brooklynbluegrass · 10 years
Hey Katie, 
I'm on the phone with you right now. We are dreaming and scheming and loving and learning so much in life right now. I'm thrilled about it and beyond. You're telling me about Philly. I want to go there with you. It sounds incredible. You just called it "a beautiful mess;" that's perfect. That's what we love. 
i've been in bed for the past four days with the stomach flu. The holiday season has been a crazy, exhausting blur. Good. Full of good food, laughter, and catching up with my favorite people that I miss so much. A bit of doubting, because I am sad that I'm not with those that I adore as much as I could be. But also, there's a lot of joy in returning to the city and the job that I love. It's just been a wild year. Also, I really want to see the movie Wild. Like a lot a lot. 
For something creative, here are some aspects of life that I've been really into:
black & grey clothing. insert anything everlane, helmut lang, or vince. (too many monies, but i walk past helmut lang & vince everyday on the way to work in meat packing.) 
Alela Diane's sweet and backporch swingin' tunes. 
all the pastas my mind can consume bc my body can't consume them right now. oh, and baked potatoes bc my body can consume them, and they're as good as ever with a healthy cut of butter, salt, & pepp. 
everything my muscles and legs can do with a yoga strap - aka, stretching. 
i've been reading a lot about the terror attacks in paris on nytimes. today's images have me missing and longing for Paris and Les Mis. not sure if that's a healthy or developed response. 
oh, and i binge watched season 3 of Girls last weekend. i'm eager for season 4. it's delicious filth, and sometimes not filth at all. i laugh. 
I miss you, and care for you. Can't wait to see what happens. 
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