#bride & groom entry choreographer
meghasampat01 · 7 months
Bride & Groom Entry Choreographer| Megha Sampat.
The bride and groom entry choreography is an important part of any wedding ceremony. The best choreography should be memorable and unique. A professional choreographer can help to create a beautiful and special entry. Megha Sampat is the best choreographer in Mumbai. She is very talented and creative.
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pratikkkk003 · 2 months
Enhance Your Special Dance Moment With The Wedding Dance Choreographer! 
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A wedding dance choreographer can help with the unique dance steps to make a lasting impact at weddings. Kunal Buch’s skilled professionals make your sangeet day special with personalized dance routines for bride, groom, and their loved one’s entry. Each dance move is lively, created to leave a lasting impression on their special day. Experience the grooving dance step.
For more information about Kunal Buch, visit https://kunalbuch.com/home.html.
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dansationstudio · 1 year
Wedding Choreographer
Dansation Dance Studio is a Mohali based choreographer that specializes in wedding choreography. They offer services such as bride and groom entries, family performances and more. For More Information visit our website.
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ciyapaofficial · 1 year
Dreamy Wedding Stage Decoration Ideas 
An Indian wedding is an expensive affair, a large amount of money is spent on clothes, food, jewellery, decorations, and invites. parents try to make everything perfect for their children's fairytale. Some couples hire expensive photographers, choreographers, and other artists that can make everything up to the mark. 
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When guests arrive at the wedding venue, the first thing that will catch their attention is the stage and decoration. The traditional ideas of decoration are slowly fading away, however, some people are still there who want a royal and traditional stage. 
There is no trend for stage decoration, every couple has their desires and choices. Today, the ideas are different, the couple wants a decoration that reflects their love and everlasting happiness. No matter what decoration they choose, it should be worth remembering. 
Things To Consider In Stage Decoration
No matter how cool ideas you have for the decoration, planning and executing them plays an important role. Many people do not consider various things and end up messing up. We want to make your dreamy wedding successful. You may have no idea how small things make big changes. Let's discuss this below. 
Stage decoration should enhance the wedding outfit look
No matter how superb your wedding outfit is, a wrongly chosen stage colour theme can make it look dead. You have to be wise and mindful while selecting the stage themes. For example, if a bride is wearing a red coloured lehenga, the background colour of the stage should be a warm and neutral colour. 
Bride and Groom Outfit Combination
It isn’t directly related to the stage decor, but it is a very essential point to consider. Couples should not match the outfit with each other, but they can contrast and choose complementary colours. For example, the decoration should be a mix of the couple’s outfits. 
Elements like flowers, drapes, and curtains should be chosen according to the couple’s outfit choices.
Do not forget lightening
Lightning is something that should be overlooked. Whether it's an indoor or outdoor wedding, lightning will make everything stunning. Think about the areas where you want lights, like entry, corners of the stage, a selfie point, and the place where the bride and groom will be entering. 
Ceiling height
Choose a venue that has a huge ceiling height, ceiling height enhances the decoration, and it does not suffocate as many people participate in the wedding. Ceiling height is also important when it comes to wedding pictures, a photographer can capture a better picture when the ceiling height is above 15 ft.
Top 8 Stage Decoration Ideas
Recent years are all about neutral and nude colours, either outfit choice or wedding decoration. The majority of people want warm colours, however, we are not supporting this or dismissing it. We believe every individual is unique and has unique desires. 
So, in this blog, we will give a collective idea of stage decoration either subtle colour or bright, royal or modern. We will be discussing everything.
Traditional Red and White 
Red is a colour of love, and a wedding is all about the love between two individuals and even two families. Adding the red colour to your stage decoration will speak up your love in front of the whole world. Contrasting red colour with white colour will add subtleness to the stage. You can definitely go with the red and white colour decoration if you want the stage to express your love for you and your partner. 
Feathers Decoration
The modern world always wants something different, feathers were for clothes, but nowadays stages are being decorated with feathers. It is an evolving trend and couples actually like feathers decoration. But do not forget your budget, as feathers cost too much, ask for each and every detail and discuss the budget with the agency you have hired for venue decoration.
Dome Shape Decoration
You know you also have the option to choose the shape of the decoration. If you are one who wants something unique every time, go for a dome shape decoration. Combining modern and traditional elements like shape like a dome and decoration on the dome shape will be modern. 
Chariot Decor
The latest trend in wedding stage design is chariot-style decor. It looks unique and adds subtleness to your stage. Make each and everyone remember your wedding day. Choose lilac with white and light up with warm white lights. Choose lilac and white orchid flowers. 
Flower Decoration
When it comes to any decoration. Flowers are the most essential elements that spread the fragrance and freshen up the occasion. I know it is nothing new, but we have an idea of decorating the whole stag with fresh flowers like some white and some pink. Carnitine, orchids, and roses are some top choices among all.  And add bouquets of flowers on each table so that it adds freshness to the venue.   
Shimmer Chandelier Decoration
Apart from flowers, and lights, another important decoration comes called a chandelier. A chandelier lights up the stag and so does the picture. It gives a perfect opportunity for pictures to capture. 
I have a favourite picture of my wedding where the chandelier is giving decoration goals. Some small chandeliers on stage decoration and a giant chandelier on the ceiling height will make your decoration rich and classy.
Pink Decoration
The pink decoration is emerging and a wonderful idea for decorating your dream stage. A pink theme will be perfect for you if you have a beach wedding. The pink colour is soothing to the eyes, and I think It sorts everything out. 
I think every girl loves the pink colour and pink decoration is definitely going to light up the bride’s mood. 
Hanging Lights Decoration
Hanging lights decoration looks rich and classy. It gives a look at the big fat high-budget wedding. You do not have to spend too much on your outfit if you are choosing a hanging lights decoration. Glittery may not be the choice of many people but if you like shimmer and glitters, you can consider this type of decoration. 
The Bottom Line
So, these are our ideas for stage decoration; you can consider one of them according to your choice. All of them are unique in their own way. We hope you like our blog. Thanks for reading it till the end. 
Original Source: https://www.ciyapa.com/blog/post/dreamy-wedding-stage-decoration-ideas
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marcsangeetguru · 4 years
Grand Bride and Groom Entry Ideas
A typical Jaimala Theme or garland is made up of jasmine flowers along with roses or marigolds. It is available in vibrant colors such as red, orange, pink, yellow and white are usually used along with certain embellishments such as pearls, stones, gold threads and strings that tie the flowers together. The purpose is to make the groom and the bride wear the Jaimala to signify the marriage. The artificially made Jaimalas are also useful for those who might be allergic to pollen present in real flowers.
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The most exciting part of the wedding is when it’s time for the Bride And Groom Entry and that time they both are the center of attraction and everyone’s eyes are on them to adore and welcome them to the very new beginning of their life. 
For more information visit our website: https://www.marcsangeetguru.com/
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I don't watch wrestling, but I know so many people that are passionate about it and I'm considering trying to get in it. My only issue is I don't know how to manage my expectations for it i guess (idk if my wording is making sense). Is watching wrestling kind of like watching game of thrones? like you know it's not a real fight but you still want your favorite to win?
Thinking of it as watching a scripted tv show is a pretty good way to look at things, because these superstars are athletes and actors (which is why so many of them go on to appear in movies), although there is a lot more complexity to it. Wrestling is real and it’s not real at the same time, if that makes sense. The winner is pre-determined backstage, but only the participants and the referee know who that is (the commentators are not told so their reactions are all genuine) and the fights themselves require immense skill, communication and care. The superstars do not have rehearsal time to carefully choreograph their fights, so they have to go out there and choreograph them on the spot, making a ten, twenty, thirty, fifty minute match together where they both get to showcase their skill sets, try their best to innovate and improve, protect each other from injury whilst keeping the fight natural, communicate with one another so that the crowd don’t see, and take very real bumps. A lot of people say “wrestling is fake” as if they’re not really hurting one another, but they are hurting one another. There’s no way to fake a kick to the face if it makes contact. You get kicked in the face, you go down, you get up and keep going. They’re really putting their bodies on the line while keeping everything else I mentioned in mind, and they have to stay in character the whole time.
As for the rivalries and plotlines, they are for the most part determined by the creative team in the writers’ room and there are a lot of ridiculous soap opera plots to enjoy. Two superstars recently “got married” in the ring with the full shebang, and naturally the bride’s ex-husband burst out of the giant cake to attack the new groom, and that kind of stuff is hilarious to watch and entirely scripted, but often the angles that take off happen when the superstars improvise (Chris Jericho is a master at this) or when the audience reacts contrary to what the writers intended. As well as that, many of the stories—and indeed, some the very best ones—have their roots planted firmly in reality.
To use my favourite, Becky Lynch, for example, she was entirely under-utilised for her entire time in the WWE, consistently denied the title opportunities and pushes that were given to other female wrestlers like Charlotte, Bayley, Sasha Banks (the four of them revolutionised women’s wrestling and are known as the four horsewomen of WWE) because the big men upstairs didn’t believe that she was a big enough draw. Often she was just used as a comedy character or made to look a fool while the women who started in the company at the same time as her got to soar. She once had an incredible triple-threat match at Wrestlemania against Charlotte and Sasha Banks, and Mattel made commerative dolls of Charlotte and Sasha only, presenting them at a fan event right in front of her while she sat there and felt like shit. She felt like shit for years, and talks openly about it in the 24 documentary the WWE made about her. The crowd loved her, she was always popular, she did her very best and still she was sidelined. And I mean, completely sidelined. It used to make me angry to see her shoved into nothing matches while her fellow “horsewomen” were given title after title.
Becky was never meant to rise to the top of the WWE. In fact, they tried to turn her into a heel (villain character) for the audience to boo at, by having her turn on her best friend Charlotte, but when she did so the audience only cheered. When she made her impassioned speech about having been overlooked for too long, and sick of it, and determined to take the time and recognition that she felt she deserved, she meant every single word she said and the audience cheered. They were behind her. They demanded that she be taken notice of. They screamed for her when she wasn’t even there. They wanted her to have her shot, every week they continued to demand and every week she came out with her microphone in hand to dazzle the crowd with her charisma and passion, and the big men upstairs had no choice but to listen. They gave her the push. She became the biggest star in the company when no woman had ever accomplished that before, and the fact that it wasn’t planned or scripted for her makes it even more amazing.
Look at this video of her being allowed to take part in the Royal Rumble (the winner of which got a guaranteed title shot at Wrestlemania) after losing another match earlier that same event. Listen to the crowd’s reaction. Yes, her entry and the manner in which it happened was determined beforehand, but for her it was very real. For the crowd it was real. We knew from that moment that she was going to win but we knew how hard she’d fought to ever get that chance and we were screaming and dancing around my living room. I cried my eyes out when she won.
I cried a few months later when I watched her become the first woman to headline Wrestlemania and win two women’s titles in one match. When the match was finished, she sat in the ring and wept while 80,000 people cheered and celebrated. Scripts aside, she is a real person, she is passionate about her industry, she was passed over for years, and I got to watch her achieve her ultimate dream. So see, wrestling isn’t real and it is real, and there isn’t really anything else you can compare it to.
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candidwed · 4 years
Why You Need A Candid Wedding Photographer
Sitting on a stage and getting clicked in the same pose with different people for hours on end sounds really boring. But that’s what most brides and grooms have to do when mediocre photographers make their wedding album.
This is where candid wedding photographers come in. Indian wedding photographers are now evolving in their style of wedding photography and don’t believe in static shots of just the bride and groom anymore. Now, it’s more about candid shots of everyone in the wedding party and capturing moments which mean something to the bride and groom.
Suggested Read: Best Ideas For Indian Wedding Photography
Candid wedding photography is fast making its presence felt at Indian weddings, but several couples still opt out of candid photographers hoping that their untrained photographer will be able to do the job. That never happens. Instead, what the bride and groom will be left with are boring shots of their entire wedding. And we’re sure you don’t want that.
Also, See- Top Destination wedding photographers
The mehendi is one of the smaller functions of an Indian wedding but is now considered one of the best opportunities for beautiful, sunlit pictures. Day mehendis are the trend now and brides come with their own swag to this function.
With floral or traditional jewellery and fresh mehendi on their hands, brides have a unique look on this function and stand out from the crowd. Since this is now a daytime function, the colourful outfits, décor, and drinks in the guests’ hands make for gorgeous pictures. But only a candid wedding photographer will be able to tell where to look for the most fun pictures. People are generally walking around and mingling so expecting them to stand in one corner and pose is unfair and can ruin the mood of the party.
Suggested Read: Special Moments to Capture on your Wedding Day
When you’re dancing with the love of your life for the first time in front of your family and friends, you want to remember that moment forever.
Whether it’s a choreographed dance or a spontaneous jig, the emotions, anticipation and excitement during this time will be unique and only a professional candid wedding photographer will be able to capture the beauty of this moment.
Suggested Read: Ways to Flaunt your Jewellery in your Wedding Photography
If you’re from the groom’s side of the family, you know how much everyone looks forward to the baraat. It’s the only time when it’s totally legit to dance on the road in front of a horse or a carriage. When you’re part of a baraat, the mood all around is to party and have a great time. You’ll dance with your family and friends, urge the groom to join in, and make him the centre of attention when he does. These days, baraats are not limited to a groom sitting on a horse. Now, there are jeeps, autos, and other fun forms of transport used for a groom’s entry to his wedding. These make for great pictures but only through the eye of a candid photographer who knows what’s unique and should be the centre of attention in the pictures.
Suggested Read: How to find the Best Photographer for your Wedding?
One of the most beautiful pictures is that of a bride getting ready for her big day. She’s adorning herself in her finest jewellery and clothes and trying to look better than she’s ever looked.
One of the most beautiful pictures is that of a bride getting ready for her big day. She’s adorning herself in her finest jewelry and clothes and trying to look better than she’s ever looked.
Suggested Read:- Top Destination Wedding Photographers in Delhi
During this time, a bride goes through several phases. She is trying to get her final look together just as she imagined it to be, and at the same time, she’s also realising that this is the day when her life changes completely. To expect a normal photographer to be able to capture the several nuances of this part of the wedding day is unfair, which is why you need a candid wedding photographer who will be able to gauge how the bride is feeling and click fantastic portraits of her accordingly.
Suggested Read: How to Pose for your Wedding Pictures
Let’s face it. Indian weddings are about the bride more than anyone else. And when she enters the wedding, it feels like time has stopped and the queen of the land has made her entrance. She’s dressed impeccably and is the centre of all the adoration among her family and friends.
Since India is so diverse in its culture, and weddings are where the diversity truly comes out, no two brides will ever look the same especially when they first enter their wedding venue. Whether it’s under a phoolon ki chadar surrounded by the love of her brothers, or being accompanied by all her girlfriends and cousins, this is a wonderful moment to be captured and only a candid wedding photographer can do justice to it.
Suggested Read: Tips for your Bridal Portraits to win a million hearts!
While the bride and groom are the centre of attention during the wedding, one can’t ignore the joyous family members as well. These days, with the advent of choreographed dances which involve the whole family, it is a must for wedding pictures to give them their share of attention too. But not everyone can capture these special moments when the family is celebrating among themselves.
Your candid wedding photographer, or another trained photographer from their team, will be around your family to make sure you don’t miss out on these memories. Such photographers also take care to not intrude on your family or disturb them to pose for pictures. They make the best of what is in front of them and make sure you get amazing pictures which you can look back on fondly for years to come.
Candid wedding photography is an art that cannot be emulated. You can’t get it cheap, and you can’t get it anywhere else other than a professional candid wedding photographer who knows the intricacies of wedding photography. Indian weddings are a colourful, vibrant, unique affair, and to capture all the aspects of this beautiful time, a candid wedding photographer puts in all their time and effort to make sure you have wonderful memories for the rest of your life. So hire a candid wedding photographer and rest assured that you’ll have fantastic pictures of your big day.
Suggested Read: 5 key things to consider while hiring a Wedding Photographer
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svgeventspvtltd · 2 years
*𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞*
This theme is specially designed and choreographed for the Grand entry. Theme name is taken from the movie Prem Ratan Dhan paayo from which we choosed only Prem Ratan as name of our theme.The meaning behind this name is that there is a Girl who's husband is like a precious Gems (a kind of jewel used to make jewelry)to her,who brings a royal wedding procession (Baraat) which include 300+ persons.The Bride and Ģroom are welcomed by almost 200+ artists in boys or girls will be there for the Grand entry of Bride and Groom .Also we focused on using every single types of properties
Contact For Booking
#svgeventspvtltd #svgteam #SvGEvent #svgevents #royalwedding #royalfamily #jaipur #udaipur #raipur #jaisalmer #mumbai #benglore #kolkata #delhi #india #dubai #bangkok #uttarakhand #uttarpradesh #noida #bookingsavailable #trending #trend #newcouple #marriage #weddingplanner #eventplanner #artist #intagram #facebookpost
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rockajay · 3 years
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meghasampat01 · 7 months
Tips to Ensure Best Performance for Your Wedding Day Dance Performance
Your wedding day is a celebration of love, and what better way to express that joy than through a mesmerizing dance performance? Whether you're planning an elaborate choreographed routine or a simple yet elegant dance, the key is to ensure your moves reflect the love and excitement you feel. Here are some practical tips to help you achieve the best dance performance on your special day.
Start early and practice regularly
Embarking on dance preparations well in advance is similar to laying the foundation for a seamless performance. Regular practice not only refines your movements but also builds the confidence needed to glide effortlessly across the dance floor. Dedicate time to practice, so that your performance is a polished and stress-free experience on your wedding day. If need be take help and guidance of a wedding choreographer Mumbai.
Choose the right song
Select a song ideally suitable for your love story. Opt for a melody that holds sentimental value or resonates with shared experiences. Consider the tempo and rhythm, aligning them with your chosen dance style. The right song will not only enhance your performance but also infuse your dance with an emotional depth that resonates with both you and your partner.
Tailor the dance to your comfort level
The journey to a remarkable dance performance begins with choosing moves that align with your comfort level. While it's tempting to incorporate intricate steps, simplicity can be just as impactful. Prioritize movements that feel natural and authentic to you, ensuring that your dance exudes joy and authenticity.The best sangeet choreographer can best help you here.
Coordinate with your partner
If your dance involves a partner, coordination is the key to a harmonious performance. Open communication is crucial. Discuss preferences, comfort levels, and any modifications needed to ensure both you and your partner shine on the dance floor.
Consider your attire
Your choice of attire plays a pivotal role in your Sangeet dance choreography. If you'll be donning a wedding gown or an elaborate outfit, practice in similar attire to acquaint yourself with the weight and movement restrictions. This preparation ensures that you're not only visually stunning but also comfortable during the dance.
Engage Your Audience
Transform your dance into an immersive experience by actively engaging your audience. Make eye contact, wear a genuine smile, and allow the joy of the moment to radiate through your expressions. By creating a connection with your guests, your performance becomes a shared celebration that lingers in their memories.
Incorporate meaningful gestures
Elevate your dance by infusing it with personalized touches that reflect your unique relationship. Simple gestures, like a shared laugh, a knowing glance, or a tender twirl, not only enhance the visual appeal but also add layers of meaning to your performance. Hire Bride & groom entry choreographer to create a dance that is not just choreography but a storytelling experience.
Take dance lessons
For those new to dancing or seeking to refine their skills, consider the guidance of professional dance instructors. Enrolling in dance lessons provides a structured learning environment, allowing you to grasp foundational moves, receive expert feedback, and tailor your routine to match your skill level.
Relax and enjoy the moment
As the big day approaches, nerves may naturally set in. However, it's crucial to embrace the excitement, relax, and savor the moment. Your wedding dance is a celebration of love, and every step, no matter how imperfect, contributes to the beauty of the occasion. By focusing on the joy of the experience, you'll find that your dance becomes a genuine and memorable expression of your commitment to each other.
In crafting your wedding dance, remember that it's more than a sequence of steps. It's a celebration of love. By incorporating these practical tips you can ensure that your performance is not just a dance but a magical moment that will be cherished for years to come. Get ready to create an unforgettable experience on your wedding day.
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essentialsales4you · 3 years
Ring Ceremony | Team WC | Bride Groom Entry | Wedding Choreographers
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rhythmnext-blog · 4 years
Few Tips for planning your sangeet night
When it involves an Indian wedding, it brings a lot of joy and fun not only within the bride and groom’s life but also for his or her families. All the marriage functions can take 3 to five days in an Indian wedding. The foremost exciting a part of it's the Sangeet Ceremony. Sangeet ceremonies are an integral a part of every wedding. Yes, getting hold of gorgeous shaadi outfits, a caterer providing sumptuous food, and a decorator making the venue look top-notch is that the need of the day, however, hiring a choreographer is not any less important, it's the sangeet ceremony which sets the shaadi mood, while bringing friends and family together. The exhausting dance practices across weeks, the bickering over which songs to settle on and therefore the feeling of finally pulling it off are priceless! Always choose a Sangeet Choreographer in Mumbai or other place who is ready to be creative with props, which will allows your friends and family to be super-entertained and offbeat.
It includes music, dance then much fun. Some prepare group dance performances, some prepare solos and a few of them call wedding sangeet choreographer for preparation to urge the perfection.
Origin of sangeet ceremony
Sangeet's originally started a few years ago in Punjab; a neighbourhood of India (where you see guys who have the turbans) and it had been a group of dance performances in celebration of the marriage. Different groups of individuals from a small town or village would all get together, and dance off very similar to a contemporary day talent show.
The bride and groom would sit in nice chairs and laugh and clap and feel the heartfelt effort, then repeatedly they might dance themselves alongside their siblings and parents!
Things you should consider for your sangeet
A venue, often a hotel ballroom or civic centre
A list of individuals, who are dancing, paired up in groups (e.g. cousins, college mates and colleagues, etc.)
Make sure Dance Choreographer in Chandigarh or other place has Choreographed lessons for every group to get the dance steps down.
A dance floor and/or a large stage
A buffet
Here are some tips you should consider  for your sangeet:
You should allocate the Budget
You may be splurging on your wedding, however, knowing what your allow every area like for outfits, decor, etc., is extremely important!
The budget quotes by the choreographer also are very essential. Don’t go without the haggling and posing for additional discounts.
Area of strength
Choose your Sangeet Choreographer in Chandigarh or other place who is consistent with the type of dance you're looking at! If you would like a Bollywood theme, choose a choreographer whose strength is Bollywood or freestyle.
The choreographer’s behaviour
It is extremely essential to select a choreographer who is friendly and builds an honest rapport together with your friends and family.
You shouldn’t hire someone who is unapproachable and rude. Also, there's an opportunity that there could also be many of us, who aren't good dancers,
An ideal choreographer should be ready to maintain his patience.
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Decide the number of performances
It is imperative that you simply pick the amount of songs or performances right at the beginning.
You cannot be changing the amount on the spot. So, confirm you get someone who is prepared and has the time to choreograph consistent with your needs.
Make use of Props
I know a dance performance are often great even without props and every one the razzmatazz. However, for a marriage sangeet props will just make everything automatically more extravagant and fun, especially if you have selected your songs accordingly.
Make a plan
Though it's very exciting to perform during a sangeet ceremony some people are very shy to try to do therefore. You’ll count them for the performance but what if they deny at the last moment. It’s better to ask them days before the ceremony and ensure their participation. Prepare an inventory of performers and plan the dances accordingly. Planning is extremely important if you would like to form the Sangeet ceremony a memorable event. You’ll get to work on the entire process. Decide who will start the ceremony and therefore the sequence. This may assist you to avoid the last-minute confusions. Also, be ready with the props if you're using any for your performances.
Ask a wedding sangeet choreographer
If you would like to form your Sangeet ceremony an ideal one then you'll take private wedding dance lessons. Some Wedding Choreographer in Maharashtra provides the simplest wedding dance lessons in Chantilly. You get your wedding dance lessons by knowledgeable choreographer.
Consider the size of stage
Don’t forget to take the stage into consideration. Your performance should be consistent with it. Before planning a group dance you would like to see whether all the performers are going to be ready to adjust within the given stage area. A group of 10 people can't dance on small stage. You’ll need an appropriate space to perform well.
Tech-Check is vital
Ask your event manager to see all the equipment just like the music player and speaker to avoid technical malfunction. List out all the songs on which individuals are going to be performing that day. Make a folder and add all the songs in it in order that everything is going to be in one place.
Special Performance
If the bride and groom are going to perform, make sure their performance should be more special with colorful and lighting effects. They can also take private dance lessons from Choreographer in Chandigarh, especially for his or her performance. You’ll also plan a special entry for them once they reach the ceremony.
If you plan according to the above guideline then you are going to rock the event. A well-managed ceremony is always special. You and your guests will remember this special evening for decades.
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sutraweddings-blog · 4 years
Find The Best Wedding Planners In Bangalore To Plan And Arrange The Perfect Wedding
To plan beautiful and luxurious weddings, the assistance of professionals is highly needed. Their approach is flexible and personal & something that all the family members of the groom and bride want it to be. There are numerous expert wedding planners in the town these days carrying international reputation that deliver unique events with first-rate services. These professionals also work with renowned event business companies for making every occasion within a wedding a grand success. So you no longer need to wrangle and deal with individual suppliers. Such one stop wedding solutions ensure that your mind peace will be intact. The rates that you will discover with the industry experts are quite competitive as well.
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How wedding planners function?
The Sutra Weddings is the best wedding planners in Bangalore which take care of all wedding aspects starting from invitation cards to planning the honeymoon destination for newlywed couples. Also, they are highly equipped for arranging theme based weddings, formal parties, music extravaganzas, cocktail parties, DJ nights and a lot more. As every arrangement is executed perfectly and faultlessly, everybody in the wedding can really enjoy and not worry about anything else. The professional teams work solely for the purpose of you comfort. 
The wedding planner’s co-ordinate with their customers from the very first meeting till the end of the gorgeous weddings
They provide value for the money you invest in 
Unique services 
Destination wedding
Venue selection
Pre-wedding rituals
Wedding décor
Wedding planning
Wedding entertainment
Groom Bride entry
Wedding photography
Wedding choreographer
Makeup artist
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How wedding planners can benefit you?
There is no doubt about the fact that weddings are highly joyful occasions but any task undone or done inappropriately can disappoint the guests or cause them discomfort. You definitely do not want such situations to arise in your wedding, right? Simply appoint top-notch Best wedding planners in Bangalore who take care of all sensitive areas perfectly. 
Some factors that will increase your trust in them are:
Wedding events uniquely designed
Robust network for rendering numerous specialities from various cities in India
High professionalism
Designer touch for improving ambiance
Timely delivery assured
Bringing in fresh designs and concepts
The professional teams guarantee that every dealing with suppliers & clients are executed with honestly & integrity
They cover all wedding aspects beautifully and offer a symmetric touch to the aspects
Personalized wedding packages
When it comes to wedding planners, not just set packages but you can get hands on excusive personalized packages from them as well. You can choose the package that suits the budget, requisites, taste and vision the best. Depending on that the teams come up with a wedding proposal that meets your preferences & needs. The wedding celebrations that you and the entire family and guests get to experience will always carry a regal and elaborate touch.
So what are you waiting for? Appoint them today for a grand wedding today.
Resource: https://sutraweddings.blogspot.com/2020/03/find-best-wedding-planners-in-bangalore-To-Plan-And-Arrange-The-Perfect-Wedding.html
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dancesmith1-blog · 4 years
“An Indian Dance Troupe That Goes International”
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DanceSmith is a ‘Limca Book of Records’ recognized Indian Dance Troupe for the ‘Highest Number of Shows’ done in a year all over the world, and that too twice. In the year 2015, they performed 510 shows globally and then they broke their own record in 2016 with 773 shows, that no other Dance Troupe has even come close to even today. It is India’s leading dance troupe, known all over the world for its one of unique dance performances. Today DanceSmith India is going on a ‘Dance Tour’ to Africa. It is a hugely memorable moment in the history of dance, as this is the first time when a Dance Troupe is invited to perform at an event based on their name, talent, capability, skill, and not as a support for a celebrity. The team is all set for 5 dance performances in 3 countries within just 7 days. They will be performing a fusion of Indian Folk and Bollywood on some of the most loved Bollywood songs as a tribute to Indian music. 
The detailed information for the dance shows are as follows:
Day 1 - 26.01.20 - Dakar, Senegal
Day 1 - 28.01.20 - Banjul, Gambia
Day 1 - 29.01.20 - Banjul, Gambia 
Day 1 - 31.01.20 - Dakar, Senegal
Day 1 - 02.02.20 - Bissau, Guinea Bissau
DanceSmith is India’s one of the most prestigious entertainment service providers with the best of performers and Choreographers in the business. It is also the one and only Dance Production & Performance Company with a complete in-house support system needed to give a powerpack performance. They provide dance performers and expert choreographers for Corporate Events, Corporate Shows, Wedding Performances, Wedding Shows, and grand Bride & Groom Entries, to make the events more fun and memorable.In all DanceSmith is India’s one of the leading and most reliable event entertainment service providers, with some of the most qualified dancers and choreographers in the country. Their motto is to ‘Deliver the Best, to be the Best’, and for that, they have hired some of the most qualified dancers and choreographers in the country that are registered by the Government of India.
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srvverms-blog · 5 years
Top 50 songs that you can play on your wedding day in 2019
You all maybe grooving English songs but it’s the Bollywood songs that will keep you in good stead at your wedding. All functions of your wedding are going to have a generous dose of Bollywood. Naach gaana & Bollywood married songs go hand in hand for the wedding; these hit Bollywood perfect songs are just perfect for your wedding.
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Romantic bride & groom songs: There are some romantic songs for both the bride & groom, so you can have a couple of dance on these songs or can surprise a better half with a beautiful dance. 1. Tere Bin- Simmba 2. Gazab ka ha din- Junglee 3. O Saathi- Baaghi 2 4. Jogi- Shaadi mai zaroor aana 5. Humsafar- Badrinath ki Dulhania 6. Enna Sona- Ok Jaanu 7. Samjhawan- Humpty sharma ki Dulhania Fun Bride & Groom dance songs Maybe you are filmy couple who loves to dance on peppy numbers. There is a lot of collection of fun Bollywood songs for all super chill couples. You can pick any of the song & will surely have a blast dance on your wedding. 1. Morni Banke- Badhaai Ho 2. Proper Patola- Namaste England 3. Dil chori- Sonu ke titu ki sweety 4. Rocket Saiyan- Shubh Mangal Saavdaan 5. Phelhi Baar- Dil Dhadkne Do 6. Nashe si chad gyi- Befikre 7. Kar gyi chull- Kapoor & Sons 8. High Heels- Ki & Ka 9. Humma Humma- Ok Jaanu Bridal Entry Songs in Hindi All brides have a dream to enter like a queen at a wedding. All eyes will be on you & you cannot just go wrong with your entry song. Select the best marriage song for bridal entry. 1. Afreen Afreen- Coke Studio 2. Din shagna Da- The wedding story/ Phillauri 3. Kabira- Yeh Jaawani Hai Deewani 4. Chal Le Chal- The wedding filmer 5. Punjab- Karunesh Dance with the partners or family A family that dances together stay together. You don’t forget to dance with your family on wedding functions because you can’t miss all the fun with your family to make the wedding memorable. 1. Chalti hai kya 9 se 12- Judwaa 2 2. Chogada- Loveyatri 3. The google song- Mubarkaan 4. Kala Chashma- Baar Baar Dekho 5. Galla Goodiyan- Dil Dhadkne Do 6. Nachde Saare- baar baar dekho Hindi Songs for Sister’s wedding If your sister is getting married & you want to make her day even more special by dancing on pre-wedding functions. We have listened to some Hindi songs for functions. 1. Sweety from drama- bareily ki barfi 2. Lambhergini- Doorbeen ft. Ragini 3. Lagdi hai Thaai- Simran 4. Badri Ki Dulhania- Badrinath ki dulhaniya Hindi Songs for brother’s wedding So if your brother is getting married & there is no chance you can miss the dance at his wedding. List of some songs that can be lit for your brother’s wedding. 1. Aaankh Maare- Simmba 2. Gur Naal ishq mitha- Ek ladki ko dekha to aisa laga 3. Vakhra Swag- Badshah 4. Let’s naacho- kapoor & sons 5. Veere- Veere di wedding Hope you liked this article.
To book Choreographer for wedding or to book any artists for a wedding please visit StarClinch (India’s No. 1 Artist and Celebrity booking website).
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rockajay · 3 years
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