luvksj · 3 years
Yandere!BTOB: The Death Penalty
author’s pov: hello, i’m back after forever !!! apologies for being inactive, i finished my first year of uni (doing online exams ಸ_ಸ,,, the stress was real) and yesterday, i had surgery to remove my wisdom teeth and fix my jaw so i’m kinda sore right now. 
on another note, i will never forgive cube for what they did to clc and how mistreated they were. they had such huge potential to be popular but that shitty ass company ruined it for them !!! on a more positive note, sungjae and hyunsik are finally back and i can’t wait for future btob activities (it’ll feel weird w/o ilhoon: #forever7tob) 
- here’s a story, enjoy please !!! i found the idea of this story from @yan-purgatory so check out their story for the original !!! also, this story might be a different format from the others okie :)
plot: you decided to end your suffering by permanently removing the cause of it
e u n k w a n g
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he couldn’t believe it. he refused to believe it. 
just 24 hours ago, he was returning home from work. you had been suspiciously quiet the entire day, he suspected you were planning another escape so he came home early to prevent his precious jewel from escaping.
however, when he opened the door, he didn’t expect to be greet with the sight of policemen who immediately pounced on him, yelling at him to remain quiet and stop resisting. 
he couldn’t believe it. his one and only love betrayed him. 
you, on the other hand, cried tears of relief. you were finally freed of his demonic clutches. a police officer escorted you to a police car and took you to the station for your statement. 
once eunkwang heard he would be sentenced to death, he just lost it. 
he flailed around, trying desperately to reach you but the baracade of police officers prevented him from even moving an inch towards you, tackling him down.
the days before his death, he’d try to contact you and convince you to stop this non-sense but you wouldn’t return any of his calls or letters. the police had stripped him of his phone so he couldn’t see where you were anyomre: you could be danger and these bastards wouldn’t let him know your location.
in his last hour, you handed him an envelope and hope filled him that you had finally come to your senses and would release him from this ‘nightmare’ but what he read made his blood boil. 
“rot in hell, you bastard. i’ll never love you, never will and never did. - ps: i’m dating someone who i truly love so fxxk u ♡ your ex, y/n l/n.”
and that was the last thing he read before being electrocuted to death: glaring at you smiling, happy he was dying. 
“how dare you move on so fast. i’m the only one you should love, not that prick. just wait until we see each other again...”
m i n h y u k
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what?! how?!
he was in disbelief. he had been fooled by someone whom he trusted with your safety and now you were wrapped in their embrace, crying, while he was being forcefully escorted to the police car. 
you had just endured another punishment for angering minhyuk by talking to his head of security. he asumed you were cheating on him so he carried you to the torture chamber, in the basement where you were severely punished. but... little did he know, it’ll be the last time he’d ever see you again.
while you cowered in the corner, crying in pain, the basement door was suddenly kicked down and minhyuk was pinned to the floor by a dozen of armed officers. how did they get in, only him and his head of security know the code to his gate...
that’s when it clicked, he saw his head of security rushed to comfort you with a officer and paramedic. he was right to not trust anyone becuase everyone will hurt you like now by taking you away from him! 
he tried freeing himself and get to you but the armed officers had a firm grip on him. “don’t even try, you sick bastard.” one police officer spat in disgust. 
as soon as minhyuk heard he’d be killed, he laughed thinking he was hallunciating. there was no way, he couldn’t live without you and to think that you would be here, without him protecting you, made him even more worried. 
minhyuk wrote many letters, demanding that you reconsider everything and drop this immediately. however, they were futile as he never received a single response from you and on the day of his death, minhyuk was given an opportunity to say one final thing to you.
he was strapped onto the bed, about to be injected with the poisnous drugs which would kill him. he looked at you and promised that once you see each other again, you’d pay dearly. 
“once we reunite, you’ll pay for this. i’ll punish you for being a bad girl and disobeying the rules. if something happens to you while i’m not here... i’ll rain hell. understand?”
c h a n g s u b
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he remained emotionless when receiving the death sentence and looked at you, cheering, overjoyed that he was going to die. hugging your lawyer tightly, crying in their embrace while officers escorted him away, forcefully pushing towards his impending doom.
how did this happen within the spam of three hours?
you had run off again while he was distracted and he was chasing you down in his car. you ran inside an abandoned warehouse, changsub followed in suit -- unaware you had led him into your trap. he was surprised when he was immediately tackled down, handcuffs attached to both his ankles and wrists. 
the lights turned on and the place was crawling with armed officers who had their guns trained on him. ready to shoot if he tried anything stupid. you watched him, the person who made your life a living hell for three years being escorted away, finally freed from his grip. 
changsub thought he had everything planned out. he knew where you were at all times and worked tirelessly to ensure you couldn’t leave him. the one person which made life worth living. 
and now, that same person, had just betrayed him and shown that they didn’t need him. while you were his sunshine, he was your nightmare but it was finally over. 
while awaiting his death sentence, changsub would send you letters to remind you how much you mean to him and that once you guys reunited, he’d never, ever let you go again. 
once he was being killed, he looked you straight in the eyes, he had threatened that if you ever find another lover: man, woman or non-binary, that he would show you the meaning of true hell. 
“i’m the ONLY one you’ll ever love, understand? if you even dare date another scumbag, i don’t care who, i’ll show you what hell truly means. ok? i’m the only thing in your life so keep it that way.”
h y u n s i k
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he thought he had gotten rid of every threat imaginable to him. he had complete control over you: he knew everything you did and kept tabs on you. he did everything for you and this is how you pay him back... by permanently removing him from your life?!
hyunsik thought he could finally live peacefully with you after so many obstacles thrown in his path while he defeated everyone, he couldn’t defeat the final boss: your neighbour. your neighbour had called the police after hearing your screams ring out in the dead of night. 
your neighbour knew you were living in a toxic relationship with a two-faced prick who manipulated you into believing he was protecting you from the harms of the world when the real harm was him. when the police arrived, hyunsik was mid-way through his punishment.
“POLICE! ARMS UP!” the officers yelled and yanked hyunsik away from your fragile figure. your neighbour rushed to you followed by paramedics who took you to the hospital while hyunsik was taken to custody, screaming profanities at  the officers for separating him from you: his reason to live. 
he screamed when he heard he would be sentenced to death. his dream he worked so hard for was now destroyed and tried lunging at your neighbour but was knocked out by officers. 
each day before his death, he sent threatening letters to you and the neighbour, promising that you will pay for what you have done. for destroying the one thing he worked so hard for and the last thing he saw before dying was you... kissing the neighbour, both of you giving him the bird.
“just remember that once we see each other again, i will make sure you both pay tremendously for what you have done. EVERYTHING I HAVE WORKED HARD FOR -- RUINED BECAUSE OF YOU TWO! you will pay, mark my words.”
p e n i e l
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you had been planning this for a long time. this had to work as it was your only chance at escaping him: the demon himself, the person who made your life a living nightmare. 
every night while he slept, you continued working on your plan to finally free yourself and taste freedom for the first time in... two years was what motivated you to do something so risky. because you knew if he found out... that would be the end. game over, pretty simple. 
luckily, he didn’t. you thanked the lord that peniel was a heavy sleeper and could sleep through ALMOST any noise. and you finally put that plan into motion by pretending to order pizza when in reality it was the police you were calling. your friend who worked as a police officer was in on it and arrived at the house you called ‘a prison cell’ to free you.
peniel was awoken by a loud disturbance and heard the sirens, panicking immediately. he tried finding you but you were nowhere to be seen. and he opened the door to see you standing with the police, their guns trained on him and he knew he had been caught. 
he tried making you feel guilty and used all his usual guilt-tripping tactics but they didn’t work this time: in fact, none of them worked which surprised him. peniel was sentenced to death and that sent him into a state of shock, nearly fainting if the officers surrounding him didn’t catch. 
the days before his death, he’d send you letters asking you to not forget him and remember he was your one and only sweetheart. he’d beg you to reconsider minutes before being killed but you didn’t budge, not one inch. peniel died broken hearted knowing he’d be seperated from you for a long time.
“i can’t live with you, y/n! i need you and you need me! we’re a match made in heaven, sweetheart! don’t do this please, i’m the only one capable of loving you! no one else can love you like i can! don’t forget me!”
i l h o o n
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he was unable to understand how this all happened, he had you under his watchful eye 24/7, 365. he knew where you were at all times even if he wasn’t there with you physically, his security cameras and tracking devices kept him informed.
so, how did this all happened?
well, it’s all quite simple, he stupidly decided to trust you alone tonight because he needed to attend an important work function and because you had been such a good girl, he allowed you to stay home alone for a few hours.
he gave you a lecture and warned you about what will happen if you disobey any rules. he was confident you wouldn’t act stupid as he had eyes on you everywhere. but what he didn’t imagine was that this work function was all just a set-up created by you.
ilhoon arrived and once he pushed those doors open, he didn’t expect to see an army of armed officers awating him. he immediately tried escaping but all exits were blocked off, he struggled demanding answers while being handcuffed, pushed inside the police car. 
ilhoon tried contacting you but you weren’t responding to any of his calls or text messages. he found out you had set everything up during his trial and went deathly quiet: see this is what happens when he decides to trust you, you betrayed him and now he would be killed because of you.
he didn’t even try reaching out to you but what did worry him is what you would be doing while he was counting down his days. the thought of you finding another lover made him angry, only he could love you! no one else! 
on the day of his death, he was upset that you didn’t even show up and the officer handed him a letter from you and he couldn’t believe it, you had really pushed the boundaries now. 
“all you ever did was make my life a living hell and now i’m free. you can no longer control me, i am free.  -ps: meet my new lover whom i love with my whole heart ❤️️ [polaroid of you and your bias] goodbye, you dick from y/n l/n,”
so he died but promised that he’d pay you back for what you have done when you both meet again.
“just because i’m no longer here doesn’t mean you can become a whore. you’ll reap the consequences of your actions once we meet again, my love.”
s u n g j a e
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sungjae would be surprised. he had everyone believe he was some angel sent from heaven yet he was here: in court, watching you celebrate with your legal team that he was going to killed for just loving you.
he had returned home from work, craving your embrace but you weren’t anywhere inside the house making him panic, all your belongings were still here but you weren’t! he checked all the cameras but they had been turned off and talked to the neigbours, feeding them lies but no-one’s seen you.
how did you even escape in the first place, he had eyes everywhere. the house was locked up, only he has the key to the house and the glass for the windows were indestrucible made from bullet proof glass. he wasn’t taking any chances for you to escape, leaving him all alone. uh huh, no way. 
only he could love you. only he was deserving of loving something so precious and worthy.
while he went on a wild manhunt, sungjae was too worried about you that he didn’t even realized he was being tailed by police until a police car forcefully rammed into the side of his car, sending him off the road and collided with a tree.
once he found out what happened, he laughed thinking he would be able to easily convince people that he was being framed for something he clearly didn’t do. and once he found you, he’d punish you... harshly. 
you didn’t even show you to the trial for ‘safety reasons’ and sungjae was found guilty as all his contacts turned on him. he couldn’t believe that all the people he trusted had betrayed him and exposed him for someone he definitely wasn’t!
despite the many attempts to manipulate the jury into believing he was innocent, your legal team had evidence to counter-attack and he lost it when he would be given the death penalty. he shouted profanities at his contacts, promising he’d get his revenge. 
detained in his cell, he’d send you letters to remind you of everything he has done for you and that he didn’t deserve this. desperately trying to convince you to reconsider for ‘your own good’ but none of his letters reached you. you were really testing his patience now, sweetheart. 
on his death day, he hadn’t received a single response from you and it was driving him crazy. he fought with the officers who strapped to the chair, the firing squad getting ready to shoot him, sungjae demanded to talk to you but the officers wouldn’t let him.
and the day he died was your happiest day ever. you were free from his demonic clutches, he could no longer ruin your life, you finally had control of your life again. 
“i want to speak to y/n! how dare you refuse me of that! i will haunt you all for what you did and make your lives a living hell! i’m an innocent man, i’m being framed! i promise i’ll get my revenge on YOU ALL!”
b t o b
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they had just been betrayed by everyone: their fans, staff, company and you. 
you have been conspiring against them for months, plannning everything down to the iddiest, bittiest detail. you knew this would be your only chance at freeing yourself from their monstrous grasp and finally be able to live without fear. you weren’t going to risk any mistake so you enlisted some help. 
everyone were skeptical you were lying but once you showed them proof, they rallied behind you to put these demons away for good. MELODYs distracted BTOB while CUBE and their staff collected evidence of their worngdoings, sending it to police who barged into their practice after everything had been dealt with.
BTOB couldn’t believe what had happened as they were tackled down, handcuffed and sent away. they thought they had everyone fooled but you decided to be a bad girl and now they were being sentenced to death despite their attempts at convincing everyone they were nothing but saints went in vain.
they had no-one now: everyone turned on them and they spent their final days promising that they’ll get their revenge. you, on the other hand, cried happily knowing you were finally free and thanked everyone for helping you escape their clutches promising you’ll pay them back.
you decided to pursue your passion and became an idol yourself. you would taunt them by sending videos of you being intimate with the back-up dancers making BTOB mad, you were really pushing your limits now baby.
on the day of their death, you celebrated with everyone else as they were executed but they didn’t leave without saying some final words. promising everyone would pay dearly, especially you, their beloved baby. 
“mark our words, you’ll all pay for this. every single one of you, will pay for this. especially you, y/n, we did everything for you and this is how you pay us back? we are the only ones who can love you and touch you, NO ONE ELSE! you will pay for this, baby.”
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quatresnuku · 5 years
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Although i didn't get tickets to the concert that didn't stop me from lining up to go get merch #limhyunsik #imhyunsik #rendezvous #btob #kpop #btobhyunsik #btobmelody #merch #quatresnuku (at Itaewon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ZJCwYAQSS/?igshid=z7rywwxn8vfu
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feryagame · 4 years
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❤❤Hello my loves!❤❤ I'm here to apologize for the delay in congratulating them, I'm having problems and sometimes my head is so full that I don't think straight. But I want to express my love for you and say that I will always be here to support you. 🥂🎂 Happy late birthday 💝👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 ❤❤❤❤ I Love You so much ❤❤❤❤ #HappyDonghunDay #HappyWonjunDay #HappyHyunsikDay #HappyPenielDay . . . #ACE #AceDonghun #Choice #ChoiceBrazil #ELast #ELastWonjun #Elring #ElringBrazil #Btob #BtobHyunsik #BtobPeniel #Melody #MelodyBrazil https://www.instagram.com/p/CMWJnezhVPY/?igshid=13eodfzoylrhr
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mellostarr · 4 years
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Congratulations @imhyunsik and @yook_can_do_it for completing your Basic Military Training 🎉✨ @cube_official_btob @btob_silver_light @hutazone @lee_cs_btob @imhyunsik @btobpeniel @ilhoonmj @yook_can_do_it #eunkwang #minhyuk #changsub #hyunsik #peniel #ilhoon #sungjae #btob #yejiapsa #yejiapsabtob #yejiapsamelody #btobtime #btobeunkwang #btobminhyuk #btobchangsub #btobhyunsik #btobpeniel #btobilhoon #btobsungjae https://www.instagram.com/p/CBecky6j3mI/?igshid=1q3f5ue8zrbre
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attheeds · 5 years
🚨💙A must-read for all melodies: Get To Know #BTOB better! 😍
Everyone misses the boys and I know you often check for updates - which we don't have much as of now. Instead, let's read fun and interesting interview they did in the past and know a little about their interesting characters! Enjoy! 😉🙃 #BTOB ~~~ BTOB - HONEST AND INTERESTING INTERVIEW
Q: When does Eunkwang get angry?
EK: If it is about me, most of the time, I will just hold it in. However, I will get angry if it involves the safety of the people around me. That’s why although I should have gotten angry when one of the members does anything bad, but I can never do it. Instead will call the person over and talk to him harmoniously but this doesn’t seem really good either, I should just get angry.
Q: Does Minhyuk like cross-dressing like ‘Boy’s Day” from the music show?
MH: If you were to just look at my face you may mistake me as a girl but the muscles on my body feel a little ashamed. It was a pity as the wig on that day didn’t suit me very well. I would have looked even better if the hair suited me! I spread my legs while wearing a skirt and got scolded by the members next to me (Laughs) Spreading my legs when wearing a skirt really looks very indecent and rude. I will take notes from now. I look exactly like my aunt when I crossdress, I thought of my aunt when I looked into the mirror.
(T/N: Why would you take note of such things… it’s not like you have to do it often.. or do you have a fetish..?)
Q: Changsub, do you realize your 4D personality?
CS: I do know about it myself. Once in a while, I will also ask myself “Why did I do that?” (Laughs) The difference between the others and I would be photos of me in my weird poses! Many have said that I am not mentally stable, I think this is also one of the reason. Although I want to do something seriously, but I would start playing around all of a sudden and it caused people around me to get a shock. But in my opinion, all 7 members are weird. (Laughs) I’m not saying that anyone is particularly weird because we’re all weird! I think this is BTOB’s charm.
Q: Is Hyunsik the muscle leader behind the scene?
HS: I think the nature of my muscles is slightly different. I don’t do any special trainings, I just spend each day normally but grew into the muscle type. So I only mostly train the arms muscles that I use often. I think the muscles naturally formed as I always helped my mum do work and carry things. However, I do not have the desire to be in charge of muscles in the group, no matter how you put it, I just want to work hard musically! (Laughs) So I won’t flaunt my muscles on purpose!
Q: As Cutie Player’s creator, does Ilhoon normally have a lot of aegyo?
IH: I don’t do cute stuff normally. However, if I were to be like how I am usually, I would seem as though I am really fierce and is throwing a temper so I try to look more lively and outgoing. I guess that’s when the hidden aegyo comes out. (Laughs) I wasn’t the one who created the Cutie Player. As I practically didn’t have any talents, I just did it when they asked me to show a talent. I have no idea how it was spread. Amongst the members, I think Minhyuk hyung does aegyo the best. I think he is really good at doing aegyo for the fans. Despite people saying that it’s just fan service, it’s just Minhyuk hyung’s revealing his inner aegyo in my opinion. It’s his real self. (Laughs)
Q: Peniel, you have yet to be adapted to Korea's culture?
P: There are a lot of things that I have not gotten used to. As there are a lot of small details, it is very difficult to explain….. Like being particular about who is older, younger, senior and stuff? It would be great if everyone is equal as there’s no formal speech in English.
Q: Was Yook Sung Jae popular during high school?
SJ: It’s a little embarrassing to say it myself… hehehe (Laughs) I seem to have a bit of popularity! I have a sister who is 3 years older than me so I like getting loved. My sister always takes good care of me, that’s why I like girls who are older than me as well as younger girls who treat me as though they’re my older sister. However, as I am the youngest son so I have to show aegyo, be a little shameless but recently I want to show everyone my manly side. A little distance is required for a man to be charming!
Strengths & Weakness
Angel Leader: Eunkwang
Self Evaluation:
Strength: I always have a smile on my face and has been nicknamed "Happy Virus". " Has a very good personality like an angel" Pff, saying it myself is a little.. (Shy) I have never gotten angry with the members. In the past, I didn't quarrel much with my brother either, I don't think I have ever gotten angry in my life. Even if I want to, I have no idea how.
Weakness: Indecisive, often follow others' opinions. Unable to express my own thoughts.
Minhyuk's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: Has a kind and forgiving heart. No matter how overboard the members go with their jokes, he will just accept them with a smile. As BTOB's leader, he protects the members without them knowing.
Weakness: He is too nice! He doesn't even get angry when he should, this isn't good! This is why he worries about things on his own. When that happens, I would be angry for him as I am also part of the hyung line. Another bad point would be his game addiction. Although he says that he has decreased the amount of time he spends playing.. who knows~
Changsub's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: Has a very good personality and treasures the members a lot. Even if the members go overboard with their jokes on him, he will still look at them gently and watch over them. As our group's main vocal, he protects his position very well.
Weakness: He is too short. (Laughs)
Hyunsik's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: He is a really nice person. No matter who it is, they are bound to feel this way.
Weakness: Being a nice person is a weakness too as he doesn't get angry. As a leader, there are times where he should scold us but he doesn't even get angry.
Peniel's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: He is an extremely nice person.
Weakness: Being too nice is a weakness too.
Ilhoon's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: Is a very lacking and very kind person.
Weakness: His personality is too good! It feels as though he gives in to us too much, that he isn't expressing his thoughts well. Even so, he takes extremely good care of us. Our existence is to fill up for what Eunkwang is lacking, So if you were to look at us as a group, this isn't exactly a weakness.
Sungjae's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: He is really very kind. I have known Eunkwang for 4 years and I have yet to see him get angry. Instead of scolding us or flaring up, Eunkwang resolves issues through a conversation.
Weakness: Overly kind. I think that there are situations where he should have gotten angry to let the members see his power but he isn't very good in that aspect.
The perfect guy who makes the members proud: Minhyuk
Strength: Self-management is my strength. If there is something that I want to do, I will carefully make plans and also manage them. For example, I will always make notes so that I won't forget to do things. As I am a singer, I hope to be perfect when it comes to singing, rapping, lyrics writing, composing and sports. However as our schedule is tight, there are things that I have left out so I am going to sort out a new plan starting from daily activities.
Weakness: I have a lot of trouble. Even if it is just a simple issue, I will think of it in a very complicated way and get timid. Although I do not bring inconvenience to others, it makes me very tired. It would be great if I could think about things from a broader aspect.
Eunkwang's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: No matter what he does, he is very serious and does it to the best of his ability. He puts in all his heart and soul no matter who or what issue it is on hand. He does his best no matter how small the detail is, singing and dancing are just the basics. He looks charming even to us.
Weakness: ..Height? (Bursts out laughing) I am of the same height as Minhyuk but it is really quite a waste for Minhyuk! Other than his height, he is really perfect.
Changsub's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: As a summary, he is really charismatic and popular and has nothing he can't do. He excels in sports, raps well, sings well and even dances well too. He is a well-rounded artist.
Weakness: This hyung is short (Laughs)
Hyunsik's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: No matter what it is, as long as he wants to do it, he will do it well I think this is really amazing!
Weakness: The downside of being competitive, at times I think that his desires are too much. (Laughs)
Peniel's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: He tries really hard no matter what he does.
Weakness: Even if he has to strain his body to achieve something, he will always persevere till the end and even causing his body to break down, that isn't very good.
Ilhoon's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: He keeps to his words and carries the tasks out perfectly. If he has something he wants to do, he will put in even more effort in order to achieve it. He has good sports genes and excels in sports. He doesn't like admitting defeat.
Weakness: Now that he has hurt his knee and his body isn't in good condition, his body actually isn't that strong. Despite that, he works very hard on every single task and it is rather worrying. I hope he will put his health into consideration.
Sungjae's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: He does the things that Eunkwang can't do. As he is also part of the hyung line, he will scold us in place of Eunkwang.
Weakness: He doesn't seem to have any weaknesses. Ah, height....(Laughs)
A 4D character who possesses a naturally beautiful voice: Changsub
Strength: I have been praised by many about the unique charm in my voice. My voice is a little different when I speak so I used to hate it when people said that I sound like a girl. However, my voice is a powerful weapon to me now and I hope to let more people hear me sing.
Weakness: I can't wake up once I fall asleep (Laughs) Once I fall asleep, I won't be able to wake up, causing a lot of trouble for the members. Although being a heavy sleeper helps me get rid of fatigue, I have to apologize as it also affects my punctuality when it comes to attending schedules.
Eunkwang's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: I think everyone will be saying this same line, that his vocals are really outstanding! That he is someone who is well-loved by many fans because of his voice.
Weakness: He sleeps for too long. (Laughs) It is also very obvious when he is in a bad mood. Everyone gets nervous whenever he sleeps, as he will glare at you if you were to wake him up and it's really scary.
Minhyuk's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: Likes practicing until he is satisfied with what he hears no matter how long it takes.
Weakness: He can't control his expressions well. Recently he has been working on controlling his thoughts.
Hyunsik's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: Extremely interesting, you will be really happy when you are with him.
Weakness: He is the type who acts according to his mood and you will know if he is angry or in a bad mood with just one look.
Peniel's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: Possesses a naturally beautiful voice.
Weakness: He really sleeps too much. Although he possesses good vocals, he is always sleeping before performances so his vocals have not been warmed up, which causes his singing to be unstable and it's quite a waste.
Ilhoon's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: His voice is really good, when he stands on stage, he is able to fully showcase his inner charms.
Weakness: He has his mood written all over his face. You will be able to notice when he gets angry. He is usually an extremely interesting person and often jokes around. However, he gets angry easily and his moods can be noticed easily. So to some, it may not be a good thing.
Sungjae's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: He is always filled with cuteness towards us, the younger ones, and is extremely cute. When our eyes meet, he will go "Sungjae ah~" in a weird voice then comes over to hug me. There are times when I am tired and he will still do the same, hoping I would entertain him and that's when I hope he won't do that!
Weakness: Changsub has really drastic mood swings like me and he gets even more agitated than me when he is angry. He is also very short-tempered.
Multi-talented with a killer smile: Hyunsik
Strength: Always very positive. Has a character who will overcome all difficulties positively.
Weakness: Overly positive (Laughs)
Eunkwang's evaluation of Hyunsik:
Strength: Like a real man, he is open-minded and his eye smile is really adorable. As he is filled with musical skills, he can play various instruments including piano and guitar, he can even compose songs.
Weakness: Although it is good to have self-confidence, there are times where he gets overconfident.
Minhyuk's evaluation of Hyunsik:
Strength: Having self-confidence and high self-esteem is Hyunsik's strength. This is why his potential has been strengthened.
Weakness: However his pride is too strong and does not listen to hyungs' advises at times.
Changsub's evaluation of Hyunsik:
Strength: Knows music very well. We attend the same music university which is considered quite well known in Korea. He contributed 2 self-composed songs for last year's 'Thriller' album. This time, the song he wrote with Eunkwang hyung and I was also included in the album. Therefore he is the best when it comes to music isn't the right?
Weakness: He has too many muscles. Bang bang!
Ilhoon's evaluation of Hyunsik:
Strength: Multi-talented. he can draw well, compose and sings well. For instruments, he can play the piano and guitar.
Weakness: High self-esteem, scary sometimes. Other than that, hyung is rather flawless.
Sungjae's evaluation of Hyunsik:
Strength: Although he is a manly muscle man, he also has a detailed side which makes him extremely charming.
Weakness: He sleeps too much (Laughs), He is the kind who will continue sleeping if no one wakes him up. For example, if we need to go to the salon at 9am, we definitely have to wake up at 8am but he can't, which isn't good!
The innocent and romantic English teacher: Peniel
Strength: Not serious. As I am more open-minded, I have good relationships with everyone, just that I am a little shy initially.
Weakness: Not very adjusted to Korea's culture.
Eunkwang's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: He always has a smile on his face like an adorable child. As he lived in the states, he was not used to Korea's environment but his Korean has been getting better.
Weakness: Despite getting used to expressing himself in Korean, he does not share his thoughts often so I hope that he will come forward to express himself more.
Minhyuk's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: He has an innocent, romantic and positive charm. He also has the ability to make people around him laugh. You get a blissful feeling whenever you see him.
Weakness: He doesn't have his own desires. Although it has gotten slightly better recently, he still does not express his own thoughts often even if he receives a song and was assigned the least amount of lines. BTOB has 7 members so you have to protect and fight for your own parts, but Peniel doesn't care even if he doesn't receive many lines. However, Peniel's fans get lonely after seeing him like this and hope that he can shine brighter in stage and sing more. His skills have improved recently and have been mentioning things that he wants to do so I am really happy for him.
Changsub's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: His English is good as he lived abroad. He gets the hang of things easily. Although he doesn't have any special talents, but he can do anything very well quickly. He also belongs to the multi-talented artiste category. He is also very positive and likes to make people smile.
Weakness: His weakness is that he still doesn't speak Korean very well.
Hyunsik's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: He is a very good child and very devoted. He is very innocent and gives off the feeling that he has been a treasured child.
Weakness: Maybe it was due to the influence of his lifestyle in the states so he still seems to have yet to fully adapt to Korea's lifestyle, but comparing to the past, he has improved a lot.
Ilhoon's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: He does everything well no matter what you get him to do. Like writing lyrics, if you get him to write it, he is able to write it out immediately.
Weakness: The downside of doing everything he is told well, you don't see him putting in his own will to carry out something he wants to do. Instead of saying that he has no desires, it is a weakness because we are artistes and we have to produce works so you need to have the urge to stretch yourself.
Sungjae's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: He is like a close friend to me although he is 2 years older than me. We are always together when shopping or playing around! Whenever I ask him to play with me, he will always say "Okay!"
Weakness: His personality is so good that it makes me agitated. I hope that you will voice out your thoughts once in a while too.
Passionate charisma: Ilhoon
Strength: I feel that I am the brightest on stage. I am the most dazzling and charismatic when I sing. But off the stage, I am cute, have high variety of skills and are very interesting, these are are my strengths.
Weakness: I am the kind who insists on only doing things that I want to do, I guess this is also considered a type of weakness.
Hyunsik's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength: Passionate about music, we often work on song compositions together these days. Possesses various talents. has a good sense of things.
Weakness: He is like Changsub hyung who behaves according to his mood. But he has improved a lot recently.
Eunkwang's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength:Is positive and is fearless no matter what issue there is. Ilhoon possesses various skills. Although he is younger than me, he knows more than I do.
Weakness: He gets angry rather easily and vents it immediately. He is working hard on changing this problem.
Minhyuk's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength: Is someone who works hard on developing his potential. Like Changsub and Hyunsik, Ilhoon is also very passionate when it comes to practicing. He has high self-esteem, does things that he wants to do very well. Has a lot of knowledge.
Weakness: Gets angry easily, but the anger is not directed at us it is instead directed towards himself and it is easily noticed by people. Things like kicking the door open loudly. (Laughs) When that happens, we'll remind him and he will realize it after that. He is better on the overall now.
Changsub's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength: Multi-talented. He knows what is a variety show as he is Weekly Idol's fixed host. He also raps well. I feel that he belongs in the top tier of the current idol rappers.
Weakness: Gets angry easily, has a personality like a real man. Although we can occasionally see Ilhoon with aegyo, I don't really like Ilhoon with aegyo. (Laughs)
Peniel's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength: Is a very hard working person.
Weakness: He dieted too much recently, there's no more meat left, only skin. (Laughs)
Sungjae's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength: Has a passionate personality. He is able to actively tell our hyungs his suggestions. Although he is in the magnae line like me, he is someone who is able to show his leadership skills.
Weakness: He has too many weaknesses! Firstly, he is too weak (Laughs) He dieted too much and is only left with bones now. Quickly recover to how you used to be!
Born a super idol: Sungjae
Strength: Hmm strengths, hehe (Laughs) I really have to thank my parents, for creating such a handsome kid! My optimistic character is also my strength, everyone says that I am constantly smiling. Come to think of it, I think don’t have any strengths (Laughs) I also have a passionate side, and is adventurous, wants to do everything first, and will keep persevering till the end. Once I have set my mind to achieving something, I am the kind who will continue until I accomplish it. I also like to take initiative on things. As expected, I have too many strengths! (Laughs)
Weakness: My mood swings are a little drastic. My mood is usually quite lively, but if I am in a bad mood, it will show on my face immediately. I have been scolded by the older members often so it should be better than it used to, just a little left.
Eunkwang’s evaluation of Sungjae:
Strength: Prior to our debut, the 2 of us used to stay in the same dorm so we are considered quite close amongst the members. Good looking, tall and has a cute personality, he does a very good job of supporting BTOB.
Weakness: Although he looks lively and happy, there are times where he has his downs and these are the times that make us worried.
Minhyuk’s evaluation of Sungjae:
Strength: Filled with ideas, creative and has a good sense of things. Just that he may have a lot of suggestions but not many can be used. (Laughs) He has amazingly rich imagination skills and is really different from his talents.
Weakness: His weakness is his mood swings. Although he is in a good mood most of the time recently, the people around him get worried whenever he feels a little down as it’s written clearly all over his face! In addition, Sungjae often doesn’t admit to his own mistakes.
Changsub’s evaluation of Sungjae
Strength: He’s the face of BTOB. He’s tall, handsome and also sings and raps well. He even looks good when he cross-dresses (Laughs) He also has a very good variety sense and holds the group together as the magnae.
Weakness: He gets overly excited at times, and gets high on his own.
Hyunsik’s evaluation of Sungjae:
Strength: He is like an adult although he’s the magnae. He totally doesn’t feel like the magnae recently.
Weakness: When he gets overconfident (Laughs)
Peniel’s evaluation of Sungjae:
Strength: Good looking and tall.
Weakness: His drastic mood swings. He likes to play around when he’s in a good mood but will be sulky alone when he’s feeling down.
Ilhoon’s evaluation of Sungjae:
Strength: Outgoing personality and good looking can be said as some of his God-given strengths.
Weakness: This kid has drastic mood swings like Changsub. He plays around to his fill when he’s happy and becomes very sulky when he is sad. It doesn’t matter now as we’re used to it. It’s just that you might get a shock when you just meet each other. source: JP-CN: @yunyunzai-Melody on Weibo, CN-EN: @_910620; picture - snugjae;
credits to: omonatheydidnt Published in 05/12/14
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k-pyc6002 · 6 years
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#btob #btobmelody #melody #btobsungjae #btobchangsub #btobeunkwang #btobpeniel #btobminhyuk #btobilhoon #btobhyunsik #sungjae #changsub #peniel #eunkwang #minhyuk #ilhoon #hyunshik
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ra1ne · 6 years
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#btob #borntobeat #11thminialbum #this_is_us #btobeunkwang #btobminhyuk #btobpeniel #btobchangsub #btobilhoon #btobhyunsik #btobsungjae #melody @macha0mochi What is going on?! 🤣
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killingmebtob · 6 years
[[☾]] Spin The Bottle // Jung Ilhoon, Lee Minhyuk, Im Hyunsik
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Author: @killingmebtob // Nyx
Characters: Ilhoon, Minhyuk, Hyunsik, and Reader
Summary: A little drink session with the boys becomes a little kink session.
Warning: Smut, really explicit, fingering, oral (male receiving), unprotected sex, public sex (??)
Your name: submit What is this?
“Spin.” They commanded, taking another shot of the alcohol you were all drinking, who knew what it was? You don't remember anything anymore.
The boys asked you to come over at their place to have a little drink session. They said they missed you, since you haven't met for how long.
“Hyunsik!” You all yelled in unison. “Okay, okay. What?” Hyunsik asked.
“Truth or Dare?” Minhyuk asked. “Truth.” Hyunsik answered.
Ilhoon threw the tin cap of the alcohol bottle at Hyunsik, “Playing safe.” Ilhoon scoffed.
“Make a sexy confession.” Minhyuk said and laughed, Hyunsik's eyes landed on you. You smiled as you waited for his answer. “I'd like to get laid tonight.” He said smiling so sweetly, clearly showing the opposite of what he just said.
“Oooohhh, kinky.” Minhyuk teased, “Okay, spin!” Minhyuk said as Hyunsik took another shot and spun the bottle once more.
“Minhyuk.” We all said in chorus again. “Okay, dare!” He answered.
“Oh, I like this.” Ilhoon said with an evil smile. Rubbing his hands together as if he was scheming.
“Finger-fuck (Y/N) on top of her clothes for thirty seconds.” Hyunsik commanded.
Minhyuk looked at Hyunsik with shock, while Ilhoon laughed out loud with excitement.
“Is that okay, (Y/N)?” Minhyuk asked. You looked at the three of them, you took another shot and nodded.
“Aaahh, yes! It's getting exciting.” Ilhoon clapped.
Hyunsik smirked and drank a glass. Minhyuk went towards your direction, he slowly spread your legs. “Are you sure this is okay?” He asked, uncertain.
Who cares? You haven't been touched in months, and to be touched by a man like Minhyuk? Why not?
Instead of answering you took his hand and placed it on top of you. “Ooohhh~ Naughty.” Hyunsik laughed with Ilhoon.
Minhyuk started to move his fingers on top of your thin clothing. You felt your folds start to get wet.
You tossed your head back as Minhyuk traced from your clit down to your entrance, trying to dig into your clothes, “Ugh.” A small moan escaped your mouth. “It's getting hotter in here.” Ilhoon laughed as he watched the both of you intently.
Minhyuk circled his finger on your entrance, “Hmm.” you moaned against your hand.
Then, Minhyuk slid his finger inside your shorts and put your underwear aside. He slid a finger inside you making you gasp out loud. “(Y/N), do you like this?” Minhyuk asked, his eyes turning darker by the second.
“Okay you've surpassed 30 seconds, that's enough.” Ilhoon said, spanking Minhyuk's hand inside you. Making you moan one last time.
Minhyuk took his hand out of you slowly, then put his finger in his mouth, tasting you while smiling.
You bit your lip and fixed yourself, “Since you didn't do it properly, you'll have a punishment. Hyunsik clearly said on top of her clothes, no inserting.” Ilhoon scolded, waving his finger in the air.
“What? That's so unfair! I just gave what she wanted!” Minhyuk said laughing, “Nope, go out and buy us soju!” Ilhoon commanded pushing Minhyuk. “Tss, I'll be back quick.” Minhyuk said as he stood up.
“Okay, spin!” Ilhoon said, his head almost falling back, out of drunkenness.
“Wait, I need to go to the restroom.” Hyunsik said as he stood up and left the room. “Okay, be quick!” Ilhoon said waving and finally fell near the couch.
You just sat there thinking of how Minhyuk touched you and how wet you were right now.
“You enjoyed that (Y/N), huh?” You felt hot breath against your neck. It was Ilhoon.
But you thought he just fell asleep not too long ago?
Unconsciously, you nodded your head. “What an honest girl.” Ilhoon acknowledged and smiled.
“Was it enough?” Ilhoon asked, looking into your eyes. You unconsciously shook your head as an answer again.
He laughed, “Of course.” Ilhoon said nodding.
“(Y/N)...” He called your name, you looked at him.
“Do you want to check something out in my bedroom?” Ilhoon asked taking your hand, making you stand up.
He made you follow his lead, not even waiting for your answer as he was holding your hand.
He shut the door behind you and took off his pants, leaving just his boxers on. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at you.
“What am I supposed to check in here?” You said crossing your arms.
“Check if I fit inside you, I'd like to satisfy you (Y/N).” He answered gesturing you to come closer with his head.
You weren't surprised with what he had planned to do, you sat on his bed next to him. You slid down your underwear and spread your legs in front of him. “Can you check for me instead?” You ask, biting your lower lip, waiting for his move.
You didn't mind showing this side of you since you've already started with the kinky acts earlier.
He smiled and positioned himself in front of your entrance.
Slowly inserting his member, he must be having a hard time because of the alcohol.
Your head leaned on the head rest of the bed while he held your waist as he successfully fit his member inside you. “How is it?” You managed to say under those breathy soft moans.
“Tight around my cock.” Ilhoon smirked as he panted. He started moving, making you toss your head back once more.
Ilhoon held you by the cheeks and made you face him. You had your eyes shut close as he moved in and out of you.
“Look at me, (Y/N).” Ilhoon groaned. “Which feels better?” Ilhoon asked slamming in and out of your wetness.
Making the bed slightly creak with his quick hard movements. “Y-your cock.” You answered obediently.
“Ah! Ilhoon!” You exclaimed as he hit your sweet spot. He covered your mouth with his right hand, “Not too loud baby, Hyunsik hyung might hear.” He said with heavy breathing.
He kept pushing further inside you, you had no choice, but to moan onto his hand.
You squirmed under him, closing into your high.
“Fuck.” He cursed as he continued thrusting into you, his hips jerking, showing he's near climax as well.
He looked into your eyes and stared at you. You stared back with the same intensity. His pace quickened with each thrust.
Your back arched as you released on Ilhoon's member. Ilhoon pulled out and released his on top of you.
You laid on his bed as he wiped you clean. “How was it?” Ilhoon asked, still panting.
“Better than Minhyuk's finger.” You answered, making him smile.
“After we drink, come back in my room. Okay?” Ilhoon commanded you. You nodded as you put back your shorts. You knew this is gonna be a long night for you.
“I'm back~” You heard Minhyuk call out outside. Ilhoon put back his pants and asked you to go out of his room first.
On the way out, Ilhoon playfully spanks your ass, earning a glare from you.
“Where's Hyunsik?” Minhyuk asked.
“Jerking off in the restroom.” Ilhoon joked. “Ow!” Ilhoon whined as Hyunsik hit his head.
“Okay, did anything happen while I was gone?” Minhyuk asked.
You and Ilhoon looked at each other, “Just Hyunsik jerking off in the restroom, I told you.” he joked once more. Hyunsik threw back the bottle cap.
“Okay, let's continue!” Minhyuk said opening new bottles of soju. “Spin! Spin!”
The bottle spun and landed on your direction. “Ooohh, this is nice.” Minhyuk said, teasing you.
“Truth.” You played safely. “Who do you think fucks the best between the three of us? Leave one out.” Hyunsik asked with a smirk, sounding so confidently.
I looked at Ilhoon as he drank his soju from the bottle and smirked, “Minhyuk and Hyunsik.”
Ilhoon choked on his drink, making you laugh. He smirked and laughed too. “Your answer doesn't reflect the way you moaned earlier, (Y/N).” Ilhoon whispered in your ear. You just smiled slyly.
“Ooohh, wanna try me (Y/N)?” Minhyuk asked you, winking at you. You just laughed at his offer, knowing it wasn't really a joke. “Okay spin.” Hyunsik said as you spun the bottle.
It landed on you again. “Ooohhh, you can't say Truth now. It has to be a dare.” Minhyuk said laughing.
“Give me head, (Y/N).” Hyunsik commanded. “Oooohhhh~” Minhyuk teased.
Ilhoon eyed your actions, you went over to Hyunsik's side and unzipped his pants.
His member welcomed you with a twitch when your hand touched it. “Start.” Hyunsik said.
You kissed the top of his cock and slowly made your way down until the very end. You could see Ilhoon watching you intently in your peripheral vision. You bobbed your head quickly, hearing Minhyuk laugh from the side.
“(Y/N).” Hyunsik silently groaned. You sucked it hard and deep-throated his member. Making Hyunsik jerk his hips.
“Enough! That's enough already. Spin the fucking bottle already.” Ilhoon said filled with annoyance.
You took Hyunsik's member out of your mouth and gave it last pumps. Making Hyunsik look at you full of lust.
“You're good, (Y/N).” Minhyuk complimented.
You smiled as you wiped Hyunsik's pre-cum off of your mouth. Hyunsik spun the bottle for you. It landed on Minhyuk again.
“Thrust 15 times into (Y/N).” Ilhoon said without any emotion.
“Oh, is that okay?” Minhyuk asked surprisingly, once again, but now with a more excited expression. You took your shorts off, making Minhyuk hurriedly come towards you.
He pushed his pants down, exposing his already hard member. You bit your lip as you got ready for what was coming.
He positioned himself in your entrance, “One.” He whispered, holding your waist, he entered you with a slam. Making you eyes roll back and a moan escape your mouth. “Shit.” You uttered as his cock hit far back inside you.
You heard Ilhoon scoff in a corner.
“Two.” Minhyuk continued, he kept pumping in and out of you with great strength. You lost count, all you could hear was your own moans clouding the room.
“That's enough.” Hyunsik told Minhyuk, but Minhyuk didn't stop.
Minhyuk continued slamming into you, groaning your name under his breath. “(Y/N)...” Minhyuk grunted.
You moaned as you tilted your head backwards. “Enough.” Hyunsik said again. “Let them.” Ilhoon cut Hyunsik off.
Minhyuk quickened his pace, he fucked you hard and right. He took his member out and gave it a few pumps before he released infront of you.
“Happy?” Ilhoon asked, not looking at anyone, but surely it was for you. “Very.” Minhyuk answered, putting back his pants.
“Minhyuk always ends up doing more than asked.” Hyunsik joked hitting Minhyuk.
“Let's end this here.” Ilhoon said and stood up.
“Okay!” Minhyuk agreed, making everyone stand up as well.
Ilhoon went into his room immediately, you were supposed to follow him inside but Hyunsik took your wrist and led you to his room.
“Why?” You asked out of curiosity, “About your answer awhile ago, who fucks best.” Hyunsik reminded you. You raised a brow trying to ask what.
“We want to know who wins.” Minhyuk said, smiling cheerfully at you.
“I know I could fuck you better.” Hyunsik said proudly.
“I could give you more than what you experienced earlier.” Minhyuk competitively said. Moving his hips in a joking manner.
“Uhm, let's see.” An answer rolled off your tongue unknowingly, must be the power of the alcohol.
They both smiled at you as they led you to the bed.
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blushylittlelucy · 9 years
Ok minyhuks laughter is my favorite #btob #btobeunkwang #btobminhyuk #btobhyunsik
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masondixon8-blog · 9 years
#Sistar #btob #btobsungjae #btobilhoon #btobhyunsik #btobchangsub #btobpeniel #btobminhyuk #Kpop
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hoonsikbtob-fan · 9 years
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mellostarr · 4 years
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20.06.21 It's June 21 today. Exactly 2 months left and changsub will return home😭💓@cube_official_btob @btob_silver_light @hutazone @lee_cs_btob @imhyunsik @btobpeniel @ilhoonmj @yook_can_do_it #eunkwang #minhyuk #changsub #hyunsik #peniel #ilhoon #sungjae #btob #yejiapsa #yejiapsabtob #yejiapsamelody #btobtime #btobeunkwang #btobminhyuk #btobchangsub #btobhyunsik #btobpeniel #btobilhoon #btobsungjae https://www.instagram.com/p/CBsOda6jFgt/?igshid=pqyhacvlzphk
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mrkxbc · 9 years
Yesterday btobhyunsik and i had been dating for a year and we decided to use the day to get married, with a lovely garden wedding.
I love him so much, since the day we started dating it has been up and down as in any relationship but we got through it all for a whole year. This is our first day as a married couple and i expect we will still have our ups and downs, i still expect us to have fights, but i know we can get through it at. I love you hubby!
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k-pyc6002 · 6 years
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#btob #btobmelody #melody #btobsungjae #btobchangsub #btobeunkwang #btobpeniel #btobminhyuk #btobilhoon #btobhyunsik #sungjae #changsub #peniel #eunkwang #minhyuk #ilhoon #hyunshik
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killingmebtob · 6 years
[[☾]] I Thought of You // Im Hyunsik
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Author: @killingmebtob // Nyx
Characters: Hyunsik and Reader
Summary: Hyunsik shows you how he was able to come up with the song he made.
Warnings: Smut, swearing, fingering
“What are you doing?” you texted Hyunsik in the middle of the night. He started calling you, “I’m at the studio.” He informed you, you could hear him playing the electric guitar, which was your weakness. You loved it whenever he plays his guitar. “Do you want to come over?” He suggested, “Yes!” You exclaimed immediately and stood up, “I couldn’t pick you up today, sorry. I have to finish this tonight.” Hyunsik said in an apologetic tone. “It’s okay, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” You said and got ready to go to the studio. “Just text me when you’re here, I’ll pick you up downstairs. Get here safely, okay? I love you!” he said and hung up. 
You arrived at the first floor of the building, you texted Hyunsik to pick you up. Minutes later, the elevator opened up and showed Hyunsik wearing a button down polo, and ripped jeans. “Wow, what’s with the get up?” You asked. “Oh, we had a mini fan-meeting earlier.” He explained and held you by the waist, he kissed your head and hugged you tight. “I missed you.” You whispered and hugged him back. “I missed you too!” He said, hugging you much tighter, it felt so good. “Who are you with?” You asked him when you got into the studio, “Nobody, they all left awhile ago. Have you eaten?” He asked and sat on the chair beside his guitar. “Yep, how about you?” You said as you sat on the couch across his seat. “I already ate dinner, but I feel hungry.” He said and pouted. 
“Ahh, stop with the aegyo Mister Im Hyunsik!” You said and stuck out your tongue. He sighed and narrowed his eyes at you, it made you laugh. “I’m really hungry though.” He said and sat beside you, you hugged him and he put an arm around you. “What do you want to eat?” You asked him. “I have nothing in mind.” He said and looked deeply into your eyes. “Do you want me to get some food? There’s this shop just across the building.” you suggested, but he shook his head. He took you in his arms and kissed your forehead repeatedly. “How have you been? It’s been so long since I last had you in my arms like this.” Hyunsik whispered in your ear. His low voice sending you shivers down to your spine. “I’ve been missing you so much lately.” You said looking into his eyes. “I missed you too.” He uttered and gave you a deep peck before going back to his guitar. He started playing the guitar and sang a verse of his new song while looking at you, “Wait, you’re writing something sexy?” You asked as you heard his lyrics. “They told me to think about something that would help me ease writing down the lyrics, so I thought of you while writing it, and this is what I came up with.” He said chuckling silently. You stood up and started to walk towards him, “So you thought of something sexy while thinking of me?” You said in a seductive voice. He didn’t stop staring at you while you slowly walked towards him, “Did you really miss me that much?” You said and pulled him up so he can stand up, tracing his shoulders up to his neck and down to his chest. “Yes, I missed you that much.” He said and pushed you onto the wall and locked your hands above you.
You tried to break loose of his hold but he was indeed the power man of the group. His grip was immensely strong. He kept kissing you hard while his other hand roamed around your tummy, his hand slipped inside your pants fiddling with you above your underwear. You can’t help but moan in between your kisses. “I missed this so much.” He uttered and smirked as he carried you to the couch while kissing your neck. He laid you down and took off your shirt, exposing your black lace bra that he gave you, he smiled teasingly as he saw it. He already knew you were wearing the black lace underwear that came with the bra, “Prepared?” he teasingly asked as he cupped your breasts with his hands. “Ugh, Hyunsik...” You moaned as you stared at the beautiful man in front of you. He played with your nipples and started kissing your tummy. His gaze was locked onto your eyes, his kisses went lower and lower as he reached you there. He spread your legs wider and put a finger into your mouth. You sucked his finger and he took it out, he placed his finger on top of you and started going in circles. His smirk showed how evil he was, and how he enjoyed seeing you whimper in pleasure. “Say please.” He commanded, “Please, Hyunsik. Please!” you exclaimed, his finger went inside you as he went nearer to see how your face looked in pleasure, “Do you like it?” He asked, his eyes looking darker as ever and him biting his lips as he anticipated for an answer. “H-hmm.” You tried your best to answer. His finger was going in and out slowly, you wanted more. “Faster...” you pleaded, he kissed you and started to thrust faster into you.
“Ah fuck! Hyunsik!” You exclaimed and wrapped your arms around him. He started unbelting his pants as he continued to go deeper and deeper with every thrust he made. “Does it feel good?” He asked, “Y-yes, fuck! Hyunsik!” you exclaimed, not knowing what to do with all the pleasure he’s giving you. “Ah, you feel so hot inside.” He whispered in a husky voice. He took his finger out and started to remove his pants. You watched him do this, and there you saw how hard and long he was. You smirked and bit your lip. He stared at you for a moment and shook his head, “How can I resist you?” He asked and flipped you over, making you face the couch, he pulled your hips making you kneel and placed himself in position, he held your breast and your shoulder as he slowly entered you, “Oh, Hyunsik...” you uttered as you felt his shaft enter you, “Fuck.” He uttered as he struggled going in and made you plop onto the couch.
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blushylittlelucy · 9 years
I always loved sungjaes laughter #btobsungjae #btob #btobeunkwang #btobhyunsik
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