#bro i hate this current post editor sm lsdkfj
"the church on ruby road" thoughts + reactions
(tumblr is broken so i cant delete this space without breaking the post :))
"you saw a ladder in the sky and you thought, yeah, ill give that a go, babes" rose tyler CALL OUT
"what's the problem with hanging on? it's all the friction and the weight and the burns. so i got rid of that" and that's why u are still Fucked Up doc. this is NOT how u do rehab!!!
"learn the lenguage" eyes emoji "coincidence is what makes the baby tasty" EYES EMOJI
"it sitches you in. it weaves you into the day. you become all complicated and knotted and vivid"
"it's like a tapestry, it's gorgeous" self congratulating ur own writing, russel? sldkfjsdlkfj
"like the best, like wow" 13 and ‘fam’ walked so 15 could run
"a screwdriver needs screws" (so whenever the screwdriver works it, it works by resonating articulations and undoing binding agents, but it cannot do “untangling”)
VENTILAITON SHAFTS!!!! (my "this new era is the cartoon era" meta is born)
"amazing!" "no it's not" nothing changes lol
this feels *so* wilderness years (positive)
the MASTER knot you say....………………………...
"i've got no one" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"it's not magic, it's a lenguage, like a different form of physics" he’s coping about the “little” salt mistake still...
damn 15/ruby chemistry is so good….. can't wait for it all to go up in flames. And tragedy. Flaming tragedy.
"but only one of them stayed" mirror...? QUICK someone count how many companions have there been and if it's 33?????
im having sm emotions wtf
honestly ppl thinking rtd would retcon this were so hilariously off-base lol as if there's anything more of a catnip-plot for a soap opera writer than a “figure out parental origins” plotline
follow the crack... the crack in time and space...
it bothered me that in the special they used so much contemporary colorful theatrical lighting, that didnt fit the "grounded" doctordonna era at al, but it works much better here in that we're properly in the color ncuti era
"dont say that" aggggggggggggg
(ppl forgeting about ruby feels kinda clara coded / foreshadowing?)
"then why are you crying?" im going feral
"i will fix this" rtd voice: he will make it worse
oohh, the hubris in this ep was the arrogance of the doctor saying "they are NOT time travellers" sdklfj
baby catching... xena coded
blue / gold motif my beloved!!!
its a wonderful life~
"everything i do just makes it happen" -> "maybe im the bad luck"
"where are you goin now?" nbd just ruby going to buy some bread at the same store as yaz
this was so wholesome t.t i really enjoyed that!! it has some lore implications and long-run stuff but mostly i’m really glad to finally get some new stories/a new vibe. I really enjoyed the glimpse we got of ruby’s family world and also love that both mine and 15’s reactions was “i’ve only had ruby for half an hour but if something happened to her i’d murder everyone here and then myself probably”. her wardrobe is beyond iconic.
besides the “biggest family in the world” parallel, the bb photos in the fridge give me like… TTC’s o"ther lost incarnations are their siblings vibe". Or, every "other time lord is technically the doctor’s children" vibe.
aesthetically, i really enjoyed this one. Specially The Big Scene (13-era blue/gold motif my beloved). This is one i see myself rewatching in the future just for the feel-good feel of it. the goblin number was fun! a clever parody of how much of pop uses “baby” and sweets-related metaphors for the sake of romance and here it becomes all for the sake of cannibalism lol (big brown eyes, caramelise~). 15/ruby being *so in* tune is cute+fun (and slightly sus). promising start to the new era.
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