#btb pancakes
marcishaun · 6 months
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Bob: Let me carry you over the threshold. Then we can go see the baby's nursery I put together.
Eliza: 🥰
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not-goldy · 9 months
Shout out to young JM who wanted Jk so bad it had him looking like a stage 3 clinger & shout out to Jk who has done everything in his power to keep that beautiful man once he had him & now a stage 6 clinger. Congrats. I keep thinking about when they were in NY the Megan BTB & how all those bags are sitting there & Jk instinctively grabs 2 and you see JM realizing Jk has his & doesn't have to get one, when the other members are holding theirs. SNIFFS. Its Jj carrying JM's bags & his shoes when they come off his feet. Rubbing his shoulders at any given point, cause one he wants to touch JM, but also knows JM is in pain all the time. Its him cooking the biggest pancake for JM & telling JM of course, you know I'll do it, when JM asked him to cook for him. Or only buying birthday presents for JM. Its him telling JM in front of the world, I'm your fan & hyping everything he does. Its him wanting to cut something cause he doesn't want JM's hand to get hurt or when Vmin were playing with a yoyo, it was JM who was given a lecture on Safety by Jk, about his fingers hurting & this is how accidents happen. Not a word when Tae was playing with it, but the minute JM gets it, his anxiety & boyfriending kicked in, just like when Tae was gonna flip his food & Jk said don't fling it at JM. Jk Coming after Suga with a Frying pan. Bulldozing RM out the way messing with JM. Physically moving Suga away from JM. Bulldozing past Tae to stand directly in front of JM & stare directly at him, when he was thanking Army for an award. Damn, he's just giving a TY speech, not accepting a nobel peace prize, Calm down. The way he guides JM walking up the steps or lets him walk ahead of him. The way he could hear the nervousness in JM's tone & he turns & nods and stares JM down giving his UN speech. Just reassuring JM with his little head nod, I'm here, beside you, you got this & if you notice it was when Jk turned to him when JM let out that deep breath/shudder & said sorry & had to shake it off. Just seeing JK's reassurance almost caused him to loose it. The way the others teased JM over it & Jk jumped to his defense, ready to take on all his Hyungs, but it was him in the end, who couldn't remember when he took a picture with Tae & said it was the day JM said sorry, it was all that stuck in his head. Every little detail he remembers. Even Jimin's grandma's birthday. There within 1 minute when JM called him on his bday live, dropping everyone. Even When he's missing JM he takes it public in front of millions and shows where his heart lies. Who owns his heart. Who he loves & doesn't care if he looks like a fool, as long as people know he's a fool in love. Look at how he chose the buddy system with JM, when he knew he had options & he & JM are complete opposites when it comes to thrill seeking. And how he has made himself look even more sus & clingy, by even saying anything about other branches (BTW his wants are valid and its very much okay if he wanted to do other things) but he still didn't go through with it & instead went through a timely process and enlisted with JM instead. Didn't even enlist on your own that would give you independence and thrills and instead followed JM with the buddy system to hell.
The things we do for love. And If he hasn't told JM yet that he is in love with him, which I am sure he has and or JM at least feels it, but if he hasn't, I hope he gets the courage too one day, cause doing all this, plus following someone to depths of hell, is an awful lot of loving on one person, for it to be for nothing. To do all this for someone, then go home empty handed. What a hell you have to live in that you created for yourself. FYI, I think JM is just as in love with Jk and he appreciates everything, because Letter says it & that he plans to give it all back, what he's received, and I know JM is a man of his word. In fact, I'd say Jk is pretty damn satisfied & gets it back, cause he's still there, standing next to JM, just like he promised. I've never rooted so hard in my life for two people, but these two, I hope it all works out for them and Whatever kind of love it is that they have for one another. I hope it lasts forever.
Damn the onions got my eyes😭😭😭😭🤧
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businesstravelbear · 7 years
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“This one wasn’t so good.”
As a side gig BTB is a Quality Assurance Manager for a number of local food companies. Here he is testing some pancake muffins for Langdon Wood Maple Syrup. We’ll keep baking and he’ll keep eating until we get it right!
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marcishaun · 5 months
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Bob doesn't know what's wrong with him. His chest feels tight as Jose speaks. There's just SOMETHING about this guy.
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marcishaun · 6 months
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marcishaun · 6 months
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Bob: A baby... Eliza: Yeah! Why so quiet? I thought you wanted this too? Bob: I do! I want to start a family with you so badly. 😍
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marcishaun · 5 months
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marcishaun · 6 months
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🥞🥞 Back To Basics: Bob & Eliza 🥞🥞
Bob & Eliza - high school sweethearts who have celebrated 10 years of marriage. Eliza would rather dine out & have a dinner date, while Bob would prefer staying in & watching the cooking channel. While neat-freak Eliza can get annoyed by how much of a slob Bob is, she also loves the cute little jokes he tells. Bob loves his wife's creative spirit, and the new ideas she brings to his cooking.
For Eliza, everything must be perfect! But Bob is okay with whatever...
And there lies the main issue in their marriage. Eliza is ready to have a baby, and even though a child is something Bob also wants, he can never seem to stick with the plans his wife has laid out so that can happen. Eliza has charts! Graphs! Lots of number crunching & plans!
Everything must be perfect and stable, so they can start growing their family. However, Bob hasn't had a promotion in a few years, and seems in no rush to get one. Instead, he consistently daydreams about opening his own restaurant. But in the end, Eliza can't even get Bob to initiate any plans to fulfill that dream either.
Poor, poor Bob & Eliza. What are they gonna do?
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marcishaun · 5 months
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Bob: I got a promotion! FINALLY!!! Eliza: I knew you could do it, babe!
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marcishaun · 6 months
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Eliza: You're gonna get that promotion, babe. Bob: Mhmm... Eliza: And then, maybe we can talk more about having a baby?
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marcishaun · 5 months
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Bob doesn't even have the energy to make big, hearty breakfasts anymore.
Bob: [watches dryer spin] I know I need to do better. I feel burnt out.
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marcishaun · 5 months
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Bob: I don't know what you want me to do, babe. Eliza: We've lived here a year, & I feel like we've barely explored it. Bob: My work hours suck. I'm trying to hustle & get promoted ASAP. Eliza: All I'm asking is for a date night once a week. Bob: Okay. You're right. That's fair.
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marcishaun · 5 months
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Bob: I can't wait to meet this little one...
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marcishaun · 5 months
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Eliza: [answers door] Hmm. No one is here.
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marcishaun · 5 months
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After awhile with no sales, Bob grows frustrated and reluctantly lowers his price. Unfortunately, he still has neighbors pondering if they want to pay, when Eliza walks up.
Eliza: Need help serving plates? Taking orders?
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marcishaun · 5 months
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As time goes on, the Pancakes fall into a good rhythm of taking care of things. Well, at least Eliza has.
Eliza: You are your daddy's twin! 🥰 Have my eyes though.
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