#sickfic ot7 bts
soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
Fever dream Taehyungie. I read some fics with this and I'm hooked.
Choose whoever you like as the caregiver and whatever other sickness you want to add. I have no problem with emeto 💜
Fever Dreams, Hyung's Don't Leave (sick TH)
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Sick: Taehyung
Caretakers: ot7, Yoongi, Jungkook, Seokjin
Tw: emeto, vom**, mentions of nausea, stomach pain, dizziness, fevers, nightmares, puking
Word count: 1744
Thanks for the request, anon!! I really enjoyed this, and I hope it's what you had in mind 🫶
Cold. Taehyung was so so cold. And... where are his hyungs? One second they were right there, and now it's all dark? They were with him before he got sucked into dreamland? But now he feels freezing and so... alone. "Hyungs?" Taehyung wants to reach out but his arms feel like lead and won't cooperate.
Shadows were growing around him and his brothers were becoming distant, his cheeks are wet with tears and he wants to yell for them to come back but the sounds don't make it past his throat. Did they really leave him?
He woke up with a sharp gasp, almost instantly dissolving into tears that wrack his frame. Yoongi is quick to pull him into an embrace, cradling his head into his chest. Despite the younger being taller than he is, Taehyung looks so small in the rapper's arms. "You're burning up, Taetae." Yoongi says, feeling warmth radiating off of the younger's skin.
"I'm c-cold... w-wh-where are the others?" Taehyung's head perks up, eyes wide and scared. The dream felt so vivid. "Hyungie, are they gone?" Taehyung suddenly tries to stand up, pulling away from Yoongi's grasp.
"Woah, careful." Yoongi rushes to help Taehyung and sits him back down with little effort needed. "They're okay, Taehyungie." He comforts, rubbing his back in circles. "I-I need to see them, h-hyung—" Taehyung cries, gripping onto Yoongi like a lifeline.
"Shh, okay. Let me get Jinnie and the others." Yoongi takes out his phone, frantically spamming Seokjin's number. All of Taehyung's weight is up against Yoongi and the flow of tears has him biting his lip in worry. "Yoongi-ah?" Seokjin sheepishly walks into the room, rubbing his eyes and taking a split second to register Taehyung.
"Oh, Taehyungie, baby." Seokjin rushes over, petting and soothing over his hair as Taehyung instinctively reaches for the eldest. "H-hyung... I thought you left me." Taehyung mumbles, breaking out in tremors and moving to wrap an arm around his stomach.
"Of course not, baby. Gosh, you're so warm. Yoongi, what happened?" Seokjin turns to the rapper. "He was dreaming, kept calling out for us and now he's got a fever." Yoongi explains. They both look at Taehyung with pity, thinking on what to do. "We have to give him some medicine, he's way too hot." Seokjin concludes.
"No—I need to see Jiminie a-and Namjoon-hyung—" Taehyung sniffles, hiccuping between words. Yoongi sadly rubs his back, turning to Seokjin. "Aw Taehyungie... how about we go to the living room and I'll get the others?" Seokjin offers, using his thumb to wipe away the tears. Taehyung nods approvingly, somewhat calming down.
They go on either side of the younger, helping him to the lounge. Yoongi flicks on a couple lights, putting them on the dimmest setting. Taehyung reaches for Yoongi and he gladly holds him on the couch. Seokjin starts off at the closest bedroom. Jimin and Hoseok's.
"Hoseokie? Jiminie?" He calls into the dark room, walking in to find the two curled in each other's embrace, both their beds pushed together. They start to stir after a few taps. "Sorry guys, Taehyungie is sick and a bit emotional. Can you both comfort him in the living room?" Seokjin explains in a hushed voice. It wakes them up and Jimin's eyes are already glistening with worry. "Of course, hyung." Hoseok replies. Onto the next bedroom.
"Namjoon-ah?" Seokjin hears the snoring cut off. "Hmmg..? Hyung?" The leader groans. "Can you go to the living room, please? Taehyungie has a fever." He says, gaining a hum as Namjoon swings his legs out of bed. And now, the maknae.
"Kookie?" Seokjin moves straight to the bed, gently rubbing over Jungkook's thigh. "Jungkook-ah." He tries again, making the lump roll over. "Taehyung needs you, Bunny." And that finally wakes him up. "Huh..? Is he okay?" Jungkook rubs his eyes, making a move to get up. "Fever, bad dream." Seokjin summarises, letting the youngest follow him back to the living room.
Taehyung is still next to Yoongi but Jimin is giving him a kiss on the cheek, Hoseok tying back his hair and Namjoon is standing nearby, not wanting to crowd the boy. "Taehyungie-hyung?" Jungkook says when he catches sight of the second youngest. He looks up from the couch and is visibly relieved. "You g-guys didn't leave?" Taehyung's lip quivers. The six of them butt in to reassure Taehyung, telling him they love each other way too much to even fathom the idea.
"Taetae, do you feel well enough to take some medicine?" Yoongi asks, all too aware of the sticky heat coming from the singer. He's still so out of it. "Mm.. I don't know." Taehyung pouts, "does anything hurt? Your ears, throat, head, stomach?" Jimin asks, kneeling down in front of Taehyung. "Tummy.. and my head feels dizzy." Taehyung concludes, just now picking up on the nausea washing over him in waves.
He shivers and curls up to Yoongi. "Hyung... I think I'm gonna throw up." Taehyung whines, face squashed into Yoongi's shoulder. "Aish–right now?" Yoongi looks to Hoseok for help, "I'll get a bag—" Hoseok dashes off, right as Taehyung moans in discomfort, chills going up and down his spine. Seokjin leaves to grab some towels and medicine. Namjoon and Jungkook take a seat on the other couch, talking to each other worriedly.
Hoseok comes back with a puke bag, quickly handing it to Taehyung who grips it shakily. "You're okay, Taehyung-ah." Yoongi starts rubbing up and down his back, sympathising when he feels his muscles clench and a dry gag escapes. Taehyung feels like he's on a merry-go-round, he's not enjoying it. Before he was cold and lonely, now he's covered in sweat, about to heave up his dinner. What a night.
He looks up from the bag, noticing Seokjin returning and all his brother's concerned faces. It makes him think back to his fever dream and a tear slips before a nasty heave takes over. It leads to a string of drool and acidic taste in his throat. Jimin uses his small hand to wipe away the tears, moving to sit next to Taehyung. "Let it up, Tae." Yoongi slips into daegu satoori, hoping to comfort the younger some.
Taehyung sucks in a deep, shaky breath before bringing up a mouthful of sick. It gets the momentum going and before he can relax, another bout exits him. "We're right beside you, Taetae. You're doing great." Hoseok comforts, looking away from the puke bag but also trying to support his dongsaeng.
Taehyung retches, spine curling over as he vomits. He feels so hot and sticky, tshirt plastered to his back. Seokjin uses a damp cloth to wipe Taehyung's forehead, holding it on as he coughs into the bag. "Namjoon-ah, can you get the thermometer please?" Seokjin asks, tone filled with concern.
"Sure, hyung." Namjoon responds quickly. "Ughh—my tummy doesn't feel good.." Taehyung whimpers, fingers still clutching the bag. Jungkook watches with sympathy. "Poor baby, Taehyungie. You'll feel better soon." Jimin rubs the 95's knee, Yoongi tracing along his back.
Taehyung doesn't feel like he'll ever get better. He would make another statement that he's dying, but a painfully dry heave cuts him off. It highlights just how empty Taehyung now is. But his stomach sets him off anyways, into endless (about 3) empty gags. "Tae-yah it sounds like you're finished. Wanna try relax a little?" Yoongi points out, slowly easing the younger's grip on the bag.
"Yoongi's right, Taehyungie. I'm sure Jungkook's happy to give you some company on the couch?" Seokjin smiles, and Taehyung swallows down a retch before weakly nodding. Yoongi manages to take the bag, making note to keep it away from Hoseok's general direction before disposing of it.
Seokjin and Jimin wipe down Taehyung's face, just as Namjoon comes back with the thermometer, holding it out. "Ah, thanks Joonie." Seokjin says, grabbing the device and hovering it over the second youngest's forehead. It beeps and reads, "39.1° (102.4°)" Seokjin says out loud, "shit. Taehyungie, you're really warm, how about we take your shirt off?" The eldest adds.
Taehyung nods, face blank and zoned out. "Arms up," Jimin helps take off the top, leaving Taehyung exposed on the couch. "Can I lay down with Jungkookie?" Taehyung looks up at Jin, then glances at the youngest. "Of course, Kookie? Is that okay?" Seokjin turns to Jungkook, who responds with a reassuring nod. Jungkook motions for Taehyung to come closer. With Hoseok's and Jimin's aid, Taehyung gets nestled on Jungkook's chest, both of them long ways on the couch. Jungkook has an arm tucked around Taehyung securely, while he listens to the soothing rhythm of Jungkook's heartbeat.
"Promise not to be sick on me?" Jungkook jokes, retracting the statement when Taehyung frowns sadly. "I'm sorry you're not feeling well, hyungie. You can throw up on me, that's fine." Jungkook kisses Taehyung's temple, ruffling his hair at the same time. At least that gets Taehyung to whimper-laugh, his body still isn't happy with him.
Before Taehyung lets himself drift off, he opens his eyes and scans the room. He sees five pairs of eyes staring back lovingly, the elder members smiling at the fondness between the two youngests. "Don't worry, Taehyung-ah. We'll be right here when you wake up." Yoongi hums, beginning to settle on one of their armchairs, letting out a huff when Jimin sits on his lap, but not making him move either. Fully reclining the other couch, Hoseok is comfortably squished between the leader and Seokjin.
"Okay, I love you, hyungs." Taehyung murmurs softly. He surrendered to the warmth of Jungkook's embrace, the presence of his brothers soothing him to not worry about any more dreams.
Hours passed and they slept semi-comfortably. Seven people in one living room was a lot. Slowly, Taehyung stirred awake, greeted by the gentle caress of Jungkook's hand on his head. Blinking away the sleep, he found himself still tucked up to Jungkook. "Hey there, sleeping beauty." Jungkook whispered.
Taehyung grinned weakly, "did I throw up on you?" He asked, voice raspy but amused. "Not this time, hyung." Jungkook chuckled. The lounge room was bathed in a morning glow, Taehyung noticed his other hyungs, still there and their expressions more relaxed. The worry he felt during his fever-induced dream was replaced by comfort, yes he was still uneasy but he now had some support.
"I told you we wouldn't leave, Taehyungie." Jimin chims in, perched on Yoongi's lap. "Thank you, Jiminie-hyung."
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sickiesope · 7 months
I’m glad you’re back! Started reading your fics not so long ago.
Can I request a very feverish jimin, with either a throat or a stomach infection, and worried members that take care of him day and night?
Thank you sm anon I'm glad to be back too! :) I managed to get in everyone taking care of Jiminie here 💜
Downtime for Jimin
Sickie: Jimin
Catetakers: OT7
TW: emeto
Summary: Jimin hates when he gets sick.🌡
Jimin had to sit out of dance practice after running to throw up twice. He couldn't pick up the choreography and kept missing steps. Hoseok halted it and made the younger sit down after noticing he felt warm.
"I dont know what's wrong with me" Jimin huffed. He hates missing out on dancing but he does feel a bit faint.
"I dont want you passing out on us" Hoseok tells him. He gives Jimin a trash can nearby and a bottle of water. Jimin sits on the floor leaning against the wall. He tells himself he can join again when he feels better but that doesn't happen. Hoseok ends up ending the session earlier as he sees Jimin in such poor condition.
Jimin hates feeling like this. His stomach has been acting up all day. He started feeling warm around mid afternoon and when he threw up his lunch he knew he was done for.
"Jimin, you doing okay?" Yoongi and Taehyung wait outside the locked stall in the bathroom.
"..mhm.." Jimin moans in response. His stomach gurgles and he throws up wet chunks into the bowl.
Being sick and throwing up is one thing but doing it at your work building somehow feels much worse. Jimin worries about random people coming in and hearing his awful retches and he doesn't want anyone seeing his face after he's done. It feels too vulnerable. But today he has no other option, other than the floor in the hallway.
"How are you doing?" Taehyung asks him after the retching simmers down.
"Ugh.. I'm done.." Jimin's voice croaked. He wipes his mouth and flushes. When he finally unlocks the door they see how sickly he looks. Jimin has circles under his eyes and he's sweating lightly.
"Jiminah, you look terrible you poor thing. And you're running a pretty bad fever there." Yoongi and Taehyung help Jimin clean his face quickly.
"Ugh, let's get out of here before anyone else comes in" Jimin says worriedly. His face is flushed and his stomach still cramping, he hastily walks out. Luckily no one else was around.
Jimin crawled into bed after a rough ride home. His fever rising and his appetite declined. The lights are off and it feels much later than it is and his fever makes it hard to think properly.
Jungkook tried giving him some ginger tea for his stomach. But not even five minutes later he's grabbing the bucket again, heaving up the small amount he sipped.
"Awh, I'm sorry the tea didn't help hyung" Jungkook said sadly.
"It's okay Kookie, I appreciate the gesture" Jimin says quietly, rubbing JK's hand. He really wishes his stomach would let up. He couldn't even join the guys at dinner as his stomach can't handle anything.
Jungkook goes to get a new cold wet cloth for Jimin's fever. "Try to sleep some more hyung."
Jimin conked out for awhile but his head is so hot and bothered he woke again. Jin cleaned the bucket and took Jimin's temperature. He's alarmed at how high it is "whoa, you're burning up Jiminah."
Jimin doesn't say anything, he's too nauseas. His stomach is still threatening to hurl up more. He can't believe he still has anything to throw up, he lost his lunch and his breakfast long ago.
"Don't force it Jiminah" the oldest says softly.
"I c-can't help it--" Jimin cuts off with another harsh retch, splashing into the newly cleaned bucket.
"Hyung, I hate this" Jimin whined and dove his head into the bucket again. His stomach is still pushing up even though it's pretty much empty. After one more dry heave and just spitting out saliva, Jimin concludes that he's done. He wraps himself up in the blankets like a burrito and closes his eyes.
Jimin keeps falling asleep and randomly waking up again. He blames it on his fever and his stomach that still churns sometimes. Jimin thought he fell asleep on the couch at work and woke up hot and uncomfortable. Nope, he's in his own bed. Namjoon took out the fan and put it in Jimin's room, hoping it would help him cool down. The breeze is nice on his sweaty face and slightly damp hair.
Namjoon also tried giving him medicine for his fever and upset tummy but he threw it up 20 minutes later. "I think Jimin should see a doctor tomorrow morning" the leader finally says.
Jimin whines in protest but the others all agree he should.
"I think so too, he might need a different medicine" Hoseok adds. Jimin doesn't like the idea but knows in the back of his head that he should.
Jimin's doctor confirms he has a stomach infection. He prescribes him medication that will clear it up within a few days and in the meantime he has to take it easy. The others continue to take care of him until he's better.
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mikrokoskooks · 1 year
Hey could you please do something with joon and appendicitis!! i love your works so much! <3
Of course and Ty xx I really love yours too you are so good at writing!!! :)
Tw:Emeto, hospitals mentions of vom!t
Around 2000 and something words might be my longest fic ever haha.
Namjoon's POV
"Hey, Hyung are you alright back there, you've been quiet today," Jungkook says from his seat next to me in the car.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired" Of course, I'm not actually tired I just don't want to worry Jungkook or the others.
I've been feeling a bit odd lately, and little things keep happening that are making me worry about my health.
Like the last couple of days, I have completely lost my appetite and had these weird cramps in my tummy that come and go. Usually, I'd be stubborn and not tell the others how I feel but something deep down's telling me to say something.
"Actually,  I-" Is all I manage to say before being cut off by Jimin,
"Guys. I don't feel very well"
Oh no.
"Why what's wrong?" Hoseok asks from the steering wheel
"I think I'm car sick" He moans placing a hand on his tummy.
I look over at Jimin and he truly looks awful he's gone all pale and his bangs are stuck to his forehead by sweat. I don't know what's up with him but it doesn't look good. "Here take this," Yoongi says passing him an emesis bag. Jimin and some of the other members get motion sick so we always have some on hand.
While Jimin is breathing heavily into the bag the pain and burning in my stomach grows quickly and I start to feel a bit queasy myself. Jimin lets out a few fairly quiet hiccups but a particularly loud one causes him to throw up quite aggressively into the blue bag.
Taehyung rubs his aching stomach while Jin and Yoongi pat his back, Soon enough Jungkook's unbuckled his seat belt and went to Jimin as well. I don't blame them cause Jimin is clearly unwell I just wish I had said I felt ill earlier so someone could look after me like that.
You know what, I don't even think Jimin's motion sick he's never gotten it this bad before it has to be something else. Like food poisoning?
When we get back to the dorm Jimin could barely stand up straight from all the vomiting he'd done. All of the others minus me had to hold him up so he didn't fall flat on his (cute) face.
I go into the kitchen and return to the living room with an empty yogurt pot. "Minnie you were eating this earlier right?"
Jimin slowly nods his head, "It's gone off I think it's given you food poisoning," Namjoon says
"It did taste kinda funny.."
"Then why'd you eat it silly, Jin asks half-jokingly before sweetly saying, it's okay anyways we'll help you get better yeah"
See, food poisoning. No motion sickness.
It's a week later and Jimin is better after he got sick the first time it took him until yesterday to get better. He really had it bad. I, surprisingly feel completely better too. I've managed to get my appetite back and my stomach cramp still come and go but less often than before.
I haven't bothered to tell the others how I felt before because it was never truly the right time with Jimin being sick and all. I was sure it would go on its own and it did so I've nothing to worry about. Plus, we've got a performance on the tonight show with Jimmy Fallon, and I'ts not like my stomach gonna randomly flare up again, is it?
I've jinxed it
As soon as we pull up at the venue I feel my stomach cramp aggressively and gurgle just like it normally does. Unfortunately, it's so much shaper and louder than usual it causes me to groan suddenly, earning me six pairs of concerned eyes staring at me. This time it radiates to his side.
"Namjoon are you okay, Was that your stomach?"
" Yeah, I don't.. feel that well" I blurt out
"Why, what's wrong namjoon-ah?" Seokjin asks me.
"My stomach.. hurts" I whine weakly leaning my head onto the window.
Since the van is now parked Seokjin unbuckles his seatbelt and rests a hand on my forehead "There's no temperature. Have you eaten anything that might be causing this?"
I shake my head, "It's alright though, I can manage" I try to say it as confidently as possible, but there's still a clear whine in my voice.
The car is silent for a minute before Hoseok speaks up, "Okay, If you're sure Joon but if it starts to hurt more tell us ok?"
As we enter the building the show's staff greet us with warm smiles and waves before leading us off to Jimmy Fallon. We don't have to walk too far as he's at the end of the corridor, but the journey still gets me out of breath. My stomach's probably to blame for that.
When we make it to the end of the not-so-far corridor I feel exhausted, My stomach ache has gotten ten times worse and I could feel my lunch trying to make a reappearance. I'm starting to rethink the performance tonight.
We'd been on the show before so when Jimmy turns around he's thrilled to see us again. He smiles and welcomes us back and then starts to pull everyone into a hug. That's one thing I've always liked about Jimmy he treats us like family. He doesn't just ignore us until we perform he cares about our feelings.
Speaking of feelings, before my hug, Jimmy looks at me worriedly and asks me something. "Hey are you okay buddy, you don't look so good."
"Ah yeah, I've  just got a stomach ache."
I can hear the genuine concern In Jimmy's voice.
"Oh, are you alright to perform? You can rest if you need to."
"I'll be fine I have a very strong immune system you know," Namjoon says making a muscle gesture trying to lighten the mood.
Jimmy chuckles before going over to me a pulling me into another warm gentle hug as he lets go he whispers, "I hope you feel better soon" to me. I say thank you and then we get led to our dressing room.
The first thing others do when they get in is eat some of the food the show had provided. Now despite how good all the food looked, I decide not to eat any. Instead I go to get my makeup and hair done and then go on my phone.
Now, of all the brilliant things I could look up on the internet, I'm stuck looking up pressure points for nausea. Yes, I could just a someone for an anti-nausea pill but then they'd worry and stop me from performing.
Just as I'm about to try the point Jimin comes to check up on me, "Hi hyung, how are you feeling?"
I contemplate telling him the truth but I opt not to instead "I'm fine Jimin"
"Are you sure? You really don't look well"
I tell him I'm fine again and this time he doesn't pry anymore. I glance over at the fast food the others are eating, maybe eating would make my stomach feel less like it's... slowly curdling.
As I walk over to the table a plethora of scents waft up my nose. Now on any other day, I would have loved the smell of McDonald's and KFC frolicking in my nostrils but today my body was just not having it.
Taehyung's POV
I look up to see Namjoon walking to our table, I guess he's feeling slightly better. Before I can open my mouth to ask he makes a 180-degree turn and grabbed a plastic bag from one of the chairs. At first, I thought he was going to use it as a rubbish bag or something but then I heard him gag and my mind was changed.
Normal POV
Namjoon suddenly gags into the plastic bag, his stomach is in knots and he can feel acid moving up his throat. He gags again bringing up a large wave of sick, he barely gets a break before more vomit hits the bag.
Yoongi, Jungkook, and Taehyung all make their way over to Namjoon, they pat his back and mumble sweet nothings into his ear. The vomiting continues for another 5 minutes before the vocalist's stomach lets up. The other Jin and Hoseok watch from afar while Jimin goes to get the staff.
"You okay?" Jungkook asks "Well obviously you're not but..." he trails off. Namjoon shakes his head, "I feel sick. My tummy hurts" he moans grabbing his side. You know stuff is serious when Namjoon says tummy instead of stomach. He drops down to his knees starting to puke into the bag again.
"How long has it been hurting you?" Taehyung asks patting his back. "Two days before Jimin got sick but it wasn't this bad just on and off," Namjoon says through gritted teeth. Taehyung and Jungkook look shocked "Hyung!?" They say in unison "Why didn't u say anything?"
"Didn't... feel, that bad then" he mutters. Jimin soon comes back in with the staff and the company doctor is shocked to see how namjoon looks and it's certainly not good. The doctor checks over the youngest rapper checking his breathing and his temperature.
"39 degrees" the doctor starts tutting "that's not good where abouts does it hurt?" He asks staring at namjoon with urgency.
"It was the middles but but now it's my right side" He says keeping one hand on his abdomen and the other to point. "From what I've seen and what you've told me, it looks like Appendicitis."
The members gasp and one of the staff members whispers an 'Oh my God'. Namjoon just sits there in shock and disbelief. He opens his mouth to speak but all that comes out is a pained groan.
The doctor speaks up,"I think it would be best if you go to the hospital for surgery instantly, you can't preform tonight."
The others seem a bit sad about the news but the understand that it's definitely better for Namjoon to get surgery than to suffer. "B-but I have to perform... I" Namjoon tries to argue but stops half way swallowing thickly.
"No Namjoon." Hoseok says sternly, Jin nods and says "Your health is way more important go get your appendix out."
"Oh um okay" Namjoon says grimacing as the doctor helps him up. "What about the show" "Joon we'll be fine, we're just dancing you know, go." Yoongi comforts he himself knows the severity of appendicitis.
In the end Namjoon stops trying to find reasons to stay and gives into missing the show. He sits in the back of the doctors car and closes his eyes briefly. His stomach is really aching now and he's starting to worry.
"I won't die... will I?" The rapper mumbles. "Of course not Namjoon, don't be silly. You'll be just fine I promise" he says smiling sympatheticly. "Okay" he whispers feeling a bit more safe.
The doctor helps Joon out of the car and leads him into the ER. He explains to another doctor what's going on with Namjoon and he prepares him for surgery.
The last thing Namjoon remebes is being pushed on a gurney and then his vision goes black.
When he wakes up he's in a bright room that smells like roses and cleaning products. He tries to sit up but moans slightly at the soreness he does feels better though.
"Hi Namjoon, How u feeling?" The company doctor asks seeing he's awake "Better but also kinda sore" Namjoon replies. "That's normal to happen" Namjoon looks up at the clock the boys performance time.
"Can I go back now, I think I could make the performance" The doctor chuckles and shakes his head "No Namjoon you can't u need to rest, you can watch the show though."
The rapper nods and they turn on the room's TV. The show goes well and Namjoon smiles proudly those are his boys. Even if he can't be there with then on stage he still feels as though they're there with him in the hospital and later on they do.
Giving him hugs and hair ruffles and a Get well soon message from Jimmy Fallon. He really has the best members namjoon thinks to himself.
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Sorry if the endings a bit bad my brain kinda gave up.
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blu-archer · 2 years
Not Everything Changes
Requested. Snzy Jk after playing with Bam in the rain.
Word Count: 4452
Sickie: Jk
Caretaker: OT7 [kind of, mostly Jin/Tae/Jimin]
Errors; most likely. I should be sleeping.
Enjoy! hopefully its not too much rambling and is actually coherent.
Not everything changes.
He couldn’t believe his luck – or rather lack thereof.
Sure. Maybe it hadn’t been the brightest decision to take Bam to the park when it was raining for the third consecutive day, but it was the only time he could go to the closest one without being recognized by someone new every second step. Anyway, the weather app on his phone had said it would mostly be overcast – maybe some light rain here and there.
He’d organized his entire day around that information, so it wasn’t like he was going to change it for any minor inconveniences – and that’s what that sudden downpour had been. Those heavy clouds that had blanketed the sky? Minor.
So, against his better judgment he’d gone out and had the most carefree time with Bam. He didn’t even want to think about the current state of his bathroom with how much mud and water they’d brought home last night.
But now as he sat perched for his stylists on the set for their most recent photobook, he felt miserable.
His misfortune had started with him sleeping through his alarm at 4am, not by much but considering the screeching that it made it was quite the feat to not wake up immediately. Then he’d zombie walked through his morning chores – accidentally banging into his kitchen table and dropping some of  Bam’s food onto the floor as he refilled the bowl. He hadn’t even bothered to pick up the mess, just stood there and glared tiredly at the pellets scattering his floor. Bam had dived to sniff at the mess before turning to look at Jungkook with a wagging tail. He’d just sighed and scrubbed at his nose  as he went to pull on some sweats and a hoodie before making coffee into a small flask. Then he’d set out to go to work.
Now he was freshly dried after using the company showers and getting his makeup and hair done trying not to be too obvious that his throat had started to hurt despite how much water he chugged, and his nose was beginning to run with each dab of the makeup brushes. Although he was starting to think it was a losing battle. Already he could hear his stylist ‘tsk’ at his reddening nose, trying their best not to agitate him more than he already was. He was just thankful that his hyung’s were already being fitted into their clothes and weren’t anywhere near him to notice – especially when one final stroke on his cheek had him coming undone. He could just barely hear an annoyed sigh after he had pitched into his hands and caught an itchy fit that left him even more frustrated than before.
The stylist slipped him a tissue with the sharp instruction to not wipe off too much of his makeup since they didn’t have much time and Jungkook bowed with growing embarrassment in the pit of his stomach. Wiping his nose did nothing to relieve him, but it at least stopped dripping while he was given the finishing touches before being sent to wardrobe.
“Jungkook-ah!” Jimin grinned at him as he slipped on his suite jacket, his shirt gapping open in a similar fashion to what Jungkook’s own was. “They’re doing subunit shots before the group. We’re on set 3 with the plants. Taetae is being organized with props already we were just waiting on you.”
Jungkook did his best not to seem too out of it, even if his sinuses were borderline overwhelming with the need to sneeze as he let himself be led to where he was needed. Jimin had continued speaking, rambling about what all they’d been told to do but Jungkook really hoped that it was more optional than anything else because he was not listening to a single word being said.
Before being set in position he’d sneakily tried to wipe at his nose once more with his used tissue from before, hiding it from sight as soon as his members turned to join him amongst the mini forest that had been created on the floor. The photographer was kind in directing them,  positioning them laying down amongst each other and while he appreciated not having to stand or do too much activity, being horizontal wasn’t helping to keep his nose from running. He sniffled as quietly as he could, which really wasn’t quiet at all, but he hoped that the activity surrounding them masked it for the most part.
 His hyung’s were laying to his right with Jimin closest - his head resting on Jungkook’s shoulder while Tae had been set up seated against large potted plants that’s leaves draped over him.
There was a flash of light as the photographer did some final tests and Jungkook froze with the immediate faltering of his breath. His chest heaved once more which had Jimin shooting him a questioning look but before he could answer another flash went off.
“Eh’hESHH’uh…snf*.. H’EISHhew!” He sniffled deeply and winced at how wet it had sounded. At least he had thankfully been able to raise his arm in time, but it didn’t stop him from feeling just a little bit mortified that he could have sneezed on Jimin. Not that his hyung seemed overly bothered besides the beginning crease of concern starting between his brows.
“You okay, Kook-ah?”
“Jusd-“ he sniffed once more, clearing his throat as he got back into position. “Just the lights. I think the plants are getting to me a little bit as well.”
It was a convincing enough lie to make since he didn’t want to make anyone worry or chastise him for his [albeit flawed] choices but he didn’t miss the light kick Jimin gave Taehyung, as if to just keep watch either way.  And then the shoot began.
It was exhausting. Like mind numbingly exhausting and Jungkook had been prompted to sneeze more times than he thought he could get away with, not to mention the growing ache behind his eyes that the studio lights seemed to be amplifying each minute he sat before them. Taehyung had taken to rubbing his back or shoulder each time that they were positioned close enough and Jimin had suggested doing some shots with their eyes closed in hopes that it would help the process go smoother. His tissue from early was now unusable and he had taken to trying to use his wrist before caving and asking if he could take a break just to blow his nose.
With an understanding nod from the Head photographer, he practically sprinted out of the lights towards where his manager had already acquired the much-needed tissues and winced as he saw the rest of his hyung’s seated watching the screen upload the photos of his shoot. Obviously they must have finished up already and were waiting for the group photos to begin, which he was holding up because he couldn’t handle a light going off around his sensitive nose.
“Jungkook-ssi, are you sure you’re feeling okay?” His manager at least tried to ask him quietly as he blew his nose. His skin was burning with embarrassment, already imagining the glare the stylist would give him at the amount of makeup that had been wiped off, but it was better than having a mess drip down his face.
He couldn’t even bring himself to answer properly, just nodded and coughed into the next tissue he was blowing into.
He turned back to the set to see Jimin and Tae moving swiftly towards him, both immediately resting a hand on his upper back or leaning onto his shoulder in a way that made him feel just a little bit more comfortable than before.
“They said they have enough to work with, so we need to get changed and move to the main set.” Taehyung explained. “Maybe you will feel better being away from these props.”
He highly doubted that, and he suspected that they felt the same with how they watched him with concerned pity. His manager handed him a bottle of water and the tissue box before disappearing to find out the next steps in the day and Jungkook took the moment to sit.
His nose was swollen to a point of it being mildly painful. He could feel heavy congestion settling in and he just wanted to go home and curl up into the warmest, softest blankets he could find before sleeping for like a week. He couldn’t – obviously. He was still scheduled to work for at least another 5 hours or so, and tomorrow called for various other schedules that he would likely have to be drugged up on medication to the point where he might not even be aware of his tasks, but it was nice to dream.
“Are we moving to the final part?” Hoseok asked, the rest of the member finally joining them. Each lingering hesitantly at the sight of Jungkook. “Is everything alright? You look sick.”
“I’mah-hheh’ekshh’u! Sor-ah-ry’IEESH’U!”
 “Sounds like a cold.” Jin mused, immediately moving to set a hand to Jungkook’s forehead. “You’re a little warm but that might be because of all these lights.”
“I’b fide.”
There was a brief silence. None of them keen to say the obvious when they watched the youngest member pitch yet another damp sneeze into a tissue. His appearance spoke for itself, despite his words. It was like they could physically see his illness rolling off him in waves and yet he was in adamant denial for some reason. It wasn’t like they’d never been sick around each other before, usually they were quite open about it.
A call from across the room forced them to move back to the wardrobe section, all of them hovering a little closer than before as they watched Jungkook apologise to one of the makeup artists with pitiful doe eyes. She merely smiled with a soft word of reassurance, then got to work reapplying everything he’d rubbed off as well as concealing the deep red that had taken over around his nostrils. 
An hour in since they’d started up again and Jungkook was proud to admit that he had managed to keep his symptoms mostly at bay. Sure, the flash of lights still made the immense tickle in his nose flare dangerously, and his hyung’s still sent him pointed looks when something did manage to slip, but he had yet to actually sneeze.
Namjoon had commented more than once on his mouth breathing when they were positioned beside one another, shooting looks to the staff as if to announce this needed to be wrapped up soon, but Jungkook just brushed it off with a forced grin. He was dressed more casually this time, so the clothes were warmer and cozy to a point where he had started to doze, lazily resting back into the couch that they were all seated on.
 It was only when the photographers called for a break to review things that he let out a heavy sigh and finally relented in closing his eyes without a fight. Letting his body melt into the cushions as he listened vaguely to the soft conversation his hyung’s made until he slipped into complete darkness.
“Should we wake him up?” Hoseok wondered aloud. Jungkook had finally fallen asleep after fighting against it for like last hour and his snores were gradually filling the set while they waited.
“Let him sleep. He’s definitely sick whether he wants to admit it or not.” Yoongi sipped his water, eyes analysing the puffiness that had settled in the sick boys’ face. “We should see if we can reschedule our practices tomorrow.”
“Manager-Pdnim said he has already started to organize a shift of planning in the next few days for all of us in order to get some time off for him.” Jimin said. “Or at the very least a lighter schedule for this week just to accommodate.”
“I’ll go and see if anything has been decided.” Taehyung stood gesturing towards where their manager had left too. Hoseok joined him with one final look of sympathy towards the youngest. It left the rest of them in a moment of blissful silence where they all just took a breath and let the exhaustion of the day wash over them while the crew and staff bustled around. Jin ran his hand through Jungkook’s hair, messing with the hairspray as he removed his hand to touch his own face before settling it back on Jungkook’s forehead with a frown.
“Does he have a fever hyung?”
“Maybe.” Jin shrugged. He couldn’t be entirely sure. “He’s a bit warmer than me but it still might just be because of everything that’s happened today. He’s dressed warmer than me as well.”
“He sounded miserable earlier.” Namjoon added with a sigh. He was on the other side of Jungkook and was probably the sole reason that he was still somewhat upright on the couch despite having instinctively curled closer to his leader in his sleep. “This came on rather quick.”
“There is no way that he isn’t contagious.”
“Hyung,” Jimin spoke as if he was chastising a child. “We’re not going to be busy after this. If we get sick, we get sick. He couldn’t be absent to a shoot that’s been planned for months.”
Yoongi shrugged, if not in agreement then at least to appease the younger. He didn’t really want to get sick, especially with all the work he needed to get done, but he understood that there had been no getting out of this for Jungkook. “You think they’ll let us take him straight home instead of heading to the company?”
“I think we aren’t going to give them a choice.” Jin said firmly but quietly as Jungkook shifted.
Although the attempt was in vain when Jin startled as a hand came down on his shoulder only to see Taehyung’s face splitting into a grin at seeing his hyung jump.
“Yah! My heart!”
“Aish hyung.” Hoseok laughed as he leant over the couch next to Taehyung. “Are you implying old age?”
“Ya-Yah! Don’t disrespect me!”
He reached up to wildly whack behind him but both culprits ducked out of reach with laughter. The only thing his gestures accomplished was a low moan out of Jungkook, who blinked his eyes open a couple of times before curling further into Namjoon’s side.
“Ah ah ah…” Before he could go back to sleep, Tae hastily reached over to keep him up, willingly taking the weak hit that Jin laid on him as he got closer. “We’re leaving now, Kookie.” Taehyung shook him enough to keep him roused and glanced amongst the others. “We’ve got this afternoon and tomorrow off, but Pd-nim asked if Joonie-hyung and Suga-hyung could still stop by the company before going home – and Hobi-hyung, but he knew that already. Something about not being able to put a meeting off.”
“We’ll group in the one car and you guys can take the larger one to get home then.” Namjoon nodded, encouraging Jungkook to sit upright with gentle nudges in his side. “Jungkook, you need to get changed into your clothes again.”
There was a small hand around his wrist, dragging Jungkook to his feet before he’d even properly opened his eyes. Jimin was leading him off to the wardrobe area where they had the clothes they’d arrived in, the pace perhaps a bit too hasty. He had barely managed to steady himself before forcing them to stop so that he could sneeze towards the floor. He didn’t even have the awareness nor energy to cover, just moaned with a gurgling sniff as he misted the floor twice more. A low complaint from Jimin told him that he might have accidentally caught the other in his mess but there was barely a breath in-between before Jimin’s words turned softer and more encouraging with the promises of home and warm food.
And that sounded like the best thing he’d heard all day.
Getting changed and the car ride had turned into a sleepy haze. Although he’s pretty sure that Yoongi and Seokjin helped get him into his shoes and hoodie - he vaguely remembered soft nudges and gentle words before he was loaded into the car in which he promptly fell asleep in once Taehyung and Jimin settled on either side of him.
He woke up to the muffled sound of rain and the low volume of his tv playing some sport channel. He turned over in bed with a low moan at having forgotten to turn his tv off before going to bed, then jolted up. His head pounded in protest, but he definitely hadn’t left it on. He remembered turning it off the day before. What he didn’t remember was how he was in his bed.
Through his sleep-sick muddled mind he started to remember that he had in fact gotten up that morning already and had gone to work. He also vaguely remembered leaving work, which meant that if there were noises in his apartment that Bam can’t make then at least one of his hyung’s was there. Witnessing the colossal, muddy mess he had left the place in the day before.
God he really should have just cleaned up straight away, even if he had already started to feel bad. At least then he wouldn’t have to face the shame of them knowing his foolish actions.
He fell back into pillows, muffling a cough that just wouldn’t ease the tickle in his throat. At least Bam had had fun at the park – despite his current situation, yesterday hadn’t been an entirely bad idea. He just didn’t think any of his hyung’s would see it like that.
Preparing himself for the worst, Jungkook managed to pull himself to his feet with his comforter wrapped around him and draping to the floor as he walked to his living room. Immediately he could make out Taehyung and Jimin on the couch with Bam, although neither seemed to be watching whatever they’d put on the tv, much more interested in the excited roughhousing of his Doberman.
He stood by the doorway hesitantly watching. The wet clothes and dirt that had scattered the floor of his bedroom that morning had been all gone and he had a suspicion that if he checked his bathroom he’d find that spotless too.  He was about to Join the 95’ers when he glanced to the kitchen and made eye contact with his eldest hyung. Jin stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his face void of emotion – there was no anger or disappointment, but there was also no sympathy. Jungkook guesses that that was a disserving reaction.
Foregoing his previous plan, he silently shuffled to join Jin, trying his best not to feel tiny under the weight of his hyung’s gaze.
“You understand that when its pouring with rain and you have a free day, preferably you stay at home.” Jin’s voice was stern and his eyes unwavering from Jungkook’s. “Where its warm and dry. You don’t go out and get drenched in it.”
“I know hyung.”
“And if you do – heaven forbid – and you feel sick, you can tell us.”
“I know..”
“Especially if we have group activities that is both extensive and enforcing close proximity to each other. It’s called being courteous and makes us aware of any possible limitations.”
“I know, Jin-hyung.”Jungkook sniffed, burying the lower half of his face into his blanket as a weak attempt to hide. “I’m sorry.”
Jin’s gaze softened. “I made you some seaweed soup. I went and bought some ingredients and medicine since your place is practically empty.” He pinched at the blanket and tugged once to prompt Jungkook to follow him to the stove. “You need to pay better attention to your health, Kook-ah. I’m not always going to be there to make sure you rest or eat well, so please. Treat yourself with a bit more care.”  
Well that definitely wasn’t something he wanted to think about, but the thought was there now. He could already feel his eyes tearing up as he sniffed and stared into the pot of resting soup.
“Aigoo… I didn’t mean to make you sad.” Jin gently pulled him into his chest, ruffling his hair with one hand and pulling him in tightly with the other. “Let’s heat you up some food and join the other two, or you can go back to bed but only once you’ve eaten and taken medicine.”
Jungkook coughed, clearing his throat but the tears he’d yet to shed made him sound croaky either way as he agreed to join them.
“Go sit down then and I’ll bring you everything.”
Jin turned to busily get bowls for the soup and rice he’d made but turned back at the hoarse “hyung”. He blinked expectantly and swiped a single tear that had finally managed to break free and streaked Jungkook’s cheek. “Hyung, could you make me some tea too.”
“Of course, Jungkook-ah.” Jin smiled. “Hyung will bring it to you.”
Jimin and Taehyungs approach was quite different from Jin’s – in which they barely seemed to acknowledge how stupid he had been to get sick like he did. Rather Jimin did what he always did when comforting others, latching himself onto their side and smothering them with soft pets, kind accented words and just general affection that made Jungkook a little homesick for his parents, and if he closed his eyes the lilting Busan dialect could almost transport him back to his childhood home.
Taehyung didn’t really change at all, Jungkook wasn’t even sure why he had expected him too. Instead, his friend tucked into his side and draped an arm around his shoulders, occasionally being a pest and flicking Jimin as he clung to Jungkook’s other side just to hear his soulmate complain testily.
Bam had stayed on the floor for mere seconds after Jungkook was seated and settled, then he had practically molded himself onto Jungkook and Taehyungs laps. Occasionally he lifted his head to try and lick Jungkook in the face but eventually gave up and just stared at Jimin with woeful puppy eyes.
“Can we change this to something more interesting?” Jimin prompted, paying attention to the tv for the first time. “Jungkookie, do you want to watch a movie? Something Marvel?”
“Anything you want, hyung.” He murmured softly, resting his head onto Taehyung’s shoulder.
Jimin didn’t seemed entirely pleased with the answer but grabbed the remote and went on a search for one of the older spiderman movies. It seemed like the safest option, anything potentially related to Iron man was still a sore topic after the last Avengers film.
“How are you feeling? You slept for a couple hours.” Taehyung asked just as Jin brought in a tray of steaming soup and rice with some apples sliced and put on a plate.
As if Jungkook’s appetite was big enough to eat it all right now.
“A bit better than this morning I guess, but not much different.”
“Hyung’s bringing tea now,” Jin reassured as Taehyung forcibly moved Bam entirely onto his lap so that Jin could set the tray  onto Jungkook’s. [The tray was definitely a large chopping board, but if Jin wanted it to be a tray then that’s what it would be.] “Eat so long and maybe you’ll feel better.”
Doubtful but Jungkook did as he was told as Jin returned to the kitchen and sipped gingerly at the hot soup until the steam started to bother him and he was forced to reach for the unopened tissue box on his coffee table. Scrambling to open it and then blow his nose, grimacing at the sound. His nose still tickled but at least it wasn’t running anymore.
“As long as you feel better quickly.” Taehyung said with a small smile. “You had Jiminie worried earlier.”
“You were worried too!” Jimin pursed his lips and just resumed in his clinging after he pressed play on the movie. “We were equally worried.”
“I’m sorry I worried you.” Jungkook couldn’t help the huff of laughter that left him at that. “I’ll take better care of myself from now on.” He nibbled on a spoon of rice as if to proof his point.
 “You better.”
The four of them [five if Bam counted- he did, obviously] sat through both of the Amazing Spiderman movies, none of them complaining or thinking of switching even as Jungkook periodically dozed or sneezed his way through the passing hours. By the time the credits of the second movie rolled in he was exhausted. Pitching breathy, hoarse sneezes into his palm.
 Thankfully both Jimin and Tae had readjusted so that Jungkook had more space to himself or else he probably would have sneezed on them multiple times already. He had drunk 2 and a half cups of tea but only managed the apples and half of the rest of his meal, but Jin wasn’t too hung up on it. He just let Jungkook know that it would be in the fridge waiting for him.
The medicine he’d taken at the beginning of the second movie had started to kick in, but instead of masking his symptoms, it just made him drowsy. Which didn’t help when he kept coughing and sneezing over everything.
The final straw was when he’d sneezed hard enough that he’d gotten thrown into a coughing fit so thick he could barely breathe. Jimin and Taehyung had immediately been there, rubbing his back and handing him tissues while Jin could have probably broken the record for ‘fastest person to ever retrieve glass of water within 6m distance.’ After that none of them wanted to keep him up for longer than necessary and promptly steered him back to his bedroom where he collapsed, star fished on the mattress. One of them – probably Jimin – got to work making sure he was properly covered while the other brought his tissues and water to rest on his bedside table.
He could feel each of them as they hovered and nitpicked to make sure that there wasn’t anything else he would possibly need – only caving when Jungkook repeatedly reassured that he was fine and just wanted to sleep. Then they left the room, each promising not to be far or to call if it got too late and they had to leave for something. One of them pressed a brotherly kiss to the crown of his head, their hand on his forehead checking for a fever one last time before they retreated.
The final words of “Hyung’s here if you need him” making Jungkook so comfortably warm that he had no trouble sinking into an easy sleep again.
49 notes · View notes
ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Hi could I request some fluffy fluff of jungkook getting sick with a bad cold in the rain because he was playing with bam and girl y/n caring for him or you can make it Ot7 and his brothers find out he is sick and care for him . Just fluffy and comfort im sad these days need some peace . Please 🥺🙏🙏
Turquoise Days
Pairing: Jungkook x reader. Platonic ot7. 💜
Genre: Sickfic , Fluff.
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Jungkook had decided he was going to make the most of his holidays. It was all very clear to him.
Go boxing. Eat. Play with bam. Call you before he slept. Make plans to hangout. Somewhere OUTSIDE your houses. Spend the day with you and bam. Sleep. Play video games. Make sure not to miss dinner with his hyungs.
It sounded perfect in his head. And it would be. He would make sure of it.
Despite his grand plans of boxing and eating till he was full full. He slept dead to the world. Body tired with his previous productive work week. He even had abs and as much as he didn't want to loose them. He really wanted to enjoy spending time with you without you having to feel bad for how much you were eating (you were always concerned about him eating less or when he was dieting unlike Taehyungie hyung who would make Jungkook feed him.. but Jungkook would get his revenge!! For sure.)
So when he woke up he made himself Ramen, adding egg. Eating less for long periods left him with less appetite but he was sure it needed a single pack of ramen to change that luckily or unluckily. He stirred the noodles while making plans for tomorrow or later today when normal people woke up. He sent you a text. and some memes in the groupchat to which Jimin responded and then without seeing a reply he turned his phone to silent. To enjoy his ramen in peace, finishing it off with rice.
Bam followed him like the cute loyal pup that he is. So Jungkook decided it would be a good idea to play with him until it was time to send Bam to the house which a now trained Bam listened very well. And so feeling a little bloated but very nice. Jungkook decided to sleep some more.
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Bam's barking woke him up. More like excited whelps. He opened his eyes returning to the conscious world splayed stomach faced on his bed. He must have changed positions while sleeping. He checked the time. It was already ten in the morning.
"Y/n." He called out.
And there you were standing at the door of his bedroom dressed cute but casual smiling the most beautiful smile.
Bam followed trying to capture your attention. His leash in hand. You take it and pat and rub him.
"Who's my good boy? My very good boy.. yes it's Bamie." You talk to the overgrown puppy.
Jungkook comes behind you and hugs you.
"But I'm your best boy... right?" You laugh at his words and ruffle his hair.
"Yes. Now get ready."
Jungkook nods and leaves to shower.
When he comes out you've made him some breakfast which the two of you eat together. With you telling him about how you've been when he's been busy. It's nice and makes Jungkook almost want to cancel going out. Watching Netflix all day cuddled on the couch is a promising prospect but he can see how excited you are for going out and so will Bam be. So he ties his stomper boots and then makes sure to open the door as you sit in his car. He orders takeaway from your favourite restaurant and then takes you to the Beach.
In the car ride the two of you fight over radio channels. He tells you he got licence for driving motorbikes. Which you giggle at. And he feels his heart flutter.
And the one thing the both of you forget is to check the weather.
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"I'm the Jeon Jungkook. A little rain won't make me sick." Jungkook had proclaimed(famous last words). As he had dragged you to dance in the rain. And you the utter fool you were for him had followed abandoning all rational thought.
Sadly the bacteria didn't care who they were infecting. So because you couldn't dry yourself and had to drive back to Jungkook's in your soaking wet attire. It was no surprise the two of you caught a cold.
At first it was only you who kept sneezing. You had to end your day with Jungkook short so that you didn't pass on the cold and you had to go home the next day because it was your dad's birthday.
On the train ride back home you learnt that he too 'felt a little chilly' but it was nothing serious.
While you would have told him to go to the doctor you really couldn't think pass your headache. So you told him to take care. Snuggled into the bunny (a courting gift Jungkook had gotten you on your 5th date) and said goodbye. You know he was going to see his members. You trusted them to make him see reason if needed.
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Jungkook was determined to clean his house. He had taken it seriously upon himself to make himself a proper adult. So he started sorting his things. And the dust was no joke. Halfway through his task. He was sneezing uncontrollably. Thus he abandoned the task.
Choosing instead to hydrate himself. He opened his phone. To check the messages.
Feeling a bit warm. Jungkook decides to sit in the balcony. Enjoy some fresh air. Bam follows him.
"Should I take you out?" Jungkook asks. Recieving a loud bark. He giggles and goes out.
Back from the walk Jungkook feels unusually tired. He thinks he might have caught a cold. So he takes some medicine for the fever and thinks about messaging their manager for setting an appointment with the doctor. But before that happens Jungkook falls asleep.
When his phone rings but he doesn't answer you get worried so you message Namjoon who was your designated emergency contact set by Jungkook.
Namjoon replies he'll check up on Jungkook and let you know.
When Jungkook doesn't answer still. Namjoon assures you that they're all meeting so they'll make sure to scold Jungkook on your behalf.
Namjoon calls Jin to tell him about Jungkook. And so the plan is made they would go hangout at the maknaes House instead of simply going outside for dinner.
His doorbell rings incessantly and rhat wakes him up. He's too disoriented to realise that today was the hangout with the members.
The members are loud as always and that inadvertently brings a smile to his face. He feels bad that he won't be joining them.
"Hyung's" He says as he opens the door. "I'm not feeling well."
"We know." Jin replies. Yoongi pats his shoulder and gives a nod. The rest of them follow and make themselves comfortable.
"Y/n told us." Namjoon says.
Jungkook feels his heart burst with affection for you. He almost gets teary eyed.
"Anyway since we are not going to the restaurant we reserved. You'll be getting us a treat right?" Jin asks.
Jungkook nods.
"Thank you jungkookie." Hobi says happily.
"Yoongi order groceries for a porridge and fresh veggies, some snacks as well and Namjoon take Jimin to get medicines. I'm sure kook didn't take any." Jin orders.
"How did you know hyung?" Jungkook asks.
"I've raised you ofcourse I know."
"Now let's put a dent in your bank account." Taehyung says excited.
The groceries are delivered quickly. And Yoongi and Jin get started on the porridge making sure to make extra so that Jungkook can have some later.
Taehyung cuddles Jungkook.
"It's ok hyungs are here no need to worry " Taehyung says lightly patting Jungkook's head.
"I'm not a baby." Jungkook protests half-hearted because on the inside already being with everyone makes him feel better. So being engulfed by the baby bear Jungkook slips into a nap.
Hobi cleared some space and set the tables and cutlery while the eldest were busy making the porridge.
Yoongi cooled some of the porridge in the freezer so that it could come quickly to room temperature. While Jin portioned the rest of it out and put it in the fridge.
The delivery guy rings the bell which wakes Jungkook up.
Hobi rushes to open the door and pick it up.
Seeing Jungkook is awake. Yoongi checks the porridge again. The porridge is still slightly hot but he supposes its better than Jungkook being hungry when he's sick.
Namjoon and Jimin arrive with some OTC medication and a cake. They were thinking of getting icecream first but because Jungkook was already sick and out of them the one who was most font of sweet things. It was only logical they get cake because they loved spoiling their little one.
Namjoon gently woke Jungkook up medicines in hand and a glass of warm water ready. While Jimin scolded Taehyung for sleeping with Jungkook. "What if you also get sick?" Jimin scolded.
"Feed him some porridge first." Yoongi tells Namjoon. Namjoon nods.
"I'll do it." Jimin offers.
"Start eating before the food turns cold." Jungkook tells them.
There are enthusiastic nods and then everyone except Jimin and Jungkook attack the delivery.
Taehyung and Namjoon make sure to feed little bites of the meat to Jimin and Jungkook.
They all launch into thier stories.
Jungkook misses being in the dorms in times like these but staying away has made it all the more precious.
His eyes fall on the 7 tattoo on Jimins finger and feels really blessed to have been given this family. His hyungs. Bangtan. He feels like tearing up.
"Oh Jungkookie is crying." Yoongi points out.
"Are you feeling more sick should we go to the doctor?" Namjoon asks concerned but his mouth is full so it sounds garbled.
"Do not cry. Do not cry." Taehyung chants. Jimin rubs his arm and drapes his shoulder around Jungkook.
"Oh what will we do with you our cry baby?" Hobi says.
"No. I just .. I'm happy hyungs are with me." Namjoon smiles and rubs his back.
"Ofcourse we are. ApoBangpo." Namjoon says.
"This kid." Jin says. "It better not be a way to make us pay for this food." Jin jokes.
"Hyung." Jungkook pouts.
"Do you know how much I've spent feeding you.? So much that you've become the biggest in bangtan"
"I'm not the biggest Rapmon hyung is." Jungkook replies.
"Why are you dragging me in this?" Namjoon asks.
"It's true. His arms are as thick as my thighs." Yoongi agrees.
Meanwhile Taehyung who had slipped earlier brings in the cake.
"Don't fight everyone let's have cake." Taehyung interrupts. Jimin and Hobi clear the table to make space for the cake.
"Be honest. You just wanted to eat the cake." Hobi asks laughing.
Taehyung only winks conspiratory in return.
"I saw a hack where they used wine glasses to cut the cake." Yoongi informs everyone.
"Just cut a cake normally. Is it that hard?" Jimin says unimpressed.
Jin gives the cake a karate chop.
"Hyung." Namjoon whines while hobi looks disgusted holding a kitchen knife to cut the cake.
Jungkook giggles.
All is well.
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Hi lovely. I hope you're feeling better. Hope this makes you feel better. I kind of added backstory too Because I kind of like context as a reader. Hope that's ok. I don't know if I've done justice to the prompt. But yeah. I've never written something like this before so I'm nervous.
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
I remember during one festa when Yoongi said he got sick on the rides at an amusement park, then Jimin called him out saying Yoongi got sick not because of the rides but because he was actually hungover 🤣 Maybe you could write something along those lines
Oh I absolutely remember that festa clip. I love that and I really enjoyed fleshing that two second interaction into this almost 3.5k fic. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for requesting!
Pairing: OT7 - platonic. But pretty much everyone has cute moments with Yoongi. Ship as you please.
Words: 3467
Warnings: Emeto || Graphic Descriptions of Nausea || Hangover || Motion Sickness || Intoxication
Inspiration: 2021 Festa (in case you haven't seen the clip, here's a link to youtube. Credit to the video uploader of course!)
“Yoongi-hyung, maybe you should pace yourself?” Namjoon encourages as he watches Yoongi chug his fourth whiskey in two hours. It was supposed to be a casual bonding night for the hyung-line. But it turned into more of a drunken circus. They’ve all had more than they should, but Yoongi’s taking it to an extreme. 
“I’m no lightweight, Joon. I can handle my liquor.” Yoongi replies, slamming the empty glass against the table top. He shakes his head to clear his mind and calls for the bartender to order another drink.
Namjoon bites his lip. He looks to Hoseok and Seokjin for back up, but they are off in their own little world. Namjoon hears bits and pieces of the conversation, something about the mobile game Seokjin’s currently obsessing about. When Seokjin starts talking about gaming, he doesn’t stop. Namjoon resolves that they will little help in wrangling Yoongi in. He takes a cautious sip of his beer. Despite how much he wants to join the others in drunkenness, he knows someone has to be the responsible one. He’s used to that role. 
When Yoongi’s served a fifth drink, Namjoon picks up another conversation with his fellow rapper. Just to fill the air before Yoongi knocks another back without a care in the world. Seriously, doesn’t that burn his throat? “So we’re going to the amusement park tomorrow?” He tries to sound excited. 
Yoongi swirls the amber liquid around in the glass, “Yeah. I guess that’s the plan.” 
“We should probably head back to the dorm early then? We don’t want to be hungover.” Namjoon suggests, sipping again on his own drink. “That wouldn’t be very fun.” 
The older rapper clicks his tongue. “If you want to worry, Namjoon, why don’t you worry about Hob-ah or Jin-hyung.” Yoongi hiccups, quick to take a sip to prevent it from happening again. “I don’t get hungover.”  
Yoongi has never been so wrong before. 
He wakes up the next morning with a splitting headache and a churning stomach ache. After he works up the energy to pull himself from bed, he shuffles to the bathroom. He only has to look at the toilet and his mouth fills with warm vomit. He kneels before the bowl, spewing round after round of liquor and stomach acid into the water. He doesn’t remember the sting from the alcohol going down, but it sure as hell burns coming back up. After 10 minutes, he thinks he’s empty. While he stares down at his own mess, he prays that he’s gotten it all out of his system. 
He takes deep, ragged breaths as he hoists himself back on his feet and flushes away the mess. He stumbles to the sink to rinse his mouth and wash his face. On the counter, there’s a bottle of aspirin, the brand that Hoseok uses. He knows that Hoseok’s a bit type-a about things, but he resolves that he won’t miss two pills and swallows them after he brushes his teeth. 
The mirror reminds him that he looks like death warmed over. Disheveled and pale, eyes sunken and surrounded by deep purple skin. He does his best to clean himself up, knowing the other members are waiting for him downstairs. They’re going to the amusement park, he needs to be okay. 
Back in his room, there's a bowl of hangover soup on the dresser he shares with Seokjin. Maybe it's a bowl his hyung had started but never finished. Yoongi doesn't think Seokjin will mind if he drinks the rest. He's never needed it before, so he's not sure how long it takes to kick in. He hurriedly gets dressed and joins everyone else downstairs. 
"Have too much to drink, Yoongi-hyung?" 
"I thought I saw Seokjinnie-hyung making hangover soup this morning." 
"Hyung, You're looking paler than usual."
The maknaes are quick to tease him. Even if Yoongi didn't look like a walking PSA about the importance of alcohol pacing, Namjoon told them all about Yoongi's personal rager. 
Yoongi flicks each of their foreheads. It's only a quarter of his usual force, but it's something. He assures them he's not hungover. But it's hard when he has to resist the urge to wince at Jimin's high pitched cackling. 
"I just didn't sleep well. I'll be fine after some coffee." The rapper shuffles to the kitchen to fill a travel mug with the bitter liquid. But the mug is simply for show. He doesn't intend on drinking any of it. 
Everyone doubts him, exchanging side glances and whispers. 
Namjoon watches as Yoongi pretends to take sips of the coffee. He's not a great actor. His Adam's apple doesn't move when he's supposedly swallowing. It does, however, bob up and down while Yoongi sways his way to the van. 
In the car, Namjoon's worry peaks and he sends a private message to Yoongi.
To: Yoongi-hyung
Hyung, are you sure you're feeling okay? If you feel sick, I can tell a driver to take you back to the dorm. 
The response comes in quickly
From: Yoongi-hyung
Joon, I told you not to worry about it. I'm fine. I just need more time to wake up. 
Yoongi pockets his phone and Namjoon realizes that's the end of the conversation. 
Yoongi can hardly stand to look at the screen. The bright screen light is triggering his motion sickness which is a horrible combination with his hangover. He spends the whole car ride on the verge of vomiting. Which concerns him because he was pretty sure he emptied his stomach earlier. But by sheer luck he's able to hold back. 
Once they are inside the park, they all identify initial objectives. Jungkook's first objective is to eat. It's seconded by Taehyung, Jin thirds it. And Namjoon's vote puts it in the majority. Yoongi can’t focus on any of their conversations. The sun is too bright, it stings his eyes. And the roaring sounds of roller coaster tracks and excited screams make his head feel like it’s about to explode. So he just follows the group as they find a place to grab lunch. 
But amusement park food is greasy. And Yoongi's already feeling sick. The hangover plus motion sickness plus fast food grease would be a deadly combination. He's sure to puke. So when Namjoon and Jimin take orders, he asks for a fruit smoothie in place of a meal. The members try to convince him to eat more, but he stands his ground. 
It's cold, which transforms his pulsing headache into a pounding one. And it's sweet, which doesn't sit well in his sour stomach. The few sips he's taken already don't sit well with him. He drinks less than half of it before he deliberately throws it away. 
The others watch as Yoongi throws the Styrofoam cup into the trash bin like it's personally offended him. Yoongi holds his head in his hands when he returns to the table, waiting for the others to finish. 
"Did you not like the smoothie, hyung?" Taehyung asks carefully. "I thought you liked strawberry." 
"Wasn't hungry," Yoongi replies through barely parted lips. He fears more than words will come out. Lying is as easy as breathing for him today. "You guys finish up, I'm okay." 
After lunch, Jimin suggests they go on rides. They put it to a vote and it's unanimous, excluding Yoongi who abstained from the vote. So they start to wander the park. Jungkook talks about his favorite rides. Hoseok asks that they start off with the smaller rides and work their way up to the big coasters. 
After three rides, Yoongi's sure his brain is going to pound out of his skull. And his stomach found a new home in his throat. He's made the mistake of riding the twirling tea cup ride with resident mischief maker Taehyung, who apparently has more upper body strength than he lets on. As soon as he's off the ride, he sprints in a jagged pattern to the closest trash bin. He throws his head over the opening with just enough time to spew the little bit of smoothie he managed to force down. He knows all the smoothie is gone when he feels the next heave burn like the stomach acid and alcohol from before. 
They all crowd around him, shielding him from public eyes. No one should know of them. But on the off chance someone recognizes them, puking into a trash bin should not be a part of their image. 
"Maybe I spun it a bit too fast?" Taehyung rubs the back of his neck apologetically. 
"A bit?" Namjoon questions, also unfortunate enough to share the small cup with the second maknae. 
Jimin rubs Yoongi's back as the rapper finishes up. "I think Yoongi-hyung should go home. He's clearly not feeling well." The young dancer directs the statement at Namjoon, but it's Yoongi who replies. 
"No," Yoongi spits a final time into the bin before lifting his head. The world is still spinning, his stomach is still churning, and his head is still pounding. But he's not going back to the dorms. He's not ruining this fun day for them all. "It's just a little motion sickness. I just need a break, then I'll be good to go." It's not very convincing with his knees wobbling together while he speaks. Jimin's supporting nearly all of his weight. 
There are a few tongue clicks and eye rolls at Yoongi's persistence. But ultimately they allow it. Jimin decides to stay back with Yoongi, sharing a tendency to experience motion sickness. And Hoseok joins them when he sees the monstrous roller coaster the others are walking toward. Hoseok's not a fan of watching others be sick. But he also really doesn't like the big rides. It's a lose lose, but at least on the bench he can try to help his friend. 
Jimin and Hoseok try to coddle him, but Yoongi holds onto his independence. He stifles back a queasy burp behind his palm. "Tae was just spinning it really fast. I just need to sit for a bit." He shrugs off their concern, "But seriously, has Tae been lifting weights? Where is he hiding all that upper body strength?" 
Hoseok and Jimin chuckle, calmed by the fact that Yoongi can still crack bad sarcastic jokes. But they are still concerned. Yoongi has looked pale and fatigued all day. And he doesn't seem to be getting any better with time. In fact, it's getting worse. 
Hoseok braves the understatement of the century once again, "Yoongi-hyung, are you hungover from last night?" He doesn't even allow Yoongi time to answer. "It's really okay if you are. No one's going to judge you. I was a bit hungover this morning, too." He lies. He only had two drinks the whole night. But maybe Yoongi would be more open if he thought he wasn't alone.
"How many times do I have to say it!" Yoongi starts with a shout, but the loud volume irritates his headache and he lowers his voice, "I don't get hangovers. I know how to handle my alcohol." He's lying, at this point even to himself. He doesn't know why it's so hard to just admit it at this point. It's not like he's enjoying himself anyway. It's just principle at this point. "You guys know I get motion sickness. Why is it so hard to believe?" 
Jimin sighs, resisting the urge to flick his hyung. The vocalist has been wearing motion sickness wrist bands to help with his own propensity to motion sickness. But he figures Yoongi needs them more. He takes them off and slides them onto Yoongi's wrists. He explains something about pressure points and how the wristbands help to relieve the symptoms of motion sickness, but Yoongi barely has the bandwidth to listen, let alone understand. He just knows that Jimin swears by them. 
Yoongi feels guilty as Jimin situates them in Yoongi's thin wrists. He knows Jimin brought those for himself. Because when Jimin gets motion sick, he gets it bad. But the voalist brushes off the rapper's concern. He insists that he also took a motion sickness pill before they left and he'd be fine. So Yoongi smiles and thanks Jimin for his generosity.
The other four thrill seekers go on several more rides while Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok rest. They've been sitting still for a while. Yet Yoongi still feels like shit, but he knows he's stationary long enough for the motion sickness to pass. He's still not going to admit the hangover, so he knows they need to move on. It's not fair to Jimin and Hoseok, who probably wanted to enjoy the trip with everyone else. 
Still, he doesn't want to try any more rides just yet. "You guys want to play some games?" Yoongi asks, slowly rising off the bench. 
Hoseok and Jimin share a knowing look, but smile at Yoongi and agree. "Sure, let's win some prizes to take back to the dorms." Hoseok cheers. 
They wander the park, stopping by all the game booths with bright colored plush toys. Several rounds of balloon darts and ring toss later, they collected a total of seven stuffed animals. A cheeky hamster that reminds them of Seokjin and a fluffy bunny that has the exact same smile as Jungkook. There's one for every member. 
The two groups eventually wander into each other. Jimin is eager to distribute the plush toys among the members when he finds them. They all share hearty laughter at the striking resemblances between their designated characters. When Jungkook suggests they take a group selca with their new pets, Yoongi positions himself furthest from the camera and tries to hide behind the taller members. He’s barely visible, but his scowling cat plush can be seen over Seokjin’s shoulder. No one suggests a retake. 
“Can we go on more rides now?” Taehyung jumps up and down on Hoseok’s shoulder eagerly. It’s a big park, there’s still so much to do. So many roller coasters to ride. “Please…” He bats his long lashes when no one immediately answers him. 
“What do you think, Yoongi-hyung, ready to try another ride?” Jimin asks, rubbing Yoongi’s back. He can feel the oldest rapper stifle back a sickly burp, but says nothing about it. 
Yoongi doesn’t think he’s ready, convinced every single ride will end with him leaning into a bin. But he nods anyway, “Yeah. What are you thinking Tae?” 
Taehyung wears a sinister smile while he points to the bright yellow track behind them. The closer they get to the track, the more Yoongi can see the steep drops, loops, and corkscrews built in. It even goes backwards for a period of time. Just looking at the ride puts his stomach in his throat. He looks down at the motion sickness bands on his wrists and knows he can’t complain. As far as they are concerned, his motion sickness is under control. 
There’s loud, repetitive music playing while they wait in line. His head pounds in tune with the song. And the screaming of the passengers currently on the coaster does little to help. The line moves fairly quickly and before he knows it, he’s sitting in a car next to Namjoon. 
The leader can sense the uneasiness radiating off of his fellow rapper. He hears Yoongi gulp thickly as the chest bar clicks into place over his torso. “Hyung, are you sure you’re okay?” Namjoon asks for probably the 100th time that day. 
“Joon,” Yoongi warns, sending him a glare. It’s lacking its usual intensity. 
“All you have to do is admit you’re hungover. You can get off the ride and go home.” Namjoon continues, “No one would think any less of you.” 
“I’m not hungover.” 
“Yes you are!” Namjoon has known Yoongi the longest. And he’s never known Yoongi to keep up a lie for so long. He’s sick of it. “It’s written all over your face! Just admit it.” Namjoon’s using his leader voice. Yoongi wavers. 
“Fine! Okay, fine! Yes. I’m hun-” before Yoongi can finish the words, the automated roller coaster warning voice interrupts him and the seats start to move. He gulps heavily and slaps both hands over his mouth. He keeps his eyes clamped shut the whole time.
It’s the longest 3 minutes of his life. As soon as the ride comes to a complete stop, Yoongi gags into his mouth and Namjoon pulls him out of the seat. They run down the ramp and Yoongi developed a talent for finding the nearest garbage bin during this trip. He once again throws himself over the rim, vomiting whatever still has the audacity to be inside of him. He’s finally down to the bile. The other five are quick to catch up. 
Namjoon’s patting Yoongi’s back, “Get it all out. You’ll be okay.” There’s a hoarse “shut up Joon” between heaves but Namjoon just smiles and ignores it. He turns to look at the rest of the members. “He’s hungover. He finally admitted it to me.” He informs proudly, still providing physical comfort to the gagging rapper. The smell of rotting discarded park food is not helping his stomach settle at all. 
There’s an echo of finally-s and we know-s and one very sarcastic sounding duh that Yoongi’s convinced came from Seokjin. When Yoongi spits the last of the excess saliva, he turns to face the members. He quickly tries to defend himself. “In my defense, I do get motion sickness.” 
“Hyung, no offense, but you look terrible. You’ve looked awful since you woke up this morning.” Taehyung counters. 
“And your motion sickness has never been this bad before.” Jungkook adds. “We’re not stupid, hyung.”
Yoongi huffs, “Well if you all knew, why did you force me on all those rides,” He makes direct eye contact with Taehyung, “Why did you spin the teacup ride so fast if you knew?” 
"Because you kept lying.” Seokjin reveals.
Namjoon piggy-backs off Seokjin, “We all asked you over and over to admit you were ill. We gave you so many outs! But you kept saying you were okay and following along. What did you want us to do? Force you to leave? You're an adult. We can't make decisions for you." The leader puts his hands on his hips, “If you want to torture youself, that’s your business. You can’t blame us.” 
Yoongi tries to come up with a counter, but he knows they're right. He knows he’s been stubborn. He's mostly mad at himself for drinking too much the night before. He really has no reason to be mad at the members. So he concedes. "Whatever, I’m sorry for lying. You guys were right. I'm hungover and I feel like shit. Can I go home now?" Yoongi whines, hands curled over his stomach. His headache is acting up again and his stomach is still churning. He curses the wrist bands Jimin let him borrow, they aren't doing anything to help with his nausea. 
The others know he just needs to sleep it off. “I’ll drive him home,” Hoseok volunteers, also having received enough adrenaline for the day. “Call for a company driver when you guys are ready to leave.” He knows it could still be hours before the rest of the members decide to leave. 
“There should still be leftover hangover soup for you to heat up, Hoseok-ah,” Seokjin informs, “Make sure Yoongi drinks some.” 
“That didn’t work this morning.” Yoongi grumbles. 
“Oh so you did see that?” Seokjin cocks his head, “Some thanks would have been appreciated. Do you know how early I woke up to make that for you?” Yoongi knows Seokjin’s being sarcastic to lighten the mood. He appreciates it. He chuckles and thanks Seokjin, even calling him his favorite hyung. “I’m your only hyung here. Your sentiment means nothing.” Seokjin smiles and pats Yoongi’s shoulder. “Feel better, Yoon.” 
Yoongi apologizes one final time before Hoseok escorts him out of the park. 
Yoongi pretends to be asleep the whole drive back, trying to avoid another lecture. Hoseok lets him pretend. He even goes so far as to gently wake Yoongi when they park at the dorms. “Yoongi-hyung, we’re home.” The younger rapper whispers. Yoongi grunts and climbs out of the vehicle. 
Hoseok prepares some more hangover remedies while Yoongi just trudges right up to his bed, content to just sleep it off. When Hoseok knocks on the door with a tray full of remedies, there’s no answer. He lets himself in to find Yoongi already curled up under the covers and snoring softly. He sets the tray down on the night table and runs a hand through Yoongi's hair. He can already see some color returning to Yoongi's face. "Sleep tight, idiot-hyung." Hoseok smirks affectionately. He closes the door behind him when he leaves.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this!! HC Yoongi gets really bad hangovers that take a whole day to nurse. Talk about it with me, maybe? As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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crystalsnow95z · 1 year
Currently working on three different stories because I cannot stop thinking of ideas.
One will be Namjoon sickie with the rest as caretakers. Finished. After a reread I'm not as unhappy with how it came out
One is taekook as the sickies with the rest as caretakers. Finished but in need of editing which it won't allow >.>
The last is j-hope, but he's injured, not sick.
I'm working on one request for jungkook.
Does anyone have a preference on which one is completed first?
I'm also always open to suggestions. <3
I'm going to try to make a master list
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justmorebtsffs · 1 year
Love Yourself | Jikook
This is the first time I'm writing for Jikook. Wish me luck.
Summary: When comments from antis send Jimin's mental and physical health into a downwards spiral Jungkook is there to catch him. Angst then fluff with a happy ending.
Sickie: Park Jimin (Snow Leopard hybrid, not really that big a part of the story, hardly mentioned actually but I couldn’t think of another reason why anyone would make fun of Jimin, he’s just so pretty.)
Caretaker: Jungkook
WARNING: This is a whole 19 albeit short chapter fic so it is very long
It’s our day off and we’ve  gathered around the table to watch a fan cover of The Truth Untold that Tae said was really good.
The fan is a female k-army, under the username ARMY-BLINK💜. Her voice is beautiful and I agree that we should definitely like the video and leave a nice anonymous comment. Tae scrolls down to the comments to type out our compliments when I see it:
@anti1357 - wow ARMY-BLINK💜, this cover is so good, especially Jimin’s part you sing some much better, you should take his place
I look away, and focus on listening to the cover again, ignoring it.
Jin hyung makes a delicious dinner as usual and we all eat together, but I can’t stop thinking about that comment. Of course I know about antis but I can’t believe someone would write something so rude, I mean they don’t even know if we’re going to see it.
When it’s time to go to bed Kook and I head off to our room.
“You’ve been quiet, Minnie. Something on your mind?” Kook asks, hugging me from behind as I brush my teeth.
I finally answer “No, just tired.”
He seems to accept this and heads to bed, I join him soon after.
I can’t sleep, do people really think I’m that bad? I have to know.
Releasing myself from Kook’s grip (not an easy feat) I open my phone and find the video, scrolling straight to the comments section. The comment is still there but now it has a reply . . . several in fact.
@anti1357 - wow ARMY-BLINK💜, this cover is so good, especially Jimin’s part you sing some much better, you should take his place
> @hybrid-hater - totally! This song is actually great without that ugly hybrid.
> > @btsucks - yeah and people say he’s the visuals, ugh! 🤮
> > > @Jimin-has-no-jams - ikr freak! 🐈🤡
I look at more comments, these ones from my latest selca titled: Sunny day with Jungkookie.
It’s a full body mirror photo of us with the sunny skyline visible from the balcony behind us. I was so happy when we took this but now the smile on my face feels foreign.
There are comments here too, many good but a lot negative. One from a supposedly army user catches my eye.
@Taekook4life - literally ewww! Beautiful Jeon Jungkook . . . with him, but like Jimin is soo ugly tho. And you can see the fat on him. Jungkook needs to just get with Kim Taehyung instead.
> @Jimin’s-jams - first of all that’s so rude, that’s muscle, from dancing, and I bet he can dance so much better than any of us can! so pls be quiet.
> > @OT6 - if they’re muscles from dancing then why’s he so terrible at dancing then, honestly he’s a joke, I bet Bang Pd just felt bad for him.
> > > @Solo-stan - he must have because Jimin can’t even sing that well, he is literally so whiny.
And there are more on each of our music videos, mainly about how freakish my ears and tail are, how I should hide them, how a hybrid like me belongs on a circus stage not a concert stage.
Jungkookie always says my ears and tail are cute, he wouldn’t lie to make me feel better would he? I look over at Jungkook then stand up to look in our mirror. They’re right, I am fat, how did I not notice before. What else have I missed, I put in my AirPods and click on a BTS Run dance practice episode.
It gets to a part where I start singing my lines, I wince. It does sound awful and whiny, and as I watch the dance I can’t help but notice that everyone else is so much better than me, my ears and tail swish awkwardly. At one point my unwieldy tail smacks Hobi-hyung. He laughs it off but can I see a hint of disgust in his face? Then I watch myself do aegyo to the camera, I don’t look cute at all, I look like a fool then Tae joins in with his signature boxy smile. He looks so cute and yet still supernaturally beautiful at the same time.
Jealousy courses through me, I’m an awful person for being jealous of him but how can I not be when someone as perfect as Kim Taehyung is who Jungkook deserves, not me.
I click over to our channel looking at the comments sections. Each video is only more of the same, dozens and dozens of them. I see some of the same names but mostly they're all different. Do this many people actually hate our music just because of me? How many more fans would the other members have if I wasn’t in the group? A lot. It’s my fault, I’m dragging them down, but I can’t leave the group, I’m far too selfish for that, and I hate it.
As I watch more Run Episodes I notice small things and realise something big: the other members don’t actually like me, Hoseok-Hyung is always correcting me in dance, I’m always picked last or second to last for a team and Jin always serves me last. And Jungkook, well I knew he was too good to be true.
(A/N poor baby is reading all the social cues wrong)
I know what I’ll do . . . I’ll make myself worthy.
My eyes are wet with tears as I open my notes app and start a list.
Lose weight (at least 2 kg so small portions only)
Improve singing & dancing (practise longer)
No aegyo (don’t embarrass Jungkook)
I set an alarm for 5:00 AM. I’ll start early with dance practice tomorrow.
My alarm vibrates at 5:00 AM. I’m exhausted from staying up so late last night but I can afford to delay my plan.
I change taking care to hide my cumbersome tail and pressing down my ears, it kind of hurts but it’s bearable. Then I get a taxi cab to the studio. It’s cold and I realise I forgot my coat. Oh well, dancing will warm me up.
About 90 minutes later my phone dings, I don’t need distractions but I catch a glimpse of the caller ID Kookie
I pick it up too hopefully. I shouldn’t bae hopeful, he’s probably just mad at me for leaving him. I’m such a horrible boyfriend, I make myself sick.
“Minnie! Where are you? I woke up and you were gone! No note or text or anything! Your coat’s still here, it's freezing out, you'll catch a cold.”
I listen carefully, the concern in his voice doesn’t sound superficial but I can’t be sure.
“I-I was just at the studio.”
“The studio, since when?”
“I got up at 5:00AM, don’t worry about me please. I just wanted to get a headstart on the routine.”
“Minnie, of course I’m going to worry . . . we were all worried.” Jungkook says, “Have you eaten? Please come back for breakfast, I’ll come pick you up myself. I miss you.”
Breakfast sounds wonderful right now but I remember the first item on my list. “It’s okay I’ve already eaten, I packed a snack. You don’t need to bother yourself this early, we'll just be coming right back.”
“Oh.” is all Jungkook says. My brain says he sounds disappointed but why would he be disappointed to not see me. Yet at the same time I feel like a terrible boyfriend for not spending time with him. Dancing more will surely make me feel better. Jungkook will be glad once I start losing some of this extra weight.
“Um well I’ll see you soon.” I say and hang up guiltily.
(A/N: Where HaVe you been?! Car gone, no note! You could’ve DiEd, you could’ve been SeEn!)
By the time we arrive at the studio I’m practically bouncing out of my seat with excitement to see Jiminnie. It was a nasty shock not waking up to his warm body next to me with his fuzzy tail curled around me.
I called him as soon as I found my phone and his coat which he left. On the phone he sounded weird, I don't know but definitely off, I hope he isn’t getting sick from being out in this early cold snap without a coat. He said he wanted to practise more but I don’t see why he needs to (especially at 5:00AM) when he’s already progressing fine with the moves.
When I open the door to the studio he's in the middle of the routine, we watch as he finishes it, flawlessly. He shakes his head, clearly dissatisfied and is about to start again when Namjoon-hyung clears his throat.
Minnie jumps about a metre into the air in fright. I run over and hug him, he looks pale and he has dark circles under his eyes. He’s sweaty like he’s been dancing for hours already.
What sparked all this. None of us have time to ask because the dance instructor comes in and instructs us to begin warm ups, even Jimin who is obviously very warmed up puts his all into the stretches.
I notice something though, his eyes don’t look alive like usual, they look desperate. But that’s just my imagination being overprotective. He’s fine, we all get like this sometimes.
If Minnie looked worn out before practice he looks awful now. Well maybe I’m exaggerating because I’m so worried, but I mean has no one else noticed?
I walk over to Tae watching as Jimin talks to Hoseok with an almost sad expression.
“Hey Tae!” He’s on his phone
“Wha- Oh Kook! You look worried, what’s wrong?”
I step back a bit shocked, he read me so easily, maybe he can read Minnie too.
“Well, yes. Have you noticed something off about Jiminie or is it just me?”
He looks at Jimin for a moment then back to me. “He does seem tired but that is probably just from being up so early and dancing so long. I’m sure he’ll perk right up as soon as you cuddle him.”
“Yeah.” I shrug. “I guess I’m just being overprotective.
He shakes his head. “You both did very well today.”
“Thanks.” I say
After we’re all changed from dancing it’s time for vocal practice.
I sing as well as I can, it’s still not nearly as good as the others (especially Tae) but the satisfaction I get from actually making an effort is amazing, my whole body buzzes with it.
Soon everyone’s getting up, why it’s only been  . . . 2 hours. Two hours, already! I guess time flies when you’re working hard. My stomach grumbles. I look around embarrassed but nobody seems to have heard, no one is paying attention to me. I guess that’s what happens when I just put my head down and work like I’m supposed to.
I am about to get up when I remember my pact with myself. I skipped breakfast but dinner would be impossible to skip completely without the other noticing or offending Jin-hyung so I must skip lunch. I sit back down.
Jungkook lingers by the door.
“I’ll be there in a second. I just want to get this one part.” I lie.
“Come on Jungkook-ah! They're serving udon in the cafeteria today, if we go we can get in line first.” Taehyung says
Jungkook nods excitedly and hurries out the door behind him. “Bye Jiminnie!” Not sparing a glance behind him.
My face feels hot and tears well up in my eyes. I fight them down. Why should I be crying, this is what’s supposed to happen right? Jungkook deserves someone like Tae.
I push the feelings down, I’m wasting my time here doing nothing, being useless. I hit the play button for the track and get to practising. After what seems like no time at all the track stops. What? I have it on a loop.
“Park Jimin!” It’s Jin-hyung, with Namjoon-hyung right behind him. “What are you doing?”
His intensity scares me, I fight down tears again wondering why I have too, I’m not usually this weak. “I was practising hyung.” I tell him.
“Practising! Through lunch break!” Oh no I can tell he’s about to start rapping . . .
“But you need to eat, you’ve been dancing since 5:00 AM and you probably didn’t even have a proper breakfast. How disrespectful to yourself and to me not to have the food I make every morning. You won’t be healthy if you don’t eat, you'll die! Do you want to die?”
I look down “No, hyung I just was-”
The technician comes in. “Alright, I hope you had a yummy lunch, it’s time to do the test recording. We can try the beats Namjoon-ssi was talking about earlier.
Earlier, I wonder? I was so focused on my part I didn’t hear that.
“Lunch time, yess!” Hoseok-hyung says.
I smile. It has been a long morning, from worrying about Minnie to a satisfying recording session. We all get out of our seats to head for lunch, almost all of us.
I wait by the door for Jimin, he’s still looking over his part. I wait for him to get up and I start to call his name when he notices me.
“I’ll be there in a second. I just want to get this one part.” He smiles, does it not look as bright as usual?
I want to believe him, I really do but . . .
Tae taps my shoulder, “Come on Jungkook-ah! They're serving udon in the cafeteria today, if we go we can get in line first.”
I turn, if he needs to be alone then I’ll let him. He said he won’t be long and I am excited for udon, I’ll get Jiminnie his favourite so we can share. “Bye Jiminnie!”
It’s been 15 minutes and he still hasn’t come down. I cover the food so it won’t get cold, I don’t feel like eating much anyway. Lunch is lonely without Minnie, anything is lonely without Minnie.
After 20 minutes nobody else is eating either, they’re looking at me, expectantly.
Oh. “He said he’d be down soon.”
“Hmm” says Namjoon, “Should we . . .?”
“Yeah.” agrees Jin-hyung, replying to the almost silent communication.
We pack up our leftover food and get up then all at once like a six-way-telepathy, we start running. We pass TXT, who bow. We bow back as we run.
Whe Jin opens the door, music spills out. The track. Jimin is singing his part. Flawlessly, but not beautifully. Normally when I listen to him I feel my knees going weak, and I think that maybe I can sink into the music. Now it feels empty. I feel like the sound is hollowing me out inside. I watch Jimin’s face as he sings, his expression is empty too, like his music, void of personality. He looks . . . vacant. He looks awful. I feel like I’m going to cry, seeing him like this. What happened to him? Was I too harsh this morning? He doesn’t deserve to look like this, no one does.
I watch Jin walk over to the and practically slam the pause button. He looks as upset as I feel.
“Park Jimin! What are you doing?” Jimin looks up, he looks shocked and confused, he blinks and looks around Jin-hyung to Namjoon-hyung.
“I was practising hyung.” He says, his voice sounds dry. How many times has he practised his part?
“Practising! Through lunch break!” Jin-hyung looks furious. I want to tell him to be easy on Minnie, but I’m angry too. He left me all alone for lunch. He said he’d only be a second, he lied to me, and he didn’t eat.
“But you need to eat, you’ve been dancing since 5:00 AM and you probably didn’t even have a proper breakfast. How disrespectful to yourself and to me not to have the food I make every morning. You won’t be healthy if you don’t eat, you'll die! Do you want to die?”
He looks down, I wish he’d look up so he could see the concern on my face. I hope my face is conveying the depth of it.  “No, hyung I just was-”
Someone opens the door, the technician. Already? I check the time, he’s right on time, we are early.  “Alright, I hope you had a yummy lunch, it’s time to do the test recording. We can try the beats Namjoon-ssi was talking about earlier.
Jimin looks confused again.
When we get home Jimin goes straight to bed.
I look at Jin-hyung.
“It’s okay.” he says, “He’s tired, he can have a big breakfast tomorrow, I’ll make sure of it.”
“Thanks hyungie!”
“Of course.”
I open my eyes, everything feels foggy and dull. The bed is cold, Jungkook isn’t here. Feelings rise up inside me and I stifle them. Why should he be here? I hardly talked to him at all yesterday. He doesn’t deserve me and I’m not doing anything to make it any easier for him.
I look at the clock, its bright red numbers glare daggers at me. 8:00! That means only an hour and a half until scheduled. I missed my morning workout! I’m so useless I can’t even keep to a simple regimen. I sigh, I can’t go now, I just have to find extra time.
I walk into the kitchen, where something smells really good. Pancakes, eggs- I feel hunger pangs, then disgust washes over me. How can I be so greedy? I resist the hunger pangs (dancing will distract me) and debate who to sit next to. All the hyungs might notice me not eating and get worried but I shouldn’t sit next to Jungkook or should I, should I try not to be so cold. Maybe then he would love me again- what a selfish thought. That leaves . . .
They see me. “Jiminnnnnie!!!” Jungkook flings himself at me. I want to tell him that he doesn’t have to pretend in front of the other members, that they would understand but he’s crushing me too tight. “You’re up! I missed you, Jin hyung made food just for you since you didn’t get lunch or breakfast yesterday!” he turns serious, “Are you feeling better?”
“Yes, I’m fine.” I realise how stiff I sound, like Yooungi in the morning and then I realise even he looks more awake than me. “I’m still groggy.” I sit down next to Taehyung and take a glass of orange juice. I can’t make myself take food I don’t deserve.
A plate is placed in front of me anyway. “Thank you hyung.” They’re trying not to be obvious but I can easily tell that they’re watching me. Slowly I force myself to eat, fighting disgust at how much I enjoy it.
Dance practice goes the same, I work as hard as I can and manage to slip away from lunch early to practise more. By the end of the day I’m exhausted. The buzzing happiness of effort has turned into a persistent ache.
Hobi bounds up to me as we’re packing up.
“Hey, since we’re already here, why don’t we just film the dance practice video now!” He says.
The others agree. I have a theory I want to test.
“Umm, hyung I’d love to but I’m really sore. Can I just lay down in one of your studios?”
“Aww, sure. Here’s the key.” Namjoon says cooing and handing me the key. His smile fades in his eyes, I can see that he’s concerned. I brush it off and turn away.
I don’t intend on going to Namjoon’s studio. I head to the gym. I’ve been dancing all day but I still feel heavy, I need to burn the extra calories from breakfast.
After working out I race back to Namjoon’s studio (it’s the first place they’ll look for me) and curl up. It feels good and I tell myself not to get used to it. I need to push myself and make myself uncomfortable if I’m going to get better at dancing and singing.
I still have a few minutes so I tune into the live stream and scroll straight to the comments section.
My experiment was to see how many likes and positive comments the other members got without me there ruining everything.
We already have millions of likes and as I keep scrolling there are only a few negative comments. Such mean things, how could anyone say that, it’s all so stupid. I want to delete everyone so none of the members think that people don’t enjoy all of their hard work.
@Taekook4life - Awww! Taekook are looking so cute together, my dreams are coming true.
> @OT6 - Yasss QUEENS! They are slaying that choreo
> > @Solo-stan - yep, it was meant to be.
Still I can’t help the despair that crashes down on me (so selfish) people clearly like the group much better without me there. There aren’t any comments asking where I am. I look around Namjoon hyung’s studio. All the awards and records and trophies, none of it’s for me, there would be more if I wasn’t around. I should leave and yet I can’t bring myself to (again selfish).
I will work hard and maybe then I can justify continuing to drag down such a talented group. I am such a horrible person.
I vaguely hear the members open the studio door, then a warm body slam down beside me, he pulls me closer. Jungkook.
“Minnnieee!” He coos, “Are you feeling better?” His voice is soft and beautiful and his touch feels warm, cosy and safe. I wish it didn’t it would make it easier to let him go. This is the closest we’ve been in two days. Why is he doing this? Could he still possible want to be friends with me? I try to move away but his grip is iron. Then he loosens it and I move over. When I look back at him he looks confused, a bit taken aback and sad. I feel so guilty that I move just a bit closer pretending to stretch out so he won’t get suspicious.
“Yeah” I say, attempting not to sound so stiff again.
The dance practice video goes smoothly but I miss Minnie, dancing is boring without him. At the very start of the video Namjoon told all the viewers that Jimin wasn’t feeling well so nobody was worried why he wasn’t there. I was worried. He’s seemed so tired the past few days.
We all go to Namjoon’s studio, and I go in first. Minie is laying on the couch curled up almost asleep but not quite. He’s so cute I begin to pull out my phone for a picture but he looks up groggily.
“Minnnieee!” I say pulling him close to me until he’s in my lap. “Are you feeling better?”
Jimin shifts in my arms, I hold him for a moment then decide if he wants to move I should let him. He scoots to the other end of the small couch. It’s not that big a distance but I’m a bit confused, he always loves sitting in my lap. I want my Mochi back.
He looks at me with an expression that I’ve never seen on him before. It’s confused but almost . . . hopeful? He moves back to me stretching his arms and legs out and rolling his neck. Ah, that’s why. I welcome him back into my arms.
He breaks the silence with a small “Yeah '' It takes a moment for me to realise he's answering my question from before.
Since practice is done for the day we leave the building to go get dinner somewhere. Minnie stays on my lap almost the entire time and he seems happier than he has in two days. I think we should watch a movie when we get back home.
All through dinner I sit on Jungkook’s lap, greedily soaking up his attention. It’s hard but I manage to escape the hyungs’ notice by eating a few slices of bell pepper. I hate that I’m so happy when I’m with Jungkook. It’s not fair to him, he only wants to be friends after all. And I shouldn’t be this happy right now, I don’t have time. I need to focus on work.
~ T ~ I ~ M ~ E ~ ~ ~ S ~ K ~ I ~ P ~
Today is a meeting day. We’ll listen to the recording, decide if we’re happy with it, then plan the music video.
In the meeting room Namjoon plays the song for us. I feel dizzy and try not to swoon when it gets to Kook’s part. Then it gets to mine . . . It's okay but compared to the others it sounds amateurish. I worked so hard only for it to still sound like this, I want to cry. Everything is spinning so I put my head down on the table hoping to sink right into the wood surface.
I hear voices around me but they sound muffled like I’m underwater and everyone else is on the surface. They’re laughing. I would be too if I heard something that awful.
Namjoon presses play and I can immediately tell how good it’s going to be. When we get to Jimin’s part it’s so amazing I want to start making out with him right now. I’m so absorbed that I fall out of my chair. Everyone laughs and Tae helps me up.
“Are you just becoming Jimin now?” Namjoon asks
“Yeah, Jimin is that you?” Jin jokes
“JIMIIIINN-SSSIII!!!” Hobi shouts.
I turn to look at Jimin, his head is on the table. Everyone stops laughing.
“Minnie! What’s wrong?” I ask
“Do you feel sick?” Namjoon asks
He doesn’t look up, “Just tired. I’ll be fine”
I nod and start petting his hair.
“You’ve been tired a lot lately Minnie, are you sure you’ve been getting enough sleep? You always go to the studio so early.” Jin worries.
“Yeah I’m fine.” He says that but he doesn’t look fine at all. He looks like he’s about to cry. I’m worried.
“Heavy schedules are hard on anyone. This will get better soon. Then we can do something fun together.” Hobi says brightening the mood as always. I’m still worried. I’ve never seen Jimin like this and honestly, it scares me. But then again haven’t we all gotten a bit intense at some point. I mentally battle with myself the entire rest of the day, making sure to be extra affectionate to Minnie.
He goes back to normal as if nothing happened but I keep a close eye on him.
After the song finishes he looks thoughtfully at Namjoon. “It is great but does it really need my part though?”
“Oh. Did you want to do another part? You should have told us sooner. We could-“
“No,” I can tell that he’s choosing his words carefully, “what I mean is. Does the song really need my voice?”
“What!?” Namjoon looks very confused and I’m sure I do too.
“You’re part of this group Jimin-ah, besides we’ve already finished we can’t take it out now.” Jin says, adding a joke at the end. I swear something on Jimin’s face looks like he didn’t take it that way.
I try to brush it off like nothing happened but the hyungs, and Jungkook are all watching me now. Great, I’ve caused trouble again. I hate this feeling. I can tell they’re all disappointed with my work but too polite to say something. I wish they would.
Next, the planning for the music video begins. We don’t do it all by ourselves but it’s good to come up with a basic outline. I already did one experiment and there were less hate comments and more likes and views without me so with this in mind  I try again gently, casually suggesting, picking my words every so carefully so that they don’t realise what I’m doing. One by one I manage to either minimise or remove my parts of the music video.
Everything is going okay at least, I’m getting better in shape and somewhat improving my singing. It is a little upsetting that all my effort isn’t paying off as much as I expected because I still have a long way to but when I’m ready I start being in the music videos again. When I’m worthy of the fans.
I’m still shocked at Jimin wanting to take his part out of the song. Is he thinking about leaving the group? He would have told me . . . Right?
~ T ~ I ~ M ~ E ~ ~ ~ S ~ K ~ I ~ P ~
It’s been two weeks since Jimin first went to the studio early and he’s been doing it everyday since. He’s been working so hard. He’s amazing but I hardly ever get to spend time with him anymore. We are of course with each other all the time but we’re not really focusing on eachother (for me it’s hard not to focus on him) he’s been so focused on work these days and we haven’t gone on a date in so long.
Most of the time he doesn’t eat meals with us and he comes home later so tired that he ends up falling asleep on the couch. I understand working hard but this, this is too much. I miss him. I miss my mochi. (Yeah that’s right ARMY, he’s mine! Are you jealous?)
I wake up as usual, stupidly hopeful that he’ll be there, actually resting, with me. And as usual it’s only me. I head aimlessly toward the kitchen where Jin and Hobi-hyung cook breakfast. (Namjoon-hyung was banned from the kitchen years ago)
We eat together, the hyungs chat and Tae smiles sympathetically at me. I sigh trusfratedly I want to do something for Minnie. Then I get the idea.
“Hey it’s Minnie’s birthday in two days, why don’t we throw him a surprise party?”
“That’s a great idea.”
“We should have enough time to get a cake made.”
The hyungs are all in agreement and the plan is set. We won’t breathe a word of this to Jimin, he’ll be so surprised.
Two days later: 13th October (Jimin’s Birthday)
I wake up earlier than everybody else as usual. The dorm is quiet and calm and dark and lonely. I ended up sleeping on the couch again and my tail is sore and stiff. Not only from sleeping in an awkward position but from keeping it hidden it’s a necessity but still I selfishly wish i didn’t have to. Especially today, my birthday. None of the members have mentioned anything about it.
I guess they forgot. I try to be happy that I’m not distracting them or being a nuisance anymore but I can’t. I’ve barely spent any time with Jungkook since I’ve started my new regimen. He stays up late, but I stay up later and when I get back to the dorms I’m always so tired that I fall asleep in my clothes. I shower at the company gym so I don’t wake the members.
Silently I grab some clothes from my closet and then I head out. I can’t help myself from crying. I still love Jungkook so much and I know that it’s awful but I wish he’d love me even though I’m still so ugly. But I’ve gotten so much better haven’t I? So why doesn’t he love me? Then I remember that perfect, beautiful, glorious Kim Taehyung exists. I sob again.
I don’t know why I ever thought it would be a good idea to walk today. I guess I thought it would be good to clear my head today. Now I feel awful, my body feels heavy and I have the beginnings of a headache. Then I remember that this is what it’s supposed to feel like, this must be however one else feels in order to look so perfect, right? I just had to start working a bit harder.
~ T ~ I ~ M ~ E ~ ~ ~ S ~ K ~ I ~ P ~
It’s been 10 minutes since dance practice was supposed to start and not one of the members has shown up yet. The ache has settled deep into my bones. They’re probably just stuck in traffic or something. I force myself to keep dancing. Just as I’m going to break down and call Jin-hyung, choreographer-nim comes in.
“Jimin-ssi I came to tell you that your schedules have been cancelled. You can go back home and rest. You should.” He says looking slightly awkward then he leaves.
I just stand there for a moment in shock. They cancelled my schedule, the company must not want me here anymore. I mean I guess I always knew that I wasn’t good enough and all my effort is too little too late but so suddenly. I feel myself sinking to the floor. Then I get up, I can’t be sitting here uselessly.
I get to work. I do the routine over and over until I find my mind drifting off to other places while my body moves. My mind drifts off to the dorm, where I want to be lying in bed . . . With Jungkook. I want him to massage my back and kiss me and tell me he loves me. I force the happy memories down.
I’m so tired and sore that I can hardly stand. I hear the click of the door opening.
I wake up and press the feeling of loneliness down. I’ll see Jimin soon.
We woke up early but I guess Jimin was earlier because he’s nowhere to be seen. It works out for us but still sends a stab of longing through me. After we eat breakfast we do the decorating and Namjoon and Jin-hyung go to pick up the cake while Hobi picks everyone’s outfits and cleans the kitchen and living room again. Yoongi, who for his part did a lot of the ecorating, sits at the table sipping his morning coffee. He’ll be fully awake in about half an hour.
When Jin and Namjoon come back with the cake they don’t let me see it. They were in charge of the design so it’ll actually be a surprise for me as well.
We should be leaving for the company by now but we got manager-nim to cancel our schedules for the day. I text Jimin and tell him to come home. He doesn’t reply so I text again. I even try calling him. I get worried then remember he probably just has his phone silenced so I call the choreographer because he’s probably still at the company today and tell him to go and tell Jimin that schedules will have been cancelled. I explain the surprise to him and he enthusiastically agrees.
15 minutes later I am still waiting. The choreographer should have told him by now, my Jimin should be home. I text the choreography and he says that he told him. I am very worried now.
“We have to find him, what if something happened?!” I shout
“What! Who?”
“Is he not at the studio?”
“I don’t know but he should be here by now.”
“Yeah, let’s go!”
We run downstairs and run to Tae’s car, somehow Namjoon-hyung ends up in the driver's seat and has to switch with Jin-hyung. We race off towards the company.
When we get inside we immediately split up, Namjoon takes the gym, Jin takes the cafeteria, Hobi and Yoongi take the bathrooms and recording rooms respectively.  
I take the dance studios. I go to the room we normally use first.
I hear footsteps and throw the door open.
Jimin is dancing, he does our latest routines flawlessly, but robotically and his eyes look far away. I can only see the back of him so I watch his reflection in the mirror. He looks empty, pale with dark circles under his puffy eyes. He’s crying. I run over to him.
I wrap my arms around him, encircling him in a big hug.
“It’s okay, don’t cry, I’m here.” I whisper
He sinks into my arms as if he can’t support his own weight anymore. “Jungkook, what are you doing here?” He asks.
“Didn’t the choreographer tell you? Our schedules were cancelled today.” I ask
“Yes, but I thought It was just mine.” He explains, freeing himself of my grip.
“Why would it be just yours?” I’m really confused. He doesn’t answer.
I persist, “If you knew why you didn't come home, why did you stay here.”
“I just wanted to practise some more.”
“But Minnnnie!” My voice cracks, “you’ve been practising so much, I never get to spend time with you anymore. I miss you!” I’m crying now.
Jungkook is crying, now I’ve really done it, I’ve made him cry. I can’t do anything right. I want to ask him if he knows about the company cutting me but my worries feel silly with him in my arms.
He’s crying and I have to comfort him. It's the least I can do. I know this is necessary but I’ve been a terrible friend.
I pet his hair and rub his back until he calms down. His grip on me is tight and I can tell he won’t be letting me go anytime soon.
“Come one Kook, let's go home.” I say, I can feel less guilty cutting my practice short because it’s for a friend.
Now I feel even worse, Jimin is clearly tired but now he has to comfort me. I make sure to keep a tight grip on Jimin so he doesn’t fall over like he looks like he could with only a single gust of wind.
I text the hyungs quickly and they drive back to the dorm. I managed to stall by telling Jimin to take a shower.
I go through his bag and realise he doesn’t have any clean clothes to change into, apparently he realises this too because I hear the bathroom door opening. He comes out shirtless, only a towel wrapped around his waist, normally I enjoy ogling at his chest but now I just stare. He’s somehow lost enough weight, you can see it. I think back to the last half month, I haven't seen him eat anything, but he must have at some point or he’d be dead by now. I let this keep me from completely spiralling out of control. Stress causes people to lose weight right? He must have been very stressed out these last few weeks but what could possibly have stressed him out to this point?
“Park Jimin!” I can only gasp but then I stop seeing how shy he looks. I remember that he’s been under so much stress that yelling won’t be of any help at all.
“Jungkook, I uh, I don’t have any fresh clothes. Can I borrow your sweatshirt, I can just wear the same pants from before?”
I’m still in shock. “Sure.” We can talk about this later. I hold Jimin close to me supporting his frail looking body with my own. He looks ready to fall asleep, or pass out, or both. I know I should probably take him to the hospital but for right now we both need a relaxed environment. I’m sure his surprise will cheer him up and we can get some food for him even if it’s only cake or sweets.
We get back to the dorm and I knock loudly on the door. I hear footsteps. I open the door and we walk into the decorated living room. Jimin doesn’t notice at first then he does. He looks around, a bit in awe.
“You did all of this . . . for me?”
I smile.
Jungkook smiles the biggest cutest bunny smile I’ve ever seen.
“Happy Birthday hyung!” He says still smiling.
I want to kiss him, I want to kiss him so, so bad, but I resist.
Then I hear more footsteps. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN-SSI!!!” The hyungs and Tae appear out from behind the wall carrying a handmade banner reading “!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY WE LOVE YOU MOCHI!!!” In big colourful letters.
They all hug me. I haven't had much physical contact with any of the hyungs or Jungkook in ages, the warmth surrounds me and takes away the aching feeling.
“Annnd, guess what? We have cake!” Hobi, Tae and Kook shout.
I smile, trying to match their level of excitement but the cake could be a problem. It’s probably full of sugar and calories in the frosting alone. I can’t eat it and ruin all my hard work.
“Alright,” Jin-hyung commands, “Hobi, Yoongi you two cut and serve cake. I’ll set up the V-Live.”
V-Live, what’s the point it’s not like anyone will watch it? Then I get an idea that I can hide my face with a mask. If any of the members ask I’ll just say that I’m not feeling well, it will also give me an excuse not to eat cake.
I grab a mask from the bathroom cabinet and put it on.
Hobi-hyung sees me first. “Are you feeling alright Min?”
“Yeah, I just think I’m coming down with a small cold is all.”
“Okay, do you want some tea or anything? Hyung will make you some.”
“Oh, no it’s okay. I really don’t feel that bad.”
“That’s good but tell us if you start feeling worse.”
“Of course.” I sigh, I almost made hyung go out of the way for me again.
Jungkook is immediately concerned when he sees my mask. I assure him it’s just a tiny cold. He seems to believe me.
We greet ARMY and show the cake. People ask why I have the mask on and Jungkook answers for me.
“Minnie’s caught a little cold, he’ll be fine.”
Lots of comments of "feel better, get well soon” and “stay healthy" appear in the comments section. I actually smile. Then I see another hate comment and the smile disappears.
Jin holds the cake while we sing and I blow the candles out. We all sit down on the sofa. Hoseok snuggles next to Yoongi, Namjoon sits on the floor in front of Jin, while Jin massages his head, Tae sits next to Jungkook and I sit in Jungkook’s lap.
Cake plates are passed around until everyone but me has one. Tae begins to pass me a piece of the cake.
“Um, I’m not very hungry right now, maybe I’ll have some later.” I say trying my very best to smile. Then I remember I have the mask on.
“Do you want something else, hyung can make you some other food. It might help you feel better.” Namjoon asks. I can tell he’s concerned.
“No it’s alright I just don’t have much of an appetite today.”
Jungkook gives me a look, I know he noticed that I lost weight. I didn’t mean for him to notice in case him or any of the other members got unnecessarily worried. I purposefully wore clothes that hid it but when he saw me without a shirt it was obvious.
“Min, you should eat something. It really would help your cold.”
I nod, “I’ll eat later.”
A few minutes into the V-Live I almost kiss Jungkook. I’m grateful for the mask which reminds me not to. Then it happens again. I scoot farther away. The members are talking but I can’t hear anything over how chilled I suddenly feel.
Now that I’m not right up against Jungkook, I notice how cold the room is. I shiver and tuck my hands into the pockets of Jungkook’s hoodie, thankfully he let me wear it. I feel a tickle in my nose and stifle five thick wet sneezes into the crook of my elbow. The mask does most of the work but it’s all snotty now so I should probably get a new one.
I feel miserable. I almost ask Jungkook for a hug. I have to get out of here before I do something that embarrasses him. Besides, I don’t have the energy to pretend to smile anymore.
“Sorry everyone, I’m tired, I’m going to lie down for a bit, okay.”
“Alright, at least come say bye before we end the Live.” Hoseok says
“You don’t have to end the Live, just continue on without me.” I say, heading towards the room. I feel dizzy, black spots dance across my vision and then consume everything.
We’re all talking about our favourite moments with Jimin that we’ve had this year when I heard someone sneeze. It’s so quiet I can barely hear it over the conversation but then I see Jimin his elbow pressed to his face despite the mask. Though the sneezes soft I hear the mucus.
“Sorry everyone , I’m tired, I’m going to lie down for a bit, okay.” Jimin says suddenly. He looks almost as pale as Yoongi. I can hear the congestion seeping into his voice.
“Alright, at least come say bye before we end the Live.” Hoseok, like the rest of us, looks confused. He can’t just leave his own Birthday V-Live.
“You don’t have to end the Live, just continue on without me.” Jimin says, he shrugs and turns toward our room. He only makes it a few steps before he falls with a hollow thump, to the floor.
My legs are moving before my brain can process what has happened.
“Jimin," I shout shaking him, he doesn't move.
“It’s okay, he’s just fainted.” Namjoon informs us.
“He’s burning up! Someone get the thermometer, quick!” Hoseok yells.
“What could’ve caused this, he said he only had a small cold.” Jin-hyung asks.
“Well he hasn’t bee-” I start but tae cuts me off
“We should probably end the V-Live now.”
“Oh yeah.” Joon runs over to the camera. “Salanghae ARMY!” and cuts off the broadcast.
We take Jimin back to our room and set him on the bed.
“I think he just over exhausted himself.” Yoongi speculates
“Yeah, he’s been working very hard lately.” Namjoon nods.
Jin still has the V-Live app open and something catches my eye.
@Taekook4life - Oh-em-gee!!!, Taekook were so cute, shame they had to cut the live off because of that stupid whiny cat boy
> @OT6 - Yeah, did you hear Namjoon say that he fainted, how pathetic
> > @Jimin-has-no-jams - I can't believe they even let someone so weak be part of the group
> > > @hybrid-hater - seriously and like I said, freaks belong in a circus.
The comments make my blood boil. How could people still ship Tae and I when Jimin and I are in a public relationship. These people are saying such mean things I want to punch something.
“Hyungs, look” I point the comments out to them. They shrink back, aghast.
“Is this like a common thing?” asks Tae
“I don’t know, let’s check other places.” Namjoon suggests.
We check all of our most recent content and find tons more comments, some screen-names keep coming up but there are just so many.
The cover we listened to comes up in our suggested results and when I accidentally click on it instead of the video below it I see it. At first it sounds like the user is completing the singer but then it takes a turn.
@anti1357 - wow ARMY-BLINK💜, this cover is so good, especially Jimin’s part you sing some much better, you should take his place
> @hybrid-hater - totally! This song is actually great without that ugly hybrid.
> > @btsucks - yeah and people say he’s the visuals, ugh! 🤮
> > > @Jimin-has-no-jams - ikr freak! 🐈🤡
I’m full of rage but I can’t stop looking, the next thing is a selca I took with Minnie about two weeks ago.
@Taekook4life - literally ewww! Beautiful Jeon Jungkook . . . with him, but like Jimin is soo ugly tho. And you can see the fat on him. Jungkook needs to just get with Kim Taehyung instead.
> @Jimin’s-jams - first of all that’s so rude, that’s muscle, from dancing, and I bet he can dance so much better than any of us can! so pls be quiet.
> > @OT6 - if they’re muscles from dancing then why’s he so terrible at dancing then, honestly he’s a joke, I bet Bang Pd just felt bad for him.
> > > @Solo-stan - he must have because Jimin can’t even sing that well, he is literally so whiny.
We’re all horrified. Jimin must’ve seen these comments and started believing them. It all makes sense now. Why Jimin has been hiding his ears and tail and even himself. Why he didn’t want to be in the dance practice video, why he tried to take himself out of the music video and even the song.
I can feel the tears dripping down my cheeks and not only mine but the other members are crying as well, we seem to have reached the realisation at the same time.
“Gahh, we’re such bad friends, how come we didn’t see it?” Hobi wails.
“No, it’s my fault,” I say, “I’m his boyfriend, I should've seen it.”
“It’s in the past now. All we can do is to make sure that our Mochi gets better.” Namjoon says, patting the sleeping Jimin’s hair.
We all nod.
“We’ll make Jimin some soup and tea and leave you two alone.” Jin-hyung says
“Thank you.” I say quietly.
I open my eyes and everything is blurry. Slowly my vision clears and I see a familiar face standing over me. Jungkook. A feeling of calmness washes over me, as long as he’s here I’m safe.
Then before I even realise what he’s doing he plants a kiss on my forehead. His lips are soft and warm against my skin. I try to sit up but can’t. Panic sets in, if I can’t even sit up how am I supposed to dance.
“It’s okay. You’re okay. I’m here.” He motions for me to breathe with him. I do and it makes me feel better almost immediately. I try to sit up again and this time he helps me.
“Take it easy. You’re not well, Min.” He croons, helping me sit up. I am acutely aware of his hand on my back.
“Not well?” I question not only my condition but his delicate phrasing.
“You fainted, do you remember that?”
“I just remember really wanting to just sleep, then everything went black and now I’m here.”
“That’s good, I don’t think you hit your head.” He says, sounding a bit more like himself now.
I’m so tired and his voice is so soft that I can’t help bursting into tears. Before I can stop it it all comes flooding out.
“Kookie, I don’t feel good.” I hate the whine in my voice but I can’t stop it
“I know, baby, I know. Can you tell me what hurts.” He hugs me, his grip is gentle but I can still feel his warmth.
I think for a moment “Everything.” Then I feel a tickle in my nose and sneeze thickly right into his neck. My face heats up.
“I’mb ‘orry.” I sniffle pathetically. The last thing I need to do is get Jungkook sick. “I’mb a bess.”
“No, no you’re not. It’s okay, you are not a mess, you have a cold. It happens to everyone.”
“You should go, I don’t want to get you sick. I’ve caused enough trouble already.”
He looks sadly at me, “Is that how you really feel, Minnie.”
I can’t help but nod.
“You have never caused me any trouble.” He says taking a tissue from the bedside table and wiping my nose. I blush again.
“But” I sob, “I’ve been a terrible friend.”
“No. You have been dealing with a lot, the only person you've been terrible to is yourself.” He cups my face in his hands and kisses me.
I try to push him off, what is he doing?
“So what if I get sick?” He shrugs and kisses me again. “You’re my boyfriend, I love you.” He mumbles the words softly as we kiss. He must see the look of hesitation on my face because he sighs, “Minnie, I sleep right next to you. I’m going to catch this cold anyway.” He starts kissing me again and I can’t help but reciprocate the actions, an automatic reflex.
When he stops I look straight into his big doe eyes, they’re sad. I bet he wishes he didn’t love someone like me and even though I know I shouldn't be, I’m so disgustingly happy that he does. Something he said surprises me belatedly.
“You're still my boyfriend?”
He looks a bit shocked. “Yes, I mean if you still want me to be.”
“Of course.” I answer back too quickly. Again, it’s a reflex, a reflex to love, maybe, maybe, just maybe . . . . . I’m not such a very bad terrible person after all. I try to squash down this hope but it won’t go. There is still one thing though, in his arms it feels so stupid but I have to know.
“But what about Taehyung?”
His face morphs into an expression of extreme confusion, “Taehyung? . . . . .” then it changes to one of horror. “You didn’t think . . . You didn’t think that- that I-” His voice breaks into almost nothing. “No, I love you and ONLY you Jimin. Taehyung is like a brother to me, nothing more. YOU are my love, the love of my life. You are my life. You and only you. Do you understand what I just said?”
“Yes.” I say quietly. He smiles and hugs me tighter. I crush the disappointment in my chest. I selfishly want him to kiss me again. He still looks sad.
He pulls away so I can fully see his face. “Did-didn’t” he pauses, looking like he’s trying not to cry, “Didn’t you miss this bed?”
I don’t understand immediately, then I remember I’ve been sleeping on the couch for the last two weeks. The difference is vast once I actually pay attention. The bed is soft and warm and cosy with a fluffy blanket and pillow that both smell like Jungkook. I much prefer it over the couch.
“I did.” I admit. I hope he doesn’t think I’m selfish.
“Well then come back. Sleep with me tonight, we can just sleep right now if you want.”
I’m so tired but I’m afraid that if I go to sleep now that when I wake up I’ll realise that this was all a dream and Jungkook doesn’t actually love me. I wanna stay in this dream. I need a way I can dream on. I shake my head.
“Alright, we can do whatever you want.”
I shiver, still feeling cold despite the comforter.
“How about a nice warm bath?”
I nod. Jungkook helps me out of bed and to the bathroom where he starts getting the bath ready. He takes off his shirt, and then his pants leaving only his bare chest and boxers. He’s beautiful. I could never look like that.
“Like what you see?” He teases, I blush right up to my forehead.
“I could never deserve you.” I sigh the words to myself, the look on his face says he heard.
He shakes his head and comes up to me, forcing me to face my reflection in the mirror. He takes off my shirt.
“You, Park Jimin, are a masterpiece.” He whispers into my ear.
I can’t stop myself from smiling. He continues, trailing his hands over my chest, his fingers leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. “You can sing and dance beautifully and you’re incredibly cute.” He continues listing good things about me but I just focus on the sound of his voice. The voice of a man who loves me, he’s beautiful and he’s mine.
He ends his speech with a kiss on my lips. “Now come one, you’ve got goosebumps, let's get you warm.” I lean into his touch as he strips me down completely and helps me into the bath.
I sit back and let Jungkook work, pausing occasionally to kiss me, on the neck, on the shoulder, on the arm until he’s kissed almost every surface of my body.
“I saw the comments.” He says as he begins massaging shampoo into my hair.
I don’t know what to say to that but I feel the tears roll down my cheeks.
“Those people are stupid, cowardly trolls hiding behind screen names because they can’t bear to say those things to your amazingly good looking face.”
“I know.” I sob, suddenly feeling very stupid. “How could I let those people control my life like that?”
“It’s not your fault, Minne, anyone would crumble under all that pressure. You’re so strong and I hate to see you doubting yourself like this just because of some stupid shit people said on the internet. You’re beautiful just the way you are. And as for me I much prefer you healthy than stick thin. You need to stay healthy so you can do what you love. You’re never home, I’ve missed you.” He kisses my shoulder.
“I’ve missed you too.” I turn around to face him, pulling him closer and kissing him deeper. His lips are soft and warm against mine, everything I’ve missed, everything I need to feel good about myself. A warm sensation fills my body, taking the cold and the aching away. I feel a tickle in my nose try to turn away but I sneeze on Jungkook anyway.
“Ah, I’m going to give you my cold.” I half sigh, half laugh and try to pull away.
“I don’t care.” Jungkook whispers kissing me again
“I do.”
“Don’t.” He argues and for the moment, I really don’t care, until I feel goose bumps forming along my arms again.
“Kook the water’s getting cold.”
He pulls away and turns the tap to add more hot water to the bath. He resumes washing my hair, it feels good, not as good as kissing but still good all the same. He tips my head back to rinse the shampoo out. I smile at him.
“I’ve missed this,” he says, “I’ve missed us. Next time something is bothering you please just come to me or one of the hyungs but please don’t sit on it and let yourself treat yourself badly.”
“Of course.”
“You promise.”
We get out of the bath and dry ourselves off, Jungkook wears only a shirt and joggers himself but gives me one of his hoodies to wear and some of my fluffy pyjama bottoms. I love Kook’s hoodies, the scent and the softness relaxes me. It reminds me of how tired I am. The bed with all its soft pillows and blankets looks more tempting than ever, I lay down.
“Do you want to sleep now?”
Once again I hesitate, I’m sure now, that this isn’t all a dream, but I don’t really want to be alone either.
“I’ll be here, right here. With you.” He says it as if he’s read my mind.
“You're sure?”
“Absolutely.” He says climbing under the covers next to me. I feel his warmth against mine. I fall asleep listening to his whispers of “I love you.”
(A/N: I'll probably do a Jungkook P.O.V. chapter and then a final one from both of their perspectives maybe. Sorry if the formatting is strange.)
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xoxiu · 1 year
twinkle - ot7 x reader
table of contents masterlist
Tumblr media
summary: she had just wanted attention, that’s why she kept texting the strange number, updating him on everything in her life. little did she know how dangerous this relationship actually was. it had been jimin’s idea to kidnap the girl, but the ability to travel across the world to actually do it had been all hoseok’s doing. convenient how some things work, right? they knew that they were destined to have their baby with them, whether she wanted it or not.
tags/warnings: kidnapping, forced age regression, spanking, noncon, mafia au, drug use, stockholm syndrome, caregiver!bts, little!reader, nonsexual, diapers, panic attacks, fluff and angst, sickfic, referenced child abuse, unrequited love
chapter 01
chapter 02
chapter 03
chapter 04
chapter 05
chapter 06
chapter 07
chapter 08
chapter 09
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
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setsuuestsu · 1 year
Bias: Hobi
Bias wreckers: OT7
Languages: Korean, English, bit of Japanese/Vietnamese
I do have a AO3 where I post more often
I would love to be able to write on here as well, so please leave a request and I will try my best to fulfill it. Feel free to leave a message or fill my inbox if you want to talk music or books or just life
Groups I will write quicker for:
I listen to a lot of groups but know these three more, and I feel I’d be able to write better for them, but if you request a different group, I’ll do my research and try my best ㅠㅡㅠ
Things I’m comfortable writing:
Mental Illness
Things I’m not comfortable writing:
x reader
*Just because I’m not comfortable writing it doesn’t mean I find it gross or anything, I just don’t know how to write it.
Also, requests may take a few weeks—I am still taking classes and have a part time job and home things to take care of as well.
Thank you and feel free to request!
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soft-for-yoongi · 11 months
Hello author!
2. 🏝☀️🥵🌡😵‍💫🤢🤮🚑 My idea is here with Jungkook sick and OT7 Caretakers, if possible! (I miss them :( So, they're enjoying a vacation together, in a private place. Its hot, and Jungkook cant handle well with it. He starts to feel week, dizzy and pale. Feeling like a low blood pressure. Everyone looks at him worried. Jungkook faints while drinking some water and after he's wakes and is a little conscious, throw up the water he has drank. The members get desperate and go rushing to a hospital, calling a ambulance, bc maybe jk gets a insolation
Sick: Jungkook
Caretaker: OT7
Tw: emeto, vom**, puking, dizziness, fainting, heat stroke, mentions of hospital, ambulance called
Word count: 795
Emojis: 2. 🏝☀️🥵🌡😵‍💫🤢🤮🚑
Yayaya two people requested sick jk with this prompt so I combined them again!! I hope you enjoy and it's what you wanted!!
(I'm also unsure of how many more I'm going to write but I think around 2-3 more!)
Searing heat, thick humidity, a private and breathtaking oasis by the beach. With only seven of them present, there are no intrusive cameras or rigid schedules, just pure relaxation. And that's why Jungkook is so upset he's not feeling well. The thought of ruining the holiday is ten times worse than the dizzying nausea and sweat trailing his back.
Jungkook's hand shakes as he brings a water bottle to his lips, he's hiding under his hair so the others can't see how pale and sickly he's looking (and feeling). They're at this small private beach, practically in the backyard of their temporary house. Taehyung and Jimin are playing about in the water, throwing soggy sand at each other. Jungkook was with them originally, playing in the warm, crystal-clear water before the heat started taking a toll on him.
He couldn't deny the nausea and slowly made his way back to the blanket and shade they set up. With every step, his legs felt like jelly, and the world was spinning around him. He plopped onto the blanket, and now he clutches onto the water bottle with his remaining strength.
The others are frolicking about in the sand and water, laughter a comforting sound. Jungkook hoped the shade would help but now he just feels isolated and achy. Just as he was about to take another sip of water, the beach towel rustles next to him. Jungkook turns to find Namjoon, who's sat down with a book in his hand, now looking at him with concern.
"Jungkook you don't look so good, are you feeling okay?" Namjoon reaches a hand to touch the youngest's cheek, feeling unnatural warmth. Jungkook tried to laugh it off, but it came out weak and shaky. "Yeah, I just need some rest." He replies, Namjoon isn't convinced. "No, Jungkook I think you should lay down. You really don't look good." Namjoon's brows pinch together. Jungkook swallows audibly, his head is really starting to pound.
Jungkook has no clue what Namjoon just said. His ears are buzzing and he's struggling to keep up right. He can see a few others start to walk over, confusion on their faces. He registers the water in his hand and goes to take a sip, but it just ends up spilling down his front. Woah, he doesn't feel good. He feels blood pumping in his ears before losing consciousness.
"—unkook! Jungkook, hey. Nono don't sit up—" Jungkook feels his stomach lurch, hands on his body and the worried voices of his bandmates. All he can do is whimper before throwing up to his side and then clutch the nearest person. "H-hyungie—" Jungkook cries, beads of sweat on his forehead. "Kookie, Kookie shh, calm down, Jinnie-hyung has called an ambulance. You're gonna be okay." Jimin smooths Jungkook's hair and Namjoon fans his face with his book.
"I'm gonna be sick- don' feel good.." Jungkook mumbles, Yoongi thinks quick and he grabs one of their empty snack containers and shoves it under his chin. Taehyung takes a bit of a clean towel and pours some water on it to rest at the back of Jungkook's neck and try cool him down. He burps and buries his face into the container.
He pukes clear liquid and Jimin trails his hand up and down his back. His head throbs with each gag and the bright sun still hurts his eyes even in the shade. Letting out a miserable groan, the others are jittery with worry. "Guys the ambulance is here, make room for them." Hoseok instructs and the members move out the way, except for Namjoon who holds Jungkook and the container steady.
Jungkook still manages to be shy and embarrassed as the paramedics check his vitals and ask a couple questions. "Jungkook-ssi how are you feeling right now? Still like before?" A middle aged woman asks, "n-not as bad.." Jungkook turns to Namjoon, hoping he can provide some more details. "He was super pale and dissociated. He's thrown up twice now but I think it was just the heat that got to him." Namjoon explains.
The paramedics strap something to Jungkook's arm and say that they should take him in to administer an IV. "So this is a mild case of heat stroke, two of you are able to ride with him to the hospital if you'd like." One of them suggests.
Seokjin and Taehyung are quick to volunteer and the others promise to meet them at the hospital. In the ambulance Jungkook feels a mixture of emotions, shy but also too sick to suppress his need for his hyung's dotting. He holds Taehyung's hand and asks Seokjin to play with his hair. Looking forward to feeling better, Jungkook vows to always stay hydrated when going to the beach.
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sparklehoney7 · 2 years
The Things That Break Our Hearts
by: jademin
pairing: jungkook/ot6
info: chaptered 19/19 complete (136,573)
tags: OT7 // Magical Realism // Alternate Universe - Fantasy // Mythical Beings & Creatures // Polyamory // Sickfic // Minor Character Death // Temporary Character Death // Alternate Universe - Magic // Human Jeon Jungkook // Families of Choice // Blood and Violence // Healer Kim Namjoon | RM // Grim Reaper Min Yoongi | Suga // Dokkaebi Kim Seokjin // Fairy Park Jimin (BTS) // Selkie Kim Taehyung | V // Shapeshifter Jung Hoseok | J-Hope // Anal Sex // Group Sex // Blowjobs // Lots of Sex // Okay just lots of it // but also a lot of love because that's my jam // Angst and Fluff and Smut // Humor // Explicit Sexual Content // Resolved Sexual Tension // Flirting // Angst with a Happy Ending // References to Depression // sexual awakening // Hurt/Comfort // Vmin are little shits // Dom/sub Undertones // Everyone's vers!except maybe Tae // Trigger warning: suicidal ideation
summary: For most of Jungkook’s life, he believed that his father had snapped and killed his entire family, leaving him an orphan with an uncomfortable magical gift that isn't a gift at all, but more of a curse.
Can a magical family take Jungkook into their fold, teach him to love, and help him escape his troubled past before it's too late?
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mikrokoskooks · 2 years
Just Dance, It'll be okay
Sickie: Taehyung
Caretaker: Ot7
Tw: Emeto, scat, medically inaccurate, slight blood.
For Today's RUN BTS, the guys would be doing just dance. They'd been split into 2 teams: Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook in one and Jin Yoongi Joon and Jimin in the other.
All they had to do was score high points on the dances and then the winning team would be rewarded with a special gift from the staff. That be totally easy, right? 
Wrong. They almost weren't able to film because Taehyung kept complaining about how his stomach felt sore and heavy. Now usually, the members would've let him stay in the dorm but filming that episode was the only thing they had left to do that day sit the boys decide they should all just go and Taehyung could just rest between takes if he needed to.
So now, Taehyung's busting his guts trying to keep up with Jungkook and Hobi's dance moves. "How are you guys dancing so fast?" he says in deep amazement." It's just skill hyung." Jungkook giggles.
"4 stars not too bad" Hoseok chuckles to himself, all his years of dancing were to thank for such a high score. "Good job Hoba four stars are great, but my team's definitely gonna get 5," Jin says, playfully hitting Hoseok's shoulder. "Oh, you're so on hyung!" The twos banter is soon interrupted by Taehyung mumbling something about needing the bathroom and him swiftly walking off.
While eavesdropping on his hyungs conversation the vocalist's stomach started bubbling, causing everything inside of him to be stirred up and pushed down. When he arrived at the toilets he managed to catch a quick glimpse of himself in the mirror before running into a stall. He didn't look too bad.
The second Taehyung sits on the toilet his stomach cramps and warm mush begins to leave his body at a rapid pace. He can't remember the last time he had the runs but he's pretty sure it never sucked this much. Luckily for him though, it ends as quickly as it started.
As Tae washes his hands he looks at his face in the mirror again he looks bad now, his face was pale, his cheeks were flushed and to top it all off he was beginning to feel nauseous. God, how was he going to keep filming this episode?
After giving himself a small pep talk taehyung walks back into the filming room his hand placed discreetly on his stomach. "Hey Taehyung, how're you feeling?" Namjoon asks he'd been waiting for the boy to see how he was holding up since earlier.
"I don't feel that well hyung, Taehyung mumbled, can we.. go home, please. Namjoon looks at the second youngest, it's true he doesn't look well at all but they only have one dance left to film so they can't leave yet.
"Aw, Taehyungie, I'm so sorry but we can't leave yet, Namjoon starts guiltily, We have one dance left to film then we can go okay?" Taehyung doesn't say anything he only nods his head gently and walks off plastering on a fake smile ready for the cameras.
Namjoon truly does feel bad for not taking Taehyung home but the director is strict and won't let them without a valid reason and something tells him a stomach ache won't count as a good enough excuse. Hopefully, Tae could cope with one last dance.
If the was a hole in the ground right now taehyung would 100 per cent let it swallow him. This last dance was taking a real toll on his already aching belly. The dance had way too many spins and jumps in it and it was making him feel extremely unwell.
As the song starts to come to a close the boy can't withstand the pain anymore and doubles over cradling his abdomen, causing his teammates to look at him in complete shock and worry. "Woah there, are you okay tae?" "My s-stomach hurts"
Hoseok and Jungkook and everyone else except Namjoon had forgotten the main vocalist wasn't feeling the best. Jimin runs over to the boy and hugs him before cooing "My poor Taehyungie" Taehyung hugs his friend back and pulls away shortly after.
"Can we go home now, please?" No one hesitates to say yes as they grab their stuff and leave. The car ride back to the dorm is filled with lots of apologies to Taehyung, which are answered with a simple "It's okay" Or "it's fine".
Taehyung knows how tight the director is so he can't blame Namjoon or anyone else for the fact he couldn't go home early. But that was the least of his concerns at the moment, what he was really worried about was what was wrong with him.
He assumes it's just a stomach bug, he has all the symptoms after all; Nausea stomach cramps, diarrhoea and he was pretty sure he was running a fever. How he managed to catch this bug was unknown but it didn't feel good at all.
As the car pulls into the driveway the ailing boy lets out a sigh of relief. He was beginning to get carsick before but now that the car had stopped his nausea had calmed down too.
"So how are you feeling now Taehyung-ah," Seokjin asks. "My stomach really hurts hyung and I feel sick." The oldest takes in the information and tries to think of a reasonable diagnosis for his dongsaeng.
He opens his mouth to speak before being cut off by Yoongi, "Maybe you just need to take a fat shit? He says bluntly Everyone looks at the rapper in disbelief there is no way he's just said that.
"I already did earlier, I had the runs" Taehyung says his face turning read with embaressment. Hoseok walks over to the boy and feels his forehead, he clicks his tounge. "I think you've caught a tummy bug Tae"
Taehyung hums and lays down on the sofa before gagging and suddenly bolting up. "I- I'm gonna be sick" he mumbles Jungkook quickly runs and grabs a waste bin for his hyung.
The vocalist grabs it and begins to retch into it bringing up a large amount vomit followed by a thin stream of acid that burns his throat.
The members all mutter sweet muses and kind words to him but they're drowned out by the sound of sick hitting the bin.
Eventually, Tae places the bin on the ground and curls up on himself. The guys exchange nervous glances before Jimin speaks up, "I think you should eat something sweetie" Taehyung groans and shakes his head "I'm not hungry"
"Taehyung I really think you should eat something," Yoongi explains he was starting to get worried. Yoongi was never one to publicly show sensitivity but with the members he always would, especially the maknae line. "Alright hyung.."
All the members sit around the dining table eating the bulgogi that Jin had just made with the help of Jungkook. Well almost everyone, Taehyung did manage to eat a couple mouthfuls of food but then decided to stop. His stomach hurt way too much.
A small fruit fly flies past jimin causing him to look up in doing so he spots his fellow 95 liner staring blankly at the food in front of him "How come you're not eating?" "I think I've lost my appetite" Tae answers resting his head on the table.
"Aw you poor thing, Namjoon says sweetly, maybe you should go for a nap" The younger boy nods and starts to get up but then he's hit by a sudden wave of nausea just like earlier. He walks swiftly to the sink and begins to bring up the few bits of his dinner.
Nobody moves over to help him, not because they don't toof it's just that they're In too much shock and worry to move.
As he continues to puke Taehyung senses an odd taste in his mouth which makes him feel dizzy. He clamps his hand over his mouth and swallows repetitively before glancing down at small streaks of blood that were in the sink. He had just vomited blood.
Everyone notices the colour drain from Taehyungs face and exchange nervous glances. Jungkook speaks up "Taehyungie hyung, are you okay?" Taehyung just points to the sink he can't bring himself to speak. The youngest walks over and looks cautiously at what he's pointing at before saying "We're gonna need a hospital."
After looking at the vomit Jungkook starts to feel a little sick himself but ignores it and leads Taehyung out to get his shoes on. The others stand up to leave too and as they do take a glance at the messed-up sink. Now they see why they were going.
After a chaotic ride to the hospital, they made it. As soon as they walk in a nurse is already waiting for them turns out Jungkook had called them in advance while helping tae with his shoes.
Taehyung is immediately checked out and diagnosed with appendicitis which he needs surgery for straight away. The nurse also tells the group that they brought him in at the right time as his appendix was almost at the point of bursting.
Everyone gives the sicky boy a gentle hug before he's brought onto the surgery room. "He'll be alright,seokjin says with a smile, Taehyung's super strong" Namjoon and Hoseok hum in agreement.
Taehyung opens his eyes and looks around in confusion, why was he in a hospital bed and why did he feel so sore? He tries to sit up but is stopped by someone who gently pushes him back down. They smell like frosting it was Yoongi.
"Woah there buddy, you don't want to rip your stitches." Taehyung looks around at his hyungs and Jungkook were they going mad, he doesn't have stitches. "What?" "You got your appendix out Tae, as Yoongi hyung and Jimin" Hoseok explains.
"So Yoongi hyung and Jiminie are my appendicitis sunbaenims?" Taehyung asks still pretty high on anaesthetic. They all laugh at Tae's cuteness. "Yes Tae Tae, yes we are" Jimin giggles.
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Just wanna say I think this is the longest fic I've ever written. Like girl, idek how many words there are but I hope you all enjoyed this 💜
Edit: wait now I'm looking at it and it don't look that long TwT the struggles real💀
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Yoongi having migraine, his stomach is so upset he is so dizzy so he ends up throwing up during a run BTS episode.
Sickie: YOongies
TW: Mentions of emeto , nausea, and vomiting
I am excited this be my bias ( apart from me being ot7)
No one expected it. In fact, it felt like it happened out of no where. All the heard was a sickening SPLAT! .....
It was one of those days. one of those annoying days. Everything felt ten times louder than it actually was. He knew they couldn't just reschedule and he didn't want to push the schedule back they had just gotten caught up. He just decided to roll with it. This has happened way too many times before so he didn't feel the need to tell anyone. He thought it is best to hide it so no one would force him to go home.
He just needs to get through this day and instead of recording some beats he just goes straight to bed after. He felt like it was a full-proof plan. What he didn't accept is how much chaos would be happening in this episode. Normally head enjoys how wild the members would get during an exciting episode but his head really couldn't take it today.
They were playing capture the flag type of game with a twist. instead of two teams, it was all against one and they had to grab and keep captive the one with the flag. the person who steals the flag would put it in their separate goal. so it was really everyone for themselves, vs whoever had the flag. They were allowed to hold the person with the flag captive and tackle them to an extent.
Yoongi was nervous. To put it straight forward. He'd hope today's run would consist of a calmer or a siting type game but he should have known the moment they were told to change it to something that is easier to be active in. His body was in agony. He didn't know if he'd still be able to go through with his plan. Yoongi knew that having a migraine made his body ache easier and the simplest this set off his stomach. He would get a wave of nausea that just came with the beating feeling he'd feel in his temples. This was the worse time to have a migraine. He knew he had no chance of winning in this condition. He'd really hope to survive this episode without suspicion from others. he hoped that if he pretended to try hard and fail the members would automatically be a little easier on him.
He was dead wrong. Of course, he won rock paper scissors and had to start off with the flag. All he had to do was run all the way to the other side of the field and make it to his goal and score. The problem was he knew he wouldn't make it that far. he knew that he'd get tired long before then. The members would also catch up to him. The thought of having to fool everyone around him without causing suspicion made him nervous, and that made his stomach swirl. He pushed down the feeling and began to run. His brain was angry at him for how much his body jiggled when it moved. His head ached.
Yoongi ran as fast as he could. He was breathing hard. and he almost stumbled several times. He at least had to put on a show before he gave up. It didn't feel like giving up with how fast he forced himself to run. eventually, Junkook became the athletic child he caught up to him. He felt his stomach do a summersault and he gave up faster than he thought. He thought he had a little more time before Jungkook caught up to him. He was wrong once more.
He felt sick and almost let go of the red flag he held onto. he used his other non-dominant hand to clutch onto his stomach. Jungkook had caught him. The pain from the force of movement from the other member was too much for his head. and the jerk from impact jerked his stomach with it. Junkook had taken the flag and began to run to the other side of the field where his goal was. Jungkook was focused on winning. he made it no problem. nonother members even caught up to him..... wait for what? he thought someone would be racing behind... but no. He looked over to the side he saw Yoongi hung lying on the floor. He dropped the flag and ran all the way back.
On the way there he heard his hyung make weird sounds. what was wrong? he hoped he didn't hurt him somehow he was playing quite ruffly he thought to himself. Yoongi hyung was on his side. Yoongi didn't want to move. He was so dizzy. His head was pounding. He was helping that the members were all shouting
Hobi: HYUNG!
Namjoon: GET Up hYunG! Hyung?
JImin, TAe, : HYUNG?!, HYUNGGGG?!!
Jin: HEY! Yoongi you alright?!
everyone was shouting it made his head bounce off the non-existent walls. The yelling made his head pound harder. a member of the crew even walked over. Yoongi felt sick rise up our throat. He sat up from laying on the ground. This made every quiet. They were all surprised to see that he hunched over and threw up. The force recked his head and jumped out of his chest. This felt like a nightmare. He hurled again. everyone was just standing around him in with surprise written all over their faces.
He heaved and heaved. He got a little on his shirt. He was getting too weak and tired to lean over and regurgitate but his stomach keep the sick coming. They all finally stopped just standing and staring and started helping. grabbing water, paper towels, and anything that would help. The producer got the cameraman to stop filming. Jin helps yoongi get into a position an easier and more comfortable picture. Hobi had to step away he was very worried for his hyung but knew that if he stayed and watched any longer his stomach would force him to join him. Yoongi's vision was fussy and he could barely keep straight without wobbling a bit.
Jin kept a firm grasp on him. Jimin rubbed his shoulders and back and namjoon interrogated him. Taehyung ran off to keep hobi distracted. stay far away from yoongi hyung. even though it made taehyung a little sad he couldn't help yoongi he figured plenty of people were helping at the moment and that that should be enough.
Jin forced yoongi to sip on the water every time his stomach allowed him to breathe. every sip was a pain he knew it just come back up. Because of his migraine, It was harder to keep things down. Jin knew this but didn't know yoongi had a migraine.
namjoon asked him what he had eaten, how long had he been feeling like this how much had he eaten last. had he had any water in the last 24 hours? Yoongi barely answered any of his questions. he could barely talk he was so focused on keeping his mouth shut in hopes of keeping the water down. Yoongi whispered M-Migraine. and suddenly all of namjoon's questions were answered. everyone around him changed gears and went to silent mode as they figured out what to do now......
This felt like a weird way to end it but I enjoyed writing it thank you for requesting. I hope you enjoyed it.
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softbtsickies · 2 years
For a good a fate
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Where Fate reader Taehyung has to endure a brutal headache after overusing his abilities and ot7 are there for him. 
Or basically I wanted some good old fluffy caretaking and this is my attempt with an idea I had for a while but was unsure about.
♡ sickie: Taehyung 
♡caretakers: ot7: mainly 3Js (can be read as platonic or romantic) 
♡warnings: migraine like symptoms induced by overusing powers, emeto, nose bleeds, character with psychic powers, one sorta implied sex joke (NOT BETWEEN ANY OF THE MEMBERS), idk if it needs a warning but Jimin and Jungkook bath Taehyung if you are uncomfortable with that (he keeps his boxers on tho) 
*Based off season's greetings 2022*
Also, if seems like there’s random information or unneeded explanations that’s because I might make a really miniseries out of this but idk 
And ngl this is definitely not my best work but I really liked the concept and maybe I’m falling back into this, but it’s nearly 4 am and I just wanted to get this up.
anyways enjoy tho x
The cards laid in front of Taehyung blurred, his voice drawling off as his vision mimicked a camera losing focus and all the golds and glitters in the room blended into the same mesh, “The cards show…”
“They show…” Taehyung shut his eyes to stop the wince forming in his throat along with pinching his brows together for a second hoping to ease the pulse winding up behind them to get through this last reading over. The couple on the opposite end of the table held each other tightly with faces caved with uneasy desperation yet also anticipation and Taehyung could feel an edge of guilt make way between the pain working through his skull. Normally, the fate reader would turn every reading into an experience of wonder. Usually talking with a slower, even deeper voice and twisting his sentences into riddles or poetry to bring the most enchanting experience to his clients, but today he couldn’t even finish a sentence with cards that he already knew what was on them. 
The fate reader wasn’t sure why his little store had been so busy today. While preparing to lock up the familiar pressure and wooziness of over using his abilities had started to make their way now in his temple, telling that if he was to even think about working any more his body would be doing the complete opposite of rewarding him and sealed the warning with a couple of droplets of blood dripping from his nose. Right as he flicked them away, he looked out the window to see two figures  frantically making their way towards the entrance with a powerful enough sense of urgency that Taehyung could feel it himself.
It was a young couple. Begging the fate reader for a reading as they had driven two days after hearing about his perfect accuracy and them needing to know if there is a child in their future. While Taehyung found it hard to listen to them through the small waves of light headedness that were crashing over him the sympathetic side of him began to cloud over the voice telling him he was already having symptoms of overworking him self to step back, but he was taking the woman’s hand to sit down.
“The empress,” A spark of his energy finally returned. “Congratulations, strong fertility is in your future.” 
The couple's face stayed blank for a second before breaking into a shared squeal, leaping for each other. The scene did light something warm in Taehyung’s heart, but the noises also felt like a bullet to the brain if Tae was allowed to indulge in the dramatic tone in the room.
“God thank you, thank you so much.” The man turned to face him and the smile on his face was enough for Taehyung to feel the strain building behind his eyes was worth working past him limits. “While I guess we should try to quickly make it home then, thank you so much again.”
Slumping back into his chair, the fate reader was just greatfull he didn’t have to finish the rest of the reading and come up with an explanation for the rest of the cards sitting on the table. Maybe if had been a different day Tae would have willed the couple to stay, tell them that the cards were rigged and mostly for display (as well as if a bad reading was to happen all the blame fell on the cards or what ever the client wanted him to use in his readings) and the real fortune-telling came from the man himself when he touched the women’s hand when he led her to sit and actually saw a little baby bundle up in the man’s arms while a clear second one was on the way (It would have a priceless moment to see what could have been even more sparkles and joy in their eyes at what he actually saw.) Really he just put the cards with the empress first and hoped when they found out the card was associated with maternal influence that would be enough for them to leave because the idea of slamming his head onto the table to pass out for the rest of the week was getting too tempting. 
Looking into someone’s future for something specific always took way much 
energy than just getting a quick glance into their fortune.
And then it hit Taehyung that he still needed to finish locking up. Taehyung whined to himself, this will take a while. 
(I Did not mean for the intro to be this long, sorry) 
“Taetae you’re home!” Jimin was the first to notice Taehyung step into the living room entrance, being greeted by Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok, a blasting tv and lights on everywhere in the house (pretty much a garage hide out)like it  had known of Taehyung’s carelessness for his limits and also wanted to join in the tournament plaguing his forehead. 
“Tae, it took you longer than usual to get home, is everything okay dear?” He didn’t even notice Hoseok had gotten up or that he was holding his face till the strategist spoke. 
His normal twenty-minute walk home had become a good forty minutes after having to stop every couple of minutes at different bus stops to sit because he felt if he continued on the word would slip away from underneath his feet, not including the five minutes it took for him to finally make up the courage to endure opening the garage door up plus adding another five minutes of him squatting on the floor and holding his head to stop himself from passing out from the throbbing induced from the noises of the door opening. 
Tae tried to gently shake his hands off, “Wanted to go past the river, m’m ok just tired.” He tried to turn away, feeling something start to drip down his nose again, but Hoseok still cupped his cheeks to inspect him.  
“Hey wait, you have a bit of…. oh.” the pad of the strategist’s thumb lightly grazed above Taehyung’s lip, while his expression faltered into serious yet concerned demeanour. Hoseok then brought his hand up to Tae’s temple for him to lean into. “You overused again.” Taehyung made a small whineand nodded to fall deeper into the older's palm with a sigh and closed eyes. He heard a gasp from Jimin and cracked one eye open enough to see Jimin ogle for the remote to turn the tv off while Jungkook swiftly got up to dim the lights.
Hoseok moved his hand away (much to Taehyung’s dismay) muttering a “Oh Taehyungie what are we going to do with you?” and wrapped it around the fate reader's waist to rest it on his stomach, taking Taehyung’s hand with his other one mouthing “Do you want to go to the couch?” stroking his thumb against Tae’s knuckles, who nodded back listlessly. 
“Mmm sorry, it was a young couple ann’d they drove two days to-see me.” Taehyung paused, the small journey was enough to make the room start feeling a little lopsided again. “They really wanted to know if there is children in their future.” 
Hoseok made a sympathetic hum and rubbed at Taehyung’s shoulder, helping him make his way to the last couple steps before the sofa, “Your hearts too big for your good.” Hoseok spoke softly, “Are you nauseous at all, still dizzy?” He whispered, with the news of him having a headache he could expect everyone to be speaking in hushed tones for the time being. 
“Still a little dizzy, I just want the world to stop for a moment.” Tae sat down, bringing his head to rest in his hands, and Jimin wrapped his arm loosely around Taehyung’s upper torso. 
“Do you perhaps want a bath Taehyungie, you know, to wash the dirt and fates of the day away?”  
Taehyung just nodded and felt Jimin’s hold slowly leave him, “Kook come help me.” Jimin whispered and the weight next to him disappeared, but he felt a hand softly pat his hair before the two completely left, “I wish there was more we could do to help you Hyungie.” 
It was true, there wasn’t much that could be down from a headache induced by over using his abilities. Namjoon had once spent hours slaved away try to come up with a remedy for both when Seokjin would get tension headaches after spending hours looking at his computer since no medication was working enough and to aid Taehyung’s overuse ‘migraines’ as no medication could do anything for him. Thankfully the treatment works wonders for Seokjin and even helps the others through their head pains, but to this day still remained as just a funny tasting liquid for Taehyung.
“My poor Taetae.” The weight in the cough was back, but now with Hobi next to him. Taehyung leaned over and rubbed his face into Hosoek’s upper arm like he could physically rub away the awareness of the fibres of his skin (and the room still felt way too bright.) 
“It’ll pass eventually, Hyung thinks you're so strong for going through this for the couple.” His hand was back on Tae’s shoulder, and Taehyung could only sigh in acknowledgement. “Hey don’t fall asleep yet.” To that the fate reader made another tiny whine and settled into the silence,  occasionally being broken by Taehyung shifting positions, Hoseok cooing at him and a “Tae, the bath is ready.”
The first thing the fate reader noticed about the bathroom was how steamy it had become and the natural light that would normally seep through the window above the bath had been sealed behind one of Taehyung’s canvases with it being just the right fit to leave a tiny bit of light to leak over the top of it to have enough lighting to still see through the room. 
The thought the two put in was honestly enough for Taehyung to want to cry and if it had been in a different circumstance Jimin and Jungkook would probably be making a show of their efforts with ‘Tadas,’ and Jazz hands, though a new surge of wooziness was enough for Taehyung to slightly sway and Jungkook had to grab his arm and slowly lead him over to the closed toilet lid to strip down to his boxers. 
The second Taehyung‘s skin touched the water he let out a shaky breath, a hint of tension left around his neck as he melted into the water, eagerly however still slowly leaning his head against the makeshift towel pillow. “Wait, don’t go too far in yet, Hyung.” Jungkook was grabbing an equally steamy flannel from the sink and kneeled down in front of the bath. He cupped Tae’s cheek and with the faintest movement tilted Taehyung’s face ever so slightly towards him and started to gently wipe at the glitters Tae used to cover the scratch running down his eye, continuing onto lightly scrub at the rest of his daily make up finishing by laying the mildly warm flannel onto Taehyung’s eyes. 
Jimin was next to act, sitting on the tiles that connected the bathtub to the wall, with the shower head on a low but pleasant temperature setting. Jimin began at the base of Taehyung’s forehead, massaging it with one hand then carding his fingers through’s Tae’s curls like they made of the most delicate strands of glass and let the water breeze through them before restarting the massage, occasionally muttering something along the lines of “You’re too kind to do that for the couple, let’s stop getting into this position yeah?” or simply humming a simple breathy tune, Jungkook kept leaning over to urge Taehyung to take a sip of a water bottle or to suck on ice chips the two had also brought up for him. Taehyung felt like he could drift off to the sweetness of it all, but as the water grew colder in the pits of his stomach he could start to feel the rise of the little breakfast he had that morning gradually turn into a churning sensation as well as his throat going a tiny bit warm. “Out now?” Tae could guess Jungkook must have taken notice of the small discomfort in Taehyung position from his sudden twisting to ease the fullness starting to present itself in his tummy. 
Taehyung breathed loudly in confirmation, not ready to jolt his stomach just yet, but Jimin’s hands were already finding their way around Taehyung’s torso, joined by Jungkook’s. “On three okay?” Taehyung nodded and put one arm around his stomach and the other into the side of the bath and pushed him up once Jimin whispered ‘3,’ not to his surprise his head buzzed along with the change in height.
Taehyung grimaced as the flannel fell off his eyes, letting the light still occupying the bathroom shock his eyes enough for him to just stagger a little bit and a hand caught him, stroking his back lovingly. “You did good, kookie brought some of his clothes for you to wear.” He must have zoned out so hard during the duration of the bath, he didn’t even notice the youngest leave. They sat him again onto the closed toilet lid. Jimin taking it upon himself to dry the fate reader while Jungkook put his folded clothes onto Taehyung’s lap, “the loosest I have and no scents.” 
‘They are so precious,’ a small smile formed on Taehyung’s lips. 
It felt hopeless for Taehyung to need Jimin and Jungkook to help him make his way to his bedroom, yet the pair still rubbed his head and patted his back through the hallway with no annoyance on their faces, rather concern, telling him with affection in their voices to sit and not lay down when he wanted to finally crash seeing his bed. 
“First this, then off to bed.” Hobi walked through holding a cup of fresh tea still steaming. Hoseok sweetly curled his lips in sympathy when Taehyung turned his head away from the feeling of his tummy becoming even more turby at the thought of adding anything to it’s already sloshing mixture. 
“Mm, nauseous.” The pain still painfully danced behind Taehyung’s eyes, he tried to suppress it by placing a palm to one of them, but it was no advil. Hoseok sat down next to him, sighing, “You didn’t eat much before you left for work, and you said it was a busy day, it’s better than throwing up bile later.” Taehyung hummed, still looking at the tea and imaging it not settling well at all in his stomach. “Plus, maybe it will actually calm down the nausea for once.“ They always made him drink tea as he had yet to not be left nauseated during an episode. 
Taehyung looked down at the tea, really not being able to stomach it, but if it would get him into his bed quicker with the other three to cuddle him, so be it. 
Everything was still blurry when he woke again, Taehyung’s eyes shut on instinct with a groan, feeling his head spin despite his eyes been closed again. The fate reader stopped squirming, feeling a hand brush through his hair, “are you up Tae-bear?” 
Taehyung felt his stomach flip, and he rolled over, smushing his face into presumably Seokjin’s thighs, the older’s hand still lacing through his hair. He could also hear the barely there sound of piano blend with a complementary rain noise. 
While Yoongi knew how to layer his music with frequencies and notes that could induce a number of symptoms into a person, he had yet to master music that could heal Taehyung’s aliments but it no stretch he knows how to sting along a peace that could at least ease Taehyung into a more comfortable feeling. It playing low enough that everyone in the room had to be quite enough to hear.
Opening one eye, he saw the brightness of Yoongi’s laptop lighting one corner of the room including his Hyung’s face and next to him was Namjoon who noticed the ill man’s glance and gave him a small smile. 
It had to be late now as the other three have a preference for working at night, the exchange must have taken place during Taehyung’s nap with enough care that the three men could untangle from Taehyung and swap with Seokjin to not wake him when they could have just left him for the night. 
He felt the need to whisper a small thank you and reached to hold any part of his Hyung he could, though the timing hit right as Taehyung’s stomach and head throbbed at the same time and his hand dipped to abdomen, it feeling sicker being able to feel his heartbeat under his palm. 
“Tae, how is it feeling?” Namjoon got up. Taehyung could only whimper in repose and squeeze the bedding while the room suddenly started to grow hotter and murky.
No, maybe it was just his throat heating, it gaining a taste of his breakfast at the back of it and his stomach was pacing up its thrashing of it’s contents, even tightening around his muscles. Taehyung pushed himself up into a sitting position, wavering when his forehead gained the same tightness.
Taehyung’s heart in his stomach suddenly leaned into his throat and he groaned, dropping his head to sallow down the feeling of wanting to puff his cheeks out from the taste of saliva filling his mouth. 
“Tae do you think you need…” Taehyung cut Seokjin off by shaking his head not meaning to and wanted to cry from the pulse it shot through his forehead, he just wanted to savour the moment before losing it all but his stomach clenched unsympathetically, and he had to wrap one arm around his stomach and placed the other hand into to his mouth wanting to catch the heave that came from him.
“Oh shit where’s the bin, oh shit sorry Tae.” Namjoon spoke loudly before dropping his voice to whisper, but the damage to Taehyung’s temple had been done, wincing from the exposure of his loud voice that he could compare to an explosion in his skull. He heaved as a reflex, only a tiny bit of drool pooled his mouth, but it was enough to trigger the next wet cough. 
“Okay, you’re okay.” The bin was finally pushed in front of Taehyung in time for the sound of vomit to gurgle up his throat and push him to gag a spray of liquid into it. He hated that the cramps forcing the vomit out of him were comparable to the pressure hitting behind his eye and god there was a second round that cut his breathing break off. 
Taehyung had to cling onto the bin if he didn’t want to fall in, and Seokjin reached for it and brought it closer to him. “Can you two go prepare a broth and flannel.” Jin’s free arm snaked around Taehyung’s stomach to keep him place as the next heave doubled him over in a choke. 
Taehyung made a pained noise when the next gag pulled the last of what ever his stomach could find into the bin, leaving him a now empty yet cramping tummy that Jin’s hand shifted slightly to trace circles over. “Done Taehyungie?” He spat the remaining saliva into the bin and nodded and leaned back, the world was starting to go black around his vision. 
“This one has got you bad.” Seokjin grabbed a glass for Taehyung off the counter, then laid him back down onto the bed once he finished taking a small sip. Jin shifted so his palm was still circling his stomach and the other under the younger head. “It’s so bad.” Taehyung squeezed his eyes for what must have been the hundredth time today, wetness making it down his cheeks. “Maybe it will just be a day long one.” Taehyung scoffed through his tears, “I Haven’t had one take only a day since I was a child.“ 
Fingers come to under his eyes, wiping gracefully, “I’m so sorry we can’t do anything to take the pain away-“
Taehyung butted in,“You being here is enough.” He thought back to how all of them spent the day with him and the loving touches, words of encouragement and the consecrated thought behind the way they cared for him despite him bringing this upon him, sure it couldn’t ease the actual pain in his body, but his heartfelt full enough to settle the discomfort of his headache. 
“That’s a sweet thought.” Seokjin’s finger traced the scratch on Taehyung’s eye, “who ever removed the glitter did a shit job.” He brought his hand back and looked at it with a mocked face of disgust, flicking the speck off, and then smiling when a hint of a giggle came from Taehyung.  
“Broth should be done soon.” Yoongi stood at the door, Namjoon poking his head through as well. 
“Then why are you standing there, come here.” Seokjin moved closer to Taehyung, freeing up space for the others. “And leave it to burn?” Yoongi mumbled back but still came to the bed, “You can sleep with us for a couple of minutes.” Yoongi huffed but still moved next to Seokjin and reached over his hand held onto Taehyung’s arm. 
“Here Tae.” Namjoon motioned for Taehyung to lift his head up and placed a wet cloth where the base of his head would be when he returned to a full laying position and draped the other across Taehyung’s eyes, this time the flannel was cold enough for Taehyung to moan as the hot stickiness of the vomiting spell had yet to part with him. The scientist also crawled into the bed, sure the bed was cramped, but Taehyung couldn't care less, it felt right to have them all with him, it felt too perfect. 
“I love you all.” He whispered and smiled to himself, hearing them all say it back, even if his head still felt on fire he felt fatigue take over his main sense. 
It felt okay, it felt like destiny or even fate that he would end up in his Hyung’s embrace. 
And he was more than fine with that. 
Idk how to end this sorry. 
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
Aki's Masterlist
All my works, organized and collected for convenience. Each work has a more detailed list of warnings and descriptions to keep this list clear and concise.
I will do my best to keep this updated as I post new works. Please let me know if there are any errors with the links.
If you're interested in expanding this list, I recommend you start here.
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Sick Namjoon Fics
Doctor's Orders: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretakers Jungkook and Yoongi ft Food Poisoning (nausea/emeto/fever)
There Goes My Nap
Caretaker Seokjin ft Nausea/Emeto
Courtesy Call
Caretakers Jungkook and Yoongi ft Fever
Caretaker Jimin ft Flu (Fever/Emeto)
Just a Small Fever
Caretaker Main Seokjin and rest of BTS ft Appendicitis
Running On E
Caretakers Yoongi and Jungkook ft Exhaustion/Fainting
Adventures in Take Out
Caretaker Seokjin ft Double Food Poisoning (Emeto/Scat/Fever)
It Was Supposed to be Korean
Caretaker Seokjin ft Lactose Intolerance (Emeto/Scat)
The Show Must Go On
Caretaker OT7 ft Flu (fever/emeto)
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Sick Seokjin Fics
Cravings (MPREG AU)
Caretaker Yoongi ft Morning Sickness (Nausea/Emeto)
Ill Confession
Caretaker Namjoon ft Fever
Caretakers Jungkook and Yoongi ft Fever/Emeto
In the Middle of the Night: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretaker Jungkook ft Emeto/Fever
Adventures in Take Out
Caretaker Namjoon ft Double Food Poisoning (Emeto/Scat/Fever)
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Sick Yoongi Fics
5-Star Boyfriends: Part 1 || TBC (COLLEGE BOYFRIENDS AU)
Caretaker Hoseok ft Flu
Just Jimin
Caretaker Jimin ft Emeto
Love Jack
Caretaker Hoseok(kinda) ft Fever/Cough/Sore Throat
Time Management
Caretaker Hoseok ft Hiccups/Overindulgence
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Sick Hoseok Fics
We're Just Roommates: Part One || Part Two || TBC (NON-IDOL AU)
Caretaker Namjoon ft Emeto/Fever
Tummy Ache
Caretaker OT7 ft Aggressive Stomach Ache
Mealtime with SUGA
Caretaker Yoongi ft Bloating/Stomach Ache
Safe Zone
Caretaker Yoongi ft Enteritis (Emeto/Scat/Fever)
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Sick Jimin Fics
No Promises (COFFEE SHOP AU)
Caretaker Namjoon ft Flu (Fever/Mentions of Emeto)
Movie Night Fever
Caretaker Taehyung ft Fever
It's Gonna Be You(Ngi)
Caretaker Hyung Line ft Fever/Emeto
More than Hunger
Caretaker Taehyung and Yoongi ft Emeto/Fever
A Trip to the Antique Store
Caretaker Taehyung ft Snz content/Allergy
Pan De Bono
Caretaker Seokjin ft Lactose Intolerance (Emeto/Scat)
Nothing Bad Can Happen
Caretaker Namjoon ft. Gluten Intolerance
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Sick Taehyung Fics
Caretakers Jimin and Yoongi ft Fever
Snow Day
Caretaker Yoongi ft Fever
Sharing is Caring
No caretaker (technically) ft Cold (snz/congestion)
All Alone
Caretaker Namjoon ft Cold (snz/sore throat/headache) and Fever
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Sick Jungkook Fics
Appa's Sick Day: Part 1 || Part 2 || TBC (MARRIED WITH KIDS AU)
Caretaker Taehyung ft Flu (Fever/Emeto)
Runaway (ORPHAN JUNGKOOK AU) June 27 || February 2
Caretaker Seokjin ft exhausion (P1) and Fever (P2)
Doctor's Orders: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretaker Namjoon and Yoongi ft Injury
Overdid It
Caretaker Jimin ft Overindulgence/Emeto
Sharing is Caring
Caretaker Taehyung ft Cold (snz/congestion)
I Don't Get Carsick
Caretaker Namjoon ft Motion Sickness
Hyungs Can Help: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretakers OT7 ft Cold (snz/congestion/fever)
More Than the Drinks
Caretakers OT7 ft Intoxication/Stomach Ulcer
In the Middle of the Night: Part 1 || Part 2
(Sick JK only in part 2) Caretaker Seokjin ft emeto/fever
A Recipe for Disaster
Caretaker Namjoon ft Food Poisoning
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