#bts should have disbanded the day they announced that hiatus
lokisasylum · 4 months
You know shit's going DOWNHILL for Hybe when they start PAYING the SAME journalist who defamed and downplayed Jimin's achievements on Billboard Hot 100, and every other record he got without the company's push to start fabricating dating rumors in order to use that artist as a shield from the backlash the company's already facing under the allegations being made/exposed by MHJ.
Such as the fact that Bongo tried to bribe MHJ into accepting him having NewJeans' album sales inflated so they could "beat aespa's record".
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(The OP is referring to 2022 when "With You" was released and Jimin's personal information was sold to antis, who spread it to the media to make it seem like Jimin hadn't paid his apartment's rent [its called "health insurance", but in reality its apartment rent] in 3 months, when at the time BTS had been on tour in the US and therefore Hybe should have absorbed the payments until their return. But a manager who was in charge of delivering the mail stole Jimin's for those 3-4 months in order to sell it to antis on DCGallery. And Hybe "allegedly" had no knowledge that this was happening right under their noses and put up that halfassed apology.
And the girl group OP is referring to is Lesseraphim, since at the time one of the former members, Garam, got involved in a very ugly scandal that resulted in her getting kicked out of the agency. OG Armys know about Bighit/Hybe's past scandal with their first gg GLAM and without the fabricated distraction using jimin's mail, this would've put BH/Hybe under a very shitty position infront of investors. )
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(Yes, you read all that right, Hybe personally chooses/hires problematic journalists in order to PAY THEM to write articles that favor THE COMPANY. Even if it means damaging their own artist's image/reputation. Like what they've been doing to Jimin since FACE was released last year. ALL of those Weverse Magazine articles that targeted, defamed, downplayed Jimin's achievements, but favored and praised ANOTHER MEMBER, were all PAID and APPROVED by Hybe themselves.
Jimin stans have been warning and talking about this since last year, but nobody believed us. They thought we were throwing baseless allegations "out of jealousy" only for it to be brought to light in the end.
The sales that were stolen and erased from Jimin's album so that he wouldn't get the record of "First 1Million Seller Ksoloist"? Got proven with an official Retail Chart near the end of year that proved Jimin's album had not only sold MORE copies than the other members, but he was the only member who's numbers matched the pre-order with the ones that were actually bought AND shipped/delivered to actual fans (and not some warehouse in China without owners only to be discarded in alleys, train stations and bathrooms << ).
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I wrote something similar to this last year around June, how we should be cautious of content Hybe would be releasing in the following months; with possible shipping content included to benefit only ONE member who was obviously being favored above the others to prove a point.
That the company isn't blind, they KNOW which member currently has a large following of unique loyal fans and if said member wasn't the company's favorite they will do everything they can (rumors, scandals, forced shipping content, ect) to wear out the solo fans and make them leave that member to make him dependent only on the group's fandom or company support (even if its nonexistent).
And it amused me the amount of shippers and company stans that got hella triggered by that post I wrote, even though in the end it all came true.
As for that problematic (crazy bitch) girl from IG claiming to be "jimin's gf" ? Just know that she's been doing this since 2018 to MANY male Idols/Public figures for clout (i guess it helps to boost her already TANKING career as a mediocre "actress").
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Hell, she even at some point in the past 2 or 3 years claimed to be f*cking JK too.
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missjjang · 8 years
Hey Inspirits, can we talk about INFINITE’s contract renewal?
So I woke up kind of emotional today, and I really want/need to know other peoples opinions about this to maybe calm myself down? Try to cope with it? Idk
Since 2017 started I’ve been on edge about INFINITE disbanding, considering that their 7 year contract with Woollim ends in June. I’ve been an Inspirit since their debut in 2010, and they’ve helped me so much thus far in my life, and seeing the prospect of them disbanding this year just makes my heart break in a million pieces and show how unready I am to let go of them. So, I’ve been trying to think about motives on why they would or wouldn’t disband, and I can’t make up my mind, so I wanna know what the rest of the fandom thinks, if any of you want to talk about it.
So shall we discuss? :3 (like really, if anyone wants to talk about it, let’s talk ;;)
1) They’ll renew their contract and continue on: I don’t doubt for a second that the boys all have amazing relationships between themselves and that they like each other a lot, which is one of the motives some groups disband when the opportunity shows up.
I also think that for a group that has been 7 years into the game all the boys have pretty strong individual activities, and none of them feels ridiculously mistreated by their company or left behind, which is another pretty strong reason why groups disband (4minute aka Hyuna and the others) or some members leave the group (L.joe wanting to act and have a solo but TOP Media only concentrating on Niel’s solo career) - Sunggyu has his musical actor career, his solo career and his mc career; Woohyun has his subunit career (you never know, we might get a Toheart comeback, who knows), his solo career and his acting career (he hasn’t done much and some movies he did were cancelled but it’s not like Woollim hasn’t ever got him work on that field, and I believe he can pursue that if he wants); Dongwoo has his subunit career (quite popular at that) and his musical actor career; Howon has his subunit career (again, quite popular) and his acting career (that is doing really well); Sungyeol has his subunit career and his acting career (he could get more projects nowadays, I agree, but I’m sure that can be arrenged, he has acted in quite some dramas in the past); Myungsoo has his subunit career, his acting career (we all know how we don’t have to worry about this one) and even a kind of photography career? With the little projects and photo albums he has released; and Sungjong has his subunit career and his somewhat variety show career (you know, when he went to Real Men and the jungle and all that; he is the one that worries me the most about being unsatisfied with his solo management alongside Sungyeol, but he’s the maknae, he’s still quite young and has a long time to strive for other things).
They’ve showed how much they love being together as INFINITE inumerous times already and how they seem to enjoy what they do. The most recently one was in INFINITE Rally 3 where they extended the whole thing by like 2 hours (or that’s what the fanaccounts that I read talked about). They also work really hard as a team, not really going more than 6 months of hiatus as an entire group - they’re always either in Korea, in Japan or doing showcases and concerts around Asia or around the world. If you look at their discography, there isn’t a single year they haven’t released a new CD in Korea since 2010, and that’s quite difficult to find, be it new groups, old groups, popular groups, flopped groups. Which also shows how Woollim puts effort in managing them. They’ve also had a pretty fair amount of reality shows of their own (Sesame Player, Birth of a Family, Ranking King, This is Infinite, Infinite Showtime)  and special episodes in established TV programs (Weekly Idol, Beatles Code and all of that). And considering they’re a group that is older than a lot of groups still active in the industry nowadays, they’re always either coming together or individually on V app every now and then, and their V app channel is only behind some pretty strong groups’ channels like Big Bang (the kings nowadays), EXO and BTS (the fever of the moment, as we all know), GOT7 iKON and TWICE (the new generation’s sweethearts that everyone loves), company v apps SM Town and YG Family (which is not fair to compare because those two channels are made of lots of groups?) and APINK (they’re the only ones that are not company v apps or the fever/the new blood of kpop that is on top of INFINITE channel so way to go APINK!!!).
Also, considering they’ve 1 to 2 years more until they all start having to go to the military service, and they’ve only 3 years until their 10th anniversary mark, one might think they would at least want to stick around as a group for that amount of time? Especially considering that if they want to concentrate more on individual aspects of their careers, they can do that when this military period starts, because it’s going to take some years until all of them are discharged from it and back again as 7.
And last but not least, they’ve been consistent for the past 7 years, and that’s not something to take lightly. They’re always winning awards each year, they always manage to get wins on music programs, their albums and concerts sell well and their solo/subunit adventures are quite successful. And I like to think that, as they say, you don’t change a winning team. I keep asking myself: why would they disband when they still like each other, they each have solo activities and no one feels really left behind, their group is still going strong and being sucessfull and the fandom supports them a lot?
But here comes the second option:
2) They’ll not renew their contract and go their separate ways: Now, why would they do that if it’ll not be because the members don’t get along or because they’re completely unsatisfied with their management?
Well, recently I’ve been through the follow situation: I was in a job in which I hated some aspects of it and it made me really stressed and unhappy, but at the same time there were lots of awesome things about it that made me want to keep doing it for a long time, alongside some great coworkers and lots of things to learn. My contract with this job was going to be expired in January, and I kept thinking: should I renew the contract and see up to where I can still handle the stress and unhappiness or should I take this opportunity, not renew my contract and try going to a different path (my boss had already offered the renewal to me)? I thought about all the things that I learned, all the happy moments I had as well as what else was there to learn, the stressful moments I had and reached the following decision: I didn’t not renew my contract and left my job. And that’s exactly what I think might happen to INFINITE.
They’ve been together for 7 years, which is a really long time. Think about yourself 7 years back. How much have you changed? How much has your life changed? Have you done the same thing for the past 7 years? Do you think you could handle doing something for more than 7 years? So yeah, INFINITE has been together for quite some time and they’ve learned and enjoyed a lot together. But all of them are already in their mid/late 20s, and maybe they want a change of pace. maybe they want to concentrate in individual activities and other dreams more, and the group being active would kind of get in the way of that. It’s not that they wouldn’t enjoy still being together, but maybe their priorities have changed with time, or they know want to give other priorities more attention. That’s a normal part of life, you know. And as much as I’ve said earlier that they can concentrate on their individual paths once their military period starts, since they’ll all probably go at different times and it’s going to take some years before they’re back again as 7, maybe they don’t want to way until then. As I’ve learned with my job experience, sometimes there comes a time when you know you can still profit and be happy in a certain situation for a little while longer, but you don’t wait for that time to expire. You just want to jump to new beginnings and new prospects, without fully draining all you can from your previous situation.
Which also reminds me how different the boys are and how they’ve had different things in mind even before debuting. The biggest example of that is Sunggyu - he wanted to be a main vocal for a rock band, not exactly a singer for a boygroup. Also, he has said a couple of times that he doesn’t like dancing too much. So I’ve been thinking he might want to leave the whole dancing-idol thing aside after 7 years of it. I don’t want to think like that, but it’s a possibility. Also, I feel like the members want to explore other things that they haven’t been to as a group (because of Woollim or not), like being more active in composing and having a more heavily saying in the production of their albums. Howon has already mentioned how they aren’t as integrated in the album making as they would like to be (Dongwoo did write to rap part of One Day from their last mini album Infinite Only as we could see in the behind the scenes footeage and all that, and Woohyun did compose “Together” for their Grow movie, but that’s only a little part of the whole process), and I believe that as time passes, that keeps adding more weight to their decisions.
Another thing that kinda scares me and gives me the vibes that they might be disbanding is the whole contract renewal announcement. We’re only 3 months away from the expire date and no one has said anything about them talking to Woollim about renewing or anything (although there hasn’t been news of any of the boys talking to other companies on their own, that I know of). Lots of groups don’t wait for their contract to get so close to the expire date before they renew (like CNBLUE, TEEN TOP and Girl’s Day did). So I keep thinking: what are they waiting for??? Are some of them still unsure about renewing so they’re waiting for each other to make a decision? Are they waiting for something to happen before they decide??
And one last thing: I was beyond happy when they announced they would be having a comeback in May. It’s one of my greatest joys to know that one of my favorites groups ever is confirmed for a comeback, and so soon too (and on my birthday month!). But then I saw a post saying how this might be their goodbye stage and I automatically thought: holy shit, they could do that. I totally see them doing that, it’s their style. They wouldn’t suddenly leave us. They would give us one last gift more parting on good terms. And May is the month before June, when their contract ends. Shit guys, I’m really scared about it.
(Oh! There’s also the possibility that they won’t renew with Woollim, but will all move together to another company like Block B and BEAST/HIGHLIGHT did; I think the boys like Woollim and their CEO a lot, but there’s always a possibility. But in this case I don’t really care tbh lol As long as they’re happy and together as INFINITE, I don’t care to which label they’re signed; and if they do go to different paths I’ll support all of them, of course, but not having INFINITE as a whole making music is going to break my heart ;;).
I’m sorry that this was such a huge ass post, but I really needed to get all this off my chest and I really want to discuss it with other fellow Inspirits and see what you all think. :3
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