labyrinth-lavie · 3 months
I can motivate you with my words Inspired you with my stories Comfort you in your breakdowns Lift you when you feel so down Make you laugh when tears stream down your face Give you light amidst your darkest And encourage you to keep moving. I will make you become well when you feel unwell, I can take care of you when you couldn’t care less of yourself. I can make you smile and convince you that things will be fine Every time I helped someone get up from their worst I forgot my worst cuts and how miserable I am I can’t explain the feeling of beyond bliss when I made someone overcome their dark phase I forgot that I’m drowned in this horrible place And now I stared at this shadow in this room Eyes wide open felt something cold fell Overflowing thoughts kept flashing infinitely Gripped into this cloth for strength and grope comfort from it Where are those words going? Where are those thoughts that should be popping up to calm me now? Why I can’t heal my own? Why I couldn’t convince myself to calm down I’m confused about what to do when in fact I’m good at fixing other’s confusion Everything went blank and my mind shut I can’t even calm the storm inside me, Why I cannot use those words and comforts in myself, Perhaps, I just meant to fix others but not myself, I can mend their broken pieces yet cannot pick even a piece of myself. Someway, seeing you doing all fine, made me fine for the time being.
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backpackflip · 6 months
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kynziviridian · 6 years
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Fix Broken Window Glass
A wrecked windowpane not just permits the climate into your home, it is additionally a security danger. 
You can purchase substitution glass, slice to quantify, at lumberyards and home improvement shops. Here's the manner by which to supplant a messed up sheet in a solitary sheet (one thickness of glass) window: 
Stage 1: Measure outline for new glass. It ought to be only littler than opening to take into account development and constriction and to consider flaws in casing or glass. Measure the two different ways crosswise over opening, from inside edge to inside edge, and subtract 1/16 to 1/8 inch every way. Have twofold quality glass sliced to these exact measurements. Buy enough new glaziers' focuses or clasps to be introduced each 6 inches or so around sheet. 
Stage 2: To seal the new window sheet with glaziers' intensify all around the outside edge, roll another line of glaziers' compound, and press it immovably into the glass-outline joint, all around the sheet. Use putty blade to smooth exacerbate up and down the joint around the sheet, coordinating putty to other adjacent windows. Hold putty blade at an edge to lip of casing, so blade cuts compound off neatly and equitably along glass. On the off chance that putty blade sticks or pulls at glaziers' compound, dunk sharp edge into linseed oil, and shake off abundance. Utilize long, smooth strokes to keep joint even around sheet. 
Stage 3: With extremely sharp steel or glass scrubber, cautiously expel abundance glaziers' compound from the two sides of new glass and edge. Let compound dry for around three days. 
Stage 4: Paint new compound and casing to match rest of edge. Lap paint marginally over edge of compound and onto glass to seal sheet totally. Ensure paint is dry before you clean glass.
Contact us @ +1  5155001600 for more steps or information regarding window and door glass repair,replacement or installation
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3yetwo · 11 years
Dear Perfect Stranger
Dear perfect stranger…
It’s me again…
The girl with a shattered heart on her sleeve.
Dear Perfect Stranger, it’s me again…
“Penny for your thoughts?”
How about 2 minutes of your time for my unguarded emotions?
Dear Perfect Stranger…
Yeah, I’m sure your…
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Tagged by @1i1yofthevalley-doesntknow to post 4 characters that match my energy! This sounds fun!
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I tag @brokenfixer @whatevski @avoecs @goddess-ofrain @formaldehyde--face @catfever7 @cinnamonbritches @chubabub
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Tagged for a selfie by @coldbrewman1! Just relaxing and listening to music. What’re you up to? :) @whatevski @brokenfixer @formaldehyde--face @hrstories1234 @zodinskudd @liftingweights-and-coffeedates @scarsoftheshatteredsky @cinnamonbritches @caffeinatedandhistory @catfever7
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