#brotp: hammered from the stuff they make leaders out of
lordgheleon-main · 5 years
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aloy & petra - hzd edits [1/?]
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rubberduckyrye · 5 years
angie and tsumugi for the list thing please!
Send me a character and I’ll list: (Angie)
Favorite thing about them - Honestly I didn’t originally like Angie much until I saw a comic that compared her to Kokichi and then I realized I really liked that interpretation. So I like that she has a far stronger, more unbreaking mask than Kokichi’s mask. Like is there even a single canon sad Angie sprite? I know she has a creepy/angry sprite...
Least favorite thing about them - The racism in her writing, eugh. I still don’t know what to do with her, as the person who writes for her in Twins AU. Do I completely rework her entire background? Do I keep it? What do I do with this girl...
Favorite line - Sadly she doesn’t have many memorable moments for me. I did like it when she started her cult and broke the flashback light. There’s a post that points out she was the first (well no, she’s not the first--sorry to say Angie fans, but Kokichi was actually the first, but she was the first to be blunt about it) to point out that the flashback lights are dangerous and the class shouldn’t be using them. The whole cult arc shows a lot of her character-someone kind of forced into a leadership role who knows how to manipulate people but doesn’t really know how to be a true leader. Kind of spoiled for being “god’s chosen one”, not used to being yelled at or being told “no”... I like the revelations about her personality in the cult plot.
BrOTP - I BrOTP her and Kokichi tbh
OTP - Uuuuuuuh I don’t really know. I don’t really have any ships with her.
NOTP - Nothing in particular tbh
Random headcanon - If I decide to go ahead and rewrite her entire backstory, I’m not going to completely dismiss the stuff from canon--in fact, I’m probably going to write it off as Angie trying to mess with people and see how much of her bullshit they’ll believe. 
Unpopular opinion - I think Angie’s writing needs a lot of reworking and Angie needs more character and depth. Aside from headcanons, she’s very... one note and flat. Give her development! Though idk if that’s an unpopular opinion...
Song I associate with them - Well with what I’ve said about her being spoiled and not really knowing how to lead people effectively and properly,  I can see this cover of Regret Message by Lizz fitting Angie well. Especially for the few ideas I do have for her...
Favorite picture of them - This Sprite:
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Send me a character and I’ll list: (Tsumugi)
Favorite thing about them - I really love the “wolf in sheep’s clothing” plot twist with her actually? Like it was something I wanted from the DR series for a while
Least favorite thing about them - Hm... She’s not very interesting? Maybe it’s because I’m not a super cosplay nerd, or maybe she’s of too average until the twist? I think making her far more appealing and likable/have something interesting about her that catches the viewer’s/player’s/reader’s attention would have made that betrayal all the more bitter and in that respect, kind of more satisfying (in a bad but good way.)Though, I think I personally would have been more mad about it in retrospect. I went into DRV3 knowing she was the mastermind, but I was under the impression she was an unwilling mastermind. I was really looking forward to seeing her motives and reasons and that sort of moral complexity was the only thing that kept me interested in her until I learned that I was lied to... I really wish she had been an unwilling mastermind, I would have been so down for that kind of morally complex situation.
Favorite line - She has a couple of good one liners, but tbh, I can’t really remember most of them. 
BrOTP - Uhhhhhhh... I need to see her Talent Development Plan stuff to see her interacting with others on a more friendly level (if she even does...) because I don’t have a lot of ideas as to how she’d behave in actual social situations. In V3, she was a part of the group sure, but she wasn’t... a part of it. She was kind of distant, not really seen making friends with anyone in particular. She seemed more like an acquaintance at most. 
OTP - None, to be honest. Though sometimes I imagine Tsumugi and Kiyo being into each other because............ well ya’ll know what they have in common.....
NOTP - I can’t imagine her with Kokichi or Kaito. Like I’ve actually seen people (who hate Kaito) pair him with her and I guess it has me bitter xD And aside from Maki being god awful to Kokichi, Tsumugi is the second worst (if not worse than Maki) because of how active she is at pinning everyone against Kokichi. Like holy shit. She’s hammering down that “he’s the outsider” shtick from day one. What a little--
Random headcanon - I kinda like the idea of Tsumugi being one of Rantaro’s lost sisters tbh
Unpopular opinion - I like Tsumugi as an unwilling mastermind and victim herself more than the wolf in sheep’s clothing idea.
Song I associate with them - Okay I kind of associate Bad Apple with Tsumugi tbh and there’s no real reason why other than “Old anime weeb song” xD
Favorite picture of them - Gotta love that classic glasses anime trope:
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maneaterwithtail · 6 years
Character I Love Meme: Axebear
Time to take my own advice, while slow on the adaptation analysis project Fangbone Page II Screen (its tag search for it) That's mainly as I only have a tablet and need a terminal and time to really try to hammer out entries. Which, looking back, haven't been good enough I can't fault a lack of discussionGetting a little down on the project I figured should at least try to have some interest in Fangbone and discussion on it stirring, especially if want robust discussion outside of Fangbill pairing, which I have disinclination for but is easily, and understandably, the most popular subject and stuff on the Fangbone tag.
Still want to Promote @rubyreddraws @g-00lden @cordset and others and appreciate likes from folks but really more of a forum/conversation sort as to socmedia guy. But I hear using standard memetic questionnaires can cause discussion on threads to keep up, if no fanart or theories to really go into...also sucker for design and feel, in a way character needs more love.
Whole series does, but I think appreciation of animated Fangbone's leader-cheiftain is in order for those who like interesting and thick characters who have character and not just a joke either. Though is a joke, but so is EVERYONEon the show, but a nuanced one with lots of valiance
1: Orientation headcanon
Functionally bisexual.  Prefers/more familiar with men and dismissive overall of feminity but not *self consciously* macho 
2: otp
Him, Ms. Gillian, and Twinklestick.  Likely after some character growth for him, some respect for the last, and Ms. Gillian gets her muscled man meat who knows she’s a prize.
3: brotp
His battle Brother died some time ago and he’s found no replacement worthy for the honor to entitle, so tends to act “alone” or with subbordinates 
(bonus points if looks like GN Axebear...or maybe not).  Technically is kind of this with Twinklestick but has ISSUES about “softbelliedness” and being civilized and so on.  Also it was sort of a shotgun arrangement (needed a wizard, couldn’t pay him in material wealth, position by elderhood/capture-marriage was the workaround)  But get along as seen in show with begrudging concession though takes for granted
4: notp
One-eye the Slippery...Just got a thing of “all antagonism is UST” though do see them getting more Bro-like.. but more hate One-eye for being a living conflict ball and asshole
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Basically the Mighty Lizard Clan, in my head, have taboos on relationships which he follows, if not embodies.  That includes same sex relations but to us they would seem peculiar in specificity versus our assessment.  (you always sleep with men why freaked out at two of them marrying and raising a kid together? Why mock hetero marriage or think child custody works like dividing lovestock birth!!!)
As Chieftain he’s physically intimate (that oil rub demand) with tribesmen in certain ways.  But affection if not codified in writing comes with specific rules/guidance he knows and expected to follow.  Also if abusive, well can be challenged or they can leave and spread word of how treated, which is shameful (as mentioned relations not be public, plus other stuf)
 Hilariously, while known and universal in Skullbania, committed marriage is rare amongst the Mighty Lizard Clan. Fangbone’s parents are unique or rare in the clan. The clan being predominantly male and most procreating comes through inverted demographic clans, or wandering wench groups, during special days of revelry (which the Chief is expect to lead/direct) and meetups, or “bridal stealing”  much like the MLC claims its artisans and teachers which can be true kidnappings or “pay-offs” or similar with no direct obligation to *keep* the target even if must serve kidnapper.  Kidnapee may escape (in quotes or this is sincere) and unlike with goats or gear clan not obligated to help retrieve beyond personal bond/wish. Escapee goes back to their clan who can return as will or “reclaim” by their method or way.  Gets complicated with the ‘civilized’ societies like out in Minkwater (professional damsel/wetnurse/broodmare is a thing, got a guild and everything)
Recreating with tribesmen is done, its not shameful but not proudly displayed (unless making a statement..or being ‘lazy’ or) compared to other MLC activites (why we don’t see it or introduced as such).  Hilariously this is looked down on with battle brothers, as you’re meant to be equals, and there are superstitions about positions, history of exploitation, worries about protege setups, etc (insert our own justified issues with pedophilia, teacher-student hankypanky, and power dynamics/abuse and harassment here) But this is in a “assume not, unless otherwise stated” situation.  Those of equal standing can and do marry but this is more for alliance.. sort of.. its complicated.  
There are hopes to have more women as a subgroup and thus ‘revive’ the female branch and traditions but most of the women are all warrior and aggro ala fangbone himself (as the MLC leans TOOmuch on warrior and only warrior plus lost a lot of women due to reasons generations before Axebear took the seat, then they keep selecting or slanting things to guys...)
Basically as Village Elder he is sort of married to Twinklestick who, as wizard/shaman from out of the tribe, occupies a weird position regard to elder, barbarian, man or woman, and husband/wife (unlike typical one isn’t expected to be/auto-dumped after x time of no kids produced).  Personally has little recreational interest in ladies, but not unattracted to them, more he’s so much about work and already has an atypical spouse AND as chieftain has open “rolladex” if frisky AND has obligations for how he sexually must act out for the good of the clan... well he GETS where Ms. Gillian is coming from.  But she’s not like Lizard Clan suitors or women.. but not like Minkwater wenches either...
And now she’s showing not just wisdom (thus a possible good target for bridal and teacher theft) but also feirceness in battle and leadership (that really gets him going). And so forward that’s different and unique (so exotic and new, and Fangbone likes her ALOT).  Twinklestick likes her too much though and well that’s a problem.  As for one technically Twinklestick is “teaching capture” who by dint of “is a magical storied wizard” who could leave at any time and no one in the tribe could really stop him and recapture be a bitch as his ‘clan’ likely act in defense of his egress as to insist on his return.  So how could this relationship work, it isn’t like a man having two bridal captures, or a brood and lifetime-battle-brother or permenant ally or something he gets and familiar with...
what he feels inclined to do he knows he’s not suppose to do.  And that’s a sign of going soft/corrupt from Earth, like Ms. Gillian of the Steel Desk who is NOTsoft like he thought Earth was but strong in ways Bill and other Earthlings have shown and helped train Ingrid and defeat drool with...WHat can he DO!!!!
Secondmost? Until mentioned SPECIFICALLY in an episode I thought he was Fangbone’s father (explained a few things about look, Fangbone’s attitude, and so on) but the MLC do communal raising with obvious biases to flesh and blood.  That or Fangbone was adopted by Axebear out of the “fighting pits” they stick the kids into until they graduate/prove themselves.
6: favorite line from this character
too many to choose from...
But one that gets the most acute reaction from me? 
“I, Axebear, will crush all teachers, parents, AND INTERVIEWS” *smash*
7: one way in which I relate to this character
His hygenic presentation/mannerisms are bold like I wish I was, and while obstinate he is genuine and has method to his madness.  Even when makes are harsh authorative judgement when out of his depth, committing to plan and fearing issues or messups will re-assess what feeling and own values and make decision on that.  And despite it all WILLAPOLOGIZEand openly justify redecision
I was not a good older brother growing up so liked the niance of him being a leader and that particularly showing strenght and leadership with affection, judgement, and self reflection.  He didn’t even need, as expected, any direct prompting to take Fangbone back.  And get how he was embodying MLC values not betraying them.  ANDlearning to integrate/appreciate new and diverse things. And reassess his views.
Overall just like is bold ANDthoughtful at once and not..a contradiction?
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Being attached with lamer weirdos or someone with a tendency to not think, ramble, or have to do something “again” as that describes how actually AM and would think see me.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
More to the latter than the former but not so problematic as given space to grow while staying true to self and, in a way, avoids some problematic cliches about barbarians/less advanced peoples and how respond to things.  Its more most comfortable with what he knows and thinks best. As to “too dumb/macho to live”
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