purgingurges · 3 years
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Have an angy Gally :D
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lostboysmate4ever · 3 years
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waterfilters · 10 years
Title: Heartbeat
Summary: Nobody thought Gally of all Gladers would ever get stung, but not everyone is right.
A03 link
"I need a MedJack!" Is all he hears, and it comes out like he's underwater, he can't hear and everything feels so far away. 
He doesn't remember how this happened, but the pain creeping up his body is killing him, he knows it. He can't control his limbs as an arm grabs his right wrist, he feelings something wrap around it and it pulls his arm taunt and he can't move and oh god, he's so scared. He's so scared, he's never been this scared in his life.
He tries to ask for help, opens his eyes, but all he can see is flashes of white scorching his vision and blinding him, drying up his mind and his throat until he feels like his entire body is on fire, like somebody has dropped his body into one of the bonfires. He's never felt this kind of pain in his life and he wants it to go away, he can't move any of his limbs to help release the pain, he's just stuck feeling like he's going to die. 
He blacks out.
  "Hey, don't touch me!" He yells, kicking his arms and legs frantically as he's pushed closer and closer to the rows of water chambers. His blue eyes go wide with terror, arms reaching out to try and stop himself from getting inside, he can't go in there, he'll die. He's too young to die. 
"Calm down, if you relax, it won't be as bad." One of the men dragging him tries to explain to the boy as the water chambers are just within steps of the  boy. 
The boy doesn't stop, he can't do this, he want's to go home, He misses his dad. He doesn't care about science anymore! He doesn't care about the Scorch or about the Flare and the Kill-zone Department, he cares about his dad, his dog, his snake - anything but this. "Please, I'll do anything! Just don't put me in there, I'm gonna drown!" He pleads, panic filling his voice and facial expression, as he watches other boys his age be stuffed into the same tubes. 
They stand in front of his for a second, the water slowly draining out and letting the chamber empty and cold. He's so scared, so fucking scared.
The door is pulled open, the boy stuffed inside so that his face is able to be seen by the rows of chairs and desks facing the line of children being lead the same fate as him.  The label his tank with his name so everyone will know who he is when they're done with him. He's A9, he only knows because they won't call him anything else. Not the name is Mom and Dad gave him, not the one everyone knew him by.
The chambers fill with water once everyone has the tags on they're tanks, like dogs. The boy closes his eyes and breathes out hard, trying not to panic. 
It takes 5 minutes and 55 seconds for the water to cover his head.
It takes 1 more for him to panic and start pounding on the glass to get out.
It takes 4 more for him to realize the people watching, they don't care about him like he though they would have, watching them write down his, no, everyone's reactions to the stressful situation.
    "This, children, is the Sun. Now, what does the sun produce again?" A lady dressed in a white coat asks the group of boys sitting in a small room, facing a white board.
A kid in the back, raises his hand, but this one boy doesn't seem to care.
"Very good A5!" He's praised. "You may leave the teaching session today, Miss Pagie will speak to you on the way out."
One by one, each kid says something right, leaving with the same message until it's just him, looking at the wall.
He doesn't move.
"A9, I am speaking to you!" The female yells, making the boy jump a little, but he shows no interest and paying attention to her. "Are you not retaining the lessons, you're behind in your group, you're farther would be very disappointed in you." She doesn't miss a beat in bullying his weaknesses. Not one to make the boy tense up.
"Sorry, I'll listen."
    "I'm hungry"
"Wanna do something?"
"Nah, Sigs, I just wanna eat."
"We could sneak into the kitchen?"
"And risk getting punishment, again?"
"I'm in."
The two nearly teenage boys get up from their shared room, roomed together due to the ones rough nature and the others natural ability to calm the other down in times of distress. They creep down the long hallway, passing everyone's room, and even having to pass by the girls area, snickering quietly as they break out into a run, bare feet slapping against the floor. Sneaking past WCKED officials walking along the hall to make sure the kids don't do exactly what these ones were.
Finally they reach the kitchen, all laughs and smiles.
"Alright, what can I get the little Gally to eat?" He asks,  shoving him a bit as he makes his way over to the pantry to get a box of pancake mix.
The other, presumably Gally, opens the fridge and tosses two eggs for the other to catch. Which he doesn't. And the eggs fall to the ground and both boys just laugh and it feels good to laugh again.
    “So, who left today?”
“Not sure, I heard nobody this month because the swipe didn't work properly. Killed ‘em dead in the lab.”
“Gal, that's gross.”
“Could have been me or you.” He shrugs, laying down in his bed and flexing his fingers, he’s worried. He’s not sure when they’ll be taking Siggy or himself to be used for the next victim of the TM, as they call. it. He doesn't care about the people who leave one day a month, or the group that left them on first day, but more than half of them ended up dead. His main concern is making sure that himself and Siggy don’t get hurt, he’s main concern is getting them out of this place before anything bad happens to them, if that’s possible.
“Did you hear a word I just said?” A voice cuts into his thoughts, making him roll over to face the wall.
“I don’t wanna talk right now, sorry. I’m thinking.”
Suddenly, the weight on the bed is uneven and Gally knows that the weight is shifted so Siggy has more of the bed, as Gally has his body pressed to the wall. A hand runs through his short hair, making him sigh but not move.
“Whatever you’re thinking about, make sure it’ll get us out."
    The world has been scorched, he remembers it perfectly. He remembers his mom catching the flare and being taken away, not before kissing him eight times. Lucky number eight he tried to remember that part for some reason. He remembers the van outside his house on that day, people in coats walking into his house as he hides under the sink in the kitchen with his dog to take a closer listen.
He remembers being called Immune.
He remembers his dad crying.
He remembers getting in the van two weeks later, his dad smiling proudly as his son leaves. 
     They come into their room one early morning, both boys sprawled out on the floor having spent the night wrestling and being too lazy to move.
He can’t remember the words, but he remember being held down so he couldn't get up, he remembers seeing his friend - the only person who cared about him - being dragged away, and his screams dying down into sobs when he realizes he’ll never see his friend again.
    He wakes up, it took six day for the serum to pull him out of his fight with his memories. When he wakes up though, the first thing he does, he starts crying, sobbing even, and there isn't even anybody here with him. He’s alone, he’s always been alone hasn’t he?
A familiar voice speaks to him, wrapping him in a hug before he even can register who it is, but he knows.
It’s Frypan, Siggy, it’s always been him.
He hugs the other male back, still sobbing hysterically as he tries to talk through his tears, but he can’t find the words. He forces them to come out, almost choking when he says it.
“Fry, we can never leave here okay? You have to stay here with me, we can’t go back outside, ever. Promise me you’ll stay here with me.”
“I promise Gal, just relax.” Frypan replies, rubbing the others back until he calms down. He’ll never know what Gally saw, but the boy who wanted to break out of the Glade more than anything wants to stay here forever now, so Frypan knows whatever it was, wasn't a joke. 
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mazerunnermusical · 12 years
I don't understand why people ship Thomas with Teresa or Brenda.
He and Gally obviously had a thing for eachother.
They stared at each other so much in the Maze.
I mean... how much more obvious do they need to be?
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purgingurges · 3 years
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Drawing Gally as this beautiful picture of Mr. Will Poulter 😘
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purgingurges · 3 years
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"You think we're free?"
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"I belong to the maze...we all do."
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Imagine play fighting with Gally during a bonfire.
not my gif.
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Imagine Newt gets jealous when Gally flirts with you.
not my gifs.
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Imagine Gally when another Glader puts a hand on you.
not my gif
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waterfilters · 10 years
gally???? nah what an fucking asshole what a— [trips] [hundreds of thousands of photos of gally spill out of jacket] w-what a jERK! i these arent mine im just [gathering them up frantically sweating] listen i just listen fuck [thousands of pictures of gally scatter across the floor] shit fcuk im holding them for a friend just listen
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imagines-in-the-maze · 10 years
Imagine #85
Character: Gally
Rating: K
Words: 840
Warning: nothing really :)
Request: i totally get what u mean by this becoming a chore. if you feel up to it id love an imagine when the reader is a do-it-herself girl & doesn't like asking the guys for help. she's a medjack & gally sees her trying to take care of her injury& he tries to help but she gets defensive& they start arguing. she says stuff like i don't need help i can take care of myself & gally says i know you can but you shouldn't have to just let me take care of you for once so gally makes her shut up by kissing her?
Stupid Gally, thinking he's better at everything then me!
Who does he think he is?
Just because he's been here longer than me doesn't mean he can tell me what to do and boss me around!
He's been getting to you for the past couple of days, and frankly, it was beginning to be too much for you to handle. It started with little things, like him telling you that something didn't go there, or to not place jars on certain counters, small things that shouldn't matter. But then it got worse. He started telling you you couldn't talk to certain gladers and laugh with certain people. Hell, he almost blew his top when you were laughing with Chuck last night. 
Just a couple of minutes ago he explicitly told you not to hang the new shelves he'd made for the med-jack tent by yourself. To get Clint and Jeff to put them up. 
Of course, you didn't listen. 
You got one up, but halfway through putting the second one up, your hand slipped and you ended up getting a few pieces of un-sanded wood stuck in your hand, with blood everywhere. 
"Shit." You muttered, holding your cut up hand in your other one. "Shit shit shit!" You looked around and saw a gauze on the counter. You ran over to it and covered your hand. Just then you heard someone enter the tent. 
"Hey Y/n." It was Gally. You heard him place another shelf down next to the one you just tried to hang up. Your back was turned to him so he couldn't see your hand. 
"Uhm hi." You stammered on your words. You grabbed a bottle of alcohol and opened it up, placing some on your hand. 
"Clint and Jeff already started putting these up?" He asked, staring at the shelves. 
"Where'd they go?" He asked. You heard his footsteps walking towards you. 
"They went on their lunch break, they'll be back soon enough, don't worry." You smiled and turned around with your hands behind your back. Gally wasn't stupid, unfortunately. He lowered his gaze to your hidden hands, then back up at your face. 
"Really?" He asked, you nodded. "So you didn't just try to hang those yourself?" He asked, pointing over his shoulder. You shook your head with a small innocent smile on your face. Gally walked up close to you until your chests were practically touching. In the corner of your eye you could see his hand reaching for something on the counter, and you didn't have enough time to register what was happening until he picked it up. He held the bloody gauze you failed to hide on the counter out to the side. "You're a terrible liar." He sighed. You rolled your eyes and snatched it away from him. 
"Shut up would you! You're driving me crazy!" You said, walking around him. 
"What did I do?" He sounded genuinely confused. 
"Stop cradling me!"
"I'm not cradling you! Y/n stop being stubborn and let me clean that for you." You tried to pull your hand away but Gally grabbed it, holding it tightly in his hands. "Please?"
"I can do it I'm a med-jack. I can take care of myself!"
"I know! But that doesn't mean you have to." He spoke softly.
"Gally I'm fine!" With one swift motion, Gally lightly tugged you by the hand towards him and planted a single, soft kiss on your lips. You stopped breathing for a moment until you realized what it meant. Everything he's been doing to you, saying to you...it all made sense. When he pulled back you could feel his thumb rubbing over your hand. "Please, let me help you." Something about the way he said it made you feel safe. You cleared your throat, but you didn't trust yourself to speak so you nodded instead.
When he sat you down and you watched him cleaning you up you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
"Thank you." You said softly. Gally looked up into your eyes and smiled.
"That wasn't so bad was it?" He asked when he finished. You examined his finished work, not bad for a builder. You placed your hands on each side of his cheeks and pulled him in for another kiss to thank him better.
"Not bad at all." You smirked.  
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imagines-in-the-maze · 10 years
Imagines #81
Character: Gally
Rating: K
Words: 1,308
Warning: fluff, and totally, completely cute
Request: OK FIRST OFF YOU ROCK AT WRITING!!!Could you make a Gally imagine where you both think the other doesn't like you until he over hears you talking about it with another glader I don't care who and then he does something cute. Thank you.
Imagine having a love hate relationship with Gally? I need all the angst nyuhuhu
A/N: I wanted to add these both together because I thought they were kind of cute and I absolutely love this one!!
"For the hundredth time, no!" Gally raised his voice. You rolled your eyes and drew a few more things onto his floor plan for the new building going up. 
"Then how's this?" You asked sceptically. This is the seventh time you've tried tweaking his work. His floor plan was good but it could be better, he was missing simple things and it drove you crazy. 
"Are you kidding me, that's the exact same thing you drew before." He sneered. 
"Yeah but in a different spot." You smirked, knowing now that you were bugging him. Gally groaned and grabbed the pencil from you. 
"Just--go out there and get those shanks to work, this isn't going to be easy." He grumbled, towering over his own floor plan. 
"Come on Gall, tweak it a bit." You said once more. 
"Y/n, get out and get to work." He said through gritted teeth.
"Whatever." You spat as you pushed the door open and slammed it shut behind you. You brushed off his orders of getting back to work and walked off towards the gardeners, seeing if they needed help or something. You'd rather plant new seeds in manure right now then listen to to another word from Gally. You angrily walked up to the gardens, slightly past your pal Newt and grabbed a shovel that was pushed into the ground. You forced it into the ground, helping him dig up an old stump. 
"Hello to you too." He said sarcastically. 
"Sorry, hi." You said, trying to calm down as you forced the shovel into the ground, filling it with dirt and tossing it in a pile behind you a couple of times. Digging up the earth was really helping you get your anger out at the moment. 
"What happened?" Newt asked, stopping and watching you do all the work, then glancing towards where the rest of the builders were gathered, cutting planks of wood. 
"I don't want to talk about it." You dismissed his attempt to make conversation as you hauled the last bit of dirt out that you needed to.
"Alright." Newt helped you pull the roots from the ground and you both carried it over to the edge of the dead heads where someone would deal with it later. It was silent between you too as you did so. You both walked with your shovels in hand towards the shed. 
"I just can't believe how stubborn Gally is!" You blurted out, not being able to hold in your frustration any longer. "I told him that his floor plan wasn't going to work, but he ignored me anyways. Like--" You scoffed in the middle of talking, "--he doesn't have enough going on up there to realize. He needs a new shuck brain!" You insulted him. 
"Yeah, that's what he needs..." Newt smirked as he opened the door to the shed and grabbed your shovel from you, placing it in there.
"What are you getting at shuck face?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Newt turned to you, leaning against the door frame of the shed. 
"It's not that he's stupid, I mean he's the keeper of the builders for a reason Y/n." 
"Then why is he acting stupid? Just to bug me?" You asked. 
"Yeah probably, I mean that's your thing. He bugs you, you bug him." He explained. "You bug him cuz you like him yeah?"
"No." You lied. Newt looked at you disbelieving you. "Okay maybe, but he makes it really hard to like him when he doesn't listen or tries to argue with me! I just wish he would think for once!" You finally admitted. 
"Well you can't change him, believe me I've tried." Newt said as he closed the door to the shed and the two of you walked off to get dinner without realizing that Gally was leaning against the side of the shed, listening to you Newt's conversation. 
Later that night, before you and the rest of the Galder's went to sleep, you realized you were thinking about what Newt had said, and you wanted to go find Gally. But then you realized you hadn't seen him since you walked out of the homestead earlier that afternoon. So that's where you would go to look for him, maybe he was still in the homestead or something. When you headed in that direction though, you noticed something really oddly shaped just a few metres away from the homestead. Gally was leaned over working on what looked like a wall of some sorts. 
"Hey Gally..." You said, staring at his creation. "What're y'workin on...?" You asked confused. Gally spun around and looked over at you, then back at his "thing". He walked over and stood beside you and held out a hand towards whatever it was he had made. 
"I took your advice." He said simply. "You were right, the addition would've made sense but I didn't realize that until I got started on the building..." He said sheepishly, his face burning up. "That's why this looks so--"
"Shucked?" You asked, crossing your arms and smirking at him. "You actually listened to me?" You asked, sounding surprised. He nodded and then walked over to a pile of stuff on the ground and grabbed the floor plan, handing it to you. It was a brand new drawing with a clear illustration of what you wanted to add. You didn't know what your heart was doing flips in your chest, and your eyes were welling up, but Gally was making you feel really really happy. You looked up from the paper and into his eyes, trying to not to cry. 
"I'm sorry, I should've listened it was a good idea." He apologized. 
"Why did you just decide to change it?" You asked, wanting to know why. 
"Well I left the homestead to go find you, I was gonna give you a good piece of my mind but I couldn't find you. I was walking past the shed when I heard you talking to Newt..."
"What did you hear?" It was your turn to blush, not knowing what he heard. 
"Not much, just that you thought I was a slinthead for not listening to you." He shrugged. "And that you had the biggest crush on me ever." He smirked. 
"I do not! Not the biggest." You smiled, looking away from him. 
"I'm sorry." He said sincerely, not a hint of sarcasm or his usual stubborn demeanour leaking from his words. "And if it means anything, I like you too." he admitted. 
"Do you." You said surprised. 
"Yeah, even when you're being a big pain in my ass." He chuckled. You folded up the floor plan and handed it over to him with a small and warm smile on your face, thinking that life couldn't get any better than this. That was until he leaned in and captured his lips in yours, momentarily shocking you, but you felt yourself kissing back as if this was a normal thing. When he broke the kiss he slid his hand over yours, taking the plan from your hands, and letting his hand linger above yours for a moment. All the while, you couldn't wipe the smile from your face as you spent the next couple of hours with him, helping him fix the mess he tried to make himself that night. 
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imagines-in-the-maze · 10 years
Imagine #76
Character: Gally
Rating: T
Words: Ex. 579
Warning: kind of nsfw, no smut though
Credit: becauseImhiding
“Gally, enough!” You could hardly breathe from laughing at your conversation with him. Gally wasn’t afraid to listen and open up to you. You two got along really well, even Minho jokes about your tendency to attract darkness, but Newt says you’re just the light Gally needed.
“Can’t tell the Captain what to do, Y/n.” Gally stood up, shaking his head with a small smile and making his way to you. You stood up as well and ran to his opposite.
“Mercy!” You cried, but before you could even finish the word, he already had his arms around you, nuzzling his nose down your neck “Give me a break, you slinthead.” You giggled, playfully smacking his cheek away.
“I can’t help it.” He chuckled and said words he never expect he could “You’re so beautiful.” There was silence for a while and then you smiled at him with your eyebrows raised. After a few blinks, Gally then starts tickling you at every possible place he knew you’d die laughing “Well you’re one to take a compliment, aren’t you?!”
“PLEA—!” You tripped, landing on Gally who also seemed to have his guard down, making both of you fall down to the ground.
“Idiot” You laughed lightly, finding yourself on top of the tall boy. “I’m not the only one” he responds while locking his arms by your waist “I got you.” and I’ll never let you go his smirks says.
“Let go of me!” You squirmed, but the more you did the more your cheeks flushed from rubbing your body with his. Gally’s cheeks were as pink as yours, but he didn’t mind of course.
“Fine.” You were already too tired to struggle and think of ways for him to loosen his grip, still catching your breath
“What does the Captain want of me?”
“Kiss me” he said without thinking twice.
“Pathetic” you chuckled, grabbing his cheeks placing a swift kiss on his lips, hoping it was enough “Now let me go.”
You tried.
“Tsk tsk tsk” He looked down at you smugly “You know what I’m talking about, Y/n. Give me a real kiss.” You just clicked your tongue, rolled your eyes and met his lips with yours again, longer this time and fake moaning in the process. You just wanted this over with. Good thing the picnic table was big enough to cover you two from the gladers. You pulled away and gasped for air, looking at Gally’s shucked face.
“Shank, you should see how stupid you look right no—” Gally cut you off by placing his lips back with yours.
You whimpered in the kiss but Gally moaned in reassurance. Though Gally already unlocked his arms to find your cheeks and kiss you deeper, instead of escaping you tilted your head, giving him more access to your mouth. You were actually starting to enjoy this. But just as thing were getting heated up, Newt comes along “Get a bloody room.” He rolled his eyes and continued on his way.
“G-gally.” You pulled away again laughing and placed your arms gently on his chest before he could kiss you back incessantly. He had that stupid grin again.
“You know you have to finish what you started, right?” You stood on your feet also helping Gally up. “Right?” He mocked your tone and carried you up his shoulder, walking to your room.
“God, you’re so into it today.” You rolled your eyes, unconscious of the smile spreading on your face while Gally just smacked your ass in response.
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imagines-in-the-maze · 10 years
Imagine #73
Character: Gally
Rating: K+
Words: 964
Warning: language 
Prompt: The reader would have this soft spot for Gally, kind of tolerating him more than the other boys. Gally being Gally, starts being a douche and takes the reader's special treatment the wrong way. It took a lot of shouting, just angst in general, before Gally got it. After that he had his head low and felt completely ashamed, then plenty of fluff happens. Touchy feely and all, Gally was surprisingly gentle but frisky with the reader. There can be smut in the following too if you want.
"What do you want Ben?" You roll your eyes. 
"Does a guy need a reason to talk to a pretty girl?" He flirted. You rolled your eyes, this was the third time today, and that was only Ben. The guys have really been laying it on thick the past couple've days. It was starting to really piss you off. You were tired of them flirting with you because you were the only girl. 
Ben moved in closer to you as you walked, you just pushed him away with a disgusted look on your face. 
"Yes they do." You shot back, wanting him to buzz off. Ben laughed, probably taking it as a flirtation. Yup, that was you, playing "hard to get". 
It was ridiculous. 
"Ben, Alby wants to talk to you in the homestead. All the way across the Glade and away from Y/n." Gally said, walking up to both of you and glaring at you both. Why was he glaring at you? It wasn't as if you did anything wrong. Ben groaned and ran towards the homestead, leaving you and Gally alone. 
"Thanks, he was really getting to me." You smiled. "What're you up to? Bet it's a lot more fun then what I've had to do today." You rolled your eyes and continued to smile at him. Gally was almost the only Glader you could actually tolerate. There was no bull shit with him, he'd just tell you what was what straight to your face and you admired that. 
"You can't lead people on like that all the time." Gally spoke. 
Wow, maybe you didn't admire it all that much...
"Excuse me?" You asked. 
"Me, Ben, Zart, Winston... You've been doing it to us all, haven't you?" He said, walking a bit closer to you. "Leading us on. Me especially, I've seen the way you try to get me to do things for you, I'm just saying., it's not going to work anymore." He sneered. 
"What are you talking about?" You asked, genuinely not getting it. "I haven't led anyone on. I actually can't stand those guys. Why is that so hard to believe?" 
"Don't give me that." Gally brushed off your words. "You're actually telling me you're nice to me because you like me?" He sneered. 
"YES!" You shout, finally getting pissed off with him too. "Is that so hard to believe?" You continued to shout. "I do like you, at least when you're not acting like a jackass." You walked past him, hitting his shoulder as you did, wanting to piss him off even more. 
Why was he not getting it? Couldn't he tell you liked him, he was the only one you wanted to talk to half the time, the only one you wanted to spend time with and get to know. He was too much of a fucking idiot to get that through his brain though. You walked into the homestead, ignoring the guys trying to talk to you as you marched up the stairs and down the creaky hallway to your room and slammed the door shut, laying on the bed. 
About ten minuted later, you heard a light knock on the door. 
"What?" You groaned from the bed. 
"Y/n...it's me...can I come in?" You heard Gally say softly from the other side of the door. You glared at the door before getting up and flinging it open, letting him come in as you sat back down on the bed. 
"What do you want?" You asked annoyed. 
"I'm sorry, I'm a shuck idiot for what I said out there."
"Yeah, you are." You crossed your arms. "I get enough crap from the other guys, I just was hoping you weren't going to give me any either." 
"I know and I won't." He said, sitting across from you on the bed as well. "I guess I was just a little jealous seeing Ben all over you like that." He admitted, looking anywhere besides at you. 
"Well he's a dumb shank who's trying to get in my pants." You shrugged. "So are most of the guys here but I guess I've just got used to it a bit. I don't like getting used to it, it pisses me off. I want something real Gally. And I feel real with you." 
"I feel real with you too." He smiled softly. "I know you probably hear this from all those shanks, but I like you, a lot." 
"I actually haven't heard that from anyone. All I've heard are some pretty bad attempts to go make out in the dead-heads." You tried to chuckle, but it really did make you feel like a toy rather then a woman. "I like you too. Like a lot as well." 
"That's a relief." He said sarcastically. "I thought what you said out there was a lie." He laughed. You hit his arm at his poor attempt to make you laugh, but it worked. You spent the rest of the day with him, just sitting in your room talking and stealing the tenderest of kisses in between sentences. For the first time since you've arrived in the Glade, you were able to actually talk to someone.
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imagines-in-the-maze · 10 years
Imagine #70
Character: Minho, Newt, Thomas, Gally
Rating: K-T
Words: 1,470
Warning: Sexual themes, but honestly when is there not?
Request: Your writing is absolutely amazing! I was wondering if you could make another 'awkward situations' imagine :)?
"So you haven't even started building onto the homestead?" You asked Gally. 
"We're working on it Y/n relax." Gally said, looking down at the paper. He had scribbles of a floor plan for the addition but it was just that, scribbles, nothing more. 
"This doesn't look like you're working on it. What've you been doing all day?" You asked, going towards a pile of other floor plans. He had a few drawn up.  
"I've just been busy, things on my mind and all. Hey don't go through that." He said, taking the pile away from you. 
"Well we might be able to use something from that." 
"No we won't."
"How would you know? Maybe you've overlooked a plan you're not going to use." 
"There's nothing in there, just drop it." He dismissed the subject, that was kind of odd. 
"You okay?" You asked slowly. He just muttered fine and looked back down at the plan. "You seem really distracted lately." 
"That's because you've been around most of the time." He blurted out. 
"Oh...okay." You said, kind of confused. "I don't see how that can be distracting, someone just trying to help you out and get some work done." 
"Well it is when you're in love with them." His eyes went wide. "Shit, I didn't mean to--" He put his hands flat down on the table and mentally scolded himself. It was quiet after that, the only sound coming from some of the builders outside. 
"Hey Y/n!" You heard Minho shout as he saw you carrying a barrel over to the kitchen. 
"Hey Minho." You greeted as you quickly looked over, then continued. Before you could say anything else, he swooped the barrel out of your hands and carried it along side him with one hand. God he was strong, and handsome. "Wow, thanks."
"Any time. You know you shouldn't be carrying heavy things around when you've got such a strong and handsome man like me here to do it for you." he said with a cocky smirk on his face. 
That was kind of weird...it was like he could read your mind. 
"Um...sure yeah." You said, crossing your arms and walked beside him. 
"You look nice today, you're wearing your hair up." He turned to you and continued to smirk. 
This was getting too weird. That was exactly what you had mentioned in your diary. Yes you had a diary, you asked Alby to put a journal on the request list, you wanted to have just a bit of privacy where you could write down your thoughts and feelings...all that mushy girly stuff you couldn't do around the guys. You wrote mostly about him, the whole journal actually. You mentioned how you wished he'd notice you, and comment on how much work you put into your hair and stuff for him each day, but nothing ever happened. 
Did Minho find it? 
"Thanks." You said suspiciously. There was only one way to find out if he did. Minho was smart, but stupid when it came to you. "You forgot to comment on my clothes shuck face." 
"Right, you look amaz--" He paused on the spot and his eyes went wide. "Wait how did you know?"
"It's my diary. How did you know? And more importantly, why did you read it?" You almost shouted. 
"Well I wasn't...Chuck found it. He told me he found it in the dead-heads and that I should find out who's it was. It just turned out to be yours."
"You should've stopped reading right away!" You said angrily, grabbing the barrel back and started walking off. 
"Y/n come on, it wasn't all that bad!" Minho chased after you and stopped right in front of you. "It was actually kind of cute." Minho said in a generally sweet tone. "You said you wanted me to notice you and care for you, and I do. Let me at least have the chance to show you." He asked. 
"Really, today?" you groaned as you sat in the bathroom. You looked down at your shorts and saw only red. "This really isn't my week." Out of all the days you could've got your period, it was today. You were supposed to go out in the maze, but that was looking really unlikely as you sat there. 
You went into the cupboard and searched for your "hidden" hygiene products you kept in the back so the boys didn't find it. You grabbed a tampon and mentally thanked the creators for listening to you when you out them on the list. You walked back over to the toilet, and right as you were about to put it in...
"Y/n?" You heard the familiar voice of Thomas as he was standing in the door way. You didn't even hear the door open. "What are you doing..." He said, staring at the tampon, and then up at your face. 
You were instantly frozen. You couldn't move and it had to do with the amount of embarrassment you were feeling. This was something that would only happen in your worst nightmares.
"Why didn't you knock!" You blurted out. Thomas jumped at hearing you yell, you never yelled...well only when you were really angry. 
"Sorry, I couldn't hear anyone inside, I thought no one was in here!" He yelled back. "Why didn't you lock the door?"
"I never lock the door!" You shout. "Get out!" You were just about screaming now.
"Okay!" Thomas yelled back and slammed the door shut. It was silent after that but you never heard him walk away. You were on the verge of crying. Why did he have to come in and see you doing...that?
"Y/n?" You heard him say softer on the other side of the door.
"Sorry...I should've knocked." After he said that he walked off, leaving you feeling sad and awkward at the same time.
You were currently running around the homestead helping sick and hurt Gladers. Someone caught a cold...then the next one...then next one. It didn't help that you had about five Slicers to bandage up in the process too.
"Y/n!" You heard the voice coming from the doorway. You turn around and see Newt coming in with a very unhappy look on his face.
"Kind of busy here Newt." You say, grabbing a bunch of things you needed for the Slicers. Bandages, alcohol and needles.
"We got almost half the Glade in bed sick and six Slicers waiting to be patched up what the bloody hell is taking so long?" He asked.
"Six? It was five an hour ago." You breathed out. You ran a hand through your hair, the stress just kept building and building. 
"Yeah six, Winston finally cut himself too. He said the pressure from everyone else getting cut must've landed on him."  
"Look I'm trying to do everything as fast as I can, but if you've forgotten, Clint and Jeff are sick too so it's just me." You said, putting everything into a box. "I don't really have time to talk right now." 
"You're bloody right you don't c'mon." He said, moving away to let you pass. You went to walk by him but you tripped over the ground and dropped everything. 
"Shit." You muttered. You piled everything into the box again. 
"Here, let me help you up." Newt offered. 
"Thanks." You said, reaching up and grabbing his hand. 
Only it wasn't his hand. 
Your eyes went wide and it felt like the whole world stopped. That definitely wasn't his hand. You looked up to where you grabbed and realized you cupped his junk. You instantly jumped up and stared at him in the eye. 
"I am so sorry." You said slowly and clearly. Newt's face was as red as yours. "I swear I didn't mean to do that. I didn't see your hand."
"Forget it ever happened." Newt suggested. 
"Already forgotten." You nod. "I should get going." You made up the excuse, well it wasn't really an excuse, you really did need to go. 
"Yeah, go on." He said, moving out of your way at the exact time you went to step around him so you ended up bumping into him. Then you did it again, then again. Newt grabbed you by the shoulders and held you in place as he went to step around you and held his hand out and gestured for you out of the room first. 
"Sorry...again." You said as you looked at the ground and left the room. 
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imagines-in-the-maze · 10 years
Imagine #65
Character: Gally
Rating: K+
Words: 742
Warning: none really
Request: y/n is super cute and bubbly. She develops a crush on Gally and wants to ‘seduce’ him. She try’s doing really sensual things but he just thinks it’s cute.
Credit: kisuteeth
You’ve been trying for days, honestly, days. Trying to get a certain builder to look at you with more than just a sideways glance of a smile and the mouthing of the world ‘cute’. You don’t think he knows you like him, but Frypan can sure tell. Maybe it’s the way you try really hard to climb over the counter to catch a peek at him while he’s hauling things to work, or maybe it’s the sheer amount of times Frypan has had to drag you to the Med-Jacks because you cut your finger open while slicing vegetables.  Of course, Frypan was more help than you had bargained for, he had ideas and you had the body to complete the idea.
“I can’t do that”
“Yes you can? You’re drop dead pretty, Gally would be stupid not to find it hot.”
“It’s dumb.”
“You’re dumb” He reminds you as you rub your hands together, the two of you look on at the party going on among the Gladers. Celebration was today, party for all the alive Gladers and get drunk on Gallys special mix until you could feel what if felt like not to be so scared all the time. You clutch the mason jar to your chest, before taking a quick sip and thrusting the jar at Frypan.
“Hold this, I’m going in.” You shout, jumping off the counter where you two were at.
“Go get ‘em Griever.” He shouts back, watching you jog towards the center.
You survey the area, looking for the builder until your eyes laid on him. Sitting on the ground, drinking, and leaning on a  log. Oh yeah, he looked really nice like that.
You plopped down next to him, leaning on his arm a bit. “Hey.” You start, smiling a bit.
“Hey yourself, shortie.” He rolls his eyes, moving the arm to rest on your head.
“Whatcha doing?” You ask, moving your head, the arm almost falling but coming to rest on your waist instead. Whether it was for comfort or he was trying you, you couldn’t tell, but you wanted to press your luck.
“Drinking, sitting with you, you know, the normal.”
“I don’t sit with you normally.” You point out, moving again, this time resting yourself in his lap, both legs on either side of him so you’re straddling him.
Words don’t leave his lips, but an eyebrow is raised at you. He tries not to acknowledge it. “Well you should, you’re the only shuck around here worth talking to.” He goes on to explain, handing you the jar of liquid. You finish the rest of the contents, a new found confidence swelling up inside of you.
“Well, Gally, Captain. You’re right, I mean…always right.” You smirk, letting your fingers trail down his chest and he makes no attempt to stop you.
Go on
“You’re always so right, but doesn’t the Captain need a Cadet? Somebody to follow and you know, take direct orders from?” You ask, scooting yourself up his thighs a bit. “I could be your Cadet.” You whisper slyly, leaning close and pressing your head into his neck.
“Y/n, can I ask what the shuck you’re honestly doing?”
“What do you mean, what am I doing?” You pull away quickly, crossing your hands over your chest as you stare at him. Gally moves you with his legs, letting your body jerk forward a bit.
“What. Are. You. Doing?” He stops at every letter, making sure you hear him.
“I’m seducing you.”
“You’re seducing me?”
“I’m seducing you!”
“…That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard, you’re like two inches tall and you think you can seduce me?” He laughs, ruffling your hair and leaning back. “Shucking cute.”
“No! Stop calling me cute, call me sexy!” You explain, putting your hands on his chest and hitting him softly.
“Aw.” He jokingly coos at you.
“Be seduced by my sexiness!” You try your best not to full on yell at him, rocking yourself back and forth in his lap.
Suddenly, hands are at your hips and he’s staring right at you. “Keep doing that and I’ll call you more than just sexy.”
And just to try him, you rock your hips again.
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