#fuck bangpd
lokisasylum · 4 months
You know shit's going DOWNHILL for Hybe when they start PAYING the SAME journalist who defamed and downplayed Jimin's achievements on Billboard Hot 100, and every other record he got without the company's push to start fabricating dating rumors in order to use that artist as a shield from the backlash the company's already facing under the allegations being made/exposed by MHJ.
Such as the fact that Bongo tried to bribe MHJ into accepting him having NewJeans' album sales inflated so they could "beat aespa's record".
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(The OP is referring to 2022 when "With You" was released and Jimin's personal information was sold to antis, who spread it to the media to make it seem like Jimin hadn't paid his apartment's rent [its called "health insurance", but in reality its apartment rent] in 3 months, when at the time BTS had been on tour in the US and therefore Hybe should have absorbed the payments until their return. But a manager who was in charge of delivering the mail stole Jimin's for those 3-4 months in order to sell it to antis on DCGallery. And Hybe "allegedly" had no knowledge that this was happening right under their noses and put up that halfassed apology.
And the girl group OP is referring to is Lesseraphim, since at the time one of the former members, Garam, got involved in a very ugly scandal that resulted in her getting kicked out of the agency. OG Armys know about Bighit/Hybe's past scandal with their first gg GLAM and without the fabricated distraction using jimin's mail, this would've put BH/Hybe under a very shitty position infront of investors. )
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(Yes, you read all that right, Hybe personally chooses/hires problematic journalists in order to PAY THEM to write articles that favor THE COMPANY. Even if it means damaging their own artist's image/reputation. Like what they've been doing to Jimin since FACE was released last year. ALL of those Weverse Magazine articles that targeted, defamed, downplayed Jimin's achievements, but favored and praised ANOTHER MEMBER, were all PAID and APPROVED by Hybe themselves.
Jimin stans have been warning and talking about this since last year, but nobody believed us. They thought we were throwing baseless allegations "out of jealousy" only for it to be brought to light in the end.
The sales that were stolen and erased from Jimin's album so that he wouldn't get the record of "First 1Million Seller Ksoloist"? Got proven with an official Retail Chart near the end of year that proved Jimin's album had not only sold MORE copies than the other members, but he was the only member who's numbers matched the pre-order with the ones that were actually bought AND shipped/delivered to actual fans (and not some warehouse in China without owners only to be discarded in alleys, train stations and bathrooms << ).
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I wrote something similar to this last year around June, how we should be cautious of content Hybe would be releasing in the following months; with possible shipping content included to benefit only ONE member who was obviously being favored above the others to prove a point.
That the company isn't blind, they KNOW which member currently has a large following of unique loyal fans and if said member wasn't the company's favorite they will do everything they can (rumors, scandals, forced shipping content, ect) to wear out the solo fans and make them leave that member to make him dependent only on the group's fandom or company support (even if its nonexistent).
And it amused me the amount of shippers and company stans that got hella triggered by that post I wrote, even though in the end it all came true.
As for that problematic (crazy bitch) girl from IG claiming to be "jimin's gf" ? Just know that she's been doing this since 2018 to MANY male Idols/Public figures for clout (i guess it helps to boost her already TANKING career as a mediocre "actress").
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Hell, she even at some point in the past 2 or 3 years claimed to be f*cking JK too.
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thv-jk97 · 6 months
BPD and H*BE literally have zero respect for BTS and what they represent as a group. I’m so disgusted and disappointed 😒
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mooniekive · 6 months
My brain is gonna rot from seeing the anti-boycott armys guilt tripping other armys
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solarwynd · 4 months
I personally think JK is naive and sorta clueless in a way about the whole Scooter thing. I don’t think he gets the Zionist ties and the industry plant treatment. It appears that he believes this is the order of things. But here’s my BIG FUCKING problem with it: why the f are you so fkn obtuse and ignorant? You have been in the industry for over a decade now. You have seen the growth and rise of HYBE, you have heard your teammates talk about not taking short cuts, easy routes and more, or doing music for artistry. Why did he delude himself into thinking he can do anything he wants and suck up to anyone he wants? You have global exposure. You have translators. You have the internet. You see the trucks (everyone saw the trucks, someone form Scooters team made fun of it too), you see the naver article and you are just gonna act like this is all completely normal and in alignment with everything you preached? As a former ARMY who found them in 2015 and been around for so long, I am so pissed. He tarnished the band’s legacy with the help of BangPD, but I guess he thinks it’s a minor setback on his path to be a Global Pop Star. He’s my age man, ugh! He doesn’t need to be coddled.
Jk didn’t “preach” anything though. Those were other members who have talked about integrity. His only mantra is that he loves armys. lol. This is what I mean about the members being individuals. You can’t take what other members have said themselves and attribute it to the entire group cause there’s a good chance they never really agreed or never cared to uphold it. Like yea at first it did take me by surprise because I wasn’t anticipating a BTS member to go the route JK chose, but given how readily he did, obviously it wasn’t a difficult decision for him to make.
You also can’t say that he’s too grown to be coddled and then call him clueless cause that would be coddling him. He’s not clueless, he knows what he wanted and he went after it. He just didn’t care about what potential damage was left in the wake. That’s how he’s always been.
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mimikoolover · 2 months
know we shouldn’t bring tkkrs and antis up but yesterday I read a tkkr say that tae is transparent and honest that’s why he doesn’t listen to bangpd when he tells him to participate in fanservice and that tae is someone who values his relationships and wouldn’t do anything to hurt them but they also say in the same breath that the in the soop conversation was not real, it astonished me at how two faced this was. he’s honest and values his relationships but he lies about them? it doesn’t make sense and it hit me that they genuinely genuinely believe that. tae told them to get out of their imagination but that’s fake even though he’s transparent. they also said jm is the company favourite and they acknowledge that tk is the most popular ship but it is jikook they use to get more money and profit. tk are the most popular members but jkk are the fandom favourites? they also proceeded to say they think jikook did not like each other back then around 2013-2016 and they settled their differences that’s why in 2017 fanservice between them shot up💀
they are breaching delulu land where they 'know the real tae' (my guess, I don't keep up with tkkers lol) so to them because they're so special, tae is honest and transparent but sometimes he has to lie bc the company is evil🙄i suppose this is how their minds work. this company favourite business is ridiculous and people need to stop it. none of us know how the company works. people kid themselves when they act like they know. as fans it's frankly none of our business how bts operate within their workplace. i'm sorry but it's for them to worry about, not us. if the company was able to and/or wanted to force fanservice we would have gotten endless taekook content. nothing adverse happens when tae and jk do something together however when jikook do something it's opening the floodgates of these people barking screaming crying throwing up they're so upset. them emailing bighit multiple times demanding that they stop the 'business gay' between jikook and going as far as emailing the bloody military???? insanity. all those demands about 'business gay' achieved fuck all since we clearly got the jikook travel show and tkkers got nothing lol.
they create fake narratives because that justifies their delulu because for whatever reason their happiness depends on taekook fucking each other😩it's actually pathetic.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
back in 2016 i remember being suspicious of jikook being together but it was really jimin resting his foot on jungkooks dick that made me realize they was in fact more than just friends. i get so tired of seeing the excuses about it’s more common in sk for men to be more touchy with other men shit because even if it’s true, resting your food on your bros penis??? that’s nothing “bros” do no matter where you go nor no matter how close you are. if he was resting his feet in jungkooks lap, different story but his dick? hard pass. that was literally the biggest moment when it clicked in my head they fuck each other lol
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My friend is like;
Imagine JK and JM stripped down nude and just as they decide to get it on, they stop each other and whisper 'no we can't...the contract'.
And another is like;
"Cockblocked by BangPD - a Jikook Story"
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 4 months
Someone sent a link to a blog and the post was about jikook but since i was there i went and read some other posts and it's just hilarious that this blogger is saying fuck hybe and bangpd now because she likes the new jeans woman. But when everything with Jimin and hybe happened, they were actually defending the company's choices😭 they were even defending billboard 😭
Now that this woman is accusing hybe of everything we had said they were doing, now this blogger is all about being on the side against hybe in support of new jeans + the lady whose name I don't care to learn how to spell. She literally likes this creative director more than she likes Jimin lmfao.
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
I'm not a jungkook anti. But I'm a hardcore jimin stan i wouldn't tolerate all this sabotage.
All these are my opinions as a fan. You can have your own opinion but don't tell me what to feel.
Yesterday some hashtags were trending against jungkook and hybe. And armies were going bonkers.
I think the hashtags against the company are well deserved. I would even say, f*cking destroy bangpd. I hate him with every bone of my body. You have no idea.
When jimin was accused of all this during face it was a completely different situation. Because jimin didn't get any of that shit and people were still shitting on him like always. Whereas jungkook DID get everything that goes against bts morals and I don't think this should be ignored or taken lightly.
If jimin actually got even half of what jungkook got, armies would have teared him apart. They still are so insecure because they know jimin have the potential to go beyond the group. Even hybe is scared about that. That's why the moment jimin achieved #1 on billboard Hot100, they immediately started working on seven for jungkook.
They planned the #1 for jungkook but poor them, jimin ruined their plans. That's why they were so bitter to jimin.
Yeah I used to ship jikook. In fact I still ship them sometimes. But for me it's mostly for fun. Jimin has always been more important to me than the ship. And I won't let a ship, that's not even confirmed, cloud my judgement against everything bad that is happening to jimin.
During face it was like the whole universe was working against him and now suddenly everything is working for jungkook during seven? Literally paying to make him succeed. How pathetic. Didn't they even have a little bit of trust in jungkook? Or did they believe that jungkook would never be able to surpass jimin organically?
Honestly if jungkook didn't get all this special treatment and still his song did so well. Then I would've been so happy for him. Because he would've done that on his own merit with his own hardwork not by money or company push and fraud. But everything that he's getting for that mediocre ass song is so f*cking unfair when an amazing song like 'Like crazy' didn't get even half of it.
I'm not saying that jimin should get all this too. But what I'm saying is if no other member got it, jungkook shouldn't have it too. If every other member's success was organic then jungkook's should've been too.
If jungkook did all this on his own merit and hardwork without paying or without the western push then we wouldn't even be arguing about it and just praise jungkook.
I'm sorry but I can't take him seriously when he's not given me one reason to do so. Where is his artistry? Wasn't he supposed to be the golden maknae? Why is he the only one who needs thousands of people and all those fraudulent things to make himself successful? Doesn't he trust himself even a little? Doesn't hybe trust him to have an organic success?
Now I'm not saying that you should hate jungkook and trend hashtags. But at least hold him accountable when he's wrong.
He's not a fucking kid. He's not a rookie. He's been in this industry for ten f*cking years so don't come and tell me he doesn't know what's going on. He knows exactly how his song is gonna be promoted and still he agreed to it. It's not wrong to be ambitious. But he knows payola and everything else that bts stood against for, will be used to promote his songs and he still did it. If you think he doesn't know all this then you're either naive or just totally ignorant.
He ruined bts morals, he ruined it by using all this and I think he should be held accountable for this. If it was jimin all the armies must've been barking by now. Because it's always easy for them to hate jimin. Because jimin is their punching bag when he's the sweetest person ever. He doesn't deserve this.
During face literally every kpop stan on this planet got together to hate on jimin. Using SA, r*pe jokes and what not. Why is it that whenever jimin is involved these haters go straight to r*pe jokes? Do they realize how sensitive that matter is? I can't even imagine jimin reading these types of tweets. I hope to God he doesn't.
Anyways what I'm saying is that armies are a f*cking bunch of hypocrites. Just because it's jungkook, the fandom fav, who everyone token stans it's not a problem. But if it was jimin he would be accused of sleeping with bandpd and 🛴.
Whenever pjm calls armies out that they're not defending jimin. Armies are like 'Oh I usually don't see such hate on my timeline' and 'Oh I think we should ignore it.' But when it's the fandom fav, jk and tae then suddenly they see everything on their timeline and suddenly things shouldn't be ignored.
Like when I was listening to seven and when it ended I just sat there and wondered 'This is the song they were hyping so much? Is this what they invested in? '
Like it's just some random a*s song. It feels like we've heard such types of songs multiple times from multiple artist. Literally there's nothing iconic about this song and it's average at it's best and 🛴 was hyping this?!!
It's funny to me because they really sat in the studio heard that song and were like yeah... "This is the iconic song of the year" I mean give me a f*'king break. Every success of this song will be because they paid their way through it.
And they really preferred to invest in THIS song instead of the gem 'Like crazy'. Like even comparing this mediocre song to like crazy sounds like disrespect. I thought jungkook was talented and artistic but seriously dude? What is this? 'Monday, tuesday, Wednesday....' Like you liked this? MV was the only tolerable thing about this single.
I mean if they so badly wanted to invest in Jungkook at least would've given him a good song. But then if they actually gave him a good song they wouldn't have to pay for it to succeed.
Like jungkook is going against everything bts stood for and armies are ignoring it just because it's jungkook when they would've been dragging jimin to filth if it was him and I don't even want to imagine the SA insults they would've been pulling over jimin.
Like jimin worked his ass off for f*cking 10 months!!! And like crazy got 9 days promo and got treated like shit and sabotaged by his own company because they didn't want jimin to be more successful than jungkook. B*tch if jimin was successful then YOU were the ones who would've been profited. He's literally your artist too. Idiots.
But jungkook literally just lounged on his couch, drinking, sleeping on live and suddenly after watching jimin's success he decided to take the song hybe gave him on a silver platter, agreed even after knowing the way it would be promoted.
He blatantly copied jimin's concept photos, during performance he literally looked like another jimin, copying his styles, outfits, hairstyle even. And now he's even copied some steps from like crazy choreo. Like wow. Looks like an obsession to me. I mean I used to find jk copying jimin funny but God it's not funny anymore. Doesn't jungkook have a personality of his own? Why did he just blatantly copy Jimin. Like come on no one can deny the eerie similarities. What I don't understand is why. Why is he doing this? Was this always like this? Did he always copy jimin to this extent? Idk.
Face was a masterpiece. Jimin poured his heart out in that album. It was personal to him and it was amazing. Like actually pleasant to hear. But now a mediocre song with trash lyrics got everything that it never deserved. Like this is total fraud dude.
I already hated the company. But jungkook? What is wrong with you man? Doesn't he himself have a conscience? Doesn't he feel like every member had their achievements without these fraudulent methods? Doesn't he see jimin and think that jimin got that #1 on billboard hot100 despite the sabotage and no company push? Wasn't he like I should achieve this on my merit too.
He wanted to get that western validation. It's not wrong. If he wants to be more popular than good there's nothing wrong with that. But then he should do it on his own f*cking merit and not by the company paying money for him to succeed. How disappointing seriously.
Just a few days ago armies were hating on jennie saying that she wants western validation just because she starred in Idol. And now they're radio silent when their own fav jungkook is the one seeking western validation even celebrating his success which is obviously not his own.
Like he didn't put his creativity in it at all. He listened to the song, gave his voice and learned a few dance steps. He didn't write the song, didn't participate in the making of the song except for giving his voice and for the concept photos he just recycled jimin's ideas from face era.
It's not unusual to not have written your own song and it's ok, not everyone have that talent, it's completely fine, but to praise jungkook as if he made the whole song. That's wrong. Also not to forget the way armies used to laugh at other groups because they didn't write their own songs. Hypocrite much?
What's wrong is wrong. People shouldn't hate on jungkook but at least hold him accountable because he knows real well what is going on and how he's being promoted. He went against bts' morals and he should be held accountable for that.
And the company should be held accountable for the blatant favouritism and for paying their way to the top. And for jimin's sabotage.
I'm a jimin stan and i won't tolerate all this. Armies are good for nothing. There's no strong hate towards the hyung line anyways. But in case of maknae line armies only come out when it is to defend their fave jk and tae. They ignore jimin's hate completely and even sometimes they themselves tweet something shady about him. But then use jimin's achievement to shove down other artists' throats.
I'm actually glad Jimin has a strong fanbase who are willing to go to lengths to support jimin. Jimin deserves this support from his fandom. Pjms are enraged since the sabotage started and it was inevitable that they would burst some day.
The more jimin is being sabotaged the more pjms are realizing that armies are good for nothing and jimin only has pjms. I'm glad pjm are there to protect him and fight for him. Jimin deserves a strong, devoted fan base. I love pjms for that.
This became too long but I just wanted to pour out my frustrations.
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Hi. In the spirit of understanding, and well, just trying to be objective given all the noise around Jimin sabotage (which you’ve already spoken about), what I really want to understand is why solos are pushing the narrative that Scooter and Bang PD hates Jimin.
I don’t like Scooter. But I really want to understand if there’s a valid reason for Jimin biases or solo stans to say he hates Jimin? Other than promoting Jungkook I’ve not seen Scooter promote any other member as heavily. Maybe it’s because I don’t care about him/don’t follow him.
There’s the narrative that BangPD also hates Jimin and while I don’t believe that in its entirety, I do feel that based on how Jimin’s debut happened and how he was denied vocal lessons, there may have been some form of either mistreatment or sentiment of discrimination as far as he is concerned. Though, Jimin also said that he was vocal about some of the songs (DNA) and also think BangPD was instrumental in Lie. That’s doesn’t speak to a broken relationship.
You must be new here Anon. Everybody hates xyz member until the wind blows a different direction. These are the same groups of people who think Jungkook hates Jimin. PDogg hates Jimin. Late last year and early this year when we got the pics of Jimin eating and drinking with Bang PD, spending time in his home etc, that was all an elaborate ruse for Bang PD to shaft Jimin three months later.
Fuck solos man. I don't even like Bang PD but when solos come which such inane theories, just stating the obvious sounds like you're defending the man.
BTS and Jimin can have their relationship with Bang PD. I don't know what exactly that relationship is, but it's easy to eliminate most of the outlandish conspiracies coming out of the akgae faction of the fandom just by using the little grey cells in your head. In my opinion.
Scooter is an opportunist. He's also very useful given how the US music industry is filled with swindlers. But BTS have dealt with opportunists before, I'm confident they're capable of getting what they want out of a business relationship with Scooter, and so far, besides the subpar quality of songs and collabs we've seen in the last year or so, nothing about their relationship draws my fascination or concern.
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The interview said that Scooter was picking songs for Jungkook’s album and Bangpd gave all the credits to him, so I think it’s safe to say that Jungkook got 0 involvement in the album and we are getting more sex songs. And collabs, because apparently Jungkook doesn’t exist as a solo artist.
Yeah, I didn't assume he'd have writing credits. I think vetoing the songs and providing vocals and input on the choreo, performance, promos, styling, vibe, etc. is Jungkook's contribution to the album. Tbf, that's not very different from what BTS do. Apart from writing the lyrics, and from Namjoon's massive contribution to BTS's overall message and lore, BTS have a team selecting their songs and at best can only refuse them or ask for a rewrite. Even if it's their album, the members still have to submit their songs to the company and many times they aren't accepted... But solo era is supposed to be different, and that's something we were all looking forward to...
After seeing the tracklist, there are *only* two more collabs, but I think they're with DJs/producers, so it'll only be Jungkook's vocals? And some of the songs are sad, so I assume they're not about sex, but more like generic breakup songs. The appeal to me is very limited either way, but breakup songs can be anything so they can be relatable too, and I'll take anything over another song about fucking.
But trust Bang PD to hype up Scooter more than JK lmao. He probably knew JK didn't need it.
Thanks for the ask!
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vngelicc · 4 months
don’t come at me with some dumb ass shit before you get clocked bc im not the one to play if you think im gonna sit here and do nothing lmao ik what i said: FUCK HYBE, FUCK SCOOTER, FUCK BANGPD
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whyse7vn · 10 months
Someone check on taehyung first he gets the gc leaked then he adds the bangpd to the very messy gc. Smh he on big dum dum hours
Also yoongis y/n in the single chats to me is just female taehyung without weird furry
LMAOSODKD ur kinda right
i take back my tae slander he is very useful!!!!
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theangryjikooker · 11 months
If you think pjms are looking at Jk as competition, hating on JK etc then you clearly haven't seen what Jk solos have been doing since FACE was announced. From trending nasty hashtags against Jm, recruiting blinks for the same (mind you, the same ones who say the most nasty things about JK too), making s/a & rape tweets about jm, linking him to bangpd, harassing a Korean journalist who tweeted nice things about Jm's album and so much more. Called him nasty names over 2 versions and 2 remixes. And celebrated when billboard deleted 120k sales from LC and making it fall on the chart to 45 in the second week.
And now JK has more versions for his song, more remixes, more ads, playlisting, every damn payola available and add Scooter to the mix. And literally Bangpd and Scooter handing him an album on a silver platter.
And look now 3D fell to 58 in the second week, on BB.
What are you expecting? Pjms to be saints? Solos are solos. JK is getting dragged now, it's all thanks to his own solos. Should have stayed minding their business.
I am not supporting any solos, but pointing out that JK solos have been very nasty for a while now.
I’m laughing my ass off because in another ask I have another anon literally linking me to everything JK-related and making a comparison. Solos are such a joke, I can’t stand them.
And you missed the point entirely. If PJMs want to rage against the machine or seek justice for their fave, that’s their prerogative, but I’m not going to sit here twiddling my thumbs and not give them hell back for coming here unsolicited.
They’re mad because I don’t talk about Jimin enough, or they’re mad because I’m not singing his praises, etc. My point is they have no clue what an opinion is and instead of opening their gaping maw at people actively shitting on Jimin, they’re going after everyone who isn’t constantly validating their feelings about Jimin. GTFOH.
And the irony of all this, whether you like it or not, is that solos can sometimes be an extension of their faves. In the same way fans attack “opposing” members/groups instead of their fans, the more people are going to equate Jimin with his solos.
If I didn’t have have my full brain intact, I’d make that correlation too out of spite. Now imagine that social media is full of dumb fucks who have a one track mind and are willing to pick sides and change sides because everyone has their own agenda, and solos just set themselves up for an endless fight that amounts to nothing.
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solarwynd · 5 months
bangpd believed her and put a lot of budget on her though? newjeans had all mvs for their debut, hype boy alone had like 6 to 7
she was only responsible for their concept, planning, and choosing the songs, everything else came from hybe only (money, connections, brands)
Yea I’m sure hybe backed her with a lot of money, because njws mvs are always very high quality. Cool for you in particular most recently I know had to be expensive. Like if MHJ is talking about the very beginning, like when nwjs was in the idea stage, maybe something happened there between her and hybe. There could also be other things she could’ve meant in regards to lack of help, idk. But from the outside? It definitely never gave or gives like what hybe is doing to Jimin where they just don’t give a fuck. They get amazing promotion and good label aid. So honestly 🤷🏾‍♀️
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jentlemahae · 12 days
hybe and bangpd can both get fucked but it’s just not normal to do all of that for your ceo
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Don’t get me wrong. It is disgusting that people make tweets and shit saying that JK is getting fucked by Scooter and BangPD. Those tweets saying that should be reported but where is this outrage when Tkkers, JJKs and KTHs (hell any solo fandom of BTS), says/where saying that Jimin gets fucked daily by BangPd for nothing? Where was this outrage when FACE was released and Tkkers (KTHs and JJKs are included in this) were saying Jimin got fucked by all those producers to get his songs made?
Everyday Armys prove to me that I made the right decision no being an Army anymore and only focusing on BTS when needed. I slow started becoming uninterested in Kpop music as a whole because Kpop songs just don’t really HIT to me anymore. Every damn day Jimin gets so many comments like this for the smallest things but those little 7s never move for him. I knew more than likely Jimin would stay with Hybe and stay with BTS because I know he loves his members, but it sucks see Jimin love Armys so much but they barely move a muscle to defend him. Armys are so quick to get pissed at a Blink or a BlackPink solo Stan saying something bad about Jimin but when other “Armys” or other member solo Stan’s say something, it’s only PJMs and Jikookers who defend him. Yet it’s also PJMs and Jikookers (especially PJMs) who get made out as villains for pointing out how Armys don’t care for Jimin and are closeted Tkkers. It’s only PJMs and Jikookers who get painted as villains even when trying to defend Jimin.
For example, that Tkker on twitter post a comment that said “real love” and it was a video of Jk pushing Jimin away or something like that. An “Army” then replied to a Jkkers or Jimin solo Stan’s (I can’t remember which one) who replied back with a video of Jk pushing Tae away. Then, all of the sudden it became all shipper issue instead of telling that Tkker to stop doing shit like that.
I feel like Armys, KTHs and JJKs don’t understand that the issue Tkkers not Taekook, not Yoomin or any ship involving Jm or JK. The issue is the shippers themselves. If Tkkers stop talking shit on Jimin and Jikook’s relationship then Jikookers would leave Taekook relationship alone and PJMs would leave Jk alone. Like, Tkkers trying to tell us we were insecure about Yoonmin going to eat sushi. Why would we be insecure? Jimin has had 1 on 1 drinks/“dates” with Joon and Hobi (and especially Hobi). I feel like Jimin hung out with Hobi more than anyone. It was about the fact that Tkkers who hate Jimin 363 days out of the year, suddenly care about him.
Tkkers and anyone who is not a Jikooker still don’t realize that Jkkers do not rely on any other ship to believe that Jikook is real. That’s why most, if not all Jikookers only ship Jikook, while Tkkers have to ship Yoonmin one day, then Minimoni the next day, then Jihope another day.
Anyway, I’m done ranting these people make me feel like my IQ is dropping.
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While anon is here venting and sharing alot of our sentiments, if you don't already know by now this BTS charts account is being called out for lying about being OT7.
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As you can see that's alot of followers. They have lost like 20k since this whole thing began, as they should. I found i was following them and had to unfollow so there's is a chance most of you are also following her. This is the link to the account, please unfollow.
For those who think we are being sensitive, no its not just Jikookers who have an issue with them
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Its not just PJMs either for liking Jimin anti tweets
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Its KTHs
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It's translation accounts
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Its Jhope stans. What do we call them? JHS? What are they called 😂😂😂 anyway, them too
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And many many more. Here is a thread for all the fuckery they've done over the years. Bottom line is, they are a JK solo who only tweets about JK's achievements even though other members keep making moves as well. They are not ot7 and that's the root of the issue. Oh also, they might be a blink 👀
Anyway, solos are nothing new, thats not my problem. I just want them to change their name
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Pretending to be ot7 while having almost a million followers is dangerous. Extremely dangerous. Gullible followers will think its okay to copy your behaviour because you are a big account. So we need to make them change their name because they will never change their solo behaviour.
Anyway, if we can tag and ask them to change their name that would be lovely. But if u can't do that atleast unfollow them. They don't deserve that many followers. Not when they are clearly OT1
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