#brother I’m just relaying the message this is your guide rn
sixthwater · 11 months
Occult & Positivity
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I've been into astrology since I was a kid. Tarot not for so long in comparison, so I can't speak too much on it. Regardless, there is a habit that is consistent with astrology, and I can get why.
Steering more towards the light-hearted topics / themes and avoiding darker ones, or stating that this type of negativity isn't welcomed
To look at this we'd have to remember that Astrology (and tarot) is usually associated with the Eighth House. So when looking at the Eighth, besides it's physical associations, it's what's hidden from the First. So things we can't see, things that are taboo, going underneath the surface to figure out the truth -- also why Psychology and such can be found here.
In a weird way, the Eighth House is one of the most honest houses (it is a succedent house tbf). It is intimidating, but it holds factual things, we just can't access them unless we try / want to see them. So to take the practice of astrology and rip half of it away because some of it is uncomfortable or has bad vibes is like not fully embracing all it has to offer.
I'm not saying to do some true crime deep dives through astrology/tarot, or the only way to ~truly get~ the practice is to do deep shadow work all the time, but it’s just upsetting to see half of its beauty being shoved in a closet because people don’t want to look at themes such as death, disaster, mental illness, etc
The amount of times last year that I saw a shitty year ahead for my friends that had nothing good to pick out and had to tell them was ridiculous, but I’m not an astrologer if I lie through my teeth and it helps no one. Seeing weak points in a chart and discussing it with friends is not that bad — it’s way easier honestly since there’s room to find where they can pivot to a stronger aspect and work on it.
The point is: you can’t look at a cookies and crème cake and be mad that there’s Oreos in it.
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