ur-a-wizard-bts · 6 years
Omg imagine Namjoon and Seokjin just chillin in the gryffindor common room and the maknae line just runs up to them screaming like "Jin hyung save us!!" and Yoongi after them like "Don't you dare, Imma murder all three!!" and last but not least Hoseok with a "Yoongi no! Stop!" and Namjoon just stares at them like... "None of yall belong here! How the fuck did you even get in!?"
Like, the maknae line causes trouble? Daily occurance. Yoongi is mad? No suprise. But all that in the only place where he can have some peace and quiet? Hell nah!
,JKSADHNS ok but maknae line (tae mostly) just somehow ends up on each other’s common rooms and no one knows how?? like namjoon will be by the fireplace doing his history of magic homework and and he’ll wonder out loud about this one magic law he couldnt remember and he’ll hear from the side “oh its probably the order 41 one” and he’ll say “thanks jungkook” and then he’d turn around like??? how did you get in?????? and kookie will just shrug kjsdhkjmsf
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 6 years
Hello there! What classes do you think the boys would be in? Like what would be their school schedules?
hello! so, there’s the core classes everyone must take, so lets see about the extracurricular and electives. i was looking through them and decided to do person by person instead of subject by subject
also, i’ll leave out care of magical creatures and apparition because its very likely they’d all take those? i mean have u seen these dorks. anyway:
seokjin: he’s a prodigy in every way, so there’s barely any class he cant excel in tbh. i can totally see him choosing alchemy, divination, magical theory and probably ancient runes. he’s also very invested in the muggle world so definitely muggle studies.
yoongi: this boy is the biggest potions nerd ever, so he tries to focus his attention on subjects that can be of use in research, like ancient runes, ancient studies and alchemy too. he also takes advanced arithmancy, which he reckons is a lot more useful than divination, but he takes it anyway. oh yeah and obviously music. possibly he drags seokjin with him.
hoseok: so hobi is well set on his way to becoming a healer so he wouldn’t take as many electives, but probably ancient runes. and he really enjoys astronomy and looking into the future, so along with divination, he also might take xylomancy too.
namjoon: mr nerd himself. the sole reason he won’t take all classes is because no one is willing to give him a time turner. he does try, so he squeezes in all of the electives (including muggle studies. even if he is a muggle). for extracurriculars, ghoul and ancient studies, magical theory and, of course, music too! he did manage to show up at the other classes at least once, just to check. big nerd.
jimin: this one takes pride in being a straight-A student, but he carefully decided to divide and conquer instead of taking a zabillion classes like namjoon. he really likes ancient runes, magical theory and also advanced arithmancy. and of course, the frog choir and even muggle art at some point. 
taehyung: even if he too wants to take all classes, he’s a little more realistic than that, so he tries to change up between the courses as much as he can. no need mention, both wizard and muggle art, and wizard music too; ghoul studies, which he finds fascinating and eventually alchemy too. also got convinced by hobi to join him at the xylomancy class. 
jeongguk: even though quidditch keeps him super busy, jk wants to learn a bit of everything, so he too is trying to outman time and take as many classes as he can. does he manage good grades::: not really, but its the thought that counts right? so alchemy and divination for his electives, possibly ancient runes. art and music for sure, and ancient studies, if he manages to stay awake.
ok so i got carried away and if u ask me i’d probably be namjoon trying to take every single class and more. i guess this is how i see them as students, but i could be wrong lmao
if anyone wants to check, here are all the subjects taught at hogwarts!
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
Ravenclaw Jeon Jeongguk
my boy prince of ravenclaw
halfblood but both his parents are wizards
his older brother is also a ravenclaw
he was slightly annoyed for not going to slytherin or gryffindor but that passed real fast
likes to learn a little of everything
learns fast and learns well
sets himself these crazy goals for advanced spells
more often than not it ends up in explosions
what can i say he likes challenges 
do it for the vine
the ravenclaws have this club where they test theories and potions/spells and boy does jungkook love that
it’s an underground ravenclaw thing tho don’t tell anyone
tae and jimin have been trying to find out where the heck jk spends his time for literal years
too cute for his own good, too
animals either love or hate him there’s no in between
his pet owl attacks people on the regular
never hurts jimin tho
everybody else, it’s just nasty 
jk takes the house cup way too seriously
acts like an angel, totally a teacher’s pet
gets on bets with other ravenclaws to see who gets more points
which leads us to the most points he gets all year
quidditch golden seeker
practically grew up on a broomstick
always, always catches the snitch
unfortunately, that doesn’t mean ravenclaw wins all matches
especially against slytherin, yoongi is a freak chaser
does these insane stunts with his broom that give seokjin heart attacks
also his broomstick hates him
super temperamental, will try to drop him
catch this boy arguing with his own broomstick before matches
speaking of arguing, jk wants to fight the ravenclaw eagle by the entrance
like, he tried to threaten it into opening
he really hates the riddles and the riddles really hate him
lucky for him his housemates get them right
and namjoon too on occasion
his favourite subject is datda
surprise surprise
is in the duel club and goes neck to neck against the seniors
is pretty shitty at potions but he does them in time
at least he’s better than tae
cannot, for the life of him, channel the magic around him
so he can only do stuff with a wand, which is p annoying
gets frustrated when spells don’t work and needs to chill, usually at the astronomy tower
or on a broom ride around the castle grounds
collects chocolate frog cards
one of his dreams is to get one for himself
wants to be an auror bc of course
the most extra thing out there and you bet kookie will do it
shares taehyungs love for photography
the hang out on photography dates with their hipster cameras
tae takes pictures of the landscape and kookie takes pictures of tae
always hold these expos by the end of the year and it’s always a nice way for them to have their farewell get together
kookie is really grateful for his friends even if they are older and from other houses
whenever he feels lonely or left out he wishes he had this place he could go to be by himself
or like we know it, the room of requirement
he always goes there to study, or to calm down
sometimes to take naps
he’ll disappear for a few hours but his hyungs will be there for him every time he comes back
because they love him
and he loves them back
seokjin / yoongi / hoseok / namjoon / jimin / taehyung / jeongguk / all
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
Slytherin Min Yoongi
not from a stricktly slytherin family tho
his dad is a hufflepuff and his mom is a ravenclaw
yoongles is just a big softie on the inside let’s be real
he was sorted slytherin becase of his ambition
hogwarts is just his home and he just wants to make the most of it
not that into studying but he gets by just fine
also has second sight, but never notices he’s doing it
like, his predictions are right 99% of the time
he can even make prophecies
he doesn’t even like divination
but hoseok likes it so he indulges him
yoongs is really shitty at magic tho
it’s like his wand doesn’t like him, or something
took him months to cast a decent patronus
it’s not even corporeus
what he can’t do with a wand, he makes up with potions
like, half-blood prince style
he is so good at it the professor asks him to tutor younger students
yoongo complains about it but he still loves doing it
he spends a lot of his free timetesting and perfecting potions
and has absolutely no problem with testing it on his friends
specially the maknae line
yoongi also uses his knowledge to make bath salts bc he’s the slytherin prefect
and hell does he use that huge bathtub
he also abuses so much from his prefect privileges
like, getting the other students to do shit for him
and giving jimin house points for being cute
for someone who just wants peace and quiet he ended up doing so much extracurricular shit
min yoongi, house prefect, potions tutor, quidditch chaser, very tired
he’s the best player on the team, even if he only shows up to practice like, once a month
they can’t kick him out tho
besides, he likes getting trophies too much
the only magic that doesn’t require a potion he can perform perfectly is morphing himself into a cat
he found a few books on animagus and decided to do it
or die trying
no one died so it’s okay
yoongi turns into a soft silver cat
he is much more powerful as a cat, too
besides when you’re a cat, people leave you alone
he works so so hard and even if he pretends not to, he’s always looking after everybody
a big softie slytherin
seokjin / yoongi / hoseok / namjoon / jimin / taehyung / jeongguk / all
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
Gryffindor Kim Namjoon
a precious muggleborn
joonie never really grew out of his “must ask why everything” phase
as a child he always knew deep inside him something was off
he felt different from the other kids, and even got left out a little
until one day this huge man with a beard knocked on his door so hard it almost fell down
“ur a wizard namjoon” 
(sorry i saw the opportunity and i TOOK IT)
his parents were terrified but joonie was so excited
he just started asking questions non stop and wouldn’t leave the poor man alone
the guy was so touched by how genuinely interested the child was that he gave him namjoon’s soon to become favourite book::
Hogwarts: A History
flashforward a few weeks and kim ‘hermione’ namjoon was certain he’d go to ravenclaw
he even told this super friendly guy on the train, hoseok something
but, the sorting hat had different plans
after a few minutes chatting with joonie, the hat proudly announced gryffindor
he was so so surprised, and a little annoyed actually
he wanted to learn as much as possible, and well, being around the ones who seek wisdom would’ve helped a great deal
but this is a magic school damn it he’ll take whatever he can get
he couldn’t stop staring at his surroundings like a child at a candy store
this one second year approached him and introduced himself as seokjin and barely gave time to namjoon reply before he was bombarding him with muggle questions 
then namjoon was firing back with magic questions
this is how best friends are made
so ok namjoon the gryffindor
he wears his tie as a bandana bc he thinks it makes him look badass 
aren’t gryffindors supposed to be badass
jin just think he looks adorable so he strongly encourages it
he spends so much of his time hunting down professors to ask more in-depth questions about the lessons
or just in the library
or with the ravenclaws from his year
to be fair they’re kinda annoyed with joonie 
picture this
a group of angry and tired ravenclaws who can’t get into their dorm because a weird gryffindor is having philosophical discussions with their eagle
until this one freshman threatens to choke namjoon with his own tie if he doesn’t answer the damn riddle and geez louise calm the fuck down you
it’s jeongguk btw
when it comes to charms joonie’s are either super strong or super weak there’s no in between
he practices with hobi a lot and 50% of the time it ends in screaming
keeps forgetting he can use magic 
and keeps forgetting his wand too
to the point jin had to add a special charm to it that tells him where it is
his favourite subjects are history of magic and ancient runes 
to be fair he likes all of them
on his fifth year he becomes the gryffindor prefect!!!
gives jin points for breathing tbh
and when it comes to his friends, he never hesitates 
sometimes he wonders if he is really brave enough to be a gryffindor
but even though namjoon is extremely intelligent, one thing he always overlooked is that it takes so much courage to face a new world by oneself like that
he had the courage to learn, to seek, to change
he was a muggleborn amidst people who knew magic their whole life, and that’s terrifying
also the courage to accept you’re different, and still try and love yourself every day
that’s bravery right there
did i mention he wears adorable round spectacles
the cutest nerd
seokjin / yoongi / hoseok / namjoon / jimin / taehyung / jeongguk / all
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
Hufflepuff Jung Hoseok
half blood!
his dad is a muggle and his mom is a witch
(also a hufflepuff)
he got his mom magic warmth
like, this bright and warm magic radiates from him
it calms people down, gives them a sense of happiness and safety
he never fails to make people feel better, it’s inevitable
about his calming nature
it also works on the boys, and they always gravitate towards hoseok when they’re stressed
or like, before exams
if they’re calmer, they’re also more focused and powerful
which is always a plus
but they’re not the only ones
hobi never denies his fellow hufflepuffs hugs and cuddles
hell, he’ll sit by a tree and a flock of stressed students from all houses will just lie in piles around him
he’s not always a ball of sunshine tho
sometimes, he needs time to himself so his magic can recharge
he’ll go to the astronomy tower (far from the edges), sit by himself and watch the stars
it’s like they talk to him
like a natural talent 
it’s not a gift like yoongi, but he is pretty good
he takes firenze’s class and the centaur invites him to stargaze 
hobi is genuinely interested in learning, so the other centaurs really like him
astronomy is one of his greatest passions 
the other one is quidditch
not flying tho he’s terrified 
but when it comes to cheering, he’s the whole deal
like, yelling at the referee and cursing the other team
all is fair in love and quidditch
picked a fight or two over the game it’s that serious
he never gets in too much trouble because yoongi apparates to glare at whoever looks at hobi the wrong way
he has a pet frog!!! 
it likes to jump on other people’s foods
hobi is really interested in healing
he spends a lot of time in the hospital wing, helping out madam pomfrey and trying to learn as much as he can
at first, she would try to shoo him away, but his warm magic always calmed the students that weren’t feeling well
so she allows him to stay and be her apprentice
when he graduates, hobi wants to help people by healing them
both emotional and physically
and he will
seokjin / yoongi / hoseok / namjoon / jimin / taehyung / jeongguk / all
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
Gryffindor Kim Seokjin
comes from a very traditional magic family
has a lot of knowledge that was passed through the generations
like, spells and potions
does things pretty much by the book
is fascinated by the muggle world 
arthur weasley style
once he befriends muggle born namjoon, he straight ass demands to be taken on a muggle tour
he buys so much useless muggle junk
like a fidget spinner
he treats namjoon like a muggle encyclopedia
“namjoon what is the purpuse of a rubber duck” “hyung i don’t even know my own purpuse”
jin uses his good looks without any shame
he will flirt for house points
even if he gets them without trying
his favorite subjects are herbology and transfiguration
he grew up surrounded by magic so it comes naturally to him
and transfiguration is just fun
he likes turning his pet sugar gliders into his friend’s objects and then freaking them out by turning them back
as for herbology, plants just love him
no one blames them tho
jin studies different types of plants, magic and non-magic, so he can use them 
he discovered a way of using the magic properties in cooking
things started off simple, like pies that glow in the dark and cookies that float until you take the first bite
but after some research, he started making tiny muffins that can keep you satisfied for days, or sweets that can make your pain go away, and the list goes on
it’s not the same as brewing potions and putting them on the food, he’s using the magic in the food 
if that makes sense
that is one of the many reasons jin loves spending time with the kitchen elves
he learns a lot from them, and he takes upon himself to make sure the elves are happy
all in all, jin is a grade A student
charming professors and students alike
what a man
seokjin / yoongi / hoseok / namjoon / jimin / taehyung / jeongguk / all
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
headcanon that while the fat friar is nice to everyone, kim seokjin is one of his favorite students, even though he's not a hufflepuff
oooo!!!!! thats a good one!!! up until now i havent even considered the ghosts ooo nice nice i like it
but lets be real here who at that castle doesn’t have jin as their favorite, i mean look at him 
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
hi, loving all your head canons;;;;;;; i was wondering if you had any for taegi?? have a good christmas!!!!!!
this is so so long overdue my friend i am so sorry!!! i hope you had a good christmas!!
to answer your ask, i do have a few taegi already, but i have no issue on sharing some more ;)
OK THO i wanna talk about my taegi hc for my own damn hc, which is::: slytherin yoongi falls in love with siren taehyung,,,,, hear me out
so ok yoongi is the prefect boy for slytherin
he always has these nightmares about drowning 
he can’t sleep after them so he just hangs around the common room at night
as you know the slytherin dungeon is under the great lake, so if you look out the window you’re looking into the lake
and even tho at night you cant really see anything, yoongi just likes staring 
until one day, something stares back
it scares the shit out of him
at first he doesnt know what it is bc all he saw was this golden glowing thingy
some type of fish, maybe?
he does a search in the cataloged creatures on the lake but doesnt find anything so he just assumes it was dream
a few weeks later, yoongi wakes up to eyes
he freaks out and barely holds himself from screaming 
it’s without a doubt the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen
imagine dna taehyung but with a long golden tail and he’s literally glowing
they just watch each other for what seem like, hours
until the siren just gets bored and swims away
yoongi doesnt tell anyone bc he kinda wants to keep that secret 
he does research tho
technically, there aren’t any sirens or merpeople on the lake, but that creature was definitely not a selkie
anyway the weeks pass and yoongi just waits for the siren every day but he only shows up sometimes
yoongi likes talking to him, even tho there’s no way the other can hear him
they spend a few hours together, sometimes the siren will smile at him and just scare the living shit out of yoongi bc he has these razor sharp teeth
one day they’re hanging out and the siren just signals to above the surface, as if to call yoongi
the boy doesn't even hesitate he just does
don't ask me how he found a canoe but he did and now he’s alone in the middle of the great lake and it’s dark and he kinda realizes how dumb of an idea that was, lol
until he sees something glowing underwater, and the siren emerges
he just rests his arms against the edge of the boat and stares at yoongi
five minutes go by and no one makes a sound
“you know, considering how much you talk to me over the glass, i think you owe me at least your name” “what the fUCK”
they introduce themselves and talk until the sunrise, and tae has just the most beautiful voice yoongi ever heard
they’ve officially met and he’s already bewitched
tae just thinks humans are cute
anyway,,,, this is so long i have so many hc for this au pls
my heart beats in taegi
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
Uuu imagine Yoongi learning how to do a patronus at class, and Namjoon wants to learn it too, but he's younger so it's still a year or so until he get's there but he can't wait so he asks Yoongi to teach him... Imagine Yoongi saying the spell and a small raven pops up, and Yoongi is all smug about it like "Look, it might not work for you the first time but-" but he can't finish cuz Namjoon says the spell too and this huge-ass whale appears and Yoongi just.. walks away.
HIADUGAIASLDASHFKSJAF THIS IS WAY TOO CUTE OMG i’m def saving this idea for later if that’s ok with u 
but seriously this is so funny like a huge as whale and yoongi just stares into the camera like he’s in the office ajagsdasjf
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
HELLO I'm here for some vmin headcanons hehe. Like how they met each other on the train to hogwarts and became fast friends and despite being sorted into different houses they're literally inseparable?? And whenever Taehyung plays quidditch, jimin is the one screaming the loudest (number one fan and hypeman) I'm just :')
hogwarts vmin hcs - fantastic beasts edition
ok so first things first, there’s some individual hc in play here
like i mentioned before, jimin is like a magic sponge
he is extremely empathetic to the magic in the world, and he is drawn to it
here enters taehyung, who is super crazy powerful
like, the magic emanating from him would be terrifying if he wasn’t such a chill dude
it doesn’t scare jimin tho, bc the marjoroty of tae’s power is “asleep”
like you said, they met on the train
jimin was sitting by himself in a cabin when he felt this huge force approaching, but he wasn’t scared, just curious
then tae opened the door and asked if he could sit there but he didn’t even wait for jimin to reply
jimin was chocked but he was drawn to tae like a fly 
tae got jimin to talk about what house he thought he would be
and when he said hufflepuff then they didn’t shut up once until their names were called for sorting
tae went first, and the hat didn’t even hesitate to call hufflepuff
jimin was so excited about sharing a dorm with that kid he just knew would be his best friend for life
but then the hat decided slytherin and jimin froze
he was terrified, and his eyes just searched around and then he met tae’s
and he was giving him this huge smile and two thumbs up
jimin smiled back and he knew they’d be okay, not matter their houses
i’m so f t
ok so jimin’s connection with the magic in the nature
he can feel the earth and the earth feels him back
that’s why animals in general adore him
and he adores them back
as for tae, his magic is so unique that it works like a beacon of magic
the fantastic creatures are drawn to him, they feel safe around him
and obviously the both of them are absolutely in love with all animals
even if they’re dangerous
specially if they’re dangerous
jimin is the heir of slytherin, he has a slight aptitude to the dark arts, and some people are still prejudiced
and tae’s power makes grown ass wizards wary 
so they both relate to creatures who are considered dangerous but in fact are just misunderstood
and they stick by each other
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
heyyyy squadfam could you pls give a poor soul some jikook headcanons thanks love u
yesssss my dude yess i CAN
so y’all know about the sass couple slytherclaw 
basically it but they’re mostly sassing each other instead of other people
hitting the other to show affection
height jokes and LOADS OF THEM
one day jimin just charms jk to shrink and its a great day
he almost gets detention but madam pomfrey has a soft spot for jimin so she lets it slide
jimin is extremely protective of kookie
like whenever they’re hanging out with their own houses jimin tries his best to make jk feel included
duel club kings
jk is obviously a beast in datda but so is jimin
whenever they duel literally half the school hoards around them even the teachers
yoongi runs a betting system and makes a shit ton of money
there’s no way to tell who’s gonna win tho bc they’re both super good
they’ll try to act cute to disarm the other it’s a true show
study!! dates!!!
sitting in the library at the table by the window and the sun makes them gradually sleepy and they just nap there 
namjoon coos from across the room
jimin’s pet snake hates jk and will hiss at him
“is that a snake in ur pocket or are u just happy to see me” *snake comes out of jimin’s pants* “get losssssssssst punk”
chim thinks it’s hilarious bc kookie is not amused
jk isn’t particularly connected to the magic on the earth so he always hangs around jimin bc he absorbs the magic around him like a sponge
they’ll go to the forbidden forest and jimin will sit there and jk just watches as jimin connects with nature and he’s mesmerized bc it’s absolutely beautiful
jimin will blush and then jk will blush and its cute
super cute
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE x infinity YOUR HEADCANONS. could i pls request some yoonkook?
ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE a lil later but with loads of loooove
ok but why would you call it yoonkook when u can call it sugakookie come onnnnnnn its the cutest ship name in the world
ravenclaws and slytherins make the Badass Couple™
whenever they hang out ppl tend to keep distance bc they look intimidating
only looks tho, we all know how lame these two are
yoongi is literally the only person who doesn’t think jk is a lil shit
i mean he does but he thinks it’s endearing
bc deep down he’s a lil shit too
jk does random shit for him bc he’s a prefect
and then yoongi turns a blind eye whenever kookie is out past curfew
they’ll just walk around the castle at night
they don’t even talk much, they just enjoy the other’s company
“what are you doing out this late?” “quidditch practice” “don’t overwork yourself, kid. come, hyung will you back to the tower” *jk croaks a choked thanks bc he’s a big nerd*
yoongo smiles and ruffles his hair
two big blushing nerds
they’re both part of the slug club!!!1!!
and are proud of it
they make fun of tae bc he got stuck serving at the christmas party
but both imediatelly threatened to hex the hair out of a dude’s head when he did the same
i mean they are the scary duo
scary but incredibly lame duo
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
I live for your headcanons and I live for Vhope so the logical thing is to ask if you've got some Vhope headcanons for me? Pretry please?
i live for vhope too my friend!! and i do i do !!!!!
98% of hufflepuffs are friendly and welcoming to new students and u can bet yOUR HAT HOSEOK IS ONE OF THEM
like he just does above and beyond to make the first years feel happy and at home
and tae immediately warms up to him
tae literally tangles himself to hobi’s legs and hobi just accepts it
tae absolutely adores him who god damn doesn’t
hype up couple
out for blood whenever hufflepuff has a game
literally screaming murder
always all over each other
personal space i don’t know her
walking around with sunglasses bc why not
tae gets homesick easily and hobi is always there to cheer him up
he’ll start talking about astronomy and he’ll have so much wonder in his eyes that tae just feels like he has part of home right there
chillin in the gardens and having some random hobbies like knitting everyone some weird sweaters
purposefully playing random songs on the barrils
then getting soaked in vinegar
then going to hug the rest of the boys
and then running away laughing when jin threatens to hex them
always, always have each other’s back
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
hello!!! ily + your blog and was wondering if there was any hc about sope/yoonseok or any art bc i love them so much and you are very talented!
hello!! thank u one, but i will do more for sure :))now,,,,, sope hcs,,,,,
slytherpuff powercouple
that one parks and rec scene -  someone will die OF FUN
to this day yoongi is still amazed at how in the hell they became friends
not but seriously
one day the hufflepuff was walking him to class and that was it
they met for the first time at the dining hall when hobi’s frog launched itself straight into yoongi’s soup
no need to mention he was vivid but hoseok kept laughing instead of apologizing so he let it slide
then it just happened 
hobi is a quidditch fanatic and yoongi is a quidditch player its only right
also he will wear a snake on his head luna style do not test him
except if slytherin is playing hufflepuff then fuck yoongi
he’ll make amends later yoongo can never stay mad for long
sometimes yoongi morphs into a cat and takes naps on hobi
he never notices it, but yoongi just acts like a cat
like, he’ll rub his head on hoseok then pretend it didnt happen
its cute
hobi is an astronomy prodigy and yoongi is not so they study together!!
somehow yoongo is always around the hufflepuff like a vulture ready to hex the crap out of anyone who does anything
hobi has no problem dragging yoongi around by the foot when he’s being lazy
it happened
its cute
they’re cute
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ur-a-wizard-bts · 7 years
I think that the members who would play quidditch are definitely jungkook, jin and yoongi. Taehyung, Jimin and namjoon aren't into sports or exercise in real life as far as I know so I doupt they would play quidditch. Hoseok is more "sporty" I guess and if i'm not mistaken the members have said he's good at soccer, but he would never ride a flying broom for no reason lol, so no quidditch for him either.
oooo i agree with the majority of this but,,, hear me out,,,
 tae is competitive, and he might not do normal sports but flying on a broomstick?? that sounds just up his alley, just think of that day in bv2 with the bike thingy and the bts run ep with the racing! 
as for chimmy, i dont think he’d be on the team, but i think he’d like to fly and play for fun, and so would jin? i mean, i think he definitely knows how to play and he probably enjoys it, i just don’t see him joining the team? idk
about the rest of them i agree completely, hobi wouldn’t climb on a broomstick if you paid him, lmao
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