#broken algorithm
furashuban · 18 hours
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Maybe it's because I haven't been in a great place emotionally and mentally this week but I genuinely can't stop looking at this frame and thinking about how much I wish I could be hugged and consoled by Johanna exactly like in this scene to the point of me tearing up is that weird or
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brown-spider · 1 year
I didn’t even think about that part with Pav! That’s so fucked. You know now I’m wondering how he would’ve felt knowing that his friends were gonna also let that shit happen! Like “Gwen, you were really just gonna let that happen to me??” She has no defense because we literally watched her not only do just that, but try to prevent Miles from disrupting it.
yeah. I think Miguel has an order to either take dream weaver out, or to capture them. But dream weaver is pretty good at out maneuvering them.
Sunny being kicked out would get a compliment from them if anything. Like “nice job.”
I'm imagining a scenario where everything is the same except Gwen stopped Miles. Like, how that conversation would go. She probably didn't think she would ever be THERE when another spiderperson's canon event happened, she's probably completely unprepared to deal with it.
Pav would react to the event the way you'd expect, of course. Crushed. I think if Gwen was right there, she'd want to comfort him afterwards somehow, especially now that she played an active part in making sure it happened. Maybe she timidly approaches him in the immediate aftermath, says something like, "listen, I know it hurts now, but it was supposed to happen." Because she knows a lot of spiders take comfort in the idea that there was nothing they could do, that the tragedy makes them Stronger.
"Gwen." Hobie warns.
But its too late, cuz Pav is looking at her and asking "What do you MEAN it was 'supposed' to happen?"
And Miles is looking at her too, wondering the same damn thing.
I would like to see that conversation play out.
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guzhufuren · 6 months
where are new comebacks.. is everyone enlisted nowadays? ☹️ i haven't listened to music in months
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asongofmarvelanddc · 1 year
trying to find frank castle fics without any smut is an extreme sport
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hollowsart · 8 months
-cracks open my followers page like I'm lifting a rock from the dirt and shining a light down on the ecosystem underneath it-
Alright, which one of you influenced my "recommended for you" page to have hærry stïles posts?
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winepresswrath · 5 months
Songs I like from TTPT, having had a break.
Fortnight. I felt absolutely nothing for this the first time I heard it but it's a slow burn. I cannot recommend listening to it the four or five times it took to really hit for me, but I love you and it's ruining my life did get stuck in my head on a loop.
The Bolter. I think this one suffers from overwriting but honestly I am a sucker for a good story about emotionally unavailable women making predictable choices
Florida!!! I had fun with this one but it doesn't really stick with me. I do enjoy yelling floRIDAAA though.
So Long, London. imo this is just a solid breakup song. I feel for the singer, who is conveying the specifics of her grief in terms relatable enough for me to project onto it. It does suck when someone who used to make your day by walking into the room is increasingly emotionally unavailable in lieu of pulling the trigger themselves and you have to do it for them.
I Can do it with a Broken Heart. A bop! I think this one will stand the test of time and stick around in the same lowkey way Bruno Mars' lazy song did because it's good to have a song for spackling manic cheerfulness over the void in much the same way it is good to have a song for being a wastrel.
Anyway all this to say I think Taylor Swift should do a Henry the Eighth themed music video where she casts herself as Henry and actors who are obviously meant to represent her exes as his assorted wives and mistresses and just go to town on depictions of herself feasting and jousting and fighting with the Pope.
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boyd-clowder · 1 month
tumblr has "restored full functionality of my blog" but my old posts still don't show up in the tags. i hate it here
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yukinyaminyato · 6 months
my instagram algorithm apparently thinks i have a bf based on the memes it keeps recommending me 😭😭
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I hate you Instagram I hate you reels I hate you megacorporations creeping in on my social media apps I hate you Twitter I hate you character limit I hate you tiktok I hate you random chance at "fame" I hate you facebook I hate you privacy breaches I hate you interaction requirements just to use the app I hate you social media apps
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pheonix561 · 1 year
What the hell happened to Tumblr?
Whenever I scroll down it's the same twenty posts I've been seeing for weeks now. Literally the same things, reposted. Where's my chronological tumblr dash with updates from all the blogs I follow? I'm literally just logging in to see the exact same twenty posts, again and again and again. If tumblr seriously killed their chronological dashboard in the effort to look more like twitter, that's what's going to kill any involvement people like me have with it.
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zombiesun · 1 year
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tagged by @saintflint to look up [your name] core aesthetic on pinterest & post the first 9 pictures
tagging: @moldavite @morgutio @jesustease
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ae-ross · 8 months
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did something happen to the tumblr algo because first it sent me a harry potter post and now it's given me this.
i do not think this is based on my likes.
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victorluvsalice · 8 months
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We've reached Spring Tuesday in the Chill Valicer Save! And, as promised, today features Victor getting HIS occult on -- along with a trip to a festival! :D But first, of course, we have to get through everyone's morning chores on the farm...
-->Started off by having Alice go and plan outfits for everybody (after recovering from getting spooked by the house making creepy noises) so I could give Shock and Surprise different collars and finally have a way to tell them apart at a glance – Shock has a purple bow tie collar, while Surprise has a normal green collar. I also gave them both a Spookfest costume – Shock is a piece of sushi, while Surprise is a gladiator. XD I also took probably more time than I really should have searching out a new shirt for Smiler’s very first everyday outfit – while I really like the pattern on the shirt I originally chose for them, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just a bit too orange to be on-brand. And as I have absolutely NO experience with recoloring clothing... I eventually settled on a yellow shirt with a light bulb on it, that I’m pretty sure Smiler unlocked at some point from somewhere. (From being part of the Bot Savants at college, perhaps?) *shrug* It was the best option I had! There are surprisingly few good yellow swatches in this game...anyway, you'll see that later!
-->With that sorted, I returned to actual gameplay, having Alice grab Encyclopedia Vampirica Vol 2 to read (she chose to do so out on the porch next to a napping Shadow -- the gang really likes sitting with their pets outside now that the weather is nicer), while Smiler finished up a mechanism at the robotics bench and then got to work on a computer chip. Victor, meanwhile, was SUPPOSED to be sleeping, but after being woken up both by the house being creepy and by Surprise yowling outside the door (Victor tried lecturing her, but she didn’t understand what she did was wrong), I decided to just get him dressed and send him into his greenhouse. Which happened to have a specter bopping around. So, once he was down there, I had him take a moment to draw a nice picture on his digital sketchpad to hand over as a present.
Except the specter took one look at the picture and was like “nope, not my style.” *sigh* Seriously, why are these little ghosties so hard to please?! Just let me know what the trick is, darn it!
-->Well, with placating the specter with gifts a no-go, I let Victor have some breakfast (leftover meatballs from the greenhouse mini fridge, om nom) before he got to work on the garden. Alice, for her part, finished up her book, played with Shadow on the porch, ran over to clean the chicken coop, recycled the garbage, and fed and petted Toothy the cowplant; Smiler, for their part, got their garden bots Bugs and Elmer tuned up because it looked like Victor REALLY needed some help in the greenhouse. Plus we haven't used the bots in a while -- gotta get them out and about more often! Once they were done, they headed into the greenhouse to unleash the bots...
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its-spooky-bitch · 8 months
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dollybites · 8 months
does anyone want to be moots on twt? bc i made a new one and it was a STRUGGLE, my @ is periwinklefawn
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machinedramon · 11 months
getting real fucking tired of my for you page being full of some different fucking kink every goddamn day
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