#unfinished fic ask game
unicornpopcorn14 · 2 months
WIP Game
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @anticidic <33
Jamais Vu (Bsd)
Six Weeks Rehab (Bsd)
Cpr, drowning fic (Bsd)
Decrypted (Bsd)
Coatttt (Bsd)
Whatever It Takes (One Piece)
Cheat Death (Marvel- IronDad & SpiderSon)
Sensory Overload fic (Demon Slayer)
TBN (Adventure Time)
Send me an ask for the title you find most intriguing!!
I'll try tagging more than 5 that doesn't work then rip me dhdjd
@calmlb @cffeine @whathorselegs @tulipe-rose @kauenelikha @ranpd @bnesszai @insoukokuhell-434
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im-not-batman · 11 months
WIP Ask: It's not just my heart you've stolen?
Ooo I love this oneeee
So I haven't actually done anything more than storyboarding for this one, so no snippets unfortunately but here's the concept!
Cait is on a no good, very bad date at a museum and the date does something Creepy. Vi (who is at the museum for art theft related reasons) notices and comes over to rescue her by pretending to be a friend. She scares off the bad date and CaitVi have a cute little impromptu mini'date and then go their separate ways.
A week or so later, Cait is at work and is assigned an art theft case (what a coinky dink) and starts working it as one would. Meanwhile she's still texting the cute girl that she met and might already be obsessed with.
On the flip side, Vi finds out a few days after their first meeting that Cait is a detective and is a little nervous about it but she is a hopeless lesbianwith a crush so what's she gonna do? Not go out with the hot museum girl? But they're talking and flirting for weeks before Vi finds out that Cait is the officer assigned to her case and oh dear that's not ideal but she's in too deep now and kinda thinks Cait might be the love of her life.
I shan't say any more lest I reveal too many spoilers. But let me know what you think! I'm actually super excited about this one I just never seem to have enough time for multi-chapter fics and I know this would be a monster because I simply cannot make myself shut the fuck up :)
Send me an ask with which of my WIPs from This Post you wanna hear about!
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daughterofhecata · 4 months
WIP ask game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @borealopelta - thank you!
...I'm not putting *all* the file names down here, because that would be like. 50+ items. You're getting a selection of stuff I've been working on semi-recently instead.
a pretty safe bet
Abendstern cont.
coded talking Cotta/Reynolds
College AU
Cotta & Milo
Cotta-Reynolds thing
Demon love thingy
Escort fic
gym fic
i put the 'fun' in 'funeral'
justus/victor can't protect you
niemand ist so leicht zu durchschauen wie du
reunion fic
sexting divergence
The Heart of a Dog
the perfect part about it is: it's all that i've got
weihnachtsfeier Cotta/Goodween #2
What Happens In Vegas
And my two original projects on top, if anyone is interested in that:
Nowhere Generation (Arbeitstitel)
I am *also* not tagging as many people as I have WIPs.
Tagging: @crazy-walls, @pointwhitmark, @wodkapudding, @lalalenii, @bistdueinbaum & @miaisreadytorun, if you want to!
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skyward-floored · 4 months
For the wip game: “carded”
I only had one wip with carded too (though I do have a wip where people are playing cards, which was kind of close lol)
Warriors clung to Time, tighter than he had in a long time, and Time carded a gentle hand through his hair as he ran back to the house.
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pocketramblr · 9 months
👀 please?
She stood up for her turn.
“I’m Naga Saimei, a musumeyaku actress and musician in the Kiyoku Troupe at the Takarazuka Music School. Please take care of me.”
Nothing much dramatic- just switching her family names out, "Naga" for "Kudo." A lot of people took the opportunity to use a new given name in their stage name, but Saimei couldn't care less.
When it was Shigeru’s turn, she stood gracefully, and continued using boku as she had last year.
“I’m Sanzou Bruce, an otokoyaku in Takarazuka Music School’s Kiyoku Troupe.”
No surprise at all from the class- Shigeru had insisted that she was going to request her stage name be Lee Bruce, but of course that wouldn’t have been approved. Shigeru had always been a tomboy, and the tallest in the class.
Well, the tallest in the class, until someone’s growth spurts…
A few students later, that someone stood up too. Long, pretty white hair and a soft face that seemed paler than normal. Hesitant. Shigaraki was a bit of a loner, but she hadn’t exactly seemed shy before now.
“Ah, I’m Tamayo Ichibaku, but please call me Yoichi. I’m, I am an otokoyaku in the Kiyoku Troupe in the Takarazuka Music School. Please take care of me.”
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tomatette · 7 months
Ooh, I'd love to know about the Loki fic!
Lol, that's a super old one. Basically, Loki wants to play a prank on Thor, but it backfires.
When Loki wakes up after blacking out, he finds himself in a world very everything is the same - but not. Because while things might look the same, people are most decidedly not. Or to be more exacty: They are the opposite of what they usually are. That makes Thor a pretty sadistic guy, who likes to slap Loki around for fun.
Doesn't sound pleasant? But the worst thing is that, when Loki looks into the mirror, he can see himself back in his "homeverse". And that Loki is the counterpart to Sadistic!Thor, and just really awful and unpleasant all around, and now unleashed onto Loki's "homeverse"
Anyway, it's just really very complicated, and I don't think I will ever write more on it. And because of that, I'll just slap it under the cut. It's un-betad, raw material, so don't expect all too much XD
When Loki woke up that morning, dark clouds were looming in the sky outside the window next to his bed, and the air smelled strongly of ozone. He threw off the covers and thought to himself: “What a perfect day to play a little prank on my beloved brother and his adoring little friends.”
For a midsummer day, the marble was surprisingly cold beneath his bare feet when he padded over to the bathroom adjoining his rooms. He barely noticed it, though. His mind was otherwise occupied.
What could he possibly do that would outshine every single of his past mischiefs? It had to be something that would reveal just how much of an unbearable fool Thor was, he pondered. Because, infuriatingly, nobody but Loki seemed to see. Least of all the Bootlickers Three and this uppity wench, Sif.
Thor never became tired of calling them their friends. And wasn’t that just the best proof of his idiocy? Because, clearly, even a blind man could see that Loki was merely a tolerated presence in their little sworn-in circle. Only there, because Thor insisted on dragging him along - usually without even bothering to ask for Loki’s consent, of course.
And, oh, how was he fed up with this whole wretched business. With their distrustful glances whenever they thought Thor couldn’t see. Not that Thor would see, even if they did it right under his nose. He was completely unheeding towards his friend’s faults - or his brother’s for that matter. Each snide comment meant to cut Loki was waved away with a good-natured laugh and a jovial slap on the shoulder. Loki, though, never forgot even a single of their slights against him. And it made him want to pay them back all the more.
But how? How?
He caught sight of his reflection in the mirror over the washing basin, and after a moment a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Oh … Yes, of course.
Swiftly, he stormed back into his bedroom and opened the drawers of the intricately ornamented chest that held worthless baubles as well as some of his most valuable possessions. Things cluttered to the floor left and right, while he rummaged around the drawers, one after the other, without finding what he was looking for.
Until, finally, he did.
With a triumphant huff he unrolled the parchment and let his fingers trail over the ancient runes, faded from age, like a lover would caress their beloved’s skin. He had found it in a cobwebbed tome about the history of Seiðr. It had slipped out between the pages and come to lie right in front of Loki’s feet. And one glance had sufficed for him to realize that it was very old - and likely also very powerful.
Loki had spent long hours perched over the parchment in flickering candle light, trying to decipher the meaning of those runes that looked simultaneously exasperatingly familiar - and not. Eventually, he’d been pretty sure he had a relatively good grasp of what this spell was about - relatively meaning there were some details left he had not been able to translate and chose to interpret according to the information he possessed.
It had been a bit of a let-down, honestly. Apparently, all this spell could do, was alter reflections in specular surfaces, which wasn’t really all too thrilling. At the time he’d been so angry for having wasted precious time on something so utterly useless that he’d thrown the scroll into one of his drawers, intent to forget about it as quickly as possible
Now though …
He took the parchment, leaving behind the havoc he had created without sparing it a second glance, and went back to the bathroom. This spell was positively perfect for what he wanted to achieve. They would so regret ever having messed with him. 
In front of the mirror, he smoothed his features into something a little less smug and more appropriate to the task he was about to perform. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and let his mind reach for the strings of Seiðr running through his body. He channeled the energy, let it stream through his arms and his hands, until the magic poured out from his fingertips like clear water.
His lips started moving almost on their own accord, incanting the words in the foreign tongue of the Ancients. He felt the power like an electric current pulsing through his veins. It was a heady sensation, and for a moment he was almost surprised that a simple spell would provoke such a strong amplitude of his Seiðr.
Then, all of a sudden, the magic flow became a torrent, and Loki choked in surprise and pain. He was on fire. A cold blue fire that burned him from the inside out.
A scream tore free from his throat.
His vision went white.
Then, nothing.
When Loki came to, he was lying on the bathroom floor, his face pressed uncomfortably against the cold tiles. With a deep groan he rolled onto his back, the ceiling above him moving in and out of focus.
What in the nine had happened to him? His head was pounding just like that one time Thor had managed to coax him into having a brotherly night out in town. What his brother had conveniently forgotten to mention was that he had invited their friends to come along. After an agonizing hour of being squashed between the bulks of Thor and Volstagg and forced to listen to Fandral bragging about his latest amorous conquests, he just couldn’t take it any longer. He had ordered his first alcoholic beverage of the evening - and far from the last. He couldn’t remember anything that had happened after the sixth, except for waking the next morning feeling like something that should have rightfully been dead.
But he didn’t drink last night - or did he?
Anyway, the light was far too bright for the precarious state his head was in. All he wanted was to crawl under a rock and die. His only hope was that Thor and their friends were suffering in a similar fashion and …
He remembered so suddenly, it stole his breath away for a second; the spell, the dizziness, the pain. With a moan he pushed himself up into a sitting position and closed his eyes until the pounding between his temples slowly subsided. Eventually, he could think again, without feeling like it would break his brain.
“This had better be worth it,” he muttered through clenched teeth and picked himself up from the floor. Pain or no, he would go now to check on Thor and if it was the last thing he’d ever do.
As it turned out, he didn’t have to make the effort to find his brother, because his brother found him before he could even so much as stumble from the bathroom.
“Loki,” he growled, and his face was positively murderous. With three steps he stood in front of Loki - towered really, even though he wasn’t that much taller - and put his left hand around the back of Loki’s neck. 
Now, that was a gesture Loki was painfully familiar with. Thor loved to just wrap his fingers around his nape and bring their faces close together. But this … was different. Never had Thor’s fingers dug quite so painfully into his vulnerable flesh, and the way his eyes flashed was almost … menacing.
Loki managed to break free from his brother’s hold and quickly danced back. “Thor,” he hissed. “What in the nine has gotten into you?” Glaring, he rubbed the tender spot on his neck where a bruise was almost guaranteed to bloom. “Damned brute!”
“I should’ve wrung your neck while I was at it,” Thor growled, the words but a low rumbles, his eyes flashing with something akin to madness. He stepped closer again, Loki backing away from him instinctively, until his back was hitting the wall. 
What was going on?
Thor was an asshole at times. He could be cruel and hurtful, but usually didn’t realize what he was doing. That was what made him so insufferable for Loki. The incapability to understand the consequences of his own actions.
This though … this was different.
Loki had never been scared of Thor. Had never had a reason to fear him, no matter what. But right here, right now, he could feel a tingle of unease creep up his spine. 
“Loki, you wretched little cunt. What did I tell you about touching my things?”
“What?” The word was out before Loki could stop it. He was just too flabbergasted. It wasn’t like Thor at all to speak to him - to anyone - like this. The big oaf was honorable to a fault. Even when he was really angry, he would probably be all shoves and bluster.
Not like this.
Never like this.
“Give it back, you thieving snake,” Thor growled, stepping even closer, until Loki could feel his brother’s hot breath on his face. “Or do you need another lesson in obedience?”
He resisted the urge to avert his eyes. It was never a good idea to show weakness in the face of a predator. And those were exactly the vibes Thor was giving off at the moment. A terrifying beast of a bear, vicious and bloodthirsty, waiting for the right opening to go in for the kill.
Loki schooled his features into an expression of indifference. “I have no idea what you are talking about”, he said. “I doubt very much that you possess anything I might need or desire.”
Obviously, it had not been the right thing to say, because Thor’s stare hardened even further, his eyes as cold and cutting as shards.
“Tonight,” Thor hissed. “I give you until tonight to return it to me - otherwise I will make you regret you were born.”
The fist to the stomach came as a surprise and knocked the breath out of Loki. He doubled over, gasping and wheezing. Tears of pain and humiliation sprang to his eyes, yet he managed to stay on his feet until he heard the door to his rooms fall shut with a resounding bang.
Then, and only then, he allowed himself to drop to his knees, clutching his abdomen and fighting back the bile threatening to climb up his throat.
Something was wrong.
Very, very wrong.
And he would have to find out what it was, because he had no doubt that his brother would otherwise make good of his words.
After this rather disturbing episode with Thor, Loki came to the decision it would be for the best to lock himself up in his rooms for the time being. He didn’t think that even the thick oak door could keep Thor from getting in if he really set his mind to it. But doing so would Loki at least give a fair warning and some time to prepare - for what, he had no idea.
The matter of the fact was, though, that his door didn’t have any locks. He stared at the exact point where he just knew the metal bolts used to be. But as much as he tried, he couldn’t even find the slightest hint of them ever having existed.
Now, that was decidedly weird.
With a frown he stepped back into the room and, for the first time since he woke up this morning, took a real look around.
The differences were small - a vial occupying a spot where it didn’t belong, the framed picture of Thor and himself as young boys that he kept on his nightstand for whatever reason, missing - but they were there. And now that he had noticed them, they were practically glaring in his face.
Shaking his head, Loki went back into the bathroom and tried to remember what exactly had happened before he lost his consciousness the night before. He closed his eyes and leaned heavily on the rim of the washing basin, letting his head hang between his shoulders..
The spell. Something must have gone wrong with it - but what? And how did it explain Thor’s strange behavior? The misplaced things?
He shook his head and opened his eyes to examine his face in the mirror - what exactly he was hoping to find there he didn’t know..
But all that was reflected back to him was the empty bathroom behind him.
Well, and his own face, obviously. 
His own face that looked back at him with a smug grin. Only, he wasn’t smiling.
“Loki? Are you done in there?”
He flinched violently at the sound of Thor’s voice. But something wasn’t quite right. It took Loki a moment to figure out what was disturbing him. And when he did, eventually, it didn’t make any sense whatsoever.
Because Thor’s voice seemed to come from the other side of the mirror.
His brows knitted together in confusion. The other Loki smiled.
“I will be with you in a minute, brother”, the reflection called over its shoulder and turned back to Loki. “He’s such a guileless idiot, isn’t he? So much nicer than my Thor - but the lovely bruises on your throat suggest that you already made his acquaintance.”
Loki stared at his reflection in disbelief. “What is this?” he whispered. “What are you?”Mirror-Loki clucked his tongue. “Aren’t you supposed to be the clever one? I am you. And you are me, I guess. Only that you are not. But it’ll be more fun to let you figure out the details yourself.”
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pixiemage · 1 month
Tell me honestly, in an ask or reply:
For anyone who reads my fics, what's that one fic that I haven't finished yet that has you staying up late at night wondering how it ends? Which one are you hanging on by a thread waiting for an update on?
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eqt-95 · 11 months
(puts on a pair of non-descript black glasses)
obviously! i am someone completely new and different who has never asked about something as obvious as a short form like lgf!
instead i am someone TOTALLY NEW to the ask game, hoping to ask about a different title! maybe! (unless my totally amazing disguise has been blown, of course, in which case you should just ignore me.)
but i was wondering about ‘romances’? if you should be so inclined? (truthfully i wanted to ask about B:1, but i am mildly suspicious that b is the first letter of batwoman.)
oh hi there random tumblr user i've never before seen or interacted with, what a lovely ask you've sent me. romances! ah, my current easy breezy beloved stack of ficlets. this is comprised of moments that are my attempt to 1. rid this pesky writer's block i've had for a while and 2. write all those little moments and scenes and bits where Kara's flustering, blushing, second-guessing obliviousness sends her stumbling on the reg while Lena-total-boss-Luthor is in complete control and, fully aware, needles and prods and throws gas on the flame again and again because surely surely the girl of steel is gonna figure it out, right? and then she'll finally break the ice and make a move, right?
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hertwood · 4 months
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about? for the ask game pls!
i have a problem where i will just talk about anything so i dont think i have a single wip i've never talked about. most of them have a snippet posted somewhere on my blog. my first serious f1 fic was my og otp in my heart, 4433, and i've posted about it once before here. as i contemplate the sargewood chaptered fic i've been thinking about starting soon, i've been thinking about my first failed attempted at a chaptered fic a lot. i have thought abt sharing more of it but it does feel silly to post full ass chapters that go no where. i supposed i never posted any of it because this was exactly what i was afraid of, leaving it abandoned online.
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transingthoseformers · 4 months
What are tags that you look for or prefer when looking for/at fics? (Either SFW or NSFW)
Usually I'm pretty whatever with fanfiction, I do regular checks of the explicit TF tag for anything new
Sometimes if I'm in a mood I'll go down a pairing's tag or a character's tag or a trope tag, but that's not a usual thing that's an every once in a while thing
Whether I'm looking for a long fic or a short fic depends a LOT on my mood, because sometimes if I'm in the middle of a longer fic I'll go snap up a few short ones and come back (sometimes I forget about it though and end up finishing it months later)
(though, I did (sort by kudos) add few marvel fics to my list recently and I should've guessed that'd give me all long ones)
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dobranocka · 1 year
got sent this one today. of course you can ignore this, but i'm sending it anyway <33 - Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Hi! Thank you for a lovely ask. I don't think I can do fice self-recs, since that would be like half of what I have on ao3, but as far as my favourites go:
high in the halls
The grindeldore got au that is, quite possibly, the most self-indulgent fic I have written. It was really fun to write, because I got to play with non-linear narration and unreliable narrator and stylised prose. I am really proud of that one, too.
through the windows of this love
Co-written with Marron, my favourite child. I loved writing that fic - it's pure fluff with some humour thrown in for a good measure. We have started writing it pretty soon after I finished watching Guardian, too - the end of December 2021 and it was all written in March. I have very fond memories of thinking out the ridiculous jokes to throw in there and cackling about them with Marron.
And I think that this is it from me! I don't really have that many fics to choose from, so I feel like this is enough 😅
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gwaedhannen · 8 months
The storm moved quickly over the dark ocean
(Your writing is so so good!)
It passed up the Anduin, bewildering the men of Pelargir and Osgiliath, Cair Andros and the Undeeps, twisting with unreal speed to the eaves of the shaking woods. It slowed as it turned eastwards up the Celebrant, pausing before its newly-named tributary to find a green hill crowned with silver and gilded boughs, and the two figures who stood there.
The newly-titled Lord and Lady surely could not be blind to the storm’s purpose, the depths reaching inland through the rivers with abyssal roil, overflowing with grief—but foreknowledge was no shield as Uinen bubbled forth in shame, bearing the drowned body of the prior King of Lórinand in her gut, suddenly so far from the last vicious argument in the White Mountains as one party fled south to sail and the other rallied north to aid; and great wailing broke above the trees, silver and gold and silver and gold—
“Amroth, Amroth!” “Ion nín!”
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62, 65, 81, 91
Ask me fanfic writer questions!
Hey Book!! :D wouldve answered these last night but as you know tumblr crashed on me 😭😭😭😭 so im answering it now instead!!
62.) what’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
Idk if this counts as weird per se but i straight up started shipping winteriron (Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes) because of THIS FUCKING FIC. It sold me on them SO HARD. Sometimes all it takes is one godtier fic that does everything right to get you hooked on a rarepair ✌️😔😔😔
65.) what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written? 
If we're talking og titles i came up with myself, the title of my unpublished TES Oblivion fic is The Stars Have No Names, which ive always been fond of, especially combined with its planned sequel, But Those We Give Them-- which makes a full sentence that just sorta encapsulates the vibe of the whole thing in a way that really scratches my brain just right. This is closely followed by the piece i did for the DSMP Comics Zine, A Few E.G.G.s Short of the Full Scramble, which has multiple layers of puns loaded into it and makes me laugh like a lunatic every time i remember them
As for stuff that isnt original (aka song lyrics or poetry verses, which i steal from shamelessly), i'd have to say im most fond of sightless, unless the eyes reappear, which is the tma fic i wrote that accidentally predicted a decent chunk of the podcast's ending 😭 if i had a fucking nickel.... The verse is ripped from T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" and i really loved how it just perfectly hits the vibes i was going for in that fic. Extremely on-the-nose titles are a game and brother i am WINNING
81.) if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
"Hello tiny TJ. First of all, you are a transgender dyke. No this isnt relevant i just thought you ought to know. Anyway cool it with the perfectionism man one day people are gonna read a fic where every individual tag warning you've added is its own separate vine boom and you're gonna get tons of compliments on it despite the fact that it isnt what you consider fully polished. Got that written down? Cool. Now go forth and kiss women, peace<3"
91.) how has your writing style changed over the years?
My writing's always been pretty descriptive, but over the last few years its REALLY shifted into overdrive on the imagery. I think thats always been my biggest strength as a writer, and its something i really, really enjoy doing. As ive said in the past: if im not painting pictures with my words then what, pray tell, is the point!!!
The other thing ive noticed is that ive been dipping my toes into more experimental formatting, whether thats in regards to the story's structure (shout out to that time i planned to write a fic in reverse chronological order), the points of view (second person my beloved), different narration styles, or just the way the words on the page look-- something i know has been directly inspired by my cousin, who has an unpublished 85k Dead Space fanfic which replaces an ENTIRE CHAPTER with a twine game. The man is insane and i love him so much and one day i will bully him into finishing this fic because its not even halfway done what the fuck. Anyway thats my answer THANK YOU BOOK FOR SENDING THESE :DD
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ragnarlothcat · 11 months
6 for from a certain point of view and 18 for Till Human Voices Wake Us!
(me having to choose between fics I love)
Tumblr media
Ahhh thank you!!! 😻 I have been staring at this kitten for like five solid minutes but: (ask game)
6. What’s one fact about the universe of from a certain point of view that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
I think because it's a short fic everything that I thought of is at least suggested 🤔 Like that Anakin doesn't lose an arm or that Obi-Wan doesn't alter events to save Hardcase or anyone else on Umbara.
Oh! In my mind Aayla and Padmé totally hook up on Naboo. I think the setting is very beautiful and that Padmé exclusively packed dominatrix dresses apparently so the stage is set. Aayla just doesn't go insane about it because a) she isn't Anakin and b) nobody gets pregnant.
18. If you wrote a sequel to Till Human Voices Wake Us, what would it involve?
Ooh this is a tricky one because for that fic I've deliberately tried not to keep one interpretation of events in my head as canonical so it's hard to write what comes after. But a sequel about Obi-Wan immediately drowning would be boring so I guess I'd pick the idea that mermanakin and Vader are both somehow aspects of Anakin (thanks to vague magic) and then Vader returns to Tatooine and kidnaps Obi-Wan, who can no longer survive on land?
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detective-giggles · 2 years
WIP Game
Thank you to @welcometololaland for the tag! I blame my beloveds @noxsoulmate, @chaotictarlos, and @tailoredshirt for all of these. I’m certain at least one of them encouraged everything that’s *gestures vaguely*
Also- please don’t judge me for what’s going to happen below.  It’s been a long time since I’ve played, but I have actually finished a few fics and started new ones so why not.  (I’m stalling, trying to figure out how to organize this and I realize that like my google docs, there is no organization to be had.) 90% of these are bingo fills.
And if you don’t want to ask about a fic, you’re welcome in my inbox to say hi anyway! 
[Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or  tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.]
1. VDay 2. AU Weekend 3. Untitled Document 1: Just a little hurt/comfort that takes place vaguely between 1x05 and 1x08 4. Untitled Document 2: The beginning of the fill for the “Nurse TK” square on my 911 bingo. Featuring Tia Lucy. 5. Don’t Leave me 6. Ice Skating Enemies to Lovers 7. Whatever (again we’re not judging) 8. :) 9. Untitled Document 3: Technically the start to a square on my Kinky Things Happen Bingo.  10. Yeah yeah 11. Untitled Document 4: (i’m kind of excited to continue this). Fills the Trapped in an Elevator square on my 911 bingo. With extra-special guest: Lou the Lizard! 12. Food Truck AU 13. Witness Protection AU 14. Date Night Cooking 15. :):):( (Yes, that’s the actual doc name) 16. Carlos brings TK lunch 17. Soulmate Goose 18. Tumblr request(not tarlos) 19. Dancing with the Stars AU 20. More random shit 21. Private Chef Carlos 22. Meet cute-ish 23. Comfortember 5 24. Outnumbered in a fight 25. Another Comfortember (november isn’t over yet right? right) 26. Tumblr Date request: 27. Mistaken Identity 28. Breathplay 29. Sexytime hc 30. BTHB I’m fine 31. surprise party 32. TK Cemetery  33. Soulmate AU 34. Chicken Pox 35. Untitled Tarlos Angst (hahaha. I mean, considering so many of these other fics are titled?!?!!) Ohhh my god. 
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kdsburneraccount · 1 year
Opinion on Josh Allen/Stefon Diggs
It’s an elite pairing!! Kinda the it couple of the nfl right now if I’m gonna be honest. Local wide receiver who's kind of a slut (said with the utmost affection) gets traded to Buffalo and then instantly falls for the himbo quarterback and they have immediate chemistry on the field, it's great! It's got a height difference, loads of footage that's kinda sus, honestly what more could you want from a pairing in this day and age?
If only they didn't have drama, but it's inevitable that Stefon's commitment issues would arise 😔... and besides, it makes things interesting I guess 😭 adds some wrinkles to that dynamic so it's not always so tooth-rottingly sweet I suppose 🤔
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