. And Alistair's goodbye in Denerim, where he knows damn well what she's about to do: "I won't forget you. I'll make sure they don't forget you."
The Warden for Awakening is also a dwarf, Devari Kader, who was born casteless before leaving and becoming a Grey Warden. She finds it absolutely bonkers to be not only a noble but a noble ruling humans. Also baffled by the fact that everyone keeps calling her "Orlesian."
Emilia Hawke
The one I call Terrible Hawke (affectionate and derogatory).
How it started:
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How it's going:
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Emilia Hawke starts out protective of her little sister, though maybe with a bit of resentment brewing under the surface. She loses Bethany in the Deep Roads. Over the course of her arc she slides toward more and more extreme pro-templar behavior until Leandra's murder just sends her completely off the rails. By Act III she is a full-on anti-mage fanatic who believes that magic is a curse and it was a blessing from the Maker that he called Bethany back to his side before she could fall to corruption.
Emilia was an exercise in "Let's make a Hawke who sides with the templars at the end and fully believes they're doing the right thing."
If you ask her, she's Lawful Good. (I'd call her Lawful Evil, lol.)
Favorite Emilia moments:
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Bethany's death truly is the beginning of her long downward spiral, because she really did love her sister. With Bethany gone, over time her memory in Emilia's mind is twisted into an idealized portrait of the "Good Mage." One who was meek and righteous (neither of which accurately describe who Bethany really was), never gave into temptation, and most importantly, died young and pure. That distorted image of Bethany helps her rationalize things later that Bethany would never have approved of, without ever admitting to herself how deeply she has dishonored her sister's memory.
Romance: She romances Sebastian and ends up taking those Chantry vows with him. They're a chaste and devout religious power couple who enable some of each other's worst traits and mutually cockblock each other so hard (Emilia constantly encourages him to keep his Chantry vows despite clearly wanting to bang him) I have to say that both of them on some level get off on denying each other and themselves. They deserve each other. 💙
Incidentally in addition to taking Chantry vows, Emilia has the Templar specialization. Which means that for a brief time, Kirkwall has a Viscount who is an actual Chantry Sister and "unofficial" templar. Love that for them.
Theodore Trevelyan
How it started:
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How it's going:
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Theo is "the spare" of his family, and he knows it. So when this "Herald of Andraste" thing drops in his lap, he seizes it with both hands. Why yes, I am the Chosen One! Thank you for asking!
And he wants so badly to believe it.
Alignment: Lawful Stupid. Would in theory like to be Good but is completely unpracticed at any kind of complex moral reasoning.
Favorite Theo moments:
His confidence takes its first big hit at Halamshiral, where he makes a fantastic cock-up of it and ends up with Gaspard as Emperor not by choice but because he can't make a decision and just stands there gawping while his people are waiting for orders, and Celene gets stabbinated in front of him. And then everyone praises him and acted like he made this happen on purpose. He does not walk away feeling good about this.
And then the Fade is like "Yeah you weren't saved by Andraste lol."
Incidentally, Emilia's anti-mage fanaticism unnerves even bland milquetoast pro-templar Theo to the point that it contributes to him leaving her in the Fade, even though he feels really guilty about it because of Varric.
Also a big fan of the scene where he gets yelled at by Solas, who is deeply unimpressed with him.
Romance: He falls hard for Cassandra, which really makes things awkward when he starts to doubt his Chosen-ness because deep down he knows there's nothing else remarkable about him and he's not handsome or charming enough to get by on that alone, and what if she only ever liked him because she thought he was chosen by the Maker?
Probably his greatest moment of character growth is when he learns that Cassandra is a candidate for Divine, and realizes that if he supports her, he's probably going to lose her. And he decides to support her anyway because he loves her and can't stand in the way of her calling if it's the Maker's will.
Thanks for letting me introduce you to my awful children!
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exantivancrow · 2 years
hi! I’m Crow! Here’s a brief(ish) summary of my DA OCs while I work on something better.
canon worldstate:
rohan brosca: he/they, dual handed rogue, zevran romance
nicholas hawke: he/him, force mage, fenris romance
codessa “cody” liath: she/they, dual handed rogue, cullen romance
[companion ocs]
eirin cadash: she/her, two handed, unrequited!varric romance
keala ghilain: she/her, spirit mage, barris romance
[npc ocs]
mirevas surana: she/her, barkeeper, sera romance
romilly amell: she/her, theoretical arcanist, bull romance
iliad worldstate:
thetis mahariel: she/her, archer rogue, leliana romance
briseis hawke: she/they/he, blood mage, merrill romance
patroclus kokkinos: he/him, two handed warrior, ??? romance
[companion ocs]
silvain “butler”: he/him, dual wielding rogue, dorian romance
sekhmet adaar: she/him, archer rogue, sera romance
[npc ocs]
tatenen aqun: xe/xir, rivaini seer, josephine romance
zolah kondrat: she/her, sword and shield warrior, varric’s publisher
damocles kokkinos: he/him, spec unknown, patroclus’ little brother 
current playthrough:
elisedd cousland: he/him, sword and shield warrior, morrigan romance
eponine hawke: she/her, archer rogue, sebastian romance
eluvia lavellan: she/they, spirit healer, solas romance
assorted w/o worldstates:
iapetus mahariel | cassius tabris | mirenan surana | baldr aeducan | dis aeducan | islay cousland | brenna cousland |
aramis hawke | ygraine hawke | oberon hawke | caspian hawke | nerissa hawke | nimue hawke
poppy rolfe | phoebus | rigel | yuda lavellan | orrin cadash | foxglove & wolfsbane |
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sunbentsky-archived · 4 years
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Nika was born in Orzammar, part of House Kader of the warrior caste. Her mother was a traditionalist through and through, loyal to their House and the King. Her father, however, wanted more. He was an idealist who believed Orzammar could do much better-- their family could do much better-- and he instilled this ambition in his daughter as well. Nika joined the army at an early age, and worked her way up from a mere soldier to Orzammar's army general, impressing even the King with her feats of valor and dutifulness. Young, brilliant, ambitious, addicted to power, she maneuvered her way from the King's war table to his bed-chamber, and would soon become Endrin Aeducan's consort and give birth to a son-- Bhelen. Yet it was not enough, it would never be enough for Nika, and a new plan was set into motion: dethroning Endrin and taking his place. Nika's short-term plan regarding the coup was to remove the King from the position of Commander-in-Chief and create a War Council working independently of the Assembly. Long term plans included abolishing the caste system, opening Orzammar’s gates to the surface, and reclaiming and rebuilding as much as possible of the lost thaigs. All of this would remain only an attempt, however. Bhelen was still a baby when she was exiled after the botched attempt at taking King Endrin's life and assuming control. Nika Kader’s name was all but struck from the record. The people of Orzammar still remember her, but her legacy– all the soldiers she’d personally trained, the successful incursions on darkspawn she’d led, the sections of the Deep Roads she’d secured– has been reduced to vague mentions of a treacherous wife and mother and a cautionary tale for the nobles to better scrutinize their consorts. She survived in the Deep Roads on her own long enough to reach a Legion of the Dead outpost and then fought by their side for a couple of years before joining a contingent of Orlesian Grey Wardens and leaving for the surface. Here, she was reborn, eventually rising in rank to Warden-Lieutenant, and seeking to return to Orzammar and finish what she started.
Nika was born to Yarina and Dzhanniy of Clan Kader, a small and modest family line but comprised of valorous warriors, loyal to Mahakam to a fault. She trained as a warrior from an early age and joined the Mahakam Volunteer Army, not shying away from any battle, no matter how unlikely the odds of victory. She rose through the ranks quickly, making a name for herself after becoming a veteran of Mayena and Brenna. Once she returned to Mahakam, she advanced further, both socially and politically, by becoming Brouver Hoog’s consort. Having a son together, Bhelen, sealed Nika’s joining of Clan Hoog and her position of relative authority over the Mahakam army.
Still, it was not good enough for Nika, as the Elder-in-Chief was the absolute ruling power, and whenever she and Brouver had a disagreement, Nika would have to accept his decisions. Furthermore, she believed that Mahakam’s status as a vassal state of Temeria-- even if only in name-- was an insult to all its inhabitants, and they would not see true independence and prosperity unless they made a move against the Northern Kingdoms, especially Temeria. Though this view was not without supporters, the majority of the Clan Council, including the Elder, were firmly in opposition.
When the Second Northern war ended and things began to settle across the Continent, Nika, backed up by a division of loyalists from the Volunteer Army, attempted a coup against Brouver Hoog, seeking to claim the role of Elder-in-Chief for herself. Though exceedingly violent and difficult to put down, the coup failed in the end. Nika and her loyalists were given swift and decisive trials, some of them sentenced to death, others imprisoned or exiled, depending on their involvement. Nika herself was exiled from Mahakam, her name struck from the records and she would only be remembered as The Usurper Mother. Clan Kader faded into obscurity and eventually died out, branded renegades and traitors due to Nika’s actions. 
Nowadays, Nika roams the Continent together with a band of warriors who have either followed her into exile from Mahakam or joined her along the way, enthralled by her ideals of war and sovereignty. Most of them are dwarves, though they occasionally pick up other people too, for the most part temporarily. Nika herself is still aware of what is happening within the borders of Mahakam and every little political gossip and intrigue as she has several spies and contacts who provide her with information. She’s still planning to strike back against Brouver Hoog and all those who support him, working as a bounty hunter and mercenary, and biding her time.
Kader Nika is a warlord who fought in the Krogan Rebellions and lived to tell the tale. Even among the krogan, she is known for her ruthlessness and iron will, and has many supporters as she’s always proven to put her people’s interests first and protect them fiercely. Dissatisfied with the leadership of Clan Kader, Nika invoked the Rite of Authority and swiftly rose victorious over the previous leader. As a warlord, she went on leading her people to battle against other Clans, conquering and assimilating them and thus promoting the growth of Clan Kader on Tuchanka and beyond. Eventually, she forged an allegiance with Clan Urdnot and gave birth to a healthy child, Urdnot Wreav, which only propels her importance in krogan society.
Nika’s ambition, however, was to rule as Overlord on Tuchanka and lead the krogan to war against the galaxy once more, starting with the Council. This pushed her and her warriors to commit acts of violence against their own people, procuring large amounts of weapons of mass destruction, hiring off-world mercenaries and criminal gangs, pillaging everything in their path to a unified  Tuchanka under Nika’s rule. The climax of this was when a botched attempt at turning against Clan Urdnot and its leaders ended with the death of several mothers and their children. Perhaps ironically, the Clans on Tuchanka did unite for once due to Nika’s actions, but not to support her-- instead, they unanimously decided that she and Clan Kader went too far and would be exiled from their homeworld, branded renegades, and forbidden from ever re-entering krogan society. 
Thus, Nika, accompanied by a dozen or so members of the now-dissolved Clan Kader, left Tuchanka and are roaming the fringes of the galaxy in search of supporters and ultimately revenge.
In this iteration, Nika and most of Clan Kader signed up for the Andromeda Initiative. Nika herself played a major role in the Nexus uprising. She wasn’t part of the krogan work crews who were asked to provide military support-- she was one of the rebels, openly opposing the Nexus leadership and encouraging others to follow her against them. After the rebellion was quelled and those involved exiled, Nika and her associates ended up on Elaaden. However, they refused to join New Tuchanka or defer to Nakmor Morda‘s leadership. Instead, they chose to settle somewhere else on Elaaden, spending their days recruiting new members and leading incursions against Nexus personnel and propriety. 
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thatapostateboy · 8 years
Some OC questions: 1, 2, 7, 20, 32 and 40 :D
I have no idea how long this has been in my inbox since Tumblr failed to inform me it was here, so I’m getting it was for this meme.
(I’m basing these off of my video game OCs because if we gointo all of my OCs from my original fiction, we’re gonna be here a while)
1. Your first OC ever?
Rowena Oakstaff, my first Skyrimcharacter. After I started playing Skyrim I got involved in the tumblr RPcommunity and developed Rowena into her own character (not the super poweredamazing hero of Skyrim). She’s a Bosmer hunter who left home at a young age,making a life for herself in Skyrim, only to have her new home in Helgendestroyed in the dragon attack. She’s saved by Ralof, and follows him toWindhelm; joining the Stormcloaks to repay the life debt to him. She learns howto fight with duel swords, and is eventually placed in a brigade in the camp inHaafingar with a plethora of other OCs of mine. Many adventures ensue. Shefalls in love with Ralof, but he marries another, but she finds love eventuallywith Vilkas.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
*clutches them all tomy chest* don’t make me choose between my children.
I love them all butsome have a truly special place in my heart. Skyrim Rowena means a hell of alot to me, I’ve been writing her for years and I’ve not developed her into theprotagonist for my original fiction fantasy novel. My main Dragon Age ladiesare my darlings as well; Rowena Tabris, Marie Hawke and Brenna Lavellan. I havemajor sot spots for Brianna Amell and Jenni Cousland, and don’t even get mestarted on my Dragon Age Babies.
7. Are your OCs partof any story or stories?
Most of them areinvolved in the individual plots of their own games, but many of them I haveremoved them from the position of protagonist and made them support characters.For example, in my DA:O canon, all of the potential Wardens survive, but onlyTabris and Surana are recruited by Duncan, and the others are recruited intothe party along the way; Aedan Cousland is the guard at the Tower of Ishal,Jenni Cousland escaped Highever and is in Redcliffe, Brianna Amell is defendingthe Circle from demons, Lyna Mahariel left her clan to search for Tamlen and ishelping the other Dalish clan against the werewolves, Natia Brosca is in hidingin Orzammar trying to bring down the Carta on her own, and Thrina Aeducansurvives in the Deep Roads and fights alongside the Wardens when they come forBranka.
All of my Skyrimcharacters have their own stories within the game as many of them don’t followmain questlines.
20. Do any of your OCssing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind ofsongs they like etc)?
Rowena Oakstaff is oneof the best singers among my OCs. She has a sweet melodic voice, not at allsuited to the bar songs she always yells out when she’s drunk with her brigade,much more suited to the softer lullabies she sings to her children later inlife.
Natalie Powell, mySole Survivor, also has a classic singing voice, having performed many timeswhen she was at law school to pay for tuition. She met her husband Tom when heand his army buddies came along one night.
32. Which one of yourOCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? 
Garrett Hawke. Boy survived the Fade long enough to escapethrough a Rift. He could survive a horror game.
Skyrim Rowena as well probably. She ain’t got time for thatshit. She’s cautious enough to look for danger, and she knows what she’s suitedenough to face.
40. Any fond memorieslinked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Here’s where I startgetting really emotional over Rowena because I just really fucking love her. I’veliterally been writing her for five years. I spent the summer of 2012 doingnothing but racking up hundreds of hours of playing Skyrim and writing fan fic,which developed into roleplaying, which gave me so much time to bond with her.And even after all of these years I keep coming back to her as her characterdevelops as I get older and my writing matures. I have so many fond memories ofwriting her and her squad mates, I read back over my old RP blog every now andthen to make myself smile.
One of my fondestmemories is letting a friend of mine read one of my fan fics once, which sheproceeded to make into a dramatic reading, acting it out. The scene was aconflict between Rowena and her long lost parents who were none too impressedthat their daughter was marrying a Nord and was part of the Stormcloak army.Every time I reread that scene, all I can think of is my friend acting it out,making Rowena buff as shit next to her weedy little dad, giving her a deepervoice and everything.
Everything aboutRowena just makes me happy. Maybe because she’s just me with an elf disguiseon. Suddenly realises she’s bisexual out of nowhere; me. Tendency to fall headover heels for all of her best friends; me. Collects bands of misfits and makesthem into family; me. Majorist mom friend; me.
She is the best and Ilove her.
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
@fivekoboldsinacoat replied to your post “In theory there's always room for more choices and...”:
i am very intrigued what the choice and scene in question were, did u talk about it anywhere?
​I don't think I have posted about it, actually!
(Warning, this will involve discussion of fictional child death.)
It was my "Noble Hearts" world state, the one I most recently completed, and I was playing an Aeducan. She went to the Circle before Redcliffe, and knowing little about magic or mages in practice, and looking to the templars as an authority, she believed the Knight-Commander when he said it was too dangerous to hope that any of the mages might live. Once inside the tower, she made the mistake of revealing Morrigan as an apostate, which if you do that, Wynne attacks you and you have to kill her! So she had no Wynne to sway her toward saving the mages, and she helped to annul the Circle.
Then she went to Redcliffe. And if the Circle has been annulled, there is no "third option" to save both Connor and Isolde. One of them has to die.
Brenna Aeducan was also romancing Alistair, incidentally, and he was obviously very opposed to the idea of a blood magic ritual.
So she chose what she saw as the only viable option: to kill Connor.
Isolde Guerrin is something of a joke character in the fandom and for kind of understandable reasons. I too have done my impression of the "Who ees thees wooman, Teagan?" line plenty of times.
But I have never felt so compelled by Isolde as a character as when I had to listen to her sobbing and begging for her son's life. Her voice actor gives it 150% and it is absolutely gutwrenching. And if you stand your ground, when she's finally convinced that there's no other option but to kill Connor, she insists on doing it herself.
I actually had to get up and walk away from my computer for a minute after that quest, because it was genuinely upsetting.
It made me feel a lot of things about Isolde, how despite every mistake she made, she really deeply loved her son. And I can still poke fun at a funny line, but not so much at the core of her character anymore, if that makes sense. It just really took her to another level for me.
Incidentally, Alistair also gets pretty upset with the Warden afterward if Connor is killed (and I assume it's similar for Isolde). He's actually another character that I like even more for playing through scenarios where he gets upset or angry. (Another favorite is conscripting Loghain--he is PISSED.) His VA also knocks it out of the park. When you have a positive relationship with Alistair he's very sweet and charming, but I also like getting to see his range as a character, because he has a lot of it.
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