#britt writes 12349
waterfilters · 8 years
so i decided to drabble in writing some horror/torture porn for the boyfriend to death fandom, but im going to bold all the warnings bc theyre are a lot. Rape/Non-Con, Kidnapping, Torture, Stockholm Syndrome, Pet-Play (mild)  hONESTLY PLEASE DONT JUDGE ME AS A PERSON LIKE THIS BC IVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE BUT BOYFRIEND TO DEATH REALLY ACUTALLY GOT TO ME also A03 link here
You shift in the dark, crawling weakly across the mattress in the corner of the room to the dog dish Strade has left you, filled with stagnant, foul tasting water.  He only put water in it after you begged him to stop giving you beer, he made you work for it though. You shudder at the memory,
(He picked you up off the mattress and held you down on the floor. Zip ties quickly bound your wrists together, already irritating the days of rope burn he had previously given you. You sobbed pathetically, trying to writhe away because you just wanted water and you had to do this for a basic human need? He said that he wanted to give you some pleasure, something to remind you that he was in control of everything you felt. You tried to squirm away but he grabbed your thighs and pulled them close, reaching behind himself to grab his favorite knife. Why did he seem so partial to using it on you? He slowly cut deeply into your inner thighs, before pushing one finger inside of the cuts and multiple finger inside of you and you cried for hours, trying to squirm away from him out of pure instinct but only to have that excite him more. Only to end up with him flipping you over and holding your hips up, fucking you roughly from behind, while you sobbed under his touch.)
your neck straining from the metal collar, connected to the metal chain attached on the floor, keep you placed on the mattress whenever Strade leaves you down here. You lap at the water, feeling degraded like an animal and less like a human by the day. You scoot backwards and sit up, trying to stretch as much as your body will allow you to. Your legs are covered in lacerations that Strade has yet to let heal, it hurts to even move them, let alone stretch. You curl your toes, before a sharp pain shoots through your leg, causing you to let out a cry of surprise that you automatically regret making.
(Why did you do that? Why do you even keep trying to do things like this? You know Strade is going to hear you no matter what noises you make, it’s no use anymore.)
You try to stay silent, quickly picking up the thin cover, curling into a ball, and throwing it over yourself. It’s childish, you know it is, but you aren’t ready to see Strade. Not at all. You level your breathing try to stay quiet, but soon you hear heavy footsteps above you and you almost burst into tears from that alone. The basement door swings open and the footsteps that stomp on the staircase have you shaking under your sheet. You try to pretend like you aren’t there, wish away to a happy place. The beach. Your old house. A real bed. Instead you hear Strades voice call out for you. “Haustier?” He asks, a small hint of laughter in his voice, you swear you can hear that smile in his voice. The one he used to befriend yu so many nights ago, it makes you want to throw up on the spot. “Come out of hiding, I have a surprise for you!” A loud laugh follows, as you try to track his footsteps around the room, before your cover is suddenly ripped from atop of you. “I found you~!” He even mocks, your gaze following up to his face. “I didn’t know you liked to play Hide and Seek, you should have told me sooner! But we can play later, maybe I’ll even let Ren play with us!” He laughs down at you, tussling your already messy hair.
In his hand though, he holds a silver dish, much like the one he lets you drink from. You stare at him, a blank look crossing your face. The number of things that could be inside the dish runs through your brain,
(Acid, Gasoline, an eyeball, Nails, anything you think he can use to kill you.)
but instead, Strade walks over to where the chain meets the post and unclips the it. “I brought you something other than an energy bar today! Ren didn’t eat all his dinner, so I figured that you might want it.” He smirks, sitting down on the floor and placing the dog bowl between his legs. Did you mention he makes you feel like an animal, because he does. “Come, eat.” He orders, leaning back on his hands as you crawl off the mattress slowly ease your way over to him.
You feel like crying, simply from how broken you feel, that you resort to eating food out of a bowl, doing whatever Strade tells you. You put your hands around the bowl to keep it in place while you scarf down the food as fast as possible. You can barely taste it, it feels so good though, it’s more like sloppy joe mix than anything, and its cold.
(Don’t lie to yourself, the coppery taste in the food is one you know too well. You know you’re eating some kind of half cooked meat, human, knowing Strade. It tastes like blood, but you’re too fucking hungry to stop eating it as fast as you are.)
But god, does it taste good. Strade brings a hand up to rub your head, fingers treading through your hair. Mutters of German words leave his lips as he watches you eat, but as you finish, lost in the bliss of the food, he sharply pulls your hair and you let out a loud moan. That’s your second regret and you’ve been awake for less than an hour.
(Why did you do that. Why did you moan, of all things? Of everything else to do, of any other body function you moaned for Strade)
Looking anywhere but his face, you can feel his eyes bore into you. “What was that, huh? Do you really enjoy this that much, buddy? How interesting…” He taunts, fumbling with his belt buckle. You try not to think about what’s about to happen to you, try to wish yourself in some other place but here. You think about everything you left back home, all of your friends, the ones who you told Strade you haven’t seen that often so he’d pity you. How are they not looking for you, how did nobody find you yet…You think of your pet fish, who also is now probably dead too. It makes you feel a little bitter, that Strade let your fish die.
You zoned out completely, only coming to when you feel him brush his cock against your lips. You try to recoil and back away from him, but his grip on your hair only brings you closed to him, this time pushing against your mouth more forcefully. You open your mouth, looking up at him as hot tears sting your eyes. You don’t want this, you don’t want this and for a moment you remember that you’re a human being with feelings and emotions. You don’t have to take this.  You pull away sharply, only managing to get your face centimeters away from him, but far enough to have him stare down at you with a displeasured look. “I-I don’t wa- “You try to say, but instantly Strade is pulling a fistful of your hair and your face collides with his chest. Your hands wrap around his chest, fear washing over you. You keep overstepping your boundaries tonight and it’s going to kill you. This is going to get you killed.
Before the rest of your thoughts can process, Strade’s arm shoots down, picking up his favored hunting knife and putting the cool metal to your face. “You didn’t forget who you belong to, did you? The power I hold against you; did you really forget that easily?” He asks, tilting your head back further and causing the knife to knick your cheek.
Although you struggle, it’s futile, as you give him pleading eyes. “Imsorry Imsorry, I didn’t mean it, I can make it up to you!” You whimper, the knife dropping to your collar bone to slice deep into the thin skin. A scream falls pasts your lips and you can barely contain the next one, as the knife plunges into the space between your shoulder blades. “Strade please!” You sob, feeling him twists the knife around, before pulling it out, blood gushing down your back from the space previously occupied.
“Are you ready to behave now?” He smiles down at you, twirling the knife in one hand, the other still wrapped around your hair. “You still wanna act defiant, but in the end your keep begging for me. It makes me really excited, ya know?” Strade hums, pushing your face back down to his cock, wasting no time before he pushes it pasts your lips again. This time though, you take it, whether it’s simply because of the pain or something else, but you let him do as he pleases.
You allow your tongue to lie flat as he pushes deeper into your mouth, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat with ease. Without fighting, you let your eyes roll up to look at him, the blissful expression across his red face doesn’t give you much satisfaction, the tears spilling over as you fight the urge to look away from him. He simply stares down at you, panting, like you’re no longer the only animal, before bringing the knife to the other shoulder. You don’t have time to prepare yourself for the stab of the knife, groaning around him inside of your mouth, nails scratching up and down his back, which only further egg him on. You can feel him thrusting deeper into your mouth, hitting your gag reflex involuntarily, but it causes you to retch.  The food from before rises up to your throat and you have to swallow that, but also around Strades cock, which forces your mouth to close more around his cock. When you do, he lets out a guttural noise, before he cums down your throat, muttering praises of German to you, his grip on your hair releasing as you pull off of him with a quiet pop.
Releasing your grip of his back, you slump to the floor with a small whimper of pain. You’re still bleeding quite a bit, but Strade doesn’t seem to mind as he puts himself back in his pants and adjusts his belt. “You did good today, but you acted up a lot, buddy! Maybe it was because I gave you people food but I guess we can just sick to energy bars!” He chirps happily, picking you up off the floor, and your legs wrap around him, because as much as you want to hate him, you seek both his protection and approval. You hold him tightly as he carries you, because you also didn’t realize how far away you strayed from your bed in general, but mainly because he feels warm against you right now, something comforting.
“Msorry…” Either he doesn’t hear you or ignores you, setting you back down on the mattress, although you cling to his leg while he clips your collar back to the chain. Even after what he did to you today, and every other day on top of this, although you didn’t want him to come down to see you, you don’t want him to leave you.  He gives you a once over before kicking you in the stomach, causing you to flop back on the bed, landing on your back as he briefly disappears.
He returns fast though, holding an unmarked bottle as he flips you onto your back. “Can’t you’re your cuts getting infected!” He chides, quickly coating all of your cuts in alcohol. You cant fight the urge to let out screams of pain, curling into a ball once he’s done, the stinging still lingering even once it’s over. “Tomorrow we’re gonna have lots of fun, since today you wanted to act like you have no manners! Silly liebling, thinking they can get away with anything.” And with that, Strade walks to the staircase, shuts the lights off, and leaves you alone in the dark.
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waterfilters · 10 years
gally imagine { AU }
Word count: 1011 words
Summary: Gally decides that revenge needs to be taken, so of course you have to help him out.
A/N: wowie think of this as a highschool au or somefin,,,,
You trudge after your boyfriend, holding a flashlight in one hand and a soda can in the other. As far as anybody knows, You and him are at the movies right now, so if you end up getting caught, the both of you might have a lie to use. As you approach the gate, you look tense, like you want to second guess yourself.
"Gal...Maybe this isn't such a good idea." You whine, watching as the black covered figure tosses his flashlight on the floor and puts his hands on the gate. He looks nice to say the least and the fact that you're matching would be adorable if the reason why wasn't so bad.Q
"Babe, be quiet. If this idea wasn't 100 percent safe, I'd never let you come with me." Gally smirks, the light hitting his upper body as he flashes you his face before climbing up the fence. You hold the light steady for him so he can see where he's going, but you're more focused on his muscles moving in the tight black shirt he has on. He's also wearing black cargo's and black converse, he dropped some money making sure you guys has outfits for tonight.
He drops down on the other side, as you turn the light on him.
"My turn?" You question.
"Mmhmm!" He nods, cupping his hands. "First throw over the flashlights for me, then you come down and I'll catch you."
You do as he says, tossing the lights to him and watching as he reaches out to catch them, so for a second, you're engulfed in darkness. You fell so small, until the shining light hits your body, and Gally lets out a low whistle.
“You look so hot in your outfit.” He teases and that makes you want to climb up the fence as throttle him. You don’t even look good, you’re wearing a matching black shirt, same converse as him, and a pair of shorter than needed shorts. Like you said, Gally picked out the outfit for you anyways.
“Shut it, a fucking bitch.” You hiss, grabbing the links of the fence and starting to scale the large fence. Gally keeps the light pointed on you, watching as you get to the top and stare down at him with a scowl on your face.
“What now?” He groans.
“I can’t get down, come grab me!” You snicker, kicking your feet and inching to the edge of the top.
Gally sighs and holds one of the flashlights to you, you take it from him as he backs up against the fence, letting you slide onto his shoulder before he crouches down and sets you down on the damp grass. “There, you big baby.” He complains, taking the light from you and leaded you down the edges of the gated community.
The only reason you’re doing this is  because boys are stupid and petty beyond anything you could ever imagine. This guy on Gallys football team has been talking shit to Gally, saying things like he’s a bitch and an idiot and all this other stuff. He didn't think it was such a big deal, since lots of people hated me anyways, but the guy soon seeked you out and found you. He ddidn'treally say anything that worried you, he said Gally could get any girl or guy in the school, so he had no idea why he was with you. You knew why Gally was with you, so you had brushed it off and told Siggy and Minho about it during class, and they told Gally.
Of course he was livid when he found all this out and decided that the both of you should get revenge on hi. A stupid idea, you know, but you listen to Gally for whatever reason, so, here you are, sneaking around a community and committing a felony.
Gally speaks aloud the address and the two of you seek out his house, as you both scan the area for the right number, until you find it and honestly, you’re a little bit afraid.
“Parents aren't here, neither is he.” He smiles at you, pointing to the door. “Does my Princess wanna do the honors?” He mocks you, laughing and walking up the porch stairs.
“II got it.” You groan out a fake laugh and walk in front of him, shaking your head and pulling out a  bobby pin. In 4 minutes flat you have the door opened without having to use any kind of force at all.
The two of you don’t waste time lingering around the house, quickly booking it up the stairs to the guys room, walking it. Time for a little fun.
You start at the desk, throw everything off of it, ripping papers and all. You knock everything off shelves and you hear a loud thump, quickly turning your head to face the noise, only to see Gally tipping the bed so its upside down. You both continue to destroy the room, making a mess and throwing clothes and papers everywhere, until you hear the panicked sounds of voices down stairs.
Gally is prepared though, opening the window and climbing out onto the slanted ledge of the house, you quickly follow after him and he climbs down the roof and onto the ground faster than you thought he could move. He waits at the bottom with his arms opened for you, and you just trust him and jump.
You book it, you have never ran so fast in your life. You run all the way to the highway and by now you've lost one of your shoes and Gally has somehow lost both of his. By the time you get back to his place, his parents are still gone on Date Night, so the two of you simply drop dead on his bed, you laying on top of Gally.
“You know, that kind of gave me a rush.” You smirk.
“What a surprise, me too.” He teases.
So you kiss him, just for the hell of it.
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waterfilters · 10 years
Gally Shows the Reader around the glade ( x ) ~ Part 2 { AKA the Smut part } ( x )
Gally and Reader fight and then NSFW happens ( x )
Reader flirts with Gally ( x ) ~ Part 2 ( x ) { AKA also more smut }
Really weird Gally/Reader thats semi NSFW and a little angsty( x ) 
so ive written 6 gally imagines i thought i wrote more but w/e hAVE FUN READING MY IMAGINES THO
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waterfilters · 10 years
so apparently ben smut is rare but ive wrote it before? anyways ill toss it under the cut for length reasons but ben smut is great 
Words: 913
Warning: smutty. You’re welcome 
original upload here
You struggle under the weight of your boyfriend, trying to throw his body off of yours, causing him to erupt into laughter that vibrates even your own body. It’s not even that you’re weak, he’s just huge! He could probably take down a whole Griever by himself, or, at least you like to think he’s that strong sometimes. You don’t stop trying, pushing your hands on his chest and trying to use your legs, but you get no give from his body, starting to yell that you’re going to tell Alby that he’s smothering you again.
“It’s still adorable that you think you can push me off.” Ben mocks, using his arms to hold himself up over you, body caged under his.
“Call me adorable one more time and I’ll shove my sneaker so far up your ass, you’ll taste maze dust for months.” You groan, using a hand to fix your hair out of your face. At this point, your face is red, not that you’re embarrassed, but that Ben does weigh enough to make it hurt when he sits on you.
“Aw, that’s adorable.” He coos, staring down at you, a grin on his face.
You quickly move to kick him, but he lowers his bottom half to the ground, pinning your body under him again. “Fuck you.” You frown, grabbing his face with your hands, pulling at his cheeks.
He shakes his head and holds it higher, watching you put your arms over your chest. “How hard?” He questions, pressing a kiss to your jaw bone.
“As hard as your shanky butt can.” You try not to laugh, feeling him plant small kisses along your face, causing you to have to squeeze your eyes closed.
And then Ben is on his feet, sweeping you up into his arms as he turns to find someplace to take you. The problem with the glade is the lack of privacy, the only problem you’ve only run into. You hear him whine to himself, looking around. People in the homestead, people gathering for dinner, nowhere to go. Unless…
Quickly to wiggle free from Bens grip, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the Runners hut, getting the crudely (well it was the best for what you were living with) made door shut as much as you could. “We’re going to get caught.” Ben hisses at you, watching you already yank off your shorts and fold them nicely.
“The only person out there who’d come in here now is…Minho.” You explain, waving a hand at him as you set your shorts down and approach him.
He’s on you in a second, pulling you close and kissing you, teeth hitting teeth. His body is warm, so much like you, but his is different, it feels nice. Your hands find his shirt, separating for only a second to rip it off of his body, tossing it at your feet. He’s back, wrapping his arms around your waist. You anchor a leg, small in comparison to his, in-between his legs and rub up, earning a moan through the kiss, hands moving from waist to ass and giving a squeeze. Ah yes, just the way you liked it.
He pulls away, stuffing his head between your neck and shoulder. “If we get caught, oh man Y/n this is so against all the rules.” He huffs, licking your neck.
"Dating isn’t against the rules." You breathe out, putting a hand on his hair, fingers tightening around it.
“This is.” He reminded, rubbing his hips with yours slowly, earning a groan from the both of you.
You yank his head away hard and look him dead in the eyes, the corners if your mouth turning upwards. “Pants off now, don’t wanna get caught do we?” You tease,  watching Ben slide his pants off and slide his boxers down. “You know what happens to boys who get caught right?” You hum, letting your voice hit a seductive tone as you pull your panties off.
"Tell me again,  humour me." He echoes your tone, pulling your bodies close before letting your body push onto the wall.
Legs lock eagerly around his waist and he just grins into your skin, making you shudder. He’s inside of you in moments, starting to pace himself.
"They-They have to- Holy hellllllll, Ben.” You moan, gripping his shoulders as he fucks you into the wall. It feels like what you imagine it must be like to never be sad or empty,  Ben inside of you.
"I have that effect on girls." He groans cockily into the air, you dig your heels into his sides. "Ow." Resonates from his lips, head smashing into yours.
"Be careful doofus, I bet I’m the only shuck girl who’s ever given you the time of day."
"Oh fuck you.”
You fight the urge to laugh, it slips out anyways masked with moans and half parts of his name. “You kind of are." You snicker quietly, cut off by a hard thrust.
"True." He adds to your reply, angling himself differently now.
The two of you moan and groan for what feels like forever until you hit your orgasm and he hits his, panting heavily.
"So I take it I can do it pretty hard.”
The only groan to leave your mouth is one of pure agitation.
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waterfilters · 10 years
The chambers fill with water once everyone has the tags on they're tanks, like dogs. The boy closes his eyes and breathes out hard, trying not to panic.
tries to hard to write, dosent get anything done
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