#if you want to interact and need another verse hmu!! i can put more together
sunbentsky-archived · 4 years
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Nika was born in Orzammar, part of House Kader of the warrior caste. Her mother was a traditionalist through and through, loyal to their House and the King. Her father, however, wanted more. He was an idealist who believed Orzammar could do much better-- their family could do much better-- and he instilled this ambition in his daughter as well. Nika joined the army at an early age, and worked her way up from a mere soldier to Orzammar's army general, impressing even the King with her feats of valor and dutifulness. Young, brilliant, ambitious, addicted to power, she maneuvered her way from the King's war table to his bed-chamber, and would soon become Endrin Aeducan's consort and give birth to a son-- Bhelen. Yet it was not enough, it would never be enough for Nika, and a new plan was set into motion: dethroning Endrin and taking his place. Nika's short-term plan regarding the coup was to remove the King from the position of Commander-in-Chief and create a War Council working independently of the Assembly. Long term plans included abolishing the caste system, opening Orzammar’s gates to the surface, and reclaiming and rebuilding as much as possible of the lost thaigs. All of this would remain only an attempt, however. Bhelen was still a baby when she was exiled after the botched attempt at taking King Endrin's life and assuming control. Nika Kader’s name was all but struck from the record. The people of Orzammar still remember her, but her legacy– all the soldiers she’d personally trained, the successful incursions on darkspawn she’d led, the sections of the Deep Roads she’d secured– has been reduced to vague mentions of a treacherous wife and mother and a cautionary tale for the nobles to better scrutinize their consorts. She survived in the Deep Roads on her own long enough to reach a Legion of the Dead outpost and then fought by their side for a couple of years before joining a contingent of Orlesian Grey Wardens and leaving for the surface. Here, she was reborn, eventually rising in rank to Warden-Lieutenant, and seeking to return to Orzammar and finish what she started.
Nika was born to Yarina and Dzhanniy of Clan Kader, a small and modest family line but comprised of valorous warriors, loyal to Mahakam to a fault. She trained as a warrior from an early age and joined the Mahakam Volunteer Army, not shying away from any battle, no matter how unlikely the odds of victory. She rose through the ranks quickly, making a name for herself after becoming a veteran of Mayena and Brenna. Once she returned to Mahakam, she advanced further, both socially and politically, by becoming Brouver Hoog’s consort. Having a son together, Bhelen, sealed Nika’s joining of Clan Hoog and her position of relative authority over the Mahakam army.
Still, it was not good enough for Nika, as the Elder-in-Chief was the absolute ruling power, and whenever she and Brouver had a disagreement, Nika would have to accept his decisions. Furthermore, she believed that Mahakam’s status as a vassal state of Temeria-- even if only in name-- was an insult to all its inhabitants, and they would not see true independence and prosperity unless they made a move against the Northern Kingdoms, especially Temeria. Though this view was not without supporters, the majority of the Clan Council, including the Elder, were firmly in opposition.
When the Second Northern war ended and things began to settle across the Continent, Nika, backed up by a division of loyalists from the Volunteer Army, attempted a coup against Brouver Hoog, seeking to claim the role of Elder-in-Chief for herself. Though exceedingly violent and difficult to put down, the coup failed in the end. Nika and her loyalists were given swift and decisive trials, some of them sentenced to death, others imprisoned or exiled, depending on their involvement. Nika herself was exiled from Mahakam, her name struck from the records and she would only be remembered as The Usurper Mother. Clan Kader faded into obscurity and eventually died out, branded renegades and traitors due to Nika’s actions. 
Nowadays, Nika roams the Continent together with a band of warriors who have either followed her into exile from Mahakam or joined her along the way, enthralled by her ideals of war and sovereignty. Most of them are dwarves, though they occasionally pick up other people too, for the most part temporarily. Nika herself is still aware of what is happening within the borders of Mahakam and every little political gossip and intrigue as she has several spies and contacts who provide her with information. She’s still planning to strike back against Brouver Hoog and all those who support him, working as a bounty hunter and mercenary, and biding her time.
Kader Nika is a warlord who fought in the Krogan Rebellions and lived to tell the tale. Even among the krogan, she is known for her ruthlessness and iron will, and has many supporters as she’s always proven to put her people’s interests first and protect them fiercely. Dissatisfied with the leadership of Clan Kader, Nika invoked the Rite of Authority and swiftly rose victorious over the previous leader. As a warlord, she went on leading her people to battle against other Clans, conquering and assimilating them and thus promoting the growth of Clan Kader on Tuchanka and beyond. Eventually, she forged an allegiance with Clan Urdnot and gave birth to a healthy child, Urdnot Wreav, which only propels her importance in krogan society.
Nika’s ambition, however, was to rule as Overlord on Tuchanka and lead the krogan to war against the galaxy once more, starting with the Council. This pushed her and her warriors to commit acts of violence against their own people, procuring large amounts of weapons of mass destruction, hiring off-world mercenaries and criminal gangs, pillaging everything in their path to a unified  Tuchanka under Nika’s rule. The climax of this was when a botched attempt at turning against Clan Urdnot and its leaders ended with the death of several mothers and their children. Perhaps ironically, the Clans on Tuchanka did unite for once due to Nika’s actions, but not to support her-- instead, they unanimously decided that she and Clan Kader went too far and would be exiled from their homeworld, branded renegades, and forbidden from ever re-entering krogan society. 
Thus, Nika, accompanied by a dozen or so members of the now-dissolved Clan Kader, left Tuchanka and are roaming the fringes of the galaxy in search of supporters and ultimately revenge.
In this iteration, Nika and most of Clan Kader signed up for the Andromeda Initiative. Nika herself played a major role in the Nexus uprising. She wasn’t part of the krogan work crews who were asked to provide military support-- she was one of the rebels, openly opposing the Nexus leadership and encouraging others to follow her against them. After the rebellion was quelled and those involved exiled, Nika and her associates ended up on Elaaden. However, they refused to join New Tuchanka or defer to Nakmor Morda‘s leadership. Instead, they chose to settle somewhere else on Elaaden, spending their days recruiting new members and leading incursions against Nexus personnel and propriety. 
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unattainabledreams · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥
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Mun note: I’m gonna put this below the cut cause it’s a biiiig tag. But if you do read it, hmu honestly cause I’ve love to chatting.
And if you do it? Let me know! I love learning about people’s connection to their muses, new or old.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK (Mixed impressions depending on who you ask and how you ask it I reckon.)
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?
OG Canon, By default, up until Zack’s canonical death, I follow canon very muchly. (That doesn’t mean I’m not open to earlier plotted divergence though!) If the overall plot ends with death, then I’m alright with that, I love the handing on of the torch from Angeal to Zack to Cloud. My goal is to never minimize that. But for interactions beyond the end of Crisis Core, I have two particular verses that I absolutely adore based on already established lore and my own head-canons for how Zack would continue.
OG Canon Remake Canon, while it’s nice for options and I don’t mind it, on a technical front I think it weakens the ongoing plot for other characters who then wouldn’t have been forced to grow so much themselves. I enjoyed the remake, but regarding Zack it’s not my cup of tea. I’ll write remake by request, but it’s not my default.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.
His genuine care for those around him with unrelenting selflessness is both heartwarming -and heart-wrenching.
Zack’s journey from naivety about the world and events around him to recognizing the harm of the organization he’s been directly a part of. He grows in both substance and maturity as he’s increasingly forced to reckon with reality.
Chasing after an idea which is realized but not how he once imagined it. 
While Zack is strong, he’s most certainly not the strongest. I enjoy playing with weakness.
Almost relentless optimism. How he pushes onward to continue trying to pick up the pieces. Additionally as such a genuine character and I hope that love comes through in my portrayal.
Look. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But on a personal my muse front, despite my love for him I love putting him in situations where I get to break him down to build back up again because that’s his strength as a character.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  
His early naivety and blind loyalty to ShinRa. (IMO tho, you gotta have a ‘from’ in order to have a ‘to’)
Puppy goofy himbo dummy. (At least, that’s how some people see him.)
Almost relentless optimism.
Some feel he draws away from Cloud’s story.
Look again.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  
Have you ever had a time when you’re watching or playing something and there’s just a character you really identify with like, not just ‘oh, me’ - but beyond that in an almost scary way? For where I was in life and what I was going through, Zack was exactly that for me, and I fell in love with how kept pushing through.
So that was four years ago, and I RP’d him privately within friend groups. Said friends of course moved on from the fandom and I just quietly always wanted to come back to him, there were so many things I’d come up with that I hadn’t gotten to using yet in writing.
So late last year when a friend decided to get into FF7 I made my blog(s) to join them. :3 I did go on hiatus when 7R came out to avoid spoilers as I didn’t have access to a console through the lockdown in my country to play, but I’ve finally returned. (And now you have like a million blogs shgjfjkasghfd.)
What keeps your inspiration going?
On a personal note, Zack’s been an intrinsic part of my life for the past four years. Even when friend groups moved on from the fandom in waves coming and going, he’s never really gone from my life because I live in a fairly small country and he’s one of two cosplays I’m known for here in con/geek circles. (I’ve even Cosplayed him for an official event! <3)
On a writing front, honestly, as I said before, I love the way he keeps on keeping on no matter what’s thrown at him. I don’t want his journey to end. I want him to fall again and again but also to conquer those shortcomings and rise stronger.
That doesn’t have to make him the strongest in body, but in mind that makes him a personal hero for me at least so he’s forever an inspiration. Despite the labels applied to his dream, (See my URL) the pursuit as such defines him admirably.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. (I have a terrible habit of keeping most of em in my head, but they do exist. I’m trying to get better at posting them casually. I know they're good at helping prospective RP partners work out openings for interactions. ;; )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. (Honestly this is usually what happens when I do try to do a HC post, It becomes a drabble incorporating it instead. Whoops?)
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
Criticism and Critique. Boy oh boy. That’s gonna be a pass, please.
Unsolicited criticism sucks. That’s not what I’m here for, nor many of us I expect. Miss me with that anxiety spike. I’ve done study in writing for films. I know a lot of technical stuff. But I also enjoy switching that off and allowing things to happen. I’m also a performer, and the the improvisational and spontaneous reactionary side is just as important as the plotted. I’m here for fun to explore what I want with other like minded people. Not for criticism.
‘Hey have you thought about ___’ - that’s okay. If we grow together, cool, that’s great! In fact, it kinda leads into the next question.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  
Yeeee! Please. Just be aware I’m sometimes slow with my inbox though I am getting better at this!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why? 
Unless it’s something that clashes between our two muses like a death or lack-thereof, or important shared-background things that needs discussing, I don’t think there’s much reason for it to be brought up. My headcanons exist for the general purpose of ‘without outside influence, this is my default.’ - that’s it. Sometimes they just aren’t relevant.
If it’s simply ‘I don’t like this this idea’ see the next answer.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
If someone does, please don’t tell me. You can go write him yourself or find another closer to how you perceive him. My portrayal is my own, and I don’t need to conform to your idea of what Zack would do or say. Neither of us need to waste energy on this.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
If it’s my muse, fine. But don’t get aggressive at me about it. I’m also a Genesis mun, so I get the rivalry. But cool your jets.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  
Sure. In fact please. Honestly, @ RP partners, I don’t mind if you quietly fix em yourself. Dyslexia’s an uphill battle. I’ll often edit posts after the fact if I notice my own mistakes, so sure. But @ Readers, please don’t get at my RP partners grammar. This is consent for my writing, not theirs. Though also don’t be a pick-apart grammar police just to get to me. Have some sense about it. ;)
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
I can be very talkative. Honestly if that surprises you despite my choice of muses with Zack and Gen then gaia help you. So uh, heads up on that. If I haven’t talked to you yet, the key word is ‘yet’ - I’m just working out where to start or for something to react to.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @lifedxbt​ tagged me for returning from hiatus so I should probably do this. :p Tagging: Uhhhhh, it big. Do if want? Yay. (It took me two hours)
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