#btsot7 sickfic
min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
If you put you December prompt in the inbox that’s perfect thank you so much for requesting and I’m working on request!
Thank you again I really appreciate your submissions!!!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Also I’m accepting requests….
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
My mentally challenged self trying to convince my mom I don’t need my inhaler 🥸….
Also i’m working on request my apologies its taking longer than I thought.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Ops i left request open i guess I’ll just keep it open 🙊
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Tw: warning this fic as more than just emeto stuff and sickie. It has a little bit of gore and harming in it please proceed if you are ok with a mention of bl**d if not you can skip to the next part of the fic for regular emeto stuff and skip the text in this color if you don't want to see any of that.
Sickie: yoongi
Caretaker: Jimin
Yoongi has a nightmare and wakes up and vomits everywhere and runs to the bathroom. he’s sick and try’s to hide what happened from an undeceivable Jimin gets him to explain what was wrong and helps him after wards
Yoongi was sitting in a chair. He was unable to move his arms and his legs. They were bound to a chair by rope. He thought it was a rope. Something like that material. His eyes were being covered by some kinda wet cloth material. It was yanked from his face it pulled some hair that was tangled in the rag coving his face. He saw an elderly-looking man in front of him. The man moved over to the side to show all of the other bts members tied up in chairs beside him.
They were all panicking and crying out but couldn't speak because their mouths were gagged. All yoongi could hear were cries and words he couldn’t understand. Yoongi looked around. They were all dirty. Most of them were covered in scratches, marks, and bruises. Namjoon was different he was covered in blood that was leaking from his side. What the hell! what happened? yoongi thought. Yoongi saw hoseok to the left of him. his shirt was ripped and he could see a big slash on his arm. Oh my god, what happened to them? Who hurts them? Why are they here?
Yoongi’s heart started to race. “ they no talk …” The man pointed to the members. “ so now I do the talking” the man states. “ where is he?” He? Yoongi thought who is he even talking about?! “ you no talk then I shoot! The man pulled out a gun. "HEY, NO W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Yoongi screamed at the top of his lungs. The man shot a bullet beside Jimin heard it and screamed. " STOP IT-
yoongi yelled at the man in anger. The other members started yelling. Jimin started wiggling in his seat. He was scared. They all were.
"TALK Or BROTHER DIES!" The Man yelled. Yoongi was so scared. "I DON"T KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM STOP ITTTT." The man pointed his gun at Jimin's head and fired. Jimin's chair flew backward. " Yoongi screamed and cried. he didn't know what to do. The man walked over to Junkook. Jungkook was fiscally shaking as if he knew what was about to happen. No yoongi shouted. "Please NO", tears were falling from his eyes. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT. The man fired his gun again. Jungkook cried his chair flew back but not before hitting him on the way down. Yoongi was shaking his body trying to escape. He felt sick to his stomach. "Yoongi screamed to the top of his lungs" the other boys were crying as well. Two armed men came from behind yoongi the walked in front of him. They emptied out their guns on the rest of the members. Yoongi screamed out loud.
Yoongi YOONGI? YOONGI?! he kept hearing his name being called out loud. Yoongi opens his eyes. He was breathing frantically. He couldn't catch his breath he was at home in his bed. Jin, Jimin,namjoon, and jungkook were all standing around him gripping him tightly trying to wake him up. He remembered what he saw. He remembered what happened to them but they were right here? and alive. yoongi's stomach convulsed he threw up inform of him on his blankets and sheets. The four members moved back "hyung" namjoon almost yelled.
Yoongi threw up and is now having a panic attack. Jin pats on his back roughly but makes him puke again. Yoongi pushes his and everyone's hands away. He got out of bed with his hands on his head and his stomach on his throat. He walked toward his bathroom. Jin followed him there. Yoongi felt like he was being smothered. like there was no air in the room as he walked. He felt like if he walked faster he'd find air or at least his body would be forced to breathe. He began running to the nearest bathroom. He didn't manage to make it to the toilet before his stomach convulsed.
I'm not sure that I like this one anymore but if you do let me know and I'll finish it
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
How about a Hoseok depressive episode in which he begins to get bad again, he no longer want to eat not having appetite, so when members try to feed him a little by force pressuring to eat, he ends up gagging and throwing all back up, finally he confess, and after therapy he again feels better and eats healthy again.
This is a quite new and interesting idea for me. Thank you for requesting.
Tw: depression, emeto, v****
Sickie: Hoseok
Caretakers: OT7
This.... was not like the Hobi bts knew. The bright ray of light that use to shine dulled over this week. Everyone around him could tell. He wasn't himself. It was like when he was sick. when hobi was sick he had no energy to give others. He's quieter when he's sick. More tired. But hobi wasn't sick right now.
______________Hoseok POV___________________
It was happening again..... another.. episode he guesses. It was harder to do the things he usually does. In the morning he would rise early and greet Yoongi for a chat at the table as he ate his breakfast sandwich and while yoongi drank his iced americano. Now in the morning, he would stay sleeping feeling tired no matter if he slept in or not. Someone had to drag him out of bed if it were a day where the members had to work together.
He use to be excited to dance. He would be getting his exercise in, staying fit while doing something he loved to do all his life. Now Dancing felt like a chore. He use to find the ache he had after dancing rewarding proof that he did his very best. Now it felt like his body was touching him for trying and failing. everything he loved to do felt meaningless and he didn't even know why. He found himself not dancing as much, not eating enough not keeping himself as well kept as he usually was. No matter what he did he couldn't find that happiness he use to have. he felt awful for feeling this way. He swore to himself he wouldn't let himself get like this again. When this feeling came it felt like he was stuck with it forever.
He hated himself for feeling this emptiness not bothering to want to do anything. He knew lots of people depended on him, Army, his family, and friends.... the members. They were practically family to him. They worked so hard over the years together. Here he is ruining their legacy...
_________________-end pov -______________
The members. All knew something was terribly wrong. The manager noticed. He figured if J-hope has no motivation or energy bts in a whole might start to feel overworked so he gave them some time off. The schedule changed drastically but the manager rather than for them to have a burnout or for them to have a stroke. There wouldn't be a schedule if something were to happen to them and The manager would blame himself if something were to happen.
The manager decided that they should take this time to spend it together, no traveling no excessive work. yoongi wasn't even allowed to write songs. They were only allowed to rest their bodies and have a bit of fun.
The members knew what was actually wrong with hoseok. depression. They deiced this would be a good time to give Hosoek a little push something to help him feel more like himself and less stuck. They have all had their times when they just didn't feel like themself. And they knew that for each and every one of those times hoseok was there for the other members so they just wanted that for him.
They all got up one morning one by one. Jk and Jin started on breakfast. The other members washed their faces brushing their teeth as they slowly got up. Jimin after getting was told by yoongi and Namjoon that he should try and get hobi to come to eat breakfast. They knew he hadn't been eating like he was supposed to lately.
They felt like this was a good first step to help hobi out of his depressive episode. Jimin walked out of the kitchen and into Hoseok's room. HOsokes room was a mess. Jimin had never seen it like this before. Jimin knew right away that Hosoek's depression had gotten worse because hobi was the absolute cleanest member no matter what. Seeing Hosoek lie there mad Jimin feels sad himself. He walked into the other boy's room and spoke softly. " Hyung" breakfast is almost ready to come to eat"
Hosoek opened his eyes and looked at Jimin plainly. Jimin frowned when he wasn't treated with Hoseok's intoxicating smiles. Jimin felt even sadder after that but he kept his hopes high.
Jimin pulled hoseok out of bed. hobi wasn't amused. Hosoek would have usually begun to get playfully with Jimin but Hsooek just stood there outside his bed giving an expression Yoongi would have had. Jimin ignored it just as he would have done yoongi and guided hoseok to the kitchen while holding his hand.
a waft of good smell food hit their noses. Hoseok didn't t feel hungry. He wasn't even in the mood to pretend like he was. not even for the member everything just seemed so pointless. Jimin sat Hoseok down in the seat beside him. Everyone greeted everyone at the table.
Hoseok didn't say a word. He just kept looking down. Yoongi, jk, and Jin placed down several plates of food. Most of the foods were hoseoks favorite. Hoseok noticed that. Tae passed out plates and silver. Rm Sat down across from Hoseok eyes long hungrily at the food.
Hosoek took a deep breath held it and let it go. Everyone dug in. Hoesk touched nothing and just sat there staring at his knees not wanting to make eye contact it would only make him feel worse he thought.
"hobi.... " namjoon says in a calm and welcoming tone. Hoseok got nervous. " you gotta eat budy" , " don't know if you just don't feel well or if it's something else... I just know not eating only makes it worse..." please for us please eat..."
Jimin put a spoon of food in hobi's mouth and he was hesitant but he eventually accepted it. Hoseok was willing to eat a few bites but more and more was being shoved into his face. He stopped letting Jimin feed him. He wasn't even hungry, to begin with.
All the food Jimin made him feel a bit nauseous. He kept his mouth shut. "hyunggg?!!! you gotta eat!" Jimin wined
Rm chimed in. "Hobi we know you haven't been eating right, we have to take care of ourselves even while on a break" Hobi didn't react he acted as though no one even said a word. He just sat their eye cast down. Jimin got frustrated. Jimin held hoseoks arms away so they wouldn't stop him Jimin shoved the food into hobi's mouth.
This caught hobi by surprise. Jimin doesn't know if he put it too far back and hit his uvula or if he had fed him too much but he immediately regretted doing that to hoseok. Hobi lurched forward and gagged. He immediately threw everything up on the table.
Hosoeok retched and threw up again in the same spot. It was a hard sight to see. most of the members backed away from the table. Tae lost his appetite after seeing that.
Hoseok feeling embarrassed that he got sick in the kitchen and still nauseated ran to the bathroom. he threw up there as well. Namjoon, Jimin, and yoongi came in to comfort him. Jin stood outside the bathroom there wasn't enough room for him to try and squeeze in and help. Plus Namjoon and Jimin had it handled. Jin waited close by just in case he was needed. Jimin apologized and rubbed his back as hoseok threw up the last round of his meal. Namjoon fetched medicine for nausea out of the cabinet. Jin walked back to the kitchen and grab some water. Yoongi held Hosoek's hand.
Hosoek felt awful. He felt it was time to explain himself and what was going on with him. He figured someone would be asked him anyway. When hoseok felt he had control of his stomach he spilled all his feelings
everyone in the small room sat quietly and listened to him. they told him he was going to be alright and that they'd figure things out. Jimin rubbed his back. Yoongi held his hand, and Namjoon gave words that made peace in hoseok's mind. Tears ran down the boy's face. Jimin felt like crying too feeling bad for forcing him to eat without knowing his full situation. Jimin hugged the boy and apologies hsoeok apologized back.
Namjoon, hosoek, and Jin decided it was best to call up his therapist and see if he could be fitted into the schedule. They managed to get an early appointment for the next day.
until then they rested with hobi. Hobi finally managed to get good rest that didn't make him feel tired afterward. He slept cozy with the members still holding yoongi's hand not wanting to let go. He felt content when he was with them.
____ mini time skip______
the next day he talked with his therapist. things didn't immediately get back to the way they were but hoseok put in the effort and the members did the same making sure he was alright and helping whenever he needed. He even had a bit of an appetite.....
I hope you enjoy...
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Hi can I request a fic, with V being the sickie, and Jimin tje caretaker, probably they have arranged a sleep over in one of their rooms and to watch movies as the soulmates they are, but when the day comes, Taehyung is sick, his stomach has bother him all day, he is nauseous, and gassy, and his stomach too bloated for his own liking.
He cancelled the sleep over and Jimin is left hurt and sad, he doesn't understand why Taehyung seems to be angry with him.
He decides to go and talk with him, and he founds his soulmate in his bed, years rolling silently from his eyes, he is resting on his side curled.
Jimin sits with him and pats his head gentle coaxing him into telling him why he is sad and crying and if something happens.
Tae tells him that he feels sick, his tummy hurts so much, and he is gassy, and so sad for feeling sick.
Jimin then understanding everything relax and goes inside the bed to cuddle his poor bear friend, he makes Tae rest on his back and rubs his bloated tummy, after that v throw ups a little and after getting out a little more of gas his tummy feels better, he falls asleep from the strong stomach pain, Jimin dry his tears and rubs his back and tummy while he sleeps.
Next morning he founds Jimin and Hobi on his bed cuddling him as the sad burrito he is, and Seokjin is already preparing light food so he can digest, Namjoon had already tell manager Tae was sick last night, and Yoongi had went to bought some medicine for his stomach.
Tae suddenly felts so happy and warm even though his stomach hurts still touch to move from bed, or to eat. He spend next three days recovering.
Sickie: Taehyung
Caretaker: Jimin , ot7
TW: mentions of sickness, nausea, and probably V****
Please enjoy and thank you so much for requesting. I get really excited when you folks request!
They had been talking on the phone for hours. Taehyung hadn't been back at the dorm yet so they called while taehyung was heading back. They wanted to plan it out perfectly. They had a list of movies they wanted to catch up on. It would be a fun night and they would finally get to hang out just ad Jimin wanted them to. It had been so long since they've done something fun and exciting like this. being in a boy band that does shows internationally is amazing but with that busy life, you tend to find small events like this exciting.
SO tomorrow night right? Taehyung says over the phone. "Yup! Tomorrow night!" Jimin repeated They were as excited as children going to a birthday party. Ok, then I'll see you then. Jimin sounded so excited.
Time skip-
Taehyung woke up to the sun in his eyes. That's weird he thought to himself. He placed a hand on his stomach. He felt on his stomach. It felt extended and it kind of hurt a little. It felt tight around. He tried to remember what he had eaten that would have done this to his stomach. He rubbed his stomach pressing down on it a little bit. He felt gas being released. It didn't make him feel any better so he turned over to his side and went back to sleep. It took him a while to get back to sleep. lots of tossing and turning. He let out a ton of gas. It still didn't bring any relief to his tight and bubbling stomach. He finally fell asleep still ugging onto his stomach. Keeping pressure kind of helped but not much. Enough to get him to sleep.
He woke up once again, Still very much bloated perhaps even more than before. He also felt nauseous. Did he have too much pressure on his stomach? He started feeling sick. He was in an upright position but laid back down on his side. His stomach felt so painful. He laid there for over an hour just holding on to his aching stomach. he kept releasing gas but found no relief. This was the worse he thought.
His phone buzzed. He picked it up off his bedside table and looked at the message. It was from Jimin. He was letting Taehyung know he was about to go pick up snacks for their sleepover which is tonight.
Taehyung felt a deep cramp in his aching bloated belly. He dropped the phone and curled in on himself. He picked up the phone again and began texting. "I can't make it to the sleepover tonight". He sent the text not bothered to look at the phone and wait for Jimins reply. Tae figured his stomach pain would only go down from here with how nauseous he started to feel. Taehyung just turned over to the side of his bed and curled up again. Placing his phone back on his bedside table. Taehying closed his eyes held his stomach and tried to sleep as he applied light pressure to it.
Jimin saw the message. He felt a teardrop roll down his face. He didn't know what he did wrong. did he say something that upset him.
did he do something to upset him? Jimin was trying to figure it out but he just could understand why he canceled. Jimin had been feeling extremely lonely lately and really needed to spend time with someone else. He was really looking forward to it. he had been a bit down lately and this out the icing on the cake.
He wiped his face and decided to go talk to him. Jimin barged into "taehyung what did I do? What did I do wrong? Tae- " Jimin looked at taehyung he was in a ball on his bed. Taehyung hadn't said a single thing since he had barged in. He hadn't even flinched. Jimin walked inside his room. He sat on taehyungs bed. Jimin put a hand on taehyungs shoulder. Jimin took a closer look at taehyungs face.
A tear rolled from Taehyungs closed eyes. Taehyungs eyes fluttered. Jimin spoke in a much calmer tone. " what's wrong tae..?" Jimin rubbed Taehyungs shoulder and back ad taehyung explained about his stomach and feeling nauseous. " My stomach hurts so bad," taehyung says before he stopped talking.
Jimin feels much better now that he knows taehyung isn't angry. he knew Taehyung felt sad too. Jimin can finally relax. He moves to lay on taehyung's bed in a comfortable position trying not to jostle the bed too much. Taehyung was extremely gassy during their nap. Jimin knew he didn't feel well and decided not to mention it. "Poor bear," Jimin says moving his hand to rub Tae's back. Tae turns over onto his back. He takes his hand off of his belly. he gently grabs Jimin's hand it was nice and warm. He placed Jimin's soft warm hand on his distended stomach. Jimin already knew what to do.
Jimin ended up pressing on Tae's stomach too hard and tae shot up and ran to the bathroom. Jimin sat up and ran behind him. Taehyung body lurched over the toilet. he heaved. he threw up a mouth full of vomit. He kept his hands on his stomach. He didn't throw up any more than that. Taehuyng took a deep breath and evaluated his stomach. It felt less bloated Jimin flushed the toilet for tae.
Teahyung finally found a little relief. His stomach wasn't as bloated before. Jimin ushered Tae up and put him back to bed Jimin hopped in behind him. His stomach felt much better when re-released gas. Jimin didn't complain about it he was happy that he wasn't alone. Plus tae seemed to be feeling a little better after throwing up a little bit. Jimin cried again lying next to a sleeping taehyung. He didn't even know why he dried his eyes. He rubbed Taehyung's back as he slept and Jimin soon fell asleep too. They slept all through the afternoon into the next morning (This next part made me wheeze out loud)
Jimin woke up to the warm sun inviting itself into the room through the blinds. Jimin felt cramped on the bed. what happen to all that room he once had? he thought to himself with his eyes still closed. Was taehyung on top of him? no, he wasn't he thought. His hand is still under taehyung. Well, what the heck was smoothing him. He opened his eyes. J-hope. It was Hoesok. He was the one on top of Jimin right now. j hope sighed in delight "aah", you seemed a little sad Jimine" you alright? " "I'm doing better," Jimin says deciding not to question why jhope was laying all his height on top of him. " we heard Taehyung getting sick last, night " we were gonna help but we were too late cause yall were both snoring by the time we were about to step in." J hope explains to jimin." but don't worry we handled everything else, Namjoon informed the manager last night. Jin is preparing a light breakfast and I'm sure yoongi will be back any minute from the store with meds".
Taehyung had worked up and heard the conversation. There was still a strong ache still in his stomach. He turned over to lay on his back. pushing hoseoks legs off of his body. Jimin and hobi sat up un the bed. Taehyung stayed laying down. as if yoongi had some sort of sope telepathy he walked in with meds. Jin walked in hind him caring a few plates of food. Namjoon walked by hind jin also caring a few plates. They all ate taehyungs food.
Taehyung didn't feel much like eating but tried anyway seen as the boys all collected in his room to eat. Jungkook walked in with a plate pilled with food and sat on the floor and ate with the others.
Taehyung looked around the room he felt warm seeing all the members here together. His stomach still ached badly but his heartfelt content.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
In celebration of follower milestone I’m open up request early as i work on request! If you wanna talk , ask for something specific feel free!
Thank you all for your support, thank you for reading , giving feedback. Thank you so much! My summer would have been so boring if i was writing for you folks !
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Guess who finally fixed his drawing tablet 😈
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Get your last min request while you can ! Thanks so much for requesting!!!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Every fanfiction i have ever wrote about that includes dance practice 🤣
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