#brian cox is giving the performance of his life and i wanna talk about the shades of gray there
I want to say the fandom should allow for more discussion about the nuances to Logan’s character, but I’m afraid it will sound like I’m defending him. And I’m not! Like obviously he looms over the other characters as uniquely awful in a whole world of awful characters. There’s no denying that. But I’m fascinated by how he got there? It didn’t happen in a vacuum and I think that’s worth exploring? Just like most people, most abusers (MOST, obviously not ALL) aren’t black and white straight-up monsters. We see glimmers of kindness, of humor, of affection from Logan. And they’re not all faked.
I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I would just love to see more discussion about him in the fandom that isn’t die old man and that’s it. I mean, yeah, die old man, but before you do, can we explore what makes you tick a little? If we can all apparently forget and never acknowledge what Roman did to the little boy at the baseball game in the first episode and instead focus on how much love he has to give, can we, like, take a sec to mourn the child Logan was, separated from his mother at a crucial young age and subjected to unspeakable abuse by the man supposed to care for him? 
The generational abuse didn’t start with him, but the power and wealth he’s accumulated has put him in a position to abuse with wanton abandon. He was determined not to become the man his uncle was but fate enabled him to far surpass Noah on a global scale. And that’s an incredible tragic villain arc, and frankly I think fans would be more into exploring his story if he were younger and sexier like the golden trio.
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