#brent seabrook: kink bodyguard au
distressednoise · 2 years
There’s no good way to say “there was a network outage at work so I spent all afternoon stewing about bb!jonny and brent seabrook: kink bodyguard” BUT that is who i am and what i did so...
(warnings for terrible bdsm practices, under-negotiated kink, large doe-eyed idiots in love)
seabs thinks jonny is great, really, but if you look up gullible in the dictionary the kid’s picture’s right there, so when he learns that jonny has been having some fairly kink-heavy hookups with guys every time they go on the road, he’s Concerned.
“It’s fine,” says jonny. “they don’t know who I am :) I never bring them round the hotel :) I don’t tell people about it :) it’s secret :)”. And seabs, who has a sudden vision of himself explaining to jonny’s weeping mother exactly why no-one knows where her missing son is, says, “show me.“
So that’s how seabs becomes jonny’s second sex opinion. He has to wheedle jonny about it at first, joke about how jonny probably doesn’t want to show him his matches because can’t get anyone decent-looking, says it’s ok if jonny doesn’t feel mature enough to talk this through like adults (jonny’s so mad at that one he gets a tic in his cheek), but soon enough jonny’s presenting seabs with profiles to approve, telling seabs what these guys are into, nodding concernedly when seabs says he shouldn’t risk a certain thing during the season, happily agreeing. 
Which is already bizarre jonny behaviour, but seabs guesses he hasn’t had anyone to talk to about this stuff. it’s fine. until they’re getting toward the end of the season and there’s a long homestand and jonny’s clearly getting antsy, snappish and easily riled in a way seabs thought they were mostly over, until eventually jonny ducks into brent’s room one night when they’re home in chicago and says, “do you uh. want to come to a place.” 
‘a place’ turns out to be a BDSM club and seabs’ job turns out to be helping jonny pick someone to hook up with, a sentence so bizarre that the only reason seabs doesn’t freak out is because then the midwest’s most guileless resident would be making large, desperate eyes at these people unsupervised. He talks to a few guys and nudges jonny toward a couple who don’t seem too hardcore, and once jonny is safely paired off he goes home to sleep. 
He doesn’t sleep. He might not even blink. And when jonny gets home at ass o’clock in the morning he tells him immediately, “don’t do that again. you should bring them here. it’s safer.”
which jonny does. and seabs circles them warily before disappearing upstairs, where the first floor does nothing to stop the sounds from the basement reaching him. jonny’s getting hit. jonny’s enjoying getting hit. brent would not say he is enjoying jonny getting hit, but he is also jerking off, so. jury’s out on that one. 
the first time he manages to wait until the guy goes home, but after that he finds himself drifting downstairs earlier, listening closer, prowling outside the door to make sure jonny’s ok when whoever leaves. and jonny is always ok, pink and pleased and cheerful in a way that makes seabs FURIOUS for some reason. why are these people getting to see all this. how dare they see this and leave. how DARE they duck out before anything happens because “your roommate is way intense” and “this is just really weird” and NOT leave seabs his nice pile of Pleasant Jonny to enjoy? do they not know the deal????
It’s at this point seabs realises he needs to have a word with himself, because there is no deal. it’s also at this point that jonny says, “you could look, if you want”, and the next time someone comes over jonny gently takes seabs by the hand, looking pleased, and seabs watches this take a belt to jonny and seethes about it, then watches jonny gesture him over and tilt his head up so seabs can come on his soft, slack face and well. WELL. maybe there’s been a deal going on for quite some time. this wouldn’t feel so satisfying otherwise.
“we’re not going to do that again,” he says, after whoever is gone and he’s alone with his lap full of miraculously relaxed toews. “i know” jonny says. “you need any more of that you come to me,” he says, and jonny says “yeah, i know”, like’s he’s been doing that for a while. “you’re gonna look after me.” and seabs rubs along the long, smooth planes of jonny’s back, and then the lines of bruises on them, and thinks yeah, he is. 
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