#brothersbestfriend!henry cavill x reader
alisonsfics · 1 month
off limits - part five
pairing: brother’sbestfriend! henry cavill x reader
summary: henry was best friends with your brother, theo, which meant despite the clear chemistry between you two, you both had chosen to not date.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: swearing
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 6 coming soon
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After getting the ominous text from Theo, your mind had been racing a million miles a minute. You had no idea why he suddenly wanted to hang out with you and Henry, specifically. Theo wasn’t even really supposed to know that you and Henry had been spending time together.
You tried to distract yourself with a whole lists of hobbies, but your mind kept running back to wondering what Theo wanted to talk about. Theo wasn’t normally very secretive. He was normally an extrovert who didn’t keep anything in. You started preparing yourself for the chance that Theo knew about you and Henry.
Theo had sent you an address for some gala being hosted by the company he worked for. The only other information he gave you was that you’d talk once you got there.
You tried to assure yourself that if he was going to yell at you for dating-but-not-dating his best friend, he probably wouldn’t have picked a public event.
You got dressed up, as the invitation mentioned, and arrived at the gala way earlier than you were supposed to. You hadn’t seen or spoken to Henry since you got the text from Theo. You both were mentally spiraling and needed some time to think.
When it was finally an acceptable time, you headed into the lobby, where you saw Henry waiting. He was sitting on a bench, anxiously tapping his leg.
He gave you a soft smile once he saw you. He was so anxious that he couldn’t even force himself to stand and give you a hug.
“Theo here yet?” You asked him, trying to keep your hands from shaking. He shook his head. “Haven’t seen him yet,” he told you.
You grabbed your phone out of your purse, hoping you could distract yourself. It didn’t work. You anxiously switched between your Instagram feed and your email for ten minutes, until Theo showed up.
When Theo finally walked through the door, you and Henry practically jumped. “Hey, Theo. How are you?” You asked, giving your brother a quick hug. You were partially convinced that if you acted like everything was okay, maybe it would be. “Hey, guys. It’s good to see you both.” Theo said, also giving Henry a hug.
“So, you guys are probably wondering about my text. I’m sorry that I was so vague, but I was worried that neither of you would agree if I told you beforehand.” Theo started to explain.
Your fears that this was about you and Henry started to fade, but they were replaced by fears that this was worse.
“So, you both know that you’re the maid of honor and best man at the wedding, which me and Sarah are so happy about. But, we knew neither of you had a date yet to the wedding, so me and Sarah wanted to set you both up.” Theo finished explaining.
You and Henry were stunned. You glanced over at Henry, trying to read his expression. You both had been so worried about Theo finding out, and now, it sounded like he wanted the two of you to be together. You weren’t sure what you were hearing. Neither one of you knew how to respond.
“So, Sarah’s on her way in with two of our friends. We think you’ll love them. For you, we have my coworker Todd. He loves all your favorite movies, and he’s really into cooking. And Henry, Sarah has this friend named Mia, who owns this little bakery downtown. And if all goes well, maybe they could be your dates to the wedding.” Theo said, causing a pit to form in both yours and Henry’s stomachs.
Theo wasn’t setting you up with Henry. He was setting you both up with different people. You couldn’t even tell Theo that you weren’t interested because both your dates already in the parking lot.
“Alright. One of you say something, please. You’re scaring me.” Theo said, noticing your stunned reactions.
You were pissed. Theo had ambushed you.
“What’s to say? They’re already here, aren’t they?” You said, with a slight bitterness. Henry and Theo both picked up on it, but neither of them mentioned it.
Then, the front door to the lobby opened, and Sarah walked in with two people behind her. Sarah smiled at you both, unaware of the awkward tension in the room.
“Hey, guys. This is Todd and Mia.” Sarah said, introducing you all. You politely smiled at Todd, who was giving you an expectant look. “Shall we?” He asked you, holding out his arm for you. You reluctantly held onto his arm, and he led you into the banquet hall.
Henry didn’t realize how protective he was over you until he saw you with Todd. It made Henry sick to his stomach.
Todd brought you over to your assigned table. You glanced at the name tags and realized that all six of you were at one table. Todd pulled out your chair for you, but you still didn’t even want to look at him.
“So, you work with Theo?” You asked with a desperate attempt at conversation. Todd nodded his head and starting rambling about his job. You watched Henry, Mia, Theo, and Sarah start heading towards your table and prepared for the disaster that you knew would occur.
You zoned out as Todd rambled on and on. Henry gave you a sympathetic look as he sat down. You’re weren’t mad at Henry in anyway, but for some reason, you hoped that he would stand up to Theo and fight for you. You knew it was a crazy hope and that Henry wouldn’t do it. Henry had promised you that he’d keep whatever your relationship was a secret from Theo. He wouldn’t break that promise without your permission.
As if you weren’t feeling upset enough, watching Mia practically drool over Henry wasn’t helping.
“I’m going to go get a drink. If anyone wants to come with.” Sarah excused herself, starting to pick up on the tension. “We’ll come with you,” Mia volunteered, grabbing onto Henry’s hand.
You watched Henry’s eyes widen as he was dragged away from the table. “While they’re gone, I’m going to run to the bathroom real quick. I’ll be back in a minute.” Todd excused himself as well.
“So how do you like him?” Theo asked from across the table as soon as Todd was out of earshot.
You refused to look at Theo. You fixed your attention on the other side of the room and didn’t budge. “Hello? What’s wrong?” Theo asked you.
“I’m fucking pissed at you. That’s what’s wrong.” You snapped at him. Theo looked genuinely shocked by your response. “You’re mad because I…got you a date?” He asked, confused.
You rolled your eyes, running a hand through your hair. “No, I’m mad because you ambushed me. You didn’t ask if I was interested, and I couldn’t have said no because he was already here.” You ranted. Theo was trying to reason with you, but all the stress from hiding your feelings for Henry was bubbling up.
“I was just trying to be helpful. I just want you to be happy.” Theo told you. You believed him, and you knew he had good intentions, but sometimes his execution was shit. “Maybe I already am happy. Maybe I don’t want to be in a relationship right now. Just because you’re getting married doesn’t mean I have to. I mean, I get enough of this shit from mom. I don’t need it from you too.” You said, standing up from the table and walking away.
You started walking towards the lobby again. You walked past the bar, and Sarah and Henry saw that you were fuming. “I’m gonna go check on her. Can you get me a drink?” Henry asked Mia, to which she quickly nodded.
Henry followed you into the lobby. “Hey, wait up. It’s me.” He called after you. You stopped when you recognized his voice. You turned around to face him and a few tears rolled down your cheeks.
“Talk to me,” Henry said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug. You hated how safe you felt with him. You wrapped your arms around him, holding onto him like it would make your problems go away. “I am so fucking pissed at Theo for this, and this has all been so much recently. I’ve just fucking had it.” You rambled.
Henry rubbed your back as you ranted to him. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to complain so much. I mean, you’re going through this too, and I haven’t heard you complain once.” You apologized.
Henry took your hand and pulled you over to one of the benches against the wall. He sat down next to you. “You’re allowed to complain all you want. This fucking sucks. And trust me, I am just as upset as you are.” He comforted you, moving a strand of your hair behind your ear. You never felt alone when you were with Henry.
“You’re such a good listener. You should be my therapist. God knows I’m gonna need one after tonight,” you joked, laughing as you wiped another tear off your cheek.
“I hate seeing you cry.” Henry said, grabbing one of your hands in his. He ran his thumb over the back of your hand.
You saw a flash of doubt in Henry’s eyes for a split second, and then he cupped your face with his free hand. Then, he slowly leaned in to kiss you. It wasn’t like any of the other times you’d kissed Henry. Normally, it was heat of the moment and rushed. This was different. It was slow and sweet.
You leaned into the kiss. Butterflies swirled around inside you. You interlaced your fingers with Henry’s. It was magical.
Henry could feel you smile against the kiss. For a second, his feelings for you were simple. In that moment, he didn’t care about anything else, especially Theo. He just wanted you.
“Hey, Theo said you ran off. I wanted to come check on you.” Todd said, bursting into the room before realizing what was going on.
You and Henry froze. You half expected Henry to jump away from you. He didn’t. He let his hand rest on your waist. “I’m sorry. We really had no idea Theo was going to set us up. Theo doesn’t know about this. Please, don’t tell him.” You apologized.
Todd nodded and left you both alone.
Henry quickly stood up. “I need to go talk to Mia.” He said.
“That’s your first reaction after kissing me?” You asked him, half teasing.
“I need to tell her that there is somebody else who makes me very happy. I don’t want to lead her on when I am one thousand percent crazy about you.” He said, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“What do we do about Theo?” You asked him.
“I think we should talk to him and see how he reacts. There’s so much stuff going on with the wedding in three weeks, but I think we should talk to him after the wedding. I know that’s still a while from now, but I don’t want him to be stressed about the wedding when we talk to him.” He suggested.
You pulled him in for a hug. “I’m going to go hang out with Sarah. I’m not really in the mood to talk to Theo yet. But we’ll talk soon, okay?” You told him. He nodded and smiled before you left.
Then, Henry went to find Mia. “Hey, can we talk?” He asked her. She quickly nodded.
“I had no idea that Theo and Sarah were setting us up today. I don’t want to lead you on, and there’s this girl. I mean, it’s complicated, but it wouldn’t be fair to lie to you. Theo doesn’t know anything about it though.” He explained.
“Thank you for telling me. I really appreciate your honesty. And I totally understand why you’d be nervous to tell Theo.” She told Henry. Henry furrowed his eyebrows. “Wait, I’m sorry. What do you mean?” He asked her, curiously.
“Because she’s his sister,” Mia told Henry, as though it was clear as day.
Henry chuckled to himself. “I didn’t realize it was so obvious.” He admitted. Mia shyly nodded her head. “It’s just the way you look at her,” she told him.
They wrapped up their conversation, and Henry went back into the lobby to think. He wanted to seem confident and hopeful in front of you when talking about telling Theo, but Henry was terrified. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin his relationship with his best friend or ruin yours and Theo’s relationship.
The stress had really gotten to Henry over the past few weeks. He felt his eyes start to water from the pure stress and anxiety. He had no one to talk about these things with except you, and he wanted to be strong for you.
Theo walked into the lobby, startling Henry. “You mad at me too? My sister's pissed, and judging by the way Mia and Todd are making out, I’m assuming neither of you were interested in your dates.” Theo said.
Henry shook his head. “I’m not mad at you. Slightly irritated, but not mad. But, I couldn’t date Mia, Theo.” He told him.
Theo noticed the emotion in Henry’s face. “Hey, man, are you alright?” Theo asked, concerned. Henry just shook his head. “There’s this girl. And god, I want to be with her. I think about her all the time, and it fucking sucks because I know how amazing we could be together, but it can’t happen. All I really want to do is take her on a date.” Henry explained, wiping his eyes quickly and faking a smile.
Theo put his hand on Henry’s back. “No one can really stop you though. You should go be with this girl if she makes you happy. Don’t let anything stand in your way.” Theo assured Henry. Henry chuckled to himself at the irony. He knew Theo would have a very different sentiment if he knew the girl was his sister.
“It’s just way too complicated. You have no idea.” Henry told him.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @lillyssh-tposts @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @supernaturalstilinski @stephv213 @kingliam2019 @summersong69 @warriormirkwood @weirdpeoplecoolpeople @amalfoyandariddle @softestqueeen @shellyshellshell @wiesels @hannah9921 @luftmenzch @peaceinourtime82 @moonlightaura03 @kleinegamerin @henryownsme
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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alisonsfics · 1 year
off limits - part one
pairing: brother’s best friend!henry cavill x reader
summary: henry was best friends with your brother, theo, which meant despite the clear chemistry between you two, you both had chosen to not date
part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 coming soon
word count: 2.8k
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You and Henry had a very complicated relationship. One that could not be explained without a bit of backstory. So, let’s start there…
Henry was best friends with Theo, your brother. You and Henry weren’t friends, but you were pretty friendly with each other. You had spent plenty of time together, but only with your brother around.
Henry and Theo had met in college and remained very close even as Henry started acting and gaining more fame, which brings the story to the night of Theo’s birthday party.
Theo always loved to go all out for his birthday. This year, he had rented out a rooftop lounge, which was the perfect location for all the people he invited.
You were currently waiting in the elevator, as it took up to the roof. You smoothed out your dress that you had picked for the occasion. It was a short little black dress that made you feel super confident.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little attracted to Henry. He was a very handsome man, but it was just a little crush that you never intended to act upon. He was your brother’s best friend, which made it so much more complicated.
The elevator dinged as you reached the top floor. The doors slowly opened, and as if your life was a movie, Henry was standing in front of the doors.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as you looked at him. He had a white button up shirt on, with some basic black dress pants. He had no reason to look so good in such a simple outfit, but his shirt perfectly outlined his muscles. Let’s just say, you definitely noticed.
“Oh hey, you look great.” He said, lighting up as he saw you. You smiled shyly, “thank you, so do you.”
You stepped out of the elevator, and he stuck his hand out to hold it open. “I have to run down to my car for something, but I’ll be back.” He told you, smiling. You nodded your head. “Okay, I’ll see you up here.” You told him, walking away.
The elevator brought you to a little lobby room that had a few benches and the bathrooms. You looked around and spotted the door to the rooftop.
As you walked out the door, your ears were met by the loud sound of the dj. You took a second to look around and admire all the decorations. There was a dj, a dance floor, a buffet, a bar, and even a photo booth.
The whole place was decorated with silver and gold decorations. You suspected your brothers fiancé, Sarah, had helped him with the decorations.
You surveyed for a second, trying to find somebody that you knew. You spotted Sarah standing a table eating some food. You walked over towards her, smiling and waving once she spotted you.
“Oh, you look so beautiful,” she complimented, pulling you into a hug. You thanked her and then returned the compliment. “The party looks amazing by the way, I assume you helped with the planning.” You told her.
She laughed and nodded her head. “Yep. I love your brother to death, but he doesn’t have a single planning bone in his body.” She told you, causing you both to laugh.
“So, where is the birthday boy?” You asked her. She scanned behind you for a second, and then let out a giggle. “I honestly don’t even have a clue. He went off to say hi to some people and he’s been gone for a while.” She said.
Your brother was not a planner, but he was definitely a people person and also the live of the party. “I’m sure he’ll turn up somewhere. I mean, we know he can’t resist a buffet.” You joked.
“That’s true. Oh, actually, I think I see him over there. I’ll be right back.” She said, excusing herself and walking over to your brother. As you expected, he was chatting with a bunch of his high school friends.
“There you are,” you heard someone say behind you, causing you turn around. You saw Henry standing there with two drinks in his hand. “A tequila sunrise is still your drink of choice, right?” He asked, handing you a glass.
You felt your heart melt over the fact that somehow over the years he had memorized your drink order.
“Yes, it is, but Henry, you didn’t have to buy me a drink. I feel bad,” you told him. He shook his head as he took a sip of his drink. “Don’t even worry about it, it’s fine,” he assured you.
You frowned at him, but he expected it. He knew you had always been stubborn, but it never stopped him. “You sure I can’t pay you back?” You double checked, already knowing the answer. He shook his head again.
“Fine, but I’m buying the next round.” You told him. He knew not to push his luck any further and agreed. “So, how have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while. Didn’t you just finish filming that movie?” You asked him.
He nodded his head. “Yep, we just finished shooting last week. I’m gonna miss it, but it’s nice to just relax for a little bit.” He explained.
“Well, I can’t wait to see it. I’m sure it will be amazing.” You complimented him. He raised an eyebrow and looked at you like you were speaking another language. “What?” You asked, giggling at the perplexed look on his face.
“You actually watch my movies?” He asked you, still looking stunned. You let out a laugh. “What’s that supposed to mean? Am I not allowed to watch them?” You asked, still amused.
He quickly shook his head. “No no, I’m just flattered is all.” He explained. You could feel your cheeks heat up. THE Henry Cavill was flattered because you watched his movies.
“Well don’t go and get an ego now, we don’t need you getting a big head.” You teased him. He let out a soft chuckle. “I promise.” He assured you.
You couldn’t get the smile off of your face, and you felt like a giddy teenager.
Then, you felt two hands grab your shoulders, causing you to jump. You turned around to see Theo standing behind you. “Happy birthday,” you said, smiling and pulling your brother into a hug.
Then, he moved to Henry and gave him a hug as well. “So, you keeping my baby sister entertained?” Theo teased. You jokingly rolled your eyes. “Oh shush, I’m two years younger than you.” You said, playfully nudging Theo with your arm.
You both may have been full grown adults, but you could never get rid of your big brother, little sister dynamic.
“She’s been keeping me company.” Henry said, smiling as he looked at you.
“Yeah, we were just talking about how your birthday parties have gotten so much better since Sarah started helping you plan them.” You teased. Theo jokingly scoffed, pretending to be offended. “You’re lucky I’m in a really good mood,” he told you.
“And why’s that?” You asked, cautious of his answer. “Well, mom may have let it slip to grandma that you broke up with Andrew.” He told you, holding back a laugh. Your jaw dropped as you felt the panic set in.
“Oh god, now I’m gonna get the when I was your age, I was married and had three children already talk.” You said, sighing. This earned a laugh from both Theo and Henry. “Yep, good luck with that. Love you,” Theo said, walking away to go mingle with more people.
You turned back to face Henry. “Andrew was the guy who wore too much plaid, right?” Henry asked. You couldn’t help but giggle as you nodded your head. “Yeah, he was the one at that barbecue my mom had. I think you met him.” You told him.
“Are you doing okay?” He asked, referencing the breakup. You nodded your head. “Yeah, I’m doing okay. I mean, I really liked him, up until he started flirting with a bunch of women in front of me.” You explained.
Henry nodded his head, understanding. “Well, it sounds like you dodged a bullet. You can do better than some douchebag.” He told you, placing his hand on your forearm and rubbing his thumb back and forth. You weren’t ashamed to admit that you got butterflies as he comforted you.
Then, to perfectly interrupt the sweet moment, Henry’s phone started ringing. “Excuse me, it’s my mom. I need to take this.” He politely excused himself.
You spotted some people across the party that you knew through Theo and started to walk towards them. Then, you made eye contact with your grandmother. She made a beeline straight for you.
“Hi, grandma. It’s so nice to see you,” you said, giving her hug as you prepared for the oncoming speech. “Hello there, sweetie. Your mother mentioned that you broke up with your boyfriend.” She said, wasting no time.
“Yes, I did.” You admitted, taking a deep breath before her lecture began. She began rambling and covered all the topics: how you had no boyfriend, how your brother was getting married and you weren’t, and even prodding you to get busy and have kids.
You sat there, silently nodding as continued rambling, barely taking a breath. Over her shoulder, you noticed Henry talking to a friend. You both locked eyes.
Your facial expression must have made it clear you were miserable because you saw him chuckle to himself. You focused back on your grandmother, but you had started to zone out the words she was saying.
You snapped back into reality when you felt a hand on your arm. You realized Henry was standing next to you. “Excuse me, can I borrow her for a moment?” Henry said, looking at your grandmother. Her eyes lit up as her mind ran wild, thinking there was something romantic going on between the two of you.
“Yes, of course.” She said, smiling. Henry continued to hold onto your arm as he led you over to the bar. You both reached the bar, and you turned to face him. “Thank you so much, you are my savior. I swore she was going to keep talking forever.” You said, holding onto both of his hands.
He chuckled. “You’re welcome. I’ve become pretty familiar with the family interrogation about your love life.” He told you. You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at him. “You expect me to believe that you’re single?” You asked, shocked.
A smile slipped onto his face. “And the flattery continues, you might be a little too dangerous for my ego.” He told you. Just like that, the butterflies returned to your stomach. You lightly hit his arm. “You know what I mean. You just never think that movie stars have a hard time finding a girlfriend.” You explained.
Henry wasn’t done teasing you yet though. “I know it’s hard to believe that we’re just regular people,” he joked, in his most dramatic voice. You rolled your eyes as you giggled to yourself.
You waved down the bartender and ordered drinks for you and Henry. As you waited, you caught Henry staring at you. “What?” You asked, almost worried you had something on your face.
“I just realized that this is the first time we’ve ever spent time together, just the two of us.” He told you. You thought about it and realized he was right. “So, are you realizing you picked the wrong sibling to be best friends with and that I’m way more interesting than my brother?” You joked.
He chuckled and looked down at his feet. “You do make pretty good company. The two of us should hang out more.” He told you, honestly.
The bartender placed down your two drinks. Before Henry could attempt it, you handed the bartender some cash. You held up your finger, stopping Henry from protesting.
“I owe you for saving me back there.” You told him. He thanked you and held up his glass. You clinked your glass against his own. “To new beginnings,” you said, smiling.
You both took a sip from your drinks, maintaining eye contact the whole time.
You had always been attracted to Henry, but this was the first time you were realizing how fun he was to just spend time with.
Henry caught a glimpse of your grandmother walking towards you both. He quickly grabbed your wrist and led you around to the side of the bar where you both couldn’t be seen.
“Was she coming back?” You asked, knowing exactly why he had done what he did. He nodded his head. “I swear, that woman is 80 years old, but her vision is still good enough to find the one person avoiding her from across a party.” You said, laughing. Henry laughed at your joke, almost choking on his drink.
Nothing made you feel more confident than making Henry laugh. It made you feel invincible.
You noticed a gate that let you go to the backside of the bar. You grabbed Henry’s hand and pulled him behind you as you lightly pushed the gate open.
It revealed a whole back private part of the rooftop. There was one of those electric fire pits surrounded by chairs and some other places to sit scattered around. The area was completely empty of people.
You kept Henry’s hand in yours as you walked over to one of the loveseats that was next to the fire pit. You took a seat and Henry kneeled down to flip the switch on as the flames quickly appeared.
He stood up and then sat down next to you. You felt like your heart was beating out of your chest. The fire provided a soft warmth that made you feel cozy.
You felt like your body was moving without your control as you leaned your head onto Henry’s shoulder. You didn’t know that Henry’s heart skipped a beat as you did it. He thought you looked absolutely gorgeous with the light from the fire reflecting on your face.
He moved his arm to rest it along the back of the seat. “It’s a really beautiful night.” You told him, admiring some of the stars in the sky.
“It is,” he agreed, “I’m glad I got to spend some time with you.” He let his arm move to wrap around your shoulders.
You were almost overwhelmed by the feeling of his arm wrapped around you and the smell of his cologne.
“Can I ask you something?” He asked, cautiously. You picked your head up from his shoulder to look him in the eyes. He moved his hand to rest on your thigh, sending goosebumps over your whole body.
Before he could even ask his question, you cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss. He wasted no time kissing you back. Within seconds, your hands were in his hair and his arms were wrapped around your waist.
His lips felt like heaven on yours. You hummed contently against the kiss, only encouraging Henry more. He grabbed your waist and pulled you into his lap, so you were straddling him.
You heard him groan against the kiss, running his tongue along your bottom lip.
You both seemed to have the same thought cross your minds at the same time, as you both pulled out of the kiss. You put your hands on his chest, keeping him from kissing you again.
“We shouldn’t,” you said, using all your effort to stop yourself. “I know.” He replied, simply.
You quickly got off his lap and stood up. “I should get going anyway. I have a flight to catch in the morning.” You said, trying to leave as soon as possible.
He stood up and grabbed your hand. “Wait, can I at least walk you to your car?” He asked you. You slowly nodded your head. He let go of your hand. Both of you knew exactly how complicated this was.
You both walked towards the elevators in silence. Neither of you said a word, until you got to your car.
You went to reach for your car door, but Henry stopped you. “Hey, I don’t want this to make things awkward between us.” He told you, honestly.
“What are we supposed to do? We both clearly like each other, but it would make things way too complicated with Theo.” You told him. He nodded his head. “I know that. Trust me, I wish you weren’t his sister. This would be so much easier. Can we at least just be friends?” He asked you.
You shrugged your shoulders, not knowing how to respond. “I don’t know, Henry. I don’t know if I can ignore the way I feel about you. We can’t let anything romantic happen between us, so it might be easier to not spend anytime together.” You told him.
He shook his head. “Neither of us want to avoid each other. We both get along really well, can we just try being friends?” He asked you. You thought about it for a second and eventually nodded your head.
“Have a safe flight tomorrow then,” he said, opening your door for you.
“Goodbye, Henry.” You said, smiling at him as you got in your car.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
Requests CLOSED
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alisonsfics · 3 months
i swear that part 4 of off limits will be here sometime soon. i have had most of it written for a while, but struggled with the ending, but it should hopefully be ready soon.
so catch up on everybody’s favorite henry cavill forbidden romance meets brother’s best friend story before part 4 comes out
part one / part two / part three
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alisonsfics · 2 months
off limits - part four
pairing: brothersbestfriend!henry cavill x reader
summary: henry was best friends with your brother, theo, which meant despite the clear chemistry between you two, you both had chosen to not date.
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 5 coming soon
word count: 3.2k
warnings: swearing, drinking, LOTS of flirting, many many smut references but no actual smut
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You and Henry both sat silently in his car. Since your car was booted, Henry convinced you to spend the night at his apartment. Now that you were sitting in Henry’s sleek black car, you realized how hard it was going to be for you both to keep your hands off each other.
“Have we just set ourselves up for failure?” You asked, looking over at Henry. His soft eyes met yours, and you wanted to melt. “Do you already want to kiss me? You gotta last a little longer than that before you want to cave.” He teased you.
You rolled your eyes at his mischievous smirk. “I always want to kiss you.” You said, glancing down at his lips.
“Oh, fuck, gorgeous. Don’t do that to me. You know I’m not strong enough to resist you.” He told you, honestly. He groaned to himself, taking a deep breath. He could see how much you wanted to crawl over the center console and kiss him. It didn’t help that he wanted it just as badly.
He slotted the key into the ignition, and the car roared to life. It sent butterflies into your stomach. There was something exciting about not knowing what was going to happen next.
“Can we please just…set some ground rules for tonight? I’m scared that if we don’t, this will end badly.” You begged him. He nodded his head, sharing your fears.
“First, no nicknames. I melt every time you call me Hen.” He confessed. You felt the same way every time he called you sweetheart.
“Also, you have to stop giving me the fuck me eyes.” You added, pointing at him. Your words caught him completely off guard. He let out a chuckle. “I’m sorry, the what?” He asked you, bewildered.
“The fuck me eyes,” you said, like it was common sense, “when I catch you looking at me from across the room, and I can tell you’re undressing me with your eyes. Or when your eyes look me up and down, and you bite down on your bottom lip.”
“I didn’t realize that I did that,” Henry said, recalling all the times he’d probably done that without meaning to. He hoped Theo had caught onto that little habit.
“Can’t blame me though, like when I saw you in that bikini tonight,” he said, glancing away from the road to look at you.
You quickly put your hands over your eyes. “Nope, that’s the look! Reel it in, tiger,” you said to him.
Henry held his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, I’m not looking anymore,” he said, telling you it was safe to uncover your eyes.
“Thank you for making me aware that that was something I did.” He told you, chuckling. You giggled with him. “Something you do all the time,” you corrected him. He knew you were probably right.
“That’s probably specific to when I’m around you. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known, you know that?” He told you. You felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment.
The way Henry looked at you was enough to make you weak in the knees. He looked at you like you were a work of art.
“Now that we’ve established some ground rules, you want to play some music?” He asked, handing his phone over to you.
“Oooo, I get to look at the Henry Cavill’s music taste. This should be good.” You said, intrigued as you took his phone. You noticed a picture of Henry and Kal was his wallpaper. Henry was wearing a tank top in the picture, and it really showed off his biceps, making you bite down on your lip.
“Oh come on, we talked about you calling me by my full name. It feels so formal. And I promise my taste in music isn’t that interesting,” he added.
You opened Spotify and saw a long list of playlists. They all were pretty much what you would expect: workout songs, road-trip tunes, songs for early mornings.
Then, a playlist caught your eye.
“songs that remind me of her✿”
You instantly felt a twinge of jealousy. You had stumbled across a playlist for an old girlfriend. How was that supposed to make you feel?
Your jealousy took over. You didn’t say a word, but clicked on the playlist to see what songs were on it.
You recognized that the first song on the playlist was your favorite song that you were always humming to yourself. The playlist was almost entirely comprised of love songs. You recognized most of the songs, with a few of them being forbidden love songs.
You felt your stomach do a flip when you realized that the playlist was made for you. You felt tears start to form in your eyes. You were overwhelmed with emotions, for two different reasons: 1.) It was the most romantic gesture anyone had ever made for you 2.) It made Henry seem even more perfect, and you could envision how loving and caring he would be in a relationship.
Henry noticed how quiet you got and saw you put your head into your hands.
“Hey hey hey, what’s going on?” He asked you, reaching over and placing his hand on your knee comfortingly.
He quickly pulled his car over to the side of the road. You had all of his attention. “Are you okay?” He asked you, his concern clear in his voice.
You looked over at him. Without overthinking it, you cupped his cheek and leaned in to kiss him. You kissed his soft lips and let your other hand rest on his chest.
His instincts kicked in, and he kissed you back. He poured everything he had into the kiss. He wanted you to feel just how much he adored and cared for you. His arms snaked down to your waist. He was seconds away from pulling you into his lap. You both had been thinking about doing this since that first night on the rooftop.
Then, he stopped himself.
He moved your hands off of him and pulled himself out of the kiss. “We both promised each other we wouldn’t let this happen.” He said, trying to make it clear that was the only reason he was stopping you.
“How else am I supposed to react when you are the sweetest guy I’ve ever met. And you’re better than every boyfriend I’ve ever had, and we’re not even dating.” You said, laughing at the irony.
He gave you a confused look. You flipped around the screen, so he could see what you were looking at.
“Oh, that. I made that while you were in Hawaii, and I was really upset that there was nothing I could do that would let me be with you.” He told you, honestly. You leaned your head over onto his shoulder. He ran his hand through your hair, trying to comfort you.
“Maybe, we try to come clean to Theo tomorrow? Maybe he’ll understand?” Henry suggested, seeing the look on your face. You sat up straight, shaking your head no.
“I know you’re Theo’s best friend, but you’ve never been his sister. He’s so protective when it comes to boyfriends. He’ll feel like we lied to him if we tell him we want to be together.” You told him, honestly.
“But I want to be with you and be the one to put a smile on your face everyday. If dealing with some criticisms and protectiveness from Theo is what it takes, then I’m willing to deal with it. That’s better than seeing you this upset.” He told you.
“You are the one to make me smile everyday, Henry, but I can’t risk your relationship with Theo. You guys have been best friends forever.” You explained, giving his hand a quick squeeze.
“We don’t deserve to be miserable forever. This whole situation is fucked.” He swore, hitting his steering wheel. He took a breath. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled. None of this is your fault.” He quickly apologized. You ran your hand over his bicep, trying to comfort him and let him know it was alright.
“I think we need to get our minds off this.” He said, smirking at you. You cocked your head to the side. “What do you have in mind?” You asked him, curiously.
“We’re gonna go to my apartment and get hammered,” he said, driving back onto the road. He started driving towards his apartment again. “That sounds fantastic. I’d say we deserve it after all the stuff we’ve been dealing with.” You told him, giggling to yourself.
You were game for anything that would get your mind off you and Henry’s situation.
Henry picked a random playlist, and you both sang along, completely ignoring the fact that you both still hadn’t come to an agreement on telling Theo or not.
It felt nice to just spend time with Henry and ignore the rest of the world.
You both pulled up outside Henry’s apartment. He quickly opened your door for you and led you up to his apartment.
He unlocked the front door and led you inside. You realized you had never been in Henry’s apartment. “This is a nice apartment. I love your paintings.” You complimented.
He chuckled and looked back at you. “You sound surprised that I know how to decorate.” He said, smirking at you.
“I’m just impressed,” you said, following him into the kitchen.
You watched as Henry’s back flexed as he reached up to grab two shot glasses out of the cabinet. He grabbed a bottle of liquor off his bar setup and poured two shots.
He handed one to you. “Ooo, yes, come to mama,” you cheered, graciously accepting the shot.
You both clinked your glasses together before downing the shots. “Hit me again, I dealt with an annoying ex-boyfriend tonight.” You told him, putting your glass back down. Henry didn’t protest, but instead smiled at you as you downed another shot.
You both started goofily dancing in the kitchen, while trying to drown your sorrows. It was working. You both had forgotten about all of it and were just laughing and having a good time.
“To that asshole Cameron,” Henry toasted as you both took another shot. You pursed your lips as the warm liquid washed down your throat. “He’s not that bad, Henry, I promise.” You tried to convince him.
Henry shook his head. “I think he knew I had a thing for you. Why else would he be talking about some date where he fucked you next to a lake and then try to hit on you?” He ranted.
You giggled at how jealous Henry was. When he was sober, Henry was great at biting his tongue. Now, that filter was almost completely gone.
“Maybe he hit on me because I’m hot and would be a great catch,” you suggested, smirking at Henry. He realized what he’d said. “I didn’t mean that the only reason to flirt with you was to make me jealous. You are obviously drop dead gorgeous. I mean, look at you.” He said, grabbing your hand and spinning you around.
“You’re not too bad on the eyes either,” you returned the light flirting. The filters that normally made you both keep your thoughts unspoken were now gone. Every flirty comment that crossed your mind was coming out your mouth, and the same for Henry.
“It’s really a shame you’re Theo’s sister because we’d be a pretty attractive couple.” Henry joked, earning some giggles from you. He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling your back towards his chest. He held onto you as you both laughed together, blissfully unaware of how’d you feel in the morning.
You attempted to pull out of Henry’s grasp. “Fuck, you’re strong. You arms are huge,” you mumbled in awe, as his muscular arm didn’t budge. His entire body was pressed against yours but his cheeks still turned pink as you complimented him.
Sober Henry would’ve dropped the subject and moved on, but drunk Henry had other plans.
“You should see what I can do with them,” he teasingly whispered in your ear.
It was your turn to be flustered. Images of Henry flipping you around and pinning you up against the wall flashed through your mind.
“Show me,” you whispered softly. Henry was constantly impressed with how you kept him on his toes.
You heard him gulp as he processed what you said. His grip on your waist loosened as you distracted him. You had been leaning towards him, so you both got sent tumbling to the ground.
Henry landed flat on his back, and you landed on top of him. You both met each others’ gaze and burst into laughter. The previous tension was almost completely gone, and you both were laughing in each other’s arms.
“Oh, hello there,” he said, still laughing and brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. You grinned as you looked down at him. “Don’t you kiss me, Cavill,” you teased him.
He cocked his head to the side. “You got to kiss me earlier,” Henry joked, tickling your side. You flopped over onto the ground next to him. He slowly got to his feet and helped you stand.
And that was the last thing you remembered.
The bright sunshine peeking in through the curtains woke you up, followed quickly by your pounding headache.
You glanced around at your surroundings, trying to remember where you were. It definitely wasn’t your apartment.
You were lying on a couch in a giant baggy tshirt that definitely wasn’t yours and a pair of boxers like pajama shorts.
You looked around for your phone and found it on the dining table that was scattered with empty red solo cups.
The thick smell of cologne on the shirt you were wearing caught your attention. It was Henry’s cologne. You remembered drinking and flirting with Henry in the kitchen, but nothing that happened after.
You slowly walked over to Henry’s open bedroom door. He was shirtless and in sweatpants as he haphazardly slept on top of the blankets.
You softly knocked on the door since your head was already pounding.
You had a pit in the bottom of your stomach. Knowing how drunk you’d been, you were worried that you and Henry slept together. You had promised yourself that you wouldn’t let it happen.
Henry slowly lifted his head off the bed when he heard you. “Morning. Fuck, my head hurts,” he swore to himself. He patted the spot next to him on the bed.
You flopped down next to him, trying to ignore how hot he was with messy hair and a morning voice.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked him, with a serious tone. He nodded his head and propped himself up on his arm, so he could look at you.
“We’re adults, so I’m just gonna ask you. Did we have sex last night? I can’t remember a fucking thing.” You asked him, bracing for his answer.
“I was wondering the same thing. The last thing I remember is us almost fucking against the fridge and then lying on the floor.” He told you, chuckling to himself. You took a deep breath, trying to force yourself to remember. Based on what you remembered, the two of you hooking up didn’t sound unlikely.
“Theo is gonna be so fucking pissed.” You mumbled, running your hands through your hair. Henry remembered the stakes and swore under his breath.
“Surely it doesn’t count if we don’t even remember it, right?” He asked, trying (unsuccessfully) to reassure you.
Despite your raging headache and sense of impending doom, it still made you giggle.
“I’m gonna go make us some coffee. You can stay here.” Henry said, climbing out of bed.
You waited patiently, as the warm smell of coffee filled his apartment. You grabbed your phone from beside you, then realized it was unlocked and it was Henry’s phone, not yours.
You shouldn’t have snooped, but it was open to his camera roll, showing a selfie of the two of you from last night. You accidentally swiped and saw another selfie that Henry must’ve accidentally taken.
It showed you taking a shot as Henry watched. He was as close to heart eyes as you can get. He was practically drooling watching you.
You swiped again, hoping you’d find a picture to jog your memory of last night. You were praying you didn’t come across anything too spicy of the two of you.
The next, and last, was a video. It started with Henry. You could see his bare shoulders and knew he was shirtless.
He was whispering to the camera, like he was telling it a secret. “She told me I could film this, and it’s gonna be the best moment of my life,” he slurred, sounding celebratory.
He set the phone down on a side table, and the video showed the whole room.
You both were playing beer pong from the looks of it. Then, you realized that Henry was shirtless and you had no pants on. You felt your heart sink as you realized that you both had played strip poker.
“Alright, you ready, Cavill?” You heard yourself ask Henry. Henry was practically clutching onto the table. You watched Henry’s reaction as you pulled your shirt over your head. He stared, speechless, at you standing across from him in a bra and panties.
“You still sure about that just friends thing?” Henry asked, nearing you in the video. You panicked thinking your fate was sealed. Then, you watched as you pushed Henry away in the video. “Don’t you dare. You know we can’t,” you watched yourself stop him.
You felt relief knowing that you still had some logic and reasoning, even while completely hammered.
Then, Henry walked back into his room with two cups of coffee. “Well, we definitely didn’t sleep together, but we did something else. Still stupid, but not as stupid.” You told him, graciously accepting the coffee mug.
“Oh no,” Henry mumbled as he sat beside you.
You flipped the phone screen around to show him. He nearly spit out his coffee. “We played strip poker, and I filmed it?” He asked, not believing what he was seeing.
“You need to make sure you didn’t accidentally send that to anyone. If that got sent to Theo, I will be moving to another country.” You told him. Henry chuckled to himself and took his phone to check if he had sent any texts last night.
“You mean sending your brother a video of us playing strip poker isn’t the best way to get him to eventually approve of us dating?” He said, sarcastically.
You watched Henry’s face as he scrolled through his phone. You noticed the way his eyes grew wider. You placed your hand on his forearm, practically holding on for dear life. “What did you find?” You asked, nervously.
“I have a text from Theo that asks if I want to hang out with you and him tomorrow, and I’m fucking scared to open the chat.” He said. This was the most nervous you had ever seen him.
He set down his mug on his bedside table and opened the message.
He breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that no videos had been sent to Theo.
“But why does he want to talk to us? Do you think he knows?” You spiraled.
“I’m sure it’s fine. There’s no way that he would know about us. Nobody knows, right?” Henry put on a face of confidence to keep you calm as he panicked on the inside.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @lillyssh-tposts @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @supernaturalstilinski @stephv213 @kingliam2019 @summersong69 @warriormirkwood @weirdpeoplecoolpeople @amalfoyandariddle @softestqueeen @shellyshellshell @wiesels @hannah9921 @luftmenzch @peaceinourtime82 @moonlightaura03 @kleinegamerin @henryownsme @one-sweet-gubler @narliesstuff @bibissparkles @stupiidfrogs @navs-bhat @mollymal
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alisonsfics · 1 year
off limits - part two
pairing: brothersbestfriend!henry cavill x reader
summary: henry was best friends with your brother, theo, which meant despite the clear chemistry between you two, you both had chosen to not date
part 1 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 coming soon
word count: 3.5k
warnings: suggestions/references to smut, but no actual smut
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When you woke up the morning after kissing Henry, you felt like you had made the biggest mistake of your life. You had the most amazing guy kissing you, and he was just as into you as you were into him, but you pushed him away.
Your logical brain knew that you both couldn’t realistically be together; after all, he was your brother’s best friend.
The other part of your brain knew how great Henry was and made you feel stupid for throwing that away.
You knew you needed to get Henry off your mind. You were going on a trip to Hawaii with your best friend for two weeks, and you couldn’t waste a vacation like that by thinking about a guy you could never have.
You hoped that this vacation would be the fresh start you needed.
You and your best friend, Grace, were currently sitting at the airport waiting for your flight. As you sat there struggling to keep your eyes open, you saw a text pop up on your phone.
It was from Henry…
It said “I hope that you have a good flight and a good first day of vacation. Don’t forget to take lots of pictures!”
You smiled to yourself. You glanced down at your watch and realized it was 5:30am, which left you wondering why Henry was up so early. Did he wake up early to text you? Was he just a morning person?
Grace noticed the smile on your face within seconds. “I know that look. Who’re you texting?” She asked, raising her eyebrows at you. You quickly hid your phone screen with your hand. “It’s not important,” you lied, even though you knew she could see through your lie.
“Oh my god, it’s a guy, isn’t it?” She asked you, curiously. After all the years of friendship, she had become a wizard at knowing exactly what you were thinking. “Okay fine, it’s a guy, but nothing is going on between us.” You told her.
She didn’t believe you, but she knew she had gotten as much information as she could by prying, so she moved on.
You thought about it for a second, and then texted Henry back.
“Thank you so much. I’ll text you when we land. Have a good day”
You couldn’t help the smile that popped up on your face when you thought about him.
Meanwhile, Henry was having a problem with how much he was thinking of you. He had been tossing and turning in bed all night, which is why he was awake to text you so early.
He had two alternating thoughts in his head. He kept replaying the kiss and your flirting in his head. He felt so frustrated that you both couldn’t be together. On the other hand, he also couldn’t stop thinking about what your lips tasted like and what it felt like to have you running your fingers through his hair.
He couldn’t get you out of his head, and he didn’t know what to do about it.
You and Grace finally boarded the plane after what felt like hours of waiting. After the plane took off, Grace busied herself by reading a book she packed. You had plans for a nap. You crossed your arms and fell asleep in seconds.
You felt the warmth from the sunlight on your skin as you laid in bed. You were reading the book from your bedside table and sipping your morning coffee. Then, the bed shifted next to you.
You looked to your left and saw a shirtless man roll over to face you. It was Henry. His hair was tousled from sleep, and he looked at you with a sleepy smile.
“Good morning, love,” you said, brushing some of his curls out of his face. You turned to set down your book and rolled over to face him. “You look gorgeous,” he said, kissing your bare shoulder.
“I love you,” you said, raking your fingers through his hair. He continued pressing kisses along your collarbone and chest before picking up his head.
“I had a really good time last night. Best anniversary ever.” He said, grabbing your hips with his large hands. He pulled himself on top of you and caressed your sides.
“What do you say to a round two?” You asked, admiring his naked torso. He smirked before cupping your face and kissing you. “I can never say no to you, sweetheart,” he mumbled.
You jolted awake and realized you were on the airplane still. “You alright?” Grace asked you, placing her hand on your shoulder. You nodded your head, catching your breath. “Just a dream. I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You said, excusing herself.
You went into the small airplane bathroom and splashed some cold water on your face. All your brain could think about was Henry, even when you were asleep. You didn’t know how you were going to survive this trip if you kept having dreams like that.
When you both finally landed, you sent Henry a quick text letting him know that your flight was good.
The first place you headed was the hotel to get changed and then straight to the hotel pool. The hotel was on the beachfront and also had a separate pool.
You and Grace immediately noticed how pretty the ocean was. There was islands in the distance and even a double rainbow. “C’mon, we have to go take a picture,” you said, grabbing her hand and dragging her with you.
You both took some pictures of the gorgeous view. “Do you want me to take a picture of you for you to send to your boyfriend?” She asked, smirking at you. You frowned and jokingly rolled your eyes. “Number one, he’s not my boyfriend. Number two, I would like a picture, but not to send to him.” You corrected her.
“Whatever you tell yourself,” she said, grabbing your phone to take your picture. Then, you both headed back to the pool. You quickly jumped in the water and leisurely swam around.
You got out of the water before Grace and laid in one of the pool chairs you had set your stuff down on. You stared at the picture on your phone of you on the beach. You wanted to send it to Henry, but you were nervous because you were wearing a bikini on it. You were insecure that he wouldn’t think you looked good, but you also didn’t want to push any boundaries since you had agreed to just be friends.
You ignored your brain and hit send.
You set your phone down, so you could stop worrying about it. Then, you locked eyes with a guy across the pool. He was staring at you.
You quickly looked away, hoping he wouldn’t bother you, but you were unsuccessful. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him get up and start walking toward you.
“Excuse me, beautiful.” He said, sitting down in the chair next to you. You looked over at him and gave him a half-hearted smile. “Can I buy you a drink?” He asked you.
Not only were you not interested, but even if he had seemed nice, you’d feel like you were cheating on Henry. You knew it was crazy because Henry wasn’t yours.
You quickly shook your head. “No, thank you. I actually have a boyfriend.” You lied, hoping he would leave you alone. He shrugged in response. “Well, I don’t see him.” He said.
Your blood began to boil with rage. “Just leave me alone.” You snapped at him. He still didn’t budge. “Show me your boyfriend then,” he argued.
You rolled your eyes. He was being ridiculous, but you wanted to get him to leave. You grabbed your phone, and without thinking you FaceTimed Henry.
It started to ring, and you prayed that he would answer. His face popped up on the screen, smiling at you. “Hey, baby,” you said, smiling back at him.
Henry furrowed his eyebrows at your use of the nickname. You hoped that he could tell from your expression that he needed to just play along. “Hi, beautiful. What’s up?” He asked, curiously.
“Can you tell this asshole to leave me alone and that you’re my boyfriend?” You asked him. It all clicked inside Henry’s brain, and he was furious. You flipped the screen around to show the guy. “Hey, you stay the fuck away from my girlfriend, okay? You understand me? She told you to go away, so just respect that or I’ll have to come beat your ass.” He threatened.
The guy finally walked away, and you turned the screen back to your face. You could see the concern on Henry’s face. “Are you safe now? Did he leave you alone?” He asked you, quickly.
You nodded your head. “I’m all good. Thank you though,” you said, sincerely. He didn’t seem satisfied with your answer. “Are you sure? I want you to be safe.” He told you. He wasn’t trying to hide the fact that he was worried about you.
“I promise I’m alright, Henry. I think we were going to head up to our room anyway. Thank you for being so sweet and caring.” You said, smiling. Finally, a smile formed on his face. “Of course, I’m always here for you. Also, that picture you sent me, absolutely beautiful.” He said.
You felt your heart beat faster from his compliment. You convinced yourself that he was talking about the view and he wasn’t talking about seeing you in a bikini.
You saw Grace walking towards you, so you knew you needed to end the call. “Thank you. I have to get going, but have a good rest of your day.” You told him.
“You too. Stay safe,” he told you before hanging up.
Grace walked up to you, and you could tell she hadn’t seen the phone call. “You want to head up to the room before we have to get ready for dinner?” You asked her.
She nodded, and you both headed upstairs.
You both spent some time unpacking your suitcases and organizing your stuff since you had some time before you had to leave.
You couldn’t stop thinking about how sweet and protective Henry had been. Maybe it was just normal human decency to want your friend to be safe from creepy guys, but it just made you think about how loving he would be if you both were dating.
He would always make sure you were safe, and you’d never have to deal with another pushy guy again.
You couldn’t help but feel mad at Theo. It wasn’t even his fault that you and Henry couldn’t be together, he didn’t even know about your kiss or anything. You knew that you and Henry were making the right decision, but that didn’t make it feel any better.
After cleaning up and watching a movie or two, you decided to take a shower before you had to leave for dinner. Grace grabbed the tv remote and put on some random sitcom to keep her busy.
She felt the couch start to move next to her. She glanced over, thinking her phone was ringing. She saw a picture of Henry on the screen and realized it was your phone, and that Henry was trying to FaceTime you.
Her first thought was that something bad happened to Theo, so Henry was calling to tell you. She quickly answered it, thinking it was an emergency.
Henry’s face popped up on the screen as she clicked accept. She could tell he was shocked to see her. “Oh uh, hey Grace.” He said, confused.
“Hey Henry. She’s in the shower right now. Is everything okay with Theo? Did something happen?” She asked, anxiously. Henry quickly realized what she was thinking and shook his head. “No no, nothing like that. Theo’s fine. I just called to check in and talk to her. She doesn’t need to call me back though if she’s busy. You don’t need to bother her for me.” He told her.
She slowly nodded her head and tried to figure out why your brother’s best friend was calling you “just to talk.”
“Okay then, see you later, Henry.” She said, hanging up the phone. Her mind was running wild with all the possible reasons why Henry called you.
The most logical one was that you both were together, and she was intrigued. A secret relationship between you and your brother’s best friend was pretty interesting.
She impatiently waited for you to get out of the shower to ask you all her questions. You, of course, had no idea what was coming your way when you left the bathroom.
You immediately made eye contact with Grace, and she was wiggling her eyebrows at you. She quickly patted the spot next to her on the couch.
You gave her a confused look before sitting next to her. “What’s up with you?” You asked her. She smirked. She wanted to tease you and make you wait, but she couldn’t wait any longer to ask you questions.
You grabbed your water bottle to take a sip while she made you wait a few seconds.
“So, when were you going to tell me that you were secretly fucking your brother’s best friend?” She asked, causing you to almost choke on your water.
Grace seemed pretty amused by your reaction. “What the hell are you even talking about?” You asked. You didn’t have a clue where she could’ve gotten an idea like that. She just grinned to herself.
“A certain handsome man tried to call you while you were in the shower.” She told you. You could feel your eyes go wide. “Henry called? Wait, did you answer it? Why would you do that? And what did he tell you?” You asked, bombarding her with questions.
Grace could tell from your response that she was definitely on the right track. You wouldn’t have cared this much is she was way off base.
“Slow down, too many questions. I answered because I was worried something happened with Theo. Only to find out, he called just to check in on you, which would be fine except he’s your brother’s friend not yours. So, either he likes you and you are the most oblivious person on the planet or you two are sleeping together. Judging by your reaction, I would assume it’s the second option.” She told you.
You felt like your mind was racing. Henry had called you, just to talk. “Henry and I aren’t sleeping together.” You told her, even though you had a feeling she wouldn’t believe you.
“Really? Cause I saw how excited and smiley he looked before he realized I answered the phone and not you. Also, did you just see how you reacted when I brought him up?” She asked you.
You took a deep breath. You knew you’d have to tell her the whole story for her to believe you. “Okay fine, I’ll tell you.” You confessed. The smile on her face grew as she clapped excitedly.
“So, Henry and I kissed at Theo’s party.” You told her, knowing to pause because she’d have a comment to make. Grace nearly squealed and playfully hit your arm. “And you didn’t tell me? This is huge! Also, what kind of kiss are we talking? Like a little peck or a proper kiss?” She asked you.
You could feel your face heat up, and she noticed. “Oh, it was a real kiss. Like, I may have ended up in his lap.” You admitted, timidly. Grace's jaw dropped. “You’re kidding! You tried to play this off like an innocent little kiss at a party, but you guys were properly making out. Is he a good kisser?” She asked you, excitedly.
“Yeah, he was a really good kisser.” You told her, smiling. All of the feelings of that night were coming flooding back to you. “So, why didn’t you tell me that you had a new man?” She asked you, poking your arm.
“Because I don’t.” You told her, simply.
She frowned at you. “I think you do. You both made out on a rooftop, and the next day he’s calling just to talk to you.” She told you. She was so excited for you. She knew Henry was a great guy, and she could tell you liked him a lot.
“After the kiss, we both decided it was a bad decision. It would make things really awkward with Theo, and neither of us want to do that. So, we decided to just stay friends and not overcomplicate anything. It would get too messy.” You told her, even though it made you feel like you a punch in the gut.
“Oh, sweetheart. I’m so sorry.” She said, pulling you into a tight hug.
You both stayed like that for a while. It felt nice to get it off your chest, but talking about your kiss with Henry made you want a relationship with him more.
“I think we need to go and have an amazing night at dinner to cheer you up. What do you say?” She said, trying to make you feel better. You nodded and then went to go get dressed for dinner.
You both had a great night at dinner, and you weren’t even thinking about Henry. Until you got back to the hotel room and Grace quickly fell asleep, so you were alone with your thoughts again.
You were still dressed up from dinner, and you grabbed your phone and headed to the balcony connected to your room to call Henry back.
You curled up on the comfy sofa on the balcony and hit the call button.
Within seconds, Henry’s face appeared on the screen. He had a sweet smile when he saw your face. “Hey, you. How’re you doing?” he said, softly.
You smiled back at him. “I’m doing good. We just got back from dinner. We went to this really nice restaurant. The food was delicious. It was nice to get all dressed up too.” You said, panning the camera down a little to show him your dress.
“You look stunning. I’m glad you had a good time. Kal and I had a nice night in. We ordered some pizza and watched some movies.” He said, turning the screen so you could see Kal cuddled up to his side.
As amazing as your night was, you wished you had been with Henry. A pizza movie night wearing your pajamas with Henry and Kal sounded like a perfect evening.
“Awww, tell the little guy I said hi when he wakes up.” You said, smiling. Henry couldn’t even get the smile off his face.
“So, I don’t know if you heard, I tried to call you earlier. Sorry if I freaked Grace out, but you don’t need to call me back if you’re busy.” He told you. You were still so flattered at how sweet he was.
“No, it’s okay. Grace gets it. I may have told her about what she’s now calling our rooftop make out. She just kept asking questions, and I kinda caved. She won’t tell anybody though. But anyway, I just really needed to talk to you after today.” You told him, honestly. He chuckled at the joke Grace had made, but then was just as serious as you were.
He knew exactly what you meant. He really needed to talk to you and just hear your voice.
“So, I’m assuming today was just as hard for you as it was for me?” He asked, sighing. You just nodded your head. “It’s kinda been hell,” you told him, honestly.
“I spent all day wondering if we made the right decision, and I can’t stop replaying last night in my head. I keep trying to come up with any way that we could make this work.” He told you, and you could hear the disappointment in his voice.
“Did you come up with anything yet?” You asked, even though you knew there was no loophole.
He chuckled to himself and shook his head. “Trust me, if there was a way, I’d be on the first flight to Hawaii.” He said. You felt a pull on your heartstrings.
“I wish that could happen, but I think we’re doing the right thing and that’s what sucks so much.” You told him. He nodded his head, agreeing with you. “I would never want to do anything to hurt Theo, but god, this is hell.” He confessed.
You could see the frustration in his eyes. “Is it bad that I keep wondering if us being friends is making this better or worse?” You asked him.
He let out a light laugh. “No, I keep thinking about it too. I feel like this is just making it ten times harder on us, but I can’t stand the thought of never talking to you again.” He told you.
An idea popped into your head. “So, what if we didn’t talk the rest of the time I’m in Hawaii. Then, we could meet up for lunch or something when I get back?” You suggested. You could see him thinking about it before he responded.
“I think that’s a really smart idea, but promise me that if there is anymore creepy guys, you won’t hesitate to call me.” He asked you. You nodded and smiled at him. “I promise.” You said, softly.
You both said goodnight and then hung up the phone and went to bed.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213 @kingliam2019 @summersong69 @warriormirkwood @weirdpeoplecoolpeople
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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alisonsfics · 1 year
off limits - part three
pairing: brothersbestfriend!henry cavill x reader
summary: henry was best friends with your brother, theo, which meant despite the clear chemistry between you two, you both had chosen to not date.
part 1 / part 2 / part 4 / part 5 coming soon
word count: 3.7k
warnings: drinking, swearing, some flirting, references to sexual situations
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Not talking to Henry for the rest of your vacation was an impossible task. Every time something cool or funny happened, you wanted to text him about it.
Also, your imagination wasn’t helping. Whenever you saw couples on vacation together, you couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to go on a romantic getaway with Henry…
You would go for couples massages and end up hanging out by the poolside bar. After a nice night out at dinner, you’d head back to your room to relax.
You’d both say you were going to watch a movie, but end up zoning the movie out and talking to each other. Henry would mention how he felt kind of awkward at the couples massage. He would jokingly bring up the fact that you both could have given each other massages for free, so you both would naturally try it out.
It would start off with you both not being able to stop giggling, and it would be really silly since neither of you knew what you were doing. It would end up with Henry fucking you into the hotel mattress after you both got a little too turned on. This would then turn into going to a late breakfast the next day after being exhausted from your activities the night before.
It all would have just been so much more simple if you and Henry could be together. When yours and Grace’s plane landed back home, you couldn’t wait to get back to your house and relax. As you both leisurely walked through the busy airport, you couldn’t help but hope that Henry had showed up at the airport.
Let’s get this clear, you knew it was unreasonable, especially since you both were putting so much effort into remaining just friends.
Nonetheless, your hopeless romantic self couldn’t help but hope that Henry had found a way you both could be together and was going to surprise you at the airport in a sweet romantic gesture.
You knew it was stupid to get your hopes up for something that wouldn’t happen, but you couldn’t stop yourself. When Henry wasn’t there waiting for you, you couldn’t help but feel a tad bit disappointed.
Little did you know, he desperately wanted to surprise you at the airport. He had missed talking to you so much, but you both had agreed to not talk to each other for a few days. It had been really hard for you both trying to stay just friends, so you wanted to see if it’d be easier to just not see each other.
He wanted to respect the decision you both made, but at the same time, he wanted to run to you and pull you into his arms.
You finally got home after a long Uber ride with Grace. You unpacked your suitcase and settled in for a night-in.
Theo had invited you to dinner party for tomorrow night, so you picked out your outfit ahead of time. It was just supposed to be some family and friends. You had called Theo to find out if Henry would be there, and he told you that Henry had plans, so you weren’t as nervous for the party.
When it came to the night of the party, you put chose a new red dress you had bought that made you feel really confident. You were determined to have an amazing night and not think about Henry.
You got to the party and knocked on the door. You waited for a minute or two and then Theo answered the door. “Hey, there you are. I was wondering when you were going to get here.” He said, pulling you into a hug.
“Yeah, there was so much traffic on the highway.” You told him as you walked into the house. You saw your mom talking to Sarah in the living room and smiled at them as you walked towards them.
As you walked across the room, you saw the last person you expected to see at this party.
It was Cameron.
Cameron was a guy that you dated in high school, who was coincidentally semi-friends with Theo. Maybe you just had a thing for guys your brother was friends with.
To be fair, Cameron and Theo were only kind of friends. And that didn’t stop you or Cameron from dating. You both had started flirting before you were even aware that he knew your brother. He was in your homeroom class, which is where you met him.
You both started to like other people and decided to break up. It was all mutual, and you remained polite after that when you saw each other at school. The two of you hadn’t seen each other since he graduated. You didn’t even follow each other on social media.
You felt a pit in your stomach seeing him across the room. It wasn’t like either of you disliked each other, but it was sure to be awkward.
You made a beeline for your mom and Sarah, very eager to avoid talking to Cameron for now.
“Hey, how are you guys?” You said, exchanging small talk and hugs with them. You all exchanged some pleasantries. “So, mom did you know Cameron would be here? I didn’t think Theo and him were even friends still.” You whispered.
Sarah decided to fill you in. “Theo and I ran into him at the grocery store because he’s apparently in town visiting some people. So my very extroverted fiancé thought it was only polite to invite him to dinner tonight.” She told you.
“Yeah, that sounds like Theo to me.” You said, giggling at the oddness of the situation. You were definitely glad that you and Theo were on good terms.
“If you’ll excuse me for a second, Cameron and I just made eye contact. So, I’m going to avoid that conversation and head to the bathroom.” You said, and then quickly turned to walk toward the bathroom. It was a little embarrassing that your first response was to run away from your problems, but you didn’t want to have any awkward conversations tonight.
You walked down the hallway that lead to the bathroom, and you could see the bathroom light was on, meaning someone was inside. “Oh, come on.” You mumbled to yourself. You leaned against the wall next to the door, waiting semi-impatiently. You were hoping Cameron wouldn’t look down the hallway and spot you.
“Oh, please hurry up,” you said, moving in front of the door and raising your hand to knock on the door.
Just before your fist could hit the door, the door started to open. You quickly put your hand down to not embarrass yourself. Then, Henry was standing in front of you.
You both froze where you were standing. It was the first time seeing him since the kiss, and you weren’t prepared to see him at all.
“Oh…uh, hi,” you said, at a loss for words. A small smile spread onto his face. “Hi, you look…wow, you look great.” He told you, causing your cheeks to heat up.
“Theo told me you had plans and that you wouldn’t be able to make it tonight.” You told him, explaining why you were so surprised to see him.
“Yeah, my plans got cancelled at the last minute, and plus I couldn’t miss an opportunity to see you, could I?” He told you, softly.
You frowned at him. “Come on, Henry. Stop staying cute stuff like that and making me want to kiss you.” You said, taking a deep breath.
“Would one kiss hurt that bad?” He asked you, slyly. You crossed your arms. “Henry, I’m serious.” You said, turning around and walking back into the living room.
You knew he was only joking, but all the flirting made it so much harder to deal with the fact that you couldn’t date.
You joined Theo and Sarah, where they were talking. “Hey, sis” Theo said, cheerily.
“You didn’t tell me that Henry was going to be able to make it.” You mentioned to him. Theo furrowed his brows in confusion. “I only found out this morning, and I didn’t think you cared. Did something happen with you both?” He asked you.
You quickly shook your head. “No, it’s nothing.” You lied.
“There she is,” you heard someone say behind you. You glanced over your shoulder and saw Cameron. He stood in between you and Theo. “How have you been? You look great.” He told you.
You politely thanked him and made some small talk. The four of you had moved on and were now talking about Theo and Sarah’s first date, and more specifically, how awkward it was.
Henry joined your circle, standing between Theo and Sarah, and gave Theo a small smile. Henry looked more solemn and upset than normal, probably from you storming off.
“I swear, our date was so awkward. I went to kiss her at the end of the date and I completely missed her lips. I thought she’d never talk to me again, and now we’re getting married.” Theo said, laughing as he told the story.
Then, one of your family members came over to grab Theo for a minute.
Cameron decided to keep the conversation going. “I’ve had plenty of awkward first dates. Hell, I’ve had awkward fifth dates. Don’t tell Theo this but like our date down by the lake when we…you know.” Cameron said, glancing over at you. Your eyes went wide, not actually believing he was telling this story.
Henry choked on the sip of his drink he had just taken. “You alright, man?” Cameron asked him, unaware of the situation between the two of you.
“Cameron and I dated in high school.” You said, filling Henry in. He nodded his head, but you could see the jealousy in his eyes. “I’m going to go get some fresh air for a minute.” Henry said, walking away.
“I’m gonna go talk to him and see if he’s okay.” You said, quickly following after him. You walked out the front door and saw Henry sitting on the swinging bench on the porch. He looked absolutely pissed.
“Can I sit?” You asked him. “What do you want?” He said, his eyes shooting daggers at you. That was when you realized he was mad at you.
“I was coming to talk to you. Why are you so upset?” You asked him. He just laughed and looked at the ground. He stood up to face you. “Do you remember when you called me in Hawaii and we talked that night?” He asked you.
“Of course I remember that. I was almost in tears as we talked about how badly we wished we could be together.” You told him, confused as to what he was thinking.
“Did you mean any of it?” He asked, and you could hear the hurt in his voice. His question broke your heart. “What the hell are you trying to accuse me of?” You asked.
“I told you how hard all of this was for me, and I thought you felt the same way. I felt bad for pushing the kiss joke earlier, but then I find out the only reason you didn’t want me to make the joke was because you were here with your ex-boyfriend as your date.” He told you, “I just can’t believe I thought we both felt the same way about each other.”
“No no no, Henry that’s not what happened.” You said, reaching forward to grab his hand.
“Then what did happen?” He asked.
“Cameron is just friends with Theo. That’s why he’s here. I promise, he’s not my date. When I ran into you in the hallway, I was avoiding having to talk to him. I promise, it’s not like that.” You said, taking another step forward to see if he’d back up.
He didn’t.
He let his hands cup your face and then leaned forward resting his forehead against yours. “I really want to believe you. I want to believe that all of this between us isn’t just in my head.” He told you, honestly.
“Then, believe me. I know how hard all of this has been. It's been making me second guess everything too, but you can trust me.” You said, softly. You both heard the front door open, and you jumped apart from each other.
“Hey, there you guys are.” Theo said, smiling once he saw you both. You both smiled back. “Hey, Theo. I was just helping Henry look for his phone in his car.” You quickly lied.
“Oh, okay. Dinner is ready. Oh, but Henry, I want to come show you something.” He said, beckoning Henry will his hand.
After they both left, you felt like you still didn’t know where you stood with Henry.
You walked into the house and grabbed a seat at the long table next to Sarah. You complimented her food and told her how good it looked.
There was two empty seats across from you both, which is where you assumed Theo and Henry would sit when they came back.
Theo appeared and sat down across from you. You wondered where Henry was, and you were concerned he left after your argument. Then, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Henry with a drink in his hand. “This is for you,” he said, handing the drink to you.
You gave him a soft smile and thanked him. Then, he went to the other side of the table to sit next to Theo.
Dinner was going great. Sure, Henry was glaring at Cameron every time that he spoke, but other than that, it was fine.
Everybody as the group was engaged in their own side conversations. You were talking with both Theo and Sarah, and technically Henry, but he was being quieter than normal.
“Oh, Henry. That reminds me. Sarah met this new girl the other day at the gym, and we think you’d really like her.” Theo told him. You felt your heart drop.
You couldn’t help but feel massively jealous, which you knew was crazy because whether you liked it or not, Henry wasn’t yours.
“Oh, yeah. Okay.” Henry replied, still not feeling very talkative.
You could now imagine how Henry felt when he thought Cameron was your date.
After dinner, Theo invited everyone to go swimming in the pool outside. Theo’s pool was the best part of the entire house. It even had a little mini-island that you could swim around.
After most of the people had headed outside, you headed to the bathroom to change into a bathing suit.
You had gotten dressed but couldn’t manage to get your bikini straps tied. They just seemed to keep slipping themselves undone.
You thought you heard Sarah walk by the door. You clutched your top to your chest and poked your head into the guest room, where you heard the noise.
You came face to face with Henry. “Oh, sorry. I was looking for Sarah. I didn’t mean to bother you.” You apologized.
“You don’t have to apologize, but are you okay? Do you need something?” He asked you.
You shook your head. “I was just going to ask Sarah to tie my bathing suit, but I know you’re mad at me, so don’t worry about it.
He sighs to himself while staring into your eyes. “C’mere,” he says, softly.
You walk over towards him and turned around. You felt one of his warm hands press up against your back. You were sure that he saw the goosebumps that jumped up on your skin when he touched you.
He slowly took the strings and tied them together. His hands lingered on your back, sliding down to land on your hips.
You could feel his breath on your neck as he held you close in front of him. “You know, I’m not mad at you,” he whispered. You noticed you were holding your breath as he whispered into your ear.
“You seemed pretty mad earlier.” You replied, you both still weren’t facing each other.
“I was just pissed at that asshole, Cameron. I shouldn’t have yelled at you or said I didn’t believe you.” He said, practically growling when he said Cameron’s name. You could sense just how jealous he was.
You both couldn’t deny how good it felt to be so close to each other. He loved having his hands on you, and both of you had fully blocked out the voice of reason in your head that normally would have stopped you.
“You know, he’s not an asshole. I mean, he’s not you, but he’s not that bad.” You said. You could feel his grip on your hips tighten. “Really? Then why did he…nevermind.” He said, cutting himself off.
You smirked to yourself. You turned around so you were facing him. He let his arms fully wrap around your waist. “I think I know why you really hate him.” You said, smirking. He cocked his head to the side, curious to what your answer was.
“I think you’re jealous that he’s fucked me and you can’t.” You whispered. There was silence in the room.
“I know we shouldn’t, but I really want to fucking kiss you right now.” He said, softly. It pained you to lean away from Henry. All you wanted to do was lean in and kiss him, but you knew that you would hate yourself in the morning. "We really shouldn't, Hen," you told him, taking a step back.
"Oh, come on. The nickname? You know exactly what you're doing to me, sweetheart." He said, his eyes staring into yours. You felt your insides turn to jelly as he called you sweetheart. "Okay, fair point with the nickname. So, we agree no nicknames? Because I don't think I'll be able to keep my hands off you if you call me sweetheart one more time." You told him, practically melting from the way he was looking at you.
"Really? That's all I have to say? Don't tempt me," he teased you, causing you to cross your arms.
"C'mon, let's go out to the pool." You said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him behind you. Not many people could just pull Henry Cavill wherever they wanted. He was 6'1" and just under 200 pounds of pure muscle, but he was so infatuated with you, he'd go wherever you told him to. He was completely wrapped around your finger.
You both joined everyone by the pool. You were trying to spend some time with Theo, mostly to distract yourself from the glorious sight that was Henry. He was shirtless and was currently dripping water after dunking himself in the pool. You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders as you were talking to your brother. You turned, expecting to see Henry, but instead were face-to-face with Cameron. You could tell just from his breath that he was drunk.
"We're not doing this," you said, removing his arm from you. "But, you're so beautiful, and I have missed you so much." He slurred his words.
You took a step back from him as he tried to grab you again. "Alright, come on, man. I'm gonna bring you inside," Theo said, bringing Cameron in the house and away from you. You turned around to watch as they left and made eye contact with Henry, who was lying down on a lounge chair.
You tried to distract yourself from your immediate reaction, which was how easy it would be to go sit in his lap and kiss him. You walked over to him, giving him a soft smile. "Hey, you," he said, sitting up so that you could sit down next to him. You leaned your head against his shoulder and groaned. "Something wrong?" He asked you, nudging your leg with his own.
"Well my ex-boyfriend is very drunk and trying to get back together with me, so there's that." You ranted, running your hand through your hair. He frowned in response, patting your pack comfortingly even though his blood was boiling. "I'm sorry," he told you softly.
You shook your head. "It's okay. I'm probably gonna head home and hope that I never have to see Cameron again." You told him. He stood up and grabbed your hands, pulling you to your feet. "I'll walk you out," he told you.
You both walked inside, and you quickly went to the bathroom to change out of your bathing suit. When you came out, you noticed that Henry had done the same. You both headed towards the front door, with Henry obviously opening the door for you. When you got to your car, you saw that your tire had a parking boot on it.
You stopped dead in your tracks. "Are you fucking kidding me?" you said, grabbing the ticket off your windshield.
"They put a boot on my car, and it says they'll only come between 9 and 5 to remove it. How am I supposed to get home?" You complained. You ran your hand through your hair, letting out an exasperated sigh. Henry pulled you into a hug. "Hey, don't worry about it. I will give you a ride, and then I can bring you back tomorrow. It'll be fine." he told you.
He grabbed your hand and guided you towards his car. "Hey, you look stressed. It's all good, I promise. No more stress." He said, brushing a piece of your hair behind your ear before opening your door for you.
"Thank you," you said, pulling him into a hug. He ran his hand up and down your back, comforting you. "How about you come over to my apartment tonight and we can hang out? Not for anything like that, just to spend some time together." He suggested. You pulled away from him for a second, staring into his eyes. "You promise to not use any pet names? We both know that would be disastrous for us." You said, knowing it would just take him calling you sweetheart once for you both to end up in bed.
"I promise," he told you. While he kept that promise, it would definitely be a night you would remember forever.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213 @kingliam2019 @summersong69 @warriormirkwood @weirdpeoplecoolpeople @amalfoyandariddle @softestqueeen @shellyshellshell @one-sweet-gubler @moonlightaura03 @kleinegamerin @henryownsme
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my fics or for a specific character/fandom!!!
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