#bro keeps yapping about monsters is he ok…?
dryya-doesnt · 4 months
Bro there’s this weird guy that keeps showing up on my runs yapping about monsters and cooking…
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You know what, I’m going to warn you from now, you’re going to get a lot of Percy x reader requests form me (not that I can blame myself) so without further ado… Can I request a Percy x Melinoe!reader?
Everyone knows how Nico is the ghost king, but can you imagine Percy meeting and falling head over heels for a daughter of Melinoe? She may as well be a living ghost queen because of her control over ghosts.
I imagine she shows her love for him in strange ways since regular lovers give each other flowers and chocolate, what the reader does? She shows up in his nightmares and battles off any monsters giving him trouble. She also did something weird for Valentine’s Day, but I’ll leave that up to your imagination 😉
Maybe she even has magic, to smaller extent to the Hecate cabin? (Blame Hades II and my love for magic for that idea), I don’t know, I can just see her having a lot of tricks up her sleeves.
(I’m sorry for making this so long.)
Percy with a Child of Melinoe
I’m always ready for these Percy jackson requests, keep them coming😻😻😻 you literally be dropping the most COOLEST REQUEST LIKE DDAAMMMNNN I LOVE UR BRAIN
Also I’m so SORRY it’s super long, always write too much but I can’t help it😭😭 for some reason I need to have some loose story when writing anything😭😭😭
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Ok so I headcanon any child related to any underworld gods/goddesses usually have like dark eyebags, so Percy meeting Reader for the first time kinda freaks him out. A lot.
Reader just emerges from the darkness of the forest with shadowy figures following close behind, bro really believes that his soul was chosen to be reaped because the way they would look at him with dead eyes LMAO💀💀
But you were just walking around. In the dark. Lowkey talking to yourself until you saw Percy
I think Percy would find reader very odd at first, considering all the other people he’s met
Their dark eyebags and dull appearing skin makes them look like a walking corpse, and the way that they would just be lurking in the shadows, kinda talking to themselves would make him raise an eyebrow
But he didn’t know that you were just talking to the ghosts surrounding you, all of them yapping about ‘unfinished business’ they have
Reader would often be seen around camp looking a bit jittery, almost like they’re hiding from something but you’re just trying to avoid the ghosts that won’t leave you alone
“Shh shh, fine I’ll help you Jonathan. But later, people are looking at me again. Now leave me alone, oh gods Percy is walking over, leave leave!”
Since no one can seem these ghosts reader can see, Percy genuinely thinks you’re just off your rockers
Until you reveal how you’re mother is Melinoe, goddess of ghosts (he would be confused at first since he probably had no idea who that was💀💔)
Imagine Melinoe!Reader can like allow people to see ghosts if they’re touching them in some way!!! So to show the poor boy that you’re not crazy, your cold ass hands touch his arm and BOOM! Percy cannot believe all these ghosts just SURROUNDING reader
After that the rest is history
They both would grow so much closer since Reader finally chooses to fully trust in Percy as he accepted them and all their weird and scary abilities!!
Percy starts tagging along with reader when they go to take ghosts to the underworld, though Hades isn’t happy to see him most of the time
“It’s fine uncle, Percy’s just helping me.”
“How can he help you if he can’t even see the ghosts grabbing him?”
“Wait they’re grabbing me?!”
“He’s messing with you Percy.”
Reader and Nico would also be pretty close too
Since they’re able to summon ghosts, Nico sometimes asks if he can see Bianca, and they all sort of just have random get togethers in the middle of the night
Family reunions we love ‘em😍😍
Nico and Reader also shadow travel together whenever he needs someone to talk to
Melinoe!Reader would be a BIG gift giver, but they aren’t the most conventional gifts 💀
While some would gift flowers or plushies, reader would probably give him like wilted flowers and trinkets they claim would ward off unwanted spirits, and maybe even an authentic dreamcatcher too!!!!
Reader might even give him bones of small dead animals, which he accepts with a grimace on his face
“Wow ok! Um where did you find these exactly haha!”
“Oh you know, I was walking around the forest and began finding these small bones! Then I went further and found larger ones and then even larger ones! I would’ve taken one but it was too heavy, so you get the small ones.”
He would keep them in a glass jar that’s next to his bed though because it’s the thought that counts <3
He would also bring you SHELLS he finds whenever he’s by the the beach, sometimes even going to deeper waters to find the prettiest ones for your own collection🐚
Percy definitely carries a bag so you and him could put bones and shells in it to take home if you’re out of camp
I also would think that sleeping around reader would give anyone in their vicinity nightmares so they usually appear in Percy’s dreams to fight off any nightmarish monsters
At first he thinks he’s going crazy that he keeps seeing you in his nightmares until you explain that you can travel through dreams, hence why you’re basically in his brain now
Totally normal😁
I think Reader would think a good idea date for both of them would try summoning some kind of powerful ghost during the night for fun😭
Like at first Percy thought it was a cute picnic date and was like aww they’re so cute🥰 until he sees the ritual circle and is like what😀
He’s like super worried that your soul is gonna get possessed or something so he just keeps holding your hands to keep you grounded to the living world while you continue chanting and smiling
This dude can’t catch a break with you
During battles is when everyone around experiences what readers true power and magic is
While they may appear weird on the outside, them summoning ghost after ghost and making them solid life forms sends shivers and chills throughout every living persons body
It’s a really unsettling feeling tbh
So while Nico can summon the undead, you’re able to summon ghosts which makes you guys the perfect duo when fighting together
And they’re able to make their opponent hear the whispering voices of the ghosts around them which usually drives the fear factor up by a LOT
They could also sap any energy in their opponents body but they need to be touching the person which involves fighting in close range
I think Reader could also possibly drag out the soul of a living persons body, but it’s a theory since they haven’t fully tried going through with it
Also random thought but Melinoe!Reader loves going underwater with Percy because it’s the one place ghosts can’t follow them
So it’s just like, they can finally breath and not have a million voices demanding things from them
Percy is just super happy to help them in way he can
Plus it means he gets to spend more one on one time with you without having to worry about any ghosts watching their every move
Reader and Percy have matching rings that ward off any evil and vengeful ghosts
Readers hands are super cold and I like to think Percy’s hands are super warm, so whenever they hold hands it’s like a clash that they both like
And when they hold hands, Percy is able to the world through Readers eyes
Which means that Percy kinda bullies the ghosts into leaving Reader alone for a while and getting some kind of privacy💀😻😻
Percy is super in love with this reader despite the unsettling vibes they can sometimes radiate
Reader is just happily digging up more bones to add to Percy’s growing collection :D
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Mk so the previous ask of mc with a kid got me thinking, what about pregger mc who’s boy friend/husband/father of the child ditched her upon finding out she was pregnant and because of being pregnant she was one of the first to get canned at her job (since from what I recall it’s unaviable to have that kind of job while carrying) when they started making cuts and with her being unable to pay rent and the ‘no kids’ policy of her apartment complex she had to move into her trailer at the boys land >:3.
Um... I’d love to answer all of this/ more exactly to the question... but I have a few problems here for understanding... That whole first part, easy to understand, got it... The part about her being one of the first to go: she was, in the story; they don’t care if you’re preggs or not, they only care about how much money they’re spending to pay you. So it definitely wouldn’t matter if she was pregnant, they don’t care, and any risk is defined as risk you took; they’re not liable (not like you could really prove much, anyway). And lastly, the “no kids” policy? ...? Where tf do you live that has that?! It’s been illegal to refuse to rent to anyone because they have kids since 1968 due to the “fair housing policy”! I! I don’t know, but if you’re living somewhere they’re telling you that, look that shit up and let them know you know. Fuck them! They can’t do that shit to you! (there is an acceptance for places classified as “retirement/ old age/ whatever tf” but she couldn’t live there because she’s not old enough, anyway.)
Other than that stuff, I see it just as a “what if MC was pregnant when she got there and asshole left her” question, so I’ll answer that.
Classic- He doesn’t even really think about it for a long while, not even when she starts showing. It literally takes until she can’t walk anywhere without having to try to catch her breath/ not being able to stand for long/ about to go into labor (aka very pregnant) until it is something that he even has to keep reminding himself, just so he doesn’t get irritated that she can’t keep up. And then when she goes into labor, it suddenly comes to him- there’s going to be a tiny human here soon! Fuck! He needs to do something, doesn’t he?! Where do humans have babies?! Right. The hospital. Ok. Panic over. He’s going to get her there right now.
Creampuff- She’s mated? Oh... her mate left... unfortunate... Humans don’t live in such a small community that they can all just stay around each other and raise their children together like they sort of did in the Underground. He’s not sure exactly how humans do it normally, but monsters all pitch in, and he’s ready to help! He likes kids! They’re so amazed at the world around them and look up to him, and are so sweet! He’s always glad to help with the little one when they get here, and until then, he’s going to make sure that she’s as comfortable as possible, almost to the point of being underfoot, like the stereotypical nosy mother in law.
Red- Eh, kid ain’t here, yet- and that means he’s got free range, since there’s no chance that he’ll knock her up! He is his same self, flirty, trying to get in her pants, just normal Red! And then she starts showing. And he spends lots of time watching her baby belly. Any time anyone ever even curses around her, he yells at them, completely missing the hypocrisy. “what th’ fuck ya sayin’ shit like that ‘n front a the kid fer?! shut yer yap!” The more she shows, the more he’s by her side and doesn’t want to leave. More invitations for nights of just cuddles than orgasm relief start coming. He... likes touching her belly... and imagining that it’s his kid in there... don’t fuckin’ tell anyone! He really is a family kinda guy when it gets down to it, and he’s going to be one of the first to offer to help with the kid, and not in the helpful friend kind of way that Creampuff is. He’d... “uh... like ta have one wit ya, too... whadda ya say, sweetheart?”
Edge- It does not affect him, until it does. When she starts to get cranky and irritable from being pregnant, he’ll be wary of her, but he’ll also seek her out at times, because he knows that yelling and arguing helps when you feel so aggravated. Yep, he’s actually trying to help (Y/n) relieve some stress when he's arguing with her. His brother isn’t around to do it, and- ... he... can’t bring himself... to offer that kind of stress relief after being the cause of a lot of her irritation for so long... He hopes that she’ll be able and/ or willing to move past that after the baby is born. When she goes into labor, he seems completely cold and in control, belittling those around him for being stupid as usual- but inside he’s really freaking out. When the baby is born, he’ll be walked in on holding the baby, looking parental, maybe... almost... maternal...? Breath a word of it to anyone, and you’ll be regretting your own birth...
Blue- He’s smarter, and more mature, than people give him credit for! And that’s going to show itself in the way he fights with Red while trying to get her “nest” ready. He always “just happens” to find things that would look great in the lodge! And some of the ladies at work were talking, one’s niece was going to have a baby, too! And he heard that you need to have this specific type of thing when you’re having a baby! And he just happened to see it while he was at the store, and thought he’d save her the trouble of having to get it later when she’s all achy and sore! Spoiler, he’s actually joined some mom groups and has started asking the ladies at work about when they’d had their kids and is doing a lot of research. He wants to make sure she’s as prepared as she can possibly be! And... all the while, he’s going to be working himself into her life so that after the baby is born, it’ll just be natural for him to be around! And then he’ll just- stay there... in her life... and it’ll already be like they’re mated by the time he actually asks her.
Stretch- He’s not phased by it- until she gets to about the third trimester and is really showing. He hangs out around the lodge a lot, “just happen to be workin’ in the lab a lot lately.” He’s pretty chill, hanging in the background, but he’s, y’know... keepin’ a socket out for her... incase she needs anything, or anything happens... humans are fragile, after all, and that’s a complicated stage to be at... He’s not going to be in the foreground helping, like some of the Papyri, and he’s not going to be doing things behind the scenes, like some of the Sanses, he’s actually the one worried that he’ll break the kid, despite knowing, scientifically, that he won’t. He’s doing what he can to make sure the baby’s doing well and is taken care of, though- even if it is mostly by “casually” mentioning to Blue that something needs to be done or gotten- his bro is better at that stuff, anyway.
Black- He doesn't quite notice at first- not that he doesn't know, just that whole "out of sight, out of mind" thing. So he doesn't really take it into consideration, after all, she's a human; she'd know her limits when pregnant better than he would, wouldn't she? He starts doing research to see if there's something he should look out for and finds so many troubling things! Humans die from this?! They could be hospitalized?! They could lose the baby if something as small as that happens?! Yep... he's fallen into webMD... He's now going to make Mutt do everything for her while he keeps her by his side to stop her from getting hurt.
Mutt- It doesn't really matter to him. The kid isn't there, yet, so it sounds like the perfect time to be trying to get her to keep her pants (and the rest of her clothes) off and stay in bed with him all day, every day. If he does manage to get her in bed (or she gets the pregnancy hornys and takes him up on his open offer), he's not pulling out. All his magic is going inside of her. He thinks it's so fucking sexy, until he realizes that he's poured all his magic into her and... possibly her kid... um... oh... And now the kid is also his. Whether he was there to start the kid or not (obviously not, since she was already pregnant when they met), his magic is all over the kid, and he wouldn't be surprised if the kid turns out to be a mage.
Axe- When he first sees her, he doesn't know, or care. It really doesn't affect him other than being a bonus tastey treat inside... When he gets to know her, and she starts to show, it changes. There are two responses to pregnancy in the Underground; the fear of having another mouth to feed, of losing them before you even name them, due to the famine- but, before everything went to hell, pregnancy meant hope. It meant future... And with plenty of food around- it reminds Axe of that. He will begin stockpiling food, it will be everywhere. He will come make (Y/n) eat, even if he has to come ask her to make a meal for him, and then slowly trick her into eating most of it. She’s going to gain a lot of weight if she’s not careful.
Crooks/ Bun- He jumps on that the moment he finds out, even if she's not showing. He uses it as a reason not to hurt or eat her when reasoning with Axe, he holds her forth as a symbol of hope and future. He still becomes her best Bun! But he's also like the one who goes to all the classes and everything with her, Lamaze classes, shopping for everything she could need... He is there for her. And also... maybe... mother henning her a bit- but only in the good ways!
Dusty- It really doesn't cross his mind at all, until there is visible evidence; she starts showing. And then he's pretty weirded out that there's a baby- an itty bitty human, growing inside her. He keeps a wary eye on her, and especially after she delivers. He’s very nervous about what havoc this little one could wreak! ... but then... he realizes that... with this one starting out brand new, without any pre taught awfulness... he could teach it- he could train it how to be good... and then he has a little bit of hope...
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captainvictoryboat · 7 years
Behind The Scenes 4 (4/?)
Author’s note: Again, this is out of my rough draft. Sorry this took a while to update, but i have writer’s block. Sorry for errors.
Genre: Angst? i have no idea for this.
Word count: 3514
Summary: Y/n’s healing process isn’t going as smoothly as it should
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It had been a week since Jin’s attack and you were still in pain. On top of it all you were suffocated by the presence of Suga and the maknaes, Jhope only popping in sporadically for a few second. You hated them being around you. They never let you do anything on your own. Not to mention the ugly guilt you felt when Jimin, Jungkook, and Suga surrounded you all in the same time. It was in those moments you were relieved you were in too much pain to speak.
Currently you were in your bed. V sat besides you, aiding you in the process of icing your face. He was the only one you weren’t annoyed by.He was the only person that you genuinely allowed to look after you.This night, like every night, he held an ice pack to one of your cheeks while you held one to your other cheek (the side being for the arm you could actually move comfortably). You let him talk about the day and you just listened away, letting a few words come out here and there before the two of you went to bed. This was more or less the average evening at this point, considering that Jimin and V technically switched beds until V felt Jin was finally over the whole Jinjin thing.
You looked up at V who looked down at you as his lecture about you not taking Jhope’s pills anymore turned into a small anecdote about that morning’s practice.
“Pills?” you asked suddenly just to joke with him.
“How many times do I have to say no!” V replied with a half serious tone.
“…Pills?” you giggle mischievously
“Ya! Now you’re starting to sound like Hoseok!” he chuckled. “But you aren’t serious are you? You aren’t hurting that bad right now right?” he double checked
You shook your head. “just joking” you said softly through the ice packets held to your cheeks. “…You’re sleeping in here again right?” you mumbled
He smiled down at you. “Ok, these ice packs are just bags of water now. Let me go get more ice and we’ll use it for your rib this time.”
He sat up and his footsteps left the room. But, you heard another pair come in. “How are you feeling now?” Jimin’s soft voice asked.
It wasn’t until he came into your field of view that you decided to answer him (which you quickly regretted because you always felt so bad every time he looked at you with his mochi face). You shrugged. “Same.”
“Tae said you were mad that you can’t even wear a bra right now. Is that true?”
You nodded with a chuckle of embarrassment, sometimes V really can’t keep his mouth shut.
Jimin let out a smile, finally seeing something that wasn’t a frown on your face. “Yeah, he said that it hurts for you when you move your arms too much. Also that Minho said not to cuz it might hurt really bad. But I thought girls hated wearing them anyway? I would have thought that would be an upside to this.”
“It is, but it isn’t” you managed to get out.
There was a knock at the door, preventing Jimin from starting his next sentence. “Hey y/n.” Jungkook called out. “How are you feeling?”
“Dude I literally just asked her that like ten seconds ago.” Jimin scoffed.
“DuDe, I LitEralLy JusT gOt HeRe!” Jungkook whined back, mocking Jimin’s higher voice. Then he moved over right to you, going past Jimin and sitting wehre V was previously. “So how are you feeling?” he asked again, with a sweeter tone. The way he was looking at you, so lovingly, you couldn’t take it.
“Bro, she’s the same as usual!” Jimin answered for you. “And stop beimg so annoying and give her some room to freaking breath.” He grunted as he dragged Jungkook’s larger frame away from you, revealing his hidden jealously at the maknae’s attention to you.
Jungkook laughed at Jimin’s “antics”. “Chill you little guard dog! I just got better from my concussion, are you trying to give me another one?”
“Yes, cuz that’s what you get for being so annoying. And I’m not a dog!” he barked
“Whatever! And you might think I’m annoying, but Y/n doesn’t think so! Right Y/n?” Jungkook asked.
“Hey Y/n.” Suga’s voice broke past the Maknae’s bickering. It wasn’t long until he was in your field of view also. “Your bruises look better.” He said upon quick inspection. He, like Jungkook, had that soft loving gaze as he looked at you. His was more comforting, but still as uninvited as Jungkook’s, especially because Jungkook was right next to him.
And like magic, that ugly feeling within you was back. All the guilt felt like it was eating away at you. All three boys were just being nice to you, caring for you as their friend, as someone they loved. And what were you doing? Keeping something from each of them, lying to them. you know, casually betraying them all.
“Guys don’t crowd around her like that!” V’s booming voice meant he was finally back in the room.
“Thank fucking goodness” you thought.
Soon V was by your side, armed with the new ice pack. “Time to ice your rib!”
You shifted a bit as you pulled your blanket down and V’s hand moved to lift your sweater.
“Hey! Don’t lift it too high!” Suga yapped and instinctively smacked V. “You said earlier that she doesn’t have a bra! You can’t just lift up her sweater like that! What’s wrong with you!” the more he spoke, the angrier he was getting.
“Yeah don’t fucking do that!” Jungkook added, just as angry as Suga. In the heat of his own moment, he pushed V’s hands away from you.
“I wasn’t! Gosh!” V cried out.
Jungkook then shoved V to the side. “Look, just let me do it.”
“No, I’ll do it!” Suga declared as he rushed over. He took Jungkook’s tactic against him and shoved the youngest to the side, without any success.
This move only made Jungkook more pissy and the two went at it, trying to pry the other away from you.
“Just let me do it!” V argued.
“No!” they both said.
“Guys! Just let him!” Jimin said.
“Stop!” you did in your best attempt to be as assertive as you could, before one of them hurt you by accident. Doing so did put a strain on your lungs and pain shot through your chest. You couldn’t help but wince after.
Immediately all four boys stopped and seperated themselves.
“Tae, forget the ice. My chest hurts, can you get me some Tylenol or something?” you said in a much softer, tired, annoyed and most of all in pain tone.
“Yeah. Just let me get you up and I’ll go back to the kitchen.” He brought his hand out to you and slowly guided you to where you were able to sit up “comfortably”
It was then that you were able to see Jhope standing in the hallway. With this drama that just went down, he was as site for sore eyes. “Hey, hobi.” You smiled a weak smile.
“Hey, y/n.” he peeped, with an awkward wave of his hand. Unlike the other boys, he didn’t step into the room. He just stayed in the hall. “I was gonna come in, but it looks like you got a full room.”
“You can still come one.” You offered. You hadn’t really talked to him lately, so it would be nice to chat before bed, plus he would be another buffer for you against the three annoying ones, while V was out of the room.
His eyes shifted over to the swarm next that huddled besides you. “…Nah, I might as well get ready for bed now. Night!”
“Night.” You said as you saw him walk away.
“Why’s he been acting weirder than usual lately.” Jimin asked under his breathe.
“Right! I thought I was the only one that noticed that!” Jungkook commented.
Suga and V exchanged looks to one another, before V stepped out of the room. Thankfully, V wasn’t gone too long. Now he seemed to learned that it was best not to leave you alone with the three boys. He was back with the two pills and a glass of water. After you took the medicine, he guided you back down (with no fighting from the others).
“So how are you feeling now?” Suga asked just as your head hit the pillow.
“Can you all stop asking me that?!?” You couldn’t help but whine.  It was the third time in the past twenty minutes that you were asked that question, as if they haven’t already been asking you that ten times a day for the past week.
Again with your harsh tone, they all fell silent.
“…Hey...” V’s hand gently nudged your shoulder. “You know Mr. Perfect over here fell on set today.” V giggled as he pointed over to Jungkook.
Suddenly Suga and Jimin began to giggle as well.
“Shut up!” Jungkook groaned.
“Y/n, you should have been there!” Jimin snickered. “He was walking all hot and shit and staring all deep into the camera, but then he didn’t see the huge  tree stump prop, and he tripped!” he broke into laughter. “A-a-and his face fell right into the little puddle!” Jimin was laughing so hard at this point, not a sound was coming out of him.
V too was laughing so hard that he was hunched over, holding his stomach,
“W-when the footage is ready, I’ll find the clip and show you!” Suga said as his laugh began to fade.
“Like hell you are! I’ll make sure she doesn’t see it!” Jungkook pouted.
“Well, I’ll see it when I can laugh and not feel like I’m suffocating.” Despite their attempts to lighten the mood, nothing was going to get you out of the frustrate zone you were in.
“Don’t worry about that y/n. You are healing fast!” V’s voice was so cheerful. “Your face bruises are green now so that means they are almost healed. And then Minho said that your rib should be healed in like a month.”
“Still too long”
“No it isn’t, It’ll be here before you know it. but I’ll wait on you hand and foot till then.” He said with his boxy smile.
“Me too!” Jungkook and Suga said at the same time… to then glare at each other.
“Me three!” Jimin chimed in, taking notice of the tension between Suga and Jungkook.
“Ayo, numbnuts, Yoongi get out!” Rap monster’s voice broke into the room.
You couldn’t help but flinch at his voice. Since he wasn’t referring to you, you didn’t look over at him. A part of you hoped that if you stayed still, he wouldn’t notice you.
“My name isn’t numbnuts!” Jungkook growled as he and Suga left the room.
Rap monster completely ignored Jungkook’s comment. His attention went overt to the two remaining boys instead, “Which one of you is staying in here?”
“I am.” V said. “Jin is still pissed.”
“Ok, Jimin, go to V’s room again.” Rap monster ordered.
Jimin did as told.
“Tae, don’t forget we have to be up early tomorrow.” Rap monster reminded. Sparing no attention to you, he just locked the door for the night.
“…So you good… or do you want to actually use what’s left of the ice now?” V offered.
You shook your head at him. “Sleep is good for now.” you mumbled. “It’s the only escape I have left.” You thought.
“Ok then.” He yawned as he picked himself off the floor. “Night y/n! sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!” he recited as he tucked himself into Jimin’s bed.
“Night, sweet dreams!”
He had his body deep in the fridge as he collected his bottles for the night. “I haven’t had a drink in three days. That’s my longest sober streak. I deserve a cheat day.” he told himself
With an armful of bottles, he made his way to his room. However, he stopped when he noticed someone in the corner of his eye. He turned to his left to see Jhope staring at him with disappointment.
“What are you looking at?” Finally after days of a silent treatment, that was the first thing he said to Jhope.
‘Are you really going to drink all that?’
“Are you really going to swallow that whole bottle?” he spat right back, pointing to the bottle Jhope held in his hand
Jhope quickly hid the white bottle behind his back. “…So how was y/n?” He had the courage to ask, mostly to change the subject. He knew Suga can’t keep his mouth shut when it comes to y/n.
“If you want to know, you should have talked to her.” The bottles were getting heavy so he went over the the counter and put them down for the time being.
“How could I?!? You are with her every time. Whenever I go in, you just stare me down until I leave! When I do have a chance to talk to her, she is in too much pain!”
“Well she doesn’t talk to you anymore than she does to me.” Saying that out loud hurt more than he thought it would. This whole time he thought after everything that happened over the tour, he being quiet with them  was over, but this continued silence, even though for a different reason, hurt just as much.
“Do you think that she doesn’t talk as much… is not only cuz it hurts to talk… but maybe cuz she us mad at us again?” Jhope asked out of paranoia. “you know, for not being around when it happened?”
The answer Suga wanted to tell him was “no”. Logically, it didn’t make sense for her to be mad at them. However, in the back of his head, the same thought had been coming up over and over. “Um… honestly I don’t know. I’m kinda running on the possibly she is only too tired to talk right now. You know?”
Jhope only nodded. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see”
“…I’m gonna go drink now.” the bottle clacked as he gathered them.
“Um, Yoonig?” Jhope peeped.
“What?” he groaned, just wanting to get drunk already.
“Are we good now?” Suga craned his neck, pretending to think everything over. “Um, yeah… But from now on, we just gotta make sure we are there for her. I can’t lose her again.”
He settled himself In V’s bed for yet another night. He tired his very hardest to get to sleep, but he couldn’t. He wasn’t able to get his brain to stop replaying what happened in his room earlier. He couldn’t stop thinking about the bickering between Jungkook and Suga, how insist Jungkook was on doting on y/n, on how Jungkook was staring at y/n.
“Fuck! Why can’t I stop thinking about Jungokok?!?” he sat up in the bed with frustration. “Why can’t I at least just focus on Y/n? Everyone else is! It’s not all about me! Why am I being so selfish in my own head?”
Again in an attempt to sleep, his threw his head into the pile of pillows. That attempt was a fail as well. No matter how much he tossed and turned, he couldn’t sleep.
“I’m not going to get over this until I talk to him” he concluded.
Jimin dragged himself off the bed and down the hall to Jungkook;s room. He knew Jungkook would still be up, most likely playing video games, so he just let himself in.
“Bro! What the fuck!” Jungkook shirked as the door opened. He recoiled awkwardly and covered his bare upper body with his t-shirt.
“Oh sorry. I thought you were like playing video games… I didn’t think you would be out of the shower” Jimin apologized, taking notice of Jungkook’s wet hair.
“Dude, you can fucking knock on the door you know!”  Jungkook huffed as he put his shirt on
Meanwhile, Jimin flung himself into Jungkook’s abed and let the sheet engulf him. “it’s still not fair you get a super big bed.”
“Just buy yourself a bigger one. Duh!”
“If I do, there isn’t a lot of space for me and Y/n!” he retorted.
“true” Jungkook said as he sat down in his gaming chair. “So what are you doing here anyway? Did you just come to peep on me and steal my bed?”
Jungkook laughed, his bunny smile making Jimin blush.
“But nah, I just came to talk.” Jimin said more seriously.
“Y/n mostly
Jungkook fidgeted in his seat.  “W-what exactly about?” he asked almost nervously.
“Do you think she’s gonna go into a depression over this… like another one?”
Jungkook let out a deep breath. “I would hope not…”
“Cuz like is it just me or is she like super distant?”
“She is! I thought I was the only one!”
Jimin propped his head on his arm. “Like I feel I can barely get a sentence out of her! She won’t even look me in the eye most of the time.”
“Yeah… I don’t know, like, I know it is probably like painful to physically talk still… but to me it feels she’s been like this since we got back from the tour.”
“Yeah, everything was fine- well not fine, but you get what I mean. Things were normal until Bangkok.That’s when I noticed her being more distant.”
“Why then? Did something happen?”
“I don’t know. The last nighti n Bangkok, we were about to - we were… we were talking! I can’t remember but I think we were like talking.” Jungkook’s voice settled down after that little roller coaster. “But then Yoongi showed up in the middle of it, wanting to talk to to her. She agreed and they went to his room to talk. When she came back, she was just a bit different. We didn’t even finished talking, she just wanted to sleep.”
“What did they talk about?”
“I have no idea, she wouldn’t tell me.”
“So that’s why you were all over Yoongi earlier?”
“Yeeeah… I don’t know, I’m just a bit pissed. He thinks he can just come back and “take care” of her, but I don’t believe his bullshit! During the whole tour I was the only one there for her-“
“We.” Jimin corrected.
“We were the only ones there for her.”
“Yeah, we were there for her and I don’t like that she is gonna be getting her hopes up with those two. I know they are going to let her down again, it’s just a matter of time. But I don’t know, part of me also thinks she is mad specifically at me.” Jungkook frowned.
“…The stupid proposal.” He moped. “We haven’t talked about it at all! I haven’t explained to her, why I didn’t warn her about the proposal! And then on top of that, I feel I let her down by not protecting her from Jin. It was Tae that got him off her.” He pouted.
“Don’t beat yourself up about all that. You haven’t fought in like months, Tae is always on his toes with the deals Namjoon drags him to. Now, the proposal thing makes a bit of sense, but then again she can’t be that mad cuz it’s not like there is going to be a real wedding or anything. I’m sure she knows that. But yeah, maybe she won’t talk cuz it still hurts to talk… The whole Yoongi thing: she told me they talked but she said she didn’t know where things were going to going between him and her and Hoseok, so maybe she is still being smart and she isn’t going to put too much hope into them this time. Cuz like, I haven’t seen her talk to them much either so… yeah.”
The frown remained on Jungkook’s face. “I still feel bad though. I just want things to be how they used to between us.” he sighed as he sunk deeper in his chair.
Seeing the secret love of his life hurting made him sad. He threw the blanket off himself and spread his arms open. “Come here. You look like you need a hug!”
“Don’t be all mushy with me.” Jungkook said trying to hide his smile.
“Oh don’t be like that! You know you love my hugs!” Jimin cooed, waving him over.
Jungkook picked himself off that chair and threw himself in the bed, letting Jimin wrap his arms around him.
Jimin took in every second of the moment. He went as far as to take a quick whiff of Jungkook’s damp hair.
“Okay, lovely mushy time is over.” Jungkook said way too soon.
Jimin felt Jungkook’s strong arms squeeze around him and suddenly he was flipped over and pushed off the bed. “Get out of here you peeping tom, I want to sleep.”
Jimin had nothing else to do than to get up from the floor and give a fake laugh.
“Night.” Jungkook mumbled from under the sheets.
“Night.” Jimin said a he left the room.
Quick question: Do you guys think I should update Namjoon’s stage to “RM” considering that he recently changed his stage name OR should I keep it as “Rap Monster” for the sake of continuity??????
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