#brought to you by twitter being a sour bitch and not letting me show stuff to my friends not on there
Deniss Vasiljevs and coach Stéphane Lambiel in the mixed zone after the SP at the 2024 European Championships | 2024.01.10
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bradradke · 7 years
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Why I disbanded myself from Falling In Reverse.
Never thought i’d write something like this but here we go.
Yesterday I came to the decision to no longer support Falling In Reverse more importantly Ronnie Radke. You may ask why? Well sit back because it’s a shitty ride because everyone has been asking me while I came to this decision.
So it started years ago before Ronnie even got out of Prison I thought hmmm I love Escape The Fate but he’ll have a new band when he gets out and while he was in there I seen girls make news sites, fan sites, street teams and whatnot, anyways I seen my opportunity to make a fan site/news site that focuses on the band as a whole and not just post pictures like the girls did saying “oh he’s so cute in this pic” that’s not news at all. I wanted Falling In Reverse to have a legit fan base site where I post strictly news and I ended up making a following for it, I did so well that the entire band was behind me. Years and years it grew and it even got hacked and deleted a few times but it never stopped me from promoting a guy who changed my life.
I’ve done so many things for this band and the fans, I paid out of my own pocket to make website designs and giveaways and etc because my goal was to be the best and I made it the best! The Manager contacted me the Label contacted me wanting to collab with me with many projects that I was willing to take part of.
Ronnie was always there for me, he’d check up on me every now and then, he helped me through my dad’s cancer and his death, he brought me together with a girl i loved with all my heart and soul.
Then came yesterday... I work in a factory 5 days a week 8 hours a day and it’s swing shift. I don’t have time to go looking around for news so I have a couple of friends who are fans as much as I am (was) they would look and send me information. Well come to find out Ronnie commented on Instagram on a post mentioning Chris Kamrada was the new touring drummer for Falling In Reverse and even the FIR Wiki said so as well, so i’m like oh ok i’ll just make a tweet about it. I tweet out that “It looks like Chris Kamrada is the touring member on drums” Not exactly in that wording but it’s extremely close to it. After 2 minutes of that tweet being up I get a message on Twitter from Ronnie. Allow me to show you.
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To clarify what’s going on in my Direct Messages with Ronnie, he didn’t like that I tweeted PUBLIC INFORMATION now let me remind you he commented about it on Instagram, Wiki shows the same thing. I have never had to approve news to Ronnie or anyone else in the band in the 5+ years of owning this site. Public Information so why the fuck would he get pissed off at me?
Then I try telling him maybe people like Christian shouldn’t go on his live streams letting everyone know Ryan isn’t in the band anymore if they didn’t want that public, once Christian said that it became public and everyone including myself wanted answers to why? I also say that if you also don’t want that kind of information out don’t talk about it on social media because every single person knows it spreads like a fire. I was trying to help him keep information that is kept secret stay a secret until it’s time for the public to know. Fans literally watch all the band members every move on social media and they come to me showing me videos and screen shots on stuff asking me to ask “Where, When, What, Why?” Like I said I have no time to do this stuff the amazing fans and my friends who help me run this all keep me up to date.
Then he asks me why I do it and to mind my own business, Bro do you seriously not remember what I run? I run a news site for YOUR BAND idiot! Why? Because it’s public news that is everywhere and I had to let the fans that didn’t know already what’s up and to mind my own business? Dude I don’t get into any of your guys personal lives. I NEVER post ANYTHING about their personal lives ever on my news site simply because it’s no ones business, the only thing I post is news about the band. New members, new music, new tours whatever it may be. I was doing MY JOB that you’ve allowed me to do for years! 
Anyways he blocks me on my personal account after that since I wasn’t allowed to explain anything to him. SO I go to my news Twitter and send him a message on there.
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It got cut off a bit but I said “So in other words would you like me to delete all the loyalty and dedication, money, and giveaways I do for your fans away? I’ve done a lot for you bro and the fans and you seriously do this to me? Any damn time I do anything wrong I do as you tell me”
It’s true I put a lot of time in for this guy and his band and the fans, the fans are the best fucking part about the job i had. I got to meet so many of you and interact and even play video games with a lot of you.
Anyways then he goes on to talk about drama, I bring too much drama to him and shit, I never bring any drama, any time I post something he doesn’t like it’s me causing drama, no you stupid mother fucker it’s me posting news about your goddamn band! Then he tells me to go outside which I found funny as fuck, mother fucker I work at Glass Factory you probably drank alcohol from the fucking bottles we made and packed! Get the fuck out of here with that go outside shit. But before I could even reply again I was blocked.
I’ve had former members of Falling In Reverse warn me about Ronnie but I never listened to them, I always thought they were sour over being kicked out for stupid shit they do. 5+ years I gave everything to this guy, fuck I still remember the old myspace days where you fucking messaged me for money so you could buy drugs, and not just me my friends too. I put a lot of time and dedication to show my support to you and your band and seriously this is what I get in return and for what Ronnie? Because I tweeted about your new drummer? I tweeted about something that’s already online and something even you commented about? That’s fucked up! You’ve bitched me out many times for the dumbest shit and i’m fucking fed up with it. I always thought well maybe you’re having a bad day or something and here’s another fucked up thing, When you accused me of shit before and cussed me out and threatened me and come to find out I had NOTHING to do with it, you never apologized for it, you never apologize for any fucked up thing you ever fucking done to me! This is where I draw the line, I no longer support you, you treat your fans like shit all you care about is our money and publicity, You’re the fucking Donald Trump of the music industry and i’m no longer turning a blind eye on it.
No wonder no one wants to be in a band with you bro, you don’t care about anyone but yourself, you shit on all your friends, You fuck your fans over by doing this “Ronnie Radke Followed me on Twitter” T-Shirts and you don’t even follow them, or Buy this shirt and i’ll give you my phone number and Xbox Gamertag” Hey guys just so you know you’re not really getting his phone number. He more than likely uses a app allows you to call and receive phone calls. Then Xbox you probably get to play with him one time and then he ignores you or gets a new profile which he’s done many times now.
I must say you are a really good con artist to your fans, too bad people like myself was never dumb enough to waste my money on hopeless dreams. You know what I take that back, you conned me for 5+ years so congratulations!
Now before all you fans that want to stick up for Ronnie because I know a lot of you fan girls do that shit, this is coming from a guy who considered to be a friend with him and the band, who did everything for him and his band, who did whatever I could to please his fans. Think if you were in my shoes right now, how would you feel after all these years just get crushed like that? The man crushed my heart literally because this dude was my hero. That’s all I’m really going to say, I mean I have screenshots from past members who told me how it is to be in the band and how Ronnie treats them but I won’t out the others because unlike you now Mr. Radke I actually have respect for the previous members. They cared about us and gave us their time.
Now I don’t have any issues with the rest of the band, Nothing but mad respect for putting up with shit like this dude.
And to the fans, thank you so much for putting up with me for years allowing me to fill your timelines on social media with news and just friendly conversations. You guys are seriously fucking amazing and I don’t regret a damn thing. I met so many of you, talked to a lot of you and played games with you all from all over the world. You guys are what i’m truly going to miss most. You all can still support me and my next projects if you’d like it’d mean the world to me. Again thank you so much!
Oh and one last thing... Fuck you Ronnie Radke.
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