felteverywhere · 2 years
closed starter for @brvisedknees​
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“i don’t wanna keep doing this.” octavia’s voice came out softly, her eyes avoiding ronnie’s desperately. she felt sick, sitting there on the front steps of the townhouse they’d both just walked out of. the night air was chilly, making the tip of her nose cold as she folded her arms, bent into herself. “i just feel like every time we figure it out and things are good... we’re always like this again. do you even want to be with me?”
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mjwritings · 1 year
for @brvisedknees ; continued from ( x )
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samira could barely look at her best friend in the eye as he interrogated her about her sex-life, mostly because she was ashamed and embarrassed that she had somehow let it get this far. she should have broken it off after the first few times they had sex and her boyfriend just wasn't... getting it. somedays he didn't even try. the fucker simply rolled over after he was finished and let samira stew in annoyance with a pair of lady blue balls of her own. it was exhausting. " preston, please. " she groaned, her cheeks undeniably turning a faint shade of pink beneath her tanned skin. " you're making me feel even more ridiculous. " samira added with a laugh, finally meeting his gaze. they had known each other since they were little kids, gone through more shit together than she could ever possibly recount, but she still found herself squirming whenever sex was brought up. samira could just never quite figure out why. " maybe i'm just destined for bad sex for the rest of my life. what if even you, this supposed self-proclaimed sex god can't even help me, hm? maybe i'm just broken."
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lunarrscribbles · 1 year
contined from here / @brvisedknees
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Blowing out a breath, Winnie was regretting this conversation with every second that ticked by. "I didn't— Look, it's not that big of a deal, okay?" It was. "I just ... I choose to focus on other parts of my relationship that aren't just about sex." And it wasn't like Jake was as malicious as Preston was making him out to be. At least, she hoped he wasn't and maybe he was just really bad at sex. She hadn't planned on sharing any of this with him, but like always, the conversation had flowed from one topic to the next and suddenly they were talking about the ongoings in the bedroom. Or, in Winnie's case, what wasn't going on. Knowing him as long as she did, it wasn't surprising to have no filter around him but right now, she kinda wished she had. "This feels like you're more interested in getting your rocks off," she teased with a grin, fingers spinning her drink in circles in search of a distraction because did he really just offer what she thought he did? "What? The groupie pool already dried up?" In all the years she had known him - practically their entire lives, save a few years - they had never crossed that line. It had always been naturally platonic, through her serious boyfriends and his ... whatever he wanted to call his relationships as his fame pushed him into the limelight. "You know," she can't help but repeat, a smile playing at her lips. "I ... look, Pres, I appreciate it but that really sounds like a fancy way of saying cheating, and even if the sex is terrible, I can't do that to Jake." Still, it's playing at the back of her mind, gnawing at her. The what if part of her brain has been triggered and it's a hard task to quiet it down again. After a beat, she changes course. "But what Jake doesn't know, can't hurt him, right?"
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hedonistiics · 2 years
starter for   »  @brvisedknees based on   »   this character   »   phoenix armstrong. 28 - 33. world renowned musician. notes   »   written in legacy. let me know if i should switch.
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phoenix rarely held a personal assistant for more than a few months. it wasn’t that he was a horrible boss, but it was more so his innate ability to push people’s buttons and thereby making him difficult to work with. his previous assistants had all stormed out of his mansion, shouting profanities and cussing him out for his personality, and never did he have any regrets. he’d wave at them from his doorway and wish them a safe journey back to wherever the hell they were from. if a person was going to be all up in his life, they would have to be tougher than that. so when phoenix had hired his current assistant, he’d expected her to last a maximum of a week, but there they were. two weeks in and although the tension between them was palpable, she did her job well. however when she made the smallest mistake, phoenix took it as an opportunity to test her limits. “why in the fuck would you schedule my personal trainer and the studio session at the same time?” he asked through clenched teeth, before a carefree expression appeared on his face. “it’s not that hard to keep a schedule, but apparently you’re inept at anything, but sitting there scrolling through twitter,” he shrugged his shoulders, “pity... i was actually starting to like having you on my team.”
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fllthya · 1 year
12  MF  [  ...  ]  BROOKLYN  &  NATE  ,  for  @brvisedknees​  .
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there's  something  about  nate  that  brooklyn  simply  can't  describe.  how  she's  so  far  gone  into  his  trance,  almost  unwilling  to  get  herself  out  of.  it's  how  she  finds  himself  in  this  position  today  :  crawling,  hands  and  knees  in  front  of  him.  scantily  clad  underwear  and  breasts  in  a  too  small  top,  nearly  spilling  out  as  she  saunters  towards  him.  "can  i,  sir?"  doesn't  feel  the  need  to  mention  exactly  what  she  wants  -  her  eyes  staying  only  at  the  bulge  in  his  pants  hoping  to  do  the  trick.  she's  nothing  if  not  polite,  and  what's  a  polite  guest  to  do  than  to  keep  the  host  happy?
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felteverywhere · 1 year
closed starter for @brvisedknees​
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catalina ran her hand through her dark locks, trying to shake off the discomfort she felt thinking about how close it all was to coming to an end. three years she’d wasted on someone who gave her nothing but disappointment and now she was on the verge of the two of them finally breaking up. she wasn’t sure how to feel. pursing her lips, she shuffled in closer to her companion. “i just... i hate feeling like this, you know? i don’t wanna do it. i just feel like i wanna forget.” 
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fllthya · 2 years
OFFICE  DESK  [  ...  ]  ALEXIS  &  ADRIAN  ,  for  @brvisedknees​ .
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he  was  an  attractive  man  --  that's  one  thing  for  certain.  she's  done  her  duty  of  every  girl  who  wants  the  attention  of  a  man  like  him  ..  act  out  in  class,  wear  revealing  clothing.  she  just  isn't  sure  if  it's  worked.  by  the  time  the  semester  is  nearly  over,  she's  called  into  his  office  ..  a  quiet  little  space  down  the  end  of  one  hallway,  one  that  she  wasn't  even  sure  existed  until  now.  the  meeting  went  ..  okay.  she  had  to  move  onto  his  side  of  the  desk  to  look  at  something  on  his  computer  -  a  grade  she  surely  couldn't  pass  the  class  with.  it  isn't  until  he's  behind  her,  pressing  the  bulge  in  his  pants  to  her  ass,  that  she's  finally  getting  what  she  wanted.  it  was  a  smart  move  on  her  part  to  wear  her  shortest  shorts,  she  thinks.  the  objects  on  the  desk  are  then  pushed  off  -  pathetic  whimpers  escaping  the  blondes  lips  at  the  implications  of  what's  to  come."  sir  --  i  really  don't  think  this  is  -"  another  moan,  pressing  back  against  his  hard  cock.  "i  really  don't  think  this  is  appropriate.."  doesn't  mean  it  isn't  one  of  her  biggest  fantasies.
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