#brian conley
sapphicsukeve · 1 year
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Eastenders 31/08
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jackbatchelor3 · 1 year
What Connects Pat Butcher and Kathy Beale? 💍 Behind the Scenes 🎥 EastEnders
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milliondollarbaby87 · 8 months
Still Working 9 to 5 (2022) Review
In 1980 the comedy film 9 to 5 starring Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin and Dabney Coleman raised some talking points, behind the laughter some serious issues were at its core with the treatment of women within office enviornments. 40 years after the film Still Working 9 to 5 explores if things have ever got better for women in the workplace? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Untitled
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fuckyeahbradleywalsh · 10 months
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overthinkingbelle · 2 years
Watch "P1010133" on YouTube
Three "Ednas" on one stage with just one Wilbur. (London production) Hilarious 😂
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roosterforme · 9 months
Adult Education Part 15 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jessica knows Jake is sorry for losing it on Brian, but now she has once again started to dread going to work. Things had been looking up, and she desperately needed that hopeful feeling back. But a chance run-in with Brian's wife and one well timed email might just be the start of something good.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst, mention cheating, 18+
Length: 3500 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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Every day that Jessica woke up and got ready for work felt like she was making herself look presentable for her own execution. She hadn't slept well after Tuesday evening when she went home and cried after Jake punched Brian in the face. He offered to stay with her, but she told him she needed some time to herself. And now she was in a cycle of dreading every minute of work, just like before.
She'd had these soft glimmers of hope over the last few months. She had made a new friend, she had a boyfriend who she was falling in love with, and she absolutely nailed the fraternity fundraiser. Everything was looking so hopeful, but she should have known there was no way she could have it all if Brian was involved. Especially since it looked like he had a broken nose on Thursday morning.
She thought she was going to throw up when he looked at her. Any minute, Dean Walters or someone from his office would be knocking on her door, asking what exactly had possessed her boyfriend to punch the head of the science department.
But it never came. And the anticipation was just making it worse. When she heard someone tapping on her door, her stomach lurched as she sank a little lower in her seat. "Come in," she called out, her voice wavering. When the door eased open, she was surprised to see her friend standing there. "Advanced Calculus," she muttered, leaning back in her seat and taking a deep breath.
"I brought you some coffee," the other woman said as she closed the door behind her. "And I also came to ask you why the hell you didn't tell me that Jake punched Conley in the damn face!"
When Jessica looked at her again, she just shook her head. "I don't want to talk about it."
She set down the coffee cup and said, "You don't have to talk about it, because I already know all about it, because Jake won't shut up about it to Bradley. He thinks he fucked everything up with you. He thinks you're mad at him."
Jessica let her forehead rest on her desk. If she tried to say she wasn't avoiding Jake, she would be lying. "I think I just need to deal with the repercussions on my own. But I'll text him back." She reached for her phone and looked at the most recent message from him. Hey, Smart Girl. I'd love to bring dinner to your office hours, but only if you want me to.
"Wait. What repercussions?" the other woman asked as she took a seat with her own drink. "You don't think this will fall back on you? Do you?"
"How could it not? Have you seen Brian's face?"
She snorted. "I sure fucking did. I came up here more or less to congratulate you for making Jake fall in love with you so hard that he did that for you."
Jessica's heart pounded in response, and she knew her eyes were wide. Jake hadn't said that to her yet, and she hadn't either, but she felt like it was right there. "He just punched him all of a sudden. I didn't ask him to or anything."
"I know. That's the whole point. He couldn't let someone be shitty to you. I just knew Jake had it in him."
Jessica looked down at her phone again and decided to stop avoiding someone who made her so happy. I would love it if you brought me dinner.
His response came almost instantly, letting her know that he would be there. She felt a little better as she looked at her friend. "Thanks for the coffee." But she waved it off and shrugged. "I also wanted to stop by and tell you that everyone is still talking about your fratraiser. They all loved it."
Jessica wanted to love it, too. It has been the perfect night until Brian showed up. "Thanks. I still want to stop in and talk to Dean Walters about it, but I was trying to wait until things with Brian blew over."
"You should definitely talk to Walters," she replied as she stood to leave.
Jessica was tired of hesitating all the time, so she asked, "Do you want to have lunch together today?"
"Can't," she replied with a grimace. "I promised Dr. Rosenthal that I'd look at curriculum with him again."
"Tenure must be so nice," Jessica replied wistfully. "Not that I'll ever know."
Before she slipped out the door, the other woman said, "I'm still holding out hope, and you should, too."
Hours later, Jessica was still considering those words when she took a little break before the start of her office hours. She had been hiding at her desk, looking for a birthday gift for Jake, when she started yawning. With her office hours spread out like a gauntlet in front of her, she decided to quickly grab another coffee from the lounge. She would need it to get through a tutoring session with Luca.
But as soon as she walked through the door, she was met with Brian, and he had his arm wrapped around the same teaching assistant she saw him with before. The one he was most definitely sleeping with. His face looked terrible as the bruising had spread out from his crooked nose, giving him two black eyes. Jessica was sure the glare he was sending her way must be painful for him at the moment, and she had to try her hardest not to laugh. Apparently he was in full scumbag mode now, because he didn't even bother to separate from the TA as Jessica waffled next to the door, undecided if she should stay and make some coffee or not.
"Did you need something, Dr. Reed?" he snapped, his voice extra nasally.
The mere sound of his tone was enough to make her regret coming down here. "No, actually. I'll just leave you to your...business." She turned and left them, hoping she still had a can of Coke in her mini fridge that would suffice. And that was when she almost ran directly into Sabrina Conley.
Jessica recognized her immediately, and she could tell Brian's wife remembered her as well. A chill rippled along her entire body as she felt the woman appraising her with a hateful scowl. "Are you the reason my husband's face is a mess?" she asked, venom lacing every word. Convinced this week couldn't get any worse, Jessica stood frozen, completely unsure what she should say. Was it her fault? Or was it Brian's? Or maybe it was Jake's fault? She just wanted to hide in her office again and cry.
Sabrina took a step closer, her voice somehow more scathing as she said, "Can you at least tell me where he is?"
Jessica nodded, a jerky motion, as she pointed behind her and said, "In the lounge." It was a few seconds before she fully realized what she had done, and by that point it was too late. Sabrina had already disappeared around the corner, and then Jessica heard an angry shriek.
It had been two solid days since Jake saw Jessica, and this was the proof he needed. Seeing her every day had become a necessity. It hurt that she'd distanced herself a little bit after the incident with Brian, even though he could understand that she probably just needed a little space and time. But the irrational side of his brain was running completely wild.
"I fucked up the best relationship I have ever had," he groaned in the locker room on base.
"No, you didn't," Bradley replied with an eye roll. "Or... maybe you did. Maybe Jessica is out on a date with Dev at this very moment."
Jake glared in response. "It's 5:30 on a Thursday. She just finished a lecture, and she's getting ready for her office hours. She's not anywhere with Dev."
Bradley smirked as he got dressed in one of his hideous shirts. "You have her entire schedule memorized. That's so cute."
"You have your wife's entire schedule memorized," Jake retorted.
"That's right. Dr. Tits is finishing up her linear algebra lecture right now which means I can pick her up on my way home. Unless we take a detour to the library," he muttered, and Jake decided to tune him out. He needed to stop home and grab the food he made yesterday in the hope that Jessica would want him to stop by tonight.
He would make this all up to her. If she was somehow in some shit at work because of him, he would have to try to fix it. So he picked up the little individual containers of chicken, mashed potatoes and vegetables along with some ice packs. But his condo was so quiet, he was anxious to leave again. He was hoping Jessica would want to spend the weekend here with him, cooking and reading some journals. Making love and watching a movie. Really anything she wanted to do.
He drove his new truck to campus and parked, knowing he was right in the middle of her office hours and not wanting to intrude if she was working with Luca or someone else. So he went slowly up the walkway past Chippy's and crossed the street to the science building. If he saw Brian, he would stay calm this time. He wouldn't fuck anything up worse for his girlfriend.
When he reached her office, the door was closed, and he heard a soft conversation inside, prompting him to wait his turn. He was hoping it was Luca. He already felt the rage building inside of him over the fact that it could be Brian again. But then the door opened, and a skateboard hit the floor in front of him, and Jake smiled.
As Luca skated away, Jessica launched herself at his chest, and Jake welcomed her, dropping his cooler bag on the floor. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly as she buried her face in his neck and held onto him. "I missed you."
"I don't know," she whispered. "I just know I missed you, too." She started backing up, pulling him into her office, and he reached to pick up the bag of food.
When she guided him to her desk chair, he was delighted that she pushed him down before sitting on his thigh. Jake's hands went to her waist, and she came to rest against his chest with a sigh. Maybe she wasn't so upset with him after all.
He kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry," he whispered again. He'd said it so many times. "I'm sorry I punched him."
"I know you are. It's okay, Jake. Part of me is absolutely delighted that you did that," she told him as she ran her fingers along his name tag. "Because he deserved it." She swallowed hard, and when she spoke again, he could barely hear her. "Brian's wife was here today, and she walked in on him alone with one of the department TAs in the lounge. I'm sure it was as obvious to her as it is to me that he's sleeping with her now."
"Shit," he grunted, stroking her jaw with his fingers before brushing them through her hair. "If he got caught again, then he deserved it."
She nodded. "I don't know why I feel guilty that I was the one who told her he was in the lounge."
Jake's fingers froze. "You feel guilty? Baby, the only one who should feel guilty about anything is Brian.""I know that," she whispered. "I do know that. But Sabrina has been through enough, and I've been feeling bad for her for the past year."
She needed a break, and Jake knew it. "That's understandable, but it's still not your fault. I think you should come spend the weekend at my place and let me take your mind off things."
Jessica tilted her face to look at him. "How are you going to do that?"
He kissed her forehead again as he said, "By cooking for you and kissing you and reading journals with you." Her soft moan had him pressing his luck. "We could pick out some journals right now, and I could have them ready for when you come over tomorrow after work. You worked really hard on your fundraiser, and you deserve a break this weekend."
"Jake," she groaned. "That sounds perfect." The fact that she was curling up on him and yawning now let him know she was exhausted. And if Brian's wife was on campus earlier today, then there was a good chance she was upset that her husband's face was all bruised. He needed to take Jessica's mind off of this shit.
"I'll go grocery shopping tonight, and then the whole weekend is whatever you want it to be, Jess."
On Friday morning, when she ran down the hallway and into her office, Jessica turned on her computer. While it started up, she grabbed a few more journals from her shelf to take to Jake's place. Her plan was to leave right from campus to spend the weekend with him, her overnight bag already in her trunk. When she logged in to check her university email, she had to read over the newest message three times to believe it.
Dr. Reed, I realize this is very short notice, so please allow me to apologize in advance. Dr. Conley is taking a short leave of absence, and in an effort to keep disruption to a minimum, there is an immediate need for professors who are willing to step in and teach some of his courses. Due to conflicting schedules, you are the only PhD in the science department who can advise his Senior Studies class on Wednesday afternoons. I know this will be an additional workload if you are willing to take it, so we can discuss compensation on Monday. However, if you are willing, please let me know today so I can finalize this schedule. It would be much appreciated. Sincerely, Dean Corbin Walters
"Oh shit," Jessica gasped. Brian was taking a leave of absence? And not only was the dean not upset with her, he was asking her to take one of Brian's classes? "Holy shit." She lunged for her keyboard and typed up a response so quickly, she had to read it three times to fix the spelling errors. Her heart was pounding, because she would have been willing to do this even without the extra compensation.
And now she sat back in her chair, wondering exactly what had happened with Brian's wife. The anticipation was going to eat her alive, but she had a quantum physics lecture to hold. First she added a note to her calendar to call Dean Walters' office and schedule a meeting for Monday.
By the time Jessica was leaving campus on Friday afternoon, she had a meeting scheduled with the dean. She also took the time to update and recalculate all of her grades, and Luca was finally passing. She rode down the elevator with a smile on her face, knowing Brian wasn't on campus, lurking around a corner, ready to give her a hard time. Instead she walked out to her car in her heels with her head held high.
Her stomach was growling, but she knew Jake would feed her all weekend. He would take care of everything. She wouldn't have to scrape together any sad meals or plan her lessons through next semester just for something to do. She was allowed to enjoy herself when she was with her boyfriend. She was allowed to let her feelings grow deeper.
Of course she wasn't disappointed when she knocked on the front door of his condo, and the door swung open to reveal him in an undershirt and gray sweatpants, the smell of something delicious wafting to meet her.
"Baby, you should call me from the parking lot next time," Jake drawled, reaching for her. "It's getting dark outside, and I don't want you walking around alone."
Jessica whimpered as he pulled her inside and locked the door. Of course she thought he was being a little dramatic, but she appreciated him nonetheless. "Okay, next time I'll call you." She barely got the last word out as his lips met hers. Her palm slid over the roughness of the stubble starting to grow in on his cheek before she pushed her fingers back through his hair.
"You're really not upset with me?" he asked softly, eyes closing to her touch.
"No," she promised. "I just needed some time to think about things, but I'm not upset with you."
It was all a seamless motion as Jake scooped her up by her thighs and backed up until he was sitting on his couch with her on his lap. "I missed you," he whispered, squeezing her legs and hips gently.
She laughed as he kissed her neck. "You saw me yesterday."
"It wasn't enough." His voice sounded a little rougher.
She tugged on his hair until his lips were hovering against hers. "It was less than a day ago."
His nose bumped hers as his hands tightened around her waist. "Well apparently I can't go that long, Jessica."
She could feel his cock hardening through his sweatpants, and the more she tugged on his hair, the raspier his voice seemed to get. His green eyes were so pretty and eager, and she wanted him right now. Her skirt was already bunched up on her thighs, so she took his hands in hers and used them to push the fabric the rest of the way up to her waist.
A little smirk formed his lips as she said, "I can't go another minute."
Jake grunted and shook his head before his eyes trailed down to where she knew her rose colored thong was on display for him, and he swiped one long index finger up along her clit. "Jake!" she gasped, grinding down on his cock. He did it again, and she rolled her hips again. "Oh my god."
With one hand, Jake hooked her underwear to the side, and the cool air met her wet core. With his other hand, he tugged himself free of his sweats and his underwear, his thick cock standing at attention for her. She didn't hesitate as she sank down around him, making him groan loudly. One slow roll of her hips, and she was groaning too. Just when she was getting a good rhythm going, her lips met his neck, and his phone alarm started blaring in his pocket.
"Shit," he grunted, stilling her movements with one hand on her butt as he mashed his fingers against his phone screen. "I'm making you a chicken pot pie, and I don't want it to burn." He stood with Jessica fully seated on his cock, and she grabbed at his hair and his neck as she wrapped her legs around his waist, losing one high heel as he walked.
"Fuck! Jake!" she nearly screamed, clenching around him with each step he took.
"Hang on, Baby," he whispered, setting her on the island before turning away from her to reach for his pot holders. She was whimpering for more as soon as he was gone, but she was treated to the sight of him removing the pie from the oven before tossing the pot holders on the floor and rushing back to her, his wet cock bobbing along. "I got you."
He was back where she wanted him with one sharp thrust, and the look of concentration on his face as he worked her up made her smile. "You liked it when I was walking, didn't you?"
All she had to say was, "Yes," and he had her up off the island again. She lost her second shoe as he grinned and walked around the island, rubbing the spot deep inside of her that made her ache with need. "Yes." She was a mess, clinging to him and making ridiculous sounds while he walked her back through the kitchen. And then she was clenching around his cock, with her lips to his ear, but when she saw the dinner he made for her, she came. She whined his name, one long, loud syllable.
Next thing she knew, he had her back pressed up against the refrigerator, magnets clattering to the floor as he got some leverage and thrust into her with all his weight. "Jessica," he growled, nudging her glasses with his nose and squeezing her butt. Then he filled her up with his cum, his cheeks flushed and his eyes half lidded.
Jake kissed along her lips as he murmured, "Let me feed you dinner, Smart Girl. And then we can do anything you want as long as you don't leave my side." --------------------------
Could things be looking up? I mean, Jake can't really be blamed, right? And it looks like scumbag Brian is found out once again. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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Title: The Blind Side
Rating: PG-13
Director: John Lee Hancock
Cast: Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron, Jae Head, Lily Collins, Ray McKinnon, Kim Dickens, Adriane Lenox, Kathy Bates, Catherine Dyer, Andy Stahl, Tom Nowicki, Libby Whittemore, Brian Hollan, Melody Weintraub, Sharon Conley, Omar J. Dorsey
Release year: 2009
Genres: drama, history
Blurb: Homeless and traumatised Michael Oher becomes an all-American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family.
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rootsinthefuture · 1 year
The legend of Bunny man
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The Bunny Man is an urban legend that originated from two incidents in Fairfax County, Virginia, in 1970, but has been spread throughout the Washington, D.C., and Maryland areas. The legend has many variations; most involve a man wearing a rabbit costume who attacks people with an axe or hatchet.
Most of the stories occur around Colchester Overpass, a Southern Railway overpass spanning Colchester Road near Clifton, Virginia, sometimes referred to as "Bunny Man Bridge".
Versions of the legend vary in the Bunny Man's name, motives, weapons, victims, description of the bunny costume or lack thereof, and sometimes even his possible death. In some accounts, victims' bodies are mutilated, and in some variations, the Bunny Man's ghost or aging spectre is said to come out of his place of death each year on Halloween to commemorate his passing.
Fairfax County Public Library Historian-Archivist Brian A. Conley extensively researched the Bunny Man legend. He has located two incidents of a man in a rabbit costume threatening people with an axe. The vandalism reports occurred ten days apart in 1970 in Burke, Virginia.
The first incident was reported the evening of October 19, 1970, by U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet Robert Bennett and his fiancée, who were visiting relatives on Guinea Road in Burke. Around midnight, while returning from a football game, they reportedly parked their car in a field on Guinea Road to "visit an Uncle who lived across the street from where the car was parked". As they sat in the front seat with the motor running, they noticed something moving outside the rear window. Moments later, the front passenger window was smashed, and there was a white-clad figure standing near the broken window. Bennett turned the car around while the man screamed at them about trespassing, including: "You're on private property, and I have your tag number." As they drove down the road, the couple discovered a hatchet on the car floor.
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In 1971, photographs were discovered inside a caravan in Burke, Virginia. The owner was said to be an eccentric person who only showed up at night when he left the trailer. It was never possible to trace the identity of this man, but the photographs found suggested the involvement of several individuals, suggesting a cult or something similar.
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leximitchells · 1 year
Who do you think is the person killed at Christmas? I think either Keanu or Theo. Also, I can't believe people on Twitter were saying it is Callum. Actually, it shouldn't be surprising as it's Twitter. The man who was killed has to be or have been in a relationship with one of the women. Or have done something in the past to one of them. I also believe it might be Dean.
all i know is it has to be someone universally hated because they obviously want us to be on the side of the six. i was hoping it would be keanO but my hopes are slowly fading (mostly bc some people still like him for some strange reason), i think theo, nish, ravi, and dean are the frontrunners in my mind. even though brian conley is leaving i don’t think it’ll be rocky bc he’s too beloved (at this point at least)
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I’m thinking about nonfiction a lot rn (a lot of the books I have I acquired from a friend purging his library and outside of their outstanding queer collection it’s all rather random).
Do you have any great nonfiction you’ve read? I think the best one I’ve read so far has been King Leopold’s Ghost but I know there’s so much more out there
wow, thanks for asking me!
unfortunately, i've also just been getting into nonfiction recently, so i can only tell you what i've heard and some of the stuff i've read myself.
if you're into queer history and narratives, i'd recommend any of leslie feinberg's works, especially stone butch blues and transgender warriors, both of which offer great insight on the history and experiences of queer people in america. i also read a memoir called boy erased by gerard conley, which is an intense but insightful look at conversion therapy.
was it you who i recommend ghostland to the other day? i think it was, but i'll repeat it here in case i'm wrong.
the holy barbarians is an examination of the beatnik scene on venice beach in 50's, told by someone who was actually part of it. it's an examination of the ideologies and stories of the people involved. there's a lot of nostalgia there, so it should be read with a critical eye, but if you've got any interest in that sort of thing, it's a good one to read.
the immortality key by brian muraresku is an anthropological look at the use of psychedelic drugs in religious rituals, which uses evidence of that use to draw the origins of the modern christian sacrament back to the mysteries of elusis. it's just his argument for the idea, not actual archaeological fact, but there's a lot to be learned from it and makes some compelling points.
those are all just ones i've read (or have imminent plans to read), and i'd suggest looking up the trigger warnings if you think you'll need them, cause some of the material can be pretty intense. hope there's something here you're interested in :)
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cabinet-baldo · 2 years
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Debriefing ! Setlist de la soirée SIXTIES IMMERSION DiJerk Baldo au Drunken 20/01/2023https://www.mixcloud.com/.../dijerk-baldo-sixties-beat.../DiJerk Baldo au Drunken 20/01/2023 ⁃ Cocoa par MIGHTY TALLISH  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Save the People par BRUCE RUFFIN ⁃ 
 ⁃ Jockey Hinds par MIGHTY CHYPER ⁃ 
 ⁃ The Golden Fleece par JASON & The ARGANOUGHTS ⁃ 
 ⁃ If the Coast Is Clear par Nine Ton Peanut Smugglers ⁃ 
 ⁃ Brandy par JOHN HOLT ⁃ 
 ⁃ Drugs Mule par Nine Ton Peanut Smugglers ⁃ 
 ⁃ Peaches my love par ERIC DONALDSON ⁃ 
 ⁃  You Got Soul par Johnny Nash ⁃ 
 ⁃ The Harder They Come par Jimmy Cliff ⁃ 
 ⁃ Lively Up Yourself par Bob Marley ⁃ 
 ⁃ Chinese children par MIGHTY TERROR (BERT INNIS) ⁃ 
 ⁃ Rub A Dub Dub par The Equals ⁃ 
 ⁃ Bend Me, Shape Me par The American Breed ⁃ 
 ⁃ Life's Too Short par Tony Rivers & The Castaways  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Wooly Bully par THE JALOPY FIVE  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Gotta Wait par The Game ⁃ 
 ⁃ Come On Up par KAMA DEL SUTRA  ⁃ 
 ⁃ I Think We're Alone Now par Tommy James & The Shondells ⁃ 
 ⁃ Hog par THE GROUPIES ⁃ 
 ⁃ Look for Me Baby par The Kinks ⁃ 
 ⁃ I'm a Believer par The Monkees ⁃ 
 ⁃ Dead End Street par The Kinks ⁃ 
 ⁃ The Witch par The Rattles ⁃ 
 ⁃ Gotta Get the First Plane Home par The Kinks ⁃ 
 ⁃ Louie Louie par SIMBA ⁃ 
 ⁃ Too Bad You Don't Want Me par Chris Andrews ⁃ 
 ⁃ Midnight To Six Man par The Pretty Things ⁃ 
 ⁃ 66 5 4 3 2 1 par The Troggs ⁃ 
 ⁃ You Really Got Me par The Kinks ⁃ 
 ⁃ Thirteen Women par The Renegades ⁃ 
 ⁃ Gotta Get Away par The Blues Magoos ⁃ 
 ⁃ Shake par SHADOWS OF KNIGHT ⁃ 
 ⁃ Psyché rock par LES YPER SOUND (Pierre Henry et Michel Colombier)  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Slip Knot par Doug Johnson & the Outlaws  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Happy Times par The Box Tops ⁃ 
 ⁃ Nothin' par The Ugly Ducklings ⁃ 
 ⁃ Dimples par The Del-Rays ⁃ 
 ⁃ No Friend of Mine par THE SPARKLES ⁃ 
 ⁃ Garden of My Mind par The Mickey Finn ⁃ 
 ⁃ Complication par The Monks ⁃ 
 ⁃ Dirty Water par The Standells ⁃ 
 ⁃ Venus par Shocking Blue ⁃ 
 ⁃ Talk Talk par The Music Machine ⁃ 
 ⁃ I Don't Care par The Dirty Shames ⁃ 
 ⁃ 96 Tears par ? and The Mysterians ⁃ 
 ⁃ Soul on Ice par Fire ⁃ 
 ⁃ Bringing Home the Bacon par Queen Eve & the Kings ⁃ 
 ⁃ Do You Believe In Magic par The Lovin' Spoonful ⁃ 
 ⁃ Happy Feet par Robert Parker ⁃ 
 ⁃ I Gotta Go Now par Rex Garvin ⁃ 
 ⁃ The Nitty Gritty par Gladys Knight & The Pipsb ⁃ 
 ⁃ QI Hang Up (Part 1) par Warm Excursion ⁃ 
 ⁃ Highway Blues par Little Daddy Walton and Sons ⁃ 
 ⁃ Soul Food par Lonnie Youngblood (& Jimi Hendrix) ⁃ 
 ⁃ I Want Love And Affection (Not The House Of Corrections) par Nathaniel Mayer ⁃ 
 ⁃ Tell Me What You're Gonna Do par James Brown ⁃ 
 ⁃ Hang Up (Part 2) par Warm Excursion ⁃ 
 ⁃ Little Flea par Prince Buster & The Maytals ⁃ 
 ⁃  Police & Thieves par Junior Murvin ⁃ 
 ⁃  Respect par Norma Fraser ⁃ 
 ⁃ Too Much Too Young par The Specials ⁃ 
 ⁃ Lip Up Fatty par Bad Manners ⁃ 
 ⁃ Ska-Ba par THE SKATALITES ⁃ 
 ⁃ Behold I Come par B. KALPHAT    ⁃ 
 ⁃ Wreck a Pum Pum par LORD CREATOR ⁃ 
 ⁃ Toot Last Train to Sla’Ville par MIXED BLOOD ⁃ 
 ⁃ A Message to You Rudy par THE SPECIALS  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Cool It par BILL CAMPBELL  ⁃ 
 ⁃ He’ll Provide par The Maytals ⁃ 
 ⁃ Express Yourself par Leroy Sibbles  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Feeling Soul par BOB ANDY ⁃ 
 ⁃ Rub Up Push Up par Termites  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Nanny Goat par Larry Marshall ⁃ 
 ⁃ Pain in My Belly par Prince Buster & The Maytals ⁃ 
 ⁃   -    I Can't Explain It par The McCoys ⁃ Sugar Sugar par The Archies ⁃ 
 ⁃ Peace of Mind par Count Five ⁃ 
 ⁃ Brown Eyed Handsome Man par John Hammond, Jr. ⁃ 
 ⁃ What You Gonna Do? par Brian Auger ⁃ 
 ⁃ Come On Baby (Raw Crude Teen Beat) par Al's Untouchables ⁃ 
 ⁃ Mercy, Mercy Baby par Ray Barretto ⁃ 
 ⁃ Funky Street par Arthur Conley ⁃ 
 ⁃ Happy Feet par DAVE ´BABY’ CORTEZ  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Beware of the Dog par Georgie Fame ⁃ 
 ⁃ Gonna Give It to You par PIC AND BILL ⁃ 
 ⁃ You Ain’t Nothing But a Devil par JIMMY McCRACKLIN  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Woo Hoo par TWANGY  ⁃ 
 ⁃ Mony Mony par Tommy James & The Shondells ⁃ 
 ⁃ Tiger par Brian Auger ⁃ 
 ⁃ Sookie par BOVIC (& L'Orchestre African Fiesta) ⁃ 
 ⁃ The Trip par Kim Fowley ⁃ 
 ⁃ Baby Under My Skin par Oscar & The Majestics ⁃ 
 ⁃ Pushin' Too Hard par The Seeds ⁃ 
 ⁃ Shakin' All Over par Johnny Kidd & The Pirates ⁃ 
 ⁃ Whole Lotta Woman par Johnny Kidd & The Pirates ⁃ 
 ⁃ Progress par The Pretty Things ⁃ 
 ⁃ I Get So Excited par The Equals ⁃ 
 ⁃ By My Side par The Elois ⁃ 
 ⁃ Yo Grito par Los Sirex ⁃ 
 ⁃ Getaway par Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames ⁃ 
 ⁃ Inside Looking Out par The Animals ⁃ 
 ⁃ Wild Thing par The Troggs ⁃ 
 ⁃ Commotion par Creedence Clearwater Revival ⁃ 
 ⁃ Baby Jane (Mo Mo Jane) par Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels ⁃ 
 ⁃ The Kangaroo par The Panics ⁃ 
 ⁃ It's One Thing to Say par The Riddles ⁃ 
 ⁃ The Memphis Train par Rufus Thomas ⁃ 
 ⁃ Break It Up par Julie Driscoll & Brian Auger & The Trinity ⁃ 
 ⁃ Take It Off par Groundhog ⁃ 
 ⁃ Peter Gunn par Duane Eddy ⁃ 
 ⁃ (fin)1ere Gnossienne d’ERIK SATIE par CLAUDE HELFFER
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jackbatchelor3 · 2 years
FILMING Rag'n'Bone Man In Albert Square 🎤 Behind The Scenes 🎥 EastEnders
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29th July 2024.
𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟒. In America, the Spartanburg Herald had a tongue in cheek article suggesting that the quick road to riches was taking a young child and giving them an old song to sing.
𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟔. The Evening Times gave Lena a good review following her appearance in Bring On The Girls.
𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟕. The Southall Gazette ran an interview with Lena to promote her appearance in Hi! Summer on Sunday.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟖. Lena wrote her sixth article for emma. On Saturday Live, 29th December 2018, a listener phoned in to say that she had been run over by Lena on the bike pictured in the article, it is at about 41 minutes and 50 seconds in. It followed an earlier mention of Lena’s fan club at about 3 minutes 20 seconds in.
𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟑. In the Lichfield Mercury, the Middlesex Chronicle, and many more newspapers, the selling point for Summer Praise was that Lena would be on it.
𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟒. In the Hoddesdon and Broxbourne Mercury, a reader mentioned that Lena had been to the local carnival, and hoped that she would be singing again soon.
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fuckyeahbradleywalsh · 10 months
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babygirlgalitzine · 9 months
It's not the same thing though. The tabloids are using it as an excuse to promote their previous stories about him as though its connected. CC doesn't care about Ben and Callum, so they're likely going. He's not been fired because of his behaviour. They pulled the same shit with Brian Conley.
but if max hasn’t chosen to leave, he’s been sacked. it’s literally how it works. regardless of what the press are saying, he’s either been sacked, or he’s decided to go
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roosterforme · 10 months
Adult Education Part 11 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jessica finally tells someone what happened with Brian, and maybe Jake would be just as understanding if she told him. With the fraternity fundraiser a few days away, her nerves start getting the best of her, but Jake continues to show how effortlessly he can make her happy.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst, swearing, frat boys 18+
Length: 4200 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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Jessica felt so much better and yet emotionally drained at the same time. She spent almost thirty minutes telling her friend what happened with Brian, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that the other woman wasn't judgmental in the least. When Jessica was finally done talking, she sank back in her chair and fixed her glasses.
"So, yeah... that's why he's holding a grudge. That's why he won't give me tenure even though I deserve it."
She was met with a stony expression. "Just say the word, and Conley is going down. Have you... mentioned this to Jake?"
"No," Jessica replied immediately, her skin itching at the thought. "No."
"You should," she replied slowly. "I think he'd be surprisingly attentive, and I say that a bit begrudgingly."
Jessica cracked a smile as she grabbed her empty tupperware container and stood. "I'll think about it, Dr. Tits." She left the office to the sound of genuine laughter, but by the time she got back to her office, she felt exhausted. It wasn't fair that Brian had taken up so much space in her brain for so long. When Jake texted her and let her know he couldn't make it to her office hours, she felt almost relieved. 
The fraternity fundraiser was this Saturday, and she'd planned everything out as much as she could. Everything was checked off her list, and she was going to meet with the Kappa Pi students at their house on Wednesday evening. The only thing she hadn't done was log into the university portal and see how many tickets had sold for the event. 
Alumni weekend was a huge deal, and it was well attended and advertised, but she was still dreading checking. So she finished all of her classes for the afternoon and then ducked into the lounge to make herself a cup of coffee before her office hours started. 
She looked up as someone else entered, and it was Brian's teaching assistant. The one he was almost definitely sleeping with. "Hi," she said cautiously.
Jessica just nodded at her. She wanted to warn this poor girl, but it was obvious that Brian had her in a similar position to which Jessica had been in last school year. Plus, she already knew he'd make sure both women paid the price if she did. 
It was with tears in her eyes that Jessica returned to her office. That hopeful feeling from lunch was gone now, and she really wished Jake was able to stop by today after all. She plopped down at her desk and decided to just log in and see how poorly her ticket sales had gone. 
"Holy shit," she muttered, nearly spilling her coffee. Over one hundred tickets had sold, and the event was still days away. "Oh my god." Tears welled up in her eyes as she did the math quickly in her head. Her event would make over five thousand dollars for the school. Hopefully the fraternity house would be able to hold that capacity.
When her phone vibrated on her desk, she was startled from her thoughts.
Jake Seresin: I miss you too much. I can't stay long, but I'll be there in ten.
She didn't even bother to respond, but she was waiting by the open door for him when he rushed down the hallway. "Jake," she said with a soft laugh as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. He was still wearing his flight suit, and he was a little out of breath. 
"I missed you," he whispered against her lips, and that made her a little bit out of breath as well. One big hand slid down to her butt as he said, "We had late training days sprung on us for today and tomorrow, and I volunteered to pick up dinner. I talked them into the Thai restaurant down the block from here." Then he froze as Jessica ran her fingers along his patches. "Were you crying? It looks like you were crying."
She shrugged and smiled. "Yeah, but it's not bad." She smiled more as Jake kissed along her cheeks. "A ton of tickets sold for my event on Saturday."
"How many?" he asked, looking at her with pride. 
"Over one hundred."
"Damn, you're good, Baby."
Jessica was looking up at his handsome features and his sexy smirk while he cupped her cheek and ran his thumb lazily along her bottom lip. She kissed his thumb before licking him, and when his eyes went wide, she laughed. "You can't stay?"
He shook his head. "I'll come back on Thursday. We can go to Chippy's after your office hours?"
"Yeah," she replied, tracing his HANGMAN patch. She could already hear Luca's skateboard on the tiled hallway floor, so she needed to be quick. "Do you want to sleep over on Friday night at my place? We could head to the event from there on Saturday? I could... show you the lingerie in my closet?"
Jake groaned softly, and goosebumps rippled down her neck as he asked, "Will you let me pick out something pretty for you to wear?"
"Mmhmm," she hummed as she pressed her lips to his neck. "Anything you want."
"Yes," he gasped, and then you heard Luca whistle.
"Get it, Dr. Reed," he said as he kicked his skateboard up into his hand. "Want me to come back later?"
"No," Jessica said as she disentangled herself from Jake's wandering hands while she blushed. "He was just leaving," she said. Then she looked up at Jake's green eyes and wide pupils. "You were just leaving."
He looked like he wanted to argue, but he kissed her lips softly and said, "Call me later tonight. I'll see you on Thursday."
She watched him rush back toward the elevator before she closed her door behind her. "How many times do I have to remind you not to skate in the hallways?"
"Sorry, Dr. Reed."
"Get out your notebook."
When Jessica heard a knock on her office door on Wednesday around dinnertime, she called out, "It's open." Really, she was on her way to the Kappa Pi house, and she hadn't left herself much time to deviate from her agenda. Hopefully whoever this was would make it quick, but then she smiled when she realized who it was. "Advanced Calculus. What's up?"
"Just wondering if you were looking for someone to tag along? I speak fluent 'frat boy', and Bradley is training late with Jake."
Jessica was shocked into silence for a beat. "Yeah. I would love that. I'm actually a little nervous about meeting them."
She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You've got boobs and a pretty face. They'll be eating out of your hand, literally doing whatever you want them to."
"I'm not so sure," she replied with apprehension. But when they walked across campus to the old Victorian fraternity house with KAPPA PI on the front of it and knocked, Jessica was pleasantly surprised. 
A lanky guy with bad acne opened the door, and his eyes bugged out as he looked between the two women. "Dr. Reed?" he asked in awe. 
"Yes, that's me," Jessica replied, reaching out to shake his head before introducing him to the other professor. When he made no move to do anything except stare at them, she asked, "Can we come in?"
"Y-Yes. I'm James by the way."
Jessica led the way inside, and she was pleasantly surprised again. The front foyer opened up to a rather cavernous living room and dining room. There were beautiful hardwood floors and rich paint colors and a fireplace. The house was clean, and she was sure the kegs and tables would fit inside without issue once the furniture was moved out onto the back lawn. 
"Your house is so clean! Where are your fraternity brothers?" the other woman asked, and James blushed bright pink. 
A few minutes later, there was a lineup of a dozen or so guys staring at the two women. Their expressions ranged from surprise to bewilderment, but there were two on the end who looked like they just won the lottery. 
"Okay, hi. I'm Dr. Reed from the physics department, and I actually recognize a few of you. Calvin?" she asked, smiling at one of them. "From last semester?" He waved awkwardly back at her. "Right, well, I'm your advisor for the alumni event this weekend. I have a list of things you need to do before Saturday at six o'clock." She started passing out copies to each of them as she read off the list. "Move the furniture. Clean the kitchen. Fill the keg barrels with ice. And so on. Any questions?"
Five hands shot up, and Jessica stepped back in surprise. "Here it comes," Advanced Calculus muttered as Jessica pointed to the smirking guy at the end. 
He nodded at Jessica and asked, "If I switch my major to physics, will you be teaching all the classes?"
"Um, no," she answered, shaking her head in confusion. Then she pointed at the one next to him who had his hand raised.
"Do either of you need a date for Saturday night?" he asked eagerly. 
Jessica snorted and covered her mouth with her hand. She was about to answer when her friend said, "Both of our dates are in the military. And they're jacked. And they're mean."
A chorus of boos and groans filled the space, and Jessica had to try her best to answer the relevant questions without laughing. She showed the boys where to move the furniture, and she inspected the kitchen. Then she checked to see if there was enough room for the string quartet next to the stairs. She was determined to deliver on the elevated frat boy aesthetic since so many people seemed excited about it. 
"I think we're done for the day," Jessica told the guys with a smile as they fought over who got to escort the two of them back to the front door. "My email address is at the bottom of the list if you need to contact me for anything." A bunch of hands shot up in the air, and she added, "Anything pertaining to the event. If you try to ask me out again, I'm just going to delete the emails."
The guys lowered their hands and mumbled goodbye as the women stepped back out onto the silent porch. "Jessica, all those boys are going to sign up for your lectures next semester. I guarantee it."
Jessica rolled her eyes. "No, they won't. If anything they'd sign up for yours!"
But she was laughing as she walked down the steps to the sidewalk, and Jessica followed behind her in her high heels. "Just wait until Jake sees the twenty one year old kids with acne trying to flirt with you. He'll get jealous and pouty, I can practically see it now."
Jessica scoffed. "No, he won't! And didn't you meet Bradley when he was twenty one years old and in a frat?"
She froze on the sidewalk as that familiar blue Bronco parked on the next block up. "I sure did. And prepare yourself. Bradley is going to be insufferable on Saturday night."
Jake could only really focus on Jessica. After that brief couple of minutes in her office before Luca arrived on Tuesday, he was sweating it out until he could get home and jerk off. He came all over his hands in the shower as he thought about coating up her glasses instead. 
Now it was Thursday morning, and he leaned against the shower wall and thought about what kind of lingerie she might have in her closet. He hoped there was a little bit of everything. He could imagine her in something soft and white, almost ethereal. He could just as easily picture her in some leather with a riding crop. His groan filled the glass shower enclosure as he wrapped his hand around his cock again. 
He realized by the time he finally started getting dressed that he was going to be late if he didn't seriously get a move on. He was just buttoning his uniform shirt when his phone lit up on his bed. Jessica had sent him an image. His fingers abandoned the buttons so quickly to grasp for his phone. And holy shit, his hot girlfriend sent him a picture of a dark purple lace bra and thong laid out on what must have been her light blue bedding.
"Fuck," he grunted as he glared down at his cock. He really didn't have time to get hard again right now. But... he was curious, so he wrote back. 
You wearing that today, Jess?
She didn't respond until Jake had parked his new truck on base, but this time, she sent an up close photo of the tops of her breasts hugged by purple lace. He was practically drooling as he ran for the locker room with his bag.
Keep 'em coming, Baby.
He decided to keep his phone on him. It would be worth getting reprimanded. She sent him a handful of filthy looking photos as the day progressed, but it still wasn't enough. She must have taken a bunch of them in the morning before she left for campus, and Jake was so thankful. 
He had to adjust his uniform pants several times that evening when he walked from his truck to her office. On his way into the building, he passed a delighted looking Bradshaw and his wife on their way out. She was practically hanging off of him as they walked, and Jake heard her softly ask, "Okay fuckboy, you want me to get your Beta Gamma paddle out when we get home?"
Bradley froze and met Jake's eyes as his cheeks started turning pink. "Hangman," he grunted, and his wife spun to face Jake with a coy smile. 
"Hi, Jake," she sang as she reached for her husband's hand. "See you on Saturday night."
It was hard to still feel jealous of what they had when Jake knew what was waiting for him a few floors up. He took off toward the elevators, and then he walked as quickly as he physically could to Jessica's office. Two taps on her door, and she was pulling it open for him. He did the briefest glance around the room to make sure she was alone before he closed the door and backed her up against it. 
"Are you trying to send me to an early grave?" he whispered, his voice sounding a little harsh as he smiled softly at her. But his smile vanished immediately when he felt her hand run slowly across his thigh before she cupped his length through his khakis. 
"I just thought I'd keep you entertained while you were at work." She gave him a little squeeze, and Jake bucked against her hand. He glanced down to see that her soft sweater was the same purple color as her underwear, and she had on a little black skirt and black heels. He kissed her forehead and then her nose as he grabbed her ass with one hand and pushed her hair back behind her ear with the other. 
"You kept me hard while I was at work. That's what you did, Professor Reed." Jake wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and kissed along her jaw softly. She gasped as he used his other hand to slowly bunch her skirt up until he could feel the round of her bare ass cheek in his hand. 
"Jake," she whined, making it sound like three syllables instead of one as her hands slid up and around his neck. He kept his hand on her neck gentle and his kisses light as he grabbed her ass and slipped his fingers inside the back of her thong. "Jake!"
Her hands were grasping at his hair as he kissed her ear and rubbed his erection against her sweet body. "You're gorgeous. You drove me crazy all day. You know that? You did it on purpose?"
"Yes," she gasped as he sucked gently on her neck before soothing the spot with his tongue. 
"Mmm," he hummed quietly as he panted. "You gonna let me see that pretty purple set?"
Her voice was an obscene whine that left him grinding against her harder as she moaned, "Yes!"
And he couldn't help himself as he pressed the softest kisses along her jaw and ear and asked, "You gonna let me fuck you hard on your desk?"
Jessica's eyes were wide, and her glasses had gone crooked on her face, but he kissed her lips after she said, "Yes." Her hand reached out to press the lock on her door, and then Jake carried her to her desk and set her on the edge. Her eyes already looked blissed out as she spread her thighs wide and hooked both of her feet around his calves, pulling him closer. 
He tipped her chin up so she was looking at him, and then he took both of her soft thighs in his hands as she kept eye contact. "I'm crazy about you," he murmured as he pressed himself against her core. Then she pulled her sweater up and over her head before tossing it to the floor. Now her glasses were really crooked, and her hair was a mess as she reached for the fly of his pants. Jake was lost to the feel of her hand gripping his length as she pushed his pants down. Then she released him and leaned back on both of her palms with her lace covered tits thrust alluringly toward him.
"Fuck me," she commanded in her teaching voice. "Fuck me hard on my desk."
"Jesus Christ," he cursed, guiding his hands up her thighs, pushing the fabric up until that little skit was around her waist. When he tugged her damp thong to the side, he was treated to the sight of her wet pussy all ready to go. She ran her high heels up and down his thighs until he grabbed her behind the knees and thrust himself deep. 
Jessica's jaw dropped open as Jake held her legs in his hands and fucked her hard, his thrusts relentless as she started to whine. He gritted his teeth, the obscene slapping sounds of his body meeting hers filling the room as he watched her pussy take him. Her tits were bouncing beautifully each time he filled her, and she just kept getting louder. 
"Someone's gonna hear you," he warned, his voice a growl as he braced his feet a little wider apart on the floor. "Someone's gonna come knocking if you're not quieter, Jess."
She pressed her lips together and whimpered loudly in response as he continued to fuck her, rocking his hips into her body, his balls slapping her ass. Maybe he just didn't give a fuck if someone heard. Maybe Jake didn't care who knew that he was getting Jessica off on her desk right now. This was his girl, and she was a professional teaser. Even the way she was gripping him so tight with each stroke was too much. Her body was made for him, the way she responded to him like this. 
"Jake," she keened, extending the syllables once more as he ran his hand down her calf and lifted her leg so he could kiss her ankle. The shift in position had her squeezing around him while she eased herself onto her back. Jake watched her lace covered tits bounce as her hands grappled for something to grab onto. She held the edge of her desk as she came undone for him. A few more sharp thrusts, and Jake pushed himself deep, filling her up with his cum. And once again, when he withdrew himself, he got to watch the mess he made drip down her ass only to collect on her thong before dripping to the desk.
When Jake looked up along her body, Jessica had herself propped up on her elbows with a serene smile and crooked glasses. He leaned down over her and kissed her. "I got a little carried away," he whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair and squeezed her thigh. 
She looked impossibly sweet as he fixed her glasses, and she said, "I plan on getting carried away with you tomorrow night when you sleepover." 
He devoured her mouth, but the kisses turned lazy and unhurried. Eventually Jake helped her sit up again on the edge of her desk, and he took in the sight of her rucked up skirt, purple bra and his cum between her thighs. "Let's get you cleaned up, and I'll take you to Chippy's."
"Sex on my desk and Chippy's? Today just keeps getting better," she said with a laugh as Jake grabbed some tissues from her shelf and wiped up her desk and picked up her sweater. Once she was in his arms, he pulled her shirt over her head and helped her wiggle her skirt back down. 
When he zipped up his pants, he told her, "Why don't you grab a journal or two to take with us? We can read it together over some Sam Adams and peanuts."
Jessica's eyes lit up, and she actually clapped her hands. It was the cutest fucking thing he had ever seen in his life, and he watched as she clicked across her floor on her heels to the shelf. "I love that," she murmured. "Great idea, Jake."
He loved it, too. He loved everything about her. She was so smart and beautiful, but she was funny, too. She wasn't clingy, and she had a fascinating career. She didn't need him around, but she seemed to light up when he was, and that's what left Jake a little breathless as she turned and looked at him with two journals in her hand. "You ready?"
Jake kissed the slight bruise he left on her neck on the ride down the elevator. When the doors opened, Brian Conley was there arguing with a young woman, and he felt Jessica tense up in his arms. "It's okay," Jake murmured against her hair. Even though her posture remained a little rigid, she let him take her by the hand and walk out into the lobby, and Jake absorbed the glare that Brian shot their way so Jessica didn't have to. 
He'd had just about enough of that asshole, and the next time he witnessed Brian being a dick or if he heard his girlfriend complain about him again, Jake was probably going to lose it. But as soon as they were inside the dive bar, Jake noticed that her shoulders seemed less tense, and she smiled as soon as Chippy waved to her. 
"Hey, Reedy."
"Hi, Chippy."
He started pouring two pints as he shot Jake the look of warning that he'd become accustomed to; it was almost a part of the experience now. But the bar was absolutely packed tonight, and Jessica held his hand a little tighter as she stepped around peanut shells on the sticky floor. There was only one high top table free with only one stool at it. 
Jake kissed Jessica's cheek and nudged her in that direction. "Grab the table while I get the beer and peanuts?" She took off in that direction, and Jake headed for the bar. 
"So. You're here to stay then?" a disgruntled Chippy asked as he shoved a bowl of peanuts next to the pint glasses. 
Jake tried to reel in his surprised laugh. "Yes, sir. I'm not going anywhere."
Chippy grunted as he took the twenty dollar bill from Jake and made change for him. He slid the bills across the bar but kept his hand on them. "If I so much as see you with another woman or see tears in that girl's eyes," he said, nodding toward Jessica, "you'll never see the inside of this bar again."
Jake waited for him to pick up his hand, and then he took all of the bills except for a few singles. "Understood." Then he could tell he'd been dismissed when Chippy started waiting on the group next to him, so he took everything back to the table where Jessica was perched on the stool. 
"Literally all of the seats are being used," she told him, but Jake set everything down and then pulled her into his arms.
"Just means I get to hold you, then." He sat and then helped her onto his lap, and she settled on his thigh while he kissed her cheek and the side of her neck. "This is perfect."
Her cheeks were a little flushed, and Jake could smell himself on her as he wrapped his arm around her, letting his hand settle on her hip. This gorgeous woman was wearing panties soaked with his cum and calmly opening one of the physics journals to share an article with him. "Oh, you'll like this one," she told him, smiling over her shoulder before pointing out the title on the page. She thought he was smart, and she seemed to like having him around outside of bedroom activities, too.
"I'm sure I will," he replied, kissing her shoulder as he listened to her tell him about jet propulsion in a newly designed aircraft.
Intelligent, self aware Jake is ruining me a little bit. Brian is a dank ass little bitch. Please send asks if you'd like to see a certain type of lingerie in her closet. Frat fundraiser is up next. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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