#broker ep20
thegreymoon · 3 years
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Girl, you are thirty years old and you are about to sacrifice your career and all those years of education because your illiterate mother is fixated on you being married instead? What is the plan here? Quit you job and be unemployed AND unmarried? 
This is just beyond stupid. She doesn’t need a husband, she needs a therapist. Or alternately, someone to whack her over her stupid head.  
Is this crap supposed to be romantic? 
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Fuck men and fuck this one in particular. Being single has never looked more appealing. 
LMAO, what good temper? You are a spineless coward who is too ashamed to confess to the woman he likes because she doesn’t look like a supermodel and treats her like crap because he doesn’t know what to do with his own frustrations. 
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My dude, bullying the girl you like isn’t cute even at three, let alone at thirty. 
Het romance as a genre is such bullshit. 
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I’m so grateful for my neurodivergence and assorted mental illnesses that have made me aromantic and asexual so that I at least don’t feel the urge to aspire to and settle for something this inane.  
The way he is CUTE CUTE CUTE is literally the only reason to watch this show 😭😭
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Jesus Christ, who wrote this script?
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She looks so uncomfortable, I want to run away on her behalf. 
Also, she REPEATEDLY reiterated that she was uncomfortable with making this relationship public and he outed her like that in front of her work colleagues AFTER she gave him multiple hints that she didn’t want him to tell. WTF. Boundaries were not only crossed, they were obliterated into a mushroom cloud.
Any guy pulling this bs on me would be an ex so fast, his head would be spinning. 
Has anyone actually read the novel this was adapted from? Were these two fucking in the book and they made her his adopted sister here to make it more “family friendly” because cheating is a no-no? 
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If this was not a Chinese drama, I would think that they are 100% fucking here too. 
Half of this drama is inane office gossip and it only takes second seat to them backstabbing and sabotaging each other and undermining massive projects. 
The things I will watch for him 😭😭
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LMAO, her stupid face 🤣🤣
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How this woman has not been fired yet for being such an unprofessional, vindictive brat I’ll never know. 
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Don’t worry, cutie, you can always be the one to get scared and get into her arms instead 😆😆
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You should have been ARRESTED the moment you showed up to harass her and throw tantrums to sabotage her job. 
I have no patience for this toxic crap. 
Oh, looks like real shit is about to hit the fan 😬
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I can’t decide whether I’m dreading it or looking forward to it, considering that the prospect of watching LYX suffer is one of the main reasons I started watching this in the first place 😅😅
Mo Li may be murderous and somewhat insane, but she’s definitely my favourite female character here. She’s the only one that feels like she has any depth.
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They are fantastic together and feel real, unlike whatever he has going on with Jianing. 
I wonder what the odds are that his mother is even alive at this point. Uncle Zhou is a liar and a psychopath. I very much doubt he has any intention of letting him go once this mission is done. If anything, he’ll kill him once he’s no longer useful and obedient. 
LMAO, I’m happy, you evil nepotism brat 🤣🤣
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The things this show lets slide as forgivable and understandable, OMG. She should have been fired ages ago. 
This is such bullshit.
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