#btw! i think of an ice skater’s skirt on top of his suit
milimeters-morales · 2 years
Miguel in his slit dress and Miles takes this as the “OK” to finally wear his outfit with a subtle skirt built onto it. Miguel has yet to notice any difference
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kinkyacademia · 7 years
Ohhh!! Maybe a scenario where heroes "rescue" Shigaraki's S/O (who was there willingly, but they don't know) thinking he kidnapped them and he has to go get them back? – (=ↀωↀ=)
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I realized that these requests BOTH applied to this, so I just added them together for one big request. By the way, this is PART 1, and I will be responding to another request as a part 2.
BTW! Shigaraki’s height? Well, comparing him to Midoriya’s 5’ 5.25”, standing next to him he seems like he’s 5’ 10- 5’ 11”. Also; seriously, YES? I loved writing this because I could insert a bit of myself into it.
-Mod Pasta🍜🍝
“Oh, you’re so sarcastic Tomura, almost too much for your own good.”
Midoriya and Toogata’s eyes snapped upwards to see two figures passing them leisurely. They had been sitting on a park bench, getting a bit of lunch before continuing to monitor the city. That, though, had gone down the drain when they saw the infamous Shigaraki in his black hoodie and pants. This time, though, he was without a mask, and latched onto his arm was you. You wore black sandal heels, a black skater skirt with two (F/C) stripes on the bottom, white stockings, and your favourite fancy top along with a (F/C) Pillbox with black lace covering half of your face. It might not be as obvious to other people, but Midoriya could tell that you two were on a date.
“Isn’t he?…” Toogata slowly glanced at Midoriya, his voice muffled slightly from the sandwich hanging out of it in shock. He quickly bit all the way into it, chew and swallowing so that he could speak correctly.
“Yeah… he is. And it looks like he… he has…. a girlfriend,” Midoriya muttered, causing Toogata to nod violently as he grabbed his helmet and turned on the communicator.
“Sir; we have a situation,” he started, watching intently as you giggled and pulled Shigaraki to a vintage dresses shop, showing him them. He mumbled something that Toogata couldn’t hear, and you seemed to alight in a blush and Shigaraki almost grinned to. Midoriya felt sick.
“He… he captured her,” Midoriya whispered, and Toogata glanced at him and then back at the “couple.”
“That’s quite obvious, Deku,” he whispered, then went back to talking to Sir Nighteye.
“Yes-____ Ward, next to the poncho shop that Bubble Girl said she wanted to go to. What, you didn’t know that? Yes, sir,” he nodded once, then glanced at Midoriya with a short smile that he could tell was forced.
“We’ve going to finish the rounds, then discuss it in the police station before taking action,” Midoriya protested that they should act now, but Toogata confirmed that it would create a disruption that could cause Shigaraki to hurt someone.
“I think they spotted you, (F/N),” Shigaraki caught your attention as you walked back into the Alliance from Kurogiri’s portal. She perked up, smile still adorning your plump lips.
“Who, the Heroes? Tenko,” you started, gently grabbing his chin and pulling him towards you. He stared daggers down at you, his height, social standing and figure dwarfing your own easily. But, this never seems to really bother you, “don’t think about them. Just focus on me.”
“I’m worried about you. Always,” he confessed, then leaned into you whilst pressing his lips to yours. It started out as a casual kiss, but as you started to move your lips against his, it became more heated and meaningful. He placed a few fingers against your cheeks, cupping them endearingly. As you tenderly nibbled his bottom lip, closing your eyes, someone cleared there throat from across the room, causing you to jolt and pull away from Tenko, effectively making him yelp and stumble towards you.
“When on earth will you two leave the “honeymoon” phase of your relationship?” Kurogiri asked, hands on his hips and eyes narrowed. Shigaraki glared heavily at him.
“Mind your own business, Kurogiri,” He muttered, and the man sighed as Shigaraki pushed past him, and you happily trailed behind me, giving Kurogiri an apologetic smile.
“Whatever you say, Shigaraki Tomura,” he muttered, scratching the back of his… mist, then turning to the hallway and walking off. This was the new Villain Alliance, and the house was a lot bigger on the underground level.
“Should we get something to drink before I take this dress off?” You questioned, and Shigaraki turned around very quickly, a glimmer of hope in his eyes, “And change into pajamas,” you confirmed, and you could see his lips pouting ever so slightly.
“Vodka on ice,” he simple ordered, walking past the kitchen and likely to his room. You nodded, veering left into the kitchen to prepare the drinks. How on Earth had you, a civilian, fallen for The Shigaraki Tomura? Well, the short story was that he bumped into you and grabbed your shoulder to steady you. You, a girl who is a little obsessed with 1940s attire, had worn a beautiful floral dress that day, and his thoughtless blunder caused it to rip. Your skin had also suffered, and if the ear piercing scream wasn’t what caused him to apologize, then your bag hitting his face definitely did.
On the next day, you awoke early to go back to your house. Tomura had tried to pull you back into bed, claiming “you’re naked; just stay and be warm with me.” Alas, you were going to go visit a friend today. You put your clothes on, and he groaned in annoyance when you pulled your bra on.
“Mmm, sorry for obstructing your view,” you cooed, and he huffed and turned away. Once you threw a little bit of makeup and powder on, Shigaraki started getting ready as well. You pulled a hairbrush out of your purse, gently tugging him back.
“I’ll never understand why you don’t brush your hair,” You fretted, running it through his hand a few times, causing him to grumble and swat your hand away.
“It’s fine. I like it like this,” he mumbled, and you whines before putting it back in your purse. You pecked his cheeks, adoring his sigh of embarrassment as you walked past him.
“Bye, Tomura, I’ll see you tomorrow,” you called ask you exited the building. You didn’t hear his response.
As you stepped onto the train, you heard a short gasp from right. Ignoring it, you sat down elegantly in an open seat, pulling a fan out and cooling yourself as you looked out of the window.
“E-Excuse me, miss,” you glanced over to see a young girl, maybe a few years younger than you, with a full Hero Suit on. It blue, yellow, and white, and her blatantly blue hair complimented it nicely. You turned your body to her, closing the fan and placing it across your lap.
“Yes, ma’m?” You furrowed your eyebrows, a little confused as to why she looked so flustered.
“I-Um-I’d like to take you t-actually, can I just sit down?” She stuttered her way through, even though she didn’t look like someone who stuttered a lot. You nodded, gesturing to the open seat.
“Absolutely,” You then turned away, flipping your fan back open and slowly fanning yourself. It took her a few minutes to say anything.
“I like your dress,” you glanced at her, a small smirk pulling at your lips.
“Ah, it’s nothing compared to what you’re wearing. Off to duty, Miss?” You assumed, and she nodded.
“Yes, I am. I’ve never seen one of those dresses in public before,” she used any tactic available to keep the conversation going, and you could tell that she was doing this for some sort of an ulterior motive. As it came to your stop, you felt the woman put a hand on your shoulder, and you stood up a little straighter.
“Alright, I must go now,” you waved her off, and she grinned happily.
“Me too! This is my stop,” she got up, letting you out with her. You started to feel a bit awkward at that.
“Ah… marvelous,” you pulled your phone out, dialing a cab. You could definitely walk, but this girl seemed a little obsessed with you, and you didn’t really like the vibe she was giving. As you exited the train, she continued to talk to you.
“I don’t do too much, but I am his main sidekick. What do you do, Miss (L/N)?”
“I’m an anesthesiologist, I work for eight days a month,” you explained in simple. It was true; you would be assigned to certain cases, complete the cases and go home. That’s why you had so much free time. You did have one college class, though, but that was only twice a week, and it was only one hour.
“How interesting, and you’re so young,” she added, causing you to chuckle.
“Ah, early twenties. I skipped Junior High, so college came naturally. I have a Masters, so I can’t work immediate cases, only the small ones,” you waved her off, slightly flattered. Then you saw your cab pull up, and you started walking towards it, “Ah, I must go now, Miss Kaoruko,” you waved to her, forcing a smile before entering the open door. She looked worried, taking a few steps toward you. You quickly closed the door, feeling ever so slightly threatened by her.
“Alright…” she muttered, waving to you as you left. You sighed to yourself, scratching the back of your head.
“I’m not surprised that you have a fan, with how you look and all,” the driver laughed, deep and rich. You sighed, chuckling as well.
“Oh, shut it sir.”
It was a peaceful ride to your friends house, but that was all until the cab got pulled over. Your eyes widened. “Were you speeding?”
“No,” he promised, and the person who came out of the police car definitely wasn’t a police man. He was tall, green haired, and a adorned a suit. The man, no, the boy who was behind him adorned a red cape and what looked to be armour. It was a fancy hero suit, and it read “1,000,000” across it. You rubbed your arm uncomfortably, adjusting your Pillbox down slightly.
“Sir, I must ask for your passenger to step out of the vehicle,” the tall man’s voice was a droning one that demanded attention. You felt fear strike your heart; was what Shigaraki said yesterday truly happening?
“Miss, they need you out of the car,” the man relayed to you, and you quickly nodded before opening the door and shyly looking away from them.
“I-I don’t have anything illegal, sir,” you confirmed, and his eyes seemed to soften in a sort of apologetic fashion.
“What’s your name, Miss?” He asked, and the boy beside him looked like he was about to respond for you. It honestly creeped you out slightly. The loud cars that rushing past you and the people walking on the sidewalk behind you were almost the perfect situation for you to get away if you so pleased.
“Well… it’s Doctor (F/N),” you avoided using your last name, lest it give away who you are in some context that you didn’t understand. The tall man took a step behind you, gesturing to the police car.
“Doctor (F/N), we would appreciate it if you would follow us.”
“Why should I?” You shot back, feeling a little bit creeped out. You took a step away from him, but then nearly ran into the boy wearing armour. He quickly grabbed your shoulder to make sure you didn’t fall over, and you pushed him away in fear. He didn’t budge, but it at least got you away from him.
“Doctor (F/N), you don’t have to be afraid of adhering to the Villain Alliance any longer. You’re under the protection of us,” the armoured boy pointed to himself with his thumb, a comforting smile upon his face. You did the only thing you could think of to do as your heart rate increased in pace.
“Villain Alliance? I’m ever so sorry, but… I’m afraid I don’t know what that is,” you pushed some of your hair into place, using a bit of your quirk to iron it out. Your quirk, creating small patches of hot iron on your skin, was quite basic and civilian-like. It wasn’t flashy, and definitely couldn’t be used for Hero purposes.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to tell us anything just yet. But, you are required to get into the police car, Doctor (F/N),” the tall man asserted, and you moaning softly in protest as his hand ghosted over your back, guiding you without touch into the back seat of the car.
The young boy sat next to you, and the taller man sat in the front.
“Hey, that was my customer!” The taxi driver exclaimed, and the police officer who was the driver explained something to him. You glared at the boy sitting next to you.
“I’m not fond of being treated like this.. I’m just a civilian, nothing more,” You started, and the boy frowned slightly.
“I’m sorry that they scared you that much, Doctor (F/N)-Oh! Haha, I’m such an idiot, neither of us have introduced ourselves,” he patted the taller man’s shoulder, “This is Sir Nighteye, and I’m Lumillion.”
“That’s fine and all, but I kind of want to go home right now,” you mumbled, looking away from the two boys as the police officer, a young lady with short brown hair, stepped into the vehicle and started it. You looked out at the people walking by, the bustling crowd now just flowing by like you never existed in the first place.
They acted like you were some sort of captive and that they had saved you. It got irritating, and once you arrived at your destination, you pulled your phone out and started to text Tomura.
-These stupid heroes saw us together yesterday and thought that you captured me. They aren’t taking no for an answer.
—What? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?
-I thought that I could talk my way out of it…
“Who are texting?” Sir Nighteye asked as he opened the door for you. You closed your phone, slipping it into your purse and stepping out of the car.
“My friend. I was headed to her house before you so rudely interrupted,” you explained, looking away from him in a dignified fashion before crossing your arms and closing your eyes.
“Just follow me, Doctor (F/N),” He muttered, obliviously annoyed with how you were acting. You felt Lumillion very close behind you, almost daring you to try and escape. You entered a large building with the words “Sir’s Corporation” in big letters across the top entrance. You had to go up a full flight of stairs to even get to the entrance. Once you entered, the casual building reeked of heroic intent. You were led to a questioning sort of room, but you hesitated to enter.
“This… this is too much, I want to leave,” you swallowed hard, feeling immensely nervous. You wished Tomura would just come and hug you in one of his special hugs where he slid his fingers into your back pockets.
“We know this is hard, but we’re going to need you to trust us,” Lumillion acknowledged, and you glared at him before entering the room and plopping onto the farthest chair away from the rest of them. There was a white table in the middle of the room with the contents to make tea on it and a few other fairly nice chairs along with light green walls. You closed your eyes, hoping immensely that this would just be over with.
“Doctor (F/N), we need you to tell us how they kidnapped you,” Sir Nighteye asked once the door had closed. You rolled your eyes under your lids.
“Oh, you must be joking. I’m not kidnapped, I was literally just going to my friend’s house,” you tried, and Lumillion piped up.
“Doctor, we get it; they’re scary, and we’re sure they threatened you to keep your mouth shut. You can tell us where they really intended for that cab to take you,” he sounded practically patronizing, causing your blood to boil. You sighed in relief when you felt a short buzz from your purse, and you looked down as you whipped your phone out.
—Where are you? I’m coming now.
—Put your phone away. They’ll get suspicious.
You quickly did so, and as you did, you feel a hand on your arm, causing you to look up and see the police officer from earlier.
“Mis-Doctor, please hand over the contents of your purse.”
“Why? Do you fancy my perfume?” You shot back, glancing at the wall and then back at her. Secretly, you were boiling down to a nervous and anxious mess inside.
“We need to know who you’ve been contacting,” she reached slowly for your purse, and you simply gave it to her. She seemed a bit surprised at that.
“My friend. Boyfriend, to be exact, it’s easy to say that he’s freaking out since I’m practically being interrogated,” you snapped, and the police woman pulled your phone out and set the crimson purse on the table. She looked over the first message, eyes softening.
—Stick through it, I love you
“She isn’t lying,” The officer informed Sir, handing your phone over to him. He checked it over, and once his eyes narrowed, you knew that he had found something important. He handed the phone to Lumillion, and you shifted awkwardly in your seat before pulling out your fan to keep yourself cool from how warm and uncomfortable things were getting.
“Doctor (F/N), you referred to your friend as a girl in the car. Is there a reason for that?” Sir questioned, and the Officer’s eyes widened as she turned to look at you. Your heart clenched; there wasn’t really a way out of this one, and you sighed before scratching the back of your head.
“What’s your lover’s name?” Lumillion questioned, slowly setting your phone on the table. In hindsight, you seriously did look like a captive right now, eyes wide and fingers shaking.
“Fine… his name is T-Tomura,” you felt your throat tighten up; what if Tenko couldn’t get you out of this? All you wanted was for you two to be back in bed, cuddling after that crazy sex last night. You just wanted to be away from these heroes, the ones who could so easily rip everything away from you; your love, your happiness, where you can go whenever and however because of Kurogiri’s quirk, where you can cry and hug Shigaraki or rant to Twice about the latest news.
There was a universal sigh around the room, and Sir Nighteye was the first to speak up.
“How did you first meet Shigaraki Tomura?” He questioned, causing you to smiled ever so softly as you reminisced. After you hit him with your purse, he glared hardly at you before he looked like he was about to slap you. Your eyes widened, and the people walking around you didn’t seem to recognize what was going on. Before he could do anything, though, a man in similar attire to Tomura had shown up and gently pushed him back. The man under the hood had no face, only two white eyes that resembled male sperm.
“At a mall. He bumped into me, and things blossomed from there,” you said in simple, and Lumillion presses his lips together and raised his eyebrows before shifting his body to you.
“You don’t have to be afraid of saying anything to us, (F/N), he can’t get to you in here. He doesn’t know where you are, and we’re heroes, so we can protect you if anything horrible happens,” Lumillion tried to comfort you, but it was to no avail; all you wanted was Tomura, and their comforts more came as threats.
“He’s not a good man, I know that, but I also know that you people never give anyone the benefit of the doubt,” you closed your fan momentarily to take a deep breath to calm yourself down. You then opened it again, continuing to fan yourself.
“What is the situation with you and the Villain Alliance right now, Doctor (F/N)?” The police officer asked, and she pulled a yellow notebook out and began to scribble on it.
“First of all, my name isn’t actually (F/N), it’s Miya,” telling that lie would allow for them to track less of you after Tomura found you, “and I don’t know anything about this Villain Alliance. All I know about them is what Tomura tells me,” the lie was an easy one to make, but Sir Nighteye didn’t see to believe it.
“Where do you meet up with Shigaraki Tomura, then?” He asked, and you decided to place a slightly different rout. You closed your fan, placed it on your thigh and hiking up your skirt to where the white stockings didn’t cover it. Scratch marks, freshly scarred, shown upon your skin. This caused the room to take a sharp breath, coming to expect the worst, all except for Sir Nighteye. He swallowed hard, looked away from you in slight surprise.
“Sometimes in hotels, sometimes otherwise,” that wasn’t was they were expecting. Lumillion’s face alighted in a bright red, and the police officer gaped.
“W-Wait, so you’re saying that you two….?” Lumillion threw his hands around, unable to find his words. Sir Nighteye cut him off.
“Yes, Miya is saying that her and Shigaraki Tomura meet up for sexual escapades.”
“Yes. It’s probably not in my best interest, but I can’t seem to stop myself when I remember his face when-“ The Police officer cut you off.
“Alright, that’s enough. We have a few other questions b-“ it seemed to all happen at once.
Sir Nighteye turned to the wall near the door, shooting out of his seat before the wall collapsed towards him. Tomura, clad in what you dubbed his “combat hands,” jumped through the mess and glanced at the two heroes and police officer.
“Miya, let’s go,” He used your fake name, grabbing your arm as you got up and closed your fan, placing it next to your purse as you picked it up. You simply tossed your things into it as he grabbed something from your dress and pulled it off, then turned to Tomura as you zipped it up. His eyes were the only thing you saw, but they still held the fire of a warrior. It was actually kind of cute. You then saw what you had expected in his hand; a small tracker device.
“Alright,” you muttered, heart still beating quickly from earlier. His arm, all but his pinky, wrapped around your shoulders as he started walking towards the wall, and he dropped the tracker on the ground and crushed it with his foot. Lumillion suddenly burst into action, scrambling up from the rubble since some of it had hit him.
“Wait, Doctor, don’t go with him! We can protect you!” He shouted, and you rolled you eyes away from him before walking through the portal that had just appeared in front of the back wall. You walked into a sort of main living room of the Villain Alliance, and as the portal closed, you heard one last curse from Sir Nighteye:
“We failed,” and the portal closed. Now, this might seem as quite a weak showing from the heroes, but you have to consider that this all happened in a matter of under five seconds. From the wall bursting in to the portal closing, you had moved as maximum speed out of the room.
“I told you not to go out today,” Shigaraki snapped, and you nodded quickly as you began to breathe quicker. Since this was the main room, other members around you stared in question and sympathy.
“I’m sorry-I should have listened to you, Tomura,” you admitted, and he pulled you closed before yanking you out of the room. Kurogiri shouted after you, but he was ultimately ignored.
“Wait, we must discuss this!”
“(F/N),” he stopped when you had made it about halfway down the hallway, and he threw you against the wall gently, enough not to break anything. You yelped, smile adorning your face before his arms came down upon either side of your head, almost cracking the wall, “do you think that you hold some sort of rule over me? Maybe because you control me in bed?”
“No, Tenko-“ you absolutely loved this heated overprotection radiating off of him.
“I can change that so, so quickly, (F/N),” he took a couple of the hands on his arms off, dropping them gently to the ground before putting the one on his face in his pocket. He then roughly grabbed your face without his thumb, his lips smashing into yours.
“I’ll admit, I made a blunder,” you said in between heated kisses. Then, yet again, Kurogiri broke your heated session.
“Shigaraki Tomura, (L/N) (F/N), seriously, is this the time to be making out? We must discuss the current events that just occurred,” he exasperated, and you pouted before grabbing Tomura’s sleeve and using it to whip the lipstick off of his lips.
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry Kurogiri,” you waved him off, slipping out of Tomura’s grasp.
“But… fine,” Shigaraki grumbled, grabbing his hands off of the ground and looking slightly like a chipmunk with too much to hold as he followed you and Kurogiri to the main room once again.
‘What a dork’ you thought.
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