#bromden ❤️
frankenfartstein · 5 months
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helloooo cuckoo’s nest enjoyers
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irimarzz · 9 months
anyway. cuckoo's nest fix-it au I've been thinking of.
everything is canon up until the party (minus a few details. cheswick never dies n a couple other things that I forget), but, instead of everyone oversleeping, they wake up on time. Mack, Chief and the girls all say goodbye and leave. Chief & Mack get the hell out of Oregon as fast as they can, only stopping for food and to stay in a motel sometimes, using money that they got from Candy & from Mack's gambling. they eventually settle down in Washington near the border of Canada and get a crappy apartment in a small town. Chief goes back to being an electrician, finishing his apprenticeship and working odd jobs helping people fix things. Mack gets a job at a factory that he hates, but being away from the hospital and being with Chief is worth it. they don't immediately start a relationship, but most nights they share a bed and there is so much romantic and sexual tension between them. Chief especially is a lot happier and he talks more, though he's still pretty quiet, but if it's just him and Mack he will talk and talk and talk. Mack loves it.
back at the hospital, Harding checks out around a month after the party. he spends some time trying to fix things with his wife, but after another month, he stops denying himself and gets a divorce. he moves north and lives in a small town where he meets a man who he falls madly in love with. they end up owning a bar together that functions as a normal bar during the day, but at night, it's a queer bar. Harding bartends and sometimes hosts drag shows, while his partner works on the more technical business end of things. they're happy.
It takes about a year before Billy leaves the hospital, but during that year, Candy visits him regularly. they develop a really great relationship and Billy loses his stutter almost entirely. he's happier than he's been in years. he leaves the hospital and proposes to Candy and they get married. they own a little house near the ocean and are incredibly happy. Candy quits her job as a prostitute and stays home mostly while Billy works to provide for them.
after a couple of years, Mack gets in contact with Candy again and by extension, Billy. him and Chief travel back down to oregon to visit them and get filled in on everything they missed. cute little reunion moment.
that's about all that I have rn it's really just something I've been musing in my head when I'm bored but I think it's cute and I am a sucker for happy endings
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