Think of me, that's all I ask of you (Eric Draven X Oc)
Hi, this is my first ever attempt at an Eric Draven fic, Unless requested I do use transgender males as my Oc's as I myself am a trans man and I feel the need to help represent. This is a song fic, which I have never done before, but I loved the idea of as soon as a few songs from the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack inspired me!
this fic does have 18+ content, please use your best judgement when reading this. I know it's not accurate fully to the movie ( I haven't watched it in years because finding out what happened to darling Brandon Lee...I haven't been able to stomach watching it. that and I want *Happy* fics because i have enough angst in my life as it is. that being said enjoy!
Warnings: Smut, swearing, mentions of death, mentions of being depressed, transgender oc with female anatomy used, top surgery scars mentioned, established relationship, unprotected sex (Please practice safe sex!)
(This fic is based off the songs “Think of me.” and “All I ask of you.” From The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack (one of my fave musical movies) and while it won't be true to the Crow movie because that whole movie breaks my heart and I just had to write it this way because I adore Brandon Lee, and think Eric Draven deserved better, that being said, that man and his fictional character have their hold on me like a vice, and this is the kind of things my brain makes while listening to music.Italics are flashbacks bold are phrases from the songs. With that being said, enjoy this highly inaccurate fanfic/song fic.)
Eli Brodrick had just come home from a post transition op appointment to his shared apartment with his partner, Eric Draven, only to see his love injured gravely on the floor. With tears in his eyes, Eli falls to his knees at Eric’s side, crying as he held his hand. “E-Eric..Don’t give up, please, please..” His voice was shaky and he felt the sharp lump in his throat as those beautiful eyes flutter open weakly, “Darling.. Think of me when we have said goodbye. Promise me you will think of me.” And with that, Eric had closed his eyes, heaving one last breath and falling into silence as he stilled forever. The police had come in, and started handling everything, but Eli would be forever changed. He moved to a different place, in a different part of town and had soon was just sitting lonely at night. He often would care for the young girl Sarah, who he and Eric had viewed as their daughter. Many nights she spent watching as Eli became a shell of himself, he officially swore off music, the pain of hearing anything that would remind him of Eric and his band was too great, and over time he got used to the deathly quiet atmosphere he had when his sobs had stilled. 
Two days before the one year anniversary, he sat on his grave, gently rubbing the stone as he placed a single red rose upon the resting place of his love, the ring he wore that Eric had gifted him as a promise ring was hanging off a dainty silver chain and he often times, including now, rubbing it mindlessly as he thought back to Eric, and all their memories, eyes watering as Sarah sat with Eli, trying to comfort the older male who soon let out distressed sobs.
Eli dashed into Eric’s arms as the taller returned home from band practice, a grin spreading across his face as he pecked the dark haired male’s lips. “I missed you. Did you have a good time?” The way Eli asked with tender care in his voice sent pleasant shivers through Eric’s spine, the amount of care and love the trans male had for him had always surprised him, and as their love grew, so did the adoration they felt for the smallest details of each other’s personalities.
“Of course, but I missed you. I actually stopped and bought something for you on the way home.” Eric admitted, his voice husky as he spoke softly, the small box in his pocket of his jacket feeling heavy. It may have been a promise ring, but those promises were ones that hung like a glass ornament on a christmas tree, fragile, shining bright, a deep memory with a story of love and triumph held in it’s delicate sphere.
“Aww, darling Eric, you are just the sweetest.” Now only standing at five foot three, the brunette male who had only come out a month before, but after two years of knowing Eric, and one of dating Eric, who had been quietly bisexual, he tilted his head up to his handsome musician lover, “You look deep in thought, are you alright?” He mutters softly, holding the large calloused left hand in his small and soft one. 
“Just thinking, my love. You know I love you, right? That you mean the world to me and from the day that we met I had promised you I would give you my entire world without a single complaint? Well, to symbolize that, I have bought you a ring, a silver band with black jewels embedded in it, though there is one red one in it, and that one is to symbolize my love for you, a beacon of light in this dark world. A promise that we will one day legally adopt Sarah, get out of here as a family, move somewhere safer, where we can live happily together. A promise that my love for you will never run out.” Eric felt tears sting at the back of his own eyes as his partner’s let his shed. The words leaving the lips of the musician warming the heart that Eli carried gently within his chest. Eric almost dropped the ring as he pulled it from the box, sliding it on the middle finger on the left hand that held his own left hand at one point. 
“Oh, ‘Ric you darling, I love you so much and look forward to the day we make that promise solid.” He admired the ring, the red sapphire surrounded by onyx gems in the silver band fit him like a glove and automatically brought his mind to his lover. The way their love was like the light in the dark, how they stood as one against their world. With a kiss to seal the deal, they headed to their kitchen to share dinner before falling asleep in one another’s embrace as they lie snug under their bedsheets for another night. 
Eli sniffled as he felt Sarah lay her head on his shoulder, he had adopted her, just like he and Eric had planned, she now called him dad, Eric was still her other one, just not on paper, but in both the lonely hearts, he was the other father, affectionately referred to between the two as her ‘papa’, a name she had once promised to bestow on Eric once she had been formally brought into the family. 
That night, the two went home, and after their dinner, they both went their own ways to their respective rooms within the small house that they lived in across town. Eli held a picture of the three to his chest, letting tears silently slip onto the pillow in translucent drops of sorrow, like rain silently pouring from the skies. The aching in his heart never subsided, even with the knowledge he was living half of what the couple had planned only three months before Eric was taken from him. The time of the one year mark had not only quickly approached, but caused great pain to Eli, he was a present father to Sarah, but at night he silently mourned his one love alone, keeping his pain as to himself as he possibly could, trying to be strong for the young girl in his care. 
Rain flowed as Sarah had been going toward the store for his dad, he needed a missing ingredient for dinner and she had offered to get it seeing as he had already had food cooking on the stove. Bumping into a figure decked in lots of black and leather, Sarah winced inwardly, afraid she would be met with anger and violence. Sarah fell to her butt, a gasp falling from her lips, the rain was pouring and she could feel a puddle seeping into her pants. “I am so sorry.” She said, trying to be strong and brave, “Stupid rain.” she mutters, the distaste of the rain clear as fresh pool water lingering in her voice. 
“It can’t rain all the time.” The voice of the person towering over Sarah echoed through the silence, a deep timber that surprised the girl when it registered in her mind who it was. HE had always said that to Eli when he had a bad day, it was an iconic line that Eric had created..And now she was hearing it for the first time in a year, her eyes slowly gazing at the person who owned the voice.
Eric had crouched down to her level, showing her he would not hurt her, and that he was checking to make sure she was alright and hadn’t hit her head. “Hey Sar-bear.” Though he had white face paint with black lips that had lines through on his lips, and dark eyes with black lines, he still looked like himself, his hair falling in dark wet heaps on his shoulders, just like the young lady had remembered. Her eyes teared up, the disbelief that bubbled in her chest was overtaken by a fizz of joy, her arms wrapping around him as she let out a cry and hugged him, locking his neck in an embrace. “Eric!” 
His arms wrapped around her, his eyes closing as he held her body tightly to his, like he was afraid she would disappear into thin air. He had missed her and Eli dearly, and now that he had eliminated his killers, he was able to be home with his little family again. “I missed you so much. I-is Eli ok? Are you ok?” His worries flew out of his mouth like a spray, the dad instincts kicking in rapidly as he held the small frame of the person he considered a daughter in his leather coated grasp. 
“D-dad is ok, but.. He misses you Papa..Really really bad. He’s a shell of who he used to be. Stays strong in front of me and acts like any other dad, but I can always hear him crying for you.” Sarah admits sadly, the whisper she lets out made both hearts clench, she knew as painful as it was to admit, and it must have been for him to hear, it needed to be said, he needed to know they both needed him back.
“You will take me back to him right? Y-you guys weren’t at the apartment..I have been looking for you for days…and taking care of some unresolved business I guess you could say.” Eric states, the longing for the love of his life was rattling the bars of his heart, trying to escape the metaphorical cage it was enclosed in.
“Of course..We just have to get him some stuff for dinner tonight. He didn’t realize he was out until he had dinner on the stove.” Sarah confessed, a chuckle leaving Eric’s lips and her own at the typical situation that he had been known to find himself in constantly. 
“Sounds about right, let's get his stuff and get back home.” Eric smiles, helping Sarah up and helping her finish the task before Eli had a heart attack at his daughter being late and letting worry destroy him.
Eli looked out the window, trying to ignore the ache in his chest as the day of the year dawned on him. An entire year of being empty without the love of his life. A year of only leaving for his appointments, to take Sarah to and from school, or grocery shopping. He refused to go to most places he once frequented with Eric, the bitter taste from being faced by the memories was too much to handle, so he left it at that. The door opened, a bit farther from the kitchen but the sound of the heavy door was still able to be heard. It had become like white noise to the young father, not bothering him in the slightest knowing it was only his daughter, Sarah, who had the key. 
“Hey dad,I have something for you. Other than the pasta you needed for dinner.” 
Eli could sense the anxiety in her voice, though he had yet to turn around, he could feel the looming worry she held in her speech. Though as he turned around, he was able to make out very little other than Eric before his world went dark, knees giving out like jello had replaced the joints and he had collapsed into the waiting arms of his lover. 
“Sarah, turn off the stove and get a glass of water and a cool damp rag for me and meet me in the living room.” Eric said, not missing a beat as he carried his darling into the living room and gently placed him on the worn couch, a blanket soon draped over his body.
Eric couldn't help notice the dark circles under his eyes, his pale skin that was once rosie and full of life, the sinking in of his cheeks, the way his body felt so light had made eric worried that he had stopped taking care of himself mostly, it was gut wrenching, for him to realize.
“Oh my love,  I'm so sorry, but I am here now, it is alright.” His voice seemed so sad.
 And as Sarah came in with the requested items, she too felt her sadness pique. “He didn’t take it well at all, your death. It destroyed him.”  A sigh fell upon her lips as they put the rag on her adoptive dad’s forehead, waiting for him to wake up and quietly catching Eric up on Eli and Sarah’s lives over the past year.
Eli fluttered his green eyes open, seeing his daughter by his side and holding his hand, “Hi baby, is everything ok? Did dinner get burnt?” Even after coming to, he still worried about his daughter getting food, something Eric noted had not changed in his absence.
“Everything is fine dad, you just fainted so I turned off the stove for you. E-Eric carried you in here..Papa was worried.” By the time Sarah had finished the last part of her sentence, Eric stepped from the shaddows, kneeling by the couch side with his six foot tall form. 
“Hello darling. I hope I made it home in time for dinner..” His voice had been so soothing, just like when Sarah bumped into him earlier that day, only hours before. But the sound comforted Eli as he launched into the tall man’s arms and sobbed into his chest. He had missed the smell of him, the way his shoulder length hair had always tickled the side of his face and neck when the pair embraced, his warm and strong arms that often carried him just because, the way his large hands rubbed soothing circles on his back. It had all flooded back all at once, emotions high for the entire house.
Dinner had gone great, Eric and Eli finishing cooking dinner while Sarah set the table and turned on the record player, playing an old record from Eric’s band and letting the feeling of the music absorb back into her mind, truthfully, she missed the way it sounded when music reverberated through the halls of the home. And now with dinner over, and the night falling heavily on them, Sarah soon got ready for bed, bidding her two fathers who sat embraced on the couch together a good night, hugging them both and kissing their cheeks before retiring to her room where she fell asleep rather fast after such a chaotic but wholesome day. 
“I really have missed this.” Eli whispers, the record player turned off under his finger tips, the two men still awake moving to the main bedroom where the two would situate themselves. 
“I have too.” Eric softly admitted, wrapping his hands on his lover’s waist, under his shirt so both of them could feel the warmth from the other’s body as Eric captured Eli’s lips with his own, a passionate kiss that was long overdue being shared. 
Eli dug his fingers into the dark and curly locks of the taller man, standing on his tip toes as his frame pushes impossibly closer, trying to feel all of the man in front of him. The kiss was deepening fast, tongues fighting for dominance, lips and teeth gently gnashing as the frenzied reunion heated up.
Eric removed Eli’s shirt, gently kissing over the almost two year old top surgery scars, still paying as much attention to showing their wearer just how amazing they were. 
“I love you so much handsome.” He whispered.
Before either one knew it, both men were completely naked on the bed, Eric hovering over Eli, who pulled the other closer, a whisper from his lips causing Eric to smirk under the grease paint that lined his face and made him that much hotter. “That makeup makes you even sexier Mr.Draven, now hurry up and show me just how much you love me.”
Eric had stuck a lubed finger within his hole, the warmth of his boyfriend’s slick cavern fluttered, he groaned as he flicked his tongue over Eric’s clit, making intense eye contact that sent shock though Eli’s body, his entire existence on fire with passion and lust.
He added a second finger into Eli’s pussy soon enough, a delicious stretch sensation pulsing through the lower half of the man under Eric who continued to scissor him open, the lack of sex in the last year making for a slightly longer process than it used to be, not that either man minded.
“I-Im ready Eric, p-please.” The whispered whine of Eli makes the male hovering with a hand on either side of the smaller’s head, a smirk lingering on his lips as he kissed his love’s neck, sliding his erection into the waiting cunt gently, slowly, easily. 
Eli dug his nails into the scarred back of Eric, a low and soft moan seeping into their bedroom walls, eyes squeezed shut with pleasure, “O-oh fuck!” Hips thrusted up to meet the thrusts of the hips thrusting down, skin slapping skin soon radiating into the room’s otherwise silent air.
“O-oh Eli…Mmm I missed you..This…us.” Eric shakily whispered, feeling the gummy,wet,warm walls of his lover’s pussy squeeze around his hard cock as he moved his hands into a bruising grip on Eli’s tiny hips, though they both knew he would wear the marks with pride.
Eli flipped the two over, now riding Eric with urgency, wanting nothing more than to show him just how much he had missed him. “F-Fuck! G-gonna cum E-Eric!” Eli whines softly, eyes squeezed shut, his pussy clamping onto Eric’s cock like a vice once more as he hits his peak, finally sending Eric to his own orgasm, spilling his release into the pink velvety walls of his darling.
As the two lay curled together in bed, blankets covering their sweaty,naked bodies as they panted.
“I did think of you, every day, just like you told me too.” 
“I like to think that was what brought me back.” Eric said softly, kissing the soft skin of his boyfriend’s forehead. 
“How long are you gonna be back?” The younger of the two sniffled, fear panging in his heart.
“The rest of our lives.” Eric promises, gently sighing and pulling Eli ever closer.
“What will we do for the rest of for ever?”
“Love me, that’s all I ask of you.” Eric replies, both vowing their love once more before falling into a peaceful sleep that they would wake from in the morning to start a new day, together as a family of three, FOREVER. 
(A/n: I hope this was ok, This is my first time writing for Eric, but the fic idea has been stuck in my head for days, and my smut while not the best, will hopefully get better with practice. This actually made me cry when I wrote it, and I was using the Phantom of the opera soundtrack while I wrote it.. I hope it is alright nonetheless. I will try to post another fic soon)
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