#broken teeth
canonkiller · 8 months
sulking art
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to be reliant on the care of others is to be optional, or, happy one year anniversary to my teeth starting to break whenever I eat anything crunchy with no dental appointments because i can't afford them on my own and the family i live with doesn't help 🥳
if I can't get out of this fucking house before I'm 30 I'm going to start beating people to death.
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dakooftacos · 2 months
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see the dentist please
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roselinestephania · 1 year
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Pintura a la venta/For sell ✨
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justsokaela · 3 months
Fuck my fucking tooth hurts. It’s a dull throbbing now, but lower on my cheek where my jaw is it feels like it’s bruised. So I know it’s definitely infected the nerve now. I put this off for too long and now I’m suffering for it…
I hate this so much. Part of me wishes I had stayed in Korea simply because I know getting this broken down teeth pulled or a root canal would be affordable.
Now i’m dreading being screwed because I dont have even like a credit card I could use to pay for the costs of dental work, even with insurance. Like I have 20$ in my bank account right now until March 27th. That’s 10 days from now. Thankfully I live close to work so I’m good on gas for most of that time.
Fuck this economy. Fuck the American healthcare system. Fuck it all to hell and straight up Trump’s and Biden’s assholes.
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falkonryderz · 9 months
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I eat dry pasta
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drjaydev · 2 years
How to repair a broken or crooked teeth
If only a little portion of your tooth enamel has been chipped away, your dentist may be able to restore the damage with a filling.
If the damage is on a front tooth or can be seen when you smile, your dentist will most likely use a tooth-colored composite resin in a technique called bonding.
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TW: blood, no eyes, broken teeth, a lot of blood, stretched skin
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His name shall be Jerald
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ciitedexcerpt · 10 days
I didn't choose to be but here I am.
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newtondentalstudio · 2 months
Most common dental emergencies
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Keeping your mouth clean and healthy isn't just about a pretty smile. It's a big part of your overall well-being! Brushing regularly, flossing daily, and eating healthy foods go a long way in preventing dental emergencies.  This simple routine keeps your teeth strong, gums healthy, and helps avoid problems down the line.
But even with the regular brushing and flossing, dental emergencies can arise unexpectedly. Recognizing the signs of a dental emergency and knowing how to respond promptly can minimize damage and ensure a quicker recovery.  In this article, we'll explore the five most common dental emergencies, providing tips on managing them at home and when to seek professional dental care.
Understanding the Importance of Prompt Dental Care
Ignoring a dental emergency can lead to serious complications.  Prompt dental care can:
Minimize pain and discomfort
Prevent further damage to teeth and gums
Increase the chances of successful treatment
Reduce the risk of infection
By acting quickly in case of a dental emergency, you're not just saving yourself from pain, but also potentially saving teeth and avoiding more extensive treatment down the line.
How to Be Prepared for Unexpected Situations
While emergencies can't always be predicted, there are ways to be prepared:
Find a dentist: Having a dentist you trust is crucial. Schedule regular checkups and cleanings to maintain good oral health and establish a relationship with your dentist.
Keep your dentist's emergency contact information handy.
Put together a dental emergency kit: Include pain relievers, gauze, a cold compress, and a dental hygiene kit.
Now, let's delve into the five most common dental emergencies:
I. Toothaches:
Toothaches are a sign of an underlying dental issue and can range from mild discomfort to severe throbbing pain.
Causes: Cavities, gum disease, infected tooth pulp, or a cracked tooth.
Managing Pain at Home: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can offer temporary relief.  Gently rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help dislodge any food particles that might be causing irritation.
Seeking Professional Care:  If the pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by swelling, fever, or difficulty breathing, see your dentist immediately.
II. Chipped or Broken Teeth:
Chipped or broken teeth can happen due to accidents, biting down on hard objects, or teeth grinding.
Temporary Solutions: If the chip is minor and doesn't cause pain, you can manage until your dental appointment.  For a sharp edge, apply a small piece of sugar-free gum to protect your tongue and cheeks.
Long-term Treatment: Depending on the severity of the damage, treatment options include bonding, reshaping, crowns, or veneers.
III. Knocked-Out Tooth:
Time is critical when a tooth gets knocked out.
Immediate Steps: Locate the tooth and handle it by the crown, not the root.  Gently rinse the tooth with milk (if available) or water.  If possible, try to reinsert the tooth back into its socket. If not, store the tooth in milk and see a dentist immediately.
Preserving the Tooth: Acting quickly increases the chances of successful re-implantation.
IV. Lost or Loose Dental Fillings:
Fillings can loosen or fall out due to wear and tear, decay underneath the filling, or improper placement.
Causes:  Chewing on hard objects or improper dental hygiene can contribute to lost fillings.
Temporary Solutions:  For a minor lost filling, sugar-free gum can offer a temporary solution until you see your dentist.
Replacement is Crucial: A lost filling exposes the tooth to further decay. Schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible for a replacement.
V. Broken or Lost Dental Crowns:
Crowns can break due to excessive chewing force, trauma, or decay underneath the crown.
Causes:  Clenching or grinding teeth, using teeth for unintended purposes, or improper placement of the crown can all contribute to breakage.
Protecting Your Teeth: If the crown breaks and the tooth underneath is sharp, cover it with gauze to prevent injury.
Repair or Replacement:  Depending on the damage, the dentist can repair the crown or recommend a new one.
By recognizing the signs of a dental emergency and following these tips, you can effectively manage the situation until you see your dentist. Remember, prompt professional care is crucial for minimizing damage and ensuring a healthy smile.
Following good oral hygiene practices like regular brushing, flossing, and maintaining a balanced diet can help prevent many dental emergencies. Schedule regular dental checkups to identify and address any potential issues before they escalate. With knowledge and proper preparation, you can navigate unexpected dental situations with confidence.
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godzillabanzai · 2 months
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Jason McMaster
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vvundering · 2 months
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brianderryposts · 3 months
If your tooth fractures in half, contact your emergency dentist immediately to schedule an appointment.
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After Hour Dentist You Can Trust - Emergency Dentist Sydney
24 Hour Dentist - After Hours Emergency Dentist Sydney
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We provide 24 hours emergency dental services with our after hour dentist in Sydney City, Our expert dentists are available on Sundays. Call us(02) 9002 7474
After Hours Dentist Sydney | 24 Hour Dentist Sydney - 24/7 Emergency Dental Services
Do you need immediate relief from a dental emergency’s intense pain and discomfort?
Are you feeling fearful or anxious about your dental emergency?
Are you having difficulty finding dental care that can provide emergency services when needed?
Are you worried about the cost of emergency dental treatment?
Are you worried about the potential long-term outcomes of your dental emergency, such as losing a tooth or ongoing pain and discomfort?
Emergency Dentist Sydney answers all of these questions by offering 24/7 emergency dental services to help alleviate the stress and discomfort of dental emergencies
Why Choose Us
We are dedicated to providing emergency dental care to our patients with exceptional dental care and customer service. Contact us today to organise an appointment or to learn additional about our emergency dental services.
No Surcharge
At Emergency Dentist Sydney, we believe that dental emergencies should not cost you more. We do not charge an after-hours surcharge for dental emergency appointments. We understand that emergencies can occur to anyone at anytime, and we want to ensure you receive the care you want without breaking the bank.
Best Reviewed
We are proud to be the best-reviewed 7-star dental practice in Sydney CBD. Our patients love us because of our friendly and knowledgeable team, state-of-the-art equipment, and exceptional customer service. Plus, we offer free parking for our patient's convenience.
24/7 Availability
We are highly experienced emergency after-hour dentists available 24/7 to help you with dental emergencies. Our team knows dental emergencies can be traumatic and overwhelming, so we are committed to providing quick and effective dental treatment to release your pain and discomfort.
Pain Relief
At Emergency Dentist Sydney, we know that dental emergencies can be painful and troublesome to your daily life. That's why we prioritise instant pain relief and immediate treatment to ensure the best outcome for our patients. Our team will work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan to address your pain and get you back to optimal dental health.
Why is it important to treat dental emergencies as urgently?
It’s essential to seek treatment for a dental emergency as soon as possible to prevent further damage or complications. Delaying treatment can lead to more severe issues, such as infections or permanent damage to teeth or gums. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, it’s essential to contact an emergency dentist as soon as possible to get the care you need.
What Is a dental emergency?
A dental emergency is a dental problem that requires immediate attention from a dentist. Various factors, including accidents, injuries, or sudden onset of pain, can cause these emergencies. Some common dental emergencies include severe toothaches, broken or chipped teeth, knocked-out teeth, and dental abscesses.
What are the three main Dental Emergencies?
Toothaches can indicate several problems, including infection or emerging wisdom teeth, decay reaching the nerve, or gum infection. It's crucial to seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent further damage, and treatment options range from tooth removal to a root canal.
Broken Teeth
Broken teeth can result from weakened fillings or crowns, decay, or trauma. Dislodged fillings can cause severe pain and should be replaced by an emergency dentist promptly to prevent future problems.
Damaged Teeth
Damaged teeth, whether chipped or knocked out, require immediate attention. If a knocked-out tooth can be treated within an hour, an emergency dentist can often save it. Chipped teeth can also be repaired easily.
At Emergency Dentist Sydney, We understand the urgency and pain that dental emergencies can cause. Our experienced team of professional dentists is available 24/7 to provide immediate care for all dental emergencies, including toothaches, broken teeth, and damaged teeth. We also treat more severe issues like periodontal disease and tooth decay. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to call us on 9002 7474 (Sydney CBD) to book a consultation. We serve various suburbs, including North Sydney, Balmain, Darlinghurst, Double Bay, Kirribilli, Lilyfield, Newtown, Paddington, Potts Point, Pyrmont, Redfern, Rozelle, Surry Hills, Glebe, and more.
What should you do when a dental emergency happens?
When a dental emergency strikes, it can be a scary and uncomfortable experience. But don’t worry, and we’re here to help! The first thing is to remain calm and assess the situation. Are you experiencing intense pain or discomfort? Has a tooth been knocked out or broken? Once you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to take action.
The best path of action is to call Emergency Dentist Sydney, which is available 24/7 to provide immediate care when you need it most. Our professional dentists are experienced in handling all dental emergencies, from toothaches to broken teeth.
Remember, when a dental emergency happens, time is of the essence. Don’t wait to seek treatment – call Emergency Dentist Sydney immediately at 9002 7474 (Sydney CBD) and let us help you return to smiling again.
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localdentalclinics · 6 months
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