thehatakefamily · 9 months
Maybe Meant To Be
It could've been fate that brought the one known as The Demon, Kasuna Hatake, to one of the biggest companies in terms of security clientele in Japan. He was there just to escort an important CEO to a meeting in greater Tokyo. He cracked his neck as he stood in front of his sleek car. He fixed his suit, something he didn't want to wear but was told he needed to. He didn't know what to expect, maybe a stuck up old Japanese dude stuck in his ways, but all he knew was he didn't want to really do this.
He looked up at the massive building as the sun beat down on him, cursing the Japanese summer. He surveyed the whole scene making sure everything was safe. He had a feeling that if he was being put to be an escort, something was up. His eyes were peeled, as were his ears. He heard something about the CEO was on their way down and straightened himself again.
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ayakoito · 4 months
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@brimfire-and-hellstone asked: 🎨 Franny and Aya pls🙏🏻
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thedeadlyfemmes · 2 years
The New Teacher Part 2
A tall woman slowly stepped out of her car and straightened up her blazer as she looked at the building she was supposed to be at during the beginning of the school year, but a few travel problems left her coming near the end of the first semester. She rolled her wide shoulders as she closed the car door behind her. She slowly walked towards the building, the second new teacher of the school. The new AP Chemistry Teacher, Jaclyn James. 
Once again in the school year, a new teacher caused quite the buzz. The students were in awe of the brunette woman. Her hair at shoulder length, brushed to one side, her muscular frame oozing confidence, with a gorgeous face. She gave a few students a smile as she walked by as they stared. 
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radicalrascals · 5 months
@brimfire-and-hellstone liked for a starter - Kriemhild & Leopold
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"Bitte," the vampire pulled his hood back to allow Kriemhild a good enough view of him through the gap in the door. His face was weatherbeaten. Remarkably young and exceptionally old at the same time. Fresh scratches met ancient scars on a canvas mostly obscured by a raggedy beard and long hair falling in front of olive coloured eyes.
His gaze briefly wandered up the street eastward, the red of the morning sun was quickly creeping over the horizon. It made him shudder and pull the hood deep into his face again.
"Let me in, bitte," the vampire pleaded, "I will find a way to repay you. But please. Do not condemn me to burn in the light of the sun."
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between-the-realms · 1 year
Nobles and Paupers
The days have started to grow long and hot in Sunray Province. The sun would stare down on the plainsland and only ever seemed to give when a lonely cloud crossed her sacred path. Luckily for Grimalda, she got to wait inside the Temple of Light, right outside her sister's, Ana, study. Her dark hood pulled tightly over her hair, trying her best not to look aby of the preosts in the eye. She wanted to get in there and then leave as soon as she could. She never liked the prying eyes of this place.
Unluckily, Murdoch was currently waiting outside of said Temple. Sure, he could go in without much Hassel, as long as he kept his hands in his pockets, but that wasn't the point. In all technicality, the church would rather him dead than among the living. All because of something he couldn't quite help. He was one of the few dark mages of this world, not that he ever used his abilities to hurt others. It was simply the element he was born with.
Murdoch was 25 yeas old, with pale skin and icy blue eyes. His semi-long raven black hair was pulled back in a sad ponytail due to the heat and needing to keep it out of his eyes. He also wore a simple white shirt and brown trousers, looking much like a peasant or a farmer.
After he watched Grimalda wander into the temple, he flitted to the alleyway beside the church, leaning against the wall. There was no one around, and he doubted anyone would show. This alleyway usually stayed pretty clear. So Murdoch was flicking a long shadow tendril down from his finger and up again, almost like one would a yo-yo, simply practicing this simple maneuver.
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darkhearthorns · 10 months
@brimfire-and-hellstone || Outlasting Legacy
Maverick, the tyrant ruler of the Moorlands, strode through his fortress-like castle that mirrors his oppressive reign. When navigating the cold, gray stone corridors, his footsteps echoed ominously, a fitting soundtrack to his imposing presence. The walls are adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of conquest, domination, and power, serving as a constant reminder of his authority.
Within the castle, Maverick's demeanor remained stoic and unyielding. His piercing gaze falls upon his subjects, who quickly avert their eyes in fear. He thrives on this display of subservience, relishing in the control he exerts over their lives. Every step he takes, every room he enters, reiterates his absolute power and dominance.
He paused, contemplating the price he has paid for his power, questioning whether the fear and isolation he has cultivated are truly worth it. However, these moments of introspection are fleeting, easily cast aside as he reaffirms his belief in his own supremacy.
Deep down, Maverick craves validation and recognition. He yearned for a legacy that will outlast him, one that will cement his name in the annals of history.
That is when he saw a flicker of a being on the side of his vision. His face contorted into a scowl as he approached the newcomer, demanding, "what is your name? How did you get here?"
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sonoftartessos · 8 months
Eight questions for nine people
tagged by: @ayakoito
1. Last Song I Listened to : Brother (Acoustic), Shawn James
2. Favorite Color : Blue
3. Last TV Show or Movie I Watched : Oz (show); Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (movie)
4. Currently Watching : Spartacus: Gods of the Arena (rewatching)
5. Sweet, Savory, or Spicy? : Savoury
6. Relationship Status : Single
7. Current Obsession : Tbh I'm in that liminal space where I'm waiting for an obsession (it might be becoming Oz but I don't want that XD)
8. Last Thing I Googled : 'mike warren graceland' on my computer - getting a pic up helps me get the voice of the character; 'Praetorian' on my phone - I got confused between the place Pretoria and the elite Roman soldiers.
Tagging: @adsagsona @illbringthechaosmagic @cxncordia @brimfire-and-hellstone @hiccuphaddockswifeparttwo @the-life-we-fear @charmed-redemption @redemptivexheroics @ophelia-hendrixa
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nykrose · 9 months
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[Which Type of Protagonist are You?]
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Jaded Dilf
You're probably divorced. Hell, you're probably sipping black coffee right now, missing that love of your life. Your kids don't talk to you, you feel like you reek of wasted potential. You used to stand for something though...right? And you do keep fighting. That's commendable. I would suggest finding a young and impressionable tween to reluctantly mentor who will somehow bring back your zest for life back. Or maybe a hobby if that kind of responsibility makes your back pain flare up.
Tagged by: @thegreatstrongbow Tagging: @helreginn, @brimfire-and-hellstone, @negativeroom
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elleohve · 3 years
closed starter for @brimfire-and-hellstone​
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After a small dinner party the night before, and the cleaners away on vacation, Jeremy had been doing some quick cleaning around the house himself. They hadn’t left anything terribly messy, but there were still things laying around. He’d been focused on putting one of the vases back in its rightful spot in the main hall and had accidentally knocked one of Franny’s bags over. She’d been out of the house, claiming that she had some errands to run and that she would be back soon. At this point he wondered if he should just ask her to officially move in considering that she basically lived there already. He leaned down to pick it up, sighing as more things seemed to spill over, hands already reaching out to shove everything back in but then he stopped when he saw pictures scattered on the floor. Pictures of him. Candid pictures of him. Out and about, at work events - - “what the fuck?” He picked them up, quickly sorting through them, the confusion only brewing when he flipped one picture - of Jeremy at lunch, in a meeting - around to see a note on the other end: meetings here on the first Monday of each month. Franny was spying on him. He’d pulled the bag up off the ground, sorting through some of Franny’s things until he saw it: the missing Rolex. The one he’d been looking for, and Franny claimed that he’d likely just left somewhere else around the house. Part of him had wanted to call her right then to demand some answers, but that didn’t feel like the right way to go about it. Instead, he’d put everything back inside her bag properly, set it down on the counter again and then waited for her to come back. Even waited for her to settle in, making her some coffee, needing her to keep her guard down. And then, ever so casually: “Hey, Franny, remember that night that we met? Who did you know at the gala again?” 
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nyctcphiliacs · 2 years
@brimfire-and-hellstone​ wanted a small thing from Dahlia
“The more you rush me the longer I will take.”
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heartsandmiinds · 3 years
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There was a rough storm in Gotham that was currently the only thing keeping Esme any company tonight. The other patrons of her club had left not long before the rain started. It was Classical Music night and she had hired a wonderful set of a pianist, who had to get going before the rain started as well. A clarinet player, and the only one left in the club, her very kind violinist.
If Esme was being biased, she enjoyed the piece the violinist put on the most of the others. She was a bit quiet, kept to herself mostly, and Esme could understand that. She was the same way, after all. Just as Esme was starting to put things away behind the bar the electricity had gone out in the club when a particularly booming clap of thunder and a sharp jolt of lightning had lit up the sky. She gasped in surprise at first, holding her chest for just a moment and trying to find a light source.
“I’m so sorry.” she said to her silent guest. “I suppose this wasn’t the best night to open the club.” she called out while still grope around in the dark for a flashlight she kept somewhere under the bar.
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thehatakefamily · 1 year
Demon Caught The Cat
Charles had gotten wind of Magneto and his men going after a new set of politicians who were looking to pass a Mutant Act and sent out members of the X Men to stop his actions; chief among them, Codename The Demon, Kasuna Hatake. He was hoping to come across a certain mutant in this.
He had his own rival among them, a one Snow Leopard, Dulcie Black. He had made it his personal mission to antagonize and fight her. But there was also an underlying feeling of respect for her as well. She met him blow for blow.
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ayakoito · 2 years
Continued from here - @brimfire-and-hellstone​
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“Oh really?” In the shadow of the lantern, Ayako could only see its outline, but realized that it must be a female. Normally she let everyone do what they thought was right, but the stranger had followed her. At least she had the feeling that she was being followed on her way home.
However, she would have guessed first and foremost that it was a creep, male in all clarity. "Not a good place to be walking around here alone," she noted, aware that she could have said the same thing about herself.
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thedeadlyfemmes · 1 year
Madalyn Murdock sat silently at her desk in the courtroom, listening to the testimony. She wasn't focused on the words per say, though she could hear them clearly, the words were almost a whisper underneath the more important sound in the speakers chest; Their heart. She kept listening as they spoke about finding the house ransacked but having no idea how it ended up like that. But their heart was pounding profusely, Madalyn knew they were lying.
She kept the information to herself for now, waiting for her moment to interrogate the witness. When called upon to do the questioning she slowly stood up and rolled her shoulders. She held onto her cane and tapped it on the floor as she advanced on the witness. Her voice stayed neutral but her eyes behind her sunglasses flashed in fury.
"You said you didn't know how your house got ransacked right?" Madalyn started, wanting to remind the jury of what was just established,
"That is correct." Heart anxiously beating in their chest. The one being questioned was Matthew Mason, a man who was rising in the business world. But also had gotten to that point exploiting young adults, particularly women.
"Do you just walk out of your house without locking your door?" Maddie asked as she raised her eyebrow.
"I don't see how that question is relevant," Matthew responded with a nervous chuckle. The sound of the chuckle made Maddie chuckle condescendingly.
"I happen to agree, what is the point?" Matthew's lawyer asked as they stood. Maddie kept her back on the lawyer as she answered the question.
"Simple, Mr. Mason is being accused of collusion and extortion and he is trying to say he was also targeted, however, unlike the rest of the houses," Maddie spoke as if she was talking to a child. "His place had no signs of forced entry. Yes windows were broken but one was upstairs and the other in the kitchen where no one would be able to enter any way. Nothing was moved on the outside so clearly no one used a ladder to get to the second floor, and they didn't climb your house, so how is that possible?"
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madxwonderland · 3 years
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@brimfire-and-hellstone​  “I’m scared.”  
Alice’s curiosity came over her, as well as her concern. She always found herself helping others, even when she has nothing to gain. At times it was annoying but it made her feel productive. Not to mention easing burdens was satisfying.
“What are you afraid of?”
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flawedheroines · 3 years
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@brimfire-and-hellstone asked: “💐 for Scarlett Stone”
Send me 💐 to give my muse a Valentine’s day gift from a secret admirer.
Valentine’s Day was not anything special for Scarlett. With the exception of maybe a couple of years, she was alone on that day. It was hard for her to date, finding herself to be a bit awkward.
To her surprise, when she went out to get her morning coffee with a friend, she noticed a vase filled with beautiful flowers. They were sitting right outside her door. Thinking this was a mistake, she picked them up and looked at the card.
“These are for me?” She asked softly to herself, “Who the hell would have sent these?”
Quickly, she put them inside, taking the card with her to go meet up with her friend. As she walked inside, she sat and held out the card, “Look what I got outside my door this morning…A card and some beautiful flowers.”
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