#bt: when i was girl the sky called me home (queue)
untamedtempest · 2 years
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Change in shifts, so no answering asks today but icon switch. Stunning makes me squishy, whether in my kitchen or on my dash art gift from the wonderful @hardwiredweird​ 
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utt-a · 4 years
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Blog's officially moved! HERE. Think I followed everyone already, but in case I missed someone, I’ll reblog a few times.
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btsimagifics · 4 years
Life With BTS (Chapter 1, Option 2: Head To RM’s Dorm)
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The queue in front of her was getting shorter and shorter. While queuing, she was contemplating on the two options of whether she should check in to the hotel first or just straight off head to find her brother. In the end, she decided to choose the latter option.
The amount of nervousness and yet excitement could not stop her from straight away finding her brother in his dorm, After all, it was such a long time since both siblings had met, her brother was busy in Korea training hard as a trainee so he can debut and achieve his lifelong dream, while she continued to stay in New Zealand with their parents, so that she can graduate from her high school.
In no time, she was the next in line and an orange taxi pulled over in front of her. She took off her backpack after opening the rear door, getting in.
“Hello Uncle, to this address please.” She spoke fluently to the taxi driver in her Korean as she showed the driver a piece of paper with her brother’s dorm address written on it before she buckled up her seat belt. The taxi soon drove off, and she looked at the scenery outside the glass pane, the sky was cloudy, and with the temperature outside being less than 20°C, it was a cooling day to arrive in the country.
She press the side button on her phone, the screen lit up and it showed a picture of her and her brother as her lock screen wallpaper. She wanted to message him the news that she was in Korea, but that would have ruin the surprise she had planned out from the start.
Not even her parents persuading her to stay could have stopped her from visiting her brother, that’s how close the both of them are. She checked her wallet to make sure she had everything in check. Identification card of Kim Moonbyul, some cash, her credit cards, everything was there.
As the taxi ride went on, she remembered on the memories when they were just mere young kids, one memory that stood out was when she had come home running from school with tears in her eyes. Heartbroken and shocked, her brother pulled her into a tight and warm hug, upset and mad that someone had made his dear little sister cry.
“What’s wrong Moonie-ah? Did someone bully you in school?” Her brother, whom she had affectionately call Joonie Oppa, held her and asked in the sweet yet protective tone he had always use when talking to her. Looking at him with tears in her eyes and light sniffles, she nodded her head.
“T-The boys in my class were meanies. They took Bunny away from me at the playground during play time and I tried to get her back. But they throw her onto the ground and pushed me, I got a boo boo.” To prove her point, she held her bunny rabbit plush which was soiled with dirt and point to the red scrap on her knees and right elbow.
That was the first time she had ever seen him gotten so angry at anyone. He took out the first aid kit and gently applied the ointment to her scraped wounds, so as to disinfect it before placing band aids on each scrap and making it better with kisses on the band aids.
After that, he carried her back to school, hugging him tightly with occasional light sniffles. The boys who had pushed her were still in the school playground, waiting for their parents to pick them up. Letting out a huff, her brother placed her down on the side bench before angrily storming over to the three boys that had bullied her.
“Yah! How can you bully a young girl? If you want to bully her, get past me first. Don’t ever bully my sister ever again, you got it?” He scolded them in an angry tone that makes volcanos erupt any moment.
The three boys, no courage to stand up to another who was far taller than any of them, could only nod their heads at his order before running away.  
On the side bench, the little girl beamed with pride and happiness, proud of her Oppa who had fend off the bullies for her. She hugged the still soiled bunny rabbit plush in her arms and smiled, telling it softly, “Bunny, we are lucky that we have Joonie Oppa with us. No one can ever bully us again.”
That was the ending of her memory, a soft smile appearing at her lips. Then she remembered a slightly sadder memory. Few years later, her brother had mentioned that he wanted to be an idol in Korea, auditioning and hoping to achieve his dreams. Being such supportive parents like they always were, their parents had no objections to it, happy that he was realising his dream.
Soon, few days later, her brother flew off to Korea, training hard to make his dreams come true.
The memories soon stopped there. About an hour, the taxi pulled over again in front of the building that she had told him to. Paying the fare, she got out after thanking the driver, looking at the building.
Pushing the door, Moonbyul went into the building, pressing the elevator button and waited for the elevator to reach the lift lobby. Ding. Ground floor.
The lift doors opened and the girl with her luggage walked in, pressing the floor number 7. She was too excited, she was going to meet her brother in basically about a couple of minutes. The number display keeps getting higher and higher, and soon, she reached.
She got out and walked to the unit number she had written down on the piece of paper she was holding on to. The apartment wasn’t that far from the lift and she stood in front of the unit.
This is it, she thought to herself. Oppa’s dorm. No doubt it would be messy inside, she figured, considering that he was living with six other males. Heaving a huge gush of breath, she pressed the doorbell, hearing the chime ringing across the apartment.
Just then, she got shocked when a voice suddenly spoke, loud and clear, to her. “Nuguyeyo?” The voice asked. As far as she knows, this voice does not belong to her brother at all, it must have been one of the other members.
“Uhm, Kim Moonbyul imnida. I’m looking for my brother Namjoon.” She spoke back, not sure how the person at the other side can hear her. But soon enough, she heard the door unlocking and came face-to-face with a guy. She looked at the guy and slowly studied his face, the male having a full bright on smile on his face all the time that she felt nearly creep out by it.
“Come on in, and we’ll talk more. It’s cold outside,” he said and let her come in. She went in and made sure to close the door after her, heading to sit on the couch, pulling the luggage and letting it stop at the side of the couch.
Meanwhile, the guy headed to the kitchen and got her a glass of water, handing it to her with a soft smile. “Thank you.” She said politely and took a sip of water, the guy taking a seat across her.
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utt-a · 4 years
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utt-a · 4 years
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Preparing to love on muse over the weekend in the meantime discord for mutuals under the cut. Chatting, plotting, light rping, whatever.  Just let me know who you are. 
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utt-a · 4 years
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Celebrating another year around the sun and like every year since I started rping on this site find myself grateful for this goddess of a muse and that you all grace my dash. Whether we write together, chat, like each other's posts, it all means a lot, especially now.  💖💖💖
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utt-a · 4 years
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INBOX CALL! Slap the heart for a thing. Could be a meme, ic or ooc thing, some luv, any kind of something. 
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utt-a · 4 years
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utt-a · 4 years
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Your muse as a teddy-bear.
swiped from: @xxvernalagniaxx​
tagging: @southern-belle-outcasts​​ @nowmakeyourpeace​​ @deviantchronicles​​ (Henry @escapedartgeek​​ @tharanduil​​ @badmusesdoitwell​​ (Becka @ironhardpacker​​ @frostkingoftheapocalypse​​ @survivics​​ (Aman @mxnstrxsities​​ (Maude @shinobixshaw​​ and whoever wants to do the thing!
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utt-a · 4 years
Moved, same url and will be following more people on new blog today. 
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utt-a · 4 years
So Marauders 13# is-
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Best St.orm and St.orm centered X-Book IN YEARS! I love the setup of O.roro having to risk her relationships with T'.Challa, S.huri, R.amonda, and the people of W.akanda, not just for mutants but for the universe. Also, possibly triggering a war between W.akanda and K.rakoa. (There's only one lill nitpick I have about this, I'll get to in a sec.) O.roro struggling not with the decision but still dreading the outcome seeing no other way. It really comes through in the talks with K.itty and S.huri, while also highlighting her familiar love for both.
By the time I got to the second half of the issue, I was excited and NO, NO, PLS NO for the inevitable square off between S.huri and O.roro. It seemed to go by fast, but I think only because I enjoyed the weight of it so much.
V.ita A.yala seems to enjoy writing for St.orm. Same love showed in their work for I.ron H.eart and S.huri. (OMG WILL WE GET RIRI AND ORORO THINGS?!) (Note to self stop wasting time and dive into EVERYTHING with their name on it.) Kid me geeked out for more than a second about X-.Men, about S.TORM in the hands of a Queer Afro-Latinx writer. Take my money for X .of Swords, ST.ORM AND SWORDS HAVE ALL MY MONEY!
Okay, now the one, the ONLY thing I wish was different about this issue (aside from the St.orm art) is the very end. More specifically, the way T'.Challa's and O.roro's dialogue deflates the sense of consequence. T'.Challa letting her walk away, his words to his guards along with O.roro's words to K.itty when she returns-
"We have not lost allies, but there will be a lot of work to get back trust."
It makes me feel like there won't be any significant shake ups from this, not even her relationship with T'.Challa. I think the possibility is strong with S.huri and R.amonda. Still, it would have been nice to be concerned for problems between the couple and their countries after X. of S.words, carrying that 'Shit O.roro doesn't get to breathe' in my head while going through the rest of this arc. I would prefer if T'.Challa hadn't let her walk away, and everything was up in the air.  It's comics, and nothing is permeant, super couples have worked through far worse heck T'.Challa and O.roro have worked through worse, give me passing fear for them.
I don't think T'.Challa was written as a bad guy here, as some people do. On other X-Books, it's debatable, but in this, he was as reasonable and nice as you could expect him to be for what was happening and the amount of time he's in it.
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utt-a · 4 years
Nudge @madeinwakanda​
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"Cub," Ororo called from the doorway, azure eyes growing wide at the sound of a small explosion. "... Do I wish to know why there is smoke rising from behind that current?"
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utt-a · 4 years
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Said Ororo Munroe to sb (many sb tbh ) in ALL seriousness. 
Quote credit  
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utt-a · 4 years
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“I have no flesh of my flesh, but I have a daughter.” 
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utt-a · 4 years
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You are a dangerous collection  of all my favorite things. An old soul, a heart of gold and hands that make my body sing. 
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John Constantine & Ororo Munroe aesthetics for the dragon’s birthday <3 @thenewcastleincident​
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utt-a · 4 years
Continued from here: @thenightsplutoniumshore​
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"You were talking about taking shots off my stomach and going dancing, not five minutes ago." And now Faith looked like she'd seen a ghost, not the kind the Slayer usually tangled with, translucent and interrupting the lives of ordinary people, but one of flesh, bone, and part of her own past. Which meant the man staring her down had to be connected to Faith’s father somehow. "But I am okay with leaving. It's fine, it will be," Ororo assured softly, resting fingers on the small of girlfriend’s back. "Do you think this means he's in the city?
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