xghost-zer0 · 3 years
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Girl Pilots of Ferry Command publish by Merrill. I love the those bulky flight clothing.
The Girl Pilot (actually called WASPS) were an actual unit during WWII. In 1942, the military realized they didn’t have enough pilots to move vital trainer aircraft from the factory to the training fields. Nancy Love found 28 experienced women pilots who could do the job. They, along with graduates of the army’s flight training school for women—established by Jacqueline Cochran—performed this duty until fall 1943, when manufacture of trainers stop. In December 1943 the women ferry pilots went back to school to learn to fly high-performance WWII fighters, known as pursuits. By January 1944 they began delivering high performance P-51s, 47s, and 39s. Prior to D-Day and beyond, P-51s were crucial to the air war over Germany. They had the range to escort B-17s and B-24s from England to Berlin and back on bombing
In all, the WASP flew more than nine million miles in 72 different aircraft—115,000 pilot hours—during World War II.
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
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[DeviantArt] [Instagram] [Youtube] [Twitter]
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Animatronic icon gifts for people that replied my sticker about their favorite animatronics 💗💜💖. You can use them as your pfp aswell but give credit in your bio, thank you 💕
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Also, if you want to request icons, feel free to, I'll keep them in mind <3 💖⭐
Springtrap was requested by @xidonotknowwhoiamx 💖💜
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Franstober, Day 4 "Tired" - @uhhbananafrappe
English (Translator)
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Español (Original)
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Que bonitooo 😭💖
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Franstober Day 3 "Secret" - @uhhbananafrappe
Red gardenias represent secret love*
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Mangle doodle :3
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Idk if I'm gonna keep posting here because sometimes I recieve interactions, sometimes I don't and I don't want to waste time so depending on how things go, I'll be seeing if I post all the artwork I made so far or just sometimes like this one.
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
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KingdomTale: Changez Vostre Destin
La humanidad siempre gobernó en la tierra desde el inicio de su existencia, pero sus pecados los condenaron a ser castigados por su creador a padecer y compartir el mundo con otros seres conscientes, similares y diferentes a ellos. El descontento era obvio, a través de los siglos los humanos detestaron a los seres mágicos, causando que las guerras sin sentido fueran el pan de cada día por culpa de la envidia a sus capacidades mágicas y el temor al poder que algunos de ellos podrían obtener con simplemente tomar sus almas. Fue por ese miedo que su mayor objetivo se convirtió en exterminarlos con la meta de por fin, nuevamente, ser los únicos soberanos de la tierra.
Pero...entre tanta muerte y destrucción, muchos huyeron y se escondieron dejando sus tierras de lado o viajando a los rincones más lejanos donde su existencia no corriera algún peligro. Muy pocos fueron los temerarios que siguieron reinando y protegiendo sus reinos. El reino de Ebott era uno de ellos, el único reino visible y existente de categoría monstruo. Más hubo un horrible día en el que fue emboscado por el gran reino de Francia, reconocido por su poderosa y misteriosa dinastía Determ. Muchos pobres monstruos murieron en lo que se convirtió en un una guerra. Ambos reyes al tenerse de frente tuvieron una larga y exhaustiva batalla que...sorpresivamente terminó en un acuerdo de "paz" que consistía en no pasar las limitaciones establecidas sino las guerras contra ellos volverían y no tendrían compasión ni aún si suplicaran piedad.
Y así fue por unos cuantos años hasta que la curiosidad y el deseo fueron más poderosos y la ironía de la vida le dio alas al príncipe para que rompiera las palabras y que los destinos de las personas que lo rodeaban fueran "diferentes"
Humanity always ruled the earth since the beginning of its existence, but their sins condemned them to be punished by their creator to suffer and share the world with other conscious beings, similar and different from them. The discontent was obvious, through the centuries humans detested magical beings, causing senseless wars to be the daily bread because of the envy of their magical abilities and the fear of the power that some of them could obtain by simply taking their souls. It was because of that fear that their main objective became to exterminate them with the goal of finally, once again, being the sole rulers of the land.
But... among so much death and destruction, many fled and hid, leaving their lands aside or traveling to the farthest corners where their existence would not be in danger. Very few were the reckless ones who continued to reign and protect their kingdoms. The kingdom of Ebott was one of them, the only visible and existing kingdom of monster category. But there was a horrible day when it was ambushed by the great kingdom of France, renowned for its powerful and mysterious Determ dynasty. Many poor monsters died in what became a war. Both kings faced each other and had a long and exhaustive battle that...surprisingly ended in a "peace" agreement that consisted in not passing the established limitations or else the wars against them would return and they would have no mercy even if they begged for mercy.
And so it was for a few years until curiosity and desire were more powerful and the irony of life gave wings to the prince to break the words and that the destinies of the people around him were "different".
Where to read the book?
It's only in Spanish since it's my native language and my English is kind of bad haha, but through Chrome it can be automatically translated to another language ^^
Thank you for reading <3
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Bellooooo ❤❤❤
Happy aniversary ❤️✨
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
A DTIYS entry I did for Instagram, a cute Sans OC, enjoy! 💙
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Peter from Your Boyfriend ❤ Art by me 🥺
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Freshhhhhh doodle
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Tap for HD
A DTIYS I participated on Instagram 💖. Hope you like it!
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Tap for HD image :D
Another Chara Fanart! ❤
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I liked the other one so I did a new one, I'm in love with her and the concept, with her having Sans' jacket and being cute 🥺❤💖💕💕
Because I wanted to make this quick, I didn't really use references, I regret that now 🤡
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Chara Fanart by me 💖🥺😍. I love Chara so much!! Aaaaaa 😭❤❤❤💘
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I'm sick so lately I've not been in the mood to draw but I am working on that and right now I feel much more motivated to draw so yesterday I decided to do a Chara fanart and I tried out a different style, this one was inspired by Sasucchi95, of course there are things that are super different but I think the inspiration is pretty obvious XD, I love her artsyle and the way she used to draw Frisk and Chara, so I decided to kinda bring that again ^^.
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Beauty 💕
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I had this drawing pending for two months but I didn't give myself the opportunity to finish it and I finally did it! I changed a lot of things from the old one and AAAAAH I LOVE HOW MY BEAUTIFUL GIRL LOOKS 😩🛐💕✨💕✨💕✨💕✨💕✨
I look at her and I fall in love <3
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
😍😍😍 Amazing!
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I love him <3 🛐💕✨
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xghost-zer0 · 3 years
Heya, sorry to bother this stuff but, can I use Cross Sans as my pfp?? I'll credit you on my blog desc. tho but it's fine if you're not okay with it qwq The icons are amazing and iconic btw and I love your art qwq
Tap the image for full resolution :0
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 💜😭. It means a lot, truly 🥺💕. And here, let Cross answer you the other question XD.
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Happy Crossaint 😊
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