#brought to you by my love for pacify and the fact i've just finished a great sherlock/james bond crossover
moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
The true pain of reading a good AU is you want more of these specific guys but that characterisation only exists in the one specific fic/series
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buckybeardreams · 1 year
Ahhhhhh hello friend! Hope your day is going well! I just wanted to say I just finished reading the latest chapter of totally platonic and it was amazing! I also saw in a comment you said Eddie was gonna introduce buck to pacifiers next chapter and I can’t wait! I’m so so curious to see how well that’s going to go over lol. I feel like with little buck it might not be that bad? Daddy has worked hard with his baby after all and is getting much closer to his perfect happy baby boy. Big Buck though might still have some work to do 😅 lol. He’s getting there as well but I can see him still having trouble accepting things like pacifier’s and, I’m sure eventually bottles and diapers which I’d imagine aren’t to much farther off. He just needs to fully trust and accept that his daddy Eddie fully knows what’s best for his baby boy. He’s never steered him wrong yet after all 😉
Eddie is definitely going to introduce Buck to pacifiers in the next chapter and I'm pretty excited about it! I love baby Buck so much and pacis are legit my favorite, like I wrote the cutest little snippet of him sleeping with a paci that I've just waiting to be able to use, and I think I'm gonna be able to fit it into this chapter! So I'm like stoked about that!
Lol yeah, little Buck would definitely be more open to the idea, and the littler Buck feels, the easier it is for Eddie to introduce him to new things, especially the kind of things that would normally make Buck blush bright red and stammer in embarrassment.
Eddie knows that, knows Buck would be absolutely horrified by the idea of using pacifiers if he just brought it up. So, he purposely waits until they're playing to bring them over, but when he initially shows up, Buck is not as little as Eddie was hoping he'd be. He still makes it work tho, cuz Eddie's always got a plan lol
I'm actually working on this scene rn so I'll give you a sneak peek 😉
Eddie chuckled when Buck tried to peer into the bag he was holding, ever curious as always.
As much as he'd been mortified when Eddie brought him a teddy bear, Buck eagerly, if sometimes shyly, accepted all manner of toys from his daddy now, and he was very eager to see what Eddie brought him this time.
Eddie was eager to show him, but also cautious, noting that Buck wasn't currently in quite as young of a headspace as he sometimes was.
It wasn't necessarily an issue, didn't mean Buck would reject infantile items… but the chances were certainly greater, so Eddie knew he had to tread lightly.
So instead of offering up the gift right away, he settled on the couch, setting the gift bag aside in favor of pulling Buck into his lap.
Buck was still trying to nosily get a look in the bag, but Eddie guided his eyes to his until Buck was able to pull his gaze away from the gift bag and focus on his daddy.
"That's it," Eddie murmured. "That's my good boy."
Buck whined, shifting in his lap and pouting when Eddie cooed at him.
"Daddy wants to play, baby."
"Play?" Buck repeated innocently, confused because they were already playing.
Eddie nodded, hands shifting to Buck's ass, squeezing him through the thin layer of his Ninjago pyjama shorts, the action more direct than Buck was used to Eddie being with him, but it was the next thing Eddie did that really shocked Buck.
"Yeah, baby, Daddy wants to play," Eddie agreed, one of his hands slipping in between Buck's thighs to cup him.
Buck gasped, squirming under Eddie's touch, his eyes wide with alarm because while he was used to his daddy casually touching him now, used to Eddie bathing him and helping him go potty, Eddie had never touched him like this before.
In fact, Eddie had always been very adamant that he wouldn't touch Buck, that it wasn't sexual because Eddie didn't touch him.
But Eddie was touching him now… and Buck's poor little head couldn't wrap around what that meant.
And Eddie, well, he hadn't exactly been planning to do it, but he found that half of the time he was very methodical in his approach to training Buck. But he was also selfish and greedy, and had this way of acting on a whim or out of anger.
He wasn't not thinking things through when he specifically did the one thing he'd told Buck he would never do, the one thing he'd told Buck they couldn't do platonically.
It wasn't exactly acting on a whim, he thought of it more as quick thinking because Eddie knew he had to adapt to new circumstances and unexpected situations. He had also known when he came over here that there was a chance Buck wouldn't be little at all.
So Eddie had a back-up plan already in place, and yeah, it did include fucking with his little boy's head.
It wasn't that Eddie didn't know he was doing something contradictory, but rather that he wanted Buck so well trained that he would accept anything Eddie said as true, regardless of whether it makes sense, regardless of whether it completely contradicts the last words out of his mouth.
He wanted Buck to be malleable, wanted to be able to mold him to fit whatever role Eddie wanted him to play that day.
Right now, Eddie wanted Buck to trust him completely, knowing full well that Buck didn't understand what was happening.
It didn't matter.
He didn't have to understand.
Eddie didn't want him thinking too hard about anything, let alone about why Eddie did the things he did the way he did them.
He wanted Buck to be mindless, to follow him without question, to trust him blindly.
Eddie wanted to be the god of his world, ruling over and controlling every little part of his life, and he wanted Buck to give him each part gratefully, wanted his name to forever grace Buck's lips.
That's what Eddie wanted.
He wanted to own Buck so completely and so wholly that Buck would never even consider worshipping another.
Total devotion was what Eddie was looking for, and he knew with each step they took together, Eddie was backing Buck into a corner.
The poor little boy just didn't know it yet.
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rosetowersfanfic · 1 year
Meet the family: it's just stuff
random drabble for a fic that i may or may not finish. Hunter breaks some plates and being Hunter he freaks out.
Hunter looked around the ornate kitchen as he tried to find something to do. After such a luxurious dinner, it only seemed right that he helped to clean up.
He spotted a pile of dishes stacked on a counter next to the door, ready to be brought over to the sink. Taking action, Hunter picked up the heavy load and attempted to make his way over so he could clean them; key word being "attempted". He must have walked two maybe three steps when the great weight of twelve people's worth of plates slipped from his grasp and crashed onto the tiled floor.
"No!" He panicked, and crouched down to try and clean up the shattered pieces in hopes it would pacify the anger this mistake would surely incur. All this accomplished was a cut in the palm of his hand as his eyes began to brim with tears.
"Hunter! Is everything okay?! I heard- oh!" Darius ran into the kitchen, and stopped dead when he saw Hunter knelt on the floor as he clutched his bleeding hand.
"Oh boy. Mom, we need some help in here!"
"Is everything alright- ah, I see," Althea noted calmly.
"Stand up, sweetflea," she told Hunter, who followed her order without question and let himself be lead to a stool.
Althea tsked when she took a closer look at the cut. "That went deep. What were you trying to do dear?" She asked as she drew a healing circle and had it hover over Hunter's hand.
"I-I was trying to clean up the-the p-plates. I'm really sorry-"
"Mm, next time use a broom, dear. I don't want you hurting yourself again." Althea finished the spell, the cut was disinfected and healing at a much faster pace, and summoned a bandage. As she tied it around Hunter's hand, Darius cleared away the broken plates and approached the pair.
"Are you okay?" Darius asked.
"Yeah. I'm really sorry, I just wanted to help clean up and they just slipped out of my hands."
"It's just stuff, Hunter. We're glad you're alright."
Hunter sniffed. "I know, but some of those plates looked like antiques, w-were they heirlooms?"
Althea smiled. "Before I answer that, can I ask you something?" At Hunter's nod she continued. "Do you know why none of those plates matched?"
Hunter shook his head. He'd vaguely noticed the odd mish-mash of patterns and colours on those plates, even the older, more valuable looking ones.
"That's because Granny and I had nine children. Nine rambunctious, clumsy, sweet little boys who wanted to help, or weren't paying attention, so they broke a lot of plates over the years." She and Darius shared a smile.
"By the time I was born, most of the heirlooms were broken by my brothers and replaced a dozen times over," Darius added.
"Especially by Nicolas. I love him, but I've seen him trip over air so many times," Althea shook her head with a fond smile.
"The fact is, we have a big family; it wasn't practical to keep those old plates locked away to collect dust. Kids break things, it's best to clean up and remind them to be a bit more careful."
"For example, you can ask someone to help clean up rather than do it all by yourself," Darius said.
Hunter nodded. "Okay, thanks Grandma, thanks Darius."
"Of course, dear. How's your hand?"
"Fine, it just stings a little."
"Oh, well we can't have that," Althea drew another spell circle directly over her lips, which then started to glow a soft blue. She brought Hunter's hand to her lips, and at their touch the lingering pain dissipated.
"Does that feel better?" She asked.
"Yeah," Hunter blinked in amazement,"yeah, it feels way better, thank you."
With that, they all walked out of the kitchen and headed to the living room.
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