#broker ep27
thegreymoon · 3 years
I know that this was cooked up by that slimy weasel Zhuzhu, but honestly? Qiu Jianing deserves this demotion. 
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Her behaviour and the things she let slide in this lab have been so unprofessional, so braindead, I could go on and on about it and never shut up. I don’t know what it is; maybe it’s shit writing for this drama, shit execution or maybe Victoria Song was just terribly miscast. Or all three. But even if I try to give the original intention the benefit of the doubt, everything about her professional conduct in the lab (and that of her coworkers) has been mind-boggling. My pet peeve is characters that are supposed to be intelligent, competent and mature acting like toddlers for no logical reason except to generate cheap, manufactured drama. 
Ah, his face 😭😭
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My primary deep and profound reason for putting myself through all this nonsense 🤗
LMAO, of course they did 🙄
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Oh, god, he’s back 🙄
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And we’re back to listening to these weird half-English, half-Chinese conversations 😑
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I’m not even going to bother listing all the things wrong with this conversation with her mother. I just don’t have the energy to type it all out when it’s just everything. 
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LMAO, wtf, my dude? 
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Also, what happened to the hit Uncle Zha has on her head that he used to blackmail you into dumping her in the first place? 
Oh, thank God. 
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This is still the most unconvincing romance I ever had the misfortune of trying to root for, BTW. No love. 
Also, Jianing, how about not getting into strange cars with strange men, eh? 
LMAOOOO, I thought that attempts at bribery were supposed to be more subtle than this? 🤣🤣
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First of all, she can’t just hand you the formula and if you were to wire the money to her, she’d be arrested so fast, it isn’t even funny. Also, her company has already patented Plan O, so there is really nothing they can do with the formulas to begin with. 
At this point, this drama is seriously insulting our intelligence. 
LMAOOOOO, this whole thing is so ham-fisted and ridiculous and transparent 🤣🤣
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Come on, CCP, you can do better than this! It is giving me so much second-hand embarrassment, I can barely stand it! 
The dramatic music as she goes all, “Witness the power of the Chinese people!!” is next level 😆😆
The propaganda here is just laughable. Pathetic does not even begin to cut it. 
Okay, gorgeous house is gorgeous.
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This whole Xianglan subplot is creepy af, but he’s the reason I’m not dropping this yet. 
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Oh, so Xianglan isn’t dead? I don’t trust c-drama people who jumped off cliffs and whose bodies couldn’t be found not to turn up alive. Hell, not just c-dramas, all dramas, regardless of country of origin. 
She faked her own death and Xiaoshan helped her. Just watch. 
Mte, my dude. Mte. 
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I think it’s incredibly unfair of this drama to give me hope it may actually become interesting unless it’s planning to deliver 😕
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Anyway, yes, boys!! Give me what I need and I’ll take back all my venom!
LMAO, of course she is. 
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Who didn’t see this coming from a mile away? With that said, fuck Uncle Zha. 
Yes, baby, go back in and END HIM. 
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Aww, Jiaxin bought her the pink cat!! 
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All my tears 😭😭
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Anyway, Jiaxin should date Mo Li and you should fuck all the way off. Your “romance” with Jiaxin is almost as unconvincing as Xiaoshan’s is with Jianing. 
Anyway, the Xiaoshan/Jianing relationship remains one of the worst things ever written. 
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