bourbonificould · 7 months
Sweetened Up - Chapter 22: Any Space For Love?
Switching lanes, Violet gets home after school and has to face the daily nonsense. After taking enough, she heads out with an unexpected change of feeling soon after.
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blitztheinkling · 7 months
briolet (brody + violet) or lilee (lilly + lee)
briolet is *chefs kiss* I love them so much, not as much as brodytine but I still love them.
Now. Lee and lilly? Hell yeah, I feel like Lee could help lilly maybe overcome the grief of her dad? Also clem could also help in bringing them closer. Also remove the part where lilly kills carley/doug and it's perfect :)
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demidevilbryllas · 1 year
Violet: Wow, Bryce you smell nice, kinda wishing my sheets would smell the same tomorrow morning.
Bryce: I mean, you can borrow my cologne if you want
Dalton: Bryce…
Bryce: Oh…OH…
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steliosagapitos · 10 months
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Natural Citrine Briolet Dangles on sliding necklace LEAF CHRISTMAS IN JULY EBAY dalec22
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applesiies · 3 years
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.....listen i can explain
so @stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale is pretty much my favorite twdg blog, I'm in love with her stories and her way with words so go follow her
is because of her that i got into Briolet and Jamitch and the brotp Mitchentine and holy fuck I'm in love with those ships and friendship so i drew them for her, ta daa (the jamitch drawing didn't make the cut because i didn't liked the final result so i might re draw it again soon)
and how could i ever forget her absolutely favorite ship ever, sugar tits x honey bunny (CJ I'm so sorry but I'm not–)
oh and the guy in the third pic is supposed to be her oc Justin, i tried to make him as accurate as she's described him physically in the past, hope i did it right
little bit to CJ, i hope you like these and know that you're very cool! :) i adore your fics, blogs and answers, and your take on ships and friendships and analysis like the Marlon one or your blogs about Clouis and stuff, so yeah thx and hope you like :)
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lukesmachete · 3 years
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Ship tier list with barely any thought put into it
Favourites: Clouis, Gabentine, Rusim, Chromid, Carlee
Great: Karita, Kenjaa, Vinerva, Brarlon
Good: Treleanor, Jasus, Briolet
Okay: Juke, Mitchentine, Lousim, Travi(er)
Meh: Kavid, Kavi(er), Violentine
Bad: Labe, Tariana, Marlontine, Lames, Clarah, Dava, Duckentine
Lgbt erasure/literally think of each other as family: Liolet, Larlon
THIS SHIT ILLEGAL: ClAJ, Clee, Gabriana, Cluke, Clavier
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[against all odds, your hand is in mine] [1/4]
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Seasons change, and with each comes a different story. In a world where the dead roam around, romantic companionship seems unlikely. Yet Ericson stands, and within it are four couples who are proof that it's possible.
Spring: Briolet | flowers, picnics, blueberries, running river
Read on AO3
Notes: Sometimes I get the urge to write four oneshots over the course of two days. This is the first of those oneshots. It’s briolet in spring, but be careful: there is so much hand holding and some smooches. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 
[screenshot used is from the lovely @pi-creates]
Brody pricks her finger again. It's easy to avoid that, but she doesn't have a thimble, and her hands refuse to stop trembling.
No blood, and really, it didn’t even hurt. It more startled her, a bit of panic sparking in her gut at the idea of staining the martial and ruining her project. She stops her work to rest her hands and the fabric in her lap, closes her eyes, and sucks in a deep breath. It does little to calm her nerves or her impatience.
“Don’t rush,” she mumbles to herself, readjusting her position on the bed. She crosses her legs and notices a long strand of thick, pale blue thread stuck to her pants. Great, she needed that color an hour ago to finish one of the flowers.
Doesn’t matter now, the floral design is complete and all she has left is to sew the pieces together. If she can finish soon, there’ll be more than enough time to clean up, gather the basket she made up the night before, and head down to the greenhouse. Violet should still be there.
Brody smiles, setting down her needle and holding the handmade eyepatch in her hands. She rubs a thumb over one of the little white flowers. She embroidered them just this morning, a final touch to the overall design. That feeling strikes her gut again, exciting her nerves.
The idea came to her one night after Violet found her in the common room. It was late at night, and the two shared a blanket on the couch and drank tea. Violet's ruined eye was covered with bandages despite being healed over. No one was able to find her an actual eye patch. The best they found was a plastic one used for a children’s pirate costume, so she kept it bandaged.
Violet never complains about it. She considers the bandages her patch, even though they're not the most comfortable to wear every day.
Brody decided at that moment that she would make her one. She tore through her closet the next morning, sorting through old shirts until she found one she never wore. Taupe in color, a thicker material, something she could easily work with.
Though she had no idea how eyepatches were made, figuring those things out came easy to Brody. She made several patterns, testing each one out on scraps until one worked. From there, it was all about creating a design should could see Violet wearing. It wasn't difficult- sewing and embroidery work came easy to her.
A family thing that stuck, she assumes.
Her grams used to do embroidery and cross-stitching work. She made a living off sewing intricate designs, all more beautiful than any painting. If Brody closes her eyes, she can still see the doorway into her gram’s cabin. The framed design of a flowery cottage with a stone path, rural trees and a cloudless sky hung up on the wall. Her gram’s final masterpiece. She worked on it for months, pouring every ounce of love she had into each stitch. It was something Brody admired every time she walked through that doorway.
She learned to hunt and skin animals from her dad and uncles, and sewing from her grams. Best of both worlds, she supposes. Two skills that became handier than she would’ve ever thought at the time.
Though her flowers weren’t as flawless as her gram’s once were, she still put her heart into each stitch just as she did. She hopes that when Violet sees it, she’ll feel the unspoken words Brody threaded through the fabric.
Purple, white, and blue flowers of all sizes, each with a yellow french knot in the center, standing bright against the muted taupe. She sewed a thicker piece beneath it, used a tiny bit of stuffing from an old, ripped pillow to give it some comfortable cushion. A piece of a silky shirt lines the inside so Violet’s skin won’t get agitated while wearing it.
After weeks of work, all she has left to sew is the straps she made. She had no way to measure the fit for Violet’s head since she wanted this to be a surprise, so she figured she could make them extra long enough to tie comfortably while wearing. If she needed to adjust anything, she could do that later.
Brody picks her needle back up.
It doesn’t take long to finish, even with her forcing herself to take her time.
With triumph, Brody sticks her needle back into its rightful container and hops off her bed, singing, “Ta-daah~ !”
Her mind is all over the place. Wrap up the patch-- does she have a box or even a bag?-- and hide it at the bottom of the woven basket she found in the basement, stuff the blanket in as much as she can so the two cups don’t clank together, and start boiling water for tea-- where the hell did she put the jar of blueberries?
She flicks a match to light the heater she borrowed from Clementine, letting the water come to a slow boil as she searches around for the mason jar. It’s right under her nose, of course, sitting in plain sight on her shelf.
With the greenhouse running smoothly and the trading they’ve done with the traveling caravan that comes around, they're able to plant seeds for several different fruits and vegetables. This week, they finally got their first bunch of blueberries in. She managed to pick a bunch and seal them away in a jar yesterday without Violet noticing. She thought they’d make for a refreshing picnic snack to pair with tea.
Brody’s been planning this picnic for a while now, all while she was working and spring came to chase the cold away. Her favorite time of year where it’s finally warm, but cool enough to not overheat everything. Grass grows greener, flowers bloom all over the place, the river flows, and the sun shines bright in the sky most days. Other days, like yesterday, it rains. She was worried it would rain today as well, but there isn’t a cloud in the sky today.
She lets the tea steep in a large mug and squeezes what she can from an old container of mostly crystallized honey. When it’s cooled down enough, she pours it slow and steady into an empty water bottle. Sure, they can’t have iced tea given they have no way to actually make ice once winter ends, but lukewarm tea would be just as good.
Basket in hand, Brody looks out her window one last time before leaving the dorms. With every step she takes, she grows closer to the greenhouse and her heart thumps gaily against her ribs.
Outside, everyone is out and about, enjoying the warm weather. AJ and Tenn color together at the table while Mitch works on sharpening his favorite knife. Willy sulks on the couch beside him with Ruby attending to his bleeding knee. She's going on about him needing to be more careful.
Clementine and Louis sit on the steps leading into the admin building. She sits a step lower, leaning back into his chest as the two talk. Brody waves at them as she passes, and Louis gives her a knowing grin when he eyes the basket.
It’s not a long walk to the greenhouse from there. She stops when she notices the wildflowers growing by the fence of the rabbit coop. Bees buzz around the white flowers, landing in their yellow centers. She hates to disturb them, but these flowers were part of her inspiration when designing Violet’s eyepatch. They're too perfect not to pick. She shoos away a fat bumblebee with pollen sticking to its little black legs, and gathers eight of the flowers, leaving plenty for the rest.
A simple bouquet, if she could even call it that, but it works.
Once inside, the fresh scent of wet soil and leafy greens hits her. Not as refreshing as the sweet air outside, but still, it fills her lungs with warmth. Or perhaps that sensation is from seeing Violet standing beside Omar, watering what Brody believes are the potatoes.
Most of her hair pulls back into a hair tie, apart from the bangs that fall over her forehead and bandages. She hasn’t had a haircut in a while, letting it grow long enough past her shoulders. A surprise, actually. Violet hasn’t had long hair since they were kids.
Not that Brody was complaining- she likes it very much.
Violet breaks her attention from the potatoes to meet her gaze. She grins, and yes, that warmth is definitely from her. Omar continues on about some sort of new stew he wants to try making, only stopping when he notices he’s lost Violet’s attention.
“Everything doin’ okay in here?” Brody asks.
Violet gives a shrug. She sticks her hand out to run along the wooden planter to steady herself. She meets Brody halfway, replying with, “Eh, nothing too exciting. Willy biffed it while watering the rabbits this morning, but other than that...”
“He about crushed one of the babies,” Omar adds with a shake of his head. “More upset about that than he was about his skinned knee.”
“Aw, poor little guy,” Brody laughs. “That why he looked so miserable when I passed him?”
“Probably. He tried to catch it to apologize, but it was too quick even for him, and Ruby didn’t want him getting a bunch of muck all over him with an open wound, so…”
Apologizing to a baby bunny that they’re eventually going to eat? Sounds like Willy, Brody thinks. But never mind that, she has more important things than rabbits.
She reaches out to grab Violet’s free hand, her lips involuntarily curling into a bright smile as she asks, “Are you almost finished ?”
“Yeah,” Violet says, raising a questioning brow. “Why?”
“We’re going on a picnic!”
Violet pauses, only now noticing the basket in Brody’s grasp.
“We are?”
“We are!”
“That’s news to me.”
Brody lets go of her hand to present her with the flowers. Violet stares at them for a moment as her skin flushes, starting at her neck and blooming along her cheeks. If Omar weren’t standing over there, Brody would lean over and kiss that lovely blush.
“And where exactly would we have a picnic?”
“By the river. Already got a spot in mind.”
Violet holds the flowers close to her chest and clears her throat. She glances back at Omar, and says, “Uh, I don’t-”
“Go ahead,” he interrupts with a wave of his hand. “I can take care of the rest. Go have your picnic, be careful. And Brody,” he points to her, putting on a stern voice, “have her home by eight, and don’t have too much fun.”
Brody laughs.
“Yes, sir!”
Violet shakes her head, but her smile betrays her amusement.
“Well, okay, I guess we’re going on a picnic. There better be peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in there... that's what people eat on picnics, right?”
“Yeah, but no. Close, though.”
Locking their hands together once more, Brody leads Violet out of the greenhouse and through the gates. Soon, they’re outside the walls of Ericson. Heading down the path, she makes sure to keep watch out for any obstacles to warn Violet about.
Brody knows that Violet’s other eye works perfectly well, but given that her depth perception isn’t what it used to be, she can’t help but be extra careful. She used that excuse to hold Violet’s hand before they were together, both still recovering from their respective injuries. Better safe than sorry, use the buddy system, and that system requires hand-holding. Brody didn’t make the rules.
“Never been on a picnic before,” Violet breaks the silence.
“No? Not even before?”
“We used to go out on picnics to eat and play games all the time. Me, my grandma, my daddy and uncles, cousins- if it was warm out, we were out.”
“That sounds nice.”
“Most times it was,” Brody says, giving Violet’s hand a squeeze. “ Just because those days are gone doesn’t mean we can’t do that kinda stuff now, y’know?”
“Yeah, I guess so. Though there are more walkers around than there were back then.”
“True, but that shouldn’t be a big issue today,” Brody smiles. “I asked James to check the area and he collected the walkers he found. The river should be clear.”
Even without looking at her, she can sense her surprise. Violet’s quiet for a moment, turning her head to peer around them before saying, “You planned this.”
It’s not a question, but more of a realization.
“I thought this was a spur of the moment thing,” Violet admits. “I, uh…”
When she doesn’t continue, Brody says, “ Not many opportunities to take you out on a date,” the word makes Violet blush and repress a smile, “and when one does arise, you bet your bottom dollar I’m gonna take it .”
Violet says nothing more, but her grip on Brody’s hand tightens.
They make it to the river without spotting a single walker. She kept her knife handy in case, but James was thorough, it seems. Brody makes a note to thank him again for helping her out.
The running water is soothing and the grass colors with golden dandelions. It’s nice to be down here without the intention of working up a sweat while fishing, she thinks. They find a flat piece of grass, kicking rocks, sticks, and pinecones out of the way to lay the blanket down. Together they sit side by side with the basket between them.
Rubbing her hands together, Brody digs in to pull everything out. Except for the eyepatch. It remains, wrapped in a pillowcase she found. Hopefully Louis won’t notice she snuck it from his horde of pillows.
“Alright, we got tea and blueberries,” Brody says, handing one mug to Violet and opening the mason jar of berries. Their sweet scent escapes into the air, making her mouth water.
“How’d you manage to sneak these past Omar?” Violet asks, popping a blueberry into her mouth. Her face twists at the taste, and for a moment Brody worries they might be sour, but Violet shakes her head. “They’re good, just not used to that.”
By now the tea is completely cooled, and while not cold, still delightful to sip on.
“Open wide,” Violet says, holding up a blueberry. It misses Brody’s mouth, bouncing off her chin. Violet laughs. “Pfft, c’mon.”
“Okay, okay, I’m ready, try again.”
Another miss.
“Aww, nope!”
“Well, let's see you try!”
Brody throws up a berry, and Violet misses it completely.
“Damn depth perception,” she grins, grabbing the berry and tossing it up herself. It hits her cheek, lost to the grass. “Damn it!”
Violet’s laugh, while rare, is as bewitching as it is infectious. It’s been so long since Brody heard her laugh like this, and to know that they’re here together, comfortable together…
Emotion builds in her throat, and she has to eat berries to suppress it. She aims the blueberry just right, and Violet catches it this time. As she chews, they both let out victorious giggles.
Once the laughter dies down, Violet brings her knees to her chest as she watches the river.
“Think we’re missing out on a fish haul?” she asks.
“Nah,” Brody pulls the basket closer to look inside, biting her lip as she runs her fingers over the covered patch. “And if we are, I’m sure the traps’ll make up for it.”
Should she do it now? They did just get here, did she want to surprise her early, or…?
Brody grabs a flower instead, bringing it up to her nose to inhale the soft scent. An idea occurs to her as she admires the girl before. Scooping up the flowers, Brody breaks off most of the stems. The flower slips in through Violet’s hair, right where the hair tie is.
Violet jerks her head around to look back, but Brody says, “Don’t move.”
“What are you-?”
She doesn’t need to answer the question, she merely secures a few more flowers within the light strands of hair before leaning back to admire her work. She even tucks one behind her own ear so they match.
Violet remains quiet, but lays her hand on Brody's. A silent, content thank you.
Brody doesn’t know how long they sat there watching the river, sipping tea, and listening to the birds chirp from the trees . A small butterfly flutters by them, and for a moment, Brody forgets the world around them. Forgets the walkers, forgets Ericson, too swept up in the way the warm air blew against her skin, in how Violet’s hand felt in hers, and the strange sense of wonder, a desire to kick off her shoes and run through the river.
It took Violet kissing the back of her hand to break her out of it.
Violet grew sheepish, glancing away as if she needed to come up with an explanation for the kiss, and that was it.
“Vi,” she started, pulling her around to face her. “I have- I made ya somethin’.”
The nervous pounding in her chest thumps in her ears as she reached back into the basket, pulling out the pillowcase.
“Aw, from Lou’s stash,” Violet grins, amused. “You shouldn’t have.”
“No, no, not the pillowcase,” Brody fidgets with it until she finds what she’s looking for. Her thumb brushes over the flowers beneath the thin material. With a deep breath, she goes for it. “Listen, I’ve been thinkin’ a lot about you. Us... just everything, and- Remember that night we stayed up in the common room talkin’? I thought… well, I wanted to do this for you.”
Brody hands her the pillowcase. Not once does she take her eyes off Violet’s face, noting the curiosity and confusion playing in her features as she accepts the gift.
The eyepatch is finally brought out into the sunlight, laying in Violet’s palm.
Neither of them speaks. Violet’s lips part, eye widening.
Brody lets the air out of her lungs slow, and then the words spill from her lips before she can stop them.
“We couldn’t find you anything to wear other than that stupid costume patch, and I know you said you didn’t mind the bandages but then I got to thinkin’ ‘bout how bandages might not always be the comfiest-”
“Brody…” Violet’s voice is quiet, trembling as it breaks.
“-and I want you to be comfortable in somethin’ that you like, so I made this for you- the whole thing, hand sewed it myself. I- but y’know, if it’s maybe too much- I wasn’t sure if it might bring too much attention and you wouldn’t like that-”
She’s cut off when Violet practically throws herself at her, burying her face in the crook of Brody’s neck and holding her tight. Brody doesn’t hesitate. She embraces her back, pressing a hand to cradle her head.
“I… don’t know what to say,” Violet's voice quivers.
“You like it?”
“Then that’s enough.”
Violet pulls back, and without warning, her hands cup Brody’s face. She presses their lips together in a way that’s anything but gentle. It’s firm, purposeful, and loving. All tension from her body melts away, and Brody truly believes she could kiss her all day and that tingle? The one that coursed through her veins, the butterflies that fluttered in her belly? It would never go away. It wouldn't even lessen.
They break apart, and Violet’s staring down at the eyepatch in her hands.
“Holy shit. It’s… I don’t-” she tries again. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“I wanted to,” Brody assures her, brushing the bangs that fell over her face.
“No one’s ever made me anything like this before. I mean, not a patch, just … you know.”
“Want to try it on?”
Violet nods, and Brody’s undoing the bandages with ease. Her eye's healed from the damage the raiders inflicted, leaving only angry scars. The patch is a perfect size, covering everything.
“Does it feel okay?”
“Yeah, it’s… nice. Soft.”
“Does this feel tight enough? Like it won’t fall off, but not too tight?”
“Yeah, it feels good.”
“Couldn’t figure out a good way to clasp it together, so it ties. If ya want me to change it or anything, I can make adjustments... There!”
Violet turns back around, avoiding her gaze. Brody studies her face, the way the colors of the embroidered flowers make the green in her other eye vibrant, how the taupe of the fabric flatters her.
Violet scoffs, ducking her head to hide the flustered smile that betrays her lips. This gives Brody the perfect excuse to place a quick kiss on her forehead.
“You’re so mushy,” Violet says, embarrassed but trying to force a playful tone. “Y’know that?”
Well, to be fair, Brody could be mushier, so she replies with an over-the-top, sweet, “Only with you.”
Violet groans and they laugh once more.
They know their little picnic will wrap up soon, so together they sit close and enjoy the comfort of nature for a few minutes longer.
“Thank you, Brody… really.”
Brody responds with another kiss.
Yeah, she thinks. She could kiss Violet all day.
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violetineprompts · 4 years
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bourbonificould · 7 months
I wanted to write a Violet chapter for my modern AU clouis fic, but ive been kinda ignoring/abusing her so answer
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taurusicorn2400 · 4 years
Secret Santa:
Word count: 1054
Can also read on Ao3
Secret Santa. A thing that's not really Violet's thing, but here she is, picking a name out of Clementine's hat, to see who she has to buy a gift for. She stuck her hand into the hat and grabbed a slip of paper. She opened it to see the name 'Brody' written on it. The blonde felt a blush rise on her face. Fuck, she has to buy something for her goddamn crush? Of all the bad luck. What the fuck is she gonna buy her? It's gotta be awesome that's for sure. Fuck OK, now is not the time. Hang out with friends now, panic later.
And panic later she did. Violet is on her laptop, trying to find something, anything to give Brody. She really doesn't know what to get the auburn haired girl at all. Sure she has two weeks to come up with something, but it needs to be good. It needs to be spectacular. She needs Brody to like her…..gift. Her gift. Yep, just her gift. Nothing else. We are not getting into that now. Going to just focus on the gift. This should be easy. They're like, the bestest of friends, she should know what to get. But yet she's drawing a blank. Violet slams her face onto her keyboard out of frustration. This is going to take a while.
And take awhile it did. It took Violet three days before the gift exchange to find the perfect gift. It seems as if fate decided to have some form of mercy on her. Brody was talking about some band, a heavy metal band which surprised the fuck out of Violet, she really likes, saying how the music hits her soul, and they lyrics are so relatable. The blonde didn't mind the rambling about this band she's never heard of because she gets to see the girl be passionate about something that makes her happy, and look really really pretty doing it. OK, so maybe during the two weeks Violet figured out she had a crush on Brody, and has accepted that fact. But that's not the point right now.
The point is that after she got home that night, and did her routine of surfing the internet until two am before crashing, she saw something that made her life easier. She saw that the band Brody was talking about was doing a concert in their town and tickets were on sale right at that moment. She never clicked on something so fast. After she made sure that it was, in fact, real. She's desperate, not stupid. Anyway she clicked and bought tickets, and now she can finally rest because she found an awesome gift. Life is good.
Alright fellas, it's the day of the gift exchange, and for some reason Violet's nervous. I don't know why because the gift she has is dope as fuck, but you know, gay panic and all that jazz. The blonde decided to add some stuffed animal with the tickets so when wrapping it up it wouldn't just be empty space or anything. It seems like a good idea seeing as Brody likes stuffed animals. Violet might get to see her smile when seeing it. Anyway, it's gift exchange day, and they are meeting up at someone's house, the blonde forgot as soon as she was told. But it's all good because she is getting a ride there.
So, as it turns out, they were meeting at Ruby's house. Makes sense. Ruby is one of the most, besides maybe Aasim, efficient out of everyone. So yeah, Ruby's house. Time to not make a fool of herself while giving a gift. Piece of cake.
Not a piece of cake. Violet almost spilt juice on her lap three times, and choked on her food at least once since getting here. Listen, Brody was looking real pretty the whole entire time, so like, it makes sense. But it's chill. Violet's got this. Yep.
OK, so it's time to give the gifts, and yeah no nerves are starting to become present. God, the blonde has never felt like this from giving a gift. Stupid feelings. 
Violet watches as everyone starts to exchange the gifts they got each other. She spots the auburn haired girl across the room. It's now or never. The blonde made her way across the room towards Brody. Now or never baby.
"Uh, hey, I'm your uh, secret Santa. So, here." Violet holds out the wrapped present for the girl to take.
Brody grabs the gift, smile on her face. "Oh what a coincident. In your secret Santa!" She hands over the the gift she got over to Violet.
"Oh. That's cool. Um, I hope you like what I got you."
"Let's find out, shall we." Brody starts to tear off the wrapping paper.
"Uh, no you don't gotta do that her- and you're already opening it. OK, yeah."
Brody pulls out the stuffed animal. Oh, now should be the time I actually tell you what animal it is. It's a stuffed dragon. Because dragons are cool. Brody seems to think so, as she hugs it close to her, grin on her face.
"Aww, thank you! They're so cute!"
"Yeah, thought you might like it, so I got it. For you."
"Thank you, I love it. Oh there's more." Brody spots an envelope, picking it up.
"Mmhm, that's the, uh, the main gift."
The auburn haired girl opens the envelope taking out the slips of paper. She reads what was on them, gasping as it hit her what it was.
"Holy shit is this what I think it is?"
"Depends what you think it is."
"Are these tickets to DeathMurder with backstage passes?"
"Oh, then yeah. It is what you think."
"Oh my fuckin' god! You actually got me tickets to DeathMurder!?"
Brody wrapped her arms around Violet's shoulders, pulling her into a hug. She's real excited about going to this concert. The blonde is blushing.
"I assume you like it then?
"Like it? I freakin' love it! Thank you, I could kiss you right now."
Oh, well, that short circuited Violet's brain. First the hug, now that? Did she mean it in the 'I'm super excited' way, or the 'very much gay' way? Oh god did Violet hate crushes because then her brain starts asking questions like that. She doesn't know what the fuck to do. Brody pulls away from the hug, face just full of excitement, and god did Violet fall harder at that moment.
"Uh...no pr-problem."
"This is so freakin' awesome. Oh there's, there's two."
"Yeah, just in case you wanted to bring someone."
"What if I said….I want you to go with me?"
"Yeah! I mean, I know I probably talked your ears off with talkin' about them all the time, and you're sick and tired, but I thought it could be fun. And maybe you'll find that you like their music or somethin'. I don't know, it was stupid."
"Yeah I'll go."
Brody's eyes widen. "Wait really?"
"Yeah. I don't mind. And like you said, I might like them. Besides, their name speaks to me."
The auburn haired girl's face lights up at hearing Violet would go with her to the concert. Which was awesome for Violet. So like, win win, you know. 
"Oh, this is gonna be awesome. I can't freakin' wait!"
"Yeah. Might be fun." The blonde shifts her present in her hands, catching Brody's attention.
"Oh, you should open your gift. I wanna see the look on your face when you see it."
Violet does open it, but I'm not going to explain what she does because I'm lazy. She pulls out a ticket of her own, reading it. "You got me a tour of NASA?"
"Yeah! Thought it'd be a good idea to have you tour your future workplace."
"You think I'm going to be working at NASA?"
"Yeah, you're gonna be the top worker. Find out how to communicate with aliens, become their friend, and invent time travel."
Violet snorted. But like, I want an alien friend, so like get on that shit Vi.
"No, but for real. You're like, wicked smart in astronomy, said all your teachers were surprised when you knew more than them. They'd be lucky to have you. They'd be stupid to decline you."
Not Violet falling more in love. She actually has someone who believes in her that much. She thinks she's going to make a difference. Brody really thinks she's gonna be that freaking successful, and Violet doesn't know how to deal.
"Thank you."
And the rest of the party was pretty awesome. Dancing and shit like that. Also, fun fact, it took Violet a long time to figure out that concert was a date. Like, three years into their marriage long. She didn't know when Brody grabbed her hand on the walk home. Or even when she kissed her goodnight. Three years of marriage is what made her notice. Yeah, she's, yeah.
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joemerl · 4 years
"I can accept Violet being from a different culture than me, I can accept her being dead, I can accept her being an alien supercomputer, I can accept her gender identity, I can accept her being bisexual and I can accept her cheating on me, but I will NOT accept the fact that she helped killed my parents! AND FRANKLY, I THINK THAT I'VE BEEN PRETTY DAMN TOLERANT UNTIL NOW!"
—Brion Markov, episodes 419-420
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Halo in episode 24:
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bluebutterfly1 · 4 years
13 and 21
“Violet dances with her significant other in the kitchen at midnight.”
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Brody is teaching Violet how to dance uwu
(Mix challenge by @stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale)
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 5 years
Haloforce ship meme
So here’s a Haloforce ship meme or GeoHalo? I don’t know what they’re called. Do they even have a ship meme? Well anyway...ship meme time! 
Who steals the other’s food? Surprisingly Violet, as they have gotten more close in their relationship she feels free to take liberties like sharing or more often stealing his food. And he lets her, he can’t resist when she looks so proud for succeeding in taking his food. Of course, she also returns the favor by feeding him.
Who shamelessly cheats at games? Brion does. He has lots of tricks up his sleeves from playing against his brother. And he just loves to win. 
Who accidentally pulls the door instead of pushing? Brion, sometimes he gets distracted by staring at Violet, and then he gets all flustered. 
Who starts the tickle fights? Violet, she loves hearing Brion laugh and being able to completely disarm his senses with tickling, 
Who starts the pillow fights? Again, Violet since pillow fights was such a fascinating idea to her. Though sometimes it leads to burned pillows and blasts 
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Neither actually but sometimes Brion lets one slip from listening to Garfield, and Vic and the other guys.
Who plays with the other’s hair? Brion, he is just amazed by her long, lucious raven locks and enjoys the smoothness. Violet enjoys it when he starts doing hairstyles that he used to do with Tara. 
Who arranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order? Brion. He may be the more laid back royal but he still has his habits like orderliness. 
Who licks the spoon when they are baking? Violet. She has the sweet tooth.
Who massages the other? Brion usually offers Violet a massage, first to show off his muscles and okay yes, it leads to sensual other things too. 
Who buys candles for dinner even if there isn’t a special occasion? Brion, he enjoys putting nice touches like that to impress her and watching her try to surpress a silly smile.
Who is the most affectionate? Violet. She sometimes can’t believe that Brion Markov loves her and tries to treat her like a princess. Especially after learning her part in his parents murder and being so new to this world. He is very lathent and considerate of her feelings.   Who is most likely to carry the other? Violet floats Brion to places.
Favorite physical feature of their partner? Brion loves Violet’s eyes. They are full of the wisdom of the ages yet so open and expressive. His words. Violet admires Brion’s strong cheekbones. They really highlight his features and smile. 
Who initiates kisses? Brion, he is much more impulsive about pda.
Who kisses harder? Again, Brion.
Who worries the most? Violet about things like Brion’s safety during battle, and  about “messing up” the romance.
Who reaches for the other’ hand first? Violet since her physical affection is much more subtle than PDA.
Who wakes up first? Violet since she is always excited to start the day. 
Who wants to stay in bed? Brion, he likes to enjoy the rising sun and not get to work.
Who is most likely to dance with the other? Violet dances with Brion and he tries to teach him things other than swaying.
Who cooks more? Violet since Brion tends to burn things due to his powers and the difference in measurement system.
Big spoon/little spoon? Brion is often the big spoon since he likes to stake his claim and have her in his arms. Violet likes the warmth of Brion’s body around hers. 
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jazzymarie1006 · 5 years
5 pairings that I adore so much.
1. Hogarth "Hoagie" P Gilligan Jr & Abigail "Abby" Lincoln AKA Numbuhs 2 & 5.
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2. Brion Markov & Violet Harper AKA Geo-Force and Halo.
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3. Alya Cesaire & Nino Lahiffe AKA Rena Rouge & Carapace.
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4. Zack Underwood & Melissa Chase
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5. Miles Morales & Gwen Stacy AKA Spiderman & Spider-Gwen.
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