#brute-force your way out of having your brain taken over by a parasite via inoculation due to near-constant hallucinations and intrusive
bitegore · 2 years
Fic ask
1. What are you most excited about when you start to write it/publish it?
Getting other people excited about the things I'm excited about! Or emotional about things I'm emotional about! or thinking about things I'm thinking about! Truly the joy of writing is getting to share your fucking brainworms, it's making your ideas contagious. Everyone will hear about my blorbos and they will CARE about them!
Especially with my current batch of fics- half are about Vortex (he whom liveth in my jacket pocket and i take to class with me, i love him that much) and the other half are about various OCs i care about, like Redshift and Bait, neither of whom I know how to shut up about. Making people care about my favorite background d lister losers and my imaginary little guys from the inside of my brain is the greatest thing ever, i love it so so so fucking much.
(This is also why origfic/proper publishing doesn't work so well for me - this is the kind of joy you basically only get when your audience has a comment box to screm into.)
13. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you haven’t mentioned you’re gonna do?
I don't think so. I can't shut my mouth about things like this XD I forget about so many fics after I start them.
......maybe the "Nightbeat fucking dies and so does Prowl" eugenesis bad-ending. I don't know. Did I talk about that? I feel like I did.
20. Give a vague description of something that will happen without revealing too much
:3333 ok ok ok so im gonna do a very poetic one for Transmissions because i think everyone will kill me about it and then i'm going to do a real one for the tmnt/g1 roleswap
Transmissions: Everyone dies, no one dies, everyone is forever changed by the experience in ways they never foresaw or wanted and no one is happy, not even Tori; the universe wants to see you die in a million awful ways and it's your job to stand up and decide to not go when your number is called, and not to let your friends go when theirs is. Even if you're a loser noncombatant who hasn't fired a gun in six hundred years. Also the power of friendship is more powerful than the power of entropy and deciding to stand by someone is half the trick.
TMNT/G1 Roleswap: Wildrider, by virtue of having psychosis, is the only one to successfully make omlettes for the other Stunticons and therefore saves the day. That is actually a very succinct summary of the plot for chapter/episode 9, but it obviously is a bit more complicated than that lmfao.
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